DEBATE AT TRINITY. Interesting Items From the Courier Cor respondentMrs. Carr Improving. The cold weather reminds one of Christ mas while nature seems deooiated for Easter. Our place was represented at the Mis sionary Kallv at Randlemaii on Saturday by Rev. B. F. flargett and wife, Miss Weeks, Miss Norris and Mr. W. N. Elder. They report an interesting occasion. U. E. Elder is spending several days at home. Misses Scruggs and Huckubee and Prof. Bivins of the High School are spending the Easter holidays in Alliemarle. Messrs. Dave White and George Hill, of the A. & M. College and Lane Elder and Austin Finch are at home f t a few days, much to the delight of their friends. The debate between the girls and boys on Thursday night in the chapel was very in teresting. The subject for debate was "Which is in the greatest need of an edn cation, girls or boys." The boys were polite enough to let the girls win and gave them a cordial bund shake on their victory. The ninny friends of Mrs. I.ula Carr, ot (.'rernsUiro will to glad to know she is im proving. She is still in the hospital lr. Wood's family has returned from a visit of several weeks at Durham aiuKiroens boro. Quite a crowd from here attended the closing exercises of the Anhdale school on Friday night. Mortliville Items. Messrs. V I Mvritk and Fied Osliom, of Liberty, spent last Saturday and Sunday in in town with their paren's. Tice Vuik iumo'i, of lliyh Toint, was in town Sunday. J. M. Scarboro went to ( liecnsboro Mon day. Mr and Mrs. llarrol Sink, of llij.'h I'oiut, b; ."!' Sunday and Monday at the home of W, 1'. Craven, of this place. Miss Nanni" Free is visiting her sister, Mrs. li. C. Patterson, of ( Ireenslioro. Misses Fannie McDonald, Mary Milliard, Letta Jones and .Messrs. J. A. Ferre and James Jenkins spent last Sunday at the home of II. A. McDonalds near Pleasant Garden. It. W. liiles went to Siler City last Satur day returning Monday. Mrs. Hubbard. Knssie Hicks, MaMie Jen kins ami 11 T. Harrell will ut'end the State Sunday School Convention in Ut idsvillc this week . l!ev Meltcn closed his sirgir1; school here last Wednesday night John Turner left Mondav for I.vuchhnig, Va Mrs. D. M. Meredith is visiting friends in Cedar Falls. S. 11. Hudson, of Central Fulls, was in town Sunday. Messrs. D. M Meredith, C. C Williamson. V. A, Jennings spent last Smidav in Cedar Falls. Old People's Day will be held here the first Sundav in June. loliuson Town Items. Farmers are busy preparing their land for a corn crop. Mr. W ill Johnson has moved his saw mill to the Elwood 11. Stanton woods and will soon be ready for business, Mr. W. L. Adams has made quito an im provement in the appearance ef his dwelling house by app'ying a new c at of paint. Mr. Henry Anderson has moved to the . home of his son near Handlemau Col. Brookshire will soon move to his new home near the Walker Mills. There was line fishing at the Johnsou Bros. Mills last week. Hayseed. Mt. Gilead Items. Mt. Gilead, April 1. We are glad to see Miss Mary Bruton in school again. Rev. S T. lloyle preached a fine sermon in the M E. Church Sunday morning. R. L. Bruton, M. I. Harris and G. Mc Aulay have gone to Troy on business. Mrs. Willie Taft gave her Sunday School class ef twenty-two little boys and girls, an gg bunt last Saturday afternoon. John Hearne had fine stock in town from Friday until Monday on his way to Rocking ham court this week. John an aged citizen, and father of Deputy Sheriff Bob McKinzie, died last ilie excursion on Taft's train to his mill at Smith's F erry, went down today for Easter accompanied by the Mt. Gilead Cornel Sand. West Kandolpu. Our farmers have lost no time during the past few days in preparing their land. Miss Mary Frazier, who has been sick for several days is letter. Mrs. Frances Frazier is critically ill. W. C. Wilson and J. F. Wilson visited in Davidson county last week. Mrs. E. K. Morris died at her home in Davidson coui;ty last Friday. The funeral was