STATE FUND APPORTIONED. State Superintendent Completes Divi sion of First 9 IOO.OOO Which Is filven on Per Capita Basis Second IC "M) U 111 be Prop jsd to JyjJb. Raleigh, N. )., January 5ih. The State superintendent of publio instruction has completed the up portionnieut among the con a ties of the first $100,000 of the $200,000 that the legislature gives for public school education. The first $100,000 is apportioned oil a per capita basis in proportion to the number of school children in each county. The second $100,000 is to be distributed to counties not having sufficient money to assure four months' school terms. The first $100,000 apportionment is on the basis of 709,185 school children in the State. Randolph tomty has 10,0."S children and gets $1,418.18. Chatham county has 8,347 chil dren and gets $1,176.83. Moore county has 8,779 children and gets $1,237.84. Montgomery county has 4,972 children and gets $701.05. Guilford county has lt),S42 children and gets $2,374.62. Davidson has 8,904 child en and gets $1,255.36. The February tii f Style A- Ameri can Dressmaker h eon recrivml. It is called the Cii . .V timber, ami two beautiful girls in brilliant fancy dross n:i the cover. The story tvhcli lifgB) oh lit.' first page is very entertaining. A new and unique form of enteiiaimneii. is described. It is called a St. Valentines Party. A story illustrates its amusing possibilities, and the centre page gives sug gestions for costumes. The designs of gowns and wraps and children's dresses are up to the stamhir.1 o! the magazine. There is also much of interest to everv woman who sews, and many suggestions and helps are contained in thenumliei. Subscription price $1.00 a year. Send your name and address for a sample copy to Style & Amkric.vx Di.'es.-.makl!:, j Sfl 20 East 21st St., Xevv York. Pubbic Improvements and Public Of ficials. The public officials who simply do what their predecessor have done are cot doing their ,J-i When people u 3ults for money spent they n; tpprove. The officials are tfc ;vants of the ' people, but they a e also, or should be the leaders of the people. What county would have better roads, better schools or better any thing of a public nature if the officials did not lead out in tlu e matters? Better to do something for the public good and have a short term of ollice, than to be a mere drawer of a salary to a public office and hang onto it for a lifetime and have it said,"the greatest thing he did was to draw his salary." The officials who spend public money for the improvement of tho people whom they serve in a wise progressive manner are doing their duty and need have little fear m to the results. Catawba News. XU Murder Cases in Wake. Wake County Superior Cotut convened at Raleigh Monday with Judge E. Ii. Jones presiding. There are six murder cases on the dojkelt. Among them are II. J. Bivens, the Seaboard delejtivejwho killed an un known machinist, and another of ipublic interest is that against four attendants at tt- hospital for the insane, J. C L. R. High, Jack Peel and F. Durham, charged with 1 caused the death of an insauo patient by the came of Nail from Chatham coun ty by cruel treatment in lecapturing him after a long run in an attempt to get away from the hospital. Big Bat Haul. 1. J. Fuller, of Thomasville. R. F. D. No. 5, was a visitor to Ashe, boro Monday. He tells of a big rut hunt he enjoyed recently. He went to his corn crib which was covered with iron upon the roof of which an army of rats, two bushels he says which were gathered di inking water rbich was falling during a light shower. He took a shot gun and fired into them. Nine were left on the roof dead from the single shot, and evidences of the many fatally injured were noted about the cribs for many dys following. The Legls! t iflOOI. The News cr - O seiver, which