"LEST WE FORGET.' POINTED PARAGRAPHS. Sometime ago I saw these words I of Rudyird Kipliug, and they, to gether with the yeirs stretching fir I back, put one to thinking. It sceim i but yesterday since, I waded up and ' down the little creek put yonder, (the right fork of the Uwnarrie). I and displayed all the patience of Job. fishing with a bent pin, and I : don't remember to have had a single 1 uibble. I guess the hook "'as ton : large for their mouths, and I should j have been in doubt even now a bone there having been a tish of any kind j in the branch, but for my memory j which is as clear as the water ou ' that point. The little branch goes chattering on keeping the ewn , tenor of its way just as it did years : ago when we iisteiiej to the li tV' sharps and trebles as it wriultd if? way southward. The ha:i 1 of tin has been right busy iu and around . here, since I can lirst reiin inber. As I walked up M.sin street some time ajjo, win re now and hua ismm residences, n!i painted and powdered, and bells mi tiie ii'int diidis v hi h would wake up all the sewn sl'-ep-r.-at one time, 1 ihuht of oilier d . My first reiiiembramv of t1:;- I'.r; of town whs in ?i:!rtiu' ibr.vi. route for the Collet', wnich at t:ia: time was the j'ivot upon whii.-n i-i v thing turned tin ;uid about Tniiiiv 1 lo.st my bearing th.ui.'h how. it i hard for use to suy. f r ! am a Sir" I - -hazy about it now; but I g,i-e-i 'iu woods confiiS'-d: :ii", fur :is 1 t.'i' of it now, it was !' try uvii timber ed on both sides jL tiie Hud i"roiii the Bibb pha.v on dow u. !-j:ue. where abou the pi .ce where we jr-.-t euch a iiie u-.v ...f J.;ekso.i Ilill, and the Coll-ge stat.ds out in b old relief, and generally puis sjiue kind of giand i-leas iii our heads, I say ideas because ii: s.mie caes us in mine it was only idea?, right heie I saw I was lost, hopelessly lost: uul not being 'pite as re isonalde a crea ture as 1 am now, (yjt having rea soned so long) I thought in a hurry what I had best do, whether to re trace my sreps to th1 brick lodge, or go on and try and tin.l my way i down to the business part of town, j for as I have Slid in the couise of these remarks the Man street now,! was not much exept main road! forty years ago. I lnnity College at teat time was: simply a square brick structure, just what we call the old college now. The new Chanel had not been built, consequenily while to my childish eyes it was an immense structure, it fell far short of the imposing edifice which for upwaids of 35 years has ben offerirg gleat draughts of wa'er iom her inex haustible fountain. Well I am very1 torgetiui in writing as weil as in talking. I believe 1 was thinking over the changes which Trinity has undergone in the last 30 years. As I sit here at the south window, 1 see a man ploughing in that nic little grove below the Gannon house, that might almost be called an aca demic grove, for it was here tlx College boys used to practice their speeches a little later on than this, along in April probably. You could hear them declaiming and it would also be exclaiming, as if t listening senates, oh! those weie grand dnys; and when the bell would ring, all the people for miles around would assemble to hear the students speak; and they would speak long and loud. You could see Uoratius standing at the bridge; and or eyes would water as "The noble six hun dred" rode away, and I know I would be r.