4 -a The AstTeboi Courier. Aeheboro, N. C. Feb. 28, 1907. Local and Personal. Miss Lula Steed, of Steed?, id vis iting relatives here this week. Mrs. John Bulla will soon build a neat cottage on Academy street. Col. J. E. Walker is indisjosed and confined, to his room. A. M. Rankin, of High Point, spent Sunday iu Aaheboro. J. R. Brookshire, of Farmer spent Monday in Asheboro. 1 Dr. F. E. Asbury, of Asbury, spent Monday in town. B. Anman, of Star, spent Tuesday in Asheboro. J. T. Wood is on the sick list this week. Col. W. P. Wood arrived Friday from Raleigh to see 'Queen Esther." He returned Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Cox, of Celar Falls, v'eitid Mr. 0. R. Cox Friday. 1. F. Craven, of Rauiseur, was among the visitors in Asheboio last Friday. Miss Nannie Ballenger left Sat urday night for Guilford College to visit revives. Mrs. A. M. Rankin, of High Po:nt, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Blair who has been sick several days. W. J. Anufield and N, T. Hin shaw went to Steeds Tuesday on business, Little Miss Julia Ross, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hoss, is ill. Rev. X. R. Richardson will preach at Rock Ridge School, near Ulah, SumLy afternoon at 3 o'clock. Miss Clara Spencer spent Friday with her mother, Mis. A. A. Spen cer, returning to Farmer Saturday. Miss Jenuie Ilerndon, who is a teachtr in the Graded School in Greensboio, spent Sunday here with her sitter Mrs. J. T. Moflitt. James Bunch is confined to his home by sickness. In his absence, Sam Henley is tilling his place at the store of the Asheboro Drug Co. J. E. Williamson and A. Withers, of Worthville, spent Friday night in Asheboro and witnessed the pre sentation of Queen Esther. C. C. and T. G. McAlister went to Lillington Monday to attend the annual meeting of the McAlister Ross Lumber Company. W. J. Scarboro and W. J. Miller left Tuesday morning for Chatham and Harnett Counties to look after their timber interest. Miss May McAlister left Tuesday for Spray and Charlotte io visit rel atives. She will be away about a month. Thomas S. Bell, of Chicago, is spending a few days in Asheboro. Mr. Bell is interested in mining in this section. Council Commander W. C. Ham mond, of the Knights of Pythias urges every Knight to attend the meeting next Monday night. There will be work i n the Second degree. A telegram from W. F. McDowell who is it Kansas says he started seventeen mules and seven horses to Asheboro Monday, for McDowell Bros.stables. Malcolm Whitfield, of Wilming ton, who has been visiting his sisters, Mrs. W. C. Hammond and Miss Erma Whitfield, returned home Tuesday morning. Several members of Rev. W. A. Bunch's family aie suffering with lagrippe. His daughter, Miss Lil lian, is very sick, threatened with pneumonia. A large docket will be ready for the next term of Randolph Superior court which will convene March 18th. Sheriff Hayworth has been busy executing papers for several weeks. Hal Kearns, of Durham, arrived Monday, having accepted a position with the Courier. Mr. Kearns will take charge of the presses. He will make Lis home with his grand parents, Mr. and llrs. E. B. Kearns. ftrware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on pres criptions from reputable physicians, as the dam age they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, . manufactured by K. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, ,o., contains no mercury, and is taken Internal ly, acting directly upon theMod and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying- Hall's Catar rh Cure be sure you Ret the Renuiue. It is taken intemallly and made in Toledo, Ohio, by K, J Cheney k Co. Testimonials free. Add by Imipelsts. Price, 75c. per bottle. Take Hall's Family fills for constipation. N. II. Slack visited High Point yesterday on business . Several people in the town are wrestling with "the grippe." Mrs. Rankin Parks, of Salisbury, is visiting relatives here this week. Mrs. Nereus Lowe is sick with lagrippe. Mrs. Z. F. Rush is quite ill with grippe. Rev S. B. Turrentine will.preach at the M. E. Church the second Sunday in March. Mrs. Thos. Leay, of Sanford, visited Mrs. J. T Underwood last week. W. H. Moring will leave the last of this week for New York to buy spring goods. Mrs. Jonathan Steed went to Bis coe last Saturday to visit her daugh ter, Mrs. Rufus Betts. Mrs. J. Folk, of Columbia, Pa., arrived lust Friday to visit her daughter, Mrs. E. . Kephart. W. L. Thurber returned lawt week from his former home at Louisville, Ky., where he spent several days. Mis3 Tieva Rush is