ficjh Tiui<6s p. ui>. ' in' T""? an<1 ^ ttv are again. pramatic Club of Sonth s ihil plans to give i. i" sunas Carol" for ']<: pl.iy of the year. We iirsi meeting of the club ,.i, -s 111 "le auditor i ^ uvie elected as fol , t;i ; Hewett, presi [? i: vice-president; ; ::ui?n. secretary; : H:, ? treasurer; Bob ? - -o director; Coopie manager; Sue rlimentary adviser; ; \ librarian. So fat Lye 31 members and the Is p: oving to be very suc L thousli oiir boys lost to I last Friday we are r f0fw;>rd to the game " . ? much anticipation. [. u:.!"ington. This should interesting game and XVill really appreciate Lb \W #till on the sub" ??all we would like to Connie Hood a for .,1 iw. is really a whiz war. As we all know he Hopewell, Va? last T - nukes us realize that . our loss in many jjwp tip the good work. afternoon we saw many U fans attending the I between Hallsboro it Hallsboro. After tailing play* and a hard % between the teams, ro won 35 to 13. Everyone f. ' as they follow Viy? y.utl by yard up and fteld. cheering for their r :n. Come on out folks! 'wising: anJ encouraging ui attendance and | . -,.:i:os, Remem their first year of iff, Davis Co. SUESAI.E GROCER HO-'.J N. Water St. |. -Dial CU7 !JSfr Wilmington. X. C, Ct.jrs of Quality Foods Since 1822 - (? to the retail grocer, cafeterias, restaurants, u iibtitutions <4nd baker [.* kh;> oatxr especially fees, boats, and outgoing life parry a full liu* of ( tanned vegetables, No. /ruits and juices of Mayonnaise, salad i?, mustard pickles and i Abo ilrit?d fruits. Lay aisiis, package raisins, B :i-:i;s. citron, fruit cake R-tj.f meat, pail jejly and that are ready pre T?ilet tissue, wrapping table napkins, paper paper towels and wax We are factory repre it? ftf show cases, all t. Get in touch with us jmr mv show case. We on? a full line of soda ? supplies. We also car ill popular sellers in 3c ton We Cater Especial Xetr Grocery Stores on Opening Orders . . We Ton Prices. So You Can 't*. B^'ivr at all the Reaches. j trying to have a football teapi, so let's prove to them we enjoy their work and that of Coach H. T. Sanders. | The carnival will be a big af fair this year as usual. The high lights will be crowning of the 1 king and queen, the parade and then the amusements at the gym. i Don't forget the date, Friday, October 28th. The festivities start 1 at 6:60 o'clock. The first event will be the costume parade. j Well folks, that's the news we ' have for your this week. TOGETHER IN SERVICE Hal Walters, pilot for the Brunswick Navigation Company, I and Earnest Middleton, sales manager for the Carolina Lands, Inc., were stationed on the same airfield during the war. Introduc- ! J ed to each other here one day the past week they spent some I time trying to think if and where 1 they had met before. WANT ADS Man with car wanted for route 1 work. $15 to $20 in a day. No i experience or capital required. Steady. Wi;ite today. MR. McVEY j Candler Bl'dg., Baltimore 2, Md. REAI. ESTATE: If you have beach lots or houses in Brunswick ' ! county for sale at a reasonable price contact A. R. Boatwright, j Long Beach or Troy, N. C. FOR SALE: 121-acre farm near Supply. 20-acres cleared. 11 room dwelling, outbuildings. Known as old Lish Sellers place. Bargain price, terms. STEVENS AGENCY Southport, N. C. FOR SALE: Beautifully locat ; ed 3-room house with bath, lights etc. Overlooking waterway and ! ! ocean. Suitable for year-round ; use. For sale or rent. John W. j Garner, Anchor Hotel, Shallotte, j ; n. c. FOR SALE: Good- used <Wt. i electric meat case. One set Stan dard computing scales. One fry j o-lator. All in good condition. Bargain, less than one-half price, j Oliver's Grill, Southport, N. C. i FOR SALE: Near Fort Cas ' well. Large corner lot just out . side Southport City limits. Two f furnished modern dwellings, one frame and one block., gaS and oil heat. Also extra block utility and storage building. Complete details on request. Full price $5,500. Box. 862 Southport, N. C. r^EWR!TER~I^PAllU~^ | ING ? Any make. Also do repairing and cleaning on ; ! Adding Machines. Prices | Le^onable. See Mr. at State Port Pilot Office, or contact me at 310 East Walter Street, Whiteville, NT. C.. Phone 3088. FOR SALE: No. 1 Juniper Boat Lumber. F. D. & H. Lumber J j Co., Roseboro, N. C. FOR SALE: 6-room house with j bath located on yacht basin in ! ; Southport. Priced reasonably fori f quick sale. P. O. Box 21 or Tele i phone 3971, Southport, N. C. ? Auto UPHOLSTERING ? Convertible Tops ? Head Linings j ? Side Panels ! ? Seat Covers | ? Body Repair I ? Auto Painting ? Welding S E E CLYDE' SPRADI.EY'S GARAGE & BODY SHOP ^en You Need Building Materials SEE US 5MITH BUILDERS SUPPLY, Inc. Castle Hayne Road Phone 2-3339 WILMINGTON, N. C. lumber ? Wcllboards ? Roofing ? Paints, Etc. FOR SALE ^Lespedeza Hay ? $25.00 Per Ton ^ Lespedeza Hay ? $18.00 P er ton Pl)nt Hitching Dynamite - $13.50 Per case He COUNTRY STORE Longvvood, N. G. FOR RENT: Upstairs apart : ment, five rooms, modern bath. J. A. Gilbert. | FOR SALE: Nice little 4-room house on one acre lot in Varnum Town community. Fine for a home or fishing' lodge. Will sell for $1,800, a bargain at this price. See Clyde Dixon, Supply, N. C. Rt. 1. FOR SALE: Juniper lumber suitable for building skiffs or for bottoms for shirmp boats. E. C. Blake, phone 2441, Southport, N. C. FOR RENT: Nice, comfortable room in private home. Hot water, reasonable rates, day or week'.y. Mrs. W. H. Walker, phone 2357, Southport, N. C. NOTICE OF COMMISSIONER'S SAI.E Under and by virtue of the power and authority conferred upon me by j a judgment of the Superior Court of I Brunswick County, dated September (21, 1949. in the case of Maryland Casualty Company and Murray (j. ? James. Trustee, vs Finley McMillan and wife. Clara McMillan, the under signed commissioner will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash on Monday. Nevember II. 1049. at twelve o'clock noon, at the Court House door in Brunswick County, North Carolina, the following