)\fcite ^ rjr-" .rT^ ending you1 ;Jp ?r the Pir* IwUotte h^h. ,-^Tplay present ?nm,??rs Thursday night h interest to the stu-( j:"'" ,ho tnist week. As ftgj know the name of, r Re,t< The Band" and \ MJ . ,v. ' to keeP -VOUI weeks. For students! kfsee this play it wdl feed again during school i soon Lv afternoon the Shal K .vent to Leland for ? CV The Lions took K vam by a score of 13 ?V Grammar grade stu ?i liool students as |!!' ".vres-.ea in the movie "the Wooden Soldiers",; Beins ? stov>' of toy" brought back memories " * grades to the larger Lr manv cunning little ' : ^ could be seen on These little visitors P* pre-school clinic s held each Spring. Hot ^ crackers were served 0ur home economics M.s Alice Copeland. icportant announcements, juade this week are that j tv Day Program is to be | p evening. May 1". and the, ,*?>?31 is to be the follow'-1 Lfev night on May 19. be ii cordially invited to r i3 was a lucky day for i 4-H club members. Why? j rc a contest and who: L that lunckv ? The I ns on dresses they made. ? pre you their names! i ascription of their outfits j w< . ..! Betty Lou Williams, a fresh man, was taken sick at school' Friday. Hope you are well again! soon, Betty and don't let Friday 13th get you down. Aside fr.om sickness spring fever has a very strong hold on the majority of the students. We have received new curtains for Ihe stage and they are' very pretty. A case in the front hall is also being built in which to store our trophies. This is being built with money given by the seniors of 1948. Seen on the campus: Juanita and Elnita Holden, the twins, walking home from school . . Betty Jo Gore showing her new permanent . L. L. Hewett ask ing about algebra . . Harold Gore asking questions . . Susie Ann Wilson running around like mad . . Mack Hewett and Ethe ridge Stanley telling yarns . . Ruth Galloway and Thelma Sel lers chatting . . Glayds Hewett and Marion Galloway looking on as the 4-H girls primped for the contest . . The seniors dis cussing their play . . The fresh men taking pictures . . The teach ers talking about their trip to the beach . . Edna Mintz nursing a sun-burned back . . And Joseph Carter, Jack Robinson and Elmer Dance playing solftball with the girls. So long until next week. RETURNS TO SOUTHPORT After 30 years of service with the New York Central Railroad, Fred Small has retired and mov ed his family to Southport. Mr. and Mrs. Small have purchased the W. C. Manson house near the residence of County Auditor W. P. Jorgensen. RETURNS FROM VISIT Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Niern see have returned home from a three weeks 4 visit to Memphis, Tenn., and Chapel HiU. On their way home from Teunessee Mr. Niernsee had a slight attack of pneumonia and had to enter Duke Hospital for several days treat ment. TIME NOW FOR "SPRING TUNING" Inns Your Car To Us For A Complete cation W ith GOOD GULF. LONG SERVICE STATION ifio. 17 Supply, N. C. Ifs easy to own a f Moutoa Thre?-?hodel.-$124^ t0 S1'"5. Easy term?liberal trade-in. Let at show them to you today. ' Y / Imattressess Have Your Old Mattresses Sterilized And Reconditioned. You Will Find It Both Economical And Satisfactory. ?CaterEspecially To Beach Residents Gently we have installed" new equipment which possible for us to turn out high quality jobs in a k?*y? Bring us you work, or phone or write us about your needs. *00T MATTRESS CO. Phone Wilmington 9909 Leland, N. G. ELECTRICAL SALES CO. Shallotte, N. C. CINDER BLOCKS VVg Qre Distributors for Fairmont Cinder Blocks in Brunswick County. ^ Your Local Dealers Are:? / GRKtoii* S,mm?'*s Grocery SOUTHPORT ? G. W. McGlamery '70 WN ? J. 5. Pari w : Lefty 'Daggs, fier steady crook, Alfenso McMillan; Mrs. Martha Arnolt},. a, typical grandmother, Viola Hankins; Hannah, her cook, Bertha Reaves; Patricia Arnold (Pat), her granddaughter who has hallucin ations, "Mhjorie Gore; Sally Winfrey, Pat's chum, De lores Greene; Dick Delray, Pat's finance, who has fits, Adolph FullWood; Freddie Fenwick, Sally's admir er, Charlie Swain; Paul Hammond, the butler, Howard Bryant; Col. Fred Delray, Dick's absent minded grandfather, William Turner; Mavis Jordan, Col. Delray's secretary, Laurie Mims; Dr. Greene, who can cure any thing, James Smith; O'Brien, a police officer, Ho ward Reaves. ISSUES WARNING Veterans and members of their families are ? warned that fraudu lent solicitors may contact them to collect money for services in connection