-a'lv frightmel when "The Gladiator" was repeated in that peculiarly sepulchurJ voice in which it was al ways rendered. Some of these vjices are now commanding listening senates sure enough, but they had to practice a good nutiy times I suppoe in sequestered vales, and shaded uojKb. I think Spring is coming at last. I heard a djve yesterday. I thiuk that is a sigu of Spriu?, and of which I am truly glad. They are still ploughing over on the little hill, the biids are twittering in a minor key, for it. now looks like we might have rain; and I must go and look at my box where I have pltn ed some early "Jersey Wakefield," and 1 believe of all earthly affectiouw outside or my ovn family circle I have the greatest love for what is known as early Jersey Wakefield. You must excuse this little lefer if it is', not altogether a? polished as 8om3 of my earlier communica tions, but this is a glance back ward, I will try and do bettti, and look upward and onward after this. Truly, "Auet Annie' The only thing some people always hnve ready is an pxeuse. Almost any one van be induced to lie if you ask enough question. The better you behave tho better you get nlDiij;. It's old, but it's true. A man nobody can quarrel with has the life problem reasonably well solved. Lack of opportunity 1ms to stand as nn excuse for n lot of jreiiorul shiftlcss ness. The trouble with some people lies In the fact that they consider their faults their misfortunes. Are you anions those wlio treat their new neiuaiiunnees better than they treat their old friends? If a man has plenty of money to back up a lot of fool notions, people call him eccentric, but if he only has the notions he is n crank. Atchison (.llohe. Tamed the Box Office Man. A theater box olli.-e man whose seats were all sold days ul.ea 1 was turning nway disappointed patruus more than gruffly when a man who Stuil wutehud the process with cl iwing ire reached the wind nv. -St lllur :ii;y mure seats this season V" lie bc'in. The ticket seller answered witli a st.'ii-r. The ques tion, quietly ln.t 1: eii.lv repeated, finally received an iil!':rni::t,ve aicwer, "'ilvt me two." When':" e. i.-l the teller, recovering. "Any t'."n" th,. man The seller was a!i.i. -t t i eni-ticd to ask "Whor :;' "An; .hciv." re;. led the man. "I! w I rn-li ." v. V;.ci-o. lln seller, liis voice d.crt:m: li'.m. "Any price." said the i:,..i,. Tin- ln-kefs wii' transferred in an awed - lein-e, an. I Hie line of pun Im-u r that had ovi rlieard smiled believoleally al Iho n it lecal.l.V tamed man in the ca.e. New York l'ost. Holmes on Shelley. Shelley vaporized everything In his glowing crucible, but there was gold at the bottom of it. When I look at him spreading the starry wings of his fancy over his chaotic philosophy he seems like a seraph hovering over the un fathomable chasm, whose blackness is the abode of demons. "Autocrat of the Breakfast Table." our Heart Beat Yes. 100,000 times each day. Does it send out good blood or bad blood? You know, for good blood is good health ; bad blood, bad health. And you know precisely what to take for bad blood Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Doctors have endorsed it for 60 years. A i yers ltatfa by J. C. A jot Co., Lowell, Xul to uumuiumi or 7 HAIR VIGOR. AGUE CURE. CHERRY PECTORAL. purmrhoiMi. B wtramernimumimmmm The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. There is a disease prevailing in this country most dangerous because so deeep- I ; III II IUJm tive. aianvsu.Uleii rt Ilk lEP deaths are caused by it heart dis ease, pneumonia, heart failure or i apoplexy are often the result ot kid ney disease. If kiduev trouble is allowed toadvance thekidney-poison- co ihoou vi,i iii- taek the vital organs, causing catarrh of the bladder, or the kidneys themselves break down iitnl Yastc away cell by cell. Madder troubles almost n'.ways'rcsult from a derangement nf the kidneys and a cure iit obtained ijtiickt-st by a proper treatment of the 1. ium-vs. If you are li el eiij badlv oi i-.ni inuUe iio'mi-t.ike be '. ..'i'4 1 ii .' l.i'tmi'n nmp-Root, the t lidno . ' a. id Madder n medy. Il col.ii i- in I'iil.le to hold niMie aild l"ii p : 'i I aiin it, ii!!d oi r- o. lh e i 'o , hi' n. cessil of Vi mi,' " i :'i d 1 1 il tinoiih' the i'.iv, io i . I ri .me t inns limine the n ii. 'I 'e- i iii. I an I tlie cxlraoidinary i 1 " I i'l : .iie-l'.ool is men le.iii.id. I: in : l .ie In:1 lie-1 for its wmiik-riul l IM u of the lllir-t lllfllo-il!' C.i-i imp Pool ii pit- IMHIl to l..'