I described premises, to-wit: First Tract: All of the lands now owned by Finley McMillan and wife, j Clara McMillan, known as the Gaylord ! lands, situated in Brunswick County and conveyed to Finley McMillan by deed dated September 10, 194G. by Joe K. Hutchison and wife. Grodell i McGee Hutchinson, and being the ! same lands conveyed to Joe E. Hutch | ison by deed dated April* 4, 1946, and recorded in Book 83, at Page 327, I of the Registry of Brunswick County, j said lands having been originally I deeded to Finley McMillan by deed dated February 4, 194 ??. by Hazel M. Gaylord and recorded in Book 83. at Tage 208, of the Registry of Bruns , wick County, said deed and record ! thereof being hereby referred t<> and j incorporated herein for a more com j plete description of the lands herein I intended to be conveyed, said lands comprising 500 acres more or less. ' Second Tfraot: All the lands now | owned by Finley McMillan and wife, I Clara McMillan, conveyed to Finley | McMillan by Joe 10. Hutchison" and ICrodeU McGee Hutchison, by -deed dated September 10. 1940. and being ! the same lands conveyed to Joe K. I Hutchison by deed dated April 4. 194*;, I by Finley McMillan and wife* . CJara i McMillan, recorded in Book 83. ix t Page 327i of the' Registry of Bruns wick Coppty, said lands being the same as originally deeded to Finley' McMillan by Hazel ?' M. ^Gaylord, widow, and recorded 4<* i$oqk JC* . at Page 328, o fthe. Registry of Bruns wick Coiinty, * said* 'deed rfnd record thereof being rei'erreti to- and incor porated herein for a, moi;e complete description of the lands ' herein "in tended to be conveyed, said -lands comprising 400 acres mpre or^less ami [being located* near "Northwest. North j Carolina. 5 1.* ?>(, t y -? 4 . ?<> j , The highest , bid sulmiiUert - i? sub-, ject to confirmation by the. "C^urt. This SWpt^m'ber 5. 19"49. MURRAY G. JA^S, , ... Commissioner; ^ .NOTICE OF SA4.E OF ! Under ami bx virtue of the pro visions 'of SecfVon 18-ft' of :the General [Statutes Of North t?prvHna? 1B4^- I will sell :v)t public auctipn -to , ,thq I highest bidder for cash on Wednesday. November , % ?19&9, at "AO 6'clOfJc- A. frj.; ,at Klniore M'jior i/oi#pany, jat $dl-, ivia'. North' Carolina, a 194i model* Tudor Rla*k Ford '-automobile,' Motor Sheriff of Brunswick- Coupty, \\hile the fearne tva's being used ^6' trans-' port 24 gallons of intoxicating, lufridr. the .driver. oX sa pie t haying. e^aped, and n6tice having heretofore been' tlfUblfohgff as required by. l?w given .all interested person# ^opportunity to file claims fox said automobile and 110 persons having*' appeared aud ("claimed same, < ' Thii Octotfer 22,. 1919. k \V. M. Stanaiahd, Sheriff x>f Brunswick County, ? North Carolina. . 1 10-26C 1 ?' ' ' NOTICin STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA: . COUNT Y OK BRUNSWICK: The undersigned, having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of George W. H olden, deceased, late of Brunswick county, t(iis is to. .notify all persons having claims ' agahist [said estate ;to present them to me at Suppjy, N. C? on or. . before the 17th day of October, 1950 , or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Al^ persons indebted' to said estate will please make immed iate payment to the undersigned Ad ministratrix at Supply, N. C. , Tl)is 17th day of August, 1919. Mrs. Florence Holden Administratrix. NOTICE SERVI.XO SIMMONS IIV PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK BETTY ARNOLD ROBINSON VS JACK ROBINSON The defendant. Jack Robinson, will take notice that an action entitled as above haS been commenced in the Superior Cburt of Brunswick County, North Carolina, for an absolute divorce on the grounds of two years separation and desertion, and that the said defendant will take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk o fthe Superior Court of said County in the Court House in Southport. North Carolina, within 30 days from the 2nd day of November, 1919, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In said complaint. This 1 2 day of October. 1949. S. T. Bennett, Clerk Superior Court ll-2c EXECUTRIX NOTICE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK. The undersigned. Minnie Holden, having qualified as executor of the estate of E. Holden Jr., deceased, late of Brunswiek County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to nqiify all person* having clhims against said estate to present them to the under signed on or before the 29th day of August. 1950. at Southport, North Carolina, or this notice will be plead ed In bar o f their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 29th day of August, 1949. MINNIE HOLDEN, EXECUTRIX OF THE ESTATE OF E. HOLD EN. JR.. DECEASED. FRINK AND HERRING ATTORNEYS FOR THE EXECUTRIX 10-12C " " NOTICE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK ESSO CLEMMONS AND EMMA LEE CLEMMONS. MINOR, BY HER NEXT FRIEND, ESSO CLEMMONS. VS R. D. WHITE Under and by virtue of the judg ment entered in the entitled cause of action at the September 1949, Civil Term. Superior Court for Brunswick County, North Carolina, the under signed Commissioners will on the 4th day of November, 1949, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, at the door of the Brunswick County Courthouse, at Southport. North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder for cash, pursuant to said judgment, the following described real estate, lying and being in the Town or Shallotte. Lockwoods Folly Township, Brunswick County, North Carolina, more particularly described as follows: ' I | Lying on the north side of Gebrge ' town anrl Wilmington Road U. S. Highway No. 17), adjoining i F. M. White's land and others Onow W. T. White). BEGINNING a,t a i stake on the north side of said road, ' runs thence north 20* west with the I Lewis Road 35 yards %to a* stfike; , thence about east 22 yards to a stake; \ ! thence about south 35 " yards to said j I road (Wilmington and Georgetown Road) ; thence with said road to the ? BEGINNING, containing 1|P? acre, | more or less. For a more particular description reference is hereby made to Book J 89, at Page 272, Office of the Register I of Deeds for Brunswick (Joimty. North Carolina. This the 4th day of October, 1949. D. C. HERRING E. J. PREVATTfi COMMISSIONERS ll-2c NOTICE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA: .COUNTY OP BRUNSWICK: J The undersigned, having qualified ^ as administratrix of the estate of | James M. Raftery, deceased, late of1 ; Brunswick County, this is to notify I all persons having claims against said i | estate to present them to the. under I signed in care of Post Office Box 1 92. Wilmington. N. C.. on or before I the 25th day of September. 