''-.--. :-i - :$ - . . 11 IWTK AMI: TO TKANSPORTATIO III II.DINC, J AUKSTOIY IMPOSITION. JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION. Ohio Commissioner Pronounces it a Wonderful t-'airlomplete July 1st. Norfolk. V. Executive Com missioner Belin. of the Ohio com mission to the Jamestown Exposi tion has mide ati tuterestiug report to the members of the commission regarding affairs at the Exposition, Mr. Bolin says "The newspaper reports which are being published in the north and west serin to me to be very unjust, and I know in a great many instances the long bow has been drawn pretty freely. The outside work of the Exposition building is now I believe complete in e?y detail that is required to make tie proper showing. All the buildings have beeu completed and the park about the plaza as well. "Tb grea'est delay is on the government pier and this probably gives a more incomplete effect to the exposition than anything else be cause the company's office, tool shed9 and other temporary structur es are still needed. The pier when ompieteu win re r,ne greatest teat nre of this or any other exposition, I believe and should be fully accom plished in all its details by the first of July. "On the 30th of May the War Path vas formally opened, so that this is now a feature of the exposi tion. Many of the attractions of the War Path are recognized by those who have seen them and pre tend to know to be of the very finest that have ever been shown at any Exposition. Mr. Buchanan, the right-hind man of Governor Fran cis of the Louisiana Purchase Ex position at Ut, Louis was here the other day and he pronounces this a many respects the most interest ing and well planned Exposition Hhat 48 ever been shown to the peo ple. Be says that it is now further advanced than the one at Buffalo was during the same period after the opening date. WORTHVILLE CELEBRATION. Committee. Appointed To Arrange And Execute The Program. Last week the Courier told of elaborate preparations being - made by the citizens of Worthville for the Celebration of Independence day. The following committees have been .appointed to be in charge of the ex ercises: J. L. Wrenn, chairman, R. W. Giles, E. C. Williamson, Mies Pearl Leonard, and Mrs. C. C. Hubbard The following Reception Committe will meet the speakeis at the train: J. E. Williamson, R. W. Giles, N. T. Groie, S. S. Winslow, J. 0. Ar nold, U. C. Hubbard, Col. W. I. Boone, S. W. Swaim. The following mounted Marshals will accompany the Reception Com mittee: J. L. Wrenn, Chief, J. A. Withers, Roy Hatchison, Geo. W. Pngh, J. M. Scarboro, T. C. Wood. E. 0. York and Percy Bostick. The following managers have vbeen appointed: D. M. Meredith, W. A. Jennings, Eli P. Hayes, W. I. Myrick, W. P. Craven, H. T. Barrell, E. C. Williamson. QDr. 0. C. Hubbard will be Mas ter of Ceremonies. CAPUDIIME CURES It acta toihsdlatolr ! Ton fel in effect In ID mtnata. Yo don't .DIGESTION and twawwiag ths nui, M ssata. o J. t i s .. fr r ' M 'ti TOBACCO SMOKING. The imd And Had Side of The l'e of The Weed. Sew York Heralil. The Herald's special medical article, by Prof. H. Senator, of Ber lin, tieats of a subject always of in terest to persons of all classes and ages. It is the question whether to smoke or not to smoke. Whatever may be said pro or con, it is an ua demable fact that, as Prof. Senator says, tobacco is perhaps the most universally usd luxury of all those that minister to the steady progres sive nervous strain of advancing civ ilization. According to the view, which is sensible enough, smoking can be j called a luxury hen iuJulged in; proper moderation the same as tea,1 coffee, aLd various other diffusible stimulants. Like all peurotic ex-! citors of its kind, the habitue should! discreetly moderate the dose to suit individual requirements. j The main trouble is overcultiva-l tion of the habit. "Therein lies the ! temptation and also its danger." While it is hard to convince the' moderate smoker the error of his ways, when he experiences that "pleasant feeling or even is claimed when his nerves are excited," it it : equally difficult to persuade the in cetsent user of the weed of tl e positive harm be isi ifliciug on him self. Prof. Senator is juuiciously em phatic on this latter point, and therein lies one of the chief merits of