CONDENSED FOR BUSY READERS. H. T. Hudson, until Jan. 1st, chief clerk in State Auditor Dixon's office at Raleigh, has become editor of the Cleveland Star, published at Shelby. Sam Blackburn, Station agent, at Pineville, and "iss Juanita Mc Adams, of Siler City, were mariied at the home cf the bride's parents recently. The recent Receiver' Sale of the Montgomery Mining Com pan v, of Troy, was confirmed in the Fed eral court a1, Greentsboro last week. The property brought $10,000 on the day of sale, but when the con firmation was opposed by the min ority stockholders, the bid was rais ed to $25,000, which was agreed to. H. Brooks, a well known citizen of Salisbury, died one day last week. He had been a member of the I. O. O. F for over fifty years. Jno. D. Rockfellow gave $3,000, 000 to the University of Chicago, as a New Year's gifts. Owing to the excessive raina and consequent, failure of crops in China it is esti muted that 4,000,000 peo ple are destitute. The authorities are unable to cope with the situa tion. The arrival of E. S. Blackburn at Greensboro Thursday was fol lowed by a flat denial by him of the alleged charts made by him against Mr. Hackett, Governor Glenn and Lieut. Governor Winston. He says the statement was eent out without his authority. Six of En -land's beat armoured crusiers will represent that nation at the Jamestown Exposition naval display. Ja'iies McCrea, of Pittsburg, 1st, vice president of the Pensylvauia Railroad, was last week elected president of that road, to succeed the late President A. J. Cassatt. The Interstate Commerce Com mission will investigate the block systems of the Souther:: and the Baltimore and Ohio Railway eyr tems. This action is in view of the recent disasteroua wreck on their roads. , J. G. May, of Gibaouville, has taken charge of the Guilford county jail, succeeding D. F. Busick. When a rabid dog attacked the children of Mrs. C. E. Fesperman in their home at Spencer, last week, the mother displayed rare courage by whipping the dog into a room and clothiDg the door, saving her children. The animal leaped through a window glass and was Bhot by the father as it left the premises. The J. Randall Presnell Wil liams Lumber Co., of Philadelphia, will establish a big lumber plant at Salisbury. It will be one of the largest in the State. During the past year eleven new corporations wore chartered for Lexington, and February 1st a new bank will begin business. Proper ty values have increased $142,708. The Cullowhe Copppr Mines, of Jackson countv, have closed down, and fifty families are without mean of support. No reason is assigned for the suspension. In a head on collision on the Rock Island Railroad, near Topeka, Kan., Wednesdav last, 30 persons were killed and forty injured, Griffith Luterloh, of Hadley Township, Chatham county, has small pox, which he thinks he con tracted at San ford, from a negro who was allowed to wander around the streets. In a tenement fei'tion of New York Wednesday, a $10,000 fire rendered a thousand people home less and burned fifty horses. Henry C. Flick, who is now in control of the Pennsylvania Railway and named its new president, has nought a $5,000,000 lot in New York on which he proposes to build a $4,000,000 residence. The Chattanooga Times thinks he should have had the presidency of the road since, in view of this $6,000,000 proposition, he needs a hefty salary. Investigation has developed the fact that E. Spencer Blackburn cannot contest the Election of R. N. Hackett, in the eighth Congress-j lonal tfistiiet according to the re vised statutes, which provides that1 notice nniaf be given within 30 d;m after canvassers determine result. Thirty-two d:vs passed before there was any development. An impoitant meeting of the friends of temperance will be held at the court noise at Raleigh Janu ary 24th. The call was issued by State Chairman, J. W. Bailey. Upon applications of W. P. Ragan, attorney for F. H. Nicholson, a stockholder in Blackburn's "Tar Heel