flu; piiot Corners jrunswick County THE STATE PORT PILOT NO- SIXTEEN NO. 4o 8-PAGES TODAY A Good Newspaper In A Good Community Most of The News All The Time Southport, N. C., Wednesday. February, 16, 1949 published every Wednesday ?1.50 per yea? tptist Plan jI Week Of Mission Study ,n Churches of Bruns Baptist Association J[|| participats In Gen j,! program k0ERS EXPECTED 7rom many FIELDS La Systcin Will Be Slowed In Ord-r To i L-Each Church Mem- j iirship Variety L nave been completed for fLewick Baptist Associa-! ! c-hnol of Missions that will m 19 of the 26 churches ?county from February 21st February 25th., with 19 r,nes who are represent or State, home, and foreign ^ boards respectively. k school of mission is the Ucr to be held in the his ^ the Association fifty f of service and is destined of great force and help in repress of the association Ijvstem to be used will be of' rotating and this will jto each church on each even i different missionary from jjsrent field of lobor. The _ 0f the 19 churches that entered in the school have K their doors to the mis P? for the week and each j*r cf the church school is to attend the study it that will follow the open of each session before the partes make their appear to bring stirring messages v work and on evangalism. ?names of the Foreign Mis ries are as follow: Dr. and j. C. Powell. Mrs. Powell ; the former Miss Rosa Ho Rev Gallimore, Rev. W. H. t Dr. Patterson of Africa H M. Baker of Southport, s not stationed in foreign at the time but whose par are missionaries in Brizil (he was reared. (Home Missionaries are list i follow; Miss Ewell Payne, cnarv to the IndainS, Miss , Miss Mable Majone, mis ry to the Indians of Ala i Miss Maynard. mission ti among the Negro races * south. Rev. G. O. Foulon, ?nary to the French-speak peoples, and W. T. Edwards, nl mission worker. ? State missionaries are as r Rev. G. W. Bullard. supt. Isscctation Missions for Bap State Convention and former ir of Mt. Olive church. Rev. (Bradley, field secretary for sn Carolina. Horace Easom feilbv, Claude Gaddy of Ral . Dr McGee. religious head hptist Hospital, and James B. S. U. secretary. 1 missionaries and commit and Woman's Missionary ts are requested to meet at Bolim high school on Mon sorning, February 21st, to their respective missionary ?ite to their field to remain -.e week. There will be a W rally held, to be announc er. when the missionaries lave a general get-together ttpper picnic style. All chur lare requested to have their fwtation man at the Bolivia 1 at 9:30 o'clock on the of the 21st to help assist transportation matters for ' missionary. IritfNiwt Flaihtt ? 1 COMING representative of the Inter fcvenue Department will be Swhport at the courthouse I li) o'clock to 3 o'clock on February 23. DANCE fegular Saturday night * ?f square dances at the feunity Center Building in ^r' will continue until fur ^>tice, according to club * GAME racked up 14 points * went on a scoring spree ! night, but Southport !o the visiting Wilmington ^hool junior varsity by a 01 to 38. y*l. i. * * K'MiKAM ^ Annual Spring Musical pro . ^ tJ>e Southport Woman's ?* Presented at 8 o'clock r?? evening, February 24, 1 Methodist church. Pigott, chairman of Jr18* department, will be in Visiting Missionaries SPfc.AK.fcKS?Mrs. L. t . Maynard, left, and the Rev. | (j. O. 1 oulcn are two of the visiting missionaries who will I participate in the week-long School of Missions in Baptist1 churches throughout Brunswick county next week. Basketball Tournament Gets U nder way Tonight Shatllotte Girls Meet Bolivia For Place On Ssmi-Final j Program Which Will Be Played Thursday LELAND GYMNASIUM TOURNAMENT SCENE Boys Championship Will Bj Played On Friday With Girls Playing Cham pionship Tilt On Saturday The Annual Brunswick County Basketball Tournament begins to night at 7:30 o'clock in the Le land high school gymnasium with the Bolivia girls playing Shal lotte for a place on the semi finals program to be played Thursday. The other half of to night's twin bill sends Shallotte boys against Waccamaw. Winner of the Bolivia-Shallotte game meet Leland girls Thurs day afternoon at 3:30. Southport boys take on the winner of the Shallotte-Waccamaw contest at 4:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon in the second part of the day | time program. The Thursday night program j finds Southport meeting Wacca 1 maw girls at 7:30 o'clock, fol lowed at 8:30 by Leland boys facing Bolivia. Finals in the boys' division will i be played Friday night on .the ; same program with the consola l tion game for girls. On Saturday j evening the championship game I for girls