THE SUNDAY SCHOOL For" Bronchitis The Care o the woman. LEGAL NOTIGES. LESSON IX, FIRST QUARTER, INTERNA TIONAL SERIES, MARCH 3. Temt of the Lmiou, Gen. xvlll, 10-33. Memorr Verses, 23-20 Colilen Test, Lake xvlll, 1 Commentary Pre pared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. Copyright, 1907, by American Press Association.1 I cannot find In me a willingness to pass over chapters xvl and xvil with their inau important events, written fr us by the Holy Spirit, and one Im portant lesson of chapter xvl Is that God will always do as He has said, and not in any roundabout or wrong way, for He cannot be a partner to anything wrong, Concerning the prom ised sou it is finally writttw, "The Lord visited Sarah as He had said, and the Lord did unto Surah as He had spoken" (xxi, 1). Ten years had passed since Abra ham entered the land (xvl, 3), and, no son having been given, the devil has a trap for Abraham, Into which he falls, making a lot of family trouble and seemingly breaking intimate fel lowship between Abram and the Lord for thirteen years. Compare xvi, 10, and xvi!, 1. lu chapter xvl, 7-11, note the first mention of the augel of the Lord (four tiniest, and in connection with a poor, wronged outcast wom an, and take comfort from the min istry of angels (Ue!. i, 14). Find greater comfort in the truth that God lives and sees and cares (xvi, 13, 14. !r.!'.l margiui. Note how important is submission not only to the good and geii'.U-. but nl-o to the I'roward ixvi. It; I I'et. ii. IN. Submission is sniil to bo the highest mission on earth. It is in terval rag to i.oil.v that of the me:: .: ;:ii!.eil i:i Scripture a Uut,.e '. before th 'ir birth is!u; the b: -t. After the thirw-, :i years of seven being itel is years of silence ;i::.-, lf to Abram Almighty :)d ti:i 1 u is all stilii- the I.ov.1 rcv.v by a i."v. :. sua-:.:. : . m- f iu:i iitc; i i ia to. all Hi- .-t ' ii lif t::..:e:v:o..'l ." we are br n'.ga' I au.i our uii res. then if we walk sincerely ixvii. 1, the all sullieionc 1-ml; of .Job titan ia .:!: in ! can only 1 ..i :i, -prei-iaicil when t : i . - .-id of our-elves iit-cs i.ioli xlii. tit; . fore Co.l uprightly, margim. we will see of lio.l. Then fol- low in tliis wonderful chapter the covenant with Abram conti.'ined, Abram's change of name to Abraham by putting into it the principal letter of God's name. Jehovah; the rite of cir cumcision, suggesting death to the flesh, and the assurance that the loug promised t-on would be given the next year and his name would be Isaac. Today's lesson chapter begins with another appearance of the Lord to Abraham, the sixth, I think, if I have counted correctly, and this time Ho is accompanied by two angels, the three appearing as men, and they accept Abraham's hospitality and rest under the tree while water Is brought for their feet and an abundant meal pro vided by Abrahuin and Sarah, of which they all partake. Contrast the unleavened cakes which Sarah quick ly makes with her three measures of meal with th- leavened bread of the woman of Matt, xiii, 33. If you feel like saying how gladly you would have stood by or helped prepare the food or shared it with them, think of John xii, 1-3, aud see the same Lord, and if that does not help then believe Rev. Id, 20. See the reassurance of n son for Sarah, hear her unbelieviug laugh and the Lord's patient rebuke and His searching question. "Is anything too hard for the Lord?" (Verses 9 to 15.) Compare Jer. xxxii, 17, 27, and say before Him If you are believing or un believing. The visitors rose up and looked ward Sodom, and Abraham went V.ia them to bring them on their way, and so the four start off, and we can easily Imagine Sarah following them with her eyes as far as she could see them and thinking many things in her heart. Soon the two angels are on their way to Sodom, and the record of their visit to Lot and their hurrying him aud his wife und daughters out of the doomed city is found in chapter six along with the story of the destruction of the cities because of their sin. The angels' inabil ity to destroy the cities until Lot was safely