1 MAKING GOOD ROADS. lUMU ( Aatomobllta Baa Ohei Trcaaeadoua Impglit to Task. The question of good rond making In the United States within the last ten yean on account of tbe bicycle and the automobile bus greatly Increased In Importance, says tbe New York Her ald. Not only hare a great number of tnacadam roads been built of late, but other roads hare beeu Improved, as by tbe use of oil, so that they give good satisfaction and wear much better than formerly. The United States gov ernment has set Itself the task of fig uring the total roads of the country through the medium of the bureau of agriculture nnd up to date has figures aa follows (the only statistics of the kind ever gathered In this country): Alabama, 50,089 miles; Arizona, 5,JB7 tnlles; Arkansas, 30,445 miles; Iowa, 102,448 miles-. Maine, 25,528 miles; Maryland, 10,773 miles; New Hamp shire, 15,110 miles; North Carolina, 40, 763 miles; Oregon, 34,258 miles; Ten nessee, 48,089 miles; Vermont, 51,812 miles; Washington. 31.002 miles in all 409,200 miles of road thus measured. The total roads in the country have not yet been figured, hut It has been estimated that thpy will reach at least 8,000,000 miles. A number of the states, notably New York, Connecticut and Maine, hare legislated to assist bounties and towns within their own confines by offering to pay half the expense of roads made now or Im proved In a specified manner. New road building has been undertaken In consequence. The prosperity of a country Is, of course, dependent In a large degree up on Its highways as feeders of the rail ways, affording means for people to trade with each other and to go about .Unquestionably tbe autoraobllist's In fluence for good roads marks a new era whose future can only be guessed at but which may change our meth ods of living and doing business as much as the railroads have changed them In the last seventy-fire years. In the eastern states the tendency Is to build hard macadam roads with moderate grades. To form such a road the ground Is dug and plowed to the required shape and then covered with layers of stone, tbe larger stones be ing at the bottom. When rolled prop erly such n road Is very durable, and If the water courses are designed cor rectly to carry off the rains It will re- I quire small annual repairs. In some ' parts of the west earth roads have been Improved by spraying with oil, which not only lays tbe dust, but forms a crust several inches thick that resists erosion. Sand and clay roads have been built In some localities, especially south, and with proper admixture form a very sat isfactory surface. The best roads, how ever, require a stone basis, nnd this. If properly laid, should hist for ages, like -Jhe old Roman roads. f. ROADS, BUT NOT LIBRARIES. Indian Territory's Proposition to , Carnegie to Build Hlfrhwaya. A movement has beeu started at Muskogee, I. T., to interest Andrew Carnegie In the proposition of giving Xunds for the construction of Carnegie public roads In the new state instead of to public, libraries, writes a Musko gee correspondent of tbe Kansas City Star. A Muskogee newspaper lias pub lished this proposition, together with a map showing :i road ten miles In length leading from 'Muskogee to In dian university. Hylle Park, Fort Gib Sou nnd to the National cemetery be yond that place. It is show n th.it. this road could be built for $Kui.o;'ii, including a wagon bridge across the Arkan.-.is river. It would be gi'.id.'.l. drained nii.l macad amized and set its -.entire length with t uiuyiu ur ciui s:r.'s in m:u jinee. it is Biio wn that the amount nt money that Is now being given away by Carnegie would build miles of such road each year and that the benefit to the jpublie would be mircli greater than in jcases where the money goes to public 'libraries. This is. e;peciallv true in the new str.te. where it will lie impos sible to construct roads of anv rouse- uence for several years. Maps showing this rond were to be orwarded to Mr. Carnegie and the atter laid before him for his consid- ratlon. The scheme Is an entirolv jorlglnal one. aud its roccpiion by tho reat benefactor is problematical. Toronto AutolslM For ; i,I llond. As the roads in the vicinity of Toron- nra ulM ft-, 1k niirt..r tin. jpe Dominion of Camilla, the Tor worst In lto .Automobile -lnb has started a inove hient to have thetn improved, savs the lotor News. The club aceordinglv has decided to offer at 1 ist .si m to munic ipalities f.ir a !-.". 1 1 improving conipeti- !oil. The:-:' will ! c rl;.ve nvi- r 7.iit). 1230 aud $100 respectively whi. h will a paid to the municipalities which how the piece of roadway one mile bng on-which the greatest Improvc- ient has been made by July 1, Points overnlng the awards will be proper Iralnage, serviceable width, eOiclcucy f' crown, hardness, smoothness ind jermanency of construction. No first prize will be nwnrded un- iss there are live entries, no second i-ize unless there are eight entries and a third prize unless there are ten en les. No prizes will be awarded Un as the work is finished to a standard proved by A, W, Campbell, commis- jaaer of highways for the province of ntarlo, one representative from tho wk county council and one represent Ive of the Toronto Automobile club. A Saara-eatlon For Conatlea. it has been suggested that tbe coun- in eacn state Having an Inheritance v law devote the receipts reermt such source to the construction a r ational highway. "Weak Lungs Need "VINOL its cod liver oil elements heal and strengthen the lungs Many people Inherit weak lungs which are likely to be attacked by consumption. So also are lungs weakened by disease or by a stubborn hacking cough. Vinol, which Is a real cod liver prep aration with all the useless oil elimi nated and tonic Iron added, strength ens weak lungs and gives one the power to throw off wasting diseases. We ask every person suffering from weak lungs, stubborn backing coughs or any wasting disease to try Vinol on our guarantee. Sold by Standard Drug Co. FASTIDIOUS WOMEN consider Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic a necessity in the hygienic care of the person and for local treatment of feminine ills. As a wash its cleansing, germicidal, deodorizing and healing qualities are extraordinary. For sale at Druggists. Sample free. Address The R. Paxton Co.. Boston, Mass. Tax Notice. IJwill attend the following times and places for the collection of the taxes for 190C: Liberty... Thursday afternoon, Mcli. 7. Red Cross Friday afternoon Mch. 8. Widow Charmless. ..Saturday forenoon Mch 1). Mechanic. Monday afternoon, Mch. 11. Farmer Tuesday Mch. 12. Ielk & Cameron Store.. .Wed nesday forenoon Mch. 13. U. C. Johnson's Store Wed nesday afternoon Mch. 13. Judge Sliaw'g Store... Thursday forenoon Mch. 14. K.G.Carter Store. ..Thursday afternoon Mcli. 14. Pisgah Friday, Mch. 15 Seagrove... Saturday forenoon. Mch. 111. This is my last round for the col lection of the taxes for the year 1900, aud all who have not paid their taxes are urged to meet me at the above times and places and pay. I am compelled to settle the taxes and shall be forced to levy on all who fail to meet me and pay their taxe this round. Very truly yours, T. J. Fixch, Ex-Sheriff. This Feb. 5, 100T. The bite Voter Must Kcail Ami Writ The Constitutional Amendment of 1U00 was a far-reaching measure. That no white voter nn;rnt be ilis-1 iiialitied by reason of illiteracy, this , amendment provided that tor eiht ; years to conic he might register ami vote under the grandfather clans", and thai when linee registered un der that clause lie might remain ngistercd to the end of his dass. The etui of. the eight years is now near at bund. Tlie s Legislature that wi.ll sit within these eih years is now in session. There has. been some speculation as to whether the time would he extended or not. lint there need he no longer any doubt upon that point. In a can"-! cus hint week the Democrats, con trolling the Legislature, after dis-j cussioii voted to let the amendment, date and all, stand as they now are in the Constitution. After onei ntoie yuir, the white man who votes' inns: prepare himself for the high1 privilege of voting by learning to read and write. The time will not be ex. ended; he is face to face with : an educational suffrage UaIiliea-' lion aud must prepare himself for it )!' accept the consequences. And this is well. With our pres ent cductuioiuil facilities ; ; , v '. . ' y worth 1:! i :r ' ,: n ;. . , " V '1 io:c ite litraniw ol ' " !' tlie !llift!l-."i.j i-:,d ruleless' ..a: we would i.ike cue of thorn I anj how, while at the- same time! spurring the negro to take tdvan-j tage of bis school, by reason of the ; educational requirement, would help' no'ody worth tho helping, would; simply encourage white ignorance, and would be a plea of weakness unworthy of our r.ice. Progressive Farmer. Conclusions. No matter in what language Love talks, we instantly understand. "What a bore it all is!" cry the Butterflies, keeping on with obvi ous glee. "Something New" is the most powerful tonic ever discovered. Little globules of sunshine that drive the clouds away. De Witt's little Early Risers will scatter the gloom of sick-headache and billiousness. They do not gripe or sicken. Recommended ana sold here by Standard Drug Co. and Ashehoro Drug Co. 1 ANOTHER WAR RECORD. Saved Uvea of Member of Company Who Deserted to Care for Loved One Comrmmicati'd. The suggestion that Cupt. C. F. Siler be rewarded in some way for aw valient ser vice in the Civil War recalls aa act which is worthy el note. While in the army he saved the lives of seven ot ins comrades iu a most commend able manner. Charges for desertion had been preferred against their kind, oliedieut, and brave men and bovs whose wiveB and mothers had written tliem time and acain to come home. and aid in keeping tbe loved ones from starvation, yes, they heeded these earnest, and heart breaking effects and left the army and met their hungry, crying wives, mothers and children, dipt. Siler having the strongest love for his uien and hoys and the deepest and purest conviction that it was a sin in the sight of Qod to kill men and boys for desertion, or anythiDg except cold blooded wilful murder; and also that life-long imprisonment would hold an army together as well, or better than shooting to death the hoiiies of poor men aud boys who were generally sinful, and sending their souls to hell; appeared for them at the court martials and having given as w itness to the charges against these mfa who knew no til ing of their former desertion. H plead most earnestly for them told all their many good qualities and saved them. IIGKBHKNOES. Iiev. J M. Webster, Franklinville, N. C has raised quite a large family of good, respectable, pious children, while he, and we think one ol his hoys has lieen preaching the gosel all the se years. Mr. DaviJ Wright, Liherty, X. ('., who is one of the seven of his conipanv, who was at Appomattox. He always apologized to his Lapt. il ue knew that he had heard Dim swear. Mr. John Routh, Gray's Chapel N. C. He was more faithful if possible after his des ertion than before and a few years before his death he stood up before a large audi ence assemhled to hear his kind, christian, General A. M. Scales, speak. And said aloud Capt. Siler saved his life. He lead a great industrious, respectable and we think religious life and died in peace. Cant. Siler did all he could for a number of men in companies 1. and I.. lie was a Lapt. of (Jo. il. "2nd N. V. Kegitnent. Cait. Frank Siler. Life on Army Transport on Going to Havana tuba. Were you ever on a transport One" of the U. S. Army Style That sails from Newport Va. 19 the Cuban Isles.' 1 uiean as a regular soldier, Duly enlisted for three years To light for II .g and country hich we all love so dear. As siie lies out on the harlior la her virgin coat of white She hulks tike a floating palace Ilut inside she is a holy sight. She is not what she is painted Oil ; not by any means For she has a greasy interior Made so hy pork and beans. You are stowed away lietween decks Down near the water line, liny portholes admit the air And often admit the liruve. Your bed is pine of canvass Stretched on an iron frame Held In place at regular intervals Hv the eye and rope game. , Yen are rallied ami j. lined together In a space of two hy six To 'i.ss each other in the aisle Deals t lie "three card .Monte Trick." You wash and hatle- in .-alt water 1'ianped from the hriny sea With -all water m up to soften it, I'liit it does not work with me. Wb. ie- , i- yon ta'cr a lath I i' aliempl to wash your clothes 1; '"aii - yoa in a -lute of grease l'eni top I head to toes Y i-ii .