will be played, and the consolation title for boys will be settled. The annua! free-throw contest, sponsored by Stanley Jewelers of Wilmington through the courtesy of their representative, D. D. Haskett, will be an added fea ture of the Saturday night pro gram. Last year's winners were Richard Brendle of Southport, who is eligible again this year, and Madeline Evans, who has graduated at Waccamaw. While anything can happen in a sports contest, particularly dur ing tournament time, Leland girls rule a heavy favorite to cop championship honors in their divi sion. Undefeated this season, these girls appear to be the class Continued On Page Four Brunswick Man Dies Wednesday J. J. Sullivan Died Follow-! ing Period Of Poor Heal- J th; Funeral Services Held Thursday Afternoon J. J. Sullivan, well-know resi-1 dent of the Leland and Winna-1 bow communities, died at hi&| home last Wednesday after a long period of failing health. Mr. Sullivan was 59 years of age. Funeral services were conduct ed Thursday afternoon from the Bethel Holiness church with the Rev. Butler conducting the ser vices. Burial followed in the cemetery at New Hope Presby terian church at Winnabow. Active pallbearers were Floyd White, Baxter Roberts, Frank Lee, Woodrow and John Sullivan. Mr. Sullivan Is survived by his widow, Mrs. Bessie Bcntcn Sul llivan;. four sons, Martin W., Cur tis E., Clarence, and Jasper J. Sullivan, Jr., all of Leland; one daughter. Mrs. Lillian Hollis, Le land; six brothers, Bailey Sul livan of Winnabow, J. W. Sulli van of Hampstead, Cleve, Buck, A. H.. and Eddie Sullivan of Le land; two sisters, Mrs. Lela Skip per and Mrs. Annie Mae Hewett of Leland; and four crardchil dren. Whale Sighted Off Southport Captain Sandy Simmons re ported that he and members of his crew sighted a medium size whale while fishing off Southport one day last week. He estimated the length of this sea-going mammal at about* 65-feet. While it is by no means an unhreard of event to see a whale in nearby waters, it is a rare thing for local fisher men to spot one of these big fellows. One probable reason for spotting this most recent visit or is that fishing and shrimp ing operations have been tak ing local boatmen a greater distance off shore than usual during recent weeks. Varied Docket Tried Wednesday Cases Covering Variety Of Offenses Disposed Of Be fore Judge W. J. McLamb In Recorders Court A varid docket was disposed of before Judge W. J. McLamb here in Brunswick County Re corder's Court Wednesday with the following disposition of cases: Sam Little, reckless operation, not guilty. Ray Mears Buck, speeding, continued. Edmonds Simmons, tresspass and assault with deadly weapon, nol pros with leave. Roger Davis, assault with dead ly weapon, 30 days on roads, suspended on payment of costs and good behavior for two years. Jetty Young, tresspass and as sault. Guilty of tresspass, 30 days in jail, suspended on payment of costs and defendant staying away from home of Roger Davis. Bill Gore, assault with deadly weapon, not guilty. Jack McClure, speeding, capias. Lucian M. Benton, assault with j deadly weapon, continued. Lawrence Clemmons, public drunkeness, continued. Lester Tharp, speeding, fined $25.00 and costs. Thomas A. Hughes, carrying concealed weapons, nol prpssed. Robert Lee Ward, reckless operation, capias. Continued On Page Four REA Engineer Is Electrocuted James C- Lattimore Instantly Killed Tuesday When He Came In Contact With High-Voltage Power Line ??? James C. Lattimore, resident engineer for the Brunswick Elec tric Membership Corporation at Shallotte, was electrocuted Tues day morning when a metalic tape ; which he was holding came in contact with a high-voltage trans mission line. Lattimore, whose home is in Charlotte, was killed in stantly by the 7,200-volts which hit him. iThe accident occured in Shallotte about 9:45 o'clock. The body was carried to Wil mington where it was prepared for burial. Although funeral ar arangements have not been made available, it has been reported that the remains will be return ed to his former home. Th? victim was married. Opposition To Oyster Bill Is Voiced By Firm Law Firm Of Frink And Har ris;; Acting For Interested Cili*, ns Ash For Hearing On I oca! Measure WILLIAMSON IN FAVOR OF HEARING Pointj Out That Due Notica Was Given Of Mesting Held At Shallotte On This Matter j Said to be acting in the inter est of a number of Brunswick county citizens who have leased oyster beds under the state-wide law, the firm of Frink and Her ring has written the chairman of I the Commerical Fisheries and Oyster Industries Committee ask ing that a bill recently introduced