pilot Omeis jruns\vick County THE STATE PORT PILOT SIXTEEN NO. 46 8-PAGES ToEI7 A Good Newspaper In A Good Community I * "T f , w Southport, N. C., Wednesday, February 23, 1949 published every wednesda* $i.so per y "71 w Most of The News All The Time ea2 ]outhport Boys, Leland Girls Winners In County Tourney ?? inort Boys Triumph JTuland Friday With Ld Girls Turning The ^|es On Southport Girls /CAMAW AND 1 BOLIVIA THIRD jd Girls And Wacca 0 Boys Declared Win ^ of Sportsmanship Trophies This Year and Leland teams "ad dominated play in this x all season ran true to .j the Annual High School (rtail Tournament last week Southport boys defeating Le g to 20 on Friday night tlM championship in their ^ and the Leland lassies ,? the crown in their sec ,t turning back the South prls 38 to 14 in Saturday i finals. , form chart could not have followed more closely. South boys held a 2-1 advantage leland in games played dur Ste season and thus entered mimey ?s favorites. The Le prb merely kept their clean 'for the season unsullied, eolation winners in the girls m were the Waccamaw sex rto scored a 34-29 vietory over Shallotte. Third place i for the boys were the Boli tois who defeated Shallotte I Saturday night. r the second year in succes Richard Bendle of South-' won the free-throw cham fcp for the boys. He made Ion 23 of 25 attempts. Win to the girls was Amelia Kir of Shallotte. Each of these ss will receive an attractive lv from Stanleys Jewelers of nagton. whose Brunswick ly representative,. D. D. Has ?roiisors th? event amially. t Uie conclusion of the games rt?y night trophies were rded the championship teams, Ifore gold basketballs were r*d players on the winning ? and miniature silver bas tls to players on the run c teams. Winners of the Imanship awards were the ?4 girls and the Waccamaw l These honors were awarded C. Herring, Southport at Khport boys won their way, It finals by winning Thursday j Shallotte by a score of 39 j j Shallotte had emerged from | today's first round play by j over Waccamaw 30-17. | laid by Bolivia 31-18; slay afternoon to gain their I lin the finals. ||ud girls defeated Shallotte! ?20 Thursday to qualify for liaals after the latter team J I nmped on Bolivia 29 to 15 , Rsday. Southport girls gain-. Mr finals berth by virtue, ?27-19 victory over Wacca * i I I IritfNtws Flash?* I tonox serious ^ condition of Sheriff Walter foialancl. who has been con- ? I to his home since suffering ?we heart attack 10 days) *iU is considered serious, "istors are being allowed to' km. 'WXGTOVS BIRTHDAY ??rday. February 22, was ^ Washington's Birthday, **< the birthday of George ??gton Walton of Southport. man, who called at this * ffl company with his son '* Bryan Dosher of Kelly, ? had cause to celebrate. DATE tentative Odell Williamson 'Monday that a public hear * his proposed oyster bill * Wd before the Commercial Committee in the hall * House of Representatives '"clock on Thursday, March **? interested parties are ln * attend. I ntR V\VBERRIES . w'l Mrs. Joseph Willctts ^ *UI Creek community had j tfawberries out of their .Patch for Washington's I -v Tuesday. This was not I* ?atter of two or three k?JI0'JS berries either, be l '-"?v picked two full quarts. ; r?pOrt that ..lluui tViMM is County Champions CNDEFEATED?The Leland girls came through as expected In the Brunswick County Bas ketball Tournament finals Sat urday night to keep their per fect record for the season. Shown back row, left to right, Mrs. Barbara Oraig, coach; Les sene Ganey, Patsy Ganey, Aze lea Lewis, Patsy Lewis, Pauline Williams, Evelyn Evans, Mildred Lewis. Front row, left to right: Elsie Peterson. Martha Medlin, Donna Skipper, Daisey Ganey and Christine Hewett. CHAMPS?Champions in the boys division was the South port team. Back row, left to tight: Elliott nickman, Billy Do*her? LeRoy Stanley, Harold Spencer, Robin Hood. Seated: Gene Russ, Tommie Bowmer, Richard Brendle, Bobby Spencer and G. W. Fisher. Coach H. T. Sanders Is seated in the fore ground. (Wilmington News Cut) Championship Gives Place In Tournament Southport Boys Earn Right | To Represent Brlinswick County In Class B. Elimi nation Tourney DISTRICT TWO WILL PLAY IN MAGNOLIA Coach Sanders Believes His Charges Will Have Good Chance Against Compe tition From Other Counties I Their victory in the finals of j the Brunswick County Basketball Tournament Friday night