teaching in the Randleman school this week in the absence of Miss Hill, who is out with grippe. Miss Ora Huckabee, a member or the faculty of Tiinity High School, visited Miss Merrie Richaidson on Sunday. Miss Nannie Ballinger will visit Northern markets in the interest of her millinery, before returning to Asheboro. The Randolph Book Club will, meet with Mrs. J. D. Ross Friday afternoon, at the home of Mrs. P. II. Morris. Miss Bon Wade and sister, Mis. Ward, of Troy, visited Mrs. Rush hist week. They returned home Tuesday morning. Miss Vivian Dicks, of Handle man, visited Miss May Dickens of this city last Friday night and at tended the cintata. The engagement is announced of Mr Thos. J. Gold and Miss Nina Wheeler, two popular joung people of High Point, N. C. Mr. W. R. Hamlin and wife of Central Falls, spent Saturday night and Sunday in Asheboro, guests of A. J. Luck. Mrs. Stanhope Bryant, Mrs. Rob ert Dicks, and Misses Louise and Mozelle Dicks, of Rmlleman, at tended "Esther" last Friday night. D. B. Kendall, who has lived in Albemarle for several years, moved his family here last week and has purchased of Bernice Phillips his home on Church Street. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Crowell, of High Point, spent last Friday night with Mr Kephart's family and attended the play at the acad emy. Coach Jim C. Fox, formerly of Randleman, now of Atlanta, is training the Furman Ball team which now holds the South Caroli na Championship. Friday morning Mr. trazier, Pos tal Clerk on the Vestibule was un able to be on duty and Postmaster Siron and clerk P. W. Eshelman of the High Point office performed the duties. It is learned that the loss by fire by S. G. Garner, in the burning of his store on February 12th at Elise, aggregated $2,800. The fire is be lieved of inc endiarv origin. Mr. Garner had the stock partially in sured. Several Biscoe people cime up Friday night to attend the play at the academy. Among them were Mr. J. R. Page, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. K. Wood, Miss Maie Shamburger, Misses Jane and Rosa Coggins, Miss es Hurley and Kiles, and Mr. Wil liams. Goldsberry Doby, who is charged with assault with a deadly weapon upon June Brewer, in Concord Township sometime ago. was arrest ed at Lexington last week. Sheriff Hayworth brought him to Asheboro Thursday. Doby is 21 years old, and a son of the late Goldsberry Doby ot Davidson county. Petitions are being circulated, which will later be presented to legislature asking that Capt. C. F. Siler, of Candor, be given a life pension for his services in the War. It is understood that the Daughters of the Confederacy and ladies in general have become interested in the matter and are signing the petition freely; Early Palmer was shot by Alfred Hill both colored, in a drunken fight in Salem N. C., on Tuesday of this week. It is said that Palmer will die. A DEATH CAUSED TALK. Considerable Incitement at Liberty Over a Nad Death. Last Week. There is considerable excitement in Liberty over the death of a young woman there last Wednesday. She was taken sick about the first of the week and a young physician was called in. He prescribed for her. but instead of improving it is said ehe grew worse. Becoming alarm ed, her father sent for Dr. Foster, a well-known physician formerly of Alamance county, who on making a diagnosis of the case, said she was in a delicate condition and that from the nature of things an opera tion must be performed as the only means of saving her life and that even this, at this late day, was haz ardous. The operation was . per formed, but the young woman died and was buried Thursday. 1 he other part of the story is that when the old physician was called in the young doctor vanished and has not been seen, though it is said search has been made for him. The father of this young physician, hear ing of these reports that his son had ron away, came forward and said he had not gone ami was not going to ?n and that he could be had at any ti ne he was wanted by the pr p r oilicials. The inference is that he is being connected with the young woman's condition, but there is nothing bu r rumor yet and for this reason no names are given. If theie is any thing in the story it will all come out, but us no legal action has yet been taken the above is sufficient. The young lady in the case w; 8 Miss Gertnule Euliss. one of the most popular young ladies iu Liber ty and a daughter of Mr. . Al.