The Asheboro Cou.ier PRICE ONE DOLLAR A YEAR Wm. C. HAMMER, Editor. -Kntered at the iot Office al Ashebor . a 'ecomi Mutter. The World's Greatest Tribute To By Field-Marshal Viscount Wolsely. Every iocident in my visit to (ien. eral Lee is indelibly stampet1 on nn memory. I have taken no spt ci il trouble to remember all be sitiil ti me then and during subsequent con versatioiis, andjyet it is still fresh in my recollection. But it is uutunil it should be so, tr he whs the ablest general, and to me seemed eate-ii man I ever conversed with; and yet I have had the privilege of meeting Von Moltke and Prince Bisnurck, and at least upon one occasion had a very long and intensely inteiestini; conversation with the latter. lien eral Lee wis one of the few men who ever seriously impress d and aed me with their natural, tl eir iuhe eni greatncs3. Forty years have conn and gone since our meeting, yet the majesty of his manly b.a in?, t ti genial winning grace, the sweetins of his sinih and the impressive dignity of his oM fashioned ttv le of address, come b&'jk to me a:iunr-'' the most cherished of mv reeollee tions. His great in s niiiL mo hum ble, and 1 never felt my own i'i dividual insignificance more k-iii!. than I did in his pie.-enee. ilu was a beautiful cliaraeter, and l him, it might truthfully be wri t-u: "In lighten inoss he did judge a i make war." Wululng Their Business. A western paper reports the fol lowing: The other day a local mer chant happened to see a farmer r. -ctiviug some goods at a freight oiliui at the ilepot, and noticed thai thev came from Sears, Roebuck & Co!, mail order house. He noticd that tin goods were right in his line and tin same he has carried in his store loi years, .'le immediately approached th" farmer and said: "I could have lold you every article you have then for less money than you paid th Chicago house and saved you mone besides." "Then why diden't yoii Bay so!" answered the farmer. " "I have take two county papers for a year and have never seen a line a bout you selling these goods. Seats. Roebuck & Co., sent advertising matter asking for my trade they got it. If you have any bargains why didn't you put them in the paper so we can see what they are? That ended the argument and the merchant went to corral other non-advertising merchants and ex plained to them that Sears, Roebuck tc Co., was ruining their business. YOUTH IMPLICATES FATHER With Himself In Horrible Murder at Star a lew Days Ago. Make Smith and hoii. Clmrlpa were arrested near Star last Friday cnsrgeu wun killing Milton Handle, two weeks ago. When arrested the bov, aired about 17 vears. nmde full confession, saying that on the day before the body was found, seeing that Bundle had a large buiouui ui money, ne awa nis lather entered into a plot to kill him They followed him, taking an xe and when they overtook him young Smith struck him on the "head knocking him to the ground. They got only $56 before they were frightened away by an ap proaching train. The father denies having any thing to do with the killing, and the boy has since contradicted much of his first statement. Parties arriving from Trnv venter. day morning; report that Charles omun win oe put on trial this morning, but it is expected that the trial of the father will nat be reach ed this term. Caraway Items. The Small Pox scare in Jericho, is raging high; several have teen exposed. Hart Prevo, of Randleman, spent several days last week iu this community. A. M. Webster, of