out suggests that the church must be taken out of the earth before the judgments can come upon it. Our Lord Jesus Indorses this record also (Lu! e xv;i, 28-30) and tells us that as It was so it shall be again nt Ills com ing. Contrast the willingness with which the visitors accepted Abraham's hospitality and Lot's difficulty In con straining til'? angels to enter his home. Turning back to our lesson and to our Lord's words. "Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do'r" (verse 17) we nve reminded of Amos ill, 7. "Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but lie revealeMi Ills secret unto his servants the prophets." We therefore do weU if we take heed to all prophecy and are faolish If we do not (II Tet. I, ID; Luke xxiv. 23). The Lord Is looking for those with whom lie can commune, for He seeks fel lov '!! with us (II Chron. xvl, 9). 'vv of Sodor.i and Gomorrah re t'i3 Lord brings to mind such p; . as Gen. I v. 10; Hab. 11, 11: J;' :; Nuin. xxxii, 23 The words In - 22 and 23. "Abraham stool yc ' 'ore the Lord ami Abraham drcv. near," remind m of our great privilege set forth In Lob. i.v. 14-10. Abrnh ilium 3 sixfold petition for the sin-1 city and bU prcling anMl the 1 asrwd to spure1 it" f-r t-i'a ful Lor sake," taken with such llhtritio'.is as tli" woman of Tyre and Si,':i-i. the Ro'-'.in centurion. Cte four fvl'!t'l-t of the pahied man. our Golden Text, etc.. should greatly encourage us to prse- J rere In prayer. Take VINOL it heals the bronchial tubes and remedies the cough For centuries old-fashioned cod liver oil has been prescribed by phy sicians the world over for coughs, bronchitis', weak lungs and consump tion, but many could not take it on account of its useless fishy oil. Anyone can take our delicious cod liver preparation, Vinol, which con tains all the medicinal and curative elements of cod liver oil actually taken from fresh cods' livers, but no oil, and wherever old-fashioned cod liver oil or emulsions would Co good, Vinol will do far more good. Try it on. our guarantee. Sold by St'imlard Dru j Co. FASTIDIOUS WOMEN consider l'axtir.e Toilet Antiseptic a necessity in the livgienic care of the Vcrson and ft r local treatment of feminine ii!s. As n w.T-h its cleansing, (V.rmicidal, deodorizing ar.d healing q :.ihties at-'; extraordinary. For sale :t j)ruejrits. Sample free. Address 'I'li K. Taxton Co.. l'.oston, Ma&s. il.e Unit 5 d' tl.C r 1 '.ifH .Moth!:. Mrl,. Meh. Mcll. Meh. Meh. . Mdi. i!a1i!eur...Tuela-Y-r!. .V l-'ra.ierS:. l-i v foreiioi a ... Sla:.''s.l.i I.i he riy... Thursday lie.1 Cross Friday Widow Chanine? iiileiiiorii, re... We.lnes- y afternoon, afternoon, a fteriiopii.... .s.. .Saturday forenoon Meh Mi clian ic. Monday afternoon, ilch. Fanner Tuesday Meh. Itelk & Cameron Store. ..Wed nesday forenoon Meh. Ii. C. Johnson's Store Wed nesday afternooD Meh, Judge Shaw's Store... Thursday forenoon Meh. K. ti. Carter 8tore... Thursday afternoon Meh. I'isgah Friday, Meh. Seaerove... Saturday forenoon. Meh. This is my last round for the col lection of the taxes for the year 1006, and all who have not paid their taxes are urged to meet me at the above times and places and pay. I am compelled to settle the taxes and shall be forced to levy on all who fail to meet me and pay their taxes tnis round. Very truly yours, T. J. Finch, Ex Sheriff. This Fe'o. 5, 1907. M rs. Rebecca Blair, of Blairtown, in Davidson County, died at her iioibe last wetk. She was the wid ow of the late Madison Blair. It's a good old world after all; If you have no friends or mney, In the r.?er you can fall; Marriages are quite common and, More people there would be, Provided you take Kocky Moun tain Tea. Standard Drug Company. R ' ert C. Ogden, head of the gen eral Kducational Board of the South has received u gift of $32,000,000 Irom John D. RockfeHer, to be used by the board in the luterest of education. A tissue builder, recousrruttor, builds tip waste force, makes strong nerves and muscle. You will realize after taking Ilollister's Rock) Mount Liu Tea what a wonderful ht-netit it will be to you. 35 i euts, Tea or