CONDENSED NEWS BUSY READERS. The High Tuint Postoffiee re ceipts for the past quarter was $1,000 over the sum paid last year. The figures in December were, $2, 582, 95: for the quarter $7,221 80. Jenkins Shoe Co., of Winston Salem, has increased its stock from $150,000 to $350,000. The citizens of Reidsville, Rock ingham county, have been promised a new Southern Depot, work to be gin in Apiil. The work was ac complished through an appeal to the corporation commission. & The Masonic orphanage, at Gml fold Oxford, has 280 children and room for 30 more. Hon. Jos. "M. Dixon, of Montana, nas been' elect'-d United States Senator, succeeding Senator Gltrk. He was Lorn and reared in Ala mance county, und educated at. Guilford OHege. "The grocery ttore ef the N. rr.,..r,i.'- i...i,.;n-ii ,1,. strayed by (ire Friday evening. Loss is $i0.0"0, coveied insurance. j A. E. Tate, of High I'oint, was last week ehcted pit-cidtiit of the I North 'Carolina Poultry Association. I Fire broke out in the Finishing! Mill near Givttisioro Friday nihi, badly damaging the mtouk. ihe damage is csiiiu;ited at $5,000. Fin at Lancaster, Da., Friday, originating in the tobacco ware house of the Mohs cigitr factory and adjoining buildings, destroyed prop erty to the value of $1.000,00i. The fire tighters of neighboring towns were called, thus saving the most impor ant manufacturing bee tion of the town. Mr. Will Watkins and bride, for merly Miss Bi n te n, of Troy, were in the city yesterday ou their way to Ramfceur, where they will reside, after a bridal tour to the northern cities. Greensboro Teleg am. J. C. Steele, mayor of .Stateville, resigned last week, his resignation effective January 15th. The convict force of Mecklenburg county has just completed a 16 mile macadamized road from Char lotte to six miles below Piueville. John A. Grew of Pawnee, coun ty, Okla., has been visiting lelativet in town and county for the past week. Mr. Greeu left this county 37 years ago for the southwest. He has been very successful in his home there. Mocksville Courier. Jno. A. Armfield, one of Guilford county's best knowu fanners, died euddently Friday at his home near ' Freemans Mill. He was sixty years old. The High Point. Piano and organ Co., of which M. II. Shipmau is manager, has doubled its capital stock . 6956 POUNDS OF PORK. Citizen of Tabernacle Township Suc cessful In Pork Business. E. W. Walker, the champion p irk raiser in Tabernacle township, kill ed 33 hogs this season weighing 6956 pounds an average of in rj than 200 pounds eiteh. Last seasmi he killed 20 hogs weighing 5700. He has been known to kill more than 10,000 pounds in one season. He commenced the pork business when 18 years old. When he first began the business there was but little demand in the home market and so he marketed his bacon in Fayetteville which was about one hundred miles from home, some times lealizing 14 cents per pounj; this was theie was any rail loads iu this section of the country. Mr. Walker has been engaged in the hog and pork business for 50 years and bus ' een very successful in the business. He own a good farm on the Uwhairle and has been a successful farmer raising large quantities of graius arid vegetables. If there is any one in the county who can give a better record thn this, please report through the col umns of the Courier and oblige yours truly, J. C. Hoover. Mothers who give their children Ken ' nedy's Laxative Cough Syrup invariably in dorse it. Children like it because the taste is so pleasant. Contains Honey and Tax It is the Original Laxative Cough Syrup and is unrivalled for tbs relief of croup. Drives the cold out through the bowels. Conforms to the National 1'ure Food aud Drug Law. Sold by Standard Drug Oo.' and Asheboro Drng Co. A Guaranteed Cure for Piles. Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protruding Piles. Druggists are authorized to refund money il PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure in 61to 14 days. 50c. DAVIDSON ITEMS. Jurors rfrawa For February Brief Notes from All Over the County. From The Dispatch. Monday of last week the county commissioners of Davidson granted the people of Conrad Hill permis sion to hold an election, February 19th, on working the roads in the township by taxation. Mrs. Henry Palmer, of Cotton Grove township, died at the home of hei dnughtei, Mrs. Jake Millet, of Lexington, Monduy and was buried yesterday at Becks church. The funeral services were conduct ed by t he. pastor of Berks chnrch. Mr. Joe L. Russell, of Bombay, h'is Hceeptel a position as clerk iu C. K. Thomas drugstore at Thomas ville. Mr. V'tttighu Ragau, son of Mr. Kolden Uagan, of the Zion neigh borhood, was taken t) Greensboro Saturday, where he will be operat ed tin for appendicitis by Dr. J. W. Long. MesM8 Walter Surratt and Mil ton Fe Z'r, and Miss'Stella Stokes t'eguti i heir schools last Monday at Jacksen Hill. Prof. Feezor, who has the Jackson Hill 6cbool, has 82 on bin loll with uu attendance of about 70. M. L. Ritchie und Miss Etta Newsuine were married on the 3rd a be brides home at Jackeon Hill und then left for Thomusville where Mr. Uirchie is engaged us a contractor and builder. Mi.. W. Finch and Judge II.' T. Phillips, of Lexington, are mak ing pivpatatioi.s lo leave next woek for Florida and Cuba ami p-rliaps Porto liieo and Panama. Masl Carrier Ritchie, of Cabarius county, lost, a horse Saturday 15-' cause of the bad ceudiiion of tile roads near Concord'. The animal simply choked to death trying to pull the vehicle through the mud. Some of these diys the government is giing to refuse to send out rural d lily mail tint ss the loads are made passable. Sheriff A. S. Miller, of Conrad Hill township, in company, with Messrs. Lewis Murdock, of Lex ington, and Licy and Ed Hep tr, of Conrad Hill, nagged 147 rabbits while hunting one day last week in Con i ad Hill township. The board of county rommission ers drew the following names for jurors lor the February term of cou it: Alleghany Burl Loflin, W. P. Steed. 2nd wek: J. P. Doby. Abbotts Creek: D. L., Yokely, W. A. Crver. 2nd week L. J. Weavil. Atcadia: Eli Zimmerman, Thom as R. Anderson. 2nd week: Ed Essie k. Boone: B. M. Koonfs, J. E Shotif. 2ud week: W. IS. Snitler. Contail Hill: John E. Galli more. U". J. bechrisr. 2ud week: A. P. Manner. Cotton Grove: 11. L. Frank, John H. Swink. 2nd week: L. A. Smith. Emmons: Wesley Hedric', W. J. Moore, 2nd week: C. L. Grimes. Hainptoii: 2nd week: Aaion Tih. Yadkin College: 2nd week John Mi.-hael. Healing Springs: A. C. Smith, J. M. G. Bean. 2nd week: W. 11. Bean. Jackson Hill: J. M. Frank. R. Ii. CVk. 2nd week: J. P. tal bert. Lexitigton: S. W. Finch, John T. Yarbo u:h, B. W. Saintsiug.W. F. Benson, Erastiu Evprhart. 2nd week: Jacob F. Sink, II. H. Mc Craiy. Midway: J. P. Thomas, Hiram B. Spoolinan. 2nd week: A. J. Ha it man. Reedy Creek: Jackson Weaver, C. VV". Hartmau. 2nd week: Hen derson Freeman. Silver Hill: J. F. Swing, D. L. Kepley. 2nd week: Geo. W. Beck. Tnomasville: E. F. Westmore land, A. P. Kanoy, A. L. Stone, D. E. Black. 2nd week: Jno. D. Sullivan, S. C. Grimes. Tryr: F. F. Snider, J. A. Crav er, 2nd week: H. Helmstetler. Keep Your Blood Pure. No one can lie Loppy, liglit-hearteil and healthy with a body full of blood that can not do its duty to every part because of its impurity; thereiora, the first and most im portant work in hand is to purify the blood sothut every orsn will get the full benefit of a healthy circulation. Thre is no remedy we know of so good as that old family remedy, Brsndreth's Pills. Each pill con tains one grain of the solid extract of sarsa pnrilla blended with two grains of a com bination of pure and mild vegetable pro ducts, making it a blood purifier unexcelled in character. One or two taken every night for a while will produce surprising results. Braudruth's Pills have been in use for over a century and are Bold in every drug and medicine store, either plain or sugar coated. NOTICE. Notice in hereby given that application will be made tothe Legislature at tut pretteut wxstcm, to enact a luw authorizing the Board of County CoDiniissloncrs of bandolph county, to Issue Biiiidx and levy a tpeeial tux to provide Hon dolpli couu'.v with Miitable Courthouse and Jull. This January th 1W7. 