Franklinville, is visit ing Mr. Hanson Johnson this week The sale at the home of Mr. Oeo. Robbins deceased, will be next Friday. W. J. Baldwin, of Troy, spent Saturday Bight aud Sunday with Mr. J. F, Jarrell and family. W. J. Delk spent Saturday and Sunday with his brother, Henry Delk, who is il! at bis home at Cox, with pneumonia Mrs. Lizzie Hunt, wife of Isham Hunt, died at her home near here Sunday nig. t the 25 th R. C. Palmer, vice president of the Good Bond Association for Liberty township, has called a meet,, in g for Saturday, January 26th t Liberty, for the purpose f -rfe(!t-ing the organization of the Liinrtr township GooJ Rovi AnciatiHn He letiorU HithuMaMii in the movement in that section veiy m Couraging. J FRANKLINVILLE GLEANINGS. Death of a Little Hoy PersonalsKill ed I'iO Turkeys. Mr. Cauey Yoik has purchased Mr. W. R. Cox's residence on Ashe boro street where he will move his family. He hax Keen red a position with V. C. Jones' Wagon and Re pair Shops. Mr. Cox will move to the comer residence No. 1 on R. R. aw nue aud Mar ley street. Mr. Peter Allred killed another wild turkey last we. k; this makes 120 turkeys that Mr. Allied has killed. Ai. aud Mrs. R. W. Finlator and J Jo!,.. Vinlator, of Raleigh, and Miss I Ethel Finlator, of Greensboro, spent I . i . : :.i i . i Sunday in the city with tin ir aunts the Miches Lunsden. Me.-n, 0. C. Cox and Jne Tii pe.i, tun of our expert .isheriueii. j w. ,e tilling in York's Kind one i i . i "ei. i ueu uui r uemg seil ! Ilu-nevy waves Mil it le- l- 'I'I...:- I. ..1. I. cui' u. mi v i i' H , i-v.-i N i-iiiiiii was lO'ie Iu llglllcil ller liilldf, i'll m las: went lii-wn in i lie b. tnnn tu about 111 feet of w iter. Mi. I'm pelt lni'ig an iM'i-ileiil AMi.tmiec rescue 1 Mr. Co an i d .iii: Uvh s iv. d linn Ir mii lii!ie ;m u i r i n, , --n,. I.ilt'e Krul, "the ibn-f i-;.r n il son of Mr. -ami Am.. . K Nei.-ou d ed at the Immeof it srrand iu- nt.s, Mr. and Mt. li. J. Ui.r. n, last riiursd IV :i'i 1 ms inteiled in the M. K. t'hu'c'i ii-ltieirlV I ridav !l V. C. .. Uni.d e..lni!tet, d I lie tillie.ul Si'l Ml'e.-. I be p n i ll's b;( ,-, the svmiialhv of our ii m.l . Miss Grace Mi ou went . Mil! Point last week and will r-p.-mi te davs with the t.iinih ol Mr. . V.CrJs. Mrs. Alice Pivduy, of Siuifnnl. spent Sunday with her sister Mrs. Ilusfh l'iitks, Jr. Rev. J. F. Alltel Iks h'a-;.ri.d his poultry a-ds Why .ol Ileum, J. B. Slack is alien lin,j euurt at Tio tl,is week. J. L. SihMieer, nf Aberdeen this week-iii hi latli 'i 's IS 8KMnllllg Mrs. ,1. p. B,,ro:i,.lis. nd Kail, are vUit ing here Mr. aud Mrs f.rnest Yune.iiuei i have re O.-ntly iu ive.l on A. L. King's faun. Misses. Mary Brans m and .J.-i. Cag'.', spent a few d iyi at Mr. Brun-iu's nen White House reeendy. Miis Euhi Kinij lias returned li imp frnm a visit to Asheluru. Miss Jessie Boroughs and E. I.. Auinie, 1 8pjnt Sunday with Miss Eita Aiiman. .Mr. ami .Mrs. .Malonlm MeMIhan visited their daughter, Mrs. C. B. last I week. DOES your business stationery repre sent or misrepresent you? Patrons of The Gourier Job Office are proud to be known by the company they keep it's the best both paper and workmanship. We will be glad to have a trial order. Send for prices on Letterheads, Billheads, Statements, Envelopes, infact everything in the stationery line AO OPPORTUNITY Two Orral Jonrnnln for Whole Year anil a Beautiful Colored Picture for the Price ofOne We have perfected arrangements whereby we can send the best and most practical farm and family paper publish ed, Farm and Home, in connection with our own publica tion, on the remarkable terms as given below. SEMI-MONTHLY NATIONAL FARMHOME ,i i6.? l'Jmb!f ta ne but ,br c' "ewr'PMnn of Farm and Home which Is uneximl. fimf.iHtf an Kex,celle.nceU U is P"."