TT THE SUNDAY SCHOOL, : Lesson IV.-Second Quarter, For' April 23, 1907. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Taxt of th Lesson, Cen. xxxix, 20, ! to xl, 15Memory Verses, 21, 22. Golden Text, Rev, ii, 10 Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stsarns. fCopyriu'M, I'M', by American Press Association. It will ln'Ip lis to ever keep in mind that from Cen. iii to liev. xx the con flict Is on between Coil mul tlie devil for man and his Inheritance, the earth. "The righteous Lord loveth righteous ness" (I's. xi, 7 but this the devil hates. His work is sin and uncleau ness and Inst and murder, and he la always after the people of Coil to take them in his et. Too often he captures them, nn.l the name of the Lord is dishonored, but when the righteous ore overeonier. !o.l is jrlorilied. In rlinnieis xxxvlii mid xxxix we have on example of each, and In the former ! it Is the tribe from which our Lord j first criminal act. Once on the came that wo see Involved ill the sin, downward road progress to niin wa? for "our Lord .--pran.s out of JudaU" 1 rapid. His "featest sir, was in : i v Heb. vii, ID. and yet both .ludah and ; .. r . .. tl,fllt. ir t temptation, "'lie Tainal are mentioned In the ancestry in Matt. I. !. AVLien we have clearer light it will be one of th' surprises to pee how fully the Holy One of Cod ideutili'-d lliinolf with sinners that He miulit save them by the saerillce of Himself. K.'uben. th" firsiliorn of Israel, forfeit 'd t.;e bi-ihriulit. and, though .ludah prevailed above his brethren ::i:.i of hi:n came the chief ruler (or princei. the Hrthrii-iit was Joseph's (I Chron. v. 1. L'i. AVe turn to the attractive story cf Joseph and see him first a a slave iD Eirypt in the bouse of l'otipliar, an otlieer of rii-'iraoh. and we read. "The Lord was with him, and he was a prosperous man" (xxxix. 2, "i. What U -.lLTerent pro-spenty U in tin; Fiuht e'' C vl a:i i of man: Oh. t':at we li:!'.'::t'Tee I'linrr- as Col sees them pud sNrify !!!;n! Xctiw h w 1'oiij 'iar so truste.i hiiu that he v.nro'crved'y put "all l!;;lt he had" Into Joseph's hands, ai:d this f e t is stated live times In ve:v s 4 to S, with tho com ment t! fi'-iia the tini" l'otipliar did this the bles--:nj; of the Lord was up on his house and all that he had. There is nothing that can compare wrltb the Messina of the Lord, which niaUi'th rii-ii and t which our toil Uddeth untiling il'rov. x, 22, IS. V inariiO. and perhaps there is nothing which the devil hates more, for see now his tinker at Joseph, through whom all this blessing came. If he cannot lead him into sin and thus break his fellowship with Cod. he will persecute him for righteousness' sake, and this he does and lands him in prison branded as a vile man. From being I'otiphar's chief steward to a prison -- what a Koemins downfall! But read verses -1 --"The Lord was with ,Io-oph, and that which he CM th- T.orl made it to prosper." rrorperoiis as a rlave r.nd also as a man Tvronr'fr.Ky prisoned! In verse 22 we r?a.l that wha'.evci was Core I: th.1 prison lie was th3 floer or it. .".nl. bv.'.r.z faithful to Cod there, fa: o ;.'.:.!; was afterward true cf hi:.: I i ail Lsvpt Ilap;,v v. e if cur livej are sa yield cJ t.) Him th- t whatever is done in ot thro'.';:h ns lie Is the doer of It Let n.i yield fully to Ilim, as those who nre alive fr the doid (Itoni. vl, 1"), nn 1 lie will not fail to work in ns liolh to will and to do all His ijooij pleasure (Phil, ii, 13: II Thess. 1. 31, 12; Iieb. xiii 21 1. When we yield and trust Him to work, wo must believe that He is worhin.', no matter how th!as seem and even though every thing seems to be iig.