his article. j The mischief in most of such cases i is a permanent and irreparable one. j The moral is to know when to stop and think. The distinguished pro fessor endeavors to give due point to it by reference to well established scientific facts bearing on the ulti mate damage to certain organs, and the warning symptoms that accom pany such derangements. The in jurious effects are most dangerous in the case of the heart and blood vessels and in that of the digestive and nervous systems. The heart is usually the first to suffer and more or less persistent palpitation is the first indication. The loss of appetite, restlessness, in somia, feeble memory, imperfect vis ion, aud actual disease of the arter ies (arterio sclerosis) follow. All this because the deluded habitue persists in experimenting with the essential vital processes that are the very foundations cf his being, merely because his will is weak and his good sense hopelessly paralyzed. The Prof, also lays proper stress on the manner of smoking, as well as on the amou nt of tobacco used. Rapid puffing is always deleterious. Bin the best of advice is that young people should be forbidden to smoke before they have attained full growth, the reasons for- which are obvious enongh. West thaiam Notes. Siler City Grit. Mrs. Elizabeth Fox, of Siler City, spent last week with her sister, Mrs. James Jones, of near Stanley; now she has gone to visit her daughter, Mrs. Nan Richardson, on Route 2 Our commnnity was saddened by the death of Mrs. William Thomp son, near Staley, who died Sunday morning about 3 o'clock and was buried at the Friends Rocky River church Monday at 10 a. m. She leaves a husband and two daughters and one son and relatives and friends to mourn their loss. While prospecting for coal last week the promoters tapped a gash ing oil well. "'it 5 1 1 I l3 j THINK OF IT. I'.x-Senatnr Marion Butler W III Be In- j t ited to "ialisbury. j Rowan Republicans are evidently not satisfied with their treatment at the pie counter by the National Machine, and to improve their con dition they have struck a happy ! .u.,..u. ipu ....it t .:..! : ! Luuugut. itiey niu u special iuvi- tation entertain former Senator Butler at Salisbury, at an early date. Thus they declare their opposition to Stats Chairmau Adams ai d while they claim they will not ask Mr. Butler to land Mr. Adams a heavy blow on the fifth rib, they are, how ever, expecting aud hoping that he will deliver himself ot a warm re buke to the Judge. A leading Republican declares that seventy uve per cent of Rowan Republicans are tor Senator Butler, j Character Building. Character building must be done by one individual aloue. It is dull, slow, hard work, many a burden to carry. No matter how lowly the sphere in which he may be, no matter how limited the environments, character can be built at will. There are people of brains, wealth and sta'ion who are failures and there are those of limited abilities and humble position who are yet successful inasmuch as they have made the utmost of themselves and their opportunities. There is no satisfaction that compares with looking back across the years and finding that you have grown in self contiol, in charity of judgment, in a sense of justice, in generosity and unselfishness. To possess character is to be use ful and to be useful is to be entirely independent. Exchange. The report of Treasurer Brown, ! of the r. 0. Methodist opening shows the institution is caring for 113 orphans, and that $7,"00 has been added to the endowment fund since December. R, N. Page, of Biscoe attended a meeting of the T:ustees at Raleigh last wek. Tuonsands Have Kidney Trouble and New Saspect it Bow To Find Oat. Fill a bottle or common glass with your' water and let it stand twenty-four hours ; a sediment or set tling indicatesan unhealthy con dition of the kid neys ; if it stains your linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble ; too frequent desire to pass it or pain in the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. What To Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne cessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times daring the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most dis tressing cases. If you need a medicine yon should have the best. Sold by drug