-loth.., hard and erhlv ChurUo I lull of sail and' soap Th' a you i i-c up in your .1 ig-r An I -in- ta-111 nil 'the heat The d.diy lull of rare i- siiiij-ly something ire-at, I-- i.h od' up all together I 1 1 a live I y nine tin hile. it- through tough heel' or salted horse. Then bean soup or some -lum i r auaiu its hard tack or hash Tim! i- strictly on the hum. The .-.lire,, would knock yon silly ddie thi.iest ever seen' A 'iiart of boiling water To posy coifi-e hi'.ui. With inrss pit in one hand our journey to the upper deck Over epea hatches up slipjiery stairs, I I rent chances for a broken neck. ith coiiee cup in one hand And ha-h pan in the other stajgor aiiu!ess!v about Like ael.ick that '-'lost its t el uja A 'V j-,.ic-your soup and eollep lo'sireanilei- out the deck. Ur perhaps some other comrade f inds it gurgling d iwn his neck. Vour iu"ss pin lakes a turister And tie- slum lands iu your lap You laud with clash and 'flutter And K'VI your head a rap. ignite stunned yon stagger to your feet, Amidst tho lou laughter of the hoys And you feel that life on transport Has its sorrow ami its joys. Yet you try to grin and liear it With features grim and fllum And before the voyage is over ; You will be laugliing at some other bum. Dr. W. IT. Wakefield, of Charlotte, will lie in Ashehoro at the Central Hotel on Sat urday March 23rd one day. His practice is limited to Disease of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat and Fitting Glasses. 1900 having been n "lean vear" on farmers, on this visit the doctor will reduce his fees for glass fitting one half. Hon. Locke Craige, of Asheville, suggests that he may announce himself a candidate for ' governor in a few days. ORGANIZED ROBBERS. tlavle Bank Robbers Member of Des perate Band. It develops that the men, Rod gers, Wilson and Wood, recently brought from South Carolina on the charge of robbing the bank at Mocksville, are a part of a band of sain blowere who operated the eoutn eve years ago. A part of them have been convicted and sentenced to prison at Atlanta Und through the efforts of tbe pobt office inspect ors, have been extradited for trial in other states. Requisition papers were served on ten of the number, and two of them will be tried this week iu Marion county, S. C, having been arreeteu under existing abate laws against such offences. Their names are Nolan and Howard. This information is gleaned trom the Columbia State iu its report of the trial of some of the members of the gang. DAVIDSON COUNTY. Notes From Lexington and Other Points in the County. Cramer Julian, of "Thon.asville. has been re-appointed a cadet to the Naval Academy at Annapolis, and will resume his studies in June. Mrs. S. A. Hamilton, who has been spending the past two years in Denver, Colo . with her son and daughter, returned to Silver Hill last week and will spend sometime with her mother, Mrs. Ruth Galh nlore. Mr. Neal Sexton of Hand v. died recently and was buried near his home. He waa something over 80 years The Commercial & Savinp-s Bank. a new institution for Lexington. opened i s doors March 4th, in the mnKie block. Points For The Worker. Be sure your ideila are worthv. then go ahead. Be not wasteful with time. It is a valuable article. hi not afraid to work, or vnnr work will be afraid of yon. Be willin? to be triprl hv .li t xne oest sworas ate beaten most. Be sincere in vour work, mid vnnr work will be friendly to you. Be wise euoueh to know that frit. cism is the friend of success. Be sure that vour work is aa val uable as you imagine it to be. Be unt afraid of stirct bos.s. Yon will le. rn nothing from an easy one. Be careful in small thinsrs. and the big things .will take care of themselves. Be true to vour fellow fur their failures aa- uot your suc cesses. Be always on deck, you can never tell when your services will be needed. Nxty. years ago Allcoek's I'la-ters were l;rst introduced to tho public. Thcv are to day the wurld's (standard plasters. I'lii- inventi. n has been one of die great er l.ies-ings imaginable and nll'orils the ju-elo'st, cheapest anil best means of heal inland relief lor certain ailments, that has eVr been discov led. Aileoek's are the original and genuine jior mis plasters and lire sold by lruggisis iu i ry 1411 1 of tho eivilied world. Death iil llaiiil s. U-hornc. llo id Stanton l isborne died af liys Inane in Xeu Market township, Feb. 2.S 11.1(1;, ,, the age of 55 years, ! months audio uiv. lie had been in fct hie health for evertweive months. He was couliueil to his lied most of lite time tho last two weeks of his life. The l.'ii iul took place at Marlboro Friends Chun h of which lie was n Member. He was a . 