1950. or (this well be pleaded ni bar of their | ? recovery. All persons indebted to said . estate will please make immediate {payment to the undersigned. I | This the 21 day of September, 1949. Carrie A. Raftery Administratrix Post Office Box 92 Wilmington, N. C. I W. K. Rhodes, Jr. 1 Attorney. 10-2Gc KXhi t i it i a nuiiCF ; STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK HAVING QUALIFIED as executrix I of the Estate of OLIVER THOMAS HEWETT, deceased, late of Brunswick County. North Carolina, this is to notify 1 all persons having claims against said | estate to exhibit them to Dwight i McEweiu Attorney. \Jiox 846, South , port. North Carolina, or to the under . signed, at Supply. North Carolina; on : I or before the 21st day of September. 1 1950, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All . persons indebted to said estate will please [make immediate payment. This -1st day Of September, 1949. 1 LILLIE E. HEWETT. Executrix of Oliver Thomas Hewett, Deceased. 1 10- 2G pd I NOTICE OF SEIZURE OF AUTOMOBILE Notice is hereby given that a 1941 J model Ford Tudor black automobile, Motor No. 180033594, N. C. license 765-41)4 was seized on the 14 day of August. 1949, by (>. W. Perry. De | puty Sheriff of Brunswick County, I on U. S^Highway No. 17, about one ; jii said date, and at the time of th* j ,ialf mile South of Bolivia in I}runs . .vick County, about 4 o'clock P. M seixure of said automobile it was being used for lite transportation Of I intoxicating liquors and 'had thtreon 1 24 gallons of non-t^x paid liquor: and iat the ti/ne of the seizure the urivf-r" of the saicj automobile . escaped and the registered ''owner ol tm s&jd aulomibile, Alex ? Ford, ^ cannqt be. [found. If Any person desires to claim jsafd automobile of'fchy Interest there in.i he sfoall'make his claim ifkno>vi* } to .the umler-siuedg Sheriff of Bruns-j [ wick ' County, on or before October j 22, 1961#. This- notice -is ivep pursuantJ i to. Section 18-0 . - of the Genty uL f Statutes of North Carolina, ltM3.' i ? m. M StalalUvl * ? '? i .Sheriff, of . Bruns.\vi<4c County * North Carolina. ' I9-I2c '? ??? v.*. r; ? :i\ ' ? NOfTIUE. OF SlWftONp IN THE SUPERIOR COURT, f STATU OK' NOkW CAROLINA, U, COUNTY OK H?fNSWK.'lw. .)" , " fUV^' rBiAWm: STANW-jr'VK ? , .. v ? , .Stanley:', til. i f j! I'" - ^ tfl?i ail noiioil hi0 flltled 'arf' aliwe1 Ina.t Bcett.iebmfototeiT pin the -Superior Spurt. q^Bnujigvvjcie 1 4?uV.,y' .^orth t>r|?na.'6}-. Wit Vet- Hti fthStoJiit? uitrtil Ihe g VW&K ? 1 h ? : 4#f9 " 1 a h U ,w: irt ,j > i e ea ' 4 - .' w, J; ln'' of the njrtrrrAt;^ hetWetn 'Che irtMhtifl1 . tfi/.l . th.' .florni ilaiit. tit?. plaintMf ? was* i*mur<iii{' . i. .. /.acl P' such ly i snaln y. .lnh ttlfA ' tHe plaintiff fs (Kit th?> fidlur ?of :the- child- with -which the defendant .Was pregnant .at . the time pf her marrmgte to the ivhflmiff; asXpWVfflM, by the law of the State of North' Carolina. Saiil defendant will fu'rthetf take notice -that She is required Iq appear at the., Office of the-cWk of ,the,Sunerior Court pf .Brunswick Coun-i ty in' SoUthport. North Ca'roliiia. on or before' the ,20th day' of Ndvenjiber.a 1949,, a,nd i^iswjer or demur to, the complaint in said action, <fr the plain tiff will apply 'to the /Court for the" relief demanded in said complaint. This the 28th. day of September 1919. & T. Rennelt : ,7 ? CI.KHK SURERIQR .COURT > foRECLOSl'hE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by vir ? tue of a ?lecree iff the Superior Court, of. Brunswick County, N. C? dafed the 22nd day of August. 1!>49,^ lll an- activu entitled "Rruuswick County versus Jfartha \Villianis and I alary Wallace,";?' the undersigned commissioner will ex. pose at public uucti6n sale to the highest bidder, for cash' on the 31st day of October, 1949, at 12:.00 O'clock noon, at tl)e Courthouse doof. South, port, N. C.i' to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment ofj $359.32', the following ? ' described real estate, located In Town j Creek Township, Hrunswick , County, N. C., bounded and described as fol lows : Bounded on the north by John Bil lops, on the east by George Born, on the south by Robert Gibbs, and on the west by Carolina Davis lauds, con taining 8 acres, and known as the Andrew Williams Estate. '? All sales subject to report 'to and confirmation .by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 30th day of Spet. 1919. E. J. I'REVATTK, Commissioner. 10-26C FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County, N. C., dated the 17th day of November, 1948, ? in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus Joseph Williams and wife. Williams," ? the undersigned commissioner will ex pose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on ttfe (1st day of October, 1949, at 12:00 O'clock noon, at the Courthouse door, South, port, N. C? to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $42.04. the following ? f . described real estate, located in Town Creek Township. Brunswick County, N. C? bounded and described as fol lows: f . Bounded on the north bv Archie Hostler, on the east by Gair Wood land Corp., and on the south and west by Lee Buck Dirt Road I . con taining 2 acres, and known as Joseph Williams lands. 