.. I In a'.l oiiie.g;tH in li:'t . ell'--dollar :-i e I ol! iv s. HI nr. y iiiMile In f'.i of Ihis wfinde: ! r.l i covcry an 1 a hook that tells all ; both e'en I free by mail. Ad. ire;--, l'.u r S: Co., r.ingliaiiitoii, N. '. r : t in i menlioii rea iin ' this e t iier in this paper. I'mi l m.ii.e :::iv mist ike. but rememlicrthe ii:imi .s.:i:n Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Uoot, a:id the address, Ihnehaintoii, N. V., on everv Iv.f.le. and i:l it. :. Kil When a ro-,is The Southern Railway Co. has eetabusbed a school of Algebra. geometry, and trigonometry, ai d mathmatics at Spencer for the be; e fit of appreuticemen in the 6hops there, y Bulfonr Granite Qaany, of Salis bury, ia constiucting a handwnie monument to ensign Worth lla'e--. ine nrsi nero oi tne Jatt war to : e erected at Raleigh. READ THIS! If vnti are a t, surKir.lia ite i1!-:!! i nr filtlKT. Willi III family with h imni low urliir.li vmi tat ami Inn- ii-e.itur iirnpo-itinn rwr tin SHUtl.ll UK WITH- HI A r I AN' 1 niMsi'. uivi limn' rea: ik'u-'ari; than a:.vthlnii eNe in tne wiiral ta.it iiioiii'V will Imv. mid nur "eluli oiler" -uve- vim e-ioiiirh 111 th.- im-elui-e of an iniirn-mi-tit t e twict' vmir i niulv m inu.-.c. on: vu must uct uieklv ulv line liulire i in t ie el.ihii a 'O-s mini r occapvniL' a . u i in Tinf hi... or iiuslnu 1 :urnli v .nr. iiomi? a i'l Tie (ir.)ioM,tieii c.eii lie-i..i,iriiinit- to Mivt n oney 111" thell UIIV li'ller l'llllll) i nr. i of ill ; 1; v.. .: lie-rs ; i : i hi. ANY 1 For Good Sound DOGWOOD, WE WILL PAY $15.00 PER CORD, LOADED ON THE CARS; PER CORD FOR MAPLE, 4 ft. long-, 7 inches ard op? HICKORY, $10.03 pir Cord. H. E. WOR.TH, Treas Greensboro, N. C. Tfemalewe alcness1 "Last Fall," writes Mrs. S. G. Bailey, of Tun nelton, W. Va., "I was going down by inches, from female disease, with great pain. After tak ing Cardui, Oh! My! How I was benefited 1 I am not well yet, but am so much better that I will keep on taking Wine of Cardui till I am perfectly cured." ' Despite the envious attacks of jealous enemies and rivals, Cardui still holds supreme position today as in the past 70 years for the relief and cure of female diseases. It' stops pain, tones up the organs, regulates the functions, and aids in the replacement of a misplaced organ. FREE ADVICE Write us a letter descrlblnf all your symptoms, and we will send you Free Advice, in plain sealed envelope. Address: Ladies' Advisory Department, The Chattanooga MedicineCo., Chatta nooga, Tenn. At ETeryDrug Store in $1.00 Bottles. WINE OF The Store of Qua.ntity as well as Qnantity. Here yo.i can find any and everything suitable for thv? proper furnishing of the home, be it humble or magnifi-.-ent in its architectural construction. Mantels, Tiles and Grates. We have them in all -styles and at all prices an l tl'y are sure to please. Carpets. Mattings an.i Upholstered Goods. Never was there a more complete and handsome array of thesa pyU sivnvn in a Norih Carolina ' City. An in-:."?cc'.n i -sure to make you a pur chaser. ininj Room Sets Chairs, ccr.t.r talks, bullets, china closets, etc., and the very latent patterns are shown. Our silver h liow ware and iine china can't be du ll Seated in i he State. A large line of ranges on hand. $1.0." v worth of lace curtains to close out at cost. If its anything you want in the house furnishing ar.d kindred lines you can find it at our store. Notice V.'e will pay fare both ways and deliver your good-' free of charge on a purchase of $100. or over ar.d deliver vnur goods and pay fare one way on amounts of $25.00 and up to $100. This means from Asheboro or any point along the line to High Point. Yours for satisfactory business, Peoples House Furnishing Company, 8 Big Stores South Main St. High Point, N. C. 4000,000 PEACH TREES Tennessee Wholesale Nurseries. June Buds a Specialty. No agents traveled, but sell direct to planters at wholesale prices. Absolutely free from disease and true to name Writ for catalogue and prices before placing your order elsewhere. We guaran tee our Etock to be true to name. Largest Peach Nursery in the world. Address J. C. HALE, Winchester, Tenn. g UHN THE CLfa-lt, ... ,irv lin n!' : :i kki k:: t AM'it'NT Ydti MAY ii.v!---v. t.. -i u:r r 11 ivilniii nn I n -Hfuii'iiir l hi V tin- io t." i" -h ho lie. VST T(. I.;-K Ml-MHK.,.. Ki 1, THK! N.-CW M .U.K lin LU! lii-.S .V HA I K H .! ' a 1 Haiti' 'rw. p.iy :iJl i'.ih i.r .li v.i-l :;:nl is l r nmiit , MT.n :i uroM. Mtn::'n ti.i. r.a .:ir'.li It 111 Tin c-iiiiif in t.e S i;li roiti !u::.i till1- writiuj tiwc m ! p ami. Ludden & Bates S. .1. H Savannah. Ga. x i (Plant Wood's ( j 6 FOR SUPERIOR VEGE- TABLES & FLOWERS. Twenty-eight years experience our own seed farms, trial grounds and large warehouse capacity give us an equipment that is unsurpassed anywhere for supplying the best seeds obtainable. Our trade La seeds both for the Garden and Farm is one of the largest in this country, We are headquarters for Crass and Clovr Seeds, Seed Oats, Seed Potatoes, Cow Peas, Soja Beans and Other Farm Seeds. l Wood's Descriptive Catalog l l frlvea roller and more complete In for- ll IV matlon about both Garden nd Farm l I Seeds than any other similar publico- I I tlon Issued In thla -ioantrr. Mailed I free on request. W rln for it. II p. W. Wool & Sons, Scedsmsn, f JJ RICHMOND, VA. IV fa Tt7Qiallyiiao Voairi : Royster: . Fertilizer. TRADE MARK REGISTER CO have been the standard because they are made from honest materials. See that the trade mark is on every bag. None genuine without it. F. S. ROYSTER GUANO CO Norfolk, Va, James T. norehead Oscar L Sapp. MOREHEAD & SAPP, Attorneys at Law, Greensboro, N. C. Will prai'tice as heretnfore In Randolph Co Priiii'liml otlliw in GreeiiBboro, N. C. Telephone in ottice uml 1 n coinmuiiicutioii with all partB of Kuudolph County. L. M. FOX. M. D. ASHEBORO, N. C. Ofiera his professional service to the citizens .'of Asheboro and surrounding community. Offices: At Residence Dr. J. V. HUNTER, PHYSICIAN - AND - SURGEON. Office Ashoboro Drug Co. Residence Cornei of Main and Worth Streets. Asheboro, N. O. Dr. S. A. HENLEY, - Physician - and - Surgeon, ASHEBORO. N C Office over Spnon & Hciltiiiig's store near standard Drug Co. DR. D. K. LOCKHART, DENTIST, Asheboro, N. O. OVKK THE BASK " Ks -.' p. ni. to 5 p. ra. N. P. COX, Jewe'er and Photographer, Asheboro, N. C. W. R. EAL. PHOTOGRAPHER AND JEWELER Randleman, N. C. CHAS. L. HOLTON. Attorney-&.t-La.w ASHEBORO, - N. C. rr&rli.'p in l.ntll SlulP anil Fuloral nnnWa Special attention given to collections and the settlement of estates. Office: North sida court house. THAD. S. FERREE, Attorney At Law ASHEBORO - - - N. C. All matters attended to with care and promptness. Special atten tion given to collections and the settlement of estates. 0 R COr, President. W J; AKMFIELfi. V-Frea W J ARMFIELD. Jr.. Cashier. The Bank of Randolph, Capital and Surplus, Total Assets, over $36,000.00 $150,000.00 mui aaiiiie asseiH. experience ana proved on " "i iut umimg puoucana feel safe in saving we are prepared and rUlin to ejtend to our customer), every facility and ao sommodauon consistent with infa huibtna DIKCCTOftSi Buph Parks. Sr.. W J Armneld.W P Wood. P H Moms C C MoAllster, KM ArmSeld, OBOos. asbHryVc jCoi: -V -- " S Bryant. President J. I. Cole, Cashier &,e Ba.uk of Randlema.n. Randleman, N. C. CapiUl $12,000. Surplus, $5)0a Accounts received nn favorabl terms. Interest paid on savings de posits. Directors: W K Hartsell, A N Bulla, S 6 Newlin, W T Bryant, 0 L LindBay, N N Newlin, S Bryant, H 0 Barker and J H Cole, NOTICF. This is my last round forthe collection of the taxes for the year 1906, and all who have not paid their taxes are urged to meet me at the above times and places and par. I am compelled to settle the taxes and shall be forced to levy on all who fail to meet me and pay their .taxes this round. Very truly yours, . T. J. Finch Ex. Shff. This Feb. 5, 1907. WANTED STAVES-Highest iash price, paid for all kinds of staves for ITorfoIk mar tet. Apply to E A Hammer, faheboro, N 0. "A s