i WHAT THE LEGISLATURE DID FOR EDUCATION. i 1 The General Assembly Was Kind to the j Cause, and the tate Has Awakened , to Better Thing lUlueatioiially. ltuleigli Kew and 01 .server. There were three general tills before the legislature looking to th.jj improvement of the public ecluo's. ; These were: 1st the llolt bill com pelling each eotiuty to carry out the '. constitutional requirement to levy . suflieietit tax to secure 11 four months school in each district hi j the suite and giving such counties i out of the "secoui 100,000 dollars,". one dollar for every twj dollars so j levied. This is the requirement of j the constitution and has never been stricken out though the constitution has been repeatedly amended. It . has been inoperative because of ec- tain decisions of the Supreme court. I It was thought that the Supreme j court would now sustain the law j and declare the education of its citi zeus a "necessity." Many counties! which have been receiving large; sums at I lie expense of the state,! it was thought, would reassess their property so as not to require help1 from the state. The bill did not : pass, becaus.' it was thought its poli-! tieal (fleet would be bad on the ad- j ministration and certain congress- j men got scared. If the bill had; been enacted into law it would have ! assured a four months school in every district in the state for the j first time in lifty years. 2 The next bill sent forward was j one enacting ;i miU compulsory j education law. This passed both : houses with cei tain amendments j and exceptions. It-was introduced, by Mr Dilling, a null owner from Gaston, and was urged 1 y the Jun ior Order of Anieiican Mechanic?., It permits elections upon lutition, to the board of education upon the . subject, and in case of extremely low enrollment and attendance with-: out a vote. It is utulei stood your tongue to ALIUJK1 and look in the glass you will see the effect You can't help puckering it makes you pucke to think of tasting it. By the use of so called cheap Baking Powders you -take this puckering, injurious Alum right into your system you injure digest and ruin your stomach. AVOID ALV Sap plainly- Royal is made from pure, refined Grape Cream of Tartar Costs more kiMthan Alum but you have the profit of quality., the profit of good health. BAEUH J CURED The Circulation Stimulated and the Muscles and Joints 1 ' lubricated by using ILimmeivt Price 25c 50c 6 $1.00 Sold by Dealers Sloan's Treatise On The Horse"$ent Free Address Dr. Earl S.SIoan.Boston.Mass. fState and speml lur money ior edu ling bauds of CMtion, for insane, for the sick and ; tucks, or gradu: feeble and epileptic and for the old i velvet. that , Confederate soldier, and the women i sritlN'i; silk. ted a few simple rows of black MILI.INKKY. this is a trial or step in the direc tion of compulsory attendance and ; further legislation will depend up- i on its success and popular f..vor. (3j The third proposition khs the establishment of certain hirh I schools in each county and is left to the comity board of education.! $50,000 is set aside for this but in cluded a ith it is an Eastern Tr. i ring Sohool for the education of teach ers. This received the practically unanimous vote of both the senate and house of representatives. The location of the school is in the hands of the state board of education and j ine other must we ai tribute the re- should uor. be attempted by the other things being equal will go '.o markable beauty and varied orna- mesne artist. every combination of black end white is acceptable. White chiffon holds its own, the border finished with iti (Ties. Black Chautilly lace over white, or white lace over white show refilled and elegant I taste. that town or city in the eastern part of the state making the best offer for its location. Kinston, Green ville, Kocky Mount, U asnmgton, j or6) Wil3 considered "just the thing"; Lliz.ibeth City and perhaps others I now the St. Gall