s CONDENSED FOR BUSY READERS The Piedmont Directory Co. of takn.t'llr. in l.cninv unotn A i rat . tn r 17 for High Poin:. I The McNeill Mfg. Co. of Fay etteville! was chartered last week The object is to manufacture cotton ! jams. J. W. Sowers & Co. is the style of a new Grocery firm at Tbotnas Tille. The Times says the boys a't hustlers for business. Capt. M. L. Ritchie has given the "contract for the erection of a brick block near the postofflce tit Thomasville. Officers Juo. Farrington ami J. P. C. Morris, ef the Charlotte Police force, have been discharged for al leged use of intoxicants. Capt. W. R. Hudson, of Rich mond, the recently appointfd termin al Superintendent at Salisbury and Spencer has moved his family to Spencer and entered upon, his duties. J. H. Petty, well kno'n met chant, of High Point, has purchased a'.i interest in the Alma Furniture (.., of that plane, and has been elected secretary aud treasurer. A thief entered the dressing room of Wm. Rippey, a comedian "Aronnd the Clock" Company, which appeared at a Salisbury theatre lat week, and relieved him of $250 in money and an equal amount in diamonds. P. O. Fonville who is under ar rest at Charlotte for being impli cated with Franc H. Jones, the defaulting cashier of the Charlotte flank has been released ou a ?7,oOOToo My . Lefl th. on bond tor his appearance at tne dune; state Already. term of tederal court. The Scottish Chief learns that The State has granted a charter :' 'Archibald Johnson declined a to the Duffv & Company, of Greens- salary of $2,400 to edit a Daperj ib boro, to establish and conduct the Texa8 Zl)8 lt was wor one business capital stock is 10,000 1 thousand dollars extra to live in authorized, with $1,000 subscribed. ' North Carolina. He is easily one of The incorporators are Messrs, W. j the mo3t Slfted editors this btate O. Potter, p. E. Duffy, L. Mosely and bi produneU and this act shows that D.E.Powell. he is the right sort of ''stuff, rnorto. Carolina, people ougnt to snow, more appreciation of such patriots and thirteen. All white members refneed co participate in the cDmmencemeut exercises. Capt. T. T. Lovelace, reputed as an arrogant aud performer of dare devil fiats is making ascensions at Norfolk iu a balloon for the purpose o'f making bird's-eye photcsrraphic views of Norfolk and the Exposition. He is making the pictures to be used in Colhr s Weekly. Xitrth RECORD BREAKERS FOR COLD. Coldest April In Twenty-all Years, Say WeatherMen. According to the weather bureau records at Washington the month just closed was the coldest April in the last twenty-six years, and within a degree of the coldest April ever experienced. The month was characterized by a succession of cold spells which swept southeastward over the north east Rocky Mountain slope anti gradually spread southward and The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. There is a disease prevailing in this country most dansrerous because so decep tive. juanysiKKien deaths are caused by it heart dis ease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy are often Gov. Glenn pardoned J. Y. Kincnid, of Gastou county, who was Sentenced to three years in the 'pen-lt-ntiny for manslaughter. He 6hot and killed Wm. Brown in Sep tember, ft few hours after he had wedded Tviiicaid'a sister. Who had i aud Observer, a few months previous been betrayed i by the tn.ir lrei mm. ! y j 'The little, 'own at Oakdale, neari Pittsburg P t., is terribly excited I over the re.'.vl of a necro, Roy Wcwte, a niemier of the graduating ought to pay them more. They are the sort of men who have made the State's character and who are moving it foi ward on the right hue. Their worth is '.eyond computation. Nes NOTICE. Notice is hereby givn that the Board of Commissioners at truir meeting on the lirst. Monday in June 1907, will consider the selection of a house the result of kid- ; ncy disease. If kidney trouble is ! allowedtoadvance ; thekidney-poison- '. cd blood' will ai- eastward over the entire country i Ule i,ia,ider, or the kidneys themselves ; east of the Rockv Mountains. j break down and waste away cell by cell. The cold was" almost continuous Bladder troubles almost always result except for brief intervals of a dny I fro" 7""' , "l,iejJ ' 1 . . y. I a cure is obtained quickest lv a pioper or so of warmer weather, and u j treatment of the kidneys, if you are feel closes with remaikably low temper- jng badlv vm can make no mistake by atures in the interior vallevs aud 1 taking lir.' Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the the smirhu'ear " Kreat kidney, liver and Madder remedy, tne SOUtnweSt. Jt cor..ect imlbiliti. to hM urine and . scalding pain In passing it, and over- ATTENTION! We will pay spot Z'tl CMS!) Iir (.ur hickory timber at ; nn,i lo ,,..t no manv times during the from 7.00 to $151.00 p;r Cot'.l, j ni-;lit. The mild and the extraordinary according to Ki'ade. We want it i ; effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. 20 :J0 and ',? inch Wilis We ! u sUl,,ls the h1'1 f,,r. hs wonderiul i tt 1 ,5) Ult'1. IH'ns. i cures of the liiostdisiressin -cases. Will al-o buy your white - t-nk ill '2b Swmiip-Root is pleasant to take and is and 30 inch lengths and pay you the) sold by all drugx'su in fifty-cent ami top of 'he tn:ir!.et. pric . " I one-dollar size bottles. Von may have a Aeh-lmr.i V hH.