-x Euliss. Dr. De Lucy Foust, a young physician against whom there has not been heretofore any cliarg? against his professional nr private life, is the physician who turned the case over to Dr. Foster uud then left town. The Euliss family claim that Foust who had beeu visiting Miss Euliss and had been with her on several occasions, driving and at! church etc., was the author of her ruin, while some others claim he was not responsible for her condi tion. The tragic death is c'eplored by the good people of Liberty. The Euliss family say that Dr. Foster gave them the first information they had of the unfortunate condition of the young lady. Damaging rumors are afloat as to the perpetration of the crime. While it is an unpleasant matter yet there is no doubt that there should be a judicial investigation. UNCLAIMED LETTERS. The following letters are in the Asheboro postoftice not called for. Persons calling for them will please state that they are advertised. Cox, Katie E. " Z. E. " R. O. Hughes, W. K. Hoover, Armada Jones, Bertha Jackson, Mies Mattie Lonon, Mr. Dollie Lucas, Miss R. C. Laughhn, Miss Mary E. Lucas, Miss Rocity Moore, Mrs. Cary B. " Miss Annie L. Macon, Mrs. Marv J. Rush, A. F. Smith, Mrs. Louise, (col.) Wright, Miss Flora Williams, Miss Beulah Subscriptions Paid. W. L. Brown, G. W. Thompson, T. W. Hedson, L. P. York, M. M. Wall, Oscar Hancock, J. S. White, D. G. McMasters, Mis. Isabel Kivett, C. F. Steed, II. A. Moflitt, J. T. Lowe, Daniel Lynthicum, Z. T. Pool, D. A. Leach, J. R. Lane Sr., G. II. Lambeth, I. F. Craven, W. H. Rogers, A. F. Hayes, D. II. Lam beth, Mrs. A. G. Mm dock, A. L. Hu6sey, J. C. Campbell, E. J. Steed, Donna Jarrell, W. G. Barker, W. F. Craven, S. E. Barker, D. C. Stalev, A. C. Brower, J. B. Ausley. M. J.'Harrell, M. J. Wrenn. oles I'rom Raleigh. A RandolphstuJent at the A & M College writes the Courier that Representative Foushee dined with the boys at the College Thursday and delivered a strong address to the students. The address was highly appreciated. On Friday the Freshman Ball team jof Jthe A & M played Cary high school. It was a good game, the score being 8 and 6 in favor of the A & M. Marriages. Married February 10, 11)07, at the resi dence of J. S. Philii ps, in Pleasant Grove Township: Mr. I. K. Hammer ts Miss Mary Jane Cheek. And on February 21, 1007", at the residonce of the bride in 1'leasan'. Grove Township: Mi. Ilartis Manes to Mr. Mary Iirady. J, P. Phillip. .1 P. Olliciiilin(( DAVIDSON COURT CONTINUED. Child Died From Ptomaine Polatm--Kew Enterprise For Cld. On account of illness in the fam ily of Judge Fred Moore, of Ashe ville, Davidson court which was to have convened Monday, was adjourn ed by the Sheriff until Saturday morning March 2nd. The town clock has been enstalled at Lexington. A little child of Chas. Smith, of Silver Hill township, Davidson county, died Monday from ptomaine poison. The child diank the broth from beef before the family partook of the meat; thus saving them from lik" Buffering. Chas. Tysinger, son of Henry Tysinger, of Lexington, was killed at Newport, Ky., last week. The funeral was held at Lexington Sat urday. H. W. Dorsett, Jr., accompanied by his friends Dr. C. M. Clodfeller an i Joe Moflitt, will leave on the 3rd for Baltimore, wheie Mr. Dorsett's marriage to Miss Annie Schultz will takejplace on the 5th. The BecK Lumber and Saw Mill Company, if Cid, was chartered last week by the secretary of state. Ihe incorporators are II. C. Squires, H. L and J. H. Beck. The capital is $10,000. The purpose of the company is to manufacture lumber, deal in timber and timber lands. HOME WEDDING Lum 'rencr-Lrn itllru Xnptlnls Calcinat ed at Why Kol. One of the prettiest home wed dings here for some time was solemnized February 20th, when Mr. Carl A Lewallen add Miss Mamie Lawrence were united in marriage. Rev. Lee A Williamson preformed the ceremony. The bride was dressed in white organdy the groom in the conventional black. The parlor and dining lo'im was decorated with feinsand buttercups and in the soft glow of lamps the scene was beautiful. There were a number of invited guests, who after the ceremony repaired to the dining room where a nice supper was serv ed. The bride aud groom left on the passenger train for High Point returning Saturday evening. Miss Lawrence is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Lawrence and is one of Why Not's most lovable young ladies. Mr. Lewallen is the son of Mrs. Luzenia Lewallen, of High Point, and holds a responsible position with the A. & A. R. R. at Biscoe. Tribute of Itespect. Xutaa lteid White was born ei 21), lS.'ili and die I Feb. 10th 11)07. He was married to Miss Hannah Blair 1S84. To them were born eight children, four girls and four lioys. He was converted in his youth and joined the M. E Church of which lie was a loyal member and steward. He was stricken with paralysis about two years ago and suffered a groat deal. He wat under the care of a specialist in Greensboio for several months who told him there was no hope of his re covery that the disease would probably go to his brain, which it finally did. He told his friends and relatives his time was short and that he would make his will which he did and cave direction in regard to all important matteii One daughter wiie in Indiana school, he told them to let her re main in school and tor them to buy a bury inc plot in Guilford cemeterv. The funeral was held iu the Friends church at Guilford College then accompa nied by a large company of neighbors and loved ones. The remains were borne to the cemetery to await the resurrection of the just. Ai st Annie. W hy Not Item. J. B. Slack went to Ashelwro Monday and bought him a nice horse. Charlie and Neil .Sheffield of Moore Co. speii; Saturday artd Sunday with Graham Monroe. Mr. Nixon Slack went to Prosperity last week to visit hid sister Miss Sallie who is teaching there. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar T. Stuart nee Miss King srienl a few days here on their way to their home at Iiaefurd. Several of our people are sick with colds. Mrs. E. C. l'oteet is visit ing the family of liev. Geo. Higgs at Star. Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Lewallen left for Biscoe Motidiiy where thev will make their home. J. C. Spencer of Aberdeen came up last week to attend the l.awrence-I,ewallen wed ding. Miss Ethel Biggs of Star came up last Thursday to the home coining of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Stuart. Mr. and Mrs. A. I.. King entertained a number of friends Feb. 21. wi'h dinner complimentary to Mr. and Mrs. Stuart from Halpli. Little Miniiie Ingold, of Asheboro, spent & few days ot J. B. Henley's last week. J. N. Winningham is reported on the sic k list. Miss Villie Star, of Asheboro, spent Sun day at the home of A. C. Cox. Mit-s Ev Winningham spent Saturday with Misses Lula aud Lena Cole of Midway. Ben Allen, of Asheboro. spent Saturday night withjbis grandmother, Mrs W.incy Cox. Misses Fail io and Allie Spoon, of Ashe boro, visited Friday night at their uncle Mr. K. I. Winningham 's. Misses ltciia Smith and Annie fingers, of Asheboro, ipent a few days last week with Miss lierlie Staley. Road liondl Defeated. The defeat of the good roads in Buncombe County on Tuesday of this week is to be regretted. The city of Asheville gave a majority of 100 and the citizens of the country voted against bonds, giving from 400 to GOO majority. Legislature will be asked to increase the tax levy of ton renls. as tr.U want lie ground on which the opponents fong in the m.-asuiv. NEWS NOTES. The Gmud Jury of Guilford county Monday returned a true bill against Will Hedgpeth, who is charged with the murder of Johu Church in the yards of the Tomlin son Chair factory at High Point a few weeks ago. Lucuas Holt, a negro, was killed at High Point Sunday night by Ed Bishop, also colored, at the home of the latter. Bishop claimes that he shot Holt in defense of his home. $200,000 was stolen from the U. S. sub treasury at Chicago la9t week, and there is no clue. The money was in bills of irom one to ten thousand dollars each. Kingston, Jamacia, ha3 experienced 107 distinct earthquake shocks since January 14th, wnen the town was nearly destroyed. J he last, which wrecked many "f the remaining buildings occurred last Saturday. In Fosvth Superior court this ofternoon Judge Ferguson sentenced John Gordon to the State prison for a term of four veari. Gordon was convicted Wednesday of murder in the second degree for shooting and killing Gilt Hraham, in North Winston Christmas eve. The Democratic executive commit tee of Salisbury met Saturday night and set the date for the primary for April 15th. Marcus Williams, aged Hi ytars, shot and probably fatail w.iundeJ a chum, Mack Woodard, at Eupeptic Springs, Iredell county Monday. Williams claims the shooting was accidental. No particulars aie given. Ticket agent II. A. Leonard dis appeared from Salisbury last week, and his departure is surrounded with mvstery. At first it was fear ed that he was short iu his accounts with the Southern, but investiga tion shows his accounts all straight. He was alwavs devoted to his duty aud his friends cannot account for his strange conduct. Luther Grant, a demented youth shot and killed C. S. Cox at Earl' near Shelby Monday. The