with purported at tempts to recover payments made on National Service Life Insur ance Policies. Pay no money for this purpose, and if a contact is made notify your Veterans Ser vice Officer at once. are not acceptable. These potatoes are available foi* feed for live ' stock only. [Photographer Is Viator Tuesday 1 John Hemmer Herfe For Pic ture Story Of The Everett Sheppard Assembly-Line Tomato Plant Packer 1 t Intrigued by the reports that the Everett Sheppard tomato' plant packing- assembly line was the only thing of its kind .in the i 'world. Bill Sharpe, director of! the State News Bureau in Ral-1 i eigh, sent John Memmer, ? crack \ photographer, here yesterday to: | get pictures of the operation. Hemmer went out to the plant | ! farm on the River Road and got i i what he cami for. Knowing what Hemmer produced last fall with ?John Fernside Bear hunting | hounds and the Reigel Paper j Company Brahama bulls, it can ; safely be put down that a good part of the United States will ; soon be seeing newspaper and : magazine pictures of a tomato 1 plant packing assembly line in | action. The line packs over a hundred I thousand tomato plants per hour, even with the inexperienced labor that had to be used this first year. It is expected that the Sheppard acreage in tomato plants will be doubled next year, jlf that is the case the packir assembly line' will really have to CARD OF THANKS I wish to sincerely thank the friends who showered me with kindness during the recent ill ness and death of my husband, : James Robert Calda. Mrs. Carrie Calda, Southport, N. C. C. W. Davis Co. WHOLESALE GROCER 210-12 N. Water St. Dial 6587 Distributors, of Quality Foods y Slnoe 1922 Catering- to the retail grocer, hotels, cafeterias, restaurants, hospital institutions and baker ies. " We also cater especially *? dredges, boafts, and outgoing ships. We ciarry a full line of No. 10 canned vegetables, No. 10 canned fruits and juices of all kinds. Mayonnaise, salad dressing, mustard pickles and1 sauces. Also dried fruits. Lay-' elf raisins, package raisins, bulk raisins, citron, fruit cake mix.Mince meat, pail jelly and jiitf fillings that ire ready pr^r fared. Toilet tissue, wrapping bags, paper towels and wax paper. We are fftctoify' rejlrfe sentatlves of show cases, all riiodols. Get in* touch with us for your new show case. We also carry a full line of soda fountain supplies. We also car ry all popular sellers In 5c candy bars We Cater Especial ly to New Grocery Stores on Their Opening Orders . . We Give You Prices. So You Can Compete. , , ? s.ee action. With huiftireds of thousands of the tomato plants still in the fields, Hemmer also got pictures of the growing plants and of the; early watermelon -vines that are already running and are expected to be producing ripe melons about the middle of June. Mr. Sheppard has 20 acres in these melons. | USE TE-OL FOR ATHLETE'S FOOT BECAUSE? It has greater PENETRATING! Power. With 90 per cent undiluted alcohol base. It carries the active medication DEEPLY, to kill the germ: on contact. Get happy relief IX ONE HOUR or your 35e back at any drug store. Today at LEGGETTS, SOUTH-1 PORT, N. C. WANT ADS FOR SALE: I have a good supply of sweet potato sprouts, j tomato plants and bell pepper plants ready for immediate set- j ting. Price $3.00 per thousand. i C. R. .Livingston, Southport, N. C.; WANTED: Position as practical! nurse or baby sitter. See me at i Ratcliff home between 5 and o'clock in the afternoon or jlhone j 3617, Mrs. Nola Greer Sidbury,j Southport, N. C. WANTED?AT BOLTON Black Gum and Tupelo Cross Ties 6" x 8" x 8"/2; 7" x 8" and 7" x 9" ?SEE? JOHN HAYN1E FOR SALE: One 25 foot cabin ?boat with open cockpit and no moter. Fair condition. For further information see G. L. Milliken, Jr., of Shallotte Point, Shallotte, N. C. FOR SALE: 1941 Portable Un derwood typewriter, excellent con dition, price very reasonable. See ?Mrs. Bryant Potter, Southport, N. C. ? FOR SALE; Owing' to recent death of- my husband I am of fering forisale a four-room home and one acre of land, on Ft. Cas well and Long Beach road. Nice ly located. See or write at once Mrs. Carrie Calda, Southport, N. C.. , c FOR RENT: Cottage at Long Beach. Three bedrooms, living room, kitchen, screen porch. For information Write Mrs.'' A. H. Cromer^ Southport, N. C. NOTICE: One of our represen tatives will' be in 'Southport and vacinity 2 days per week for the !next 2 weeks. ' lAnyone needing I service on 'theic,-sewing machine br^ desiring information regarding | ^lachine.or Singer Vaccum Clean-j er or write Singer Sew-_ j ing Machine Co, 271 N. Front' St., WilAln^ton, N. C.' FOR SALE: Two story home j on Main .Street, adjoining resi-' dence of Buna , Frink. Can be I bought cheap. See W. L. Aid- J ridge. Southport, N. C. FOR SALE: 80-gal. hotwater tank with side-arm oil heater. | Slightly used. Price $25.00. Mr?, j Victor P. Lance, Southport, N. C. AT A NEW LOW PRICE $269.95 CASH or CREDIT LOADED WITH FEATURES ? Aitwwlk Wrcittoj ? CoUmoktr . Coldpock ? Wkb SM? capacity ? FoU-iw?r SMI ? Caso-Tl? lo"l? Stengi ? WSq-H. ?1 SMI Arw ? 