IT 71 Facts, Fables IDA IXGOL1) Life's Shadows. What one of us had not had in some measure to pass through the shadow of the valley of death? Sime, it is true, may be spared this ordeal for a time, the young for instance. But all who live long in the world must "pass under the rod" some day, prepared or not pre pared. The IJglit Fades. In the sun lit zones there is per. petual summer. The birds are 6inging all the time, flowers are blooming, green grass covers the fields aud meadows, and the soft breeze fans the air into the most delicious temperature. But our fortune does not always rest in this zone. As we wage the battle of the years we travel on and the situation changes. We eacli have our shadows, and this is as it should be, for how cheap would the sunlight become if we had it all the time. "If all were easy, if all were bright, Where would the cross bt Where would the fight?" For these natural changes in life we should be prepared intuitively, "because we have lived through life's summer and have matured in its sunlight, have ripened in ;its glow. We should be ready to meet the gloom of the lengthening shadows because their time is due and thier purpose at hand. These are natural phenomena and the symmetrical life will not quake at their appear ance. The life that has garnered sunshine in the sweet long ago when days were fair and life was fortune. The wise soul that has not dissipat ed the opportunities when in the pleasant fields of the happy zone but has reserved strength for thi3 dark hour. Summer cannot last always. The winter and the long night must surely come, and the time when our hands shall reach out for the last budding rose, when we detect the frost in the air and knew that thelight aud the warmth, the beauty and fragrance must wither and fade. These are the signs of life's natural close and must come to all alike. I'ntimely Gloom. But, when the clouds gather and the rain-drops fall around us in mid-summer, when the birds stop singing and shelter their heads beneath their wings, for sorrow, when the flowers droop and die ere they burst into bloom, when the green earth parches beneath our feet, and the air turns chill with affliction aud grief; when all this comes to us without warning and out of time, how shall we bear it? If, like the afflictions of Job, some j dire sorrow onus stealing in un- Your sense of the difference be expectedly to us upon the breath of tween right and wrong is the limit of the morning bringing its blight aud j your convictions on a given question, laying its bitter hands upon the j A painted fire will not keep the song, the sunshine, the fragrance, room warm, tipon the very zest of life itself,! wnat snail we oor now snail we be prepared to meet it? How Bhall we be strong? Sometimes clouds will gather in a clear sky, chill rJS'Js come with the rays 'of the rising sun, the birds are hushed in the midst of their song, and the budding rose withers. Oh, cruel fate that blights the rose of spring time, that hides the light of a mid summer day! Oh, pitiless death, that hushes the song of hope in the morning! That points to the grave, feet that are not weary, eyes that are not dim, that gives so" early the last, rose to hands that have been denied many ef life's rose3. That defeats the struggle of the hopeful, patient bouI for life and health. Oh, why are all the33 things? These are shadows to us. We cannot un derstand thern. What shall save us from overwhelming sorrow when seeming defeat touches sweet hope, breaks the bouyant spirit and lays them weary-limbed and heavy-eyed in the silent grave? Sunlight Somewhere. The suddenness of such untimely shadows makes us tremble upoa our foundations, it shocks ns so heavily that for a time we are off our guard and we bcome dis-spirited and un happy. If we could remember that somewhere there is that sun-lit zone and that there the birds are singing at this very moment; that all is bright with color aud sweet with fragrance; that this darkest hour with ns is someore else's best nnd happiest hour. That when the chill wind of adversity troubles us there are many that are basking in the warmth and light of realized hopes. If we cuild remember this that however dark our way there is always sunlight