Club," a receiver has been ap pointed for that organization. ' The club was organized two years ago for the purpose of furthering the interest of the Republican party in the State but, proving a failure' a receiver was demanded. MYSTERY ENVELOPS DEATH. Lexington Man Found Dead in a Kavlne at Danville, Va. The body of James M. Thomas; a superintendent for Lane Bros, con tractors, whose home was at Lex ington, was found dead in a ravine uear Danville, Va., last week. He was about 60 years old and leaves a widow and Beven children. When last seen he was in company of three persons in the same neigh borhood when his body was found. He was known to have a large sum of money on his person, but when found there was nothing but a bankbook and private letter on his person. A' live full grown chicken, tied to a button on his coat adds to the mystery which surrounds his death, Fletcher Harris, Geo, Steveos aim Albert Adkins have been ar retted, at Danvil'e, pending an in vestigation as to their identity prov ing to be the three persons with J, M. Thomas the day of his mysceri ous death. MONTGOMERY NEWS. Cullliigs From tlie MontgainrianMar Wages and Other interesting Siotea. Charlie Russell and Miss Geneva Hal!, of Troy township, were twr ried a few days ago. May happiness attend them all through lift-. Mr. Wade Cianford, of Ophdr, and Miss Vernia Zacharv, of Wade ville were married lust week. The bride is a beautiful j-Odiig lady and very popular wherever she is known. The groom is a clever and industri ous youug man. We wish tfoeui a long, useful and successful life. Mr. Littleton Dennis, of Dwbarrie is nearly 62 years old but is still active and will be with s some 'ime yet. Mr. Dennis has 7 child ren living, 4$ grand children living, and 33 great grand children living. There are 17 grand children dead, and 15 great grand cnildieo dead, aggregating in all dead and living 119. If you can beat this trot out your man. Aanaal Meeting. Tbe Jinimul meeting of the stockholders of the Bunk of Kandolpli will lie held in their Bnuking house on Thursday January 10th, for tbe transact ion of such busiuese as may icr!y eoino Jx-fore it. V. J. AiiMKiKi n, Jr. Cashier. This man bought a supply of tobacco with out acquainting himself with the distinctive taste of SCHNAPPS Tobacco, which has the cheering qualities that gratify his desire to chew, and at less expense than cheap tobacco. SCHNAPPS has teen advertised in this paper so that every chs ver has had an opportunity to get e.cquaintcd with the facts and know that drvg3 rre not used to. produce the cheering quality found in the famous Piedmont cttmUy flue-cured tobaccos, and that SCHNAPFS is what he ought to chew. Still there are chewers who accept other and cheaper tobaccos that do not give the same pleasure. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine s. Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 months. TfalS Slglia.Cre, DOUBLE WEDDING. Watking-Burtoii and Wade-Prazier. Troy, January 4. A double mar riage ceremony was solemnized here Wednesday night at 8:30 o'clock in the M. E. Church. Mi. W. II. Watkiu8, Jr. of Ramseur, to Miss Alice Burton, and Fred H. Wnde, of Deorum, Ga., to Miss bettie Frazier, were the contracting parties. Rev. N. R. Richardson, paator o the Methodist Episcopal church South, at Asheboro, officiated. The church was decorated, the entire altar being adorned with ferns and lilies of the valley. Tbe church was filled to overflowing with the friends of the contracting parties Mrs. Watkins was dressed in a go ing-away gown of brown, and Mrs. Wade in blue. Miss Bon Wade and Miss Zula Bruton, maids of honor, were dressed in net over pink taffeta, with black picture hats. Each carried a shower boquet of pink roses. Mr. Ernest Watkins, of Ramseur, and Mr. Clyde Capel, of Troy, were best men. The following were the bridesmaids: Miss Maie Shmbtr ger, of Biscoe; Miss Bessie Cotti:i, .f Asheboro; Miss Lola Allen and Miss Maggie Wright, of Troy. All wore white