conducted at Pleasant Grove Saturday The deceased was 70 vears old and her death was due to heart trouble. JnooV T .allium visited friends at Lexington Ml week. Worth Knowing About. If yon need u first class laxative, there is nothing better nor safer than that old family remedy, Braedreth's Pills. Each pill con tains one grain of solid extract of sarsapa rilla, which with othar valuable vegetable product", make it a blood purifier of ex cellent character. If you are troubled with constipation, one pill at night will afford great lelief Brand reili's Pills are the same fine laxative tonic pill your grandparents used. They have been in use for over a century and are sold in every drug and medicine store, either plain or sugar-coated. Front Ralph. Willie Scott, of Flower Hill, was ia our community Monday. Freaidi" Cox has been spending a few days with his, U E. Cox, in High Point Mi" 'ey, who has been teaching achooi 'us closed her school and return CI ' gliani spent Faster with his Co' y i oil, of Flower Hill. Mir- inningham spent last week with lei ..urn. Miss Emiline Spoon, of Kemps .Mills. A nici liulo snow fell here last Sunday evening. Mr Daniel Henley spent Sunday night in Franklinville. WANTED -Two or three honest, ener getic signit-n to solicit ord-jrs in the com t.) If you drink smoke cigareit oi f amble you need not apply. Apply to Paul BOH, Saturday, April bib, lUU7 Bt Mrs. Rush's Boarding house,, N. C. Suggs Creek Items. Wheat crops are looking fine in this com munity. E. E. McNeill closed his schoel at Maple Springs Friday. Miss Venia Wright closed his school at Auman's Hill March 12th. She is missed by all her students very much. Arthur Copeland taught a successful schoo at Piney Grove. The term closed the past week. Mrs. J. V. Boon and children visited his mother Mrs. M. C. Ashworth unlay last. J. Wm. Ashworth is repairing his dwell ing house, Alfred King, of Biseoe, was a welcome visitor in the community Sunday. Miss Gertie Lucas, of Asbury, spent Mon day night at Mrs. M, C. Aehworth's. Rev. J. R. Conies, of Asbury, purchased a line mule at Asiteloro recently and is mak ing preparations for farming, raising toma toes and potatoes especially. Frank Williams, of Biseoe, was visiting in this community Saturday and Sunday. Mrs S. M. C Ashworth has some fine looking beans four or five inches high. Died. On the night of the 1 5th of March Mrs. Mary Leach departed this life in tue T.'inl year of her age, leaving a husband and 1 1 children to mourn their loss.1 She the wife of A P. U'ach. She was the mother of 12 children, the glandinotlier of 82 children, and the great grandmother of 22 children. She raised 1 1 of her own children to young man and womanhood, and all are married but one son and one daughter. She was for many long years a worthy and con sistent member of the Primitive Hnptist church The funeral service was conducted in Shady Grove Christian church on hist Sunday at 12 o'clock by the writer. The text usud was 2 Kings 4 8: "A great wo man" Acts !!-."!$ "This woman was full of gowd works." She tilled her station in life with honor and credit. She died in the f.ithattd went to her grave without a spot or blemish upon her life. She left her childien anil grand children a rich legacy-a life tilled wiih good deeds and adorned with purity and piety. Hundreds attended her funeral and burial. May the kind Father sustain the bereaved husband and children. May her rest he sweet at.d her reward glorious. M. L. llome-.Made Catarrh Cure. Any one can mix right atj home the U-.-t remedy of its kind known The name "Cy clone " is given to the follow ing prescription, it is supposed, because of its promptness in driving from the Mood and sy.