somewhere. That life has its shadows, and that the j "shadows shift," sometimes over ns, sometimes over others, aBd at their and Fancies MASTEX. coming the light' fades, but that they cannot shut out the sua for long. The sua ever shiues on, no matter how dense the clouds, and it will steal through a rift someday foi u. If we might know that the greatest seeming defeat is really most often the greatest triumph, and if we might hear the voice of peace speaking to us in the words of the little poem, thus; "Have faith iu God, the Savi ir said: He saw the path that we must tread; The frequent thorn, the fading flower, The joy and pain of every hour. Have faith iu God, tho' clouds arise And overspread the glowing skies; Tho' sum and stars grow dim and pale, His boundless love shall never fail." IDA IXGUlD MA ST EX. SPECIAL REMARKS. I am sure my remedy will give perfect satisfaction in cases where a TONIC, ALTERATIVE, PUltl FIKU OF THE BLOOD Oil A NERVINE is nteileil. I do not i believe its equal can be found for nervous prostration, aii'l when one is "rundown," it will certainly build up and restore to perfect health. I used to direct if half dozen bottles tf my Remedy be taken aud no benefit felt to sTor it, that it was useless to try more,- but I have mtt with a good many chronic cases, where no perceptible benefit was felt on the first half dozen bottles, and its continued use effected a cure. In chronic cases of long standing where any of my Remedy is needed at all the use of a dozen bottles is necessary, and in many cases more. Some take half dozen bottles and more before feeling any benefit; a great many tell me they have felt better from the first dose; most re port benefit on second or third bottle. It will cure INDIGESTION and stomach troubles. It will counter act BLOOD POISON. In such casesgive a wineglass every 15 or 20 minutes until the effect is felt in the head. 1 most urgently recommend the Remedy to every one suffering from any trouble that comes from impure, impoverished, or poisoned blood, or for a "rundown" system. The use of the Wash is of the utmost importance to be used in connection with the Remedy, in cases where there is any external trouble, iuflauiatiou, ulceration, or itching. For futher information, apply to Mrs. Joe Persox, Charlotte, N. C. If if sur Shew! EsToSwtOallFor REYNOLDS' SUN CURED TOBACCO CONTAINS LESS SWEETENING THAN ANY OTHER, BECAUSE THE QUALITY OF THE SUN CURED LEAF USED IN ITS MANUFACTURE NEEDS LESS. REYNOLDS' SUN CURED IS THE HIGH-CLASS CHEW THAT YOU FOR MERLY GOT, COSTING FROM 60c. TO S1.00 PER POUND. SOLD AT 50c. PER POUND IN Sc. CUTS; STRICTLY 10c. AND 15c. PLUGS, AND IS THE BEST VALUE IN ZUU CURED TO- -BACCO THAT CAN BE PRODUCED FOR CHEWERS. R. J. REYNOLDS T03ACC0 COjrflnsicn-Sabm, EL C PRIZE ESSAYS. Third Prize Won By Percy S. White, of Greensboro. Percy S. White, of Greensboro, won the third prize offered by "The American Boy," published at De troit, Mich., to the boys of North Carolina for the best essays on "Why I Am Proud of My State." Percy is "nly 12 years of age and his essay is reproduced below: Why I Am Proud of Mi State. Why am I proud of the Old North State? Why, becauee she has an area of 52,286 square miles, and a population of 1,893,810 people. North Carolina furnished more soldiers for the Civil War than she had voters, many of the young mun having volunteered. The first man that was killed in the Civil War was a North Carolinian, as was the case in the Spanish-American War. Three of our presidents were born in North Caroliun. The climate of North Caroliua is very pleasant, especially about Ash ville. Both Northern and Southern people go theie for their health and pleasure. We raise all kinds of cereals that can be raised anywhere else in the United States. The principal pro ducts are cotton, tobacco, wheat, rice, Irish and sweet potatoes, oats, rye and peanuts. We also grow all kinds of fruits, except the tropical fruits. Apples grown iu the west ern part of the State took the second pi ize at the world's fair at Pans a few years ago. The largest nuiser ies of the south are in North Caro lina. North Carolina is rich in mineral products. More zinc is produced here than all the United States. There are large quarrys of granite