-.t-. V- M r.r f'. samine iwiuc ui ...... v. DeWitt Owen, siu of '. L. Owen, t'.OW of IhoillHM ll't, llllt. wh fill1- Seasonable Farm Seeds tuvv read, juiiiuuia. Millets, Teosinte, Late Seed Potatoes, Buckwheat, Vetches, Crimson Clover, etc. Wood's Crop Special, giving prices and timely information a bout Seeds that can be planted to advantage and profit at dill'erent seasons of the year, mailed free on A T. W. WOOD & SONS, RICHMOND, VA cla-. of the. 'High School then who! ut'w s'tu for t,,p county court li .a nam.! k.i -Winrnriii lan ! and jail. J. P. BoitoCOHS, of his high jrcMitHg- in a class of 1 This April 2T, 1907. Oik. to B'd. coverv and a oook inai u-..s a.i aix-.i both sent free bv mail. Aiidress, 1 'r. Kil mer & Co., llin.uliamtoii. X. V. 'hen writim; mention reaiiii!X this generous merlv lived Hi TlililtV township this 5 ofTer in this paper. In.n t make any ,m"t., K.ll,- "m 1,1 I mistake, but reintnii ertne name. hwanip-co-mty aaa badly snalded one dav R(oti KilK.r-s Swamp-R.-ot, and the l ts,ee ai r-pe..cer wnere ne was ' address, Linghumton, Y., ou every at work. bottle. CAPUDIIME CURES i SKI?S INDICESTIONand V,': ACIDITY HMDAI UK AtftU bj rtnjuviug the cause. lUcttti. ' Contest Just Starting-Aspirants Should Begin fork Now. There are great things in store for friends of THE COURIER in this and adjoining counties during the next twelve weeks. Every ' young lady wants a piano, or, if they do not care for that, they surely want to go to Jamestown. THE COURIER will send you. 15he Courier Will Distribute $4,000 in Awards August 1, 1907. THE PRIZES. The first prize, to the young lady receiving the highest number of votes during the contest, is a hand-i some No. 16 Kimball Piano, valued at $400.00. j The second prize is a certificate, valued at $150.00 on the purchase price ol a new Kimball Piano. THE COURIER has also arranged for two scholarships in King's Business College at Raleigh, and two other schol- j arships in two of the best schools of the State, to be award-! ed to the four next highest. These scholarships will be j worth hundreds of dollars to the winner who takes the course Erescribed for them, and should be an inspiration to work j arder for the Grand Prize. These scholarships will he given to the young ladie3 receiving the third, fourth, fifth j and sixth highest number of votes during the contest. To each of the four next highest we will give PIANO I CERTIFICATES valued at 1100 each in payment for a piano j bought at one of the stores of dealers in Kimball pianos. To the next two NEW HOME SEWING MACHINES, valued at $35-00 each. To the two next highest Ladies' Gold Hunting Case Watches, warranted for 20 years and valued at 125.00 1 each. To the next four we will give Piano Certificates, val ued at $75.00 each and to the next 45 Piano Certificates, val-) ed at $50.00 each at any of the Dealers' Stores. This is the i greatest contest ever put on by a weekly newspaper in the South, and the awards are just as presented. We expect, : between this and August 4th, to add several thousand names I to our subscription list or we could not arrange this con- j test upon such a mammouth plan. TO JAMESTOWN Ir. order to equaliza cornpstiucm in the field THE COURIER has divided the districts proportionately so that each may be represented. The districts arid the number from each district are given below. Our plan is to take the young ladies receiving the larg est vote in the districts arranged as given below as guests of THE COURIER. t STKICT NO. 1. Asheboro and all of the territory m K"ph Purity west of the old plank road: i Trips. DISTRICT NO. 2. All of Randolph fcur.ty ecst of the old plank road: 4 Trips. , DISTRICT NO. 3. Moore and Montgomery counties: 1 Trip. DISTRICT NO. 4. -Davidson and Guilford counties: : 1 Trip. , Persons winning these trips are not eligible for any of ? ther prizes, and the young ladies winning the Piano, $lo0 Piano certificate, or the scholarships are not eligible for one of the Jamestown trips. ! The management has decided to increase the number of ; ministers to join the Jamestown party to six. We believe this i to be moie fair on account of the number of ministers m ih?JLrXtory- The districts are divided as follows: DISTRICT NO. 1. -Randolph county, three. O- 2 Montgomery and Moore counties, one. NO. 3 Davidson county, one. No- 4. Anywhere except the territory embraced in the foregoing territory, one. There is a great deal to be gained in a contest of this kind, both in pleasure and in experience, and those who enter now will stand a fine chance to win because of the early start. Get your friends interested in the contest, solicit theiir aid, and you will be surprised to see how rapidly the votes roll up. The first announcement of the names of the candidates and the number of votes each has appears in another column. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ADDRESS I THE COURIER, Contest, JDeot,. OL s Asheboro, N. G BBSS VI

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