7 All sales subject to report to and* confirmation by the Court. -Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 30th day of Spet. 1913., < E. J. PREVATTE, Commisfsioner. 10-20c FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given tha* by vir tue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County, N. C? dated the 17th day of November, 1948, ? in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus Cora Waddell and husband. Waddell," ? the undersigned commissioner will ex pose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 31st day of October. 1949. at 12:00 O'clock noon, at the Courthouse door. South, port, N. C., to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $22.10, the following? * described real estate, located in Town Creek Township, Brunswick County, N. C.. bounded and described as fol lows : Bounded on the north by Dave Hill, on the east by Elizabeth Anderson, on the south hy Louis Waddell, and on the west by Francis Waddell, con taining 1 acre woods, and known as the Cora Waddell lapds. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report^ made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 30th 4ay of Spet. 1949. I E. J. PREVATTE, Commissioner. 10- 36c I FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice, is hereby given that by vir? : tue. of* a decree of the Superior Court |o( Brunswick County, X. C., dated the ! S2ncr day of August. 1949,? i ill ' a? action entitled "Brunswick ; County versus Mary Catherine Smith, I wfdbw. et als," ? I the undersigned commissioner will ex- 1 pose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 31st I lijay of October. 1949, at 12:00 O'clock noon, at the Courthouse door. South. ! port. N. C.. to satisfy the decree of . ! said court to -.enforce the payment of1 j $1408.56, the following ? described real estate, located in Town Creek Township, Brunswick County,) X. C., bounded and described as fol- j lows : Tract Xo. 1 : Bounded on the south I by Mariah Simmons, on the east by I Cape Fear Hiver, on the north by ] Mosses Moore Est., on the west by 1 May Ann Adams and Eliza Drake j | Est., containing 56 A. home. Tract Xo. 2: Bounded on the north I by Xeal and Wilma Thomas, on the J least by Cape Fear River, on the west' t by Hannah Davis, and on the south !.by Mosses Moore Est., containing 100 acre's home. | Tract Xo. 3: Bounded on the east i by Susan Vann, on the south by l Town Creek, on the north by Harry age, on the west by Susan Vann, con taining 35 acres Rice Field. and known as the J. J. (Adam Smith Est.) All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 30th day of Spet. 1949. E. J. PREVATTE, Commissioner. 10-2Gc FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of a decree of the Superior* Court ot Brunswick County. X. C., dated the Jlfth day of Xevember. 1948. ? I j Hi an abtion entitled "Brunswick County versus Mrs. i.ela Skipper and i husband. Skipper, 'V [ the undersigned commissioner will ex [pose at public auction sale to the j highest bidder for cash on the 31st ' day of October. 1919. at 12:00 O'clock | noon, at the Courthouse door, South, (port. X. C.. to satisfy the decree of j ^Icourt to enforce the payment of I ?<".74, the following ? ? -* ? described real estate, located in Town r Creek Township, Brunswick County, [X. C., bounded and described ae fol i lows : Bour.ed oh the north bv Jasper J. Sullivan, on the. east by the North .Carolina Pulp Co.. on . the south by | the lands of ''the It. W. Sullivan Est ami on the west by* Jake Robinson! . containing 50 acres and known as the Mrs. Lela Skipper lands. 1 All sales ? subject to report to and I confirmation by the Court. Ten. days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash, to be paid at sale., This the 30th day of Spet. *1940. ? E. J, PRKVA^PTe,-' Cofrtmissi'oner. 10-26^ ? , . , ? ' . Fo'niir i.osrnfe xrtTif r. " I N'o(ir? Is hereby given Olat by vir? j tue ?f a decree, of. tile, Suiierior rourt ,ot Brunswick County,' X. ?., datM the 22nd day of .-Yugnst. UNfl.t? in ;ui aftlgji entitled . ''Hrunswick County " versusf ? Kd QUince et als," the ?undersigned' cnrnminlonerfwIU'ex gf , Public aucfion, ?a)a tp. the highest bidder for rash on the 3tst day of ?ctobbv at 11'rOO "O'dlock nopn, sit, the CQytrihouse door, Soutiij POK N. 1C., to -satisfy the ' decree ot Wi?t' <oufc? ?o -oniorct- the pajrmeifc of ffecHberl^reni 'JSt-Jtl?! loVaterfTln :To\yn ? Creek. . Township. . liiuuswJd* County, IN. C? .bounded .find- described* as fcil '-"f ifi-iisM '? v.- . > IroUnded cm the east bv .Tiidia i ; n-en bwiil, off ? (bv Knutb by' flrihtt ' -.Mallette,. '"i. ?"<J north. If Joe Jlap r-.'w S?"LaIilJ|R ? -?$.> ?<>'???<? hptne. ?ml knoSTilttS fh* SaW^tSuftiee Ta'rtdsf AM sale* subject ;o report." tb- and mart*. MM, ,t? he pai^ja/t'/saleivi:/. ; ' Tbls Uie JMtb| day; of gpet.,j9t9. . (i '? 11. 1 3. Vftffl-.vft'H, I'ofcMlsrfoiWr: Jo noj .-o r.'ia "u;_ ?tuq of <tn*lMrue of .(the* Superibr Court or Brunswick. County,. N. C?. -dated itie i2:'^-da^ bf 'Ail ^ist," 1949, ? * j ? In an action entitled V'H.ruBSwIck County versus Henry E. Perry et ux, Perry."-?--?- * the undersigned commissioner will ex pose .at .Dtiblip auction sale to the highest binder for Cash oil the 3lsf day of, (ic toiler, lfrMl at 12:00 OV.lodt PPPli, at the Courthouse floor. South* port*. X. C.. to* satisfy fhe decree vt sairi , court . .tt> erffoire .thfc payment' of $5$46. the following? . J 'described rear estate, located' in ToiviJ Cfeelc oTowmftip. Brunswick "County X.. jL\, bounded and described foKi 'lows: * ii K G INX I XO -a t the . Siitionh Bunting rnorth\VTBst corner pf 1a tract .ol land thaf he bought lYoni Charlotte Capps, 'the safnfe being ?' 1527 ' fftet ' from a stone 01^. the .Wilmington and George tcrvvn Road as' shown on a map by iC. W. Taylor. "Of July '1920; of the Ctyarlofte Capps property runs thence north T 30' eas't 492 feet to ;a ' stake ; Lthpncs south- ' 87* -30' east 442 ffeet to Lthe _ east boundrv line of the said | Charlotte Capps |)roper(y: Ihence southwardly 49:' feet tb the Simon Bunting northeast corner ; thence with his line north 87' 30' west 442 feet to the B1DGIXXIXG, containing 5 acres, more or less, and, known as the Henry E. Perry lands. All Sales subjdet to report to and' confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 30th day of Spet. 1949. E. J. PREVATTE. Commissioner. ?10- 26c FORECLOSURE"" NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County, X. C., dated the 22nd clay of August. 1949,? in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus R. F. Ottaway ea als", the undersigned commissioner will ex pose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 31st day of October. 1949. at 12:00 O'clock noon, at the Courthouse door, South, port, N. C., to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $203.57, the following ? described real estate, located in Town Creek Township, Brunswick County, X. C., bounded and described as fol lows : Bounded on the north by L. Walker Est. lands, on the east by R. S. McKeithan, on the south by Lizzie Jones, and on the west by Liz zie James, containing 150 acres, and known as the It. F. Ottaway Est. lands. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 30th day of Spet. 1949. - E. J. PREVATTE, Commissioner. 10-2Cc FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by vir? | tue of a decree of the Superior Court U>f .Brunswick County, N. C., dated the f22nd day of August. 1949. ? in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus Julia Kenton et als.", the undersigned commissioner will ex pose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 31st day of October. 1949. at 12:00 O'clock noon, at the Courthouse door. South, port, N. C.. to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $622.51, the following ? described real estate, located in Town Creek Township, Brunswick County, N. C., bounded and described as fol lows : Bounded on the north by Alex Adams, on the south by Rice Field, on the east by Mariah Simmons, on the west by Robert Lorre, containing 100 acres, and known as the Emma Nixbn J^st. lands. _ All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 30th day of Spet. 1949. E. J. PREVATTE, Commissioner. 10-26c FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County, N. C., dated the 7th day of January, 1949. ? in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus William Henry Jen kins et als/'i ? ? - ' .the undersigned commissioner will ex pose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 31st | dav of October. 1949. at 12:00 O clock j noon, at the Courthouse door. South., port. X. C.. to satisfy tTi? decree of aaid court to enforce the payment of. $49.79 .the following? _ described real estate, located in Town i i Creek Township. Brunswick Count J. 1 X. C? bounded and described as fol ! "Bounded on the north and east by. ' Moses Moore land, on the south by Ma rv Eliza Drake Est.. and on the I i west by Archie Smith, containing 3 acres woods, and known as the Frank Jenkins Kst. I All sales subject to report to ancl , | confirmation by the Court. Ten days I allowed for raise of bid before report . 1 made. Cash to be paid at s*a|e. I This "The 3flth day of Spet. 1949. , I E. J. PREVATTE. Commissioner. [10-260 . FORECLOSURE NOTICE i Notice Is hereby given that by vir tue of a decree of the Superior Court 17th day of January. 1949. ? , of Brunswick County, N. C.. dated the ' in an action entitled "Brunswick 1 County versus Florie Jones and hus- 1 ; band. Jones.".? ' the undersigned commissioner will ex- > pose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for eash on the 31st day of October. 1949. at 12:00 O clock . noon, at the Courthouse door. South, port. N\ C.. to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment ot $38.23. the following? , , _ ; described real estate, located in Town Creek Township. Brunswick County. . N. C\. bounded and described as fol- j ^BEGINNING at a stake or iron corner in Salonia Jones line of the Thomas Billett Tract. Dave Jones [corner, and runs thence w'th Dave Janes line south 21' 30' west 247 feet to a slake or iron corner in the line i of the Thomas r.iliett Tract;- thence < south fir 30- east 400 feet to a stake, a comer of the same Jones and i Salonia Jones conveyance to the fed eral I .and Hank; thence with a line I of the above mentioned conveyance 11 feet to the nearest corner of the Holy Covenant Church property;) thence north 65* yest with a line of ; said church property 100 feet to corner of the said church property thence i north 2.1* east 130 feet to a stake or ?comer in or at the road in the Thomas Gillette line: thence with the old Gillette line "?rth 6V 30 west 155 feet to the point of BEGINNING. ?. containing \V> acres, more or less and ['known as the Florine Jones lands. i 1 All sales subject to report to and j confirmation by the Court. Ten days '?allowed for raise of bid before report j I made. Cash to be paid at. sale. I This the 30th day of Spet. 1949. K J. PREVATTE, Commissioner, i J 10- 26c.: ' ? ^ j FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by vir--| tue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County. X. equated the 17th day of Tlaiiuary. 1940.? in an .action entitled "Brunswick County versus Alfred Jenkins el aw.. , the undersigned commissioner will ex jibse at public auction *ale to the hiche^t bidder for. cash on the da" of OctoMr; fWtf. at 12:00 O'clock ,ppon. at the Comthouse dopr. South, (port. "X. C.. to satisfy the 'decree of said court to . enforce the payment ol '1212.02. the following? described., real estaje. loeaUd in Town Wrtek TbwnVhfp. liruhswick Count). X. C., bounded and t described as fol '"iiouudiMi on the north by Jt i C Suinvdn. ' on the south by- 1- red 1 ? lum. on the (w! anil, west by R. W. Sullivan Kst., containing 62 acres, and known as the l?ulse' Jenkins Hst. . , All sales subject to report to ant. fimfiiWitiQ*' b\Mlt# Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report ,mi?de: Citsh Mb W' paXf J?t This the 30th day of Spet. 1949. p . e. ? J.| ;l?RKVArril; Commi?<o?r. l0--fic , , . ? K..,.- H- 1 f ja V ' FORECLOSURE NOTIC E , ! tXoUae Sis- Mrekyj Riven ' that W # tu* of a decree of the ^pedor Coun lfo< Bri?stH<-HfCbu*ty. X- ' ? "1* [{&%Wrl'lgr&l n'S'niis^lor.'if im ex' EJ1 tn the ? day Of October. 1949. at 12:00 Crciock .fiooniiat' th6' ?CotirlRouse1 door. Sill t If 1 noit X C.. to satisfy the. decree of Maid' ?0uTt to' enfohe the payment of S'ftl ?G the following ? , described real e*tate. leafed in TojJ Creek Township. Brunswick Count>. X. C., bounded* and described as fol "on "the n^jjF. Martha talnlng 16 acres, home and known, 1^0^ to "a Jul ?SS'wwfe1"' before" report mTWs ViM W? ? . j. PKEVATTK. Commissioner. J.0-2Cc ,, . ; : - FORECLOSURE NOTICE ? Notice is hereby given that by vlr 'lue of 'a decree of the Superior COtirt if Brunswick County. N. C.. dated Hie "'nd day of August. 1949,? In an aclion enlitl^d "^n"a^ I County versus Annie Hill et ais. , frs aw >?'s 'bs; porT' n! C.6 to0UItis?fySethe decree of said* court to enforce the payment of $102.41. the following? described real estate, located in Town Creek Township. Brunswick County. X. C., bounded and described as fol 'To'unded on the west by Andrew Hollins. on the north by P*rt of the Old Sm Adams Kst., on the east b> Julia Hankins. and on Hie ^ W H. Moore, containing 12. acres woods, and known as the Annie Hill laAlf' sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten day allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at 'ta'e. This the 30th day of Spet. 1949. E J. PREVATTE. Commissioner. 10-26c FORECLOSURE notice Notice is hereby given that by vi r r *? County versus Earnest Harrison, Geneva Harrison et als. .? the undersigned commissioner will ex pose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for ' on the ?H day of October. 1949, at 12.00 OclocK noon at the Courthouse door. South. ' N. C. to satisfy the decree of SJid' court to enforce the payment of $196.67, the following? described real estate, located in Town r'rpfk Township. Brunswick count . N. C., bounded and described as fol l0Tio'unded on the north by G. H. Cannon, on the CTUth by Ha^dy Jen kins, on the east by Hilda Henry v?t and on the west by nanon Rigs land, containing 40 acres home, and known as the William <V\.M.) HAll'Ssales' subject to report to and confirmation by the ''? ren0>, allowed for raise of bid be'0"' report made. Cash to be paid at This the 30th day of Spet. 1919. E J. PREVATTE, Commissioner. 10-26C FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by vir tue ot a decree of the Su^r.or Court of Brunswick County. V C.. datea uie 24th day of August, 1949.? ( in an action entitled BrunswCK County versus Abbie Jackson, Lessle B. Corbett et als.". ? , . ... Nl C* to "satisfy the decree of Sid court to enforce the payment of $275.90. the following? described real estate, located in To^n Creek Township, Brunswick County. X. C bounded and described as fol 10 Bounded on the west by Sandy Morris on the north by the lanas of the' Peter Forroy Est., on the east by I.evi Daniels and on the south bv S A. L. Railroad, containing 9 acres home, and known as the Abbie Haves Est. londs. All sales subject to report to ana confirmation by the Court. Ten days 1 allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 30th day of Spet. 1949. 1 E. J. PREVATTE, Commissioner, i 10-26C FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County. X. C.. elated the 22nd day of August. 1949, ? In an action entitled "Brunswick County versus Stephen Johnson and wife. Martha Johnson", ? the undersigned commissioner will ex pose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 31st day of October, 1949, at 12:00 O'clock; noon, at the Courthouse door. South. port, x. c.. t<> satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of | $202.73, the following ? described real estate, located in Town Creek Township, Brunswick County. , X. C., bounded and described as fol lows : Hounded on the west by C. W. ' Harvell, on the north by Willie Heat- ( ty, on the east by Ed. Weston, and on the ?outh by the lands of the j .Matt Hlaney Est., containing 21 acres, home, and known as the Step- i hen Johnson lands. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report j made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 30th day of Spet. 1949. E. J. PREVATTE. Commissioner, i 10-26c FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of a decree of the Superior Court j of Brunswick County. X. C., dated the I 6th day of April, 1949, ? in an action entitled "Brunswick i County versus Kelly and wife. Kelly1 , et als.", ? ; the undersigned commissioner will cx- 1 pose at public auction sale to the! I highest bidder for cash on the 31st I : day of October, 1949, at 12:00 O'clock! i noon, at the Courthouse door. South. I | port. N. C.. to satisfy the decree of, said court to enforce the payment of j $31.42. the following? [ described real estate, located in Town Creek Township, Brunswick County. I X'. C., bounded and described as fol I lows : ! BEGINNING at a ditch on Main Road, corner S. S. Garrison fence, runs thence about north 70 yards I to a stake: thence about west 140 j yards to a stake; them e about south 1 70 yards to a ditch: with said ditch 'to the BEGINNING, containing 2 acres, and known as the Emanuel Kelly Est. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days] allowed for. raise of bid' before report] made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 30th day of Spet. 1949. E. J. PREVATTTC, Commissioner. 10-26c FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by vir? 1 j tue of a decree of the Superior Court | [of Brunswick County, N. dated the! 17th day ot January, 1949.? in an actioif entitled VBrunswidc County versus- Mrs. J<ee Mintz and Husband Mlnti.", ? the undersigned commissioner will cx- ' pose at public auction sale to thei highest bidder for Cash 'on the 31 i day of October. 1949. ^t 12; 00 O'dodc noon, at the Courthouse door, South. I port. X. C.. to satisfy the decree of said court to enforcfc the payment of) $55.73, the following ? described real estate, located in To\vn Creek Township, Brunswick County, x. C., bounded and described as fol- 1 lows: Hounded on the north by K A.| Skipper, Est., on the eapt .by Hoods, <"iWk. on the south by C. .). IMftfer, and on the west bX Douglas Potter, '?obtaining li?.2 acres 'home, and known | as the Mm Efee Mintz lands. Air sales subject to report to and | confirmation by tl\e Court, Ten days allowed 'for raise of bid befort? report j made. Cash to be paid at sale, ?This (he 20th day -of Spet. 19W. E. J.'ouunjss^ner 10-tte ' 1 r l ORKci.nsuite S-Vrrrof? Xotice "is hereby ,gi v, en .that by vir;- ' tlle**of a 'decree of the Supei Court of Brunswick County,- X, C., dated. U\? let). >d:iy iof May, ' n in an ion entitled. (. County versus Pearl Ballard, char lotte W'jlkitis et als.", ? ?the undersigned commissioner will ex nose ;it public n action s ; 1 , to the highest bidder for cash on the 31st day of October. 19I9< at, 12:0Q o'tbwfk nooh( at the Courthouse door, South, j port, X. ('., to satisfy the. dfgree of said court to enforce the payment of > 1 - 1 . following-' described real estate, located in Town Creek f Township, Brunswick {County, N. bounded and described as fol io w&l Bounded On the north by the lands of the Janies Ballard Est., on the east by Hardy Hatcher Est., and on ? the south bv the Hardy Hatcher Est., rWTinfliiifitf 17 acres field and woods, and known as the Jesse Robinson lands. Art sales subject to report to. and confirmation by the Court. Ten days: allowed for raise of bid before report} made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 30th day of Spet. UM9. . E. J. J'REVATTE, Comnussionei. I 10-26c T 1 FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of a decree of the Superior . Court I of Bru ns wick County. X. C., dated the 29th day of April, 1948.? in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus Russell Webb 'and wife. Webb.",? the undersigned commissioner will ex pose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 31st day of October. 1919, at O'clock noon, at the Courthouse door. South, port, N. C\, to satisfv the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $205.97, the following ? described real estate, located in Town Creek Township, Brunswick County, X. C., bounded and described as fol lows : 25 acres of field and woods ad joining John Payton, C. Webb, et als, and being the Russell Webb share in the following tract of land con veyed to his father Joseph Webb, as described in Book 19. Page v7. Re gistry of Brunswick County, N. C. The whole of the said tract being de scribed as follows: BEGINNING at a large pine ill the Allen line, runs thence south 1' east to a small red oak in Daniel Freeman's line: thence south 42 east to a small pine; thence south; thence east; thence north to the Allen line; thence with said Allen line to the BEGINNING, so as ^to include 40 acres. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 30th day of Spet. 1949. E. J. PREVATTE, Commissioner 10-26c FORECLOSURE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County. X. C.. dated the 20th day of October. 1948, ? in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus Willie Shaw and Her bert Shaw," ? the undersigned commissioner will ex i pose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 31st day of October. 1919, at 12:00 O'clock noon, at the Courthouse *door. South, port. N. C., to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $876.99, the following described real estate, located in Town Creek Township. Brunswick County. N. C., bounded and described as fol low ? : Bounded on the north by lands formerly owned by J. J. McKoy, on the east by Dinah Brown, on the south by International Paper Co., and on the west by J. W. Sklp|?er, containing 136 acres, known as the Tony J. Brown Estate. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 30th day of Spet. 1949. E. J. PREVATTE, Commissioner. 10-26c FORECLOSURE XOTICE Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County, N. C., dated the 22nd day of August. 1949,? In an action entitled "Brunswick County versus Arthur Brown and wife. Brown.". ? the undersigned commissioner will ex pose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 31st day of October, 1949, at 12:00 O'clock [noon, at the Courthouse door. South. , ?>ort. X. C.. to satisfy the decree of i said court to enforce the payment of '$93.87. the following ? ; described real estate, located in Town ?Creek Township. Brunswick County, ' N. C\. bounded and described as fol | lows; Rounded on the north by Hannah Hall, on the east by the Cape Fear River, on the south Marsh land on Town Creek; and on the west by 'Gilbert Vann, containing 8 acres : woods, 'and known as the Ceorganna i Brown lands. , All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sal*. This the 30th day of Spet. 1949. E. J. PREVATTE. Commissioner. 1 10-2ilc FOMECI.OSrKE XOTICE * ' Xotice is hereby given that by vir tue of a decree of the Superior Court ot Brunswick County, N. 0., dated the 7th day of January. 1949, ? in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus D. A. Calson and Ruth Caison", ? the undersigned commissioner will ex i pose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 31st day of October. 1949. at 12:00 O'flock ;it the Courthouse door. South. 'port, X. C.. to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the pay me tit of 11211.71. the following ? described real estate, located in Town (Creek Township. Brunswick County, X. C., bounded and described as fol lows: Tract One and Three: Rouned on the west by J. Reid, Jr., on the north by Wlllard Simmons, on the east by Nathan Reynolds, on the north by Roths Hickman, containing 32 acres, known as the P. A. & Ruth Caison lands. Tract Two: Bounded on the north, south, and west by Harry Simmons, on the east by Willard Simmons, containing 21 acres woods, known as the D. A. & Ruth Caison lands. All sales subject to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before rc|?ort made. Cash to be paid at sale. This the 30th day of Spet. 1949. B. J. PREVATTE, Commissioner. 