made the Southport high school boys eligible to participate in the Dis trict Two Class B tournament to be held .in Magnolia early in March. This is the next step in the race for the State Championship for high school teams in the Class B division. The Magnolia tourna ment is one of four which will be played in Eastern North Car olina among county championship quints. Winner at Magnolia will play champions of a similar tour nament scheduled for Massy Hill, and the winner of this engage ment will go to Durham to par ticipate in the State Championship play-offs the second week-end in March. While the Southport boys have confined their season's play prin Continued On Page Four Fiddlers Play In Convention Leland Lions Club Sponsor ing Annual Event Friday Night Of This Week In High School Auditorium Te Leland Lions Club will hold its annual Fiddler's Convention this Friday night, at the Leland high school. Through this con vention the Leland Club offers to the public an evening of good entertainment, as well as an op portunity to help some worthy Leland boy or girl continue their education, in some institution of iued on page four Hit And Run Show Coming Monday Commenting on the "Hit and Run Driver" picture that he is to show in the auditorium at the high school here Monday afternoon at 5 o'clock, State License Examiner Hudson says the picture is one of the best he has ever seen. The picture has actual Holly wood actors, showing realistic accidents and hit and run scenes. Mr. Rogerson, State School Bus Examiner, and Pat rolman J. C. Pierce of Shallotte will assist in the showing of the picture. Purpose of this program will be to give a better understand ing of the safety program. A charge will bo made and it is hoped that a capacity crowd will turn out, especially drivers of cars, trucks and buses. Shallotte Lions Aid Lunchroom Organization Continues Ef- J forts In Promoting Worth while Undertakings In I That Community I Through their various activities and personal donations the Shal lotte Lions Club chipped in the i neat sum of $150.00 to the March, of Dimes campaign, according to Edward Redwine, a member of the organization. This club is active in all worth while undertakings in the Shal lotte community. The club was very helpful to the Shallotte Post American Legion in the con struction of their new hut. The building is now completed and presents an attractive appearance. A formal opening will be held within the next two or three weeks. At the present moment the activities of the Shallotte Lions Club is centering around helping the lunch room project of the Continued on page four Baptists Offer Nursery Service The Vara Sellers Sisson Nur sery Department of South port Baptist Church Frees1 parents For Church Ser-1 vices The Vara Sellers Sisson nursery of the Southport Baptist church is now completed, equipped, and in use on Sunday morning. A near relative of Mrs.Sisson, a former member, of the church who died about twenty years ago, gave the money for completely equipping the nursery in memory of Mrs. Sisson who is known to most people in the county as Vara Clyde Sellers. The nursery is equipped to came for children from the earliest age to three years, and the mothers are urged to bring their children, leave them In the care of the workers and go to the classes for their own age group. It is planned that soon the nursery will be in operation dur Continued On Page Four Brunswick Listed In Top Bracket For Road Funds Suggested Allocation Would Give This County More Than Two Million For Rural Construction ONLY EIGHT COUNTIES WOULD RECEIVE MORE General Assembly Must Ap prove Plan And People Vote Bonds In Special Election Brunswick County may get $2,106,000 worth of new roads if Governor Scott's road bond pro posal goes through. This figure was contained in a preview allocation submitted by the State Highway Commission on Saturday, The commission's breakdown would allocate the $200,000,000 on the basis of the 1940 population, one-third on area, and one-third on non-hardsurfaced rural mile age as of January 1, this year. . The breakdowns are, of course, premature from the standpoint of having any real meaning. The Governor's proposal must first be approved by the General Assem bly and after that, citizens Of the State must vote the bond issue fn a special election. HoWever, the preview serves the purpose of