manufacturers will endeavor to iccure it. It 1 are heavilv embroidered in flower meets a want long felt in that part of the state. The Spray School of Technology was established, the state appropri ating o,000, when Spray presents thest.ite with a building worth !0 000, the state board of education be ing the judge. Young men from all over the state will be received and allowed to pay bjard by work ing in the mills and will receive free l.'iul their influence for reformation This most important branch of for wav ward boys and guls, the sartorial art mav be said to have good Old Xort h State will not go far ' settled down, w ith the marked wrong. , prominence of the drooping brim, J . Ai.i.iix lloi.r, land long ostrich plume. The latter Chairman Senate Committee- on ! s too expensive for the wo nan of Education- ; moderate means: but the n t h e lloral world is at her command, SPRING TIME IN NE W, YORK. ; that of ribbjn, iiuilU or wings, classes, tulle, cherries, and even 1.-... m... 11... i)r....n... ! mush roo.118 mnl strawberries. The of skirts still .iiiii; spring Miniu. ,, . ' latter fare the newest of new hat j f ootwear, the latter is of special im- Are the requirements of fashion! garnitures. An immense tulle portance. Black patent leather has greater each season, or is human in-1 crown tacked in artistic folds is 1 lost no round and a pretty variety Lit.nnihu inr, T naiw:l)oth wrettv and economical, but comes with a white or colored fac ing ai me upper euge 01 me suoe; which is termed "a collii". Of colored shoes there is no end, as fuahmn iluin.in.1e tli.it ulnnlot nvnrv. eut, as a vantage ground for the display of white ostrich plumes or colored flowers, and at Wananiaker's some particularly handsome exam- T.IX shoes. The half-high tau shoe is in great demand, and of course, hosiery to match. Ribbon lacings and a handsome bow on the instep, im part a stylish ai-, and as the length admit a full view 01 The Store of QUALITY as Well as QUANTITY. Here you can find any and everything suitable for the proper furnishing of the home, be it humble or magnificent in its architectural construction. Mantels, Tiles and Grates. We have them in all styles and at all prices and they are sure to please. Carpets, Mattings and Upholstered Goods. Never was there a more complete and handsome array of these goods shown in a North Carolina City. An inspection is sure to make you a pur chaser. Dining Room Sets Chairs, center tables, buffets, china closets, etc., and the very latest patterns are shown. Our silver hollow ware and line china can't be du plicated in the State. A large line of ranges on hand. sl.OCO worth of lace curtains to close out at cost. If its anything you want in the house furnishing and kindred lines you can find it at our store. Notice We will pay fare both ways and deliver your goods free of charge on a purchase of $100. or over and deliver your goods and pay fare one way on amounts of $25.00 and up to $100. This means from Asheboro or any point along the line to High Point- Yours for satisfactory business, Peoples House Furnishing Company, 8 Big Stores South Main St. High Point, N. C. mentation of bummer fabrics. There was a time when simple,dot- ; ted Swiss muslin (in white or col- r.I.AXlv c MIPS. i thin:; must harmonize in color. Verona Clarke. t'oiilci'iiive trailed School. sprays, wreaths ot small flowers, tied ! vci alv seell combining the latest j witlua bow, tiny baskets laden with j btyie3 jn both shape and trimmings, j posies, and various other lloral g-1 Lilacs either white or colored, some ures. Fabrics, crossed both ways 1 times cover a brown, or on a black with silken stripes, and mmug deli-j gtraw with a large black ribbon or Tel vet bow at the front, two or three eate flower sprays, climbing from one bow to the other, are called ".Spider effects. olUiASMES AND ML' M.S. These gossamer fabrics also show their soft colorings with i line effect, Contrasting braidiiu