i" 13 &6e COURIER Leads inlBoth News and Circulation. wmammmmmmmmmmmmmm H I I 15he COURIER Advertising Columns Bring Results. I GOUR EE.. 11 . i-- BBued Weekly. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. $1.00 Per Year. VQL XXX1K ASHEBORO, N. C, THURSDAY, February 7, 1907. No 6. LYERLY MURDER. Reviewed in Iiedell Court Last Wednesday. LYNCHING ROBBED STATE OF TESTIMONY. Negroes Charged with Murdering the Lyerly Family Wer ReleasedLeft Statesvllle on Foot fur Asheville. The galleries and Btanding room of the Statesville courthouse were filled to overflowing on Wednesday ot last week, when the case against Delia Dillingham, Henry Gillespie and George Irwin waj called for trial, the case having been removed from Rowan county last fall to Stan ley county, and then removed by consent from" Stanley county to Iredell county owing to the con venience of the u.tnesses, and the fact that the term in Stanley conn ty was only one w-ek. Solicit Hammer was assisted in the pro secution Hon. T. F. Klntrz, of Salisbu ry. Sitting a', the beak of th-ir at torneys were the pris ei -vi the woman and tin-two men. "All n -peared some what indifferent as t the result of the trial. By the side of the solicitor sat -Miss .Vary Lyery ly, the older daughter of Mi . Isaac Lyerly, the murdered man. Miss Nola" Sherrill was employed as stenographer to take the evidence in the cas. When che case w.is called man of the large crowd could not get in the courthouse. Iuside the bar of the court th?ii were probably 30 or 50 lady spectators. Miss May Lyerly was the first witness called by the State. Hei statement was a mere recital of the awful tragedy. She stated that she was first awakened by smoke in the house. She and two of her sisters were sleeping upstairs and a sister downstairs called to her and told her to come down; tint their father, mother and two children were killed, s ho went downstairs and found the mini on fir" and the dead bodies of h, r motie father, brother thuiigli the sister wa imi- conscious the- was not. th-u de..d. But in her testiiirmy there was nothing brought out to coined the prisoners at bar with the crime. OiC'f wii nesses were ini.roduccd nmorg them Henry Miyhue who WHS h -mti.I-oii of Fi'i G'ilespU; tlie wife o' Ne.i'eGillcpi . Ilenrv had bend m Co fesMon t y Xeao Gllen pie -lie'. . din Gillespie, boih of wnoin .lave ti ice b'e.i hmdi-d, in which c.i'ifesM'.m i was r-r.a;i,l tha. all M '.q pi isu- ve.c engaged tu the liotiiblo inn r of the four mellibt I'd of I lie I, wily family oil t" nil of" the 13'.h T July las. Til's w; B. us eei :e I. i tiled nut by His Honor Jtole Mi.oii, as heresiy testuito iy. This pMc .i. ',U y clone 1 the trial, i'ut tiie ii . ligation hid b t o li.xic and the evidence hud Will i-can': it li.iil cost, some money to iio it, lnit it wild a cabc of stijh importance that hid h court a-id proi? Clltit'ir il toriiejd f. lr. that ii. vas k nialier h!ch si o.dd i e in vist'ga id i" the open i,o I iiif' the peo, 1c ifii-'hsi."' for tin ni'-lvt t the facia as they were. Mih it, i, be lirv-d ti nt thine dclco-aiils wete either a' I ji upuit f iheui guilty vet it " "t e of those Ci.se.s which thi .S. io fade I lo ,-e'j.ir- th,.. tvi-d.