giving the people an idea of what they would get if the proposal is accepted. Bruns wick would be in the top bracket in the amount of dollars re ceived. New Hanover would get $1,220,000. Other counties in this area were listed as follows: Bladen, 2,432,000; Cumberland, $2,712,000; Columbus, $3,288,000; Pender, $2,080,000; Duplin, $3,060, 000; Robeson, $4,210,000; Scot land, $1,324,000.' The entire setup may be chang ed even if the bond proposal i3 accepted. As much as 10 per cent | may be held in reserve for ad justments and this would reduce .allocations in that proportion. Incorporation Of Beach Expected Long Beach Will Be Incorpo rated; Warm Week-End Resulted In Many Persons Rushing Season A bill to permit Long Beach to secure incorporation papers was placed in the hands of Repre sentative Odell Williamson Sun day. It is expected that this place will be chartered as a town within the next two Or three weeks. E. F. Middleton, one of the owners, recently stated that the chartering of the resort would permit real development strides being taken this year. A number of people were in bathing at Caswell Beach Sunday, acording to Crawford Rourk and so far as he knew they were get ting through with it without be ing troubled by goose pimples. Luther Holden of Holden Beach reported like activities further down the line. Quite a number of folks tried it there and they seem ed to be getting a big kick out of their early swim. All three places, Caswell Beach, Long Beach and Holden Beach, reported their biggest crowds of any February since their develop ment got underway. Mr. Holden reported much building activity at Holden Beach. Continue^ On Page Four W. B. KEZIAH Our ROVING Reporter The early strawberry blooms i | seem to be worrying growers of i 'this crop in Brunswick county. It 1 takes very little frost to complete ly kill strawberry blossoms or in ijure the fruit. Fred Stevens of the i Magnolia Dairy out on the River [road has a pretty large acreage iin the berries. This week in the' | Stevens field we noted a number ' of sizable berries that were kill ' ed in a very light frost two weeks | ago. The worst part of the pic ture was that the plants are now again covered with flowers and the danger of frost is not yet over. Saturday several growers who were seen at Shallotte ex pressed worry at the strawberry crop prospects. , ? Beach property owners who re side at distant points are coming in almost daily to look after their homes or to lay plans to build summer homes at Caswell Beach, Long Beach or Holden Beach. Many of these people who already own summer homes come to spend the week-ends or longer at these beaches. The things these folks say is a pretty good bar rometer of what may be expect ed for the late spring and sum mer. A summing up of what has been learned in half a dozen re cent interviews .indicates the gen eral belief that Brunswick will have substantial beach develop ment this year. Reports from Dempsey Atkin son, one of the main cattle care I (Continued on page Z) Minnie Ball Revives Tales Of Pirate Lore Speculation Regarding Ancient Projectile Involve? Tale Of Stede Bonnett The "cook house", separate from the main building at the George W. Rapplyea home in Southport, is believed to be over two hundred years old and it is still in use. y / Recently in the extensive re modeling of the Rapplyea home ( the cook house was the benificairy of a face lifting. Removing the old and decayed brick foundation, workmen noticed a hole in one of the sills, this hole being exposed i by the removal of sheathing. Investigation revealed an iron minnie ball or grape shot which had been fired from somewhere and which penetrated the sill. The i ball was slightly larger than one! of the largest marbles. This variety of grapeshot or. minnie ball was used in cannon | long before the Civil War. Half j a bushel or more of them were poured into the mouth of a can-1 non and rammed home at a time. In those days loading the cannon I was done in pretty much the same fashion as loading a muzzle load ing shotgun. Folks who are acquainted with some of the early Southport his tory are of the belief that the ball lodged in the Rapplyea home was fired from the ship of Stede Bon nett, notorius pirate who oper ated extensively in this section long before the Civil War, Bon nett and his ship were captured on the point of Battery