4 Edty-Out lea Tiayi ? Slidh| Hydmsli ? S-Tmt Prctectka Pin ROBINSON'S SOUTHPORT, N. C. MODU $1-149 FINISH (;ARPF.NTKR work or' complete house building. Phone 3138, or write Eddie Spencer, Box 766, Southport, N. C. ATTENTION: For your Kitch en Cabinet and window Units and all shop work see R. G. Phelps, Shallotte Point, Shallotte, N. C. Auto UPHOLSTERING ? Convertible Topa ? Head Linings ? Side Panels ? Seat Covers ? Body Repair ? Auto Painting ? Welding SEE CLYDE SPRADLEY'S GARAGE & BODY SHOP TYPEWRITER REPAIR ING?Any make. Also do repairing and cleaning on' Adding Machines. Prices reasonable. See Mr. Harper at State Port Pilot Office, j or contact me at 310 East Walter Street, Whiteville, j N. C.. Phone 3088. Notice ok naxk uni?ek l)EKI> OK TRUST Under anil by virtue of authority} contained in a certain deed of tru.-?t. executed by J. K. McRaeken, un marrled to *S. H. Frink. Trustee, dat ed April 5, 1048. as* recorded in Book 92 ? Page 153, Office of the Register ; of Deeds of Brunswick County, North Carolina, default having been made* in j the payment of the indebtedness there-! by secured and said deed of trust ; being by the terms thereof subject to. foreclosure, the undersigned trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Southport, Bruns wick County, North Carolina, at noon on the Hth day of June. 1049, the property conveyed in the said deed of trust, the same lying and being in Smithville Township, Brunswick coun ty. North Carolina, bounded and de scribed as follows: All those lots or parcels of land on Long Beach in Brunswick County. North Carolina, known as Lots Np. 1. 2 and 3 in Blork 89. and Ixits No. 1 and 2 in Work No. 88. as the same appears on a plat of a subdivision of property belonging to G. V. Barbce on the western portion of I^on^ Beach, said plat or map being made by II. R. Hewett. surveyor, on March 24, 1948. and duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Brutis- j wick County. NortlT Carolina, in Book ! 2 of Maps at Page 204, the said lot ' having the metes bounds ami location | as shown on said plat. Dated and posted this the 11th day j of May, 1949. S. B. FRIXK. Trustee Frink and Herring. Attorneys 6-8c SOTIC F, OF SAI-F I N ?Kit DEED OF T It I' ST Under and by virtue of authority contained in a certain deed of trust executed by H. E. Leonard and wife, Virginia -Marie Leonard. to S. B. Frink. Trustee, on the 13th day of October. 1917, recorded in Book 92? I'age 271. Office of the Register <>( Dee*ts of Brunswick County, Xorth Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness there by secured and said deed of trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, the undersigned frlistee win offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Southport, Bruns wick County, North Carolina, at noon on the 14th day of June, the pro Waccamaw Township. Brunswick pert-y conveyed In the said deed of trust, the same lying and being in County. Xorth Carolina hounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron stalte near the old Mm Dom'in SllpJo' SwaiJlPI runs thence south 25 degrees east 2201 feet to an iron stake; thence south <"?_? degrees 15, minutes west feet to an iron stake in the eastern edge of thi Seaside' Road; thence with the eastern edge of the said road in a northerly direction to the property I line: thence with the said line north fll degrees 15 minutes east 50 feel tol the Beginning, containing seven-ten-j ths of an acre, more or less, and be-1 fng that land conveyed to ,f. A. Claims and Orin nanus by J. B. Ward and wife. .Minnie M. Ward by deed dated] December 4. 1945. recorded in Book] 82 ? Page 489. Office of the Regis ter of Deeds of Brunswick County, Xorth Carolina, , . Dated and posted this the 14!h of May. 1949. S. B. FRINK, Trustee. Frink and Herring. Attorneys ,6-8c FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County, X. dated the 14th day of April. 1948, In an action entitled "Brunswick County versus Ronie Brooks and wife Lstelle Brooks,"?. the undersigned commissioner w ill ex-, pose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 20th day of May, 1949, at 12:00 o'clock noon M? ai the Courthoure door, Southport, X! C., to satisfy the de cree of said court to onforce the pay ment of $54.39. the following described real estate, located in Shallotte Town ship, Brunswick County, N. C., hound ed and described as follows: . Beginning at a stake on the east) side of the Seaside Road: runs thence east to a small ditch; thence with said, ditch to the fork of a small branch; thence with another ditch to the Sea side Road; thence with said road to the Beginning, containing 1 acre, more or less, and being the same tract or | parcel of land as conveyed by Bonnie T. Stanley to Ronie Brooks and wife, by deed dated Feb. 15, 1947. and re corded in Book 85, page 301, Offline of the Register of Deeds of Brunswick County, N. C. . All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 25th day of April. 1919. D. C. HERRING, Commissioner. 5-18c FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that by vir tue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County, N. C., dated the 14th day of April. 1948, in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus Archie Caison and wife Mane C'aison,"? , the undersigned commissioner will ex pose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 20th day of May, 1949, at 12:00 o'clock noon M., at the Courthoure door, Southport, N. C.. to satisfy the de cree of said court to enforce the pay ment of $111.55, the following described real estate, located in Shallotte Town ship, Brunswick County, N. C., bound ed and described as follows: Beginning at W. R. Registers corn er in the Middle Dam; thence south 50 yards to the Old .Mill Road; thence with the old Mill Road 227 yards to a stake; thence about west (9 yards to a stake in the branch; thence about north down the west side of the branch to the Middle Dam; thence down the Middle Dam to the Beginn ing, containing 4 acres, more or less. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before repprt made. Cash to he paid at sale. This the 25th day of April. 1949. D. C. HERRING, Commissioner. 5-18c FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick Count}'. N. C., dated the 14th day of April, 1948, In an action entitled "Brunswick County versus Cato . Grissett and wife Sarah 'Grlssett, Seth L. Smith,"? the undersigned commissioner will ex pose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 20th day of May. 1949, at 12:00 o'cloctf noon XI.. at the Courthoure door. Southport, N. C.. to satisfy the de-: cree ol said court to enforce the pay ment of ?162.23 the following described real estate, located in Shallotte Town ship, Brunswick Couuty, X. C., bound ed and described as follows: Adjoining: the lands of Susan Bel lamy. Virgil Grissett et a Is: lieginn ing at an iron axle south of Btieket May. Susan Bellamy's corner: runs theme south l-'4 degrees east 665 feet to a slump on the north side of old New Brittain Koad. Virgil Gris sett's corner: thence north 35 east 552 feet to a blackgum in the head of Doty Braiuh: thence down the meand ers of said branch to a stake in the mouth of Shingletree Branch; thence north 6*4 degrees west 817 feet to .Susan Bellamy's corner; thence with her line south 70 west to the first station, containing 27 acres, and be ing known as the Cato Grissett lands. All sales subject to rej>ort to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 25th day of April. 1949. I). C. HERRING, Commissioner. 5-18c FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County. N. C., dated ? the 14th day of April. 1348, in fan \ action entitled "Brunswick ? County. versus Z. Williams and wift Ruth Williams,"? the unders.gned ? commissioner will ex-| pose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 20th | day of .May. 1!? 19. at 12:00 o'clock! noon M? at the Courthoure door, i Southport, N. C. to satisfy the de-1 cree of said court to enforce the pay-. ment of $219.61 the following described i real estate, located in* Shallotte Town- : ship, Bruusuick County, N. C., bound-, ed and described as follows: First Tract: Beginning at a stake ? in the B. \V. Leonard line, runs north 64 degrees 15 minutes west 2800 feet; to a ?take. L. .JStanley's corner; thence north 18 degrees 45 minutes! east 450 feet to a stake in a bay; 1 thence south 64 degrees in minutes j east 2823 feet to a dlake in B. W. i I^conard's line; thence s-?;ith 21 de gree." west 450 feet to the Beginning, containing 28.2 acres, more or less. ! Second Tract: Bounded on the north by the lands of Warren Milliken; on the south by the lands of Warren I Milliken. on the east by the lands of i Warren Milliken ami on the west by j the lands of Bert Williams, contain-' ing 1 acre home. All sales subject to report to and; confirmation by the Court. Ten days < allowed for raise of bid before report! made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 25th day of April. 1949. | D. C. HERRING, Commissioner. 3-18c ' FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by vir- | tue of a decree of the Superior Court; of Brunswick County^ N. C., dated, the 14th day of April, 1918. in an! action entitled "Brunswick County1 versus Fannie Bell, Essie (?ore and j husband Gore."? the undersigned commissioner will cx- j pose at public auction sale to the] highest bidder for cash on the 20th I day of May. 1919, at 12:00 o'clock | noon M., at the Courthoure door, , Southport, N. C.. to satisfy the de- * cree of said court to enforce the pay- j ment of $217.43 the following described ? real estate, located in Shallotte Town-1 ship, Brunswick County. N. C., bound- j ed and described as follows: Bounded on the west by Andrew Barker; on the south by Bear lie Buss; | on the east by Gus Bland, and on the j north by Charles Gore, containing 30 acres, and being known? as the ,C. Bell Estate lands. All sales subject to jrejiort to aitfl confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report! made. Cash to be paid at sale. This tin* 2"?th day of April. 1919. ? 1>. C. HERRING, Commissioner. 5-18c FORK ( I.OSl RE NOTICE i j Notice is hereby given thai l>y vir- > tue of.a decree of tne Superior Court* of Brunswick Cbunty, X. dated ihe, 27th day ??f April 1949, in an action entitled "itrunswick County and the j i City of Southport versus? Mary Etta Gibbs, Horace Glbbs, Willie. MS. McCarthy et als,"? 'j ;thp undersigned commissioner will J I expose at pnhlic auction sale to the ihiliiistg bidder for cash on the 3rd day i i of .June 11? 10, at lt<*0 o'clock M.,' AV the C6ur^house door. Southport,' N? C.. to satisfy the* (Woree! (ft' saidl Iiouit to enforce Ihe ;payu?uit.pi? i J *353.K (he following- r 1 hi i M described real' estate, Jo?aU*d In. Smithville Township, Wdhswi?-?' CAuii-'l ty. C., bounded and described us I follows: Hounded on the ( p'jrlh by Kate Stuart lanps, on the hoc t h by AV#w Street, on the cast by Swamp Garden and on the west by Israel ? (u'ffnrionk containing I lot and known , ^3 the Hannah GitJbu Estate* All sales subject to report to audi confirmation by the Court. Ten da^M allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 9th day of May 1040. D. C. HEUltlXG, Commissioner. 6-lc 4 FORK f'LOftl'RE NOTICE Notice is hereby pi von that by vir tue of a decree of the Superior Court of Krunswirk County, N. C., dated the 27th day of April 1049, In an action entitled "Brunswick County ami the City of Southport versus? Eddie Warnett and wife, Julius War natt and wife, et als," the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the hihcstg bidder for cash on the 3rd day of June 1919, at 12:00 o'clock noon M.,\at the Courthouse door, Southport. .X. C., to satisfy the decrce of said coiu-t to enforce the payment ?of? $198.73, the following described real estate. located in Smithville Township, Brunswick Coun ty. X. C., bounded and described as follows: Bounded on the north hy^ James Clemmons, Jr.. on the south l>y Her bert Brown, on the east by I^ord Street, and on the west by Effie Nix on, containing 1 lot Lord Street, and known as the Mola Warnett listate. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 9th day of May 1949. D. C. HEIUUXG, Commissioner. 6-lc . fore r roar re notice Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of a decree of the Suiiierior Court of Brunswick County. X. C., dated the 27th day of April 1919. in an action entitled "Brunswick County and the City of Southport versus? Leslie Brown and husband, Herbert Brown et als,"? the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the hihestg bidder for cash on the 3rd day of June 1949, at 12: Of o'clock noon M., at the Courthouse door, South|>ort, N. C, to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of? $163.08. the following described real estate, located in Smithville Township, Brunswick Coun ty. X. ,C., bounded and described as follows:* ? , , Bounded on the north by Jim Frlnk. on the south by Mary Swain, on the east by Caswell Street, 011 the. west by Maybclle Hewett, containing 1 lot Caswell and known as the Phyllis Warnett Rut. All sides subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to I>e paid at sale. This the 9th day of May 1919. D. C. HEIlBiNG, Commissioner. 6-lc FORE CLQBt'RK NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by ?vir tue of a dcrree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County, X. (!., dated the 27th day of April 1949, in an action entitled "Brunswick County and the City of Southport versus? Josephine Sheldon, Oran Green, Adell Bresbon et als,"? the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the hihestg bidder for cash 011 the 3rd day of June 1949, at 12:00 o'clock noon M.. at the Courthouse door. Southport. X. C., to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of? 1137.38, the following described real estate, located In Smithville Township, Brunswick Coun ty. N. C., bounded and described as I follows: i Beginning on the west side of Clar iendon Avenue 33 feet South from the j Southwest corner of Leonard Street and Clarendon Avenue, rung thence West 132 feet; thence about South '33 feet, thence about East 132 feet to I the Western line Clarendon Avenue; thence about Xorth along the west line of Clarendon Avenue 33 feet to ithe Heginrilng corner being lol lw In I Work .1 -Morse and Weeks subdivi^M ?in i h CUT of Southport. and known ;is the Suxan Swain l'>lflte. I All Kales i-ubjei t to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days i allowed for raise of bid before report ?made. Cash to !>e paid at Hale, i This the 9th day of May 1949. D. C. HERRIXG, Commissioner, i 6-le . FORK CLOSURE XOTFCE * I Notice is hertty given that by vir tue of a decree of the Superior Court I of Brunswick County, X. C.. dated the 127th day of April 1949. in an a?lion entitled "Brunswick County and the Cltv. of Southport versus? j Almira Smith. Huby Howe and Vtos I baud, et als,"? ' the undersigned ?commissioner will expose at nubile auction pale to,lhe I h I he?t g bidder for cash on the Srd day of June 1949. at 12:00 o'clock won M.. at the Courthouse door. South^rt, X. C.. to satisfy the decree of ?aid court to enforce .the payment of? >186.47, the following? descril>ed real estate, located In Smithville Township. Brunswick Coun ty. N. C., bounded and describec^-as (oll#ws: ? Beginning at the, McDonald line, runs southwest 165 fe*-t. with Free man Yfankins line; runs thence about northwest 1*52 feet; thence about t^tli ? i1 s 'i Ui i km aid lina; t' i with said line to the Beginning, syn talning one-half acre, more or 'Ism. Thi? lies in Smithville Township a bout one mile from the Courthofse. k the north? ? lor or land now occupied by /the children of Hilary McNeil. All sale?? subject to report lo and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 9th day of May ?49. P. C. HERRING, Commissioner. 6-lc _ FORE CI,OSI HE XOTICK Notice Is hereby given that by vir tue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County. X. C., dated the 27th day of April 1949. in an action entitled "Brunswick County and the City of Southport versus? ; Kiln Smith. I^rengo Smith. Jr.. Annie fl. Smith et als,"? the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the hiheslg bidder for cash on the 3rd day of June 1949. at 12:00 o'clock noon M? at the Courthouse door. Southport. N. C.. to satisfy the decree of ?said court to enforce the payment of-r? Sf7.60. the follow!tig? f described real estate, located, hi Smithville Township. Brunswick Coun ty. X. C., bounded and described as follows: ? Beginning at a point in the West line of Boundary Street' 165 fee t north ward from the north line of Owen Street, it being also the corner point of lot No. 10 in Block 3 of said ad dition; runs thence westwardly par allel to Owen Street, 132 feet; thence Northwardly parallel to Boundary Street 33 feet; thence eastwardly par alh?> to Owen Street 1.12 feet to the West line of Boundary Street; thence southwardly with sAld line 32 feet to thy Beginning, the same being lot Xo. 12 in Block 3 In said addition. All sales subject to re|M?rt to and confirmation by the Court. Ten' days allowed for raise of bid before rei>ort made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 9th day of May 1949. 1?. C. HfillliiNu, Commissioner. 61c FORK < I.OSI /{K NOTICE No tke irf hereby given that by vir tue of a decree of The .Superior Court of ltrunsWick County, N. C'.; dated the -7'h d?y of AM1 19*9. in an action dutitled "Brunswick County And' the City of tyiuthport versus? Kelly Reaves And wife, if any,"?' the inn\e?>ipr?ed ^oinpii^ioijer will expose ?nt rmlrflc auction .-ale to the hifiestgi fjidrjer >fpr cash on the 3rd day of June 111 19, at 12:00 o'clock noon M., at the Courthouse dotft 3outhport. X. to satisfy the decree of ?aid court'to enforce-Xtie payment of? $-.'{6.30, the following? t ? | ,40 poles to an* oak !s:du RWvtfu's uttrfter; Ifitnce J*ith JJiimpton Wearry's Hue smith 55 deg. Wist 3# pOks'to 'an 'oak said ?WeArry's corner;* then?.* south 71 f'to .\1arsh V.rdiSch nnJd; tlfence said road to the Beginning, contain i)?g. 7-]f3 ticrdnj mo/e or flea*. All sales subject to rcjsjrt to, and cotafiriftNlon by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid |?efore report made. Cam to I* paid at'Male. Thin the ?th day of 1949. I>. C. HBKIilXO, Commissioner. 6-lc FORK CI.OSI RE NOTICE Notice is heretty pi ven that by vir tu#-of ifr decree i?( the Superior Court of Brunswick bounty. X. dated the 27th day of April IfltV fti an action entitled "Brunswick County and the City of. Southport versus? Jj. B. I Uit la ikI and wife,'if any."? the .'undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the hihestjr bidder for cash on the 3rd day of June 194f*. at 12:00 o'clock noon M.? at the Cou/t house door. Southport* X. C., to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of? $217.15, the following? descril>ed real estate, located in Smithville Township, Brunswick Coun ty, X. C? bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a red bay . at the run of Sandy Branch runs Xrfrth 59 deg. \V". 32 poles; thence X. 7 deg. 35 poles to a gum in the western Prong of Stfndy Branch; thence down the said fwong to the main branch; thence down the main branch to the Begin 11 in. cogntaiuing six acres, more or ? 1 All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the (^otirt. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 9th day of .May 1949. D. C. HRIIRING, Commissioner. 6-lc FORE (TOSI RF NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County. X. C., dated the 27th day of April 1919, In an action entitled "Brunswick County and the City of Southport versus? I*ois Green, single,"? the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the hihestg bidder for cash on the 3rd day of June 1919, at 12:00 o'clock noon M., at the Courthouse door. Southport. X. C.. to satisfy the decree of said count to enforce the payment of? $207.93, the following? described real estate. located In Smithville Township, Brunswick Coun ty. X. C., bounded and described a? follows: . Bounded on the north by Herbert Parker, Jr. on the south by Oliver Parker, on the east by Herbert Parker Jr.. on the went by River Road, con taining 18 acres woods and known as the Susie Green lands. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by th" Court. Ten days, allowed for raise of bid before report made. .Cash to be paid at sale. This the 9th day of May 1949. 1). C. HERRING, Commissioner. 6-lc FORK ('1.081? UK NOTICE ' Notice is hereby givfen that by vir tue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County. X. C., dated the 27th day of April* 1949, in an action entitled "Brunswick County and the City of Southport versus? Jacob I-'rink. Calvin Krink? Catherine Prink, et as"fl the undersigned commissioner will expose at public auction sale to the hihestg bidder for cash on the 3rd day of June 1919, at 12:00 o'clock noon M? at the Courthouse door, SouthporL X. C., to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of? I $185.26, the following? described real estate, located In Smithville Township, Brunswick Coun 1 ty. N. C., bounded and described as follows: Bounded on the north by Frank Lennon, on the south by the Mercer Place, containing 9 6-10 acres home and being known as the Mary Frink, Estate. All sales subject to report to and j confirmation by the Court. 'Hen days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 9th day of May 1949. D. C. HERRING, Commissioner.