now goes daily t tV-J.' 11,000 sub scribers, will give fuller and better reports than ever of the proceedings of the General Assembly. It 13 on the spot and can "and will get and print all the news. One dollar will get you the daily every day during the session of sixty days. Address . Josephus Daniels, Editor, Raleigh, N. 0. A ZNfM V Lovers' Lane at the WAS ACCIDENTALLY SHOT. TheJHnys S(ualibllnr Over a tiun It Was Suddenly Discharged. O'tti-.vti Diiiton, a Winston i:egro lad ;iU. ut 17 years old was siiot and mstat.tly killed Snturdiiy uiaht at u place railed Lake, near Jaines f.owtt . The boy was working with the double ti;;i'kiui.;: furc n the South ern. 1 1 is 'e:ivne.I that w lluldi'ig :i i''it in tile f illip while two "t her lii'.S ivele i.'t'g.iii' d in ; Mliiabble f"f tl-.e possession of n pis'ol. i 1 1 1 r i i lt t!ie frtieas the gun was disuli.i rued :a I vniujjf Daltuti w;is'v killed. Convalescents Need VINOL for it hastens recoverv bv creating strength There is lust one thin? thn mitM. with person wljo has been sick j that is, weakness. To all such people In this vicinity we recommend our delicious cod liver preparation, Vinol, as the very best strength creator for' convalescents Vinol strengthens tho digestive or gans, creates an appetite, promotes sound slep, makes rich, red blood, and builds up a depleted sytem to ueaitn ana vigor. ThlS la becausfl Vttinl mntnino n .e???d'?,nal elements of cod liver oil with the useless oil eliminated and uimc iron auaea. we guarantee it Sold by Standard Drug Co. FASTIDIOUS WOMEN consider Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic a necessity in the hvgienic care of the person and lor local treatment of feminine ills. As a wash its cleansing, germicidal, deodorizing and healing qualities are extraordinary. For sale at Druggists. Sample free. Address The R. Paxton Co.. Boston, Mass. Choice. Heavy, Oats Recleaned Stocks. We have thousands of bushels in stock, selected from the best crops grown in this country; all the best and most productive Kinds: BBurt or 90-Day. Rlnrk Tartarian 3 Swedish Select. Red Rust Proof, White and Bhck Spring, Vir ginia Gray Winter, etc. Write for prices. WOOD'S NEW SEED BOOK for 1907 tells all about Heed Oats and all Farm and Garden Seeds. Mailed free on request. T.W.Wood&Sons, Seedsmen, RICHMOND. . VA. Wood's Seeds If Qo04 Choice. l ii .A ik " is Jamas town Exposition. Watson on irialisin. 1 1. a recent issue of a lending So tialisc paper the following gem o. tluught is to be found: ''Patriot'sin' is a nickname for 'Pf'judice." Jjo vou know wiiv the fcouicihsr flouts patriotism and calls it prejn lice: Think a little, and vou will see. Vou love your country lecause your ' nouie is a part of it, and you love : vour home bec.-in-'"' ir is your indi i .iotiitl haven nf refuge from tu .-toruia of life be individual king ' dom in which you are lord and mus ; ter and in which uni enjoy, with vour wif", vour cli ldren, and yosi ; friends, wh.ttever liappiuess life cm 'give. j The man never lived who could I not tight for his home however humble. j The tnau newr lived who could h'j'ht for the tenement house in I which he chances to be a lodger, i The home is ever seared The heel j never is. The reason is plain I enough. The home is yours, indi- viuuallv: the hotel is everybody's ! general I v. Now, the Socialist strikes i at m lvidualism. He doesn't want ! to own your home by any title that I gives you individual control of it. I lie wants everybody's home to b.?