LIOVS MEETING The. regular meeting of the Southport Lions Club will be held tomorrow at the Community Building. PREVATTE NAMED ment of all unpaid taxes, penal ties and interest. R. E. Ward was relived of $3.33 in taxes since he is not a resident of Leland school district. S. G. Furford was re lieved of unpaid poll tax since he is a disabled veteran. A committee appeared before the board asking for considera tion of the proposition that! Brunswick county cooperate with i the State Board of Health in the establishment of a full time! health department. The board j promised to give a hearing to a: proposal at their next regular meeting, to which a representa tive of the State Board of Health will be invited. WORK ON LANDING (Continued from page one) j ing to arrange the dredging of J a yacht basin near the field. If | his plans succeed the mud pump-1 ed up will be spread over the j level field. In any event he hopes i to have mud pumped up and! spread over the field when the I Army Engineers dredge out j shoals that have formed in the j WINTER CLOTHES Make our store your headquarters when you need warm winter clothing for any mem ber of your family. We have a nice selection from which you may choose. R. GALLOWAY General Merchandise SUPPLY, N. C. Mr. Farmer TO BETTER SERVE Brunswick County & Vicinity WITH Roysters Field Tested Fertilizer We Have A Fertilizer Warehouse In Shal lotte. ? COME TO SEE US ? Columbus Trading Co. AGENTS intracoastal waterway only a few hundred feet from the field. The field will give a runaway 1800 feet in length in the direction of prevailing winds. This should be ample for small planes. ? WILMINGTON MAN IS (Continued from page one) to do anything before returning, j Twice the immigration officials ruled that they would have to be deported that there was no law that would permit them to re main here. Each time appeals were taken by friends and the refugees stayed on. j Late in December President Truman took a personal interest! in the plight of the refugees. It was intimated that if there were! no laws that would allow them to remain in this country, then laws would be passed. It was decided to release all refugees on bail in the sum of $500.00 each to await action by Congress. December 23rd, two days be fore Christmas, bond was put up for all. These folks are workers and they immediately sought em ployment in the east. A number of them found desirable employ ment immediately and went to work. While the question of where they might be able to obtain bond was still hanging, W. S. Wells of him. He said that he, Sellers, then walked out to the highway and thence back to his home where he was arrested Monday by New Hanover officers and turned over to the Brunswick county authorites. Sheriff Stanaland reported that evidence indicated that the per son who killed Baiter had suffer ed some injury to himself, for blood was on the rope where a skiff the pair had used was tied up. Furthermore, the sheriff said, drops of blood leading away from the scene indicated the course of the killer. Sheriff Stanaland said that there was evidence that Baker was not dead when he was placed across the limb. When Sellers was arrested it was discovered that he had a cut on the knuckles of his right hand, and there was a small cut on the right hand of the deceased. Coroner John G. Caison investi gated the case and ordered an autopsy performed on the body of Baker. These findings reveal ed that his death resulted from blows from some blunt instru ment on and about the head. Sheriff Stanaland declared that he does not believe that Baker died of blows struck with Sellers' "It's for Yon, Jim?take it in the Living Room" Extension telephones in easy to-get-to places afford privacy on the telephone, give added protection in an emergency. Now Enjoy Extension Telephone Convenience in anj room in your house An extension telephone saves time, steps and troublfe. It improves your service and makes your telephone more valuable by increasing its usefulness. Extension tele phones can now be installed in homes at small cost. You don't need to write or come to the office. Just call our Business Office. CONVINIINT IN TI? KITCMIM An extension telephone in the kitchen make* your household ran more smoothly ?keep* 70a from missing important calls. Ordert for main telephone service are tome times delayed because of shortages of central office and other equipment, which are not involved in the installation of extension tele? phones. That's why you can note get extension telephones, though there may still be delays tn furnishing main telephone service. SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY I acorporattd fist. He is of the opinion that some heavy implement, probably the oar missing from the boat, was the death implement. Sellers denied to the sheriff that he struck Baker with the oar, but said that they had used a pair of them to propel the small boat in which they had traveled to gether, and was unable to account for the disapperance of the oar that was missing. BABSON LOOKS OVER 1 (Continued from page one) | of debt and stay out of debt. 7. ? The retail price of some goods, other than food products,; imay be higher during 1949, but' ' we believe that the Cost-of-LivinJ 'index has turned downward. 