The Asheboro Courier Asheboro, N. C. May 16, 1907. Local and Personal. 0. L. Sapp, of Greensboro, was bere last week on legal business. Jno. T. Moftitt is in Tampa Fla., on business. Miss Blanche Cox went to Cedar Falls Sunday. Master Fred Parrisb, son of Mr; Melvin Pairisb, is very sick. The fourteen-year locust has made its appearance in this section. two the purpose of holding a Masonic celebration and picnic at some suit able place in this county in the near future. Don't you want a scholarship in the bestlcollege in the state? You can get it by working for tha Courier. Do you want a gold watch, sewing machine or any other article found in our long list of nearly a hundred prizes. You can get them by spending a few hours a week working for the Courier. Get busy yourself and interest your friends. P. H. Morris spent a day oi at Broadway last week. R. T. Pool, of Troy was here on legal business Tuesday. J. A. Spence and B. A. Yeargin spent yesterday at Trinity. Presiding elder S. B. Turrentine will preach at Gilead Church Sun day afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mr and Mrs Mont Harris of Bel fast, spent sometime with relatives here lust week. r Miss Alma Wrenn, of Cedar Falls, spent Sunday here with relatives and friends. Mi3 Bulla's music class will give a recital Friday night. Parents ai.d friends are invited. Mr and Mrs J. M. Lassiier are spending this week in Greeneboro, visiting their brother E. C. Lassiter. Read carefully again the Piano aud the Jamestown special proposi s tions. ' Mr. and Mra. .faa. Wrpnn. nf j wortnviue, speut sunuay wun tneir sister, Mrs. M. (J. bpoon. t Miss Agues Moring, who has been teaching m Thomasville, returned I to her home Saturday. G. W. Iseley, of Wilkesboro, is in! ' the city. He contemplates locating i in Asheboro. I I Mrs. West, wife of .Tndpe J. V. I I "West, of Waverly, Va., is visiting I ner Bister, Mrs. H. Alothtt. & m T T i t s. miss jjeuiuu xjewis wno nas Dcen J visiting the family of Mr N. M. 1 Lowe, has returned to her home at I iv est xjuu. r J. lie courier acKDOwiauses receint ; oi an invitation to tne commence i,i "... oc on ji Chas. M. Fox, of Southtrn Pines, M was in Asheboro Monday enroute to Kandleman to visit his mother for a few days. Mrs. W. E. Swain, who went to 'St. Leo's hospital last week and was operated on very successfully is im proving. Mrs. W. F. Wrenn, of Cedar Falls, who has been sick for about two weeks at Air. M. C. Spoon's, went .home Sunday. MiBS Agues Moring has returned from Thomasville, where she taught in the graded school during the past winter. Since organization, Friday the membership of the Randolph Camp United Confederate Veterans has increased to 75 veterans. Mrs. T. E. Andrews ,of Mt. Gile. d who baa been visiting Mrs. E. T. Btan for several days will return .home Thursday j Mrs. A. F. Cox, of Cedar Falls, will attend the recital by Miss Bul la's music class Friday night at th'g hlace. The Junior Epworth League of the M. E. Church, was entertained lit the home of Mrs. W. H. Moring Tuesday evening; about forty little children enjoyed the evening. Married, on the 6 th day of Mhjr 907 at P. A. Rouths in Providence rownship Mr Claudius Underwood md Miss Victoria Allred, J. 1 . louth officiating. Mr and Mrs R. P. Dicks, of Ran- leman, N. C, have purchased from ilr Robert C. Hood a cottage now der construction on Edgeworth beet, and will occupy if; as soon as nisned. Gov. Glenn will deliver an ad- ress at tne closing exercises of rinity High School Tnesday, May Tne annual literary address til be deliveied May 29th by Dr. .Iwin Mimms. Hon. W. W. Kitchen spent Tues- v niclit in Asheboro. leavinc vpb- I rdav morninff for New Hone Acad- I Ib wltara Via flislivorml i Via Wtavavtr KvUress at the commencement exer ts. meeting of the masters and rdens of all the Masonic lodges the county will be held at Frank ville, Miay 18th, to organize for NEW HOPE ACADEMY. Larse Crowd Attended Address hy lion. W. VV. Kitchen, of Hoiboro. The closing extrcises of Ntw Hope High School were attended by a large crowd from all parts of the county yesterday. Many went from Asheboro, some leaving on Tuesday. The program was as follows: 10:30 A. M., MUSIC. Abraham Lincoln - Cleveland Bean. The Union Soldier Carr Lvndon. The Art of Optimism, Chas. Strider MUSIC What is Truth? - Will Strider The Babies - Rufus Lassiter MUSIC 11:15, Literary Address, Hon. W. VV. Kitchen, Koxboro 2 P. M., MUSIC The Courting of Arabella. Nettie Luther The Tragedy at Dodd's Place, Lydie Lassiter The Ringing of the Curfew, Beatrice Bruton ; MUSIC The Death of Mary Stewart, Bettie Lyndon M usic Mrs. Slowly at the Hotel, Jennie Lassiter My Pets - - Luna Kearns MUSIC Last night a farce comedy, "Serv ing Two Masters," was represented before a delighted audieuce. The play was one in negro life and was immensely humorous. Rev. S. B. Turrentine preached the annual sermon at the com mencement exercises last Sunday. JONES SURRENDERS. Defaulting Cannier of Charlotto Gives Bond In Sum of 8 10,000. Saturday morning Franc II Jones, the defaulting assistant cash ier of the Charlotte National Bauk appeared in Charlotte and surren dered himself to the United States officers. Distiict Attorney A. E. Holton was summoned from Win- bIoj Salem and a preliminary hear ing was given. ihe defendant waived examination and gave bond in the sum of $10,000 for his ap pearance at court, just a month hence. Jones has traveled the west and southwest since he disappeared, but came fiom Apalachicala, Fla., to Charlotte. The warrant charges Jones with appropriating $2,000, in stead of $00,000 as reported. Subscriptions Paid. P. A. Williams, R. K. Brady, J. W. Securest, J. W. Hadley, Dock Hunt, G. M. Goins, Chas. E. Spen cer, R. L. Trotter, J. C. Kearns, J. M. Robbins R. L. Kearus, S. H. Walker, C. L. Robbins. H. L. Clark, N. S. Davis, J. W. Pugh, W. G. Smith, Chas. Fox, J. F. Boggs, L. W. Cagle, G. I. Davis, T. S. Kob bins, R. L. Richardson, Miss Bertha Farlow, Miss Martha Redding, L. E. Curtis, 13. F. Redding, F. T. Finch, Sam Frazier, Dr. R. W. Myers. Mrs. II. D. Stnalley, J. V. Cranford, D, R. Mailey, Tom Car ter, A. J. Jarrett, Mrs. J. L. Win ningham, Ad Farlow, Mrs. T. E. Andrews, J. R. Sloan, Gertrude Fields, A. W. Vickory, J. R. Wil liams, II. II. Elder, II. A. Under wood, C. E. Kearns, I. J. Fuller, Dr. C. H. Phillips, H. T. Bray, H. C. Ingram, W. J. Delk, N. S. Lohr, C. F. Burns, E. T. Poole, Samuel Hoover, J. E. Hepler, Miss Mary Rich, T. A. Brookshire, B. F. Phillips W. A. Kearns, E. A. Ken uedy, J. C. Skeen, J. T. Underwood, Mrs. Jean Rush, W. C. Hall, Wm. Lytle, W. S. Beeson, A. C. Cox, J. S. Ridge, Dr. L. M. Fox, S. M. Caveness, A. M. Free, B. A. Yeargin, S. S. Allen, S. Dowdy, Bessie Davis, W. II. Pearce, Miss Cornie Steed, Mrs. C. L. Badgett, A. R. Davis, Elias Moore, Fletcher King, Charlie Beaman, Bertha Lewis, J. W. Pugh, Willie Lamb, E. P. Neighbors, L. S. Harrison, Samuel Aldridge, Mrs. Willis Kirkpacrick, J. A. Nelson, D. 0. Williams, W. B. Lassiter, J. A. Burgess, Johnie Hurlev, J. L. Royals, Lee A. Briles, Almeda Cox, E. F. Walker, F. II. Hoover, B. F. Miller, J. M. Yow, Dr. J. M. Maness, Mrs. E. B. O'Brien, Chas. Beasley, Lola Pugh, E. P. Hayes, W. II. Winningham, J. C. Ijowder milk, E. Lowdermilk, Mrs. J. W. Hylton, D. T. McCain, R. I: Cox, Nathaniel Tucker, E. A. Ledwell, J, T. Hayes, J. A. Redding, B. F. RiJge, J. D. Ross. Koyal Hli tli in Spain. Madrid, May 11. Queen Victo ria gave birth to a son yesterday, w ho becomes heir to the throne of Spain. KEH8 ISf BRIF.F. 00 The North Carolnia State Bank er's Association will meet at Win ston-Salem May 22-23-24. Thos. Briles, of Thomasville, has accepted a position with the Peoples JJrug store at Uibsonville. Rowan County is to have a fair Fifteen thousand dollars will be ask ed to unite in raising the capital stock necessary. Rev. S. B. Turrentine, of Greens boro, attended the meeting of the Randolph County Preacher.s Associ ation here Monday. The home of Mrs. L. C. Williams, in north Iredell emmty, was robbed a few iavs ago. Reece Rustle and Walter Diraman have been arrested, State Supt. Joyner says the sp rit of locol taxation is spreading in all parts of the state, giving great lm petus to the spirit of education iu the state. , Dr. C. A. JuliaB, of Thomasville, has been invited to respond to the speech of welcome of the Tri-State Medical Association to held at the Jamestown Exposition June 3. Dr. R. H. Jones, of Winston, 6ec retarv of the North Carolina State Board of Dental Examiners, an nouncea the annual meeting of said board to be held at Morehfad City, Juue 24th. Mrs John Patterson, of Atwell t wnahip, Rowan County, wife of a prominent citizen, and herslf a bril liant woman, who had lost her mind, committed suicide by cutting her throat with a razor, on May 10th. Jno. II. Moyer was re-elected mayor of Lexington last week by the narrow margiu of six votes, over Wade H. Phillips Eon. The entire vote was 263 for Moyer and 257 for rhilhps. The President is very much exer cised over apparent indifference of Attorney General Bonaparte, to the duties of his office. I; is said his time is being consumed by private business. It is reported that he has put in only 20 working days at his desk in Washington. A tiain of 25 cars, all loaded with clean rice, was shipped from Beau mont, Texas, to New Orleans last week for Drane & Garic. It was valued at $50,000. Geo. T. Draue, of the firm is a son of H. M. Drane of Bladen county, and is one of North Carolina's most successful business men abroad. "Here's to your health and happiness" DeWitt's Little Karly Iiisers famous little pills. Nasty, sick headache or biliousness may come on any time; the cure is an Early Riser. Sold hy Standard Drng Co. and Asheboro Drug Co. Providence Fishing Party. Quite a nmnlier of young people gathered at the home of VV. U Julian, on the Iksi day of May, and enjoyed a good time fishing. The party consisted of, Hisses Sullie Brown, If.iby Julian, Until and Mary Coble, Allie t'ra.ier Winnie Julian, and Messrs Paul and Holier Julian. Miss Sullie caught the highest mini ler and Miss ltuhy the second highest. A little Kodol taken occasionally, espe cially after eating, will relieve sour stomach, belching and heartburn. J. B. Jones, New port, Tenn. writes: "1 am sure three one dollar dottles of your Kodol positively cured me of dyspepsia, and I con recommend it as that was three years ago and 1 haven't been bothered Bince with it." Kodol is guaranteed to give relief. Sold by Standard Drug Co. and Asheboro Drug Do. Business Locals. Notices Inserted under thla red at one cent word etch insertion. Edison Phonographs are the liest. He nn'Uibcr that we sell them as cheap a. any body in the United States and that you save two dollars express charges when you buy from us. We can supply any records you want on short notice. Asheboro Drug Co. KresU drugs of the highest quality are what we keep, thev are reliable and have the surest effect. Bring your prescriptions to us. Asheboro Drug Co. We keep all the magazines, have a lot of new books, just the thing for summer. Corns look over oar Circulating Library. Ashe boro Drug Co. . Mu Hair is Straggly PrMldent Johnion'n Appointment. Rev. T. M. Johnson Pres. of the N. C. Conference of the M. P. church, will preach at the following times and places on Richland cir cuit: Browers Chapel, May 16th 11 a. m. Giles Chapel, May 17th 11 a. m. Cedar Falls, May"l7th 7:30 p. m. Everybody invited to come out and hear Bro. Johnson. J. H. Stowe, Pastor. ATTENTION We will pay spo cash for your hickory timber at from $7.00 to $12.00 per. cord, accorbing to grade. We want it in 26, 30 and 36 inch. len?tha. We will rIao hnv your whiti oak in 26, and 30 inch, lengths and pav vou the ton of the market price. Asheboro Wheelbarrow & Mfg. Co, Miss Sallie Wheeler, daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. Cyrus Wheeler, died at the home of her parents High Point Sunday. She was 35 years of age. The interment was ut Deep River Church. Do you like it? Then why be contented with it? Have to be? Oh, no! Just put on Ayer's Hair Vigor and have long, thick hair; soft, even hair. But first of all, stop your hair from coming out. Sae what you have. Ayer's Hair Vigor will not disappoint you. It feeds the hair-bulbs; makes weak hair strong. The best kind oi a testimonial "Sold lor over sixty years." A o muiuffcoturara 9 SARSAPAE1LLA. PILLS. CHERRY PECTORAL. yers Any Young Man Or woman, or Husband or Father, earn ing a fair salary con become a Club mem lier and secure our NK 'vV SCALE $-100 LCDDF.N .V- BATHS ITAXO at Club price to members of ?2S7, on very easy terms of pavmetit a little at a time I.UDDKX t BATES CLl'B 1'IAXOS co:t club members 287 ii sead of $400 which is the regular price, just a little more than ordinary .'J2o0 anil $i7i) pianos, in five or ten years they cost much less liecause thev are still good. They are built to last A LIFETIME, and are guaranteed to do so. You can buy other pianos at or about $287, but vou don't get I.uddeu A- Bates TONE, Ludden A- Bates ACTION, Lud den & Bates LASTING QUALITY, Lud den A Bates reputation, and in all, Lud den & Bates satisfaction. Our Luddeti it Butes 1 'iu n i Club in connection with our inexpensive Mail Order department saves you nearly !?l-"i worth investiga ting liesides, we do not collect balance due on piano iu case of deatli of parent joining we give you a receipt in lull you keep the piano iu the home. For particulars send for booklet No. 42 Do it today. Ludden & Bates 5. M- H. SAl'AXXAH, V.A. Allred & Garrett Below are some of the bar gains to be had at our store: Green Coffee, 10c. per lb. Brown Sugar 5c. per lb. Talcum Powder, 5c. Lace Curtains and nice Poles, only 50c Curtain Crim, 5c. per yd. Good Tin Dipper, 3c. Enamel Ware, prices low as the lowest. Shoes and Slippers from $1.50 to $3.50. Call soon as our close prices are moving them. You should see our line of Hats, latest styles. Highest prices paid for Produce. Allred & Garrett, Climax. N. C. CLEAN STOCK. J 1 kOur groceries prt scM i a clean, 'fresh, airay. ion want the best? You can gel ,it here. I'hone vour oidera. "We are willing caterers to your pleasure at. all times, rertect ksvsteni of free delivery. Rich & Moffilt, .Phone 34. Asheboro. OLIVER "THE BEST" W. B. WEBSTER, Local Agent. ASHEBORO DEPAhTAT.iNT STORE Asheboro, - - N. C. Scoff j Emulsion strengthens enfeebled Tin Miner mntnA In, !!a. L fl-.l. I ..... j luuvoaiug uicu ticsii ana nerve force. X It provides baby with the necessary fat Q and mineral food for healthy growth. 