batiste over white uffeia, with pink girdles and pink siioe with Hack hats, eacn carrying white carnations. The groom-men were as follows: Mr. W. (J. Toon?, of Lumberto"; Mr, C. B. Russell, ot Asheboro; Mr. Clifford Frazier. of Greensbore, and Mr. C. A, 'tacnran. of Troy. Theie were six little flower girU: Mary and Louise Bruton, Mary ami Grace Smitherman, Josephine Wrtde. of Troy, and Sarah Louise Co e, of Ramseur. Mrs. lien T. Wade whs at the organ and played Lohengrin's march while the bridal party tiled in. During the ceremony Heart and Lovers was played in a low soft tone. Then was played Men delssohn's -vedding march as they retired. This was one (or two) of the prettiest weddings of the season. Mre. Watkins is the accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bruton, of Troy. Mrs. Wade is the eharmiDg daughter of Mr. and Mrs, R. W. Frazier, of Troy. The happy pair left immediately nfter the benediction for the station, where tbey took passage for Atlanta. Mr, and Mrs. Watkins will live at Ramseur, and Mr. and Mrs. Wade will reside at Deorum, Ga., for awhile. Rice rained down upon them at the stations, at Troy and Asheboro, in copious showers. The bridal party spent the night at the El wood, at High Point. "They like the taste as well as miiple sugar" is what one m"ther wrote of Ken nedy's Laxative Cough Syrup. This inolerri cough syrup is absolutely free fmin any opiate or narcotic. Contains Hoih-j and Tar. Conforms to the National Pure Fi od and Drug Law. Sold by Standard I'rug Co. and Asheboro Drug Co. Some day they'll get a taste of the real. Schnapps they'll realize what enjoyment they've missed by not getting SCHNAPPS long ago then they'll feel like kicking themselves. SCHNAPPS is sold everywhere in 5 cent cuts, and 10 and 15 cent plugs. Be sure you get the genuine. To Cure a Cold in One Day A Girl is Dead If Single. As poetry whea lead is sometimes not recognized as such, so when it is piinted oe may miss the lick. Laughter may have its little run, and this early in the Ne-v Ye;tr we commend this clipping from a Florida exchange. No ballots asked on the truth or falsity of the contents, siuce it is not saictum expression. The Florida paper sets forth thus: 'If the, young lady who dropped the following poetic effns'on near the p"st office will cal at his office sh can obtain the 'c py an., other p ipers of interest. Here's the way it reads: "Tell in- not, in idle jingle, m.ii riMge is an empty dream, for a girl is dea l that's single, and things are not wha1; they seem. Life is dead that's single, and things sediiess a fib, man thou ait to man returueth has not been spoken nf the rib. Not enjoyment and not sorrow is ourilestiued end or way, but act, that each touiorrw finds us nearer mairiage day. Life is short and youth is fleeting, and our heaits though light aid gy, pleasant drums are beating wedding marches all the way In the world's bivwd field of battle, in the bivouac of life, be not like dumb driven cattle lie a herotue t wife Trust uo tuture however pleasant let the dead juist bury its dead. Act, act i.i the living present, heart within .iiid hope oVr head! Lives of mar ried folks remind us we cau live our lives as well; and departing leave eftiud us lots of k'uli to shout ihI yil; Mich examples that another, waisf.iiia ii'H in idle sport, ajforloru ii'iiuirrel brother seeing snail take hetrr ati't urr. Let us then, be no and dhii-.g, still contriving, still (iiiraning m.lhI each oue a husband get." Hied. 17th 1006 of fever Miss aoe. The loving -daugh- Died D A liiie Wa ter of Mr, mid Mrs. I. J. Walace It whs sad to see one so promising and young die. She was just en tering the bloom of youtn being only 14 years old. There is not only a seat made and a sweet voice hushed in her sid home; but there is an empty seat mtl no on ti answe ti h-r name at the roll in our Sunday School class at the Baptist church, where she so promptly attended. Hear Adgie your roo:n is so 3iely aud so still, For there, there is no o ie your place can Ob! we would not call you buck Wre to stay, When you have such a bright liome far far away. Her Sunday School class mate, Roi'TH ELLIS. Forget the chill and damp of ! these lo v lands. Hurry across the ! valley to the hills beyond. : Cures Crip in Two Days. rvtj - f&y o: every yrznt box. 25c. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON II, FIRST QUARTER, INTERNA TIONAL SERIES, JAN. 13. Test of the Lmann, Gen. I. SO. to II, 8. 2f emorr Veraea, 21, 27 Golden Test, Gen. I, 27 Commentary Prepared Rev. D. M. Stearaa. Copyright, VM, by American Pren Auoclttion. God. having nguln made everything beautiful on this earth and having fill ed the air, the earth and the sea with living creatures, completes Ills work by creating uiun in His own Image to rule over all, aud the Scriptures make It clear that it is the eternal purpose of Uod that inaa shall rule over and control all things on earth. "Thou uiudest him to have dominion over the works of Thy hands; Thou hast put all things under his feet" (Ps. viil. C). That this shall be the conclusion of the whole matter we learn from I Cor. xv, 25-28. The present condition, with an assurance of the future, is seen in Ileb. 11, 8, 1, "We see not jet all things put under Him, but we see Jesus." "Let us make uiau iu our image" Is strongly suggestive (to say the least) of the council of the Trinity aud car ries us over to lsa. vl, 8, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" where we have both the Unity and the Trinity. There is some light upon the likeness or image of Uod in which man was created in Col. ill, 10, with Eph. Iv, 23, 24, but Christ is spokeu of as the image of God iu Col. 1, 15; Ileb. 1, 3; II Cor. iv, 4; and when the story is fin ished Ills redeemed shall be like Him (I'hil. Hi. 20. 21; I John iii. 2). Now it is our privilege to become more like Him every day, beholding Him at God's right hand for us and accepting all things as from Him (II Cor. ill, 18). The creation of the first man aud woman, described in these words, "So God created man in His own Image, In the imago of God created He him; male and female created He them" (verse 27). is more fully set forth in chapter il, 7, 21-20, and must be received exactly as here stated, for it Is a direct revelation from God Hims f concern ing tlie way He did it, and it is beyond the power of man to And out other wise. We see, therefore, hi Adam and Eve the finest man and woman that ever walked this earth Adam the fin est man, Christ excepted, and Eve tbe finest woman without exception. Since God is clothed with light as with a gar ment (Ps. civ, 2) they, being in the image of God, must have been clothed with light also, a halo or glory which was n part of themselves as truly as tbe coverings of birds and other crea tures was a part of themselres. They bad no "put on" clothing such as we wear, and in that sense they were naked (ii, 25). One result of the blessing of the Lord Is always frultfulness (verses 22, 28). Bee in this connection John xv, 8, 10; Iv, 3(5; Rom. vl. 22; vii. 4, and notice in Lev. xxv, 21, that tbe blessing of tbe Lord upon mi ordinary sowing some times produced three times the usual increase. Tlie He v. Ver. of Prov. x, 22, is beautiful in this connection, "Tbe blessing of the Lord it maketh rich, and toil adrletb nothing thereto." In verse 29 we have the first "Behold" in the Bible, and how preciously sugges tive it is that we find it in connection with these words, "I have given you." I do not think that there can be a more inspiring, uplifting Bible study than that of the thing. freely given us by God. beginning with "the unspeakable Gift" of His dear Son and going on with Rom. vlii. 23; I Cor. ii, 12, etc. Chapter ii, 1-3, clearly belongs to this first section of Scripture and tells the story of the first day which God spe cially blessed, but notice iu verse 1 the word "finished," and if resting in Him who said when He died for us, "It is finished." then be quite srre that He will perfect all that concerneth us (rs. exxxviii, 7. 