-tein every vestige of catarrhal poison, reli -viug this foul and dread disease, no matter w here lo ealed. To prepare the mixture: Get from any good pharmacy one-half ounce Fluid Ex tract Dandelion, one ounce Compound Karoti and three ounces Cowjioiind rnrup Sursaturiila. Shake well and use in tea spooniid doses uflcr each meal and bed time. lliisis a harmless, inexjiensive mixture which has a peculiar action up the elimina tive tissues of the kidneys, assisting them to litter and strain from the blood and system all catarrhal poisons, which, if not eradicat ed, are absorbed by the mucous membrane, ami an open sore or catarrh is the result. Prepare some and try it, as it is the pre scription of an eminent catarrh specialist of national reputation. KG DDL for Dyspepsia clears the stomach and makes the breath as sweet as a rose. KODOL is sold by druggists on a guarati tee refief plan. It conforms strictly to the National Pure Food and Drugs l.uw. Sold by Standard Drug Co., Asheboro N. C. LAND SALK! By virtue of an order of sale granted by the Superior court of Kandolph county on the peti tion of James M . Vuncuimon, lmlnlstiuturof J. H. McUaniel against Jmos A. McHaniel et al I shall sell at the courthouse door In Asheboro at IS o'clock M. on the 8ih day of May l'JOT, the timber on the follow iiik tract of land, to-wit: A tract of land in Cedar Grove township, iu said couutv adjoining the lands of Alson Cooper, Isaau Hicks and others containing about 850 acres more or less. 1 will sell all tue sawnble Pine, oak and poplar timber on said laud that measures 11! niches in diameter at 10 inches from the ground on the stump. paid land is known as the .1. H. McDaniel home tract. Purchasers will have two years to cut and remove the limber. TH'Mn, (ash. 1st iluy of April lflOT. I M. VUNCASNON, Adrar. and Conir. LAND SALE! I.) v u tue of an order of sale granted by the SuK!iU I' Court of Randolph county ou the peti tion of B. M. Reeves agaiust Jesse Cox el al, 1 shall sell at the courthouse door in Anheb im at 12 o'clock M. on the Olh day of May ltW. the following nail estate, to-wit: A tract of land in Richland township. In said county adjoining the lauds of H A. Albright and others bounded as follows. t:-wtt. Regmingatn white oak. ,1 W. Con's corner by a small br.nch and running south ml chains and Hi links to a post oak ia Hugh Mount's line thence on his line 4 chains and 80 links to his corner a black jack, thence south on bis line 9 chains and 81 links to a stone in his line Ihvncs east JT chains and 4i links to a post oak thence north 81 chains and (SO links to a fem e thence east on said Cox's line to the beginning containing Mi acres more or less. Terms. ah. Th 1st day of April mrr, John t. brittain, comr. NOTICE C. A. Hayworth has this day entered the fol lowing laud in Kandold!i County, u wit: A tract of 25 acres more or lcss.ln Coleridge Town ship on the waters of Deep River, adjoining the lands of 8. L. Havworth. Klvira Saunders and other and bounded as follows. Beginning at a rake on the west bank of Deep River, norUit east corner ol Wm, 8 tout laud and southeast corner of 8 L. Huy worth's land, thence east across said river to a stake on east bank of river thence a northward course along the east bulk of De?p river the various courses thereof to a stake on the cast bank of said river opposite the southeast corner of the Siou Cox land, thehce wefct across said river to the southeast corner of the Beth Cox land, thence southward along the the west hHiik of Deep River the various cour-es the various thereof to a Spanish nnk on the bank of aid river, Ilaywnrih & Wright's corner thence along the west bank of said the various oourCK thereof to the beginning for which without objection riled withlu 80 days, from this date, he will ak lor a warrant nf -urvey to the County Surveyor of Kandolph countv. J. y. BOROUGH. This Mch. ao, 1807. Entry Taker. NOTICE. Havlug qualified as administrator on the es tate of N . B. Curtis, deceased, before W. C. Hnramond. Clerk of the Superior Court of Kan dc'ph County, I shall sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, ou the premises on thelHthday nf April, 19(17 the following per sonal property, towitt; One