by Representative Odell William son be held up until the interest ed parties may have a hearing. The substance of the letter, a copy of which was also mailed to Representative Williamson, to Captain John A. Nelson at More head City and to J. W. Ray at Shallotte, wa? as follows: "We are informed that Repre sentative Williamson of Bruns wick county has introduced House Bill 317 which has been referred to your committee. This bill would attempt to exempt Brunswick County from a state-wide law in General Statutes 113-179 to 113 185, inclusive, which provides for the leasing of oyster beds by the state to individuals. Said law, if enacted, would attempt to deprive citizens of Brunswick county of their oyster beds which they have leased from the State and on which they have spent consider able time and money. "In view of the foregoing facts, it is respectively requested that said bill be not passed upon favor ably by your committee until the interested parties are given a hearing." Interviewed while he was at his home at Shallotte Saturdiy, Representative Williamson stated that he welcomed a hearing be fore the House committee, that this is only fair. He added that he had already given an oppor tunity for a hearing, pointing out that for two weeks preceding the introduction of the bill stories had been appearing in this paper ask ing the fish and oyster folks to meet with him #t Shallotte. This meeting was duly held 'and 40 of the persons present asked for the introduction of the bill, while only 7, opposed it. The bill, in full, is as follows: "A BILL TO BE ENTITLED Continued on page four County Sheriff Suffers Attack Sheriff Walter M, Stana land In Serious Condition At Home Following Heart Attack Suffered Sunday Night Suffering a heart attack short ly before midnight Sunday, Sheriff Walter M. Stanaland still remains in a serious condition at his home at Calabash. He is re ported to have been in a coma from midnight Sunday until late Monday afternoon. Since then he has slowly improved. Dr. M. H. Rourk of Shallotte, the attending physician, is under Continued On Page Four W. B. RKZIAH Our ROVING Reporter The interior work of reconvert ing one of the warehouses of the; Shallotte Trading Company into a hardware store is now about J completed. Construction of the j brick front and other outside work will start in a few days, j When the work is completed the Trading Company will have an other building that will be a credit to the business develop ment of Shallotte. The hardware store will be operated separately from the regular store, it is said. During the past week Mrs. Fred Mintz and other Shallotte ladies have been asking us when the peak of the camellia blooming season would be on at Orton. It is on now, and the flowers are beatiful. Up there the other day Kenneth Sprunt stated that the peak of the camellias would con-1 tinue for two weeks or so long- j er. The peak of the azalea bloom-1 ing will not be reached until some time in April, about the first of that month if the warm weath er holds out. From Bill Sharpe's office in Raleigh comes the information that a large number of western follfs are making inquires about stock raising in North Carolina. Some of the letters received by Mr. Sharpe indicate intentions to sell out and get away from the snow and cold just as soon as they can dig themselves out of it. Brunswick county and the .whole coastal plains sections pf I North Carolina need to be up and i doing something to ? attract folks I Continued On Page Four Peacetime Activity TRAWLERS?Their deckhouses completely altered, equipped with fishing rigs and holds for cargoes of fish and ice, few of the former Navy Reserves would recognize in these Southport trawlers the former coast patrol boats on which they served during the war. The above cut shows 3 of the 4 boats now forming the Dallas Pigott shrimping fleet.?(Cut Courtesy Wilmington News.) Little Symphony Is Well Received Here Southport South Of Columbia, S. G. George W. Rappleyea, New Orleans man who is renovating his mother's home here in Southport, came up this week ith the startling announcement that Southport is 4 miles South of Columbia, South Carolina. The capitol of our neighboring state is located about the geo graphical center of South Car olina. ' Rappleyea made his discovery while seeking the determine the exact lattitude &nd longitude of his home here. He has had the figures engraved in stone and this has' been made a part. of the foundation. He calls his place in Southport "Sotovento", which is Spanish for southwind. Free Movie To Feature Clinic Drivers Urged To Bs Present At Instructive