and other valuable building stones. There are also jewels of great value found here, including the diamond, garnet, ruby, sapphire and the opal. The pine trees of North Carolina furnish masts for the ships. There are many large furniture factories that make all kinds of furniture. More shuttle-blocks are shipped from North Carolina than any other state. There are many large cotton mills all over the State, the largest of its kind, in the world, being situated at Greensboro, jT. C, It is called "White Oak" after a large white oak tree which stands in front of it. There are also many large tobacco factories through out the State. The educat onal sjs'.em of North Carolina is fine. There are many colleges and universities all over the State, besides a splendid system of public schools for botn white and colored raci-s. The institution for the deaf, dumb, and blind is at Ral eigh. So you see we have much to be proud of in the Old North State, and we predict for her a bright and glorious future. Percy S. Weite. Greensboro, N. C. "They like the taste as well as maple sugar" is what one mother wrote of Ken nedy's Laxative Cough Syrup. This modern cough syrup is absolutely free from any opiate or narcotic. Contains Honey and Tar. Conforms to the National Pure Food and Drug Law. Sold by Standard Drug Co. and Asheboro Drug Co. 91 I no i oDacco STANLEY ITEMS. Child Caught In Belt at Saw Mill and Instantly killedPersonals. Stanley Enterprise. I After an absence of thirty-one years from his native home, S. A. ! Lverly, of Maypearl, Texas, is visit I ing his Srother at Richfield. Ihehnauce book of the county shows a shortage of $1,435.35 in the puMic road funds. The 13-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. George Mortu, 3 miles south of Albemarle, was caught in the belting at the mill Monday and in stantly killed. S. ()., and Misa Mary Weaver, of Rowland, N. V., have been elected to fill the vacaucies on the graded school faculty, caused by the resigna tion of Misses Forney and Thorn. Mrs. D. R. Seago has moved to Grteub-ro where she will be in charge of a boaiding house. Jason Wlntli-y, postmaster at Bridgeport, was married Sunday to Miss Ethel Morgan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Morgan. Mrs. Hester Teeter, wife of our tow iii-mati, Frank Teeter, died Sat urday night from appendicitis. She had a complication of Doubles and couldn't, undergo hii operation. Her remains were carried to Big Lick for interment. She is survived by :i hnsbiiui and six children. The Albemarli- Chapter of Daugh ters of the Oanfi'iiei'ucy has secured a lot. just north of the Stanley court house, upon which they will erect a monument. Clear up the complexion, cleanse the liver ami tone tlie system. You can liesi do this by a ilue or iuo of ltoWiit's Little Early Uimm's. Sue, reliable little pills with a reputation The pills that everyone Knows. l!eci'iumen'!''d by Standard Drug Co. and Asheijoro Drug Co. Chatham Items. The Chatham Iiccord Zuch. Uoroughs, of Bear Creek township, died on Tuesday of last week in his 85th year. Mr. Joan Kealsand son and Mr. Lit: le, cf Indiana, are visiting Mr. J. R. Mnght in Oakland township. Mr. Neal and Mr. Little moved from Chatham to Indiana forty-six years ago. C. H. Crutchfield and family, who have been living at Mundy, Texas, for some time, have returned to this county and are living on Siler City Route 1. Mr. S. S. Blackburn, depot ageut of Pineville, and Miss Juanita Mc Adams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McAdams, of Siler City, were married Thursday, December 27th,' at the home of the bride's parents. SOUTHERN FARMERS Need a Southern Farm Paper . . One adapted to Southern crops, climate, soils and conditions, made by our folks and for our folks and at the same time as wide-awake as any in Pennsyl vania or Massachusetts. Such a paper is The Proaressive Farmer, Raleigh. North Carolina, VA'ttrA tw Clarence H. Poe. with Dr. Tait Butler, of the A. & M. College, and Director fcs. W. KJI gore, of the Agricultural Experi ment Station (you know hem), as assistant editors i a year;. Tf vou Are alreadV takin? the paper we can make no reduction, but it you arc not talcing- it, You Can Save 50cts. By sending your order to us. That