8; Phil. i. G). The sentence, "His work which He had made," used three times in verses 2, 3. suggests be lievers as His workmanship (Eph. il, 10). in whom and through whom He will finish nil that He has begun, but unless He Is allowed to work In us both to will and t; do the things pleas ing in His sinht all will be only wood, hay and stubble to lie burned. The words "created ami made" (verse 3) cover the creation record of chapter i, 1, anil :iln the whole six days' work, the making all things out of nothing and then fashioning anew, the created matter after the catastrophe.. His resting from all His work takes us to Ileb. iv. ::. 10, "Wo who have? believed do enter into rest; for he that is entered !-:ti li's rest, he nNo bath c;'.ise.l from lil i own works, as God did from l!is." Tl::-:v is a resting in (Vr ist as our Savioi.r when we see and aci";t II is finished v. o k of redemption, nut there is also restful service with lliin as we take His yoke mid loam of Him ta live in the I'.itiicr's will. As the :-eve;itli iay was sanctillct' or sot apart I'o'' v.v to give his who'.e till);' to kno '-l!:g Cod and le:irni!:!f t ) rejoice in (see ls.i. Iviii, 13. Hi. so we, Jlis workmanship, must co:isii. or ourselves as indeed set apart for Himself, a peop'e for His own po :ses-. Hion (Ps. iv, 3; Tit. ii. 14, U. X.. There is much to lie learned from tlie num bers in Scripture, and we have here considerable light on the siirnilicance, of the? first s--v;i numbers, it does not require much keenness to see "abun dantly" associated with live, and "!'n Ish;!" or "i-erfcc!.',"' nss.o..-:;-,!.1.'. v!;Ii seven. Any one can see by cn'.i:il!ng that "God" is UH'ii'ioned tbirty-iive times in this first section, and when we let God woii; In us as He Is work ing here we will be live 1 irrca pevon. or abundantly finished. That will not fully be till Kve (tlie churchi I : hullilrd and brought to Adai.. (i'hr;fi. and then the kingdom and dominion will be orr.3 witii Him. Weak Lungs Bronchitis For over sixty years doctors have endorsed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for coughs, colds, weak lungs, bronchitis, con sumption. You can trust a medicine the best doctors ap prove. Then trust this the next time you have a hard cough. The best kind of a testimonial "Bold for over sixty yaars." A' Iyer's 8AISAPAULLA. PILLS. HAIR VWOB. Wt have no mreti I Wa poblith tha formulaa of all oar aMdielnaa. Ayer's Pills keep the bowels regular. All vegetable and gently laxatlva. CHARLOTTE STEAM LAUNDRY The Largest Best by Test Established 1898. Makes a specialty of French Cleaning; and Dyeing. It is a Process of dry cleaning;, the only way to clean ladies', children's and gentlemen's clothing-, and household dra peries, without injury to the cuff and shirt work unsurpassed. Packages re ceived up to Wednesday morn ing; at 10 o'clock for Saturday morning; delivery. W. A. COFFIN, Agent, Asheboro. At Wood & Moring's. r i THE WINTER PEACH. In November J902 our at tention was called to peaches which Capt. Ellington, Pres. Greensboro National Bank, had gathered from his gar den. It being so late, we were inclined to look upon it as a freak of nature, but when we again found them hang ing on the tree late in No vember 1904 we were com pelled fo take off onr hats and acknowledge an intro duction to a peach of first class quality, lengthening the peach season fully one month. I have the Entire Control of this peach. For this and other barg ains :r.r.urc:y itcct, Address JOHN A. v0UNG, Greensboro Nurseries, Greensboro, N. C. dPSHOES. Wis lmi AMERICA I V"'v i) C-'f-Si'STyTE I 'tj c-;5gcisc A full line of these Shoes can be found at N. J. FILLER'S, Sole Agert, ASHEBORO N. C. Good Health. . I have a complete line of grctcres and general mer- ci: irdise. Furni-h your table from cn r stock ard you get the ar.d best. I ray tcp rrxi Is et prices

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