Tablets. Standard Drug Company. Frederick Messer, said to be the South's oldest citizen, died at his home in Haywood comity last week. He wac 114 years old. Its the highest standard of quality, a natural tonic, cleanses your By stem, reddens the cheeks, brightens the eyps, gives flavor to at! you cat. llol lister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do this for you. 35 cents, Tea or TuMuts. Standard Drug Company. j The United States Senate by a , . ,, ' , . ,T , . MormBii Senator from L-rah, K ,et:llM h'8 e,a'- Cse a little KCflO!. after vour . m, el an.' will foui.H . afford a"pr f " ent re I inf. KOIOL l.earlv approxuiui" I- lij.'e r - j .ices. It digests .Vha' y.n. i in ' .ebef p'jn. ft. 1 I . . 1 , ftp gl Oo Headache increased on reading or sewing is one of the most common reflex symtoms of the eye strain. It is a well-known fact that no muscle in the body can endure con tinuous contraction except for a very short tims. Yet all near work requires the contraction of the cili ary muscle, say for from eight to twelve hours daily. The result is eye-stiain. Pereons whose work necessitates much ocular labor should vary their duties with intervals of rest. In continued reading of sewing, it is well to desist at short intervals and fix the gaze on some distant object aud close the lids repeatedly. The habit of wearing veils is re sponsible for some deterioration of vision particularly if they are very thick or dotted. The best veil for the eyes is one with a single large mesh, either without dots, or the dots so far apart that none shall come over the eye. Anna M. Gal braith, M. D. it The March Delineator. Dispatches from London report the wreck of a mail steamer off the Hook of Holland, last Thuiday. A hundred aud forty lives, including the crew, were lost. NOTICE. 1 In the Supt ri u' Court. North M. A. Carol hi. ., ilp!i Co. Kiiallev Matilda C, ;.;, June ().-:i i.t.d l.n-1,1.. 1 b.m.l I-' i iidii. i: l;.yCj,. The -i fei .OH 1 1., I . IV l..iuii'- tii. F.'iiMi' Cuiiiil. i;. .yole iction '.1 in aii.ivi' ii.ii-cil, will take notice ti the Ni; ci i. r Court of (Viniiy. to sell certain parcels of land situated in Tab ernacle Township in said c .unity for a divis ion iiiiionjl the tcnuuts in common. And the said defendants will further take nciice that they are required to appear at the ollice of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said coun ty at tin courthouse in Ashehoro, North Carolina, on the 10th day of March 1 !)((", and answer or demur to the petition in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said pe'ition. This the loth day of Feb 11RI7. W. C. IIammosp, C. S. C. LAND SALE. By Virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Kandnlph Ceunty in the special proceeding, entitled Seth W. Laughlin, Ailmr. of Jacob Chrisco, J. M. Chrisco et al. Ex. Parte, I will, on the 18th day of March, 1907, at 12 o'clock M, sell to the highest bidder at public auction, at the courthouse door in Ashehoro, N. C, the following real estate, to-wit: 1st Tract. On the waters of Richland Creek; beginning at a rock pile and running thence North 'JO chains to a poet oak; thence West 2.J chai .s to a poet oak; thence South 20 chains to a red oak; thence East 25 chains to the ljeelnning, containing 50 acres more or less, excepting 7 acres more or less sold off to Wukins iiuirow. 2nd Tract: Beginning at a pine, Drake's corner; thence North on Drake's line 28 chains to a sassafras, Trogdon's corner; thence East on Trogdon's line 14 chains to a stake, Trogdon's corner; thence South on Trogdon's line 20 chains to a stone pile in said Chrisco's own line; thence West on said line 14 chains to the beginning, con taining 30 acres more or less. Said land sold subject to the dower rig:it on said land of the widow of the said Jacob Chrisco. Terms of sale: One-half cash and the bal ance on a credit of six months, bonds with approved security to be given for the defe. red payment This 13th day of February, 1907. J. A. Spence, Commissioner. NOTICE! riuving Qunlillvd as Administer with the will annexe), on the estate of P. P. Cripple, deceased, lfore