-n v f dlu ient to convio , When di-puty-i-hi nil J. M. Dea t"n took thi. defendants to ihe rail road st.ari"!i j i Statesville th t wight t put t he'ii on ti e tru'n t, K-ud t ieoi it Charlotte or J'Outh Caro lina of sonunv here, the negroes said, they did not, want to g.t on tie tni1: r.'iev s.nd, "while o ir f.-et are or. !.. gru'iud let them stay we prefer wt.lk.ng". The deputy let th " t':ey left in a hnrrr walk ing u ih-j rolrouii lr.uK , ..i.irU Ash vil1'. They inipiired of the deputy where they ought to go and he iold them, "to Africa." W. C. T. U. SOCIAL Pleasant levelling Kmt at the Hinie o Mrs. A. U. Worth. A Social Session of th Womau's Christian Temperance Union, -as held at th residence of Mrs. A. II. Worth, last Friday night, though the weather was bad a good number attended the meeting, and the en tertainment provided made it most pleasant and instructive. After devotional exercises a-pro-grani ot music was rendered and in teresting game caused the time to pass only too rapidly, i Fruits and candies were served. HONOR ROLL. Report of Work of Asheboro Graded School for January. A very good index of the life of a town is the interest taken in its schools. Judged by that standard, there are few towns in the state more alive to their best interests than is Asheboro, The total en rollment for the present session has reached 355. During the month of January the enrollment was 310; and the percentage of attendance was 92 . The enrollment in each grade, along with the honor roll for that grade is given below. FiusT (!r'E. Enrolled 80. Attendance 87 per oe:it. Honor Iioll Alvali lielts, Puth Cox, Howard Dickens, Gertrude Foster, Tyson Foster, Alice Ilunsncker. Mary McCain, Mary Motlitt, Martha Evelyn Morris, I'rs'.ey Clark, Elsie Prosuell, Ilallie Uoss, Hlancli St.-ed, ltaxler Stowe, .Vanton S! rcn, Ilanuali leis. Kuniiie Hnlla. K liih lSi'its. .!;.!in Unttuin. Lillian lltiiisiifkci-. f,.(s:a 1 1 i u : 1 1.-. .Iai:i-.-Miller, (ir.ie.- I'restie:i. Colin -,,:,. It.,' Wnvxh, Lena Williams. Si.( ):,!' ti!:i'K. Earol!,.! 12. Attciidaiiet- '.il x r i i hi. ll.mor llo'd -Fran!. ;-i"l El m-r ; enr-:-, IJerlie Kivi'it, I .lira .loia-s. -Ir.M-l 'lla-ji'iw, Fred Smitli, NVl'in Nt-wi.y, Edna N.MHian, Alice 15iiiKl.. a l. :i'.i-n F.,x. .I .v II. n.lriel.s. Iinsli l.asiier, Maie l.c.l li, Crlie W il liams, E liel l'ivsn"ll, Victoiiu Ihnr ,vv, Fail Allied, Clyde Cox, -John Miller. TuiiwUium:. Enrollid 41. Attendance '.I") ier cent. Honor Koll-Fleta Lewallen, Byron Uicli ardson, John Swain, Uilla Spoon, Jessie Ward. Grace Ferree, Beatrice Iivallen. OUie I'resnell, John Pluminer, Nannie Plutn mer, Fred I'luuimer, Clara Presnell, Lucile Scarlxiro, Carl Steed, Harvey Rogers, Jason Hamilton. Fui'ktii (.Shade. Enrolled 39. Attendance 93 per cent. Honor Roll -Annie Davis, Gertrude Fer ree, Lillian Headrioka Nellie Spoon, Cora Stowe, Cornie Wull, Ij)uella Lowe, Fred Styres, Ies'.er lioutb. Finn CIkauk. Enrolled 19. At endunce it'j per cent iioaor iioll Mildred KarliUeud. Janetie l).e!.H!is, Eula t!latow, Eugcuia McCain Myelin liidjre, Lillie 1'arrisli. .Sixth Guadr. Ear.) led I Attendance 87 per cent.. Honor K ill - virgin DickeiiH, Ediul Ferre, Mary Vuiiiunu ai, E.iolio l'liwull. SlA'KKl'U CitADi:. Enrolled -26. Atleiiiliuieo !).' .t cent, lion ir Roll ln.i Annum, 1 lev fox, Annie K'.x, Cora lteddiny. I.ynello Svaiii, Janien Suiiiii. Einiru CiliADK. I'.'jrolled 21. Attcnilnnee fl,"? per cent. lionor K..U - May Pickens, Hall, 1;1- lie Jonos, Maila I'.iilia, .lameti Iarii, 1: id ll iner, Wayla id lliyeit, Couo liid.;e, Ever ett Wiu.