CREAT PROGRESS IN EDUCA-j TION. I State Superintendent Prepare Report For Past Two Years, lucrease iu nt teudance JrUI lug Value of School Property Much Greater Tlian In IttOS Klght Hundred and Twenty-two School Houses Huitl Dining Lat Two Years. State Superiuteudfiu of I'ul-'.iu Instruction, J. Y. Jojner has jic pured a eiuttnu'ui vi ti; uratiuiiul progicss iu Noitij CuiulunV for the past two jeaid that bhow o remarkable progress. It shows that for 19U'j ' the State had for educational pur poses $2,636,678 for public schools besides considerable sums r-octii-buted by citizens. The total in crease of fuuda tor 1906 over 1905 was $321,949 of which $71,647 was for rural schools and the remainder for city schools. Funds raised by local taxation duriBg 1906 aggregated $480,610 of which $61,307 was for rural schools and a gam of $110,360 over 1905. The ' percentage of iucrease in local taxation fur schools during 1906 was 92 pe cent, for rural aud 26 per cent. Jlor city schools. I.i addition to this private iudiviluul contributed during 1906 $4S'159 for increase in rural school teiuis und similar purposes. ine cities issued bo ds tj the amount of $1 78, 581, an it crease ot $111,928 over 1905. Excluding bonds, loans, state ap propriations and balance for the pievious year l lie whole amount raised by taxation during UKMi was $1,638,834. au iu rease of $159,890 over the year previous. The rural increase was $62,635 and the city increase $97,255 This aggregate ot educational funds is an equivalent of 10 cents fur each country child and 14 cents for each city child in-1 crease over tne fund for the tear previous. The total expenditures for till schools during 1906 was $2,291,053 an increase of $435,276, over the year previous. The incieas'? for rural schools was $53,734. The increase of salai ies for white teach ers was $4.8& in rural schools and $10 34 for city schools. The sala ries of both county aud city super intendents were increased. The increase of school alteudance vva-j marked, the increase of while enrollment being 5,490 and colored 3,579. Another advance is shown iu tht pay of teachers and in the length of the school terais. The value of school' property in creased $542,136 during 1906 being $3,725,054. The increase in the value of rural school property win $245,609 and of city property 'was $296,528. The property for white schools is $3,166,595 and for color d $525,459. . During the year 127 log school houses gave pla.e to more adequate buildings. The number of districts decreased 74 for white and 24 for colored children and this consolida tion materially increased the mini ber of schools employed more than one teacher. During the past year 433 new school houses 359 for for white and 74 for colored child ren were erected. The total of new school houses for the two years was 822. State Sunday School Convention. The Annual State Sunday School Convention will convene iu Eeidsville, April 2nd at 7:30 p. m. and close on the night of April 4th. It is desired that every Sunday School in the county be represent ed. If the Supeiintendent cannot attend, he should see that some one goes in his place. The railroads will graut reduced rates of one and one-third fare for the round trip. Tickets to be on s.le April 1st, good returning until Aprit 10th. Entertainment will be free. Delegates are requested to se"d their names to Pi of. II. A. Hayes, Keidsville, as early as pos sible, and a home will be provided for them. Among the promiueut speakers will be Mr. Marion Lawrence, Gen eral Secretary of the international Sunday School Association, and Dr. A. L. Phillips, General Superin tendent of the Sunday School work of the Southern Presbyterian church besides some of the best Sunday School workers of our own State. The music will be in charge of Messrs. Grant C. Tullar, and I II, Meredith, of New York City. All who have heard Messrs. Tullar and Meredith will want to hear them jigain, and those who have never heard them should not miss this opportunity. Faster and faster the pace is set, By people of action, viin, nad get, So if at the finish you would be, Take Ilollister'a Kocky Mountain Tea. Standard Drug Co. Joshua Harrison, who has been on trial at Elizabeth City for several days, was Friday found guilty, of kidnapping the 9-year-old son of '1 former State Senator S. M. JJeas ) ley, and sentenced to 20 years in the ' penitentiary. S WORK SUSPENDED. Southbound Railroad Project Blocked Became of Tight Mouejr Market. Work on ih Southbound Kail road has been suspended, not aban doned, as has been reported. In an interview with Mr. II. E. Fries, president ot the company, it was learned rimt the chiff engineer's ofli ce Hi Winston Siilem will be 'main tained. Mr. Fries expressed the opinion that the suspension of the wori would i-nly lie b-mporary. This action, it is neld, is the result of adverse railway legislation in Aiurtti Carolina aud other Southern States, which has seriously affected Southern railroad stocks, making it uioie difficult to get financiers to put their money in new goods. The large amunt of "money already expended on the Southbound, how ever, leads those who are interested to believe that t e road will be built as soon as recent railroad legislation can be analyzed and the money market becomes moie elastic. The Cheerful Man. What a boon he is in every body's lifcf Like a bright sunrise aud a gentle south wind, coming to gether ou a winter morning he is to all who ci o3 his path. He brushes cheerily aioii)r, knocking giief a-id dis ipp )iutuient out of his path, and leaving it fringed with wild flowers. Such a mau is worth a great dral to the world more than all h:s money, bis wisdom, or bis ambitious schemes. People feel a sort oi pleasure just oeeing him coming down the street, and when they meet him there is not a cloud i sight. Such men are a blessing to a town. They make one feel that the town is growing, is.nettiug moie beautiful, more than a place just to eat aud sleep and make a living in. Sometimes one doesn't meet with such men, and then he feels that the town is degenerating, that things are going wrong, and he go s home aud me:ts his wife's smile with a feeling of suspicion. A cheerful man doesn't realize the amount of good he is doiifg in the work . But it is his nature, and he can not help it. Ilea eu has picked him out as one ot its angels, aud he is faithful to his mission. Every day some fel low has been made happy by his plea ant smile and his genial "Good morning," aud if oil? has a bit of business with him it passes by very much like an exchange of compli ments. Onio state Journal. Ieatli or Mrs You-. Mrs Adaliue Yow wife of Hugh II. Yow, died March 13th at her home in Richland Township und was buried at Pleasant Hill Church on the 14th of March. The funeial was conducted by her partor, Rev. Mr. Ledbetter. Mrs. Yow was 67 years old, she was a good woman, a loving wife, and a good mother, and loved by all who knew her, she never ate the bread of idleness, her hands al ays found something to do full of iudi stry, full of love an 1 simplicity always in sympathy with the sick and afflicted. She was confined to her bed about four months and bore her suffering with Chr st u i fortitude, and at he last said Jesus was with her and she was willing to die. She leaves a hus band one daughter and two sons, M'8 Hayworth, of Texas, F.anklin F. Yow, of Texas; Orlando M. Yow, of Randolph besides a host of rela tives and friends. So we do not weep as though we had no hope, for we feel that our loss is her gaiu. She is waiting for us in the glorious Ede i land which lies b -yond the sunset of life. Elm a. You should le very oorefnl of your ImiwcIh when you have a cold Nearly all other cough syrups are euustipatiug, esiieciully those containing opiates. Kennedy's Laxa tive Cough Syrup moves the IiowhIs con tinue NO opiates. Conforms to National Pure Food anil Drugs I.av. Bears the en dorsement of mothers everywhere. "'Children like its pleasant taste." Sold by Standard Drug 'o. and Ashelioro Drug Co. The Taking Cold Habit The old cold goes; a new one quickly comes. It's the story of a weak throat, weak lungs, a tendency to consumption. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral breaks up the taking-cold habit. It strengthens, soothes, heals. Ask your doctor about it. The. beat kind ol a testimonial "Sold tot over sixty yeara." A manuiaoturere of 9 SARSAPARILU. yers PILLS. HAIR VIQOR. Keep the bowels regular with Ayer's Pills, Just one pill each night. espect GIVE it food that will not irritate or retard the performance of its natural functions, and it will reciprocate in a way agreeable and' comforting. No single ingredient contributes so largely toward wholesome, nourishing, agreeable food as Royal Baking Powder. Royal Baking Powder's active ingre dient, Grape Cream of Tartar, is the most healthful of the fruit products. This is why Royaf Baking Powder makes the food finer, lighter, more appe tizing and anti-dyspeptic, a friend to the stomach and good health. Imitation Baking Powders Contain Alum "The use of alum and salts of alumina in food should be PROHIBITED. The con stant use of alum compounds exerts a deleterious effect upon the digestive organs and an irritation of the internal organs after absorption. ' EDWARD S. WOD, M.D. Professor of Chemistry "Harvard Medical School, Bostoa." RO"l F.AK'MJ Congress Appropriations. People who have an idea that the short session of Congress just closed was occupied chiefly by the BrowDS ville affa'r in the Senate and noth ing in particular iu the House must have been surprised to learn that appropriations approximated a bil lnn dollars, bieaking all records, it is not so very long since the coun try was horrified by its first sight of a billion dollar Congress, and yet TO. ALL OUR PATRONS: ware, especially Barb Wire, Nails, Iron, Etc., is advanc ing rapidly. . If you wish to buy cheap.Scome to see us be fore fuither advance takes place. We have a heavy stock and will be glad to furnish you. Yours to serve, i , McCro.ry-Redding Hardware Company. V This man bought a supply of tobacco with out acquainting himself with the distinctive taste of SCHNAPPS Tobacco, which has the cheering qualities that gratify his desire to chew, and at less expense than cheap tobacco. SCHNAPPS has been advertised in this paper so that every chewer has had an opportunity to get acquainted with the facts and know that drugs are not used to produce the cheering quality found in the famous Piedmont country flue-cured tobaccos, and that SCHNAPPS is what he ought to chew. Still there are chewers who accept other and cheaper tobaccos that do not give the same pleasure. YOUR tomach PCAOFR CO.. NEW YORK here is a single session, and the short session at that, which toaches the mark. The fact is, Uncle Sam is sharing the general prosperity and the boys are only too willing to prevent the money from burning his pockets., Charlotte Observer. Are you tired, fagged out, nervous, sleep less, feel mean? llnlliater's liocky Moun tain Tea Btrengtheiis the nerves, aids dt- festion, brings refreshing sleep. 35 cents, ea or Tablets. Sold by Standard Drug Co. Bear in mind that all heavy Hard- J Some day they'll get a taste of the real Schnapps they'll realize what enjoyment they've missed by not getting SCHNAPPS long ago then they'll feel like kicking themselves. SCHNAPPS is sold everywhere in 5 cent cuts, and 10 and 15 cent plugs. Be sure you get the renuine. Would Open Fine Section. The success of the project to build a railroad fiom Waesboro to Brown creek and thence up the creek aud ol to South Carolina to connect with the Page road, would mean much to Wad eaboro and Anson county. The road if built would bring on the market millions of feet of the fiuest sort of hardwood tim ber and open up a fine section of the county. The M. &. I. is not iufornied us to the outlook for con struction of the road, but hopes that it is favoiable.. WaUesboro Messen ger and Intelligence. llarj Dark circles under the eyes indi cate a siuggiHh circulation, torpid liver and kidneys. Exercise and Ilollister'a liocky Moun'ain Tea will niukeyou well and beauti ful 35 cents, fea or Tablets Wa'.kins LeonlirdOo, Kumseur, N C. Gentlemen will find a full line of furnish ings und K'ruw huts at the Ashrloro Depart roent Store. Rich & Moff itt Ip-to the-Tlmes GROGERYMEN. We have placed at the command of our patrons a free delivery service, which with the use of the 'phone places our complete line of fresh groceries and country produce at your door. 