gists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle and a book that tells all a boat it, both sent free bv mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing hamton, N. Y. When writing mention this paper and don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y. Boa at inis lorn LEGAL NOTICES. SOTICK. H ivinit mmlirttil iiclmistratiir on the et:itc of Henry Saun.lers. doeeacit, before W. I'. H:im. iiioml, Clerk of Superior Court of Kaiililli County, J shall sell ut public auction to the h i l: hi't bidder for Cash, on the premises on the JJ ilay of .lime. IIWT the billowing personal pro iiertv'tnwit. Due mule, one iiw, 10,WNI feet of Iiiinlieiaiiil other articles too tedious to mention. All ieisons having- elaims axaiust Mild estate are iiotitieil to present them to the undersigned, iliily veritieil on or before the titli ilay of .lime r.ms or thi- notiee will Ik1 pleaded in liar of their recovery, and all persons mvinsatd estate will wine forward and make immediate settle ment. 1 :itli titvof Muv. I'.mr. LAND SAAE. K; virtue of nil order of sale sranted by the .-strierior Court of Randolph eoutitv on the ticti tio;i of Pearl Leonard et nl Kx Part.-. I shall sell m the premises at Worthvilleat 12 o'clock m. on the '.'no day of July. l'.m", the following real estate, towit: A tract of land ill Kundleiuati tn nhii. in said county. 1-t tract. Adjoining the lauds of K. S. Coble and others. Heitimiinic at it small hickory on K S Coble's line rininiiiK North onilivisiou line is chains unit 00 links to a stone in Worth MauuiacturiiiK Company's line, thence West on -aid line one chain utnl 8 links to a stone, thence smith 17 cliaius ami 73 links to dead black oak in K. . Coble's line, thence Siuth tin dciiP'es Kaston said Coble's line U the begin. niiu: coutaiiiiK 3 acres uioie or loss iiid tract. Hck'ilil'iin; at a stone, Leonard s line. running thence South U chains audtlTi links ti a hickory, thence South lis decrees East on Coble's line 4 chains and 1W links to a stone, tlunco North fi chains and .V- links to a stone, thence North :i!l deutees West 7 chains and 117 links to the beginning, containing ' 7-10 acres more or less. Tor in.-: line-third cash, the remaining two thirds on a credit ut six months, the purchaser itivimliond and approved security therefor, and the title reserved till the futher order of the court. I North Carolina, j Randolph Onuuty, -In theSu perlor Court. K. R. Heekerdite. et a. ! vs Ueo. Robbins, et al NOT1CK. The defendants Jasper Briles, Elwood Briles, susiin Arnold, Mollie Briles. Mattie Utile. John Hrilcs, Thomas Briles. Ueoree Briles. Commodore Bn.es, John Briles, Alex Bnies, David Briles. Roln'rt Briles, Sarah Briles Jacob Briles, Noah Briles, will take notice that an action en titled as above has tieeu commenced in the su lierior court Randolph county to sella certain pared of land situated in Tabernacle township mr division amoiiK the tenants in common uud to exclude all iersous who claim an interest in suid land not liiivlnir anv title to same, and the said defendants will futher take notice that they are required to atiiear at the next term of superior court of said county to be held on the 7th Monday be fore the 1st Monday of September. VMK. ut the court house of said county in Ahe lairo. N.C.. aud answer or demur to the com plaint in said action, or the plaintift will ap ply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 4th duyof June. UW. W. C. Hammond. Clerk of the superior court. LAND SALK. By viitue of an orderof sale granted by the iils'tir Court of Randolph county on the peti tion of H. A. Klndley nniinst Matilda Copple et nl, 1 -shu II sell ut the court house door in Ashehnro, N.C. tit It! o'clock M. on tl"e IMh day of July MOT. the fallowing Real Estate, to-wit; A tract of laud in Tabernacle township, in said c unity and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stone at or near the original line of V. H. Cop. pie, thence E. 18 chains and 71 links to a dog wood, thence 9. 