The Asheboro Cornier PRICE ONE DOLLAR A YEAR Wm. C. HAMMER, Editor. 'Entered at the iost Office at Asncboio a 'coond C.las Matter. The Wiluiiiigtoa Morning Star aays in a recent issue that Senator Simmons early after his election to the Senate demonstrated his ability and influence, and it is flattering to North Carolinians to note how Sen ator Overman is growing at Wash ington. It is said that the enactment cf the large appropriation for the in sane of the state means that there will be no reformatory measure en acted at this term of the legislature. We do uot see any good reason for thig. While the amount apportion ed for the insane is half a million dollars, yet one-fourth of ic is to be paid each year until all is paid. Under the wise and economic ad ministration of the state affairs we can easily spare another $50,000 for providing for a reformatory. We heartily agree with the Char lotte Observer and many other news papers iu North Carolina who say that the enactment of the bill on Wednesday of last week appropria ting half a million dollars for the insane of the stti'.e, is an extraordi nary occurrence and a crown of glory for the WgHlatur . North Carolina a"t last i- to provide foi all ner insane, ami is m uo u n.u.ui.u; any crt-at delav. I he (.-enenil As- f semblv of l!m will be rem-finbered for this wise and generous act if thev weie to enact no other leisla- tioti. Senator llair, of this district, ! ' was anxious u nave a uouu issue and give the whole s.'ioo.ooO now so that the state uiL'ht have the bene fit of it at once. Iu this, many of Senator lilair's most progressive and intelligent constituents, as well as Others in the state were in entire- and hearty accord: but a majority j in their judgment thought it better to appropiiate the $125,000 a year as this could easily be done. Justice in his letter in the Union Republican complains because a majority of the jurors in Chatham county are Democrats and because a white man who was a Republican, indicted for retailing, went to a court officer recently and asked him to put some of his party friends on the jury when the defendant's law yer would object to some of the jury in the box. The court officer told the defendent right out, so says Jus tice, that he could not, for he had been ordered not to call Republicans in the jury box. We do not know .how true it is, but we have been in formed that in Chatham county as in fome other counties when cer tain Republicans are indicted they have been known to get some of their political friends in the court house to stand around so that they could be called on the jury in their case; and a friend of ours suggests that he is not surprised that the court officer of Chatham county has been instructed and authorized not to call any such "haDgers-on" to sit npon the rights of any one. A man who would ask for his party friends to be called on a jury because they are his party friends, is as bad a man as the public officer who will call only members of a certain polit ical party to sit in judgment. What we need in North Carolina and everywhere the are jurors wlo are fair and impartial and are selected with a view to their fitness and not to their political complexion. The Lancaster, South Carolina, News is one of the newspapers out side the state which has observed the manner and methods of the Su perior Court judges in dealing with the violation of the liquor laws in North Carolina. The News in a recent article has this to say of one of Judge Neal's iudgments: "We like North Carolina's way of deal me with blind tigers. At Newbern on Thursday four white men, con victed of eelung liquor, were sen tenced to two years each on the roads, and two blind tiger negroes, were given 18 months each." We coa'd site many instances similar to that in Judge Justice's, Judge Cook's, Judge Moore's, and, in fact, at different times during . the past three years in the courts of all the judges of the Superior CourS in this state. And the law has been exe cuted so well that the temperance measures in North Carolina are no longer matters of experiment; they have passed tha realm; and the sen timent is so crystalized that our temperance legislation is now more approved by the people of the entire state, regardless of political com plexion, than at any previous time in the history of the state. The sentiment is growing gradually, but surely. It is true there are places in the state that it is difficult to eu force prohibition, and it is exceed ingly doubtful whether it is wise to have prohibition in the largest towns. The South asked for the est lishnient of one sub-treasury some where south of the Potomac River. It was located elsewhere, of