- ""Khtand practical .11 the way through ism il with all the latest and mo..t reliable information thut exiierience and wi' noe can supplv. For v llage. suburban and rural resident it will be ound well nlfh iu. di6iensible, meeting the requirements of the entire family. FREE - This Colored Picture - FREE Size lsxSO Inches. OUR GREAT SPECIAL OFFER Weekly Record, one year Sl.OO I farm and Home, one year ,50 " "P01",1 'ndu'n'it (or prompt repllen to all who accept the above upeelal offer within jhirty daysi we will also mail the. picture described, Ithout further charge. Address all orders la WKEKLZ Mr. Sarah C. Yow went to Montgouieiy last week to the burial of her mother, Mra. Nora Russell. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Atunan returned from a visit to Montgomery Monday. Mrs. Hugh Yow does uot Si-cm to im prove. Mr. Andrew Punkney, f Indiana, and Mis Lna Davis, of Seagrove, R. F. l , were married Jan. 15, 1907. Miss Davis is the daughter of Mr. Wright Davis. Messrs D. and A Auniiii, unl J. P. Bor oughs, of AshehiKi, were iu this rity tcduy Providence Mews. O. P. Barker has returned frmn the White S.lher Springs, iir-ar Mount Airy, very u"' in,'7'ed int !r'"'; , . M.ll,e "f f .Miss Iail Lhuiiiuess ami Miss School, Mabel I Smart, visited Mr. and Mrs. G. P, Barker j last Thursday evening. Mi-s I", hel B trker, t Kaudleman visited lier 1C0,",i'H Al,,u a',J EUio i,'lrker lust "c-r-r,. J. W. Buker in ivuip my with several ( Sreenslwo Imys, is spending some time a, Manchester fox hunting. ti. P. Barker uud his brother, John Bark nr. nf I ;rensli.)i-o, pp:it several days with Mr. .1. X. lii'ynuMs at the Sulphur Spiings !-ting ipi i ai.d j iie.isatits. They found i-n y i.f ' -Hit' a el hi:l-l a!i nit .n hundred. M . I.V.iinidi is t, of t lie spii'iys a .d ..... ns a',.m, I .if Ian I. He ii.e, j i-t Imill i iar,'e li iu !i I'el with 1"4 m'li.s ivhie Mr. I'll zi . viv liss(,1i!y TitH P,-..v r.v. d l.a: .'i iot. -i -ions. il I. mi ,h-d. ans mi 1 sifter. I'.Mi-l 'ha;ui.'s. i t Suiidiy. Me nil I l.inel.-n hoys h ml . le I'i- 1 a Mpmurlam. M r. S ir.,!) K'ti i he id)v ol be l ite no Kino, who die I JalHl !. 4th:il hit h-ine near Ashury, N. '.. ii ?! years old. The : to is d is sin n n. l hv three cbu ir. it, tn ii in and one buy. Aunt vl'v, us in' ca'led her, will be j.uMy mi s J. Mie was a g i-d .voinan and tried to do the th uj that pleased her Lord. She wat loved by all who ksew her. 1J Kit FlUEND. Married. At ile btiJe's residence in wnt .sbeb,ro, Mrs. I'elle A"tn to M'. ii id itk. U-'v N ;-ni ollioiatiu MillCK. Notice Is lnTi-l.y it'. veil that n liUl wilt i c -p-vented ill tin-l.-eent session of till' LeEisl.ltu atitlu.rixini; the -itnnii"s!o!icr of Km d h coiiiitv to ciill mi olit-tiiiii uiKin the ouestiuii the imblie maiUof tlieeouno-. C kH.SK". llnudoliih Roads iisso. Bin in her Over 600 Pages "Playful KUHns" Hcne U a pie t u r e which uron lirst twv liiK It you would ex. eluim. '-Imii'I it euU-y The iiaintiiiK i so Ntrikiiufly iuierestliiE in Uh grouping niid coloriiiK that at first sinht one loiww all ttiniiifht of the title. Little by little it dun us uion the mind tluit one of tin- cute kitteim is looking