8 chains and 62 links to an ash, thence K. t chains and 3 links to a stone, thence S. .i chains and ,18 links to a stone in the Smith line, thence W. iridiums and Ml links to a pine k not and stone planted, thence N. 8 chains to the beginning containing 12 acres more or less. .Mid tract: Beginning at a stone 'In the middle of Uwharrie and running N. 81 degrees K. 9. chainsnd 75 links to a black oak, thence N. 4 chains and 95 links to a dogwood in original line, thence E. on said line 17 chains and 25 links to a stone, thence N. 14 chains and 50 links to a white oak, ti e:ice E. 18 chains and 60 links to a stone formerly a bl ick'oak, thence 8. chains to a hickory, thence W. 37 chains and IS liuks to a pine stump, thence H. 6 chains to a pout oa k, thence W. H chains and AO liuks to a stake in the middle of the river, thence up the various courses of said creek to the beginning contain ing 100 acres more or less. 3rd tract: Beginning at a dogwood In E. E. Copple's line, thence 8 S chains and 62 links to an ashe, thence E. 2 chains and 25 links to a stone, thence N. 2 chains and 62 links to a stake aud stone heap, thence W. 2 chains ant? 25 links to the beginning containing 1-2 acre more or less. rerms!;Ono-third cash, the remaining two-thirds on a credit of six months, the purchaser giving bond and approved security therefor, and the title reserved till the further order of the court. This 15 dav of June 1007. J. A. SPENCE Commissioner. NOTICE. TIMBER SALE. By virtue of a decree of re sole made by the Sujierior Court of Randolph County, in a special proceeding therein pending, eutitled Camilla Russell ami 8. C. Russell against Lester Russell and H ted man Russell, I shall sell at the Court House In Ashfloro N.C, at public auction, to the highest bidder, on Saturday, the 20th day of July, 1U0T, at 12 o'clock m all the merchantable timber that will measure nine inches or more in diameter at the stump, one foot from the ground, except the dogwood, hickory, maple aud persimmon, and all dogwood, hickory, tnuple ahd persimmon of all sizes that is mer chantable will be sold at the time and place above mentioned, said timber being upon the following described lands in the county of Randolph nearl'lali, N. C. adjoining the iandsof M. R, Mottitt aud others and bounded as follows, vis; Beginning at a nine, Murmaduke Willam's line, thence west 81 chainB to a stake; thence south 22 chains to a hickory, thence west 8 chains aud 25 links to a poet oak, theuce south to Virgil Preaiiel's line, tlieuoe west on said line .10 chains to a stone, thence north IT 1-2 chains to a stoke, thence toH.K, Momtt s line, thence the same course 411 poles to another stake, M. R. Momtt' line, thence the same course on said line 1 1-2 chains to a black oak, thence east 27 chains and 8 links to a stake, theuce north 4 1-2 chains to a hickory, Dawson Iiewulleu's corner, thence east 1A chains to a hickory, in the divid ing line, thence south 8 chaius and 22 links to a stake, theuce east IT chnins and 22 links to a stake Williams' line, thence south to the begin ning, containing lHf acres more or less. The purchaser to have 18 months from date of confirmation in which to cut and remove said timber. ELIJAH MOKFITT Terms of sale. Cash. Commissioner. This the 17th day of June, lt(7. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to all persons hold ins Stock Law orders or Judgments asainBt Itandleman, Ratnseur, Mt. Pleasant Cedar drove and New Market Stock Law Territo ries to present them to the Board on the 1st Mondav in July, so that the Board muv ascer tain the outstanding indebtedness of said Terntonss. A. N. Bulla, Chm. This June 3, 1G07. B'd. Co. Com. NOTICE. Having qualifed as Executors on the estate of Martha Jane Woodbutn, deceased, before W C Hammond, Clerk of the Superior Court of Randolph County. All persons having clalroo against said estate are notified to present them to the undersigned, duly verified, on or before the 7th day of June 1908 or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery, and all persons owing said estate will come forward and make Immediate settlment. JNO. W BAILEY A W W WOODBURN. This 80th day of June, 190! . Executors. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Commissioners of Ran dolph connty at their meeting on the first Monday in Jnly 1907, will consider the selection of a new Bite for the county court house' and jail. J. P. Boroughs, This May 29th. 1907. Clk. to B'd. L. M. FOX. M. D. ASHEBORO. N.C. Offers his professional service to the citizens of Asheboro aud surrounding community. Offices: At Residence Dr. J. V. HUNTER, PHYSICIAN AND - SURGEON. Offlce-Ashelwro Drug Co. Residence--Cornei ot Main and Worth Streets. Asheboro, N. O. Dr. S. A. HENLEY, Physician - and - Surfeon, ASHEBORO. N C Office over Spoon & Redding's store near Standard Drug Co. DR. D. K. LOCKHART, DENTIST, Asheboro, N. C. OfHee miriH 9 a. m. to 1 p. m OVER THE BANK " Jl K 2 p. in. to p. m. I am now In my oiflee prepared to paetire denttryjn its various branches. N. P. COX, Jewe er and Photographer, Asheboro. N. C. W. R. NEAL, PHOTOGRAPHER AND JEWELER Randleman, N. C. CHAS. L. HOLTON. Attorney- evt-Lbvw ASHEBORO, . N. C. Practice in both Slate and Federal courts Special attention given to collections and the settlement of estates. Oflice: North side court house. THAD. S. FERREE, Attorney At Law ASHEBORO - - - N. C, All matters attended to with care and Dromntness. Sneoial atten tion given to collections and the settlement of estates. O K COX, President. W J ARMFIELO, V-Pn W J ABMFIKLD, Jr., Cashier. The Bank of Bandolph, -A.la.el3oro, iT. C. Capital and Surplus, $36,000.00 $150,000.00 Total Assete, over With ample assets, experience antUprotectlon we solicit the business of the banking public and feel safe in saying we are prepared and willing to extend to our customer, every facility and ae Soramodatiou couslnteut with safe banking. DIRECTORS! Bugh Parks, Sr.. W J Armfield.W P Wood, P B Morris, C C McAlister, E M Armfleld, O B Cox, W F Redding, Ben) Momtt, Thos J Redding, A W K Capel, A M Rankin, Thos H Redding, lltll As burr. C J Cox. S Bryant, President J.I.Cole, Caskie Ue Betiik qf R.&ndlem&.n, Randleman, N. C Capital $12,000. Surplus, $5,000. Accounts received on favorabl terms. Interest paid on savings de posits. Directors: W K Hartsell, A N Bulla, S G Newlin, W T Bryant, C L Lindsay, N N Newlin, S Bryant, H 0 Barker and J H Cole. J. W. JOLLY, Undertaker. I have placed in my new quar ters, in the Asheboro Grocery Company building, (thebrick build, ing near the depot) in Asheboro, a large line of coffins and caskets, and undertaker's supplies, and am now better prepared than ever to attend those desiring my services. A nice hearse is at die command of my customers. I also carry a good line of Fur niture including Chairs,- Bedroom suits, Couches, etc. at prices to suit. I solicit your patronage. J. V. Jolly. Asheboro. I jr2aa NER-5iL . Sores. Burns1 For Good Sound DOGWOOD. WE WILL PAY $15.00 PER CORD. LOADED ON THE CARS; $7.00 PER CORD IFOR MAPLE, 4 ft. Ion?, 7 inches and up; HICKORY, $10.00 per Cord. H. B. WOR.TH, Treas. Greensboro, N. C. UNIVERSITY NORTH CAROLINA. 1789-1907. Head of the State's Educational System. DEPARTMENTS: COLLEGE, GRADrAIE. MEDICINE, ENGINEERING, LAW, PHARMACY: Lilirary contains 45,000 volumes New wa ter works, electric lights, ctntral heatini; nvsteni. New dormitories, gymuasiutn. . M. C. A. ' litiilding library. V.H STI DKXTS. i IK FACULTY. The Fall term begins Sept. !l, law. Address FRANCIS P. VENABLE, PRESIDENT. CHAPEL HILL, SOUTH CAKOLINA READ THIS! If rou are a biulnesi mini nr nmnvlu a subordinate position, a laboring mail or huaband or father, who must furnish yourf bone and muiiy wim a piauu, me proposiiioD given be low adorns you the opportunity to save mooey and buy greater value than any other piano proposition ever has or ever will. NO HUMil SHOULD BK .V1THOUT A PIANO music gives more real pleasure than anything else in the world that money will buy, and our "club ofler" saves youeuough in the purchase of an instru ment t eucate your family in music, but yoa must act uickly oulroue aunred in U elubd JOIN THE CLUB in case ot death your heim are handed a RECEIPT IN CULL roR ANV AMOUNT YOU MAY OWE US. Its a fair pn. osltlon and a safeguard to keep the piano in the home. $287 TO CLUB MEMBERS FOR THS NEW SCALB f400 LUDDEN & BATB-stal and scarf free. Payallcashor $10 cash and $H per month with interest. Mention this paper ta writing for full particulars. Do it today. The best muscians in the South recommend this piano. Ludden & Bates S. H. H Savannah. Ga. 927 lb. MAMMOTH BLACK HOG I introduced this famous breed to my patrons. Sold J. L. Guyer, Wall burg, Davidson County, N. C, one and when dressed it weighed 927 pounds net. Will fatten at any age. I also htve very fine Po land China. Near 100 pigs on hand to select from. Address . JOