NEGROES TO DIG THE CANAL. 5,000 To ;ile Taken ToPanma. And They Will be Hosted by White Men From the South Who Understand Them. Washington Special, 13th. to New York Son. William J. Oliver and Anson M. Bangs, the contractors who will probably build thepananiit caual, are waiting for the isthmian canal com mission to take action on the prop osition they presented yesterday to construct the canal tor 6.75 per cent, of the total cost. Mr. Oliver if awarded the contract, and there is little doubt, (will take with hiui a great force of white steim shovel men, superintendents, foremen, sub ftosses and the like. They, hke Mr. Olivei, will come from the South, where they have beea working with negro labor, and it is de clared that they will mt tiud tionble in push ing the black nun forward at a rapid pace in making the dirt lly. Mr. Oliver expects to take 5,000 negroes to Panama with him and niabye more will betaken out of the South. Cuillord Jurors. The following jurv was drawn for the February term of criminal court, of Guilford county which couvenos on the 25th: E. II.' Zimmerman, Walter Shep herd, Alfred F. Greeson, W. H. Netse, John Lay ton' Robert F. Troxler, J. F. Andrew, J. F. Dick, Robert L. Caiisev, Thorn 49 Oatisev. James May, F. R. Snipes, .fames M. May. W. J. llendnx. Joan C. KeaiiH, John M. McOulloi:h. J. F. Ilighfill, W. D. Moore, E. M. SeUars, J. F. Fult 'ii, C. 1. R.orep. M. C. Groome. A, S. Col.-trane, J. T. Rhodes, C. S. Oook, ThomisM. Ray, John P. Watson, Jncob Leon ard, Jr., J. Ad. Harvev, W. D. Har nson, A. A. Grant, W. F. Grav, W. W. Grossett, J. U. Welch, J. W. Guyer, M. H. Wheeler, Tbe following jurrs were drawn for the civil term: First week Samuel A. Brown, W. G. Causey, J. R, Kernodle. J. M. Clapp, Charles A. Cobje, L. A. Jessup, P. V. Carter, C.I. Weaih erly, Edgar Blair, Wr. E. Lvon, W. C. Dorsett, W. II. Brookbank, Charles E. Hunt, John Hodgin. Charles Case, W. W. Tucker, A. R. Hammer. Second week Isaac Pritchett, Charlie Birnhardt. A. G. Amick, C. D. Scoggin, J. Henry Fields, R. J. Ballard, C. C. Shaw, 0. L. Tuck er, J. U. Grant, C. Mebane, O W. Meade, C, F. Johnson, John A. Gretter, John A. Suits' A. S. Clark, II. W. Frazier, F. M. Pickett. Safe, Sure and Speedy. No external remedy ever yet devised 1ms 80 fully ami unquestionably met these three prime conditions a.s successfully as Allcock's rlaaters. They are safe because they con tain no deleterious dnigi aud are manufac tured upon scientific, principals of medicine. They are sure because nothing goes into them except ingredients which are exactly adapted to the purposes for which a plaster is required. They are speedy in their action liecause their medicinal qualities go right to their work of relieving pain and restoring the natural and healthy performance of the functions of muscles, nerves and skin. Allcock's Masters are the original and genuine porous plasters and liko most meri torious articles have been extensively imi tated, therefore always make sure and n.'t the genuine Allcock's" Death Despoiled. From Malherbe, "On the death of a beautiful Child," by Curtis Hidden Page in the February Me tropolitan Magazine. But she livid in this world, where the love liest things gj Are the most to deplore; Bo, a rose, she could live but the life of a rose A morning, no more. Death of Mrs. King. Died Jan. 4th, 1907, Mrs. Sally King, aged 81 years. She had been a member of the chnrch for 40 yeorn, and was mnch beloved by all. She leaves 3 children: Mrs. Mary Asheworth, Mrs. Martha Scott and Joshua King, also ten grand children and 7 great grandchildren. Card of Thanks. ? We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for the many kindnesses and their , faithful attention daring the last, illness and death of 0111 be loved grand mother, Mrs. Sally King. Mayj heaven's blessings attend them. f ElJf A ASHEWOBTH Suggs Creek, N. C. Reflection! of a Bachelor. . A ganzv scarf can always keep g woman warm enough if it is pretty enongn. The way to make a woman hap py ia to t-ll her that's the way she makes ) oh. Nobody ever makes nvmey ont of a tning to t-e peifectly truthful about it. When