-l,iw, lioliali lictiH. NiNvi liiuras. Karolled 7. Attendance 1)9 per cent. Honor lloll -Fleia Fox, Herodon Mofiitt, Daniil Sharpu. JOHN TURNER HARRIS Died Ne.tr Ix-xlutan Last Week In jured Near Mechanic, John Turner Harris died near Lexington one day last week at an advanced age. -Mr. Harris had ben a nipple for the last 15 yeurs and tor the last three years had been helpless, unable to get i ut of his room. It will be remembered that Mr. Harris' hip was broken near Me chanic, the canse being that a number of dogs belonging to the late Gapt. Fisher and Waiman ran out to the road where he was passing on a mule and so frightening the mule that Mr. Harris was thrown to the ground receiving the severe injuries mentioned. Mr. Harris brought suit in court and recovered some thing more than $800.00 damages. He was the father of T. B. Harris with whom he lived at the time of his death, and a grandfather of Plato Collin?, the Ulerk of the Court of Lenoir County, - and grandmaster of tbe Odd Fellows of North Car. olina. J. ,T." Moffitt returned froii a business trip to South Catolina yesterday. GRAND FATHER CLAUSE Joint Caucus of Legislature to Consider I ntending Ten Years. A joint caucus of the member of the legislature will be held Thursday night of this week for the purpose of considering the proposition em bodied in a bill by Judge Winbourne to amend the State Constitution and extend the "grandfather clame" of the election la for ten years ad ditional, that is until 1918. Unless some action is taken the time will expire next year. It will he recalled that the Republican state convention last year recommended an extern-inn ana at the time it wasctedited rathe Blackburn element of the patty. Among the Demon at ic mem bus nf the legislature there is a difference of opinion on the subject. Som favo1" I he preposed extension f"f ten years anil some for shorter periuds, while others are opposed to extending it a', all. Heii'-e thecal'.- 1 1 1 T nf "the , -uncus t M'CU-e the Mil j ifiu f--itliie:it.S nil tills J - -t'o-i.uit matter. MR. ELAIR GETS TAIL t a -.ell I'imiii .1.: il on ). ;i,i l I'M:., il U II I' on Mrs. :. w. r.i.i:,-, n,,- Umi .m- diik cm'lI Mujiivi id (.'nut! ue'ui' (. ni I W. Klair, wtiimi she s-l ot to dentil at their hiuiie on January lTth, has been released from j til, bail being secured Yom Judge Prince at Lex ington Court in the sum of $,000. I'he release in this small sum was seen red on the testimony as taken at, the inquest and upon an affida vit recently tecured from Conduc tor vYni. H. Amies about whom Mrs. Hlair is said to have shot her husband. It will be remembered that Dr. Knowlton, who was with Conductor Blair on his way out to the hospital testilied that Mr. Blair said just be fore he died that his wife shot him inarpiairdaloitthiitm n Amies." Dr. Knowlton taid Mr. Bliir pray ed for his wife ou the wuy out to the hospital. "NORTH CAROLINA PINE." Attractive Snuvnilr Sent Oat by Mr-Allister-Kos.i, l,umbcrCouiiaii, it l.illiil-rtoa. Mr. Chtr'es Wo.. -f the ,,r.'