-iiii-'t in. Years lire pass-in with Joseph, and it is not unlikely that tin.' taunt of his brethren often came to bini from the great ad versary. Nov, mark the steps in the work ins out of Cod's plui anl His usim; and overruling th" most ordinary events and His m..l;i::t: the sin and wrath and even uohim'.ie'-s of man to work out Ills purp-wes. The offenses cf the chief batiei; icd the chief baiter of the kin;.; of 11;. . pt cause them to be nent to prison, and they are given in I'harjre of Joseph as their keeper. Ou the sfiiino niirht each of them dreams a dream which main's him sad, and Joseph, noticing their sadness1, in quires the, and on being told that Jt was because iii one could in terpret the dream lie said: "Do not interpretations belong to Cod? Tell me your dreams" (verse Si. This they did. The chief lmtler telling his first and receiving from Joseph a favorable Interpretation, the chief baker is en couraged to tell his also. When Jo- eeph saw the evil In store for the i baker, he did not in any way deceive I him, but told him faithfully the inter- I prelation. Any one who walks with the God of Truth cannot but speak the truth onder nil circumstances without j respect of persons. I The closing verses of our lesson con-1 tain a p'tiful plea from Joseph to the ! chief butler showing how keenly he j felt the B.tuation, though bravely mak- j lng the best of it and seeking to glorl- j fy God In It. It seems almost lucred-1 lble that for two full years this man j gave Joseph no thought (xl, 23; xli, 1), ; yet such is man. Compare Eeeles. Ix, ; 14, 1.", inl say honestly before God if you ;v 'n no way forgetful of Ilim or of the suffering ones for whom Jesiit 10 and to whom Ho expects us to tell the rood tidings. To be by thoso to whom we have been kind Is in..eed grievous, but v jut filial be sai of those 'iHio knov the kindness of Cod and refuse it known to others? li-8 A Fearful Warning. The terrible fall of Franc II. Jones, of Charlotte bauk is a warn- inj: to all men who handle other peo- Tlfxl ilouiit Mr. Jones would have been honitietl wlicti he took the first nio;iey from the dank had he been told that, he was a thief. He wa not one at h-art. He intended to ivplace the money ''before any one fount1 out he hail bveu using the bank's funds.'' There would soon be a rise in stocks be had bought ami he could replace the money without any one knowing it, were his thoughts; bun instead of being able to U ) thai, he got deeper and deeper in th- mire. More of the hank's money had to be purloined in order to try to tft-t back what had been lost. That went the nay of the other and again nio,-e had to Lie put up or all would "be lost, until at last the ;tieviti;ble exposure (light and disgrace came. Mr. Jones' re curd shows that he was not naturally dishonest. Lack of will power to with stand ti-nip arion led to the hoii!d l ave known that one act laid the fondiition for greater crime in himself and untold misery to o'.hers. What a w i-!:ing his L'ondnet tiui its nitcioiiiut itrtilts sliouhl be to all men who hold similar position-;. To vry sucii persici who ieldsto the ! i s t t .limitation to use the money lit'-n-'.rd to his keeping, here tisthe lai ur)- i i I . coining t tic criminal, iieeing f I Jin t n.- nUie' i'S. of t he law mil alii:iii l ! face friends and k ijuaiutanct s. Tlie tirst su p makis others c.iir. It the trust fund is inv.idi-il the filst time -..e-oris-,' i,i e:.fri in" necessity the i;ct iw'.l be rep-.iied ;:ioi tlilili ! I-:S sup ji,M.ei!!v nri i i.t l'ceu. The unly safe on,., u'.c those who nsist ti e b top ''en t vcoiiimit, the lirt iii'entc. A ilmipeton Messeiict r. If you ha- e u sick or injnrul wriL- tn lr. V. V.. White, Nor folk, Va., he w ill advise vou w hat, to do and what to use. free of all clijiiiris. A full supply of White's VYtci i nary Medicine for sale by the Ashebm-o i u Co. next door t tl e Kvtn the dignified man would t-fher lend a little than go broke. Distant idativea seldcm attend he fncit ri.. I of uiima bodies poor. K-i.ii'ily's l.iixativp Ceuph Pjrup. lll.ililren lil.i iis nlc is;mt tnsti', and mottiers iivc it ln-any i-ndnrsonipnt. Contains no .piiiliM. In t i!i iv, out llip eold through tin :nw('ln M-iile in strict roiiforniity to Pure Fund ai d L ot. Ueeeninit'iidwl and l.U I y Man-lard Dreg Co. mid Ai-heboiv Wh. n a buolielor flatters a girl d e is apt lo n -istake him for Cupid's ulviince nuer.1. any tnt.ic in :Iik l.ui'', p.i: ers yen c-a'i mv; l.y li. ii i.l. , in T..-I eovnrd Co , l.'miiwii r, N . s'er to s.iy yoii do jut ihui it is ti do it. NOCI. MIIS fx in , I 'nn; ( ',.. (,,i , A ID to i.-li. V.: pl:oll. iv j 1 1 r-it 1 h' n i i ! a-: I ..Ins ,1 i u'ij-i id: It 13 a well knov.-n fart that cotton I ornnyotner crop, proUucc-U v.-ith lr- il (finiu.'HrolJrm l-erulUcrt. ivlil bnn? kl 1 iifin.y, eirnap. wcii-ce- i velnpcd, euny cotton, vim full rrov. n holison the 'ruit limbs at the lm6c as well usali tho wuy up to tbc verv top and til) oiids of tho tir .m hm nf tho I coitoa pluats. ty usii.jf Virgiafa-Carolina Fjrti'izer?. Thoy contain all ttc materia! nerve. siry to supply to your J"1 tlie elp. ir..int8 which have been tni-n from it ! oy reppated cultivate r. veie uifprvear. vo ir ylc'ds tei arrp." Acutut ur, miH. I Bw.u.uinjiuuurumtmr. VI -gini.CaruIit.a Chrmtcnl Co. P!chm"nd. Va. Atlanta. Or. Ni-rt'ol . Va. Kp.viiniiiih. Jp. -. ..n. ,r, ..... . y, TI..:i, j (,tin. CAPUDINE H aeti immrdiatelT mZ II Ex fea oa i" in 19 minutfli. Yott don't hBe to wait ft cum UEADitt'HIa ALSO by removing the came, is suntt. ' COTTO M n ! It is a well lmown f-i rt that irr-i lt The Baby fry. And now as to the cry of temper and the cry of habit and indulgence. You don't hive to be told little mother, what these cries indicate. You know petfectly well they in dicate yon have made a fahe start. Yon know that blessed baby is cry ing for h light in his room, to be rocked, to be carried about, for a bottle to be sucked, or to be indulg cd in some other ' ad habit you have beeu the means of bis acquiring. Well, the thing has got to be cheek ed right lure and now. What are you going to do? Thcie is only one thing fur jou to do if you are "satis lied beyond a reasonable doubt that it is the cry of temper or indulgence don't go neai the little darling. "What! let him cn'r" Exaetlv. "P.ut he will go jii cry i ntd!" Well, floil bit ss his little sou! let nim bawl it out, if it takes one, two, c even three hours. ''You don't really tnean that?" Yes, I do, "lint he may hurt himself!-' No, he won't. If he is a very yung baby, you will see that his abdominal band is properly applie.l, and then there will be not tlie least danger of nip tu re. And if he is nure than a yevr old, there will be no danger of nip'ure under any circumstances. "But what will happen if be goes o i cl'SlllJ tor f'.i'ee hOUIS?" T'll's easv be will .-ion. Aid what's inure, it is tt t, to' that tile lict time he cries from tciiip.-r ur m- d'lL'etlce ho mil keep i' 1 1 : , for ten or lifrei-n in: n ;i i-s, ai.d then, .e inu its n i ii-.-. lie iii ouit for good and all. Fiank 1'.. irk ley d.pli-y in "(iiie the H i'iy a Chutict," in the Oitiiiii Al.u !.:: tor June. Kidiui. f,. an I im iIm'-, i!i M)i'.l. ; -n-e ivl'iel '-Lr N.Dii.lliil I llP !iv .'--;Ui'!.inl -Kl I'lt'lO S ill,) HiM it'll : :i M)f.-t ,l se. ; L'i-in i n il ,;'i; ilnriin :iv '.!) t i tlie , nl l-i. n',v. .S Id ! .-: I-;, .mm x. t . i RliAl) THIS! JOIN I ft;-. I'l.t l' - ii. .,f il-d li ,nir he'rs lire dan l'ii a Itl.tlKll' l IV Kl' LI. l uli ANY AM'iltNT Yiil' MAYUtAKCs. Iu a lair prop oMtiuu uii'i u si:fei:iiin.l i- kfi' Hie in ill., lio:ne., Ti ( LIT! MKVIIKtll- Knit TUB NKW SI AI.K im I.IM Ul-N ,1 I! AT K.