Island, just off Southport, by a gunboat commanded by Colonel William Rhett, from whom Rhett street In Southport is named. Colonel Rhett was a brother of Benjamin Smith, founder of the town of Smithville, which later because Southport. Benjamin Smith later because Governor of tyorth Carolina. He donated the land on which the University of North Carolina was established at Chapel Hill. He is buried at the Continue on page 8.. Fall Tomato Crop For J County Being Planned Seal Is Sighted In Nearby Greek Some of the men at Oak Is land Coast Guard Station have sighted a strange animal which they believe may be a seal play ing about in .the water of the creek back of the station this week. Walter Lewis said Monday that he had a god look at the ani mal, and that it looked a lot like a seal to him. He described the body as being shiny and blac}c and about the size of a big Hbund doe. He saw the creature come to the surface with a large fish in his mouth. Connie Lupton, who also sight ed the strange creature, said that it looked like a big auto mobile tire splashing around In the water. While no seal has been report ed seen here in recent years, their appearance, off Oakracoke is nothing unusual. Annual Musical Program Planned Southport Woman's Club Will Present Spring Musi cal Program Tomorrow? (Thursday) ?Evening Members of the Southport Woman's Club will present their annual spring musical program on Thursday night of this week in the auditorium at Trinity Metho dist church, and if this program lives up to the record of past performances it should afford a treat for music lovers. The program will include var ious vocal groups, including the j Woman's Club chorus Which fea tures some of the outsanding male voices in the community. In addition, there will be several piano and organ solos. I Attendance at this program is not limited to club memebrs nor to members of their family, but a general invitation has been ex tended to all who can attend. Bennett Named To Committee Clerk Of Court For This County Plans To Attend Rivers And Harbors Con gress Meeting In Wash ington In April Clerk of Court Sam T. Bennett has been appointed to the udvi sory committee of the Rivera and Harbors Congress and will attend the next meeting ef the organiza tion at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington. This meeting takes place on April 8th-9th and Mr. Bennett has already requested hotel re servation. He hopes to interest the organization in the Wacca maw River Drainage project, a matter that has now been pending for over two years and which is expected to be of incalculable benefit to several thousand far mers in Brunswick and Columbus aunties and also in Horry County, S. C. The Congress interests itself chiefly in navigation, irrigation, flood control and kindred matters. Efforts Being Made To Con tract At Leait 50-Acres A? First Year Experiment In This Production MAY RESULT IN OTHER MARKETS If Venture Is Successful, Program Will B? Expan ded And Produce Mar ket Established Provided that farmers will con tract to grow a minimum of 90 acres, there will be a market at Supply this year for fall grown tomatoes. The price being offer ad in the contract* by the BciUi. tine Produce company is $2.00 per bushel for No. 2 quality or better. Quite a number of farm ers have already contracted to grow various acreages. K. W. Ballentine, who is pro moting the undertaking, has been with the State Agriculture De partment for several years, also with the U. S. Department of Agriculture. Frequently in Bruns wick and noting both the climate and soils, he has convinced him self that a fall crop of tomatoes can be profitably growh here. If the effort to ?tart production and establish a market proves a success, he says he will resign his position with the State, buy a farm in Brunswick county and devote himself to production and marketing of various crops. If successful with this year's efforts with tomatoes he will also en gage in the marketing of sweet potatoes, chickens, eggs and sweet Mr. Ballentine is convinced that the Brunswick fall grown torha toes will come on during the six or eight weeks when there is no production In Jlorida, Mexico, California or the few places In Alabama where fall grown toma toes are produced. He has no doubts of either a big demand for the Brunswick crop or > the ability to produce it. It Just seems to