m mttn has a o temper bis wife always is fratd he is con cenliug couttssbiou beonght to make. Vinol builds you up and keeps you up Our delicious Cod Liver preparation without oil. Better than old-fashioned cod liver oil and emulsions to restore health for Old people, delicate children, weak run-down persons, and after sickness, colds, coughs, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. Try it on our guarantee. Sold by Sttndard Drug: Co. FASTIDIOUS WOMEN consider Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic a necessity in the hvienic care of the person and for local treatment of feminine ills. As a wash its cleansing, germicidal, deodorizing and healing (jollities arc extraordinary. For sale at Drugtri'.3. Sample free. Address The R. Taxton Co.. Boston. Mass. MIKE TO PAT. T'cer I'nclc Patrick: You've heard of ig'niraiit men, haint you? There arc men that ilont know the war has tndid. Yes, there are me.i who new hinP of In tl io.I men who dunt know where they livlong or how to lend ihriroHii bush. ess, men that think they are c.d'e l up in to sp.'ak fur the public when they cant run their iwu business suckcessfnlly, ine:i who are sore and feci spiteful toward ( vcrv'..cidy that lun made a suckers.-; of their lii-itii.s. But the climax of all ignora it men is the one that cant see how a man wh- has served as Con ity Treasurer cau serve mi a finance "omittee after his term as Treasurer has expired. Of ci)ure he dont have to approve his own report. It'll he his liiisi iess to look after the next man's rejiorts, a id if his reports are to lie ho ,ed aftr the other two mm on ihe the committee could do it. The people at the election said they dident want any Pepulilicnn in their hesiuess now who is it that haint got sence - enuff to know the people hold the party for which they voted responsible for the management of public, affares, if that arty was elected? Aiut i a purty party that is so dogguned hungry for olhce that it raises a racket 1-cau.-e it caiut get one ( its men on the Finance committee? Tie reople had the Republicans on iheir Finance emmittee in full blast in the nineties, and they dont want any more of their lina'icin business. They financed everything in debt, in other words they ran the plow so deep in the ground that the Democrats had to dig a hole to find the handles, when they were ' elected Go to the onts, you sluggard, learn how to bite decently aud be wise! I wi mler who the sorebacks want on the Finance Committee Jim Young, A lie Mid dleton or Isaac Smith? Allright, sorebaeks, you can name era when the people put you in p.iwer; but just now the people dont want you. ilaybe you would like to have a carpet-bagger or some other idiot. But i's not your time. Just be patient, litile fel lows. It has been said that every dug has his day, but a fool dont have that much Mike Diiocanshield would like to ask every trullilul Kepublican, Democrat., Socialist, sorelfcick, carpet bagger, who wishes to take a look at the books of the county treasurer, to do so at onee. They a e oprn six davs in every week to nublie or private inspection, and we want to ask why all doubters have not already looked at them? They dont want to do it, for they know that their peep at the books might biint a comparison with the hooks from 18110 to PJ00. Ore thing certain. Will Miller was able to balance his books, and the lie publicans cant boast that they had such a man. Well, aon aint it a pity that Mister Bla"k burn had to run to Washington to keep out of the way of the officers? People oughtenl to he bard on him. for he dident get the support of the Republican machine, and some do not think he is bright anyway. He is like some other little hollow heads he tried to make it appear that the Democrats had done worong and he failed to make good hiit claims. Its mighty hard to make North Carolinians forget the two advents of the Republican party in North Carolina when the carpet-baggers commenced com ing, and the times from 1896 to 1900. Uncle Pat, did you know that the Re publicans elected Mister Adams as United States' Senator? They gave him about a dozen votes! early every Republican in the Caw-cuss at Kaleigh voted for him. They helled tiieir caw-cuss behind closed doors, and wouldent let many people know what they wan a doing. I dont blame em, I'd be ashamed of it, too .' The Governor of South Dakota has just said in a message to the Legislature of bis State that it was a dirty trick for Mary Ann and Dan to trick his state into collecting repudiated bonds from North Carolina especially when the bonds -were issued by carpet-baggers just - after the Civil War. Any state that fool with carpet-bagger and traitors will always have trouble. A carpet baeaer is a man (or a piece of one) that has run out of business in his own state, and cone to another state to try to run things. A traitor or scallawag is a man or some other two-legged animal that takes up with a carpet-bacKer. J lie people of tins state dont want any more of ifary Ann or Dan's kind. The South has suffered awfully from fan hlesg, disloyal, false-hearted, trait orous, perfidious, deceitful men, whose main business has been to run down, defame, malign, decry, villify, slander, misrepresent and abuse our own native men who have served the public honorably, fuch has been the greediness, rapaciousuess a d in -sa iable thirst for office and a chmicR to plunder the public that they have never ceased to pievaricat. dodge, cavil and quibble about the public acts of clean men, and make false insinuations about their unimpeachable characters. A roaue is first to ciy "thiii", a I laekmailer lirst to eiy "crookedness," and a hyp-wit is first to yell "let us look at Uioks" that are all ways open : for public inspeciiiui. Let any mini, that's! honest aud meaus to render 10 every man j his just due look at te IiooUh in any otliee I in turn or n-y other county iu the state, and ihen jf he desires to liecouie advisor for the public let him admit those who mig!it dosire it to an inspection of his o.v.-, books, and if he isup-tii-da'e iu his private business and is making buckle and tongue meet he will do to tie to. and it will lie no mistake to make him the guardian of :he eopl-. Your r.e!T"v, M1KK. MINNESOTA ROAD BUILDING. A .;rrow Komi lncl, I.Ike i Mturrle Truck v.."nle. Mayer Ilirry M. Ituliov Mivived at Miic:m, M .. r-veu: !y !'; ini M i.iiie.iji .lis In his nee.- to r ,v !; : .eji vr mot r car. eMii;il.ui;:K 11 .1 y 't 701 ni;ies without tin of :t tni.iiiie fir re pairs. Tli: trip thr.iu:;! .M;:in.-s ;fu utiil northern lava va i.i: tie ut the aver age rate of seventeen v.'f a-i b iir. which moans they f.vii;;er.!y 1.111 tl:ir ty miles an li .t.'. "They h'tve a system of rond build ing up In tint c ii itry." said Mr. ttt-be-y, "which iuij;!:t 1 I' )!!.)v.ed with ndvnutage ia Missiuri. luste ul of t'i ; triliuling their elT.irts over a r;:tav:iy of from for y to sixty feet, tliey make a roadbed :' from .ten to t-.veKc feet nnd concent rata nil their work ou tint, Ieuvii g the balance of l!ie right of way ta take care of itw'f. Across the bt toms utiil lo vlaiuU the 10 ul is leink-.vl up like a railroad 1111 or ctuii uik.i' Yon can see far enough ahead to sto;i if yon happe'i to encounter 11 vehicle coming against you on a till. This narrow strip o:' roadway is kept hard nud smooth, and we glided over It at a rate that w mid have jolted tho ma chine to pieces on most of the roads down here. It Is built of earth, com pactly, so that rain lias little effect ou It." Good Itoada For Automobile. Although since the use of automo biles became widespread lu a consid erable section of the country a good deal of money has been expended on the Improvement of roads, very much more must be devoted to the purpose If long distance traveling Is to be pro moted, says Harper's .'Weekly. I'nder the auspices of the (iood Roads league a aioveinent has been started for the construction of a highway suitable for automobiles from the Schuylkill river to a provisional terminus nt Pittsburg. The ('istance is neariy 'MO miles, nnd the compule.l cist of stie'a a structure would be between $3,000,000 aud $3, ."'O. A 1. lore Interesting aud prom ising jila n was mooted the ether day by the Philadelphia