- si. 1.1 M i ri in-e. Kavull eali or !d w-h unil l : mo., il, wiih ii t.n-i . Jl. ntio-i Uila paper in wiili.ns full iKtrtt-'tilaiM. tm it l.i-.iiy Tlie ti. uitiMri.nis in tlie S.ulti r. einiiKteiitt tin Ludden & Bates S. H. H. tsvnnr.l'. Ca. Il vou nif ! u- piii n or iiv;-.t iau a f ur i.itlii r. )i i iiinii-li y. .ur,,' ;k :i",l 1'iiv .'!.'., ii,-r' limn 'any ulm r piniiii I .. HHi'H'l. i I n- r hit Dill Nu lloMKil lli I IK VI . I!i .1 T A I'lANi - mu.-i,' l'iv,- ' lai.n- I'i'al 'l. n-iirr 1 :ill lli ,,li iii k I-' ill I'ii'iE wo.-lil th:.t iin.iii') Dill Imy. inui our -' 1 1 . 1 . -. 1 1 t I C iim- y n n ion H : . in Hi,- puii'lni.e uf un ii.liii- I ) nn -nl 1 ciirai,' M'i:ra linn in iiniMn. I ui - This man boughjt a supply of tobacco with out acquainting himself with the distinctive taste of SCHNAPPS Tobacco, which has the cheering qualities that gratify his desire to chew, and at less expense than cheap tobacco. SCHNAPPS has been advertised in this paper so that every chewer has had an opportunity to get acquainted with the facts and know that drugs are not used to produce the cheering quality found in the famous Piedmont country flue-cured tobaccos, and that SCHNAPPS is what he ought to chew. Still there are chewers who accept othpr and cheaper tobaccos that do not give the same pleasure. Uaing the Eyes. A scientific writer quotes Heknholtz aa saying thr.t In his work he could only liken himself tj the mountaineer, painfully and slowly cl'mbing. often obliged to turn backward, lighting lat er ou new traces leading forward, and finally reaching the gaal, only to And ro uis coniusiou mat a jimm roan icu thither, if he had only had the eyes to see. larwiu said lie thought he was t superior to the common run of niii In j noticing things which easily cschI at- j tentiou and in observing them care fully. Cheap Gonerjsity. j A great smoker handed his cigar i ease to his right hand neighbor. I "Thank you, but I don't smoke," said j the man. lie therefore handed it to tho msn on the left, who made the same reply, whereuium his wife nudged him and said, "Why don't you hand It to the i-aptain?" "Xo, thank you; he smokes." Kos Lolsirs. The Mean Thing! "Who was that fool you bowed to?" "My husband." "Oh. I er I humbly apologize. I" "Never mind. I'm net angry. Rut what a keen observer you are!" Cleveland Leader. 1'iid you ever notice that the size of trouble depends on whether it Is com ing or going? Mankato Free Press. SPRING For p-cat spring: bur gains in Fruit, Shade and Orni mortal Trees, Vines and Plants. Men tion the Ashnboro Cou rier and pet frt-o in or der one Islington, the great November Peach. Our spring surplus will be up to our usual high stand Address JOHN A. vOUNG, Greensboro Nurseries, Greensboro, N. C. i m i 4000,000 PFACH TREES iQ Tennessee Wholesale Nursciie;. t4 No agents traveled, but sell direct to planters O? at wholesale prives? Al solutety i'ree from disease O. and Ui;e to name. WriU- for cat ilouc end prices 0 before placing your ordr eUcwh-.-ro. Wc jiuaran- i-.s tee our stock to bo true to name. Largest Peach .J Nursery in the vvorld. Address 0 J. C. HALE, Winchester, Tenn. m Some day they'll get a taste of the real Schnapps they'll realize what enjoyment they've missed by not getting SCHNAPPS long ago then they'll feel like kicking themselves. SCHNAPPS is sold everywhere in 5 cent cuts, and 10 and 15 cent plugs. Be sure yov. get the genuine. Pale, Thin, Nervous ? I Then your blood must be in a very bad condition. You certainly know what to take, then take it Ayer's Sarsa Iparilla. If you doubt, then I consult your doctor. We know what he will say about this i.rnnrt r.1,t Fomilir mpri ici n P. J Tills Is Oip f rst question vnnr ilo-t.r would ,.k; ".Are y.rir 1,... innniur V 1!" !i action "t il -'- :ii'mt'ly H ,..