3. P. BOROUGHS, Clerk to B'd Cou my Commissioners. THE EVENT OF 1907. The Jamestown Exposition Opens In April. THE EXPOSITION IN BRIEF. Some Interesting Xoti.s About Vliat C'au lie Seen l-'acts all Should Know Who Visit The Grounds. Official imnir: Jamestown Tcr Centennial Exposition. Charactet: Atilitury, uavul, marine, and historic cxltibitiun. Nature: itau-, utttional and inter nation (I liintoiie celehnition. I'urpcBe: CouiniPDoration of the first perui&neiit setilemeuc of En glish speaking people in America. Opening dal: The hour of noon, April 26, 1907. Closing date, The hour of -midnight, November 30, 1907. To be opened by the President of the United States. To be closed by President and Governors of the Exposition. Location: Exposition grounds, on Hampton lima! a, near Norfolk, Portsmouth, aud Newport News, Virginia. Exposition Company headquar ters, Norfolk, Virginia. 5Size of Exposition giounds: 400 ucies of land ppae and a 40-acre water space bet een the iTund Piers. Distances from Ex positio n grounds: No folk i i limit. Jtiv miles; Fortress Monroe, four miles; Schnapps Tobacco is Made ENTIRELY from Flue Cured Tobacco Grown in the Piedmont Country. The Imitation Brands Have Schnapps Quality Only On the Outside Of the Plug Hundreds of imitation brands are on sale that look like Schnapps to bacco. The outside of the imitation plugs of tobacco is flue cured the same as Schnapps, but the inside is filled with cheap, flimsy, heavily sweetened air cured tobacco. One chew of Schnapps will satisfy tobacco hunger longer than two chews of such to bacco. The color, size and shape of the tags, plugs and packages of certain imitation brands of tobacco have been made so much like Schnapps that they have often been accepted by buyers under the belief that they were getting Schnapps. Sufficient proof has been secured to establish the fact that certain brands are infringements and in vio lation of the trade mark laws, yet the trade will continue to be imposed upon by these infringers until the suit already entered and now pending to protect Schnapps is decided. A great many of these imitations are R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, n. C. Take Laxative Dromo Quinine Tvtet&.js Seven Million boxes sold In past 12 months. TblS Signature, I Bird's Eye View of Jamsstawn Exposition Giounds. Old Point Comfort, three and a half mile.-; New Pjrt New.-", live mm; i iVnstnouth, eigiit mill-.-; O -eiiu i 'i'W. t hree tnilt-s. Kjositiou grounds reached liy i ' t; rti' ini:wu, !ti ifn .railwav, j tin! n ti'eiii.s'n;'. , 1 1 1 1 a In.iM' fui K.xposiiou ga'i-.:S nVi.ek ii 1 1 n; iruin. ClnMPg li ui' f--r ates, 11 o'clock hi mailt. I'n:e f niini.-siiiii to grounds: Adtnts. 5U ccnti-; children. 25 cftilt. (xoveninit-iit ouillu:trs mi jExp i si tion ground oi. n tt 9 h'cI-hji" in the morning and c!ose t 0 o'clock in the evening. The Jamestown Exposition has three miles of wari-r front two and a half miles oa llimpton KoadB and half a mileo:i Boush Creek. Two sides of the Exposition grounds are inclosed by a high wire lVinf, covered with tioney suckle, crimson rambler, rose and tmtnpui creeper vines. The Exposition's gieat military drill contains thirty acres, suriound ed by trees and pretty walks. A Canoe Trail, two miles lung and twelve feet wide runs from Boush Creek, which flows into Hampt n Ho.ids, thio ioh the m ist interesting part of tiie Exposition ground?. A romantic winding trail, called Flirtation Walk, follows along Ca noe Tiail for more than a mile. A. fine beach extends along the Exposition grounds for a mile. The arions State b.til'.iings are all near the water tiotit. To Cure a Cold in One Day Fi-ait. tl,u St ',i. ..... . S'eit ships ii. .d steii-iiel's ! ' ' It ' lit' to sen and c tiling i i J . . ;:i .!; j-.