. gres-'ive MeA lu'er -iin.-s Luiiibir eouipatiy iituateil i:i th busy ji.i,! eiiMUng IdaM lit" Jjli'lllt ei is .Sell i- ii!; out a most, jittiueiiw sutivciiii a li ru-einei.t ill tho Mi..;'i! i,f ,i hsitiiisniiielv lliiisheii e'di'et irit liuui fiHt'il piece of iyp'c.' Xoitli CuiM lina long-leaf line. Upmi the g;b!et is printed the fnllowiiig teast, one that, brought ilon the. liunse at the recent meet ii.g of the Xorth Carolina Society in Nt-w York: (iere's lo the land of iIm Ion: leaf pine: Here's to (be Lmd where, tins uni ilo'li x'liii"; VI here, the weal- grow strong and the i-trm c grow great. Here's lo down home the old North State Old North Carolina pine has hnir had a just celebration, which has grown with the years. HACKETT-LONG. 1'ungrrK.Kniaii-elert Weds Daughter ol Judge II. 1'". Long. Sratesville, N. C, Jan. 31. A wedding of interest to all North Carolina society occurred in States ville this evening when Miss Lois Loug, the charming daughter of Judge B. V. Long, became the brid. of Hon. Richard X. Uackett, Con gressman-elect from the eighth district. The marriage took place this afternoon at Oakhurst, Un handsome home of the bride's fath er. Only the nearest friends and relatives of the family were bidden to the marriage but several hundred were invited to the reception follow ing. L.D. CARTER DEAD. Veteran Missouri Editor, Native of Greensboro, Dies at Savannah, Mo. St. Louis, Mo., February 3. Dispatches today from Savannah, Mo., announces the death there of Leroy D. Carter, a veteran Missouri editor, torn in Greensboro, N. C, January 27, 1826. At ti.e age ot 10 he began his newspaper caieei by setting type on a Greeusbopo, N. C, paper. E. B. Hatch will in the near fu tnre travel for the Asheboro Wheel barrow & Mfg. Co. CONDENSED NEWS BUSY READERS. Fire destroyed a section of the Baldwin Locomotive Works plant at Philadelphia last week. The damage is f 1,000,000 fully insured. 1000 men were employed in the building. The funeral of the late Rt-v. W. P. Fife, who died in St. Louis, was conducted at Fayvtvil!e Friday a teriioou. Mr. Henry M. lleece, a Guilford c unity man, ha been appoin-ed to i he position of teller in the ofliee of tate Treasurer Licv, in Uale'gh Mr. l'eeee is a native of Jami-ston and was at one time a loeoinol i ve engineer on the Son' .hern Railway. TI.e IY..pl.-s Life L-.smancc t'otu ;i:inv haJ just l)"cn orjaeiz- d at (.' v. :..-! to. 'I. i'.. StVlll!--V lets IV Mi '. !') en I ii'.'xew Y. He an- IH'il:!-..-' h:il.-e!f a t !! ' n-l'e h sin c- iilist.. .Li... V.'