- I long to you, and your home to be j long to everybody. In other words, i the homes ot the people are to be I owned collectively. If society sees ! fit to Siiy to you "tuovv on," o n I vou ao. Society will substitute its title for your title, its will for your lts control ior vour cotitt'oi The home that Socialism will per 1 niit yon tr use this year may beul I lotted to some one else ano'.her lyenr. j Under these conditions no man i would love his hotne any more than i he would love his room in a hotel. Under these conditions, the citi- I en would have no "renter induce. ment to make permanent iiiiprovt- ni"nts upon his home, than he would have to make improvements upon ihe hotel. Love of home being destroyed, love of couutrv would ao be de stroyed. Patriotism, being founded upon love of home, would perish under Socialism, for the simple reason that the foundations would be goue. Under Socialism, the most beautiful feature of civilized life would disappear. llo,ne life, as we know it, woufd be impossible The son'g of "Home, Sweet Home,' would thrill no respective chords in the human heart. Wagon's Jef ferson Magazine. Grand Lodge of Masons. The North Carolina Grand Lodgi of masons, has elected the follow ing officers: Grand Master Francis D. vViu- ston, Windsor. Deputy Grand Master S. M Gal tip, Ilillsboro. Senior Grand Warden R. N Hackett, Wilkesboro. Junior Grand Warden W. B McKov, Wilmington. Grand Tnanuer Leo D. Ileartt Raleigb. Grand Champlain F. N. ' Skin ner Clinton, WLen the cold winds dry and crack the tin, a box of salve can enve much tliscom fort. In buvinfl salve look for the name on die box to avoid any imitntions, and be sure vou Bet the oricmal leWiU.B Witch Hazel Salve. Sold by Standard Drug Co. and & ill Vf AsUel'oro Drag Lo, atural F.nemles o'Jlic (Violl. Our quail line tnau natural eia miesth.y are tfien decimated by the 8t verity of winter, and there Hre human beings so ilera'ed and so lost to shame as to seek their de struction in ways most foul. A covev of quails will sometimes hud die as close together as possible in aircle, with tneir heads runted outward. I have beard of men who, discoering i hem in this situation, hive fired upon them, killing every one at a tingle shot. There ought t be a law which would consign one guittv of this crime t- prison tor a comfoi table term cf years. A storv is told of a m :n so stupid'y sportsnimbke th tt when he was inteifelTed with jo he raided biogui;, nppiiently t.- shot a quail running the ground, ::e ixjluini t '.mi. unknot.: '! du: iut-"n to s-noot nrtil it had stepped running." This miii v be culled !e.ii ('eidt otopidirv; but there is noplace lor such a man ainoiiir fciuirt-Miie. , nv.-l he : crrmniv ; of place among quail, From Grover t''ev laiu!,s new boek'l isu it'g and Shooting Sketches." YOU LOOK FOR TROUBLE 1'"$ f i " Iou Blltaln 8 nrearm of doubl M. fill quality Hi cxperltnced Hunter't and T " " Marksman' Ideal fT-' Is a rcllabls. unerrlne STEVENS FIND OUT WHY by shooting our popular RIFLES SHOTGUNS PISTOLS rjfi or J-portli(f Good Mer- Ak vour local Ilitrdwnre rhant for the HTl.VKNS. If you fan not ohtaln, we Biiip direct, exnrewa pre- Id. upon receipt ui Cutu. ; l'rice. i,a 4 eentH in KtainuN for 140 1 I "lleiti ruled :llilo);.i"'ll'li"'B l I' latost Hddllioiii la our line. nnt.ilnrt iiint4 on Ahootint?, nminu itlon, (ho iroi.rereof n Jlre:irm. .;: Our nlti aetive Ten Color ..t!i'e;raptel llmifrer mailed any-li..-.f. for nix oent in fttnmpn. t;:vkn akms & tool, to. I'. O. llox 401)7 eoriee l''.l, Mass., V. 8. A. Women as Well as Men Are Miserable by Kidney and Bladder Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, alscouragesandlessensambition; bear.ty. vigor and cheerful-ik-ss soon disappear when the kidneys are out of order or dis eased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent Hint it is not iineoni- jr" moil for a child tob.? born afflicted wit'.i weak kidncv. If the child urinates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh, or if, when the child "VrichessMi age when it should be able Ij 'nil the passage, it is yet afflicted w ij-wotting, depend upon