-ifts of the wot Id. The J jiiiifst. ii Kios'li-i!i i.-. ii historical st-nly of tin !.!. ti.tve lain died years. The. prf.;l; jr s j- f i,nl,iu-c-itureut thf is (.'i.lon4al. ! Many f tin- e iniil. lings j ati.l all of he M.i'ev' liit are . to he pernutieut siru-i uu-s. i More thriii a luilii.jn flowers, shrubs, and tives a vt- u-iv.dv jiiow- iug on the gruiihi!--, i.n.i ouu-io are being piaiite . The Exp.'si'io.i police for. e will he the Powhatan (iuanl, uu bun dled aud Feven'y-Hve strong, com mauJed by a Uuited States marine ollicer. The Powhatan Guards will be a mi itarv body as well a3 a uiilitarv j police, and will be on duty it all times until the close of tile Exposi 1 tion. Death of Mrs. Kinney. High Point Eoteiprife: A tele phone message from 't'homasville this afternoon cunini'inieates the sad intelligence thit Mis. Kinney, mother of the poonl-ir Southern railway engineer of th it name, died i this morning at 10 o'clock. The I devoted mother of her fearless and brave sons never recovered from ' t :e I'cidellt to It,.- ilt':.ftl of Jo'm- of her "iis in tn" reivur. .S mth ! . r i',j'k neir Danville. claimed to be "just as good" as Schnapps, but there is only one gen uine Schnapps. Be sure the letters on the tag, and stamped on the plug under the tag spell S-C-H-N-A-P-P-S and then you have it the most wholesome tobacco produced, with just enough sweetening to preserve the mild, juicy, stimulating quality of the leaf tobacco. Expert tests prove that this flue cured tobacco, grown in the famous Piedmont region, re quires and takes less sweetening than any other and has a wholesome, stimulating, satisfying effect on chewers. If the tobacco you arc chewing don't satisfy you more than the mere habit of expectorating, stop fooling yourself and chew Schnapps tobacco. Schnapps is like the tobacco chewers formerly bought costing from 75c. to $1.00 per pound; Schnapps is sold at 50c. per pound, in 5c. cuts, strictly 10c. and 15c. plugs. Cures Crip In Two Days. on every yrznrr0 box. 25c Weak Lungs Bronchitis For over sixty years doctors have endorsed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for coughs, colds, weak lungs, bronchitis, con sumption. You can trust a medicine the best doctors ap prove. Then trust this the next time you have a hard cough. The best kind of a. testimonial "Sold lor over sixty years." mftnuftoturera of 9 SARSAPARILLA. yers PILLS. HAIR VIOOR. W bave no saoreti t Wi pnblUh the formula of all our modioineo. .ii' AVer r-ius Keep me ounou roguiau ! Ail vegetable and gently laxative. CHARLOTTE STEAM LAUNDRY The Largest Best by Test Established 1898. Makes a specialty of French Cleaning and Dyeing;. It is a Process of dry cleaning-, the only way to clean ladies', children's and g-entlemen's clothing, and household dra peries, without injury to the cuff and shirt work unsurpassed. Packages re , ceived up to Wednesday morn ing at 10 o'clock for Saturday morning: delivery. W. A. COFFIN, Agent Asheboro At Wood & MoringV THE WINTER PEACH. In November 1902 our at tention was called to peaches which Capt. Ellington, Pres. Greensboro National BankV had gathered from his gar den. It being; so'" late, we were inclined to look upon it 'as a freak of nature, but when we again found them hanging-on the tree late in No vember 1904 we were com pelled fo take off onr hats and acknowledge an intro duction to a peach of first class quality, lengthening the peach season fully one month. I have the Entire Control of this peach. For this and other barg ains irnt'iieiy icib, Address JOHN A. vOUNG, Greensboro Nurseries, Greensboro, N. C. SHOES. THE BEST SHOE IU AMERICA ff. FOR TatE NO ' MAKERS V J t jJJ Aijii)UCR A full line of these Shoes can be found at S?. . J. MILLER'S, Sole Agent, ASHEBORO N. C. Pure Food, Good Health. I have a complete line of groberies and general mer chandise. Furnish your table from our stock and you get the purest and best. I pay top market prices; for produce. W. W. JONES

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