Session Be ing Planned Here on Mon day Afternoon, February 28th State License Examiner N. S. Hudson has announced that on Monday, February 28, he will show a good moving picture in J the Southport high school audi-1 torium, begining at 5 o'clock, as J a feature of the drivers clinic being planned for that afternoon. Assisting him will be State School Bus Examiner Rogerson and Patrolman J. C. Pierce of Shallotte. In addition to the movies there will be an informal get-to-gether meeting. Examiner Hudson states he hopes a capacity crowd will turn out for this meeting. Particularly drivers in the H, I, J and K group. The keynote will be safety Continued On Page Four Second Annual Concert By This Outstanding Musical Group Draws Praise Of Music Lovers Of County CH1LDRENS' CONCERT FRIDAY AFTERNOON Dr. Benjamin Swalin Prais ed Conduct And Rjsponse Of Brunswick County School Audicnce ! The Little Symphony Orchestra [played two concerts in Brunswick | county Friday and when they left i Saturday for their next engage ment in Morehead City they left behind a warm glow of apprecia tion in the hearts of music lovers. An afternoon performance was played at Shallotte, with a large number of Southport boys and girls also in attendance. This pro pram was brought down to the level of the young audience, and the youngsters were delighted with the performance. Among the features was a quiz conducted by Dr. Benjamin Swalin. Following this concert Dr. Swalin said, "I think that we have never played for a more appreciative audience. It is a pleasure for us to play for young sters who are so well behaved and whose response to our music is so spontaneous and enthusias tic. They sang well, too," he add ed. The Southport concert Friday evening was more formal, al though members of the audience once more were made to fell at ease, first by a few friendly, pre liminary remarks of explanation by Mrs. Swalin, then by being asked to join in singing "Old Hundred" as an opening selection. Following the concert here there was a reception at the Com munity Building with members of the Southport high school glee club as hosts to orchestra mem bers and guests at the concert.1 There also was a business meet ing of the Brunswick County Symphony Society during which plans were discussed for bringing the Little Symphony back to Brunswick next season. Inspection Bi Coming To Vote Bill Introduced By Represen tatives Burl Hardison And Odell Williamton Gsts Favorable Committee Re port The bill to kill auto inspection introduced in the House some weeks ago by Representative Burl Hardison, cf Craven county, and Representative Odell Williamson of Brunswick, was approved by the House Roads committee Fri day. The vote was 30 to 15 in favor of killing the inspection work. Having passed the roads com mittee, consideration of the mat ter will take placc in tHe House itself Friday of this week. Should the bill pass the House it will still have to run the gamut of Senate action. The Senate roads committee has a somewhat similar bill, introduced by Senator George Penny of Guil ford county. The Penny bill would abolish State inspection and sub stitute therefor inspection by pri vate garage mechanics. All-Stars Will Participate In Bolivia Event Principal Talmadge Page of the Bolivia school stated Monday night that plans are shaping up well for the independent basket ball tournament to In eld at Bolivia March 3-5. The tourna ment is being sponsored by the Bolivia Parent-Teacher Associa tion. Mr. Page stated that there was already a fine list of entries and more are expected. The teams al ready entered are Wampee, 8. C., boys and girls; Lei and Lions Club boys and girls; Southpotf U.>y?, and girls; Acme Delco boys and girls; Waccamaw boys; Bolivia boys and girls and Long Creek boys. Mr. Page stated that from in formation received all :of the above teams have been outstand ing this year. Leland's team, sponsored by the Lions Club, is perhaps the most outstanding. Waccamaw's independent boys are noted for their break and cafe ful handling of the ball. From down Wampee way comes word that their boys and girls are long shots and hook shot artists. Southport is noted for beautiful floor work and team play. Bolivia boys and girls are backing on i the long and fancy shooting .of its former school players that have graduated. They are both all star teams. Acme-Delco is noted for its fancy ball handling. It is stated that there is still time for the entry of additional teams. The schedule will be ar ranged Tuesday, February 22nd. Arrington Given P.T.A. Support Special Meeting Of South port Parent-Teacher Asso ciation