. Ho. 1 by, iu d To years, died at .l i ni-stown Saturday. The Asheville Rapid Transit Co.. has ceil granted a franchise by the Asheville Aldermen, to construct and operate another electric railway in the city. A match factory is proposed for Greensboro. Mr. John Brown, a painter of High Point, and Miss Tracy Burch. a eeveuteen year old Jamestown girl, were married Thuisday in South Carolina, the couple having eloped on account of the youth of the girl. Mrs. E. W. Carter died suddenly at Winston Salem Ja few days ago. They moved from Albemarle to W'H tm-a'em in 1003. Stanley Enterprise. T.aet Thursday Mrs. Ed Campbell of Not th Iredell eonuty died f tn'i! mi attack of measles and pnent!i;nii i. She is survived by a hu-baud and I. n children. The husband otilv a!,eiided the funeral, all the eh 1 dien being ill from sini'Lir comp'i Ciitions. Judge Connor has tinted fn Wilson, where he is erecting n !n. i i s.nne residence. The Bank of Gibsony'lV is-.s been chartered with $10,0(H) cap.ial. J. M. Boring, E. L. Green an i J. A. Hunt, Jr. are ii corpora tor-.. In ii freight, wr.'.-k at Ba:' !'.-. near Salisbury, Saturdav, fii.'.ri ''.-! Sowers 'o.st a f ot at:d th - e us, c.nnlai.iing a large lot of r,i!l,,i:, was b'li'tie'!. Eiim'ii D.ivid W. Ba,c!ev. of lialeto'i. has been transferie I fr mi he ou;i-bo.it ('onc.)rd to l b" armor d oiuifcr, West Vrirgin'a. Both envls are in the Orient. Saturday the House of II -pr s?)n tatives at Washington In Id a memorable session to pav tribute to the late Senator (ioruian, of Marylandfafter which it ndjourEed until Monday. Miss Flizihrth Ross, died ;,t (ireensboro Sunday at the advanced age of SI years. The XToi folk and Western Rul way Company is laying 'JO lo rails on the Winston-Salem Divisioi., .-uid the Southern is making similar improvements between Greeeeboiii and Winston-Salem. The scarcity of ccal cars ha? paralj.ed the coal industry of Tennessee and Kentucky, as weil is other milling sections. Tlie coal f-imi.ie is being more or less felt all over i he country by tranufaeturers. Wesley Wilkey, who was arrested at Salisbury last week, for the mur der of Otis Ross, ot Gate City, Va., iota been returned to prison and tl:e $100 reward paid the officer, lie is to hang February 17th. A freight wreck occurred near Norlina, on the Seaboard Air Line Friday, when a double header broke through a bridge over the Roauoke river. Both engines and twelve cars dropped into the water. En gineer Conslable and Fireman Rig gin were killed. JURORS DRAWN. Ust Tor March Term oi'Randolpk Super ior Court. Jury List March Term 1907. FIRST WEEK. Columbia Township J. F. Kiv ett, E. O. Vestal, Charles Patterson, J. F. Fount. Grant Wm. King, S. E. AllenP Coleridge II. G. Hay worth. Randleman W. F. Ivv, Doc Hunt, W. G. Brown. Back Creek X. S. Andrews, W. Bulla. Trinity W. W. Meredith. Liberty P. P. Jones, C. II. Hardin, A. W. Curtis. Concord A. L. Delk, E. H. Wood. FianklinsviUe F. L. York, G. II. Black, W. A. Walker. Browor T. W. Maness. Cedar Grove W. B. Hammond, K. W. Iv-artis, W. S. Gatlin. I'm.,., Jo.l W. Sfider, 11. I.u as. Xew Val'liet R. V. Jl llMlcr, W. L. Adams. I'l.-asui'. Grove J. P. NrW IR.ia 'I'n-lv L-ilin, .N. V. H-i-kin. Ri.-hhind-G. W. L -wivtice. Aslu to .Vni. Burns, K. il .Morris. Tabei nac'e J. ('. llouv.-r. S KOI I Ml WKKK. Coleridire E. W. Mo Hi it. Pleasant Grove II. T. Brower. Randleinau B. B. Beasley, J. M. Scarboro. Cuiou J. J. Welch, Wm. Cox. Liberty T. II. McPherson. Frauklinville J. M. Uouth. Xew Hope J. L. Crauford, W. T. Crauford. Grant L. R. Bean. Providence A. E. Staley, John Berry. Concord B. K. Steed, W. P.. Kearns. Back Creek Allen Trotter. Richland Ellis Jordan. New Market B. F. Ridge. TEACHERS' MEETINGS. :kvt-ii To He Held 111 tlie Count' During I el., ,:ui) . Diirinir the month of I-Vtiruarv te.cher.' llei'tlligS will :,e held in ddlerent p.uts of the cou.kv :, loc ; sevei ill li it'-s veil b.