tuition. It is designed to aid poor ; flower patterns on pale-htied back young men in becoming skilled groundej anu Muck hairline stripes workmen. I bring out The I diversity was given ?0, 000 and si5,000 annually for build ings. The A. & M. College was detached from the department of agriculture by mutual consent and given its own board of trustees and gets thirty-two thousand dollars ap propriation, and lifty thousand dol iars for a central heating plant and buildings. The State Normal Col lege gets seventy thousand dollars and twenty-five thcusand dollars a year for the Mclver building. The J'eaf and Dumb School fared worse than any other institution and may need help to pull through. It is a pity. The Oullowee and the Ap palachian Training School were given handsome increases in appro priations. All in all the legislature was kind to the cause of education, rightly esteeming that no dollar spent upon the boys and girls is a dollar lost. ' All these things portend great things for the State of North Caro lina, which is waking up to better things industrially, socially and edu cationally. Regardless of certain m titterings to the contrary, so long as those sent to the legislature have 1 patriotic pride iu the Old North urjoping sproy t at the sue, gave a pretty finish. Pink roses are ofteu combined with lilacs usually the j half-open style. A stylish toque ! may be banked with roses at the front and black wings at the back. PARASOLS. These clearly evince the contin Cures HI1101I l'olson, Cuiirrr, Urns, Kvzeiiin, ('urliiinrlea, Kli . .Metlli lue Free. Koliert V rd. Muxi'V. flu., Miys;"l smli'it'il from IjIikhI poiM)n, my lioud, Intro nihl slioii!i-n wcrt; one !iia.--snl cArniptioii, hcIiiw in Nines uih! i'liulw, buniintr, itching, wrtiliby -km, vi,s all rundown and diwuiirajri-d, t.-it 'l..raiif; Kliaxl Mfthn cnivd mi- in-rfwlly, lii' ikd mi "ins and gave my skin the rich (rlmvuf hoiiltli. Hlwod n!ni put im.'w lift- Into my . blini n id new iuii hilion into my bruin," lion. A. V iiiimu, Hox burr4iitt euvercU with iirals. chronic wre nit liudkof lieml, supiiiutiiiKfWflliii( on npek, tatins ulcer on leg, bone pains, itcliins skiu cured ixrrfertlv bv Hoiuuic Hloo"! Halm sores all lu'iiled. Jiotunlc Bloml Ha!in.eure. all uiulig niuit blood troubles, such as eczema, seal und soiles, pimples, runint! sores, carbuncles, scrol ulu, etc. Kspeclally advised for all obstinate enses thnt hovo reached the second or third M.urc. Improves the dlRestion; strengthens weak kidneyi. Druggists, f I. To prove it cures, sample of Blond Balm sent free and prepaid by writinir Rlimd Bnlin Co.. Atlanta.'.Oa. "escribe trouble and free metlical advice sent in waled I letter. The commencement of the Coolee- mee Graded School will begin April 20th and continue through the 28th. I'rof". D. 0. Johnson, the energetic aud popular principal, announces that Kev. 1 lato 1. Durham, ot Charlotte, will deliver the address Friday evening, April 2(ith. The commencement sermon will be preached by Jtev. S. S. Bost, of Durham, Sunday morning, April 28th. Six members compose the graduating class. XSy I Iocs Teddy I'awTlie I '.artli. "The president seems unduly ex cited over the alleged $5,000,000 Wall street fund to prevent his re election. If Wall street is opposed to any doctrine held by President Roosevelt, it certainly is not a re publican doctrine. When we came up against the corruption tund in 3 800 we found no more ardent champion of special interest than Mr. Roosevelt." The above illustration is furnished by the well known McCall Co., sented in Asheboro by the Asheboro Department Store Co. repri- embroidery on linen suits is ulmoHt the rule, and of course hand eni .broidery takes .first rank. Voiles are very sheer, and afford opportun ity for using half worn silk skirts, as checked, Btriped or changeable taffetas are all being used for lin ings. Skirt trimmings seem to be an optional matter, as some are quite heavily trimmed