'Phone U3 your order. Seed Potatoes. The moon is right for planting potatoes. We have :i nice lot of Burbank, Rose and Peerless Seed Potatoes. These are most reliable va rieties. RICH & M OFF ITT, Asheboro, N. C 'Phone 34 Plant Wood's FOR SUPERIOR VEGE. TABLES & FLOWERS. Twenty-eight years experience our own seed farms, trial grounds and large warehouse capacity give us an equipment that is Unsurpassed anywhere for supplying the best seeds obtainable. Our trade in seeds both for the Garden arid Farm is one of the largest in this country. We are headquarters for Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed Oats, Seed Potatoes, Cow Peas. Soja Beans and other Farm Seeds. - Wood's Descriptive Catalog gives miier ana more complete infor mation about both Garden and Farm ceeds than any other similar publica tion Issued in this country, Mailed free on request. Write for it. T.W.Wood & Sons, Seedsmen, RICHMOND, . VA. THE l.OST Acceptable Gift tiiut cuu 1k lietnw ed upon a child ut anytime, i,one which rarrie wilh it every Ueaairig euniuioed in a token of love and frionilship is unquestionably a NEW SCALE fSJ(H) LUDDEX & BATES r'lAXO to club members at $287. This gift does noi only confer upou a child ita own benefits, but the pleas ure and happiness of the w hole family from having music iu the home. Our eight hundred club members who joined nur cluS, unite in praise of the Ll'DDEX , BATES 1'IANO, and appreciate their savifg of nearlv a hundred and twenty-live dollars each, the club price of" 287 can lie paid in cash or on monthly, quarterly or yearly terms. BooU-t No. 42 will explain our club plan, and we will write you fullv about our "GUARAN TEE FOR A LIFETIME," and our "FMEE LIFE INSURANCE" -we do not collect from widow and or phans, give them a rec ipt in full in case of death of parent joining the club, now forming. Write todav for Booklet No. 42. Ludden & Bates S. M. H. Savannah, ;. ! Wu LOOK FOR TROUBLE TO W "1 if Ju obtain i Firearm of doubt- vj ful quality -.-p) The eperl?nctd Hunter's and : rfP$T "irkemin't Ideal ji''?' )ir' relilbl."dng STEVENS "r FIND OUT WHY 1 by ehootlng eur popular x7 RIFLES SHOTGUNS PISTOLS Ask your local Hardware or Sporting Goods Mer chant for the 8TKYENS. If you cannot obtain, we lilp direct, express pre pnld, upon receipt of Ciita Iok Price. 4 runts In stamps for 140 Pagel itst ruteil Catalog, including circu K,f liitest additions to our llnaj ! 'II ' lll'i '. litis points on shooting, ammu-l w.i. iuo proper care oi a firearm. ..:-. Our attractive Ten Color i- iplied Han ire r mailed any for six rents In stamps. 1. LZL.VET19 ARMS TOOL CO. F.-O. Box 4097 r . .ropee Falls, Mass., IT. 8. A. Pure Food, Good Health. I have a complete line of eroberies and general mer chandise. Furnish yoor table from our stock and you get the purest and best. I pay top market prices for produce. W. W. JONES Look Out for Cold Winds You must wear a hat or at least you ' will when you come to see out new line for fall and winter wear. The shapes are varied in style and color to suit all. Greatest care taken to give you a becoming fit. ATTENTION! We want to let people know that they should plant trees that grow and produce fruit. HSJ We make a spec ialty of fruits of all kinds suited to this climate. Catalogue, prices and inform ation, as to plant ing, pruning, culti vating and gather ing sent free on re quest. WAVERLY.NURSERIES, Wavcrly. Ala. H0LLISTSTV3 Rocky iVSountai!. T; A Busy Moilioin for B.;.-y Peoria. Bring! Goldon Hta'.th an.'i V-.uwcj A Kpeeifle,, LIt aud Kidney Tmuiilws. l'imji: . I .ozraia, Impure Blimd, Bad Breath. Slimeisli lionels, IIi-aiiai'!i" und Backache. It's R.icky Mimntnin Tea in lab !it form, cents a box. Cenitine made by tli)t,Li8TBa Drho Company, Madison, Wis. GOLDEN NUGGETS r0R SALLOW PEOPLE ECZEMA and PILE CURE FREE Knowingf what it was to suffer, I will give free of charge, to any afflicted a positive cure for Ec zema, bait Rheum, Erysipelas, Piles and Skin Diseases. Instant relief. Don't suffer longer, Write F. W. Wflliamv 400 Manhattan Avz., New York. Enclose st;mp. I a