-lo.v. i'a'uiH ! Superintend -n , J. M. '-V'.iv h.n i iSMled il CUT : lirj.Mli" the teacher. I to :tltt nil, uni iiivi'i.g- tj ;i j ) v tin- comi;iit;-ei,i. it mid patr -.,.- of j the stde-oi.- !o 'a- pr.-senr. ut. the I Hit" -hilt' hei.! I lhe:u. I Meetings ill be t e!d us follows: ! Ci.raway Schmd ii'oiise, Tri: '.ty ! t.'.vnship,' 1'. -i. ..;!, !-:ili, J uo7. j .'lililain, :-i l:.ad Jl,' ise, i'ii,i!Jiu j i't . rowrubm. I .-brii.iry 1IJ, 1!H)7. J in 'is.'ii r t-ii- i'i I f-el-ool, Coluiii- l.i.-i 'oe u-hio I j'i:-u. ry 1J. 11UI7. j v.'.'leiid;i 1 c nail 1 ..use, C(U ' l iilue towiiiliMi. : 'e!ir a v 1 5, J 007. .v-hi-hon, -!-d :'.iio. !. As, I,om lownsllip, l'i brn::'? 1 l'.i'C. Vhy Not A,. de ..v. liiehlaii.l t.j.snii. Fel-n.iiry i'o, 1007. F.irnitT Ii;stito'e. t',,in n tnwi -uhtji. F-li H i' v -2, 11IU7. WILL MAKE GASOLINE GlNEi. EX- Hi;-(,c t-'o',iidr.v ami Mno'ti'te Works Will ili j,o, tin- ia.iui'ajiart- n, ilu-m... nine. llerbeit Th. uij. ii)n .1' W'i n t-1: i Sal- hi, was in Ariiiuoro Moiolay niorn'iig!vi.iniii!gfioni I iMVwntieie I:-fjtepr . .",u;Jay wit'i . ,). ,V..i,'. Mr. V'iilci., who ,H a .'(lit.N if Mr. Tij.iiiipso i, recently . ,i il a pOSllin,! w:t 1 the l.il'M- I' 0 lilt l' ir.d M ich n v'or -s. t,, l cone ? fiom N'e' 1 oi k state. !l - ha- ;ir raiig'rd Wit'.i t iat co'iip ii,- lo ii; in uf.ictii e;.,i upright g.i!-....'e i r-jii.e, ti'un I i- ow l: iiicp.-i ed j;;,;.-,;!. The pi'tt-.ns a:e just coaipleLed aid the disci,.- foundiy will b gin to ncntiliictnre thi-m at once. Fox-McDonald Marriage Aunonnred. Invitations have been issued as follow: ''Mr. and Mrs. William A. McDonald invite you to be present at the marriage of their daughter, Susie, to Mi. James Claudius Fox on the evening of Wednesday, the thirteenth of February, nineteen hundred and seven, at 7 o'closk, at their residence, Rockingham, North Carolina." Miss McDonald is one of the brightest and one of . the most at tractive young ladies in the State, and is ki.-cwn to many Courier read ers as the popular young lady from Rockingham, who taught at Tioy for several years. IN STATE CAPITOL. Bill Regulating Solicitors Salary In Senate. VARIOUS AMENDMENTS ARE OFFERED. Made Special Order lor Wednesday Opposition to Creating New Districts. Aycock Anti-Trust Hill. Gorman News Bureau, Raleigh, X. C, Feb. 4 '07. If the lawyers in tbe Legislature get thiongh looking after their own and agree upon the provisions of the measnie now pending in the Senate to tix the compensation of the prosecuting otlic-.-rs of the six teenth judicial distiict of the State, Several oth h;l!s of state iuiooi-iance will tins week get a chance to pa-s through th" legisla tive hopper. This .-olicitoia" Sa'aiy Bill has for two weeks been a source of con tention in t lie Senate and latt Sat uiday for t tie third lime made the spici.il order for 1 in her cousidera ti mi this time In lug g-.