10-2fic FOKEC'l OSI'KF. XOTICE Xotice is hereby given that by vir tue of a decree of the Superior Court of Brunswick County, X. <\, dated the 7th day of January. 1949, ? in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus Pan id and Erasti Caison.". ? the undersigned commissioner will ex pose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 31st d; v of October. 1919. at 12:00 O'clock noon, at the Courthouse door. South, (port, X. C.. to satisfy the decree of said court to' enforce the payment of | $222.51, the following ? described real estate, located In Town Creek Township. Brunswick County. X. < bounded and described as fol ik?ws: f Bounded on the north by Remie Hewett, on the south by International Paper Co.. on the east by J. A. Sellers and, on the west by C. A. Atkinson, containing 49 acres, known as the Mrs. S? A.. Caison lands. . All sales subject to report to and I confirmation l?v the Court, Ten days i allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to bo paid at sjjlc. This the day or Spet. 1919. E; J. PREVATTE. Commisfdorfer. 10-2fic FOIt EC I/OS ( ' It E NOTICE* Notice Ik TTfltreby given thai t?v vir tue of a decree of the Superior Court | of Brunswick county. X. c., i la ted the 4th day of August. 1949, ? in> an action entitled "Brupswick I County versus J. \V. Flowers and wife, Mowers, et al*.", ? i the undersigned < ommlssloner will cx |i>ose at ? public auction salt to the 1 highest bidder for cash on the 31st day- Off October, .1949.' at 12<|)0 "O'clock noon, at the Courthouse dpor, South, 'pert'.J-*3T. C.. 'to stttltfy the decree of said court to enforce the payment of $2ol'.9fl,K tlw' :f61lotvi?g.~ . ? described real estate, located In Town . CVeek ToWrtsfilp.. Brifusu irk 1 Qounty. ' X. Cj, )iound?'d and described as fol id**/ r ? ! ?? >/.. BEqiXXIXC, at a stake, the 4th J ^rtfer nf a 1M "a< r^ IrrfrT * 4/ the Isaac i'v'V'ds land; runs thence south ** 2* P. to a'5?fne. rW TTIIllam I itabpu coriier;. tijeiwe souihr-25' west i to P. to 'Alfred* Booties line at the I run, of T.ewjs Sv. amp; thcurft.up the I run of fiCWis Sivamp to I satcr Pounds Jtnc: thence. , w iih his line efujt. to the f BEtilNXIXcJ, containing 50 acres, inor^ -vjy less, according to a? deed from Is.t.ic Pounds to Fr<*d 'Flowers. All hales subjec t to report to and confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed lor raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale. Thj.?J tlv 30fh day of Spet. 19*9. h. J. J'ltJSVATTE,1 Commissioner. 10-2fic FOUEt'l.OSI UE XOTJCF Xotlce is hereby given by vir tue of a decree of the Superior; Court of Brunswick County, X. dated the 29th day of .November. 191*. ? ?. i in an action entitled "Brunswick County ve)su.s Brock Donaldson and wife, Donaldson.". ? the underfilled commissioner will ex r?ose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on tbe 31st day of October, 1919. at 12:00 O'clock noon, at the Courthouse door." South, port. x. to satisfy the decree ot said court to enforce the payment ot $115.56, the following described real estate, located- in Town ('reek Township, Brunswick County, X. C? bounded and described as fol lows : TRACT T: - Bounded on the north by Galr Woodland Crop., on the west and south by P. L. (lore lands, on the east by I'layton land, containing 83 acres field and woods, and known as the Brock Donaldson land. Tract II: Bounded on the north and east by Julian L. Taylor, on the south by (lair Woodland Crop, anil on the west by Manley White Est., containing 5 acres home. All sales subject to re|>ort to ana confirmation by the Court. Ten days allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sate. This the 30th day of Spet. 1919. E. J. PREVATTE, Commissioner. 10-26c FOHFCrOHl KE XOTICE Xotice is hereby given that by vir tue of a decree of the Su[?erlor Court of Brunswick County, X. <\, dated the 24th day of August. 1949, ? in an action entitled "Brunswick County versus 11. L. Willetts and wife, Willetts," ? the undersigned commissioner will ex pose at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash on the 31st day of October. 1919. at 12:00 O'clock noon, at the Courthouse door. South, port. X (\. to satisfy the decree of said court to enforce the pavment of $519.89, the following ? described real estate, located in Town Creek Township. Brunswick County, X. C? bounded ami described as fol lows : Tract Xo. 1 : Bounded on the north bv Mnnie Fender, on the south by Paul McDowell, on the east by W. W. Willetts Est. lands, ond the west by Wade I^ewis, containing 12*? acres woods. Tract Xo. 2: Bounded on the north by If. L. Willetts. on the east by V \ . J. McDowell, and on the south and west by C. W. Knox, containing 52.3 acres home. 1 TM'1 *^0, ***: Bounded on the east by \\ . E. McDowell, on the west by ?? I he south by H. L. \\ illetts and on the north by S. A. Potter, containing 21 acres. i ,Tr.a.' t ,N'?- J,:? 'loun<le<l "" the north H Illetts on the south by VaV,. Woodland Crop, on the east by on the west by H. .L Willetts, containing 46 A. home. Tract No. 5: Bounded on the north by Harris Swamps, on the south and east by H. h. Willetts and on the Acres ^nox* containing: 75 T5uct 6: B?unded on the north, south and ea? by H. L. Willetts. on ip6r v%2*L,by . Knox, containing ExrrvSr&n ?"d v ?ERE IS J-.XLLPTLD from the above tracts so much thereof as is included in a mortgage from H. L. Willetts et ux to Federal Land Bank of Columbus Book 8b.( ll'ase 229. Brunnrtek County r? A" sale, subject to report to and confirmation by tlie Court. Ten day" allowed for raise of bid before report made. Cash to be paid at sale Thjs the 3?th day of Spet. 1949. 10-26c ' Commissioner.

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