men quarreled at the home of the farmer, about the alleged intimacy of Cox with Mrs. Grant. Grant is report ed a quiet, harmless man. The steamer Marion, with seven white and 50 colored passengers abroad was burned at Hart's land ing near Charleston Saturday, "20 colored passengers are known drown ed or burned and a dozen or more are missing. HICKORY INN BURNED (nests Have Narrow Escape L" $"(), OOO. Hickory Inn, at Hickory, N. C, one of the largest hotels in the western section of the State and a noted summer resort, was destroyed by fire at 5:30 o'clock Monday morning. When the fire was dis covered it had made such headway that escape by the stairway was im possible for those on the second and third floors. Of the 40 guests in the hotel about 20 were forced to jump from second and third story windows. Five or six were badly injured by jumping, one, a traveling salesman, prooamy naving pis uaoK broken. Not a piece of baggage or furni ture wa3 saved. Thousands of dol lars worth of samples were lost. The building, which was built of wood, after the model ot most sum mer hotels, is a complete wreck. The loss will exceed $50,000, with $15,000 insurance. HIGH POINTERS GO WEST. Secure Employment Iu Furniture Fuc torlrs Mr. J. V. Miner Critically III. High Point, Feb. 2G. Several High Point people have emigrated to the West, having left yesteiday. They are: Messrs. Early Bray, Lu cian Long, Bud Maynard and Erast U8 Co.art. They have secured em ployment in a furniture factory there. J . F. Miner, the aged father of Mrs. Bassil Jones, is critically ill at the home of his daughter here. Mr. Miner came from his home in Oiange county to High Point to at tend the Jones-Cox wedding and suffered an acute attack of indiges tion. His condition is somewhat improved to-day, however. Two children died in the country, near this place, yesteiday. The eight-month -old child of Mr. and -Irs. Anderson Idol and the young child of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Grier. d rgro Dies at High Point. High Point, Feb. 23. "Uncle"' Abe Anderson Stafford, a colored oc togenarian, died here last night. The old man was born in Forsyth count v and was never kio ui to viola v a , trust. lie was ii deed of the old school and respecUd alike by both white and colored. The Fidelity & Casuaty Company, OF New York, Has Issued A Policy Which Provides Weekly In demnity Until Age 70 or Until Death. It is prac tically A LIFE PENSION Besides Insuring You Against Death as a Reiult of an Accident or from Sunstroke, Freezing, Asphyx iation or Hydrophobia. If as the result of an accident you are permanently disabl e d the Policy pays you the weekly Indemnity for the space four years, and will then in case of death, pay the face of the policy. Wachovia Loan & Trust Co. Agents. J. M. Harrell, Mgr., High Point. J. W. JOLLY, Undertaker. 1 have placed in my new quar ters, in the Asheboro (irocery Company buildinp, (the brick build inr nei.r the depot) in Asheboro, a large line of coffins and caskets, and undertaker's supplies, and am now better prepared than ever to attend those desiring my services. A nice hearse is at the command of my customers. I also carry a good line of Fur niture including Chairs, Bedroom suits, Couches, etc. sit prices to 6uit. 1 solicit your patronage. J. W. Jolly, Asheboro. SPRING a Bargains For great spring bar gains in Fruit, Shade and Ornimental Trees, Vines and Plants. Men tion the Ashnboro Cou rier and get free in or der one Ellington, the great November Peach. Our spring surplus will be up to our usual high stand Address JOHN A. vouNG, Greensboro Nurseries, Greensboro, N. C. Seed Oats. We have the best spring; varieties Black, White, and Burt 90 Day. Call early before present lot is gone and prices advance as they usually do later in the season. Just a Word About 5hoes We've got them latest styles and patterns. You can't afford to buy without seeing- our line. Call and look them over whether you buy or not. Will be pleased to show you. Allred ir Garrett, Climax, N. C. NOTICF. This is my lat round forllic collection of the taxes for the year llMlii, aud all who have not paid their taxes are urged to meet me at the above times and places and pay. 1 am compiled to settle the taxes and shall be forced to levy on all who fail to meet mo anil pay their taxes this round. Verv trulv vours, T. J.'l'isi'l'l tx. Shff. This Feb. l'JOT. "Vehavva lit of Wood's new seeds in bill; siicli us Has, b-iiiM, tomatoes, lieets, HMieinif'o i :ind , la tmpes. Aslcbore Drug C'o.TS I r

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