-t for Wed UcmI.iv at iio.in. his to be hoped tiiai H will he liually disposed of I hen so far is the Senate is concern ed. There is linle divison of senti ment on the general proposition to change the system fiom fees to a tixed salary but the trouble is over what that salary should be in the several districts and when the change should go into effect. As the bill now stands, with the Ay cock amendment, it would not go into effect till January 1909, and as that amendment has been &c cepted by the author of the bill it is likely to remain in the bill as finally passed. Tfee light Wednesday will be over the question of adopting the ph.ns of senator licvard lo pay varving salaries in the teverai districts" ac cording lo tbe number of terms of court and the amount of criminal business transacted, some being lix.nl at t"gaieii hundred dollars and most of th en ranging from two thousand to tinny live hundred. Ao tH-bill now s a uls (ifier th adrptioit Fndiy last, of the hiiiciuI nieM t Senator .WLt.-t-i) no Hoiici I. n r'l.'l1 lece've nunc Hieii .ii,500, ami if t.ne u.-.iul lees as no.v pid do not vi.ounr t.i TD.it u ii shall rei ie i.c, e th ii the lies (In MinMili' l. At p..-.-. nt s in; of ttlej v.d, i ..is ; iv i.c-ni.,e, i,,,d.:i- the fee . to. more mi :c-v ti:u, ei her th. .Mton; y ,t o (die ('h':ef .iusf'c , s.'iu o i.;ei, ttinj! lo'ir il.eisaiol a. id mi -v live, hundred do I.HS ci;i of lh- . Kj v. A i.'-r .:i! inn !: , n intro-luced dtiMie th.- i.: i h.-i k ( iucteise the I. mi'., i ol j nl.cia! .l;-.-ricts of the tai'. . 'I 11 ! is i.;r ;.!v ;)t,0 I j!( Ml I h'' hiitl. Is of t:i- S ;;,,e (M.u nitte i il j ulie.-il !..-( .-.,.t t , lie .viine ef lect, pr..i i n. f.n-f ur ,u ,r, soperi or co ,rt j-.'es an I, f cium . four .novo d ( ii..rs. l ioui ".u.v .-rs itious .hii.'il f is iviltel- I...-' 'i , lee. utly ;i i : e:i tint s -in i r-.-o-.i iC in . Ie on tin door of 1 1.,. S, i'i;,-!,:.; tha s -v. r.-.l u - s on tic Solicitor' '-!.! IV 'I.!' ills i';isl.l 'i.'e Vl',1 fj- lu-'e ii. put- ii"v Id i i!h lhat ohj -ci iii vie. . Oti.il, oe.ini',. I i.i s oevelnped w( wit-. iegnrd t-i what il be d.j'.e ly this iei.-ia'ur for r.be i.ddi'.'..iial care and u.a'.uient of the u icnrt.' f.u- indigent insane pi rsons i..f the Sii-ie. Thi re ure fee' il hil's on th.1 s ihj.'ct of "... I r s snd idiot.-" in th; bitida .fib- 'inilttee. Hm just, vhut kii.d of hi 1 tiie comm.tt vs will lina'ly ev hv -inii.t Ie foretold v;t.i a y d .r eo a-cina-y at t.hia time. Tiie Aycock and llolt aiiti-trn.it l il's u c e t.i n u,i li.v irti i.-r p-.rt ol! :he j-iesei.t week b' tie eoiiniiit'.eis atirT it is expected lhat 'he tight ocr t.liem will be even few degrees warmer than was the ixji.;.e,itioit iu the hetnng of the railroad committee last week uni. the week previous. Bo h of iue anti-trust bills are verv drastin in their previsions and their an. bora do not expect to see them adopted in their present shape. toam Ijinndry. The stock for a steam laundry for Asheboro hns about all been subscribid and a meeting is ex pected to be held about; the 15 ih of February to affect a permanent or ganization. The company will be made for a chnrter in a few days.

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