-. n.l;,l to n.-i.very. K. V'',r !n.,',r.l."olJe 5 liosi uf Ayur'8 Hiiu. ' aic WJ. C. Ay- f K -.n vir.oR. For Good Sound PfR CORD, LOADED QN THE CARS; PER CORD FOR TvlAPLE, 4 ft. long;, 7 ir.crcs ar.d vjr? .00 per Cord. H. B. WORTH. Treas. Greensboro, N. C. i KXHCI TOR'S NOITI E. Hnviiif; qualili ,1 ns exi'i-utitr uf Charity Hin iw. ili'i i i. nutkv is h-ri'lir Bivu to "all i.t. m ns 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 v claims ir,'ninst saiit estate to pre- t tlif same on or I efoie the -.Ulii ilar of April, WON, or this lotice ill bu iileaiied'in liar of tin tl reeovi rv. Tlii AiiH';d. S'.KjT. ii. If. VAIM. Kl ecu I or. June Buds a Specialty. (1 A i. o i C; till! I DOGWOOD. WE WILL PAY j ! $15.00 $7.00 t !!! I Jane T. rtorehead Otcar L Stpp MOREHEAD & SAPP, Attorneys at Law, Greensboro, N. C. Will iiriu'tiee ns heretofore in Randolph Co. rrineipiil olUec in (irei'imbon). N. C. Telephone in ollice ami in coiiiimniicnlion with all parts of Randolph County. L. M. FOX. M. D. ASHEBORO, N.C. Oflere his professional nervlee to the cttizeuti of Asheboro and surrounding community. At Residence- Dr. J. V. HUNTEfc, PHYSICIAN - AND - SUR-GEON. Office Aslieboro Drug Co. Residence Cornei of Main and Worth Streets. Asheboro, N. O. Dr. S. A. HENLEY, Physician - and - Surgeon, ASHEBORO. N C Office over Spoon & Holding's store near Standard Drug Co. DR. D. K. LOCKHART, DENTiST, Asheboro, N. 0. oflico m,ituj On. in to 1 n. m OVKR THE BANK THKHANK " ' i n in til ." n in. I inn imw iii my ndli e i rci'it red to pactice tU'iit'trj' in its viinuus brane lies. N. P. COX, Jeweler and Photographer, Asheboro, N. C. ) W. R. NEAL, ( PHOTOGRAPHER AND JEWELER Randleman, N. C. CHAS. L. HOLTON, Attorney-a.t- Law ASHGBORO, - N. C. Practice in lioth Stale nuil Federal courts Siiccin! iithMition given lo collections and tlie settlement ui estates. Ollice: Korth sido court liouw. THAD. S. FER.REE, Attorney At Law ASHEBORO - - - N. C. All matters attended to with care and piomptr.fta. Special atten tion given lo collections and the settlement of estates. 0 tt COX. ITcitideut. W J ARM KIKLi), V-fra W J ARMK1KJ D, Jr.. Cashier. The Bank of Randolph, Capital und SnrphiH, Total Assets, over $36,000.00 $150,000.00 With ample a-'. exjicrieiiec and protection the biaiinehsnl the banking publisand feel Rate in Ntying we uru prrparvd aufl willing to extend to our eu-tnnien, every facility and ac xiinmcMlauoii coiiMMctit iih aufe bauklng. DIRECTORSi Hiijfh I'urks, Sr., W J Armlitld.W V Wood, P B Morris, t: O MeAllster. KM Annllt'lrt. OhCoi, W K Kedilini;, henj WofliU, Thus J Keddinir, A W KCaiiel, A l Kankiu, In Jt,Keddmg, Ir F B Asbtirv. C J Oix. S Bryant, President J. U.Cole, Cashier Ge B&Liik cf ILandlemoLti. Randleman, N. C. Capital $ 1 2.000. Surplus, $5,000. Accounts received nn favorabl terms. Interest paid on savings de posits. Directors: W K Hartsell, A N Bulla, S G NewliD, W T Bryant, 0 L Lindsay, N N Newlin, 8 Bryant, H 0 Barker and J H Cole. J. W. JOLLY, Undertaker. I have placed in my new quar ters, in the Asheboro Grocery Company building, (th ebrick buil. ing new the depot) in Aabeboro, a large line of rofling and casketa, and undr Tinker's supplier and am nru-better prr-pared than ever tu attend those desiring my Hervices. A nice lienrae i-t at tlie command of my t '.stoinern. I also carry a Rood line of Fur niture ini'linliiiK Chairs, Bedroom suits, ('(.miles, pi,!, uf prices to ni't 1 bolit-it your imtronngo. ' J. W. Jolly, Asheboro;

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