Held Wednesday For Purpose Of Passing Resolution Of Endorse ment A special meeting of the South port Parent-Teachers Association was held on Wednesday afternoon in the school auditorium at which time the following resolution was adopted "Be it resolved: That the Southport Parent-Teachers As sociation request the representa tive from this district, Mr. Odcll Williamson, to appoint to the County Board of Education from the Southport School District, Mr. E. H. Arrington, to serve during the term beginning July 1, 1949. Be it further resolved: That a copy of the above resolu tion be spread upon the minutes of the above named organization, that a copy be mailed to Mr. Odell Williamson and that a copy be sent to the State Port Pilot for publication." Mrs. Sanders, president of the Southport Parent-Teacher Associ ation, stated that she had been informed through an authorita tive source that one member now serving on the board another school district will probably be replaced because he does not have a child attending the school in that district and dissatifactlon had arisen among the patrons. "We feel sure that Mr. William son will give at least equal con sideration to us and appoint some Continued on page four March Of Dimes Drive To Wind Up This Week Director Of Fund Raising Campaign Urges That Early Report Be Turned In To Local Headquarters FIRST RETURNS ARE ENCOURAGING Schools And Churches Have Been Principal Agencies Through Which Work Has Been Conducted According to announcement by the Rev. L. D. Hayman, director of March Of Dimes for Bruns wick County, the drive for funds comes to a close with the end of this week. February 15th was the deadline for special and other intensive. I efforts to raise money for this cause. However, in many com- j munities, the local chairman will ? not be able to complete their) work until Saturday or Sunday.. The Director now urges all local | chairmen, clubs, churches and other participating groups and individuals to complete their work this week and be ready as soon _ thereafter as possible to maka - reports to him so that the chap- * ter president can call the annual meeting to receive final reports and monies and organize for the, ; 1949 program of education, deve lopment and other features be-. tween this meeting and the fall meeting in October. Reports from over the county ? are encouraging as they come in from schools, churches, clubs, theatres, and other groups and individuals. Indications point now . to the fact that the.^-. i Will be reached this year. 'IHIJ is a great cause, and the people and work ers have been tireless in their ef forts to assist and support the director and the chapter officers in this work. As soon as all re ports are in and the annual meet ing is held, the director will re lease to the press a compleU4 (repp^t jffc \_cl" community or? ganization anqaTT" ocfier" groups Cold Saturday Help To Farmer F r e e z i n g Temperatures Helped Control Growing Threat Of Insect Damage To Small Grain Crop With the temperature about 32 degrees, the coldest in week, a heavy frost resulted throughout much of the county Saturday morning. This cold appears to have been welcomed on all sides, especially by the farmers. It is said to have come along at just about the right time to harden plants and lessen the dan ger of killing if real cold weath er comes along later this month or early in March. The small crop is believed to have been especially benefitted as there was just enough o? the cold to kill aphids or plant lice, which were beginning to be troublesome in some grain fields. Tobacco growers say that there, are plenty of tobacco plants up and growing to supply all possi ble needs. Mixed with a small amount of danger that weather may come along sufficently cold to kill some of the plants, there is the annual dread of blue mold. This plant disease is not as bad ly feared as it once was. Tide Table Following In the tide tabto for Southport during the next week. These hours are approxi mately correct and were furn ished The State Port Pilot through the courtesy of the Cape Fear Pilot's Association. High Tide Low Tide Thursday February 17, 11:15 A. M. 5:02 A. M. 11:49 P. M. 5:21 P. M. Friday February 18, 0:00 A. M. 5:58 A. M. 12:07 P. M. 6:15 P. M. .Saturday February 19, 0:45 A. M. 6:57 A. M, 1:02 P. M. 7:09 P. M. Sunday February 20, 1:47 A. M. 8:01 A. M. 2:02 P. M. 8:12 P. M. Monday February 21, 2:50 A. M. 9:08 A. M. 8:05 P. M. 9:15 P. M. Tuesday February 22, 3:53 A. M. 10:11 A. M. 4:08 P. M. 10:17 P. M. Wednesday February 4:52 A. M. 11:07 5:07 P. M. 11:12

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