couise. Now the southern Republican office-holders, sap suckers say that the reason we did not get it iu At lanta or some other progressive southern state, is because there was a difference of opinion among our people as to where it should go, and that that caused the death cf the entire project. Was there ever a sub-treasury or anything else estab lished in the North and West that there was not a quarrel and wran gle about where it should be lo ! catedr Justice in the last issue of th" Union Republican, takes a whack at Maj. II. A. London, Editor of the Chatham Record, because he recent- ,y suoJ K rtlilroaa for a penalty for failure to deliver freight, lie says that Alaj. London is now a re presentative iu the legislature and, no doubt, rod i to liiili-icrli nil u ... i ,.,,, .f p..., n ,' In tins. 1 ostmaster heynolds who wntes under tiie name if "Justice." is mistaken, as he has been in a i great many other things. Mr. Lou don is not a member if the legislature and has not gone to Raleigh oei i r. n r:n mum ivn en n sumii in m mv w have interwt ifl a;. the Winston-Salem postmaster, l ut we say this in passing merely to i keep matters etraight. There are no paved sidewalks in Muskogee, Indian Territory, and in rainy weather the mud is six inches deep. There are a number of young women employed in the government offices there under the Commissioner of the Five Cifilized Tribes of In dians. These young ladies will ask Congress to give them the privilege to wear pants, if the streets are not cleaned and improved. The peti tion sets forth that they pin their dress skirts around their waists when they go out to walk; and sets forth that while th street cars are running iu the middle of the street the women cannot reach them be cause the streams of water on both sides of the track are so deep that they cannot wade them, and as there are no canoes and they cannot swim, conditions are intolerable. The petition closes with the following language: "No, therefore, in view of the fact that the petitioners have to walk and have the manners of God's noblest creature, "man," we respectfully pray that we may be allowed to wear forked clothes. thereby adding very much to our bodily and mental comfort, as well as better being ble to perform jur duties as humble servants of the government." Theieaie other places than Muskogee where it is impossi ble for the ladies to cross the streets without wading knee deep in the mud, slush and water; one of those places is Asheboro. Such has been the case at different times this win ter. The (loose, the Wise. American Farmer. A farmer would scarcely believe that a goose requires only about six ty hours in order to prepare it for the footlights and critical audience, and that a common pig will in thirty hours be competent to blossom forth as an actor. According to Mr. Clyde Powers, trainer of wide ex perience and much patience, it takes a duck about three days to learn how to march on the stage, to fol low the chorus, and to march rff again at the proper time; it takes a chicken a week or more, and a tur key cannot grasp the art of acting before six months' time. Mr. Pow ers has tried to train a peafoul, but he finds that it is impossible. A goose is the most intelligent of all the feathered tribes, and a goose is also the only one of the domestic fouls that shows affection. LIBRARIES STATE. IN THE 1 1 1, HMO Volumes Art Now Available For 13U.10U Children in the State Out of TOiMH.1. The reading habit is growing by leaps and bounds amoug the children of North Carolina, the inaugrjtion of the rural library system for the public schools of North tiaiolina in 1001 having proved a great success as shown by the increasing number of school districts that have takeu up the work. In the six years ihe system has been in vogue it has proved so suc cessful that niauv States are follow ing the lead of North Caroliua in the wok. There are now in the State 1,572 libraries, for which there has been spent $51,144 by th State,counties and districts. In the libraries there are 141,880 elumes and with an average of '.3 children to a school district there are now 13i.,406 children who have access to the libraries, while in the Hate there are 709,182 children. While all the funds for the past year are exhausted there will be available in the next two years suf ficient funds to estabhsn oOO librar ies and 500 supplemental libraries, thus placing the riches of good lit- ature within the reach ot many more tnousanu cr.ilitren in tne State. Goldaboro Argus. SIXTY-YEAR FIGHT FOR $5. uit Owiu'i-sliiii lit small strip ul l.aml sett led Alter Miirh Litigation. Allentown, Pa. Feb. 21 Dragged through the courts for over sixty ears, the lawsuit cf Andrew Camp vs. William Zimmerman has been finally decided in court here. The litigants were leading farmers in the upper end of Lehigh county, and the dispute arose over a strip of land wi.rth abjut $5. It is 1,800 feet lung and iu width from four to twenty-three feet. The litigation began when Zim merman cut down a chestnut tree on the property. The men and their families, although neighbors, h ive i ot spoken together for half a century. The case ha' been in the Supremo Court at !-:ist thiee times, and uo less than $:iu.''ii has been spt nt in lawyers' fees and other costs in the litigation. The Holy Sepulchre at i'.aster. A groat ceremony in Jerusalem is on Kaster Saturday, and commem orates the ancient tradition of the Celestial Fire that was paid to rise from the Tomb of Christ. The Greek Patriarch enters the sanctuary of the Sepulchre, the door closes behind him, and the surging, tossing, tumultuous multitude await the coming of the Fire. Suddenly out of the right-hand window in the wall of the Sepulchre shoot flames of fire, and in an instant every one of the thousands ha3 produced a candle and dashes madly forward to light it at the Mystic Fire. The light thus taken from the Holy Sepulchre ia instantly carried to all the Christian villages round about Jerusalem, and fleet-footed young men vie with one another in being first to light their local shrines with the Divine Flame. The writer has seeu two rival runners put down their candles and indulge in a san guinary battle with knives and sticks until the light of one of them is put out. There is no joke meant here; but each is striving desperately to extinguish the flame of the other. The Travel Magazine. Judge Pritchard Now for Prohibition. The Blibical Recorder prints the following message from United States Judge and ex-Senatar Pritch ard, addressed by him to the pro hibition convention in Raleigh last month, but not delivered: "I think that the convention should take a decided stand in favor of absolute pohibition in every county in the State, anything short of this will, in my judgment, prove disasferous to the cause which we all love so deadly. I am opposed to dispensaries or other expedients which are intended as a compromise with the liquor traffic. The adop tion of such measures tends to strengthen rather than weaken the cause of those who are in favor of the minufacture and sale of spirit ous liquors." This is not nearly so strange as it would be if Judge Pritchard pro fessed to 1 e a Democrat. A bill passed the Senate last week to protect deer, pheasants and grouse in certain counties in JNortn Carolina, these being Chatham, Davidson, Guilford, Montgomery, Richmond, Scotland, Stanley, tor syth, Rockingham, Surry, Stackes, Watauga, Ashe, Yadkin, Wilkes and flioore. one nunurea ana nny Minnesota deer will be turned lose in these counties and thousands of pheasants and grouse. A patent has been issued to Mr C. R. Trailer, of Winston-Salem, on his automatic switch operating ma' chine invented a year or more ago RURAL lss It y land and Sea. The unprecedented number of railway wrecks had further confirmed the prevalent opinion that the acci dents by sea are far less numerous than those by land, but recenc oc currences seem to indicate that the horrors in the loss of life, both by land and sea, are fearful. It was only a few months ago that there was a series of wrecks on the Sour', ern and li & O railroads. On Feb'y 12th, the steamer Larchment went down off Black Island, and nearly one hundred people travelling from New York to Boston sank to the bottom of the sea. Only three days later, a train on one of the finest roads in the world in the suburbs of New York city, had a wreck which sent scores to their doom in the twinkling of an eye. In just five days after this on Feb'y 21st. the Channel Steamer Berlin hurrying along went to pieces a fe hundred feet from land, and only 15 out of 143 ill-fated passeng rs were saved. Is this daily butchery to go oni' Is the Angel of Death like the Angel of the Last Judgment with "one foot upon the land and the other upon the se t"' to destroy the people in these terrors both on land anil sea, or will the peopl" demand more care and safety? Frank Short completed h.s seven year term iu the South Carolina penitentiary Friday. When re leased he was immediately arrested and returned to Noi :h Carol i mi charged with robbing the post-oHice at, Plymouth, Washington county in IS',18. J Defend the nn es. The Wise will have Ready VICK'S CROUP AND PNEUMONIA CURE ALSO Gripe Knckers, 25c. At all druggists or mailed ' by L. RICHARDSON. Manufactvirlng Chemist GREENSBORO, N. C. Business Local:. Notices