Rue bay mare, one ood black mule, two Jersey mllck cows, two bogs, one top buggy, one npeu buggy, (two two home Nissen wagon, oue one horse wagon, threshing machine hor-e power and all the fixtures, rne good wheat hinder, mowing mn chine and rake, cutaway harrow, aonut Nun pounds meat, about 60 bushels corn, about 80 biistifls wheat, and household ami kitelieu furniture and other articles Us) tedious to men tion All person having claims arolnst said estnte ure notified to pies, lit them to the undersigned, duly verified on or before the -JHth day ol March luottor this notice will he plended in bar of their reo. very: rd nil i ergons mvinu ni'il es tate will oome forward and make luiu.euiate settlement. This ith day of Marrh. m. A. W. CURTIS. Admr. A Delightful Dinner. Miss Hhetta Blair, one of Fairview's most charming young ladies, gave a delightful dinner to a few of her young friends Satur day last. Those present were Misses Lee Ora Milli kan and Mary Meredith, of Fairview; Misses Bessie Wheeler and Carrie Cox, of Archdale. Miss Ulair invited her friends it) to the din ing room where they served a most deli cious dinner, which was in honor of Miss Blair's brother, Mr. Allen Blair's birthday. Miss Blair is a fine young lady and is liked by all who know her. Rest is the great restorer. We tire onr muscles by exercise and then rest to restore them: yet a great many of us do not stop to think how little rest we give to our stwm achs As a usual thing no part of our bod-ie- is so generally overworked as our di gestive organs. A tired and overworked stomach will give signs of distress to which we pay no heed until ai last Dyspepsia takes hold Indigestion is ju t a warning, and if we hoed the warning we can easily avoid further consequences. KODOL is a most thorough stomach relief. It digests whnt you eat and gives the stomach the needed rest and greatly assists iu restoring it to its normal activity and usefulness. KODOL is sold on a guarantee relief plun. It is sold here bv the Standard Drug Co. and Ashe boro Drug Co. Business Locals. Notices Inserted under ttvls head at one cent a word each In sertion. Mo not forget that we have our own Circulating Library in addit ion to the Tn I hi rd Inn. Call and look over the books. Asheboro Drug Co. Call and see new lioe of Uud nut'd toilet goods. Asheboro Drug Co. Full liue of fresh garden seeds Wood's seeds especially ,tt Asheboro Dnijr Co. New section of Tabard Iun Li brary and new April magazines at Asheboro Drti (Jo. 15he "THE BEST" W. B. WEBSTER, Agent. ASHEBORO DEPARTMENT STORE Asheboro, - - N. C. Phone No. 34 GROCERIES. You can always furnish your table if you communicate with Rich & Moffitt. Always on hand fresh Groceries, Sauces, Dress ings for Meats, Flavorings, etc. Acquaint yourself with our stock and save worry See us for flower and garden seeds.. Our notion department em braces all the little everyday ne cessitiesLadies' and Gentle men's Hose, Ties, Collars, Elas tics. Shirts, etc. RICH & MOFTITT, Asheboro, N. C 'Phone 34 Easter Display of Millinery, March 28th nl 2 9th. On the above date we will place on exhibit a number of newest Spring styles in trimmed and ready-to-wear hats, a selec tion which will pf ?e you. We will be glad to have ail friends and patrons call and inspect. Mrs. i. T. Blair, Asheboro, N. C. H4NDS0ME- Interior Decorations I have a line of Wall Papers on hand and am prepared to hang: or have it hunjf ar small cost Come ar.d see me if contemplat'ngf interior d rorauons- A large and varied It le of sa nples of papers is also at the command oT my patrons. Writ i ca'! iW. HAMMOND, a Allred & Garrett Below are some of the bar gains to be had at our store: Green Coffee, 10c. per lb. Brown Sugar 5c. per lb. Talcum Powder, 5c. Lace Curtains and nice Poles, only 50c. Curtain Crim, 5c. per yd. Good Tin Dipper, 3c. Enamel Ware, prices low as the lowest. Shoes and Slippers from $1.50 to $3.50. Call soon as our close prices are moving