III. LU T ill jf ,( j-'f n . l J VI' H URiER Asheboro, N. C. 2: X Q). 1 T (O) t H k 4 M 4 i 1 i 1 M K"l I Hi PtoctSmatton t the ret& cut ot tl) e mteD 5tate ot America attprord Mmk tt, tWtt, aad Mitid "Ak mh tfl arld (w urtcbratinf lb hirth of iht Aawruan iuu, tb an VTk... .. . ... . iiitui o in vmicn au piwi an avi approvra Marca C, iwn, n mt A W V f a (or otlMY imutimmm." And whrf Mctnon A of ibe nM r.l rrf at foltowk 1 "Artiien . 1 Fvmidtflx of t Unittd Alitm k Ixrrcbf tii M srdftwUoa at mA Tbrtlon, tMiInc lorth th wtt t coWMcmorRlcd, tovtling tixtn BtioM to fiMtlh-ipal bf Ih riiim t thnlr Mval ?t4cU n ch rprrt(iAiiun of t)M4ff tltinnr OfnliUi( mky b pttpf4 Nuw. llmffnii. I. ThddOAi KnuMiclt. VitAvtr cA the I'nitMt Mr-a. bw virtu of iIm uttk..t tiMtw ut4 w rfn kmta arf nrtwUiw thkt ihot kit r My, 16117, 4 in wttor ritet the rtmI nti wt th Awrlt ttiA ftdit)t( wri Ultf than Scvmlm t Iflt7, o tk parp.r o i.twHrnM)ttiHt a ftmnf 4 appviftnate nu vicm 4 Kfii(tli pHnt top Ad li Affltrtcatt cmitiM awtf at JatoeMowa. Vltfint. m iftm la Uy ujf And 1 th amn of thr nmemit nn4 awwptt of iba Lailrtt State, t do ibmforc lavlw M tfa aatioa of tha tartlh to tali .part ta tht ctfNbmtratia0 of lh whkh haa had a fa,r-rru K effect oa ttM tvmna of baaw Matwr, by acading ihrU wma t the aaid vaMKanaa 4 by aMiiog wch favneacMatioM ( the at XaniiaiiOM a att be nrntwi.. . 1 11 LStL&l kiiiUfy la taittaKAv tavnetrf. I bivt im art sir iim and cawacd ibt aal of tha Ualu Sialca la ba tittA, Ihmt la la cttf a( WoalitnrM thu tvaiy ntat4r 4 Mamb, tnrmand alnt ajwadr4 WHt ftf. Mid In tW bdepctdf at ibe t ailed $Um iW baHmt and - 3 w- - at?.; r 11 - Hf i i I 4 M I J Q '.in jiu.i ',r. .uoiijIitlili.'jiV.iMl 4 7 11