5 mm ALL DRUCGISTSl 50c. AND $t.OO. X P SPRING SUMMER I WE ANNOUNCE A COMPLETE SHOWING OF SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS. WV ieel sissnre l tlmtrlie wonderful opportunities afforded Iiv this disiilav will be appreciated hy tlme seeking l.iii dais Dry Goods at popular prices. The origi nality of styles, the completeii"ss of assortments, the exclusiveness of fabrics, aud attractiveness of prices make our display of superior merit. This spring excels all othe.s iu its great numlier of daintv designs in Silks Dress Goods, including all kinds Lawns and Wash Goods. 'e have just come from the New ork markets and have the prettiest line of gocds it has ever been our pleasure to offer And, let us insist on onr friends and radons coming early to purchase their spring outlit, us many of our prettiest patterns cannot be duplicated. SILKS ."I; iu Ulack TulTeta -a -51.00 ;ifi iii Black TutTctu -j i :;r, 'M'm IVau-de Soi i.i .1 'J'i China in white. Mark mid colors. Silk Glove for Ladies, Mack and white, 1.00 mid 1 ."ill. Linen Lawn l'"i to $1.(111 White Linen J ", 20 an l'ersiaii Lawn, LTicN. Anything in Kilihoiis. Wasl. Goods. Lawns. IY'ivales ami Giiig'iuinv I'lown Linen. I'ln'irellas ill black, whit bilks SHOES Our fdioe line is full and complete, consisinu of White Oxfords for ladies and children. We also carry full line ladies' aud children's Shoes and Oxfords in the Hamilton Brown line. Also the Queen Quality, for Ladies We have full line King Bee, King Quality, and Society King Shoes and Oxfords for men at prices to suit all. Don't Delay Seeing Our Large and Superb Showing of Spring Clothing Men who know GOOD Clothing" and its fine points men who want to keep up to the latest style come to us for their clothing, knowinc that here they can al ways get precisely what they want at the price they wish to pay. the growing business of this store best attests the in trinsic merit of the appeal. We sell the noted Griffon Brand Clothing which is so smart in style and workman ship that it keeps tlie custom tailors awake at night wondering how to hold their custonieis. We also keep on hand fine line samples from which we can take your measure for any special suit from 13.50 to $40.00, ilr. Will Coffin has charge of same and will guarantee jierfect lit and satisfaction or money refunded. Soring Cravats 2.", fiO, T.'cts. Spring Shirts Madras and i'ercales, ,r0c, $1.00, and.?l.")0. Full line Spring Hats, Derbys, Soft Felt and all styles in Straw goods, raimiuas fur nient at !5.00 Furniture. (rttfon bran Our line of Fuiniiure is mostly shown on second floor. We carry iu stock Oak Suits from s ll' (HI t,i s.'ill.iiO and are agents for the Highs Goods. We have sidclio nils Inuu I,Mii Odd Dresser from $1.00 to IJlL'.OO. Iron Beds, Springs, Ma ties-es. I.outines, Coiudies, auy kind of Chairs, Extension Dining Tallies, Center Tabl. s, I' Suits 2"i to $15. Carpets, Rugs, Drug gets, Mattings and oil Carpets. V., houldcome and see our new spring Mat ling just opi ned and piii eit v.y ! v.- In fact we want yon to come and take a look. We me doing our ery l:et to suit all who come, in style and price and we promise you the he-i atti'iit; 'ii a .d will not charge you for looking. WOOD & MORING, ASHEBORO, N. C. Randolph Hardware Co'y now have their stock complete. They carry a large stock of BUGGIES, SURRIES, ETC., SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS AND VARNISHES, Syracuse and. Imperial Plows, and everything a farmer may need. It will be to your in terest to visit our store. RANDOLPH HARDWARE CO.. Opposite G. W. Elliott's New Store, Randleman, N. C.