W.O. Hammond. Clerk of the Superior Court of Randolph county, I thull sell at public miction, to the highest bidder for Cash, nn the premises, on the Sth day of March, 1907, the following personal property, to-wit: One mare, funniUK tools, machinery, 1 one horse wagoti, corn wheat, meal and household rnd kitchen fur niture in..) other articles too tedious to mention. All persons huvliiK claims against said estate arc notified to present thura to the undersigned, duly verified, on or before the 1.1th (lav of Keb. linn, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery: and nil pei:ons nwlne said estate will come fo-waid and make Immediate settle ment. This 9th day of February 19rt7. .1. S. KlNbLEY, Admr. with the will annex ed of P. P. Copple. Groceries . Fresh and pure are always found at oar store on South FayeLLeville street, Ashe horo. Rend us your order to be Tilled at Lowest Market Prices. Complete line of Heavy and fincv Groceries. We p; y hig-hest prices for produce of all kinds. When you brir.;r a load of lumber ' ti? c Asheboro, put on tr t pp'tuUie to exchange for !i "i.- merchandise. See RICH & MOFFITT, Asheboro. N. C 'hone 34 reir cushion 'QUICK iOiC. til V i r Women's $3.50 Men's $3.50 to $5.00 The most comfortable shoe for tender feet that it is possible to make Our "Easy Feet" shoe is made in softest Kid and Calf Leathers in neat styles, by our special process with a Mattress Insole of First Quality Wool Felt that will not pack down, but forms itself to the shape cf the foot and remains springy and comfortable. 1 q n W MAKE MORE FINE- a Tiif? house A Convenience. $ , ' I A chc-ckinjv account with a brink i.-; a jjivut conven ience: not only to the piMfeosioral man, but to the farmer as well. More people wonkl keep such accou'i..s if they knew just how to y;o about it. We gladly assist those who need help in getting- started. Capital and Surplus, $300,000.00. BANK OF SOUTH GREENSBORO, grelnsboro. n. c. E. P. WETX.RT0N, Pres. E. L. Sides, Cash. DIRECTORS: VV. D. Mendenhall, C. P. Frazier, E. E. Bain, J. N. Longest. Embroidery Specials We are including in our lot of Hamburgs and Laces, at give-away prices. These Patterns are not remnants, neither are they odds and ends ut designs cut from the bolt and wanted by every lady. 5c. Hamburgs and Laces 3cts. 10 and 12 l-2c. Hamburgs and Laces 7cts. 20c. Hamburg and Laces 14cts. Higher priced material reduced in proportion. Also some specials in Dress Goods and Waistings. Don't delay your spring sewing until the weather is warmer, but now while it is a and sew and bargains are fct hand prepare for the hot sum mer months. Prices reduced only until Morris-Scarboro-Moffitt Co. HIGH POINT MACHINE WORKS Engineers, Founders Machinists. High-class repairing in all lines. Manufacturers of Steam Engines, Saw Mills, Lathe Mills and Pumping Machinery. None but expert mechanics employed. We make a specialty of repairing on heavy machinery and solicit correspondence. IF YOU REQUIRE PROMPT SERVICE WRITE Is the oldest (39 years) and first Business College in Va., (second intho South) to own a building erected for its use one of the finest in Richmond. Endorsed Dy its stuaeuts, Dusiness men ana tne press. I'huuMplim Stcnoaraplier savs 'It la thA lnailinff Rualnnsa f' Br,iit r Vf... T71, 7l 3 "When I reached Richmond, I inquired of several business men for the best Business College in the city, and, without exception, they all recommended amunaears as tne nest." nm. JS, Jiost, Law Sltntxiraplier, Richmond. Single, Double Entry and Joint-Stock Bookkeeping, Commercial Arithmetic, Business Writintr. Business Practice. Shorthand. Tvnewritlnor. TBlBOTonhxr Commercial Law. English Department. Ladle and gentlemen. Day and night Sessions. No vacations. Students enter at any time. By Mail. Bookkeeo- l O I, J3 T, l a. Al 11 . . . . ouui uunuu, reuiuiLBuiu, an uuuie, Special inducements to well educated Write for catalog and full particulars to A "DMMOAD BR4HD" CVS if IO fi AISOIE SiOE Tii "DIAMOND BRAND SHOEMAKERS. SHOES a the THAN ANY WE" ST. 3EBB mamunfrp-'M" January Reduction Sale a