Inserted under trtls head at one cent a word each Insertion. Full stock uf new 'Pompadour1 massage cream, perfume, and toilet water. Some- thingnew ami line. Asheboro Drug ( O. If in need of n good, cheap power, remem- 1t that we sell the INTERNATIONAL ASOLISE ENGINE IWt fail to see us Hifore buying aieURAin-KEDDlM; HDWE. CO. Call and see our new Easter iind Souvenir postal cards. Asheboro 1 rug Co. If iu need of a steam outfit, remember we handle the A. B. FAKQUAR line, the best oh earth. McCrary-Redding lldw. Co. We have some buggies on hand that we will sell at the old price. Call to see us be fore they are gone. jirURAK i -hKDDINO HDWE. CO. All the new March magazines can lie had a t t he Ashelioro Drug Co, WANTED STAVES Hiirhest cash nricts paid for all kinds of staves lor Norfolk mar t. Apply to fc. A Hammer, Ashelioro. N C. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that application will lie made to the present General Assembly of North Carolina to amend the cbartvr of the town of Asheboro with reference to the meth od of working the streets and oilier public mprovemcnts and to authorize the town commissioners to reipiire adjacent property owners to put dawn concrete or oilier side walks where permanent street improvements hnve lieen made. E Mokkitt, Mavnr. .Ian. 30, 1907. NOTICE. XI. C. Jones has this dav entered the ft J lowine land in Randolph County to wit: A tract of "U acres more or less ot land in Cedar Orove Township, Randolph County, N. C, on the waters of Haw ISranch adjoin ing the lands ol uamel ixwe, ft. A.cottrane, Daniel Linthicum and others, for which without objection filed within thirty days from this date, he will ask for a warrant of survey to the County Surveyor of Randolph County. J. 1 Bom in iiis, Entrv Taker This Feb. IS 11)07. LAND 8AI.K1 By virtue of an order of Mile granted by the superior uiunni iuiuuuii vimiiiy on me pell lion O! w. M. neuve ukivmisi, jessu mix ce ill. shall nt the courthouse Moor ill A-helmro hit 1 o'clock M. on the 30th day of March 1M07, the following Real Khite, t-wit : A tract of land In Richland township, in 'said county adjoining the ninasoi h. a. Aiiinnni ami tuner iHiiiniiei a follows to-wit; Beginninir at a white oak .1. V. Cox s corner by a', small branch and running Smith is; ennuis ana ai nuns to a post oak n in his line: thence west 7 chains and Si links to a pit oak - thence nortn SI chains and sixty link! to a line ; thence east on said Cox' s line to the be. ginnin?, containing HS acres more or less, T.iis A'th day of February 11)07. .KiHN T. BK1TTA1N, Comr. Is your baby thin, weak,, fretful ? Make baby. him a Scott's Emulsion is Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites prepared so that it is easily digested by little folks. Consequently the baby that is fed on Scott's Emulsion is a sturdy, rosy cheeked little fellow full of health and vigor.. ALL DRUCClSTS: Randoipli Hardware Coy ATTENTION! We want our" friends and prospective custom ers to know that G. W. Elliott & Co.. has added a tirst-class Hardware Store, with full, line, all new, no old rusty stock, but everything bought right from the manufacturer. SEE! SEE! We will exchange anything in our line for country produce through the well-known tirni of G. W. Elliott & Co. at highest market price. We invite you to call and inspect our stock whether you purchase or not. Your needs are our aims. We. keep what you want. RANDOLPH HARDWARE CO.. Opposite G. W. Elliott's New Store. Randleman. N. C. P Furniture and Undertaker. I am now carrying a complete line of all kinds of house furnishing goods such as Room Suites from $1 1.00 to $100.00, Iron Beds. Wardrobes, Chiffoniers. Sideboards, Odd Dressers, Safes and Kitchen 1 abinets, Hall and Wall Racks. Chairs and Dining Chairs. Tables, Center Tables, Clocks and Pictures. A complete line of Bed Clothing, atting, Carpet, Druggets Rugs, Window Curtains and Shades; also an up-to-date line of undertaker's goods such as Coffins, Caskets and robes. See me before buying when in need of any thing in my line. 0. R. FOX, Scott's Emulsion- o o o 4 o o o o 50?. AND $I.OO. MQDLLB U OUT-WEAR THREE ORDINARY KINDS For comfortable, satisfac tory wear there is nothing so good as Bull Vog Sus. pendens, that Rive with every move. Have more rubber, better parts and greater service than any other suspender Try pair. Homy cheerfully refunded li aot satisfactory Made for man and youth hi regular or extra lengths, light, heavy or extra heavy.asdesired CO cents n all Dealers, or by niu;l. postpaid r.EWTS it POTTER nei:l. r-I lint ulu ill. BOS ON. MASS. Viliulile "S'.vle j!o.)k" fi if this iii a p. a i i u e Successor to KEARNS & FOX. Asheboro, ... N. C