'od litisliand and lather. He leaves a wife and livo children to mourn their loss but iIh-ii- Ions is gam. Vv'e lieliove from I the -wvt testimony lie J, .ft behind that all ' was we1! widi him' lie w ,.!! known and i Irai- ' host of friends ia Ihiudnlph mid 'jaeh ,- i lilies Ilewa-ati! st and up ! i i'-'v v. i i and a loving hither. j A Sl-11,1; ! Groceries Fresh and pure are always found at our store on South Fayette ville street, Ashe boro. Send us your order to be filled at Lowest Market Prices. Complete line of Heavy and fancy Groceries. We pay highest prices for produce of all kinds. When you bring a load of lumber or ties to Asheboro, put on" the produce to exchange for cash or merchandise. See RICH & MOFFITT, Asheboro, N. C 'Phone 34 jSffg ff, Willi Cf r .! i uenuemen s Uiamond orand Dress Shoes a Labor statistic show that we pay the highest wages to shoemakers in St. Louia because we require the best workman ship there is. " This means that we get our pick of the best workers and we find that the best it the cheapest in the end. The combination of the finest workmanship with (he ideal assort: and grading of leather (made possible by our making many classes of shoes) has resulted in our making more fine shoes than any other House ia the West. In our dress shoes from $3.50 to $8.00 you will find the leather of the finest texture, the lasts the very , latest and best fitting and tho workmanship the highest grade. 1 WE MAKE MORE EWE SHOES f :: WMm A Conveniece. A checking account with a bank is a great conven ience; not only to the professional man, but to the farmer as well. More people would keep such accounls if they knew just how to go about it. We gladly assist those who need help in getting started. Capital and Surplus, $300,000.00. BANK OF SOUTH GREENSBORO, grboro.n.c. E. P. Wharton, Pres. E. L. Sides, Cash. DIRECTORS: W. D. Mendenhall, C. P. Frazier, E. E. Bain, J. N. Longest. Embroidery Specials We are including in lot of Hamburers and Laces, patterns are not remnants, out. uesigns cue irom tne ooitand wanted by every lady 5c. Hamburgs and Laces 3cts. 10 arid 12 l'-2c. Hamburgs and Laces 7cts. 20c. Hamburg and Laces 14cts. Higher priced material reduced in proportion. Also some snecials in "Dress f5nrrU nnrl Waictm Don't delay your spring wanner, uut now wnue it is aiiu sew anu uargains are at nana prepare lor the hot sum mer months. Prices reduced only" until the first week in February. Morris-Scarboro-Moffitt Co. II GH POINT MACHINE WORKS Engineers. Founders, Machinists. Higfh-class repairing; in all lines. Manufacturers of Steam Engines, Saw Mills, Lathe Mills and Pumping Machinery. None but expert mechanics employed. We make a specialty of repairing on .heavy machinery and solicit cor respondence. IF YOU .REQUIRE PROMPT SERVICE WRITE US. Is the oldest (39 years)and first Business College In Va.,(second in the Southl to own a building erected for its use one of the finest in Richmond. Endorsed r.?Ats .ltU(JentJ8,' Buiness men and the press. Philadelphia HUnographeaaya- I lathe leading Business Cotlepe south of the Potomac River." When I reached Richmond, I inquired of several business men for the best Business College in the city, and, without exception, they all recommended Smithdeal s as the best." IP. E. Itos, Law Stenographer, Richmond. Single, Double Entry and Joint-Stock Bookkeeping, Commercial Arithmetic. Business Writing, Business Practice, Shorthand, Typewriting, Telegraphy Commercial Law. English Department. Ladies and gentlemen. Day and night Sessions. No vacations. Students enter at any time. By Mall. Bookkeep ing, Shorthand, Penmanship, at home, to those who cannot come to College Special inducements to well educated young men, especially td teachers? Write for catalog ana full particulars to 6. ffl, Smithdeal, Pre. jRlchmond, Va. A' 'DIAMOND RPiP.lf f ) THAN ANY OTHER HOtZE IttiTt ' onr-.Tnnnnrv Perlnntirm Qi n ir,. nt neither are they.: odds and ends sewing until the weather is a pleasure to sit by the fire S22EXSZMI i ,..J..Y'.i

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