laro-A rieasure to sit bv the fire the first week in February. IrfJ ilubb waucannov come K) UOliegO. young men, especially to teachers G. ffl, Stnlthdeal, Pres., Richmond, Va us. 1 In the Suiierlor Court Bufore the Clerk., , Kundiup" V. ) arnh A. Hcnlor. Siilney J. Blair. L. J. Blair. Biuntou J. Ulair anil IVira E. Kichurdsou. vb. Willinm J Hlnir, Muni-tta Blair Mi-iitlenhall, nnd her hnsinimi. W. 1. Moiideuhail. Ktldle 1. Meiint'iihull, Kobert Miri Menueiinuu, mtu MeiidenhRll Burk and her husband Uurk. Willie Blair Mendenhall, Martha Tmnlinvtm .Menhenhall. Uuth Worth Meuden. hall, Kotiert hidney '1'hompnon, Lizzie Jane TlHimpMjr. tamper and her h'isbaiid Cooier, Seymorc Bluir Thomison, Mattie Olivia Thoiniwon, Landla Horation Thotnou, ThomuK S. Thompson, Bessie Roelhl Thomp son, hiuney nasnniKion inompsoii, uora Manilla Thonmwiil. Ethel .Thoninson, Dewev A. Thompson. Kdna Thompson, Satlie Alma Thompson, Kmeline 8. Denny, tiustavis N. Hum, wmneid J. Hunt, mi warn r.. Hunt, Kobert P. Hunt. William Ilx. Hiram Dii. Roland Dlx, Anna I)avenort and her husband Davenport, Francis C. Tomlinson, Banih E. Walton and her husband, Walton, Ltl- lie J. Holder and her husband, Holder, Dona J. Tomlinson, Edward K. Bobbins, Julius L. Bobbins. Klnlov O. Bobbins. Daisy 8. Ill- gram and her husband Arthur Ingram. NOTICE. The defendants Kmeline J. Denny and her huslmud. Denny, Unstavis N. Hunt, Win held J. Hunt, Edward F. Hunt, Kobert P. Hunt. nullum Dix, Hi ram llix, Koluud Dlx. and Anna DavenHrt. hiirtt-ut-lnw, and all others whose number, names and residences are unknown of Josiah Blair, deceased, will take notice, that an action, entitled us uliove, has been instituted in the Superior Court of said County ior the narti. Lion of the lauds of the lute Josiah Blair and the sum hcirs-at'law-defendants aforesaid, will further hike notice that they urc required to uilK.ur at the oftice of the suid Clerk of the Court for said Countv. in tne courthouse in thu town of Asheboro, N. C, on or before the lmh day of plaint Hied in suid action, or the pluimillk will iiliplv to the court for the relief tm irimleniniiri- eii. This Feb. 7, I'.-oT. W. C. Hammond, C. 8. C. .nsuriorcurt. Ashebcr.i Wl:ii'!liarni tk .l.imifc-turitis Co. ''in itccie Steel Coiiiputiy. Notice of Mimni'ii;- mid Wiirrant of Attach ment The ''ei'ev.lant al,.ie nnini-d ink,, nnlic. tlicl a MMiiiiuius in the alsive i milled uclion wi.s is-n-.l .nil! ilel'eihlai.t i n Kith lav of .lanuary, I'.ii; l,y V. ('. !hui:l,li.lMl, Clerk pi Hie Superior Curt of Kniidoii ti e. init.v, North 'uroiiiiu. lii. M MiiiiHions i ii I-. iii.ii He Ijefiire he .lieleiif il , svk rior Cunt i i Ik.' held for li e C.ii'ity ol l..,e.,.iei at ti ri house in i N .. ":i ''a n, M.ui !:iv .-.ft.T the lt M j . 1 1 ) : : v in M:,rcli. for the r-.-i.very of the .inn in Vi- : i:.:i .Ire., aiel Tweiiiv In'illars due anl plaiiiii;! i,re lied n.iai.t mi ai-ci.iiiii of ia i iiai'es i ni'. .-ii 'iv 1,-vneM in' i-iinlraet on he pail ol' the neieiiil.iiit in lit hium the ship ncntoia em-liind nf i:i.n i-hiM ii . ertam lime lithe year pmi Tlie-ai.l del. Pliant will also tate notice that arraiii of nuiii iimi iit wa ismii . b tin' sani 'lerk of tin- curt on die Hit ti dav of January, limr. ntri-.m-l the i riineriv nf Hie sn'iil ,l..f..,,,l,.,,. for the said sum of Scvcil Hui.dr. d and Twenty i'olliirs. for the cause iilmve set forth, which rant of atliichnii ni. is renin. able before .Indue of the Suncrior Court a. ihi Mini place iilxiva nnnieil for the return of the sum. mons. when and where the suid .!ei'. :uluiit. the it-Vic Stet-1 ( o.. is reuuireil to nmnir no, I answer oi demur to the complaint, or the relief leinaiiii win lie irriliucil. T his the '.'Stli day of Janimrv, 1H07. W, C. HAMMOND, Clerk Superior Court. XOTICE! Notice in herdliy given that application will lie niaile to the General Aswh lily of North Carolina now in session ior a charter for a railroad extending from Greensboro, N. C. and running through Randolph, Davidson Montgomery, Stanley, Richmond, Anson, or Union County, to the state line of South Carolina, or for any part of said dis tance. January "S. 1907. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby (riven that u bill will DC pre sented at the present session of the Legislature authorizing the commissioners of Randolph county to call an i iectioa upon the question of iosuing bonds for ienuanciit improvement of the public rwads of the countv. C. C. McALIHTER, Pres. E. H. MORKIK, Sec. ' Randolph Roads Atso. FOR SALE OR TRADE. My farm In Back Creek township on the waters of Back ere. k adjoining the Inuds of Sam Pike, Cannon, Meiidenhull, Put Henley et al. The deed calls for 169 acres more or less an.l about 100 acres in wood land, the balance, 69 ucri, in cultivation and meadows. The farm is well watered, has S houses on it, one 6 room house, one 8 room house, barn, com crib and wagon shed, tool house, extra large shuck house, one granaiy. Some of the bill Id -ingsnecd covering. Land runs within a -tune's throw of Daris'es Chapel and also in t-l of it mile of Cannon's sidifig. Almost enou.'i cord wood on place t pay for it. Fine corn i nd hay land. Would sell for cash, on time, ic will exchange it for good real estate in liny wide awake town. Would exchange it for saw tim ber. My reason for getting rid i.f f inn is that I can't give the furra my attention' Write or call and sec me at once if you want it bargain. Your price is mine. I am ready to sell. Don't think you cau't do business wiiV me but come and see. Yours lot business. W. H.P1CKARD, 1-21 07. VandlemaD, N. C. NOTICE. Notice is given that Application will be made to the (ieueral Assembly now in ession to enact a law authorizing the citizens of Trinity Town ship to vote on the Isuance of Bonds to ma cad! ainize the Public Roads of said Township. This Keb'y 1st 1D07, J. PARKIN. T. J. FINCH. North Carolina Randolph Coucty. In the Superior Court. Stnie of North Cam- ) B, F. I.owdermilk, cxtr. of Z. H Lowdcrmilk. Nora Lowdermilk aud her husband, B. F. Low dcrmilk, VS. W D. Ingram, V. I). Ingram. Adtur. of Abi gul Ingram. J. H. Kearns, 1. F. Keurns, L. M. Keuius, Kiniiia Wuisou aud her husbund, W. A. Wiitso-i, ,Ir , I. K. Kearns and J. H. Kearns, Extrs. ofC. K. Kfiirtis, Margaret B. Ixiwder milk aud her husband W. W. Lowdermilk. ORDER OF PUBLICATION It apjienring to the satisfaction of the Court, from uflldavit filed with the Clerk of the Court in this action, that Margaret h. Lowdermilk and her husband, W. W. Lowdermilk, defendants lu this action, are not to be tumid in Randolph county and cannot be found within the State after due diligence, and that the said Margaret B. Lowdcrmilk and her husband. W. W. Lowder milk are proper parties t- this action; that the action is brought for the foreclosure ol a mort gage which was executed by W. I). Ingram and Abigal Ingram to C. 8. Kearns, and a second mortgage which was executed by same parties to .1 H Kearns, that these mortgages haye bee, duly is-hiul to the plajntill, B. F. Lowdermilk. hMr. of II. Lowdermilk, said mortgage" cov criii: mm I co'-veylng certain lunds in Randolph ' v '"eh, atthe timeol the execution of sue I iiioroMgc..., wore the property of Abigail In-l-iam. 'i.., U--k since died leaving the said Mar garet .. Lowdermilk one of her heirs at law, and as such huiruOuw, the said Margaret B. Lowder milk Is entitled toan interest in said lands, iub jeet to the said mortgages and that the said W. W. Lowdetmllk is her husband. It is therefore ordered, that notice of thia action be published once a week for four wee kit in the Asheboro Courier, a iiewiuper published In Randolph county, setting forth the title o tho action, the purpose of the same, and re quiring the said Margaret B. Lowdcrmilk and her husband. W. W. Lowdermilk to appear at the court house !n Asheboro atthe next term if the S'titTiiir Court of Randolph county to be held on these -oud Monday after the first Monday In March. 11.07. und answer or demur to the com plaint of the plaintiff', or the relief therein de manded wiil be granted. W. C. HAMMOND, , , .u (;,'rk superlor IVmrt Randolph Co. Fills the 6lh pay of Feb. 19 7.

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