8. Retail price changes lag after wholesale price changes. This ex- j | plains why we expect many re | tail prices on good quality mer-1 | chandise to hold up for awhile I after wholesale prices decline. FARM OUTLOOK 9. The total, farm income for 1949 should be less than that of 1948, due to lower prices for wheat, corn, pork, poultry, eggs and certain dairy products. Far mers should diversify more in 1949, get out of debt, putting sur- j plus money into savings and pre pare for real trouble some day. 10. The supply of certain vege tables and fruits should increase during 1949. The price of these should fall off, barring some weather, insect or blight catastro phe. 11. Paultry and dairy products will also increase in volume dur ing 1949, prices averaging less than 1948 prices. 12. Farmers will continue to work for extensions of subsides. The above four Farm Forecasts assume normal weather. A drought could upset these. TAXES 13. The Federal Budget will not be decreased during 1949. 14. Federal taxes will not be decreased during 1949, but there may be some readjustments to en courage venture capital and to ease the tax burden on wages. 15. We forecast that an attempt will be made by some cities to put ceilings upon real estate taxes or enact local sales taxes. 16. The long-term capital gains tax of 25 per cent will remain unchanged. RETAIL TRADE 17. Goods on counters will be of better grade in 1949. 18. There will be many "mark down sales" of inferior quality goods. Curbs on installment buy ing will continue. 19. The dollar value of all re tail sales in 1949 should about equal that of 1948, perhaps off 5 per cent. 20. The unit volume of retail sales will be less in 1949 ttyan in 1948. FOREIGN TRADE 21. Our foreign trade win Re main about the same. We s flail continue to help Europe; but it will be on a more efficient basis. 22. More foreign credits will be granted during 1949; but these mostly will be direct to business concerns. 23. There will be greater com petition from other countries in legitimate foreign trade where the credit is good. 24. Throughout 1949 war talk will continue; but no real World War III will start in 1949. WAR PREPARATIONS WILL CON TINUE. LABOR OUTLOOK 25. Good business depends upon two thing: (1) reasonable wages and (2) reasonable prices. When both of these factors are in bal ance there is good business; but when they get out of balance, look for trouble^ Low prices are of little help when people have in sufficient wages with which to buy; but it is also true that good wages are of,little use if prices are too high for people to buy. The Taft-Hartley Law will be re pealed or amended to encourage free speech, union protection and increased production. 26. The income of wageworkers must increase before an advance in prices. Contrariwise, too high prices always precede a decline in employment and wages. This downward cycle leading to un employment may begin in 1949. Much depends upon crops and weather. 27. Labor leaders who get in creased wage rates usually get re-elected, while those who do not get wage increases are liable to be defeated. Hence, labor leaders have naturally kept urging'high er wages, although they may feel in their hearts that wages are high enough for the time being. We forecast that 1949 will see some change of attitude in this regard and that wise leaders will be more interested in preventing the "bust". 28. If wages are too high, or ganized labor is the first 'to be laid off when business declines. Unorganized workers have the steadiest jobs and will go through 1949 without losing their posi tions. 29. Some labor leaders will, during 1949, work for pension system and sick benefits. This would be a constructive program for employers who can afford to do it, but many employers can not afford even /these benefits at this time. Both employers and wageworkers will some day unite in urging a program which will give steady work throughout the year. This is the best hope for1 lower building costs. Bricklayers, painters and carpenters are criti cized today for doing such a small amount of work, but fe must re member the many days when they are unable to work due to weather and other conditions. INFLATION 30. Inflation (high^ prices) comes when consumption exceeds production. This means that infla-j tion can be checked only by in-1 creasing production' or by reduc- j ing the money supply. The job. of getting prices down today de pends, therefore, upon what man agement and labor produce per hour. We believe that wage in creases during 1949 will be ac companied by a corresponding in crease in the per hour production of thewageworkers. 31. Some object to the large profits that their employers are getting today compared with the 1930's. It, however, should be re membered that during these re pression years most employers had no profits whatsoever. We fore cast that profits will continue to be regulated automatically by the law of supply and demand, rath er than by the government. 