while others are al most devoid of ornamentation. One cannot go wrong however in us ued rage for hand-embroidery on white linen, and inconsistent prices prevails, as an embroidered silk parasol is kss expensive than due of embroidered linen. , These have plain, straight, light-wood handles, with a rosette on the handle. Fancy parasols are in the gayest hues that can be imparted by Pompadour or Dresden silk, and red or "crushed strawberry" are also in great vogue. Lace inserts -are charming, and New Hallroad. .surveyors are at work surveying a route for a railroad from Kocking' ham to Mount Gilead; thence on to High Point. Between Buckingham and Mount Gilead is some of the finest farming land and heaviest timber lands in the State and this section has long needed a railroad In the event that one is completed a splendid section of the county will be opened up. VVln nyu i.ee.l a pill, take a pill, nnd 1 sure it's an Farlv Wiser. DeWitt's Lit tle Karlv l!isers are ai'o, sure, Hiitn-rartory pilU. Tte pill with a reputation. Thev do not : ti i;.e or sicken. Thev are B)M lit re by the Standard lru Co., Asheboro, .. C, HICKS' GAPUD1NE CURES tALL ACHES trial bottle 10c At Aruf lore jSRNBl YOUR DEPOSITS THROUGH THE MAIL. If you live out of town and wish to make a de posit it is not necessary that you make the depos it in person. Send it by mail. Our system is simple, effectual, and does not necessitate a single visit to the bank. Deposit may be made with or without a pass bcok for we always return a re ceipt for deposits not entered" in the passbook. Write us for details. 4 PER CENT. INTEREST ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS, COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY. BANK OF SOUTH GEENSBORO, cttmsroro.-N. Branch ofl Southern Life & Trust Co. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $335,000.00 E. P. Wharton, Pres. E. L. Sides, Cash. INCOBfORATEO RALEIGH, N. C. Pullen Building Capital Stcck $30,000 . f CHARLOTTE, N. C I Piedmont. Ins. Bid. THESK SCHOOL (5IVK the wnrM'a 1xst In modern Hiifiues VMiicntimt. Oldest Business College in North Ciirnllnn. I'.v-iiions tjuaniiiteeil, haekeri hjr a written eemtrnet. No vacation. IiMlividualinstniiaion, We :.lso teiuh Boolt-keeiiing, sliorthtiinl. Penmanship, by ninil. ieml for HomeStuilv rates. Write Uxluv lornnr f'atiiloKiie. tnlern anil Hit'h Knilorseuieua, Tlier am Iree. A'Uresti. iKING'S BV&INESS COLLF.GE, RalelitH. N. C, or Chtxrtot'.e i 2 t WILL GIVE THIS BEAUTIFUL PICTURE. , In each nwrtimph'rtf. Kvervwidy Rocky fi!ai!r.tr.iu T- A Busy Mcdlol.ia for u? V -of. Bringt OcUn RualtU aau i'c9.fcl V'gOT. A roeclflo for Ctmatination. L itiffetion, I,!v end Kidney Trouhlea. Plmplef, leemn, linpnM Ulood, Bad Bieath, 81uprni8h L'o"l, Heivdaehe I, ml Backache. If Eocky Monotu'u Tea. it tab' let form, 85 cents a box. Genuine made by Hoilistui Drub Compamt, Madison, Win. GOLDEN NUGGETS C0B SALLOW "tOPLE he or .lie il will a beautiful 1u .mil. Tim l.autiful lil.:lurc I. :.:!. -J Thy rich f rti Ml tlii-iil and jrai enn lmi.t Eiucil thoir arrnml.ii.i; sc.iit. Tho inniire I. Ill by Jil in. !.' In 14 uliiliiiiliitiiiir o.i. in. ju.t rtUl tor rwiiiuif a .iileutliilurnBtiiritt ljt ny ilinit,g mum. BE THE FIRST V'iSS ftm lea It and I will nud ymtheiirttiro by rrturr. umilpre piviJ AFXKK lhR7HnithepiLtunFUi.K I uut yvu to do juitono little favor fur m; I wftniym tu Iih.ik e two ef your neirlibora to wind me only 10 cental each and U tneii Bcrrhttfrr Of ftKira who itnvi 10 ct. 1 will Uien nd snuther pictur in connection witb tpoclftl trfftr. It will take on)j a minute to tpeak in two frieuda about tliis nd thvj will Sniir viiftim yon ior imtioc oia ueui m um frnnt orrer at 10c. KMtMBKR rnawnd lommitf, you nocd pf nolhini for th pictarw nithor now norfUrwrd. HflthsfirottowHU. Ob ft pcwUI or in letter ny "Dear Mr. KAnkiti: Flw Mnd B9 your pinur I ptWia" AllrW H. H.. KAKKIK,

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