them. You should see our line of Hats, latest styles. Highest prices paid for Produce. Allred & Garrett, Climax, N. C. IF YOU HAVE A THAT NUEHS REPAIRS or if you need a new smoke stack for your boiler and other sheet iron work done I can save you money. All orders will receive prompt attention and all work is guaranteed. Save your old boiler tubes and have them made new. B. A. YEARGIN, P. O. Box 217 'PHONE II ASHEBORO, N. C. ATTENTION MILL MEN We want Yellow Pine Lumber for Box Crating. Write us. Conroy-Buchanan Lumber Co., Jamestown, N.Y. RAMSEUR STORE COMPANY our stock of new Dress Goods, Silks and White Goods, which excel any thing we have ever shown in Ramseur. We cordially invite you to call and examine our line before making your purchases of spring and summer goods. We have the right goods at the right prices. Clothing Our stock of Clothing is fuller and more complete than ever beiore and we add the new styles as they come out. We keep abreast of the times and are in position to please the most fastidious. We want to show you our stock of SHIRTS, COLLARS, CUFFS, NECKWEAR, UNDER WEAR, HOSIERY, CORSETS, BELTS, GLOVES, UMBRELLAS, PARASOLS, CURTAINS, RUGS, MATTINGS, before you buy QII IQ Our silk department was never in better shape. Nice yard wide 4?1L10 Taffetas and Pau de Soie from 50 cents to $125 per yard. Stereoscopes We are giving one stereoscope free to every family that trades $5.00 cash at. one time and then sell them all the views they want at i cents each. Think of it, only 3 cents each when not long ago the price was 25 cents each. A cordial welcome awaits you at this store. - . lamseur Store Company, Ramseur, N. C. WAH HOP'S CHINESE LAUNDRY will be opened in Ashe boro, April 6th, on South Fayetteville St. Bring or send your laundry to me. Satis faction guaranteed. Give me a trial order. WAH HOP, Asheboro, N.C, Any Young Man Or woman, or Iluslmndor Fatlier, earn ing a fair salary con lxvom a I'lub niem lier ami 8ecure"our NEW SCALE )?100 LL'DDEN .V- BATES PfAN'O ot Club price to meinlierg of !?-87, on very easy terniH of pavnint a little at a lime. LUDDEN.t BATES CLUB PIAXOS cost club members iJiM" of $100 which is the rcpilar price, just a little more than ordinary L'.'iO and .f'Tii pianos, in live or ten years tliey cost much less liecause they are still good. They are built to hist A LI EE TIME, and are guaranteed to do so. You can buy other pianos, at or b1mh t .$1'S7, but you don't get Ludden A Bates TUNE, Ludden & Bates ACTION', Lud den & Bates LASTING QUALITY, Lud den A- Bates reputation, and in all, Lud den it Uatrg satisfaction. Our Ludden it Bates I'iano Club in connection with our inexjiensive Mail Order department saves you nearly $ 1-5 worth investiga tingbesides, we do not collect balance due ou piano in case of death of parent joining -we give you a receipt in full you keep the piano in the home. For particular smd for Iwoklct No. I:! Do it today. Ludden & Bates 5. M. H. s.uwnxah, c;a. FOR SALE Two Horizontal Tubular Rollers 50 Horse Power Each. All complete with pipe connec tions, steam and water gauges, and 60 feet of stack. Worth Mfa. Co., Worthville, N. C. .. Come and See lj Beacon Brand Clothing, Perfect Fit, Latest Styles, Best Fabric, At Popular Prices. W. J. MILLER, U To otton Gin Patrons. Our Ginning Season will close April 10th. If you have cotton for us to gin it must be brought to us before April 10th, 1907. Columbia MTg Coy Ramseur, N. C. Shoes Most of our stock of Shoes and Oxfords have been received. A new lot of ladies', misses' and children's Oxfords just received and wc can fit the least to the greatest. nillinery; Our line of millinery is the largest we have ever had and is in charge of Miss Bertha Battle of Morganton, an accomplished young lady and up-to-date milliner. She is just from Bal timore where she spent about six weeks preparing for the spring trade. Call and see her before purchasing.

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