32. At''"some time during 1949 we forecast that the point will be reached where the nation's in flation money supply will have be come fully employed. Hence, em phasis may shift from efforts to stop inflation to efforts to halt deflation. STOCK MARKET 33. 1949 may not be a better year stock market wise than 1948. Investors will especially get out of stocks of companies which have most of their assets in big, "vulnerable in case of war" cities, reinvesting in cocpanies whose as sets are well distributed and safe from attack. 34. The Administration will not want the Dow-Jones Industrial Average to go too high on ac count of the consequent effect up on labor's demands. Commodity speculation will continue to be curbed. 35. The wisest will not try to pick any special "winners" in 1949; but will diversify broadly. Those who have too many stocks will gradually build up good re serves, in cash or Governments, for the big break which will come some day. Careful buyers of stocks will insist on making full payment and avoid borrowing during 1949. 36. Safe dividend paying stocks will be in greatest demand, espe cially if double taxation on divid ends should be Eliminated. 37. We are definitely bearish on low-coupon-rafe, long-tertn taxable bonds as money rates will gradually increase. 38. If Congress should exempt dividends from double federal tax ation, 1949 will see a further fall ing in the prices of certain tax exempt bonds. 39. We forecast no change in the nation's monetary policy re lating to credit control and in terest rates during 1949. 40. Investors will give much attention to diversification in 1949 and will try to have their bond maturities either fairly short or staggered. REAL ESTATE 41. City real estate will con tinue to hold firm through 1949, due to less available rental space caused by pulling down structures to save taxes, provide parking spaces, etc. There also is a dis inclination to build new city pro perty in view of the present high costs. 42. Suburban real estatr will continue In fair demand during: 1949 although there will be some shading of prices. 43. Big commercial farm acre age will sell for less during 1949; but subsistence farms, located close to established communities, will hold up in price. 44. General building will de crease during 1949 although the cost of building may decline a little. The quality of workman ship will improve. 45. Both office and residential rents will be higher in 1949. Only as property owners are granted higher rentals, will there be enough houses to rent. 46. Mortgage interest rates dur ing 1949 will continue about the same as in 1948. Any changes will be toward increases. POLITICS 47. The Administration will en courage legitimate new enter prises and full employment, con tinuing its loyalty to labor and the farmers. 48. Vacancies in the various commissions and government cor porations organiz^T*^ which have great ??*?1 filled by men acquainJV^l ltimate business but Mr. Truman. ' ;w% 49. Congress v,? foreign policy out of th. ?kt ? the State Department^1 Brass Hats. M ??4 t 50. The Administratis fair both to labor r,nd ment or lose the Con elections of 195ft h v v depression. OYSTER ROAS' ?NOW OPEN_ Enjoy Delicious, Fresh Oysters and Entertain^, Seashore Grill "BAUCOM'S place Long Beach BUILDING MATERIAL LUMBER We Have Plenty Of Good Sea soned Lumber For All Purposes. Bring Us Your Bill Of Material, And We Will Save You Money. BUILDING MATERIAL We carry a stock that will take care of most of your building needs, including doors, windows, nails, shingl es, cement, brixment, sheetrock?in fact, just about everything you will need for your new building or re pair job. SHALLOTTE LUMBER CO. Shallotte, N. G. NOTICE! NOTICE! SECOND CALL FOR TAxfiS I will be at the places cited below at the time designated for the purpose of collect ing Taxes. No Penalty on 1948 Taxes if Paid before February 2nd. PAY NOW AND SAVE COSTS FRIDAY, JANUARY 14th Exum?Vereen's Store - 10:00 to 11.1) Freeland?Garfield Simmon's Store 11:15 to 11:4 L. G. Babson's Store - 12:00 to 1:0 D. E. Simmons' Store - 1:15 to 1:4 Ash Post Office 2:00 to 2.4 Longwood?Country Store - 3:15 to 4:0 SATURDAY, JANUARY 15th Supply?Mintz & Go. Store . ... 10:00 to 11.0 Bolivia?N. B. Leonard's Store . , 11:15 to 12:3 Shallotte?Holmes' Service 2:00 to 4:0 TUESDAY, JANUARY 18th Hickman's Gross Roads 10:00 to 10.4 Thomasboro?H. H. Pierce Store 11:00 to 12.(1 Grissettown?Sanders Parker's '. 12:10 to l:f Shallotte Point?Charlie Miliken's Store . 2:00 to M WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19th Lockwood's Folly?Hinson's Store 10:00 to 10:2 Lockwood's Folly?Varnum's Store 10:40 to H Lockwood's Folly Holden Beach Ferry 11:25 to 12:' Boone's Neck?Roach's Store 12:30 to 1;' Lockwood's Folly?Jesse Robinson's Store 1:15 to H Lockwood's Folly?Peter Robinson's Store 2:00 to 2u Lockwood's Folly?J. E. Kirby's Store . 2:45 to THURSDAY, JANUARY 20th L. C. McKoy's ?... . 10:00 to 11:< Mrs. A. M. Chinnis' Store 11:45 to 12? Leland Post Office 12:45 to 1: Navassa?Lewis' Store 1:30 to 2:. E. V. Evans' Store -... 2:45 to 3: Winnabow?Henry's Store 3:45 to 4:. EDWARD H. REDWINE TAX COLLECTOR FOR BRUNSWICK COUNTY

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