I'ublic Ledger. The scheme proposed by that newspa per contemplates the restoration. Im provement nud extension of the old National road, otherwise known as tbe Cnmbpi-lnnil i-onil which wnn ImiU hv the federal government during fUe tblr ty-three years preceding 1S39. Made, as it was, under the supervision of en gineers of tbe regular army, this high way has been compared for solidity with the military thoroughfares cre ated by the Romans, tbe remains of which are still turned to account In many parts of Europe. Macadam Road Maintenance. Neglect to properly maintain a mac adam road after it has been built Is one of the worst enemies of road re form of which we have knowledge, says Good Roads Magazine. Many cases are ou record of where a stone road has gone to pieces within a very short time after Its completion owing to negligence in giving the matter of repair due attention. Experience shows that a road once properly built can be maintained Indefinitely by making prompt repair as soon as a weak spot Is discovered. Tbe practice In Euro pean countries could well be followed In this country. A road requires care and attention for Its upkeep the same as a railroad track. Tbe original cost of a macadam road Is too great to al low It to go to pieces within a year or so and then practically rebuild It Most failures are due to the fact that 60 ade quate provision for repairs has been made by the county or state. Since roads cannot take care of themselves, they must be looked after constantly If rebuilding Is to be avoided. Prepare For Fnll and Winter. As the season approaches for heavy rainfalls and the consequent muddy roads It Is well to call tbe attention of road supervisors to the necessity for seeing to It that ditches and culverts are open to allow the free passage of Wood's Seeds Seed S Oats Rede&ned Stocks. We have thousands of bushels in stock, selected from the best crops grown in this country; all the best and most productive kinds: Q 'Burt, or 90-Day. 6 P Black Tartarian. H Swedish Select, Red Rust Proot White and Black Spring, Vir ginia Gray Winter, etc. Write for prices. WOOD'S HEW SEED BOOK for 1807 tells all about Seed Oats and all Mailed IV tells all about Heed Oats and all II l Farm and Garden Seeds. Mailed free on request. II T.W.Wooi & Sons, Seedsmen,! JJ RICHMOND, - VA. l water, sit; s ..! jio .ds Vagazi!! . Water Is the ('..m'I.v enemy t 11 road and should therefore he kept 11s far awny as passible. Iu the construction f n new rwil proper crowning nnd draining are the two essential thing to be kept constantly In mind. Keeping the surface smooth by the use of the road scraper or drag Is nil Important If good, passable roads are desired. In the northern sections of the country, where deep Rnows are found In the. winter months, preparations should be made early for rolling down the snow or otherwise keeping the roads open f?" triUMc. r-tH3;en In Tesaa. South Te.;:;.s is growing' oranges, lem ons nud (.two piihns. It is only a step to plueapi le culture under cauvas. Some cattle ruuchniau of that section should go Into "aiiple" culture, oa a large scale. Kiifllr Corn. Tha crop should be cultivated like sorghum or corn. Kalllr corn may be harvested In several ways. Unlike corn, the fodder remains green after the grain matures. To Hold a Gate Open. The Illustration shows a very hnndy method which I invented to hold a swing gate open nny width. ' Most gates are bung so they swing upward a little In opening, to clear snow, grass, etc. The- swing shut of their own accord; hence some thing to bold the gate open at nny place while driving through or letting out si oik Is a ne crsMty. T.i meet this feed I d?v!.