is to say to new Progress ive rarmer subscribers we will send that paper with the Cou rier, both one year for $1.50. Regular price $2.00. Address all orders to THE COURIER, Asheboro, N. C Furniture! Furniture! My enlarged stock enables me to offer the public new House Furnishings and in greater variety. Selling at a small margin I expect to move the stock rapidly. Bedroom Suites $11. to $40. Besides these I offer specials in Din ing Chairs, Itoekers, Couches, Lounges, Hall Racks and Iron Beds. Still better is our Art collection of Pictures. See them.' A full line of Bedding. O- R. FOX, Asheboro. N. C. Successor to Kearns & Fox- The Farmer and the Gun. There i no one art irle more npcwr'" the welfare of a farm tlmn a rood. reliiV'e firearm. .s a maim of protre'ion fro i prowling mnrnnrlr, hnre sten'injr Wh vaymen. etc . and m an effieiei't r'-nylv f" winged end frmr. footed posts that des'ror the crop and dnm.nre the the pasture. th-e is uothinpto eq,tnl a "nhootincf iron" Ts' the liest . aritirtipnt tiller of the od has for the invidera referred to nnd they i'o not rern 'hrir v!i aftrr one doe Both ihe fanner and the farmer's son have Wen ("purred "to C"t a '"" 1 v tie rampaian nf eduriti n whi-h the -T. S'eve-.s Arm & Tool V. Chionpee Falls. Mass , makers of ih celebrated Stevom fireirms. are constantly wrrinr in hchdf rt t1 logical weapon. tven Kille", TistnU i v' R'lo'pTins are hftor thru wnwo". ?nl Bin- nlijpct ptrrcl: l.y iheir bulh-ts st.iy dend. A natural ev-''-'imi nf tle farmer mai-' -mat was the trrm.i veteran slints that - the Tint!"!'! redr"Ts tl" tn-sle of their l!w in 'TCi That's a tioint most ipnpl, Ine sifht of in nnnlvzMie the reasons far the surrender at Vpr;own. Pnr on th" li'-nkes; some dtiv. ir nwful momentum, the splendid j timHiiHerv will to the junk-pile, j Xearlv every p Mnn who is snlijcct to at-j taeiis from slmii'irh sullers rn ni a li'or ' dr.' id pf a di"',"M.' treatment fo- velii-f t!r t is iln-ep f. ir!;s arvation. and one fourth ton! an I ini'i;. 0'i tli" other h-iii'l v' u i-in eat as you please ami difjest the food 1)' 'he ii-e nf a p in (lipfjliiiit, thus eiviii!.' I stomach eiiimllv t much wst I' what von please and tal e a little Kodol Iiidii.'p"' ion nfier vour meals It d; what y-ii eat. S..h! ly Standard Oru r Co and Ashehort TniR Co. Co m a nv a n ii t II I. It H I- H M Ft u in H Uti " wrote you for advice," writes Lelia Hagood, of Sylvia, Term., "about my terrible backache 3nd monthly pains in my abdomen and shoulders. I had suffered this way nine years and five doctors had failed to relieve me. On your advice I aook Wine cf Cardui, which at once relieved my pains and now I am entirely cured. I am sure that Cardui saved my life." It is a safe and reliable remedy for all female diseases, such as peri odical pains, irregulari ty, dragging down sen sations, headache, diz ziness, backache, etc. At Every Drug Store in WINE OF SAFETY IRON FOLD ING BEDS .''rv' Sleeper. One usci, a! v v i i . I People's House Furnishing Co., High Point, N. C. .HOOSE WISELY... wtwn yoi buy a SEWING MACHINE. YoaTI all torts rod Had at corresponding prices. But if you wxot a. rejnjUble iericeibk Machine, &ca tak tie n . OUR ELEGANT H.T. OATALO-'JEa GIVE FULL PARTIOULAHe,.FREE.w WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO. O-EVELAND, a For Gjcd Sound DOGWOOD. WE WILL PAY $15,00 PFR CORD, LOADED ON THE CARS; $7.00 PER CORD FOR MAPLE, 4 f'.. l-nr, 7 inches and up; HICKORY, $!0.0e per Cord. U. B. WORTH. Tie as. Greensbio, N. C. i S ! f .. I . I Em FREE ADVICE Write ut a letter describing all your symptoms, and we will send you Free Advice. In plain sealed envelope. Address: Ladles Advisory Department, The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chatta nooga, Tenn, JU $1.00 bottles. Try it. WHITE. 27 years experience has cn&Ued us to bring out HANDSOME, SYMMETRICAL and WELL-BUILT PRODUCT, combining In to make-up all the good points found on high grade machines and others tint are ezcluaively WITTZ-fcr fcctar.cs, c-jf TENSION INDI CATOR, a device that shows the tension at a glance, and we bavc othtrs that appeal to care ful buyers. AU Drop Heads have AutomUic Lift and beautiful Swell Front, Golden Oak Vookwofk. Vibrator wd Rotary Shuttle Style. 1