be sort of up to the fanners to decide whether they will en Igage in the production of a new | and valuable crop, a crop that | will also lead to the establish ment of a market for other farm : products. | Agricultural workers at both | the Shallotte and Bolivia schools [will render all possible assistance to the growers regarding plants, Continued On Page Four Legion Hut To Open March 4th Public Invited To Attend Opening Of New Legion Hut At Shallotte Next Fri day Night ' The American Legion Hut at Shallotte is getting ft? finishing touches tMis week and will be ready for the formal opening op Friday night, March 5, according tt> Post Commander Mitchell Mc Coy here Monday. This opening house session will feature free entertainment and refreshments, and friends of the legion from throughout the county are urged to be present. The Legion Hut is the result of cooperative effort on the part of Shallotte citizens under the leadership of the legionnaries. This building is expected to serve a long-felt need for a suitable place! for large social gatherings and I recreation center. Veterans Service Officer Resume? Duties In County Board Of Commissioners In Session Here Monday Pat* ses Resolution Divertidf Beer-Wine Tax Money LARGE DELEGATION . HERE BEFORE BOARD Commissioners Rescind Ac tion Of Previous Meeting Raising Salaries Of Two Officials Members of the board of county commissioners sat through a stormy session here Monday after noon before deciding to employ a Veterans Service Officer for; the remainder of this fiscal year, with provision that he be paid from money due- Brunswick county from the beer-wine tax. This will provide this service un til provision can be made for his employment in the budget for 1949-50. Nobody present seemed to be opposed to having a Veterans Ser vice Officer, and the fireworks were provided by rows over un related subjects. These came, however, while the large group of veterans were assembled and In volved some of the people who were there in the Interest of the veterans officer. With the decision of the board, Cecil Edwards continues his work. However, provision has been made to change the office from the agriculture building at Supply to the American Legion Hut at Shallotte, with one trip each week to some central point in Southport and in the Ash com munity. Earlier in the day the board had rescinded its order of the last meeting raising the salary of the sheriff to the maximum allowed under the law and making It retroactive to December X, 1948, and raising the salary of the Re gister of Deeds to the maximum under the law. Recorder Hears Numerous Cases Variety Of Offenses Tried Before Judge W. J. Mc Lamb Here In Recorder's Court Wednesday A long list of cases were dis posed of here In Brunswick county Recorder's court Wednes day before Judge W. J. McLamb with the following judgements being meted out: Gaston Jones, operating car with dealers tag, costs. Earl Benton, Orover Hickman, Willis Truck, removing oysters from oyster beds, motion for jury' trial by attorney for prosecution. Zeb Davis, Walton Hickman, Harold Hickman removing oy sters from private oyster beds, motion for jury trial by attorney for prosecution. Archie Lee Williams, display ing auto license cf another fined ed 140.00 and costs. .James E. Bordeaux, no opera tor's license, fined $25.00 and costs. Carrol Leslie Evans, speeding, capias. Fred William Thompson, larceny; pleaded guilty to forcible tress pass, prayer for judgment con tinued upon condition that de fendant make restitution in the amount of $25.00, pay costs and be cf good behavior for a period . Continued on page four Tide Table Following Is the tide tatrt? for South port during the next week. These hours are approxi mately correct and were furn ished The State Port frltot through the courtesy of the Cape Fear Pilot's Association. High Tide Low Tide Thursday February 24 5:45 A. M. 11:57 A. 1 6:01 P. M. 12:03 P. M. Friday February 85 6:88 A. M. 0:00 A. M. 6:45 P. M. 12:40 P. M. Saturday February 26 7:13 A. M. 0:47 A. M. 7:26 P. M. 1:21 P. M. Sunday February 27 7:52 A. M. 1:2? A. M. 8:08 P. M. 1:58 P. M. Monday February 28 8:27 A. M. 2:08 A. M. 8:39 P. M. 2:33 P. M. Tuesday March 1, v C 8:58 A. M. 2:45 A. St 9:12 P. M. 3:06 P. M. Wednesday March 2, 9:30 A. M. 8:21 A. M. 9:44 P. M. 3:39 P. M,

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