it, the ear iO ditti culty is kidnev trouble, .no iirft step should be towards the treatment o! these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys, and bladder and not to a habit as niof.t people suppose. women as well as men are inane miser able with kidney and bladder trouble. and both need ttic same great remedy. The mild and the immediate clfect of Swamo-Root is soon realized. It issolJ by druggists, in fifty- i cent ami one-aoiiarp; ci 1ntt1t. You iuuvPI. have a sample bottle by mail free, also a Home of Swmmp-Root. pamphlet telling all about Swamp-Root, including many of the thousands of testi monial letters' received from sufferers cured. In writing I'r. Kilmer & Co., Binghamtoti, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Binghamtoti, N. V.. ou every Dot". Brighter lncreasefour )Prospecte i Yiews Fer Acre! Wa have many actual of cotton photographs Lml nn which no fertilizer! were used and pictures of Holds on which 'other makes" of fertUlrers were used. llcBulta Of these crops wore dismal failures. There are much "brighter prospects" ahead for the progressive tarraers or tne bouiu. Two and three bal-9tqjhegcre are only ordinary yieids whero Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers are used with proper cultivation. Malra vmir nottrii liiiituro oarlv.Br.d thua otcupe the toll wcevilsand other damsglng Insects. You can easily do this, as well ns incroaoo tho unmoor ot bollstand t heir slz.o) on your plauta by plentifully usinir Virtrinii-Caro-lina Fertilizer. This method will tremendously "inorease your ylolds per acre." Don't be fooled Into buy ing a substitute. Virginia-Carolina Chemical Cs. Richmond, Va, Norfolk. Va. Durham, N. O. Charleston. P. C. Baltimore, MJ. Atlanta, Gn. bavannah, Ga. Montironif ry, Ala. , WemtihiB, Tumi. . Bhrevcport, La. C,' W 4 raj m W. C. Kcrrnc, of Flat River, in the lead mine district of Missouri, has scat us this photo of a pair of Diamond Brand hees worn 10 months underground where c-dinary choes averag:; about ojyeejo. Cur heavy Diamond Brand work shoes are in every way as superior b their class as are our highest grade dress shoes-and we rr.rls mov: fin shoes than any other House in the W est. WE MAKE MO&ZT riA'ST SfOS THAN ANY OTHEf? i-t&Uae riyiAMjrtilU-yif.'ll.iiliV For Emergencies at Home For the Stock on the Farm Sloans Liivinveivt Is awhole medicine chest Price 5c 50c 6 100 Send For Free Booklet on Hor$es.Ctle.Hogs &ftultry; Address Dk Earl S. w4 z'')' The assertion is backed by our sales for the past few months. Easy running, durable and comfortable. We also handle J. I. Nissen Wag ons. Jaliimton Harvesting Machinery, Mowers, Stoves, Manges, Mill Supplies, Builders Hardware, Buggy" bud Wagon Harness, Slag Paint, Barb and Smooth Wire and everything in the Hardware line. Lewis & Winslow iin 1 1 1 1 rrp inr f ii ii in nim mi 1 1 HIGH POINT MACHINE WORKS Engineers, Founders, Machinists. High-class repairing in all lines. Manufacturers of Steam Engines, Saw Mills, Lathe Mills and Pumping Machinery. None but expert mechanics employed. We make a specialty cf repairing on heavy machinery and solicit cor respondence. IF YOU REQUIRE PROMPT SERVICE WRITE US We Sell the Earth! If you are interested in the proposition, in or ne-?.r Ajheboro. we think we can please you as to lot; prices and terms. Office in Bank B'ld'g. Armfield Laighlin. Real Estvte Dealers. flvft Mflnftv Fari and Sergeant Saw Mill Between now and the first day of January, as on that, date prices will be advanced. McCraLryT Redding Send your orders lor Printing to Th c SUOEMAKUIS tUClUA .77 THE WEST Sloan. Boston, Mass. HIGH POINT BUGGIES Are THE Best. Hardware Company. .J inwi wii'i 1 Ti TTTrnriigT-gjgwgMrngf and buy a uhar J Engine and Boiler Hardware Company CMirior.

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