-ed the I'r.ico shown herewith. It Is sir.. ply a piece rf wood 1 by 2 i-H-l.e cud a lit tle !o!v it than half tie height n! the p::tt One e:id is fastened by a spike nass- 'aKptv? -t::i: cviv P through it ore::. n,,.t ,iriVen into the e.lge of th. vertical board nt the end of t':e gate, or !t may be put on With a I'i-ge. The dotted' linei show Its poiilion wlieti net Iu use. !t being swims rpwnrd mid snai-pol l ei enth a spring nailed to the top of the gate, says a writer in American Agricultur ist. Thousands Have Kidney trouble and Never Suspect it How To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours ; a sediment or set tling indicates an unhealthy con dition 01 the kid neys ; if it stains your linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble ; too frequent desire to pass it or pain in the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. What To Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Koot, tne great Kiunev remeuy, fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and everv part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to now water and scalding pain in'passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne cessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times'during the night. The mild and the extraordinary eflect of Swamp-Root is soon realized, it siaiuis me uiguesi for its wonderful cures of the most dis tressing cases. If you need a medicine vou should have the oest. soici Dy arug- gists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sizes. You may have a sample raue anu a book that tells all HOOUL It, OUI.IlSieill.llCCKE.jyjlgTW bv mail. Address Dr. Eysnftlim Kilmer & Co., Bing- hamton, N. Y. When Horn of Bmunp-Root writing mention this paper and don't make any mistake, but remember the name. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghaniton, K. Y. depends upon the life-long- study and experience of the men who di rect this business, and who mix a fertiliser which "makeithre(of ten a doxen) bladesof grassa-row, where only one grew before.'' The name of it la Vir5lnJa-Caro!ina Fertilizer. By Its very liberal nee, a week or two before, or at planting, as well as seoond application, mul titudes of farmers in the South hare "In creased their yields per acre," and with the lanrer profit which these increased yields brontrht, paid off themoitevg-eonthelrfarma. Don't be fooled by any dealer into buying "cheap" substitute. Vtrslnla-CareUma Cbratcal C. Blohmond. Va. Atlanta, Oa. Norfolk. Va. Bavannah. Oa. Durham, N. O. Montgomery, Ala. Charleston. B. C Memphis, Tenn. Baltimore, Md. Bluvvepoi-t, Ia 1 1 "'A )ry The Bounty X OfTherields The air of exclusiveness that distinctive touch so much desired in our Diamond Brand dress shoes, is not there by accident. Diamond Brand styles are designed by an officer of this Company, who has won his spurs as a master of footwear construction. Moreover, Diamond Brand Dress Shoes are made by the best paid shoe-workmen, of the highest grade leathers. They fit faultlessly, snug up under the arch beautifully, and hold their shape. DorCt aJl nitsht lom3 from toothache neuretltjia. or rheumatism Sloans Uivinxeivt kills the pain quiets the nerves cnd induces sleep At eJUeders. Price 25c 50c &H00 Dn E&rl SSIomv, Bosfot,Movss.U.S.A. The assertion ih bached hy our &alen for the past few months. Easy rumiiiipr, duralile and comfortable. We also handle J. I. XUsen Wag ons. Jiihiiston Harvesting Machinery, Mowers, Stoves, linnges, Mill Supplies, lluililcru Hardware, BupKy and Wajcm Harness, Stag Paint, Kiri and Smooth Wire nnd everything in the Hardware line. Lewis & Winslnw HIGH POINT MACHINE WORKS Engineers, Founders, Machinists. High-class repairing: in all lines. Manufacturers of Steam Engines, Saw Mills, Lathe Mills and Pumping Machinery. ' None but expert mechanics employed. We make & specialty of repairing en heavy machinery and solicit cor respondence. IF YOU REQUIRE PROMPT SERVICE WRITE US We Sell the Earth! If you are interested in the proposition, in or near Ajheboro. we think we can please you as to lot, prices and terms. Office in Bank B'ld'g. Armfield & LavjgHlin. Real Estate Dealers. P fl ave ivionevFfrtur- j uiigi lie tnu oouer and Sergeant Saw Mill Detween now and the first day of January, as on that date prices will bj advanced. McCrery-Redding Hardware Company Send your orders for Printing to The C urier. pIAMOND BRAND DRESS SHOE r jamiD Emir p. ? . 9 Suffer 1 HIGH POINT BUGGIES Are THE Best. Hardware ompany. J EES and huv a

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