into a hnud mirror, another Is ll. ti'tilng to the tickinir of the cl.K'k, another tasting of the cream, another catching the o lor. of the beautiful roses, while the fifth kitten is clawing at and feelliiK of a kid Klove, carrying out the five seuHct,. BOTH FOR OSLY Sl.OO RECORD, Chicago, Illinois. Kl MJM Dm P In England and France the Sale of Alum Baking Powder is pro hibited by law because of the in jurious effects that follow its use. The law in the District of Columbia also prohibits Alum in food. You may live where as yet yoir have no protection against Alum The only sure protection against Alum in your Baking Powder is fo Sap plainly to ROYAL is made from product. Aids digestion adds to the healthfulness of food. V '"r' J hi Tv7Qntyoiio TRADE MARK f?5& REGISTERED F. S. ROYSTER GUANO C0 I 4000,000 PEACH TREES HI Tennessee Wholesale Nurseries. No acents traveled, at wholesale prices. Absolutely free from disease and true to name. Write for catalogue and prices before placing-your order elsewhere. We guaran tee our stock to be true to name. Largest Peach Nursery in the world- Address 8 HALE, f WILL GIVE THIS To on. pron .t .very pratoftlc Th. flrit fonatoi-Bl that ynu.lmil think Jna iti cat thcm.aDil 111 Uimei Who write, will The nicturo ! 10 inches bnr mad 16 Inchon wMe. itirt ri-.l.t tv lW'''0ViSi,94'''--f.'y' "' 10 cents for ..iiiaU.iiK that ip worth 43 cents, lam IvI'V- S?S'-jf J. .fi IsMiiMsa. t is an at ..uim, i,.,w ,; tr,. hial wavoi mfi-,-''TF I TW ,1; ""' of inone,;"! .hall ool ti'?vS'Mf H-.V--' MVfcTSaU ' 'i ,!' t" do. .. f w..,k f,.r me. and the picture .ill nosi- I VTf -JVfl ri ,,V''fc?'..' : -V 5 C.Hi a, I will (l. so much fur Ih.dime lh.ttlie-rt --yS4t 4rftfr)J&i. 2 J see mil jump at th. chano. I will tm, rm ,hm V '4Ci-ii rTUttWi" . irVTf -J "V to do this hill, f.ror fo, me. .d 1 know ,i will t I ! 'WytW'nm&,iii'Si& rVt' i H ;el,'toil to do it when yoo see tho .ict,i... ll..n l let snj P.y,???!'' iCT'iawf1. C Uti'M boJ''1.l,,d """" to.lay. nentlon this paKir i-: ';y--'- : . 1 : ft.':T1!o '.?pwh,cli ,"u fw mjadvertiMmeiit. an1 rnk.-r the picture, .send WW another praaeut worth 50c. whlchwill proi. tart niefuMo y m. l'RksSl'rbJt"rh,Hi Send your orders ior Printing to The Courier. Absolutely pure Cream of MavumMiggrzraamg,,aKMuB !Royster' Fertilizer. have been the standard because they are made from honest materials. See that the trade mark is on every bag. None genuine without it. June Buds a Specialty. but sell riirerr. tn nla CWinchester, Tenn. BEAUTIFUL PICTURE fft it. It is Milled "FnilU moA Flowers. " The rirh fmu. frm(nf. tod ii will ntak I"""; " Pu smell Hielr sweet perfuma. is. aod it will make a handaume addition in .... H. fTlRP THE F5RST " ir-u.ra. .no '-'J ' ' .T J j'" I, ' soa """ "1 " within dela; and Tartar, a pure Grape Vo: Norfolk, Va Vicks CRAMP and PNEUMONIA CURE. Mr. L. Richardson, Chem., Greensboro, N. C. This is to certify that I have been using VIck's cramp and Pneumonia Salve in my family for three years and have always found it to be a certain cure. I always keep it on hand in case of an emergency. Yours truly, C. C. Cranford, Prop. Crown Milling Co. Asheboro, N. C, L. RICHARDSON hV, a CHEMIST. Greensboro, N. Cao. PAPER HANGER AND DEC0- WOR If contemplating interior deira- tionsm your home write J. E Lamer, Trinity, R. F. D.. for prices and samples of his Urge and attractive line of wall paper. Contracts for painting solicited.

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