THE STATE PORT A Good Newspaper In A Good Community Most of The News All The Time 6-PACES TODAY Southport, N. C., Wednesday, June 22, 1949 PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY $1.50 PER YEA* Pilot Covers County yng Cases Docket In County Court I a. 7l~Cases Were On ?I Facing Reorder s K Officials Monday King; Speeding Chier ^icTschool f5FllNDS__PROFITED i?d Forfeitures Are Anting To Several EtnI Dollars For School Treasury ... 0ne-half the defendants before Judge W. J. ifj.d solicitor J. W. , Recorder s court Mon , : answer when their ?re called and as a re r lll bonds they put up rtS?d mostly for speed ? forfeited- Clerk of Court , g^nett states that the jetted to approximately a cases called and heard ? approximately $775. |i! said. r^ce of the cases had i speeding or reckless n most of these cases brought in by the ^gtway Patrol, which has ?X-gg up Since the re seven persons on [iTa: Shallotte. I ig is a resume of all ?*d: )t Bobbins and Bertha Lee fornication and adultery 18 months and both ^ of appeal. Appeal ? Robbins set at 51,000, J ? wean $400.00. toy Williams, reckless jot guilty. ITSomas Faircloth, reck Mscn and possession, I H3o?en. speeding, fined IB aits. iter Goodfme, reckless l?i wotmd villi '.cive fegow White, speeding, W and costs. ! tL Johnson. speeding, HO and costs. Cyrel Wesley, Jr., reck in. capias. Enoch Holden, speed JBltv. ? i Cohen, speeding, fined ? costs. Efcondson Groomer, no f! license, capias. x Calda, allowing minor ? a ."Otor vehicle, costs. Russ. speeding, fined F costs. Smith, speeding and fined $10.00 and costs, ke Palmeter, speeding, W and costs. ?ton Lindsey. reckless fined $25.00 and costs. Washington Davis, fried $10.00 and costs. Allen Manning, posses tII ' Espsita. reckless opera 1", - speeding, fined costs. <UIace. failure to pay ' ,r(^fed to make re | Hankins. assault with ?"Pon. continued. it, Dans' assault with [ w"?n, 2 charges con L^Hall. speeding, " and costs. w!"!30n' Possession, 30 on payment of ?ndant to be of good 'wo years. ?n. possession and :hway, fined $20.00 ,7r'an Brown, speed on page four In'jf.Vtwi ?>MF. 1 W Mrs. N. G. Mooneyl M into their new home , ^ new highwav to Hold- 1 - I VT DASCE ! fcaltotte post American ; According to Commander Purine, had a large II its regular Saturday last week. Many folks * beaches along the low * Ihe coast were in at *ts<' REVXION ^wlchiWren and great PMren of the late Daniel r'^1" and Elias Hewett C^r? a family reunion at P 1 51 Mrs. J. J. Ludlum C " Sunilav. June 26. "?4 relatives ' of all the J* ?l?o invited. A vege *J1 be lerved. Ross Stevens Is Present For Two Wildlife Meets; Executive Director Of North j Carolina Wildlife Clubs j Meetings Thursday And Friday I Ross Stevens, executive secret ary of the North Carolina Wild life Clubs, was iit Brunswick county Thursday > and Friday nights of thj^., past week to at tend annual meetings of llje two Brunswick County Wildlife Clubs. The Thursday night meeting ! ?was held at Bonopart Landing I and a barbecue supper was ser- ! ved. On Friday evening the second J Brunswick county unit of the Wildlife organization met at Town Creek. . > Mr. Stevens, noted conserva tionist, attended both meeting and gave the sportsmen present much vital information as to club formation, program and pending legislation relative to game laws. A motion was made and a re- ; solution passed that the club go on record as requesting an additi- [ onal game warden for Brans- j J wick county- The club secretary ' was advised to forward the club's . resolution to the Wildlife Resour- j ces Commission at Raleigh. The following officers were el ected to serve the lower Bruns wick group during the coming 12 months: H. M. Hickman, Shal | lotte, president; F? M. Norris, | Wampee, S. C.. vice president; T. j H. Mintz, Ash, secretary-treasur ! er; Harold Hickman, Shallotte, assistant-secretary. Officers elected to serve the (other group are Lacy Dawkins, I Winnabow, president; G. B. Lewis I Bolivia, vice-president; Dan Wil letts. Leland, secretary-treasurer; i W. T. Fulwood, Southport, as | sistant-secretary. Funeral Rites Held Thursday Alfred W. Arnold Died Tues day Following Operation;! Burial At Antioch Ceme- 1 tery Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the late residence for Alfred W. Arnold, 59-year old resident of the Bolivia community, who died here in the Dosher Memorial Hospital Tuesday following an operation. Burial was at the An tioch church graveyard. Rev. H. | M. Baker of Southport and Rev. i Mr. .Helms had charge of the burial services. Mr. Arnold is survived by his wife, Mrs. Nora Arnold; one son, Ballance Arnold; two brothers, C. | T. and Joe, all of Bolivia; three j sisters, Mrs. A. W. Murrell. Pet ersburg, Va., Mrs. R A. Beck, Bolivia, and Mrs. W. H. Willetts, oJ VVinnabow. ? , Active pallbearers were Taylor Albright, Kenneth Johnson. Brad ley Bowling, Loftin Lewis, H. D. j Harvell, and Elwood Clemmons. I Honorary pallbearers were Ker i mit Beck. Wesley Garner, James j Garner, Floyd Brittian, Jack I Brown, Sherwood Johnson, H. A. Continued On P*g* Four Plane Spotting Is Helping Fishermen Brunswick Navigation Com-; pany Boats Are Receiving Assistance This Year From Own Plane EXPERIENCED PILOT GOING UP DAILY Hall Waters Flys Daily Mis sions To The Menhaden Grounds And Directs Boats To Schools Of Fish Hall Walters, formerly with the Pennington Flying Service in Wilmington, has been employed as full time pilot by the Brunswick Navigation Company. Pilot Walt ers flying the 170 Cessna plane recently purchased by the coml I pany is an indispensable part of the commercial fishing operations off Southport. For the past two years the cor poration used one of the Pen nington planes, Pilot Walters be ing assigned to it. Now working as a regular employee in a mach- 1 in! owned by the factory, he is far from being a beginner at the art of spotting fish and directing the ships where to find them. Last year the local factory is said to have been one of the best in Point of production on the (Continued On Page Four) Southport Pair Beaten By Trio Bill Well's, Jr., And Wife I Brutally Assaulted On South Carolina Highway Thursday Night; Men Un der Arrest Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wells, Jr., were brutally attacked on the highway 20 miles below Charles- J ton, S. C., Thursday night. Both of the young people were taken to the hospital at Charleston, Mr. 1 Wells with a broken jaw and other serious injuries. Three Charleston man are be ing held under bonds totaling i $15,000.00 for trial in the Superior courts of South Carolina. Mr. Wells had been working at Rockville, S. C., for the past | six weeks. The nine boats own-l ! ed by his father left Rockville I (Thursday to return to Southport. I ! Mrs. Wells is a native of Charles j ton and she and her husband left I Rockville Thursday night for that city before coming on to South port. Some distance out of Charleston they ran out of gas and Mr. I Wells walked- some distance to J the nearest filling station. Re turning with the gas, he found) three young Charleston white men waiting for him. One of the men is said to have paid Mrs. Wells some sttention before her marri ? age, since then hf and his friends are said to have made threats against the young couple. Two of the young men seized Wells and held him while the former friend of Mrs. Wells pro ceeded to beat him up, breaking Continued On Page Four j Tobacco Farmers Busy This Week Bruaswick county farmers are busy this week putting in to bacco, . many of them being forced by last week's rainy weather to d? something about saving a portion of their dam aged crop. t. i . Heavy rains of last Wednesday resulted in some drowning and some scalding; and in many fields where damage of this nature was absent the after ef fect has been to have the leaves ripen rapidly and rush the far mers in the matter of getting tobacco in the barn. For the most part, first re port of damage were exagger ated and most farmers will not suffer too badly from last week's rains. A few growers ? actually Were hard hit. Unless there are. further bad breaks indications sti:: point to an unusually fine weed crop for Brunswick. Local Minister Rotary Speaker Dr. J. M. Waggett Spoke Thursday To Whiteville Rotarians On "Russia And World Economics" Dr. J. M. Waggett, pastor of Southport Presbyterian church, at tended the Rotary club meeting Continued On Page Four Education Board Discusses Plans For Using Funds -? ? Architect Leslie N. Boney Conferred With Members Of County Board At Spec ial Meeting Here Monday Night MORE INVESTIGATION WILL BE NECESSARY Chairman Sam J. Frink Re ports Service Of Summons With Complaint Grow ing Out Of School Row Leslie N. Boney and members of the staff of his Wilmington firm of architects met Monday night with the Brunswick county board of education to discuss re commendations growing out of a series of conferences with mem- 1 bers of local school committees regarding pressing needs at the various consolidated schools. The next step in making a com plete survey of school needs in : Brunswick will be an investigation of the condition of each colored school, with these findings to be reported to the board of educa tion at their next meeting. J. T. Denning, county superin tendent of schools, says that he has been advised by Paul Reid, controller for the North Carolina Education Commission, that no funds for building or repair will be released to the counties until total plans have been submitted and approved by the state, body. Among the other matters of business settled at the Monday night meeting was a decision to open the schools of the county for the fall term on September 1. Two days will be allowed for Thanksgiving holidays. Schools will close for the Christmas holi days on December 23 and will re open on January 3. Provision was made for a one-half holiday for the district NCEA meeting when called. The board was advised that its chairman, Sam J. Frink, has been served with a summons and com plaint growing out of the recent controversy over the matter of appointing and then replacing J. P. Russ and Dennis Hewett as members of the Shallotte school committee. These papers were drawn by a member of the , law firm of John D. Bellamy and sons of Wilmington and the defendants have 30 days in which to file their answer. Commissioners In Special Session Members Of County Board Spent Monday Here Dis cussing Budget For 1949 50; Another Session To morrow Members of the board of county commissioners spent Wednesday in Southport in a special session, a good part of which was devoted to a discussion of the budget for 1949-50. They will be back to morrow for another special ses sion with County Auditor W. P. Jorgensen, after which a prelimin ary estimate will be available. The board approved a petition to have the State Highway and Public Works Commission take over the road from Regan to Indigo Flats or to Benton's Land Continued on page four Our ROVING Reporter W. B. KEZIAH We think it would be rather bad luck for us to mention any of our farmer friends as having an especially fine field of corn. The fact of the matter is that about all of them have some ex tra nice cornfield. To mention one would be Ignoring others who have something just as good. The nearest we can come to being fair to all is to say ~hat the Brunswick farmers have what seems to us to be an extra good corn crop. Jerry Ball, public relations man 'for the standard Oil Company, was here Friday and Saturday. About the first thing he wanted to do was to go around to the fire house and see the new fire : truck of the Volunteer Fire De partment. Some weeks ago with . a piano playing stunt at which | he is adept, Jerry raised some thing over $500.00 to aid the pur chase of the new truck. He will probably be back here this week to go with us and Jim Wilson of the Wilmington Star as guests of Captain Howard Victor aboard the Cadet. L. C. White, owner of the Shallotte Dry Cleaners, has add ed laundry machinery to his equi pment and will shortly be handl ing that angle of the cleaning business. Looking over his new equipment this week we were in trigued by clock-operated electric switches. This clock results in the big washing machine rdnning in one direction for a given peri od and then reversing to run the other way. The motor oscilates forward and backward under the control of the clock. Continued On Page Six Homecoming Day Principals CONGRATULATIONS ? Congressman F. Ertei Carlyle is shown as he warmly con I gratulates Miss Doris Swan of Southport whom he has just crowned as queen of Home coming Day festivities. Miss Swan achieved this honor in competition with a group of the most beautiful young ladies of this community. Congressman Carlyle was among the distinguished guests present for the celebration and was the principal speaker. ? Wil mington Star Cut.) Midshipman Holden In England On Cruise Brunswick County Youth Taking Midshipman Training With U. S. Naval Task Force Due to arrive at Portsmouth, ? England, this week and also [ scheduled to visit Londan, Mid shipman Halstead Holden, son of Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Holden of Shallotte and Holdens Beach, wrote the State Port Pilot this j week relative to the cruise in which he and about 700 other ! young midshipmen are participat ing. He is aboard the USS Bauer a destroyer-minesweeper, similar to the Jeffers, which visited South port two weeks ago. Relative to the summer cruise he says: '"The misconceptions as to the life of a sailor at sea are numer ous, and I dare say that most of them have stemmed from roman tic tales of the South Sea Islands. Much to my disappointment life at sea is anything but romantic. ' At least, if there is any romance involved one has to find it while on liberty. "This year's cruise is destined to be quite different from the last two. The two previous cruises were more for the sake of indoc- ' trination which is of primary im- j portance in any phase of learn ing. I think it would be proper t to adopt a motto for this cruise j which would be learning by do ing. j Minelayers has around 700 mid shipmen along. More than half of these are midshipmen from the Naval Acedemy while the rest are Naval Reservist from various colleges throughout the nation. This naval program at the vari ous colleges was set up in 1946 under the Holloway plan which is to supplement the number of officers graduated from Annapolis each year. "The motto, 'learning by doing', certainly reflects the attitude of the Midshipmen because from a personal observation I have never witnessed a group more eager and willing to do their jobs. Basically there is a distinction between the Midshipmen from Annapolis and the ones from the various colleges. In some respects the Annapolis boys are better qualified than we are, but due to the keen interest and well-disciplined manner they have shown on the cruise one would never suspect that the group was made up of men separ ate Naval institutions. The duties that are given to each Midship man are not permanent; instead, there is a system of rotation which enables each man to learn something about each department of the ship and the various duties connected with it. Consequently, this system will permit the Mid shipman to become better prepar ed when he receives his commis sion as a Naval officer. "The old saying, All work and Continued On Page Four Club Women Ready For Flower Show County Roads Get Attention Among the projects for which bids were asked list week by the State Highway and Public Works Commission was one' 4- ' mile stretch t in. Brunswick county located at Lanvale, con necting ,U. S. No. 17 with U. S. No. 76. This road recently has been greatly improved by widening and grading, and bids are being asked for hardsurfacing. Another paving project in Brunswick on which good pro gress is being made is the road from Exum to highway No. 130 at New Britton bridge. This is a 5-mile undertaking on which the highway forces are doing the work. Two miles of this hardsurface already has been spread and rolled. Shrimping Fleet Returning Home Local Boats Returning To Southport After Working Off South Carolina Coast For Several Weeks Away for six weeks, mostly at Rockville, Charleston and George town, S. C., all of the Southport shrimp trawlers have returned home and are standing by, ex pecting to get going with the shrimping off Southport this week. The boats back are those of Lewis J. Hardee, Dallas Piggot, Bill Wells, Paul Fodale and others. Except for a few that are having some slight overhauling, all are in readiness for regular fishing here at home. All are big trawlers, operated by diesel en gines and with the latest in fish ing equipment. The Fodale fleet returned from the same place three weeks ago and has since been fishing when the weather permitted. Their best recent day produced 230 pounds of large headed shrimp to each boat. Nine trawlers composing the Bill Wells fleet have been work ing at Rackville, below Charles ton, S. C. They are said to have been hampered by bad weather but have done fairly well when able to fish. It is expected they will return here soon. The gathering of the boats at Southport promises plenty of shrimp in the near future. The operators of the boats are either well posted or they seem able to divine just where the shrimp are. The later part of this week or next week will see the pickers gathering around the shrimp houses, waiting to begin the task of neading the shrimp as soon as the boats come in. For this season's work South port is mustering about the most | able fleet of boats it has ever had. It has often been said that Continued On Paft Four Work Being Undertaken In Conjunction With Brunt wick County Health De partment MALARIA COfTTROL k PRIMARY OBJECT Small Fee Being Charged To Cover Cost Of Materials And Campaign Works On Community Basis A large number of exhibits and a big- crowd Is expected at the annual flower show of the Bruns wick County Home Demonstrat tlon clubs in Southport Thursday of this week. Last year's event held at Bolivia resulted in 183 ex hibits and Miss Corinne Greene, the home demonstration agent, believeds that tomorrow will bring even larger number. Fifteen clubs are participating, according to Mrs. Charles Russ of Shallotte. These are Ash, Shal lotte Village Point, Grisaettown, Friendship, Supply, Boone's Neck, Antioch, Southport, Cape Fear, Mill Creek, Bolivia, Town Creek, Funston, Woodburn and Winna bow. The show will be held in the community building and Miss Greene states that the flowers in all exhibits must be grown by the exhibitor. She announces that the following classes are to-be judged: Class 1. Perfection of bloom. Class II, artistic arrangement; (a) mlnature (not oVer 3 inches), (b) I. living room (large); 2. living room (small); (c) mantel; (d) coffee table; (e) dining tab le; (f) bedside tray; (g) seaso nal; (h) porch. Class III, 1. potted plants (blooming); 2. potted plants (non blooming). Class IV, largest collection of fruits and vegetables grown by exhibitor, (canned, fresh stored or dried). "Stabet Mater" Here Tuesday Fifty-Voice Mixed Chorus And 25-Piece Orchestra Will Appear Tuesday Eve ning In High School Audi torium Music lovers of this community are in for a treat Tuesday when the Wilmington Choral Society and Civic Orchestra present Rossini's "Stabet Mater, a sacred oritorio, in the Southport high school auditorium. The program will began at 8 o'clock. The choir is under the direction of Henri Emurian, minister of music in the First Baptist church of Wilmington. It is a group of 50 voices which has won wide aclain for its outstanding per formances both in Wilmington and in two appearances away from home. Miss Ruth Paterson of South port is a member of the group this season and is a featured per former in the quartet CONTINUED OR PACtS 4 Club Women Are Campaigning For Insect Control Community B u i 1 d i n g la Southport Will Be Scena Of Annual Flower Show Sponsored By Demonstra tion Club* LARGE ENTRY LIST EXECUTED Fifteen Clubs Participating And Thi* Year** Event Ex pected To Outatrip 1948 Home Demonstration Club wo men of Brunswick county in co operation with the County Health Department are urging citizens t? . help prevent malaria by having ? their house and out-buildings sprayed to kill mosquitos. Workers employed by the Statd ' Health Department will spray ? ?, 4-room house for $1.50, and dfl extra rooms for 25c each. If tl?e . home owner wants only the porch sprayed the cost will be 11.00. M: out-buildings will be sprayed at extra cost. In each community there is t ? designed person to collect thi ' money. Money and names of per- ? sons wanting houses sprayed must be collected and turned in to the Health Department in Southport before work is begun in any com- ] munity. At least 15 houses must ? be signed up before men and equipment can come into a sect- . ion. Applicants for this service ' are urged to state on their list the number of roms to be spray- ? ed. The following persons have been named to collect money for this purpose in the various communi ties: Bolivia, Mrs. Douglas Hawes; Boone Neck, Mrs. Lee Clemmons; Silver Hill, Mrs. Carvin Roach; * Mill Creek, Mrs. Vera Bowling: Shallotte Point, Mrs. Earl Hewett ' and Mrs. James Chadwick; Wac- * camaw, Mrs. W. M. Mathews, Fhi??*9b. Mrj, Jack Potter; <V\t settown, Mrs. Bruce Moody arid Mrs. Grover Gore; Friendship, Mrs. Ernest Sternal and; Town Creek, Mrs. Alvin Watkins; Wood burn, Mrs. Albert Lawson. "If your community has not selected someone to collect money do so at once so that you may have the program carried out in your community", urges Miss Corinne Greene. For further Information see Cecil Edwards, sanitarian for the Brunswick County Health Depart? ment, or Miss Greene, home De monstration agent. Pair Held For p. Store Robbery Two Porto Rician Merchant Seamen Charged With En tering Shallotte Furniture Co. Sunday Night Two Porto Rican merchant sea-' men are in jail in Southport pending a preliminary heaMhg next Monday In Recorder's court on charges of breaking and En tering the Shallotte Furniture Co. Sunday night. Hubert Holmes, manager of the store, reports that merchandise valued at J 100.00 was taken from the store. A radio, said to hive been among the things stolen, was sold to a Shallotte resident. * The two men, one of whdm could speak a little English And the other none at all, left their Continued On Page Four Tide Table Following' Is the tide table for Southport during the next week. These houra are approxi mately correct and were furn ished The State Port Pilot through the courtesy of the Cape Fear Pilot's Association^ High Tide Low TM? Thursday, June 23, 5:23 A. M. 11:35 A. M. 3:87 P. M. 0:00 P. M. Friday, June 24, 6:12 A. M. 0:28 A. H. 7:43 P. M. 12:20 P. M. Saturday, June 25, 6:57 A. M. 1:13 A. M. 7?Z7 P. M. 1:05 P. M Sunday, Jqne 20, 7:43 A. M. 1:56 A. M. 8:10 P. M. 1:49 P. M. Monday, June 27, 8:20 A. M. 2:38 A. M. 8:54 P. M. 2:34 P. M. Tuesday, June 28, 0:18 A. M. 3:23 A. BL 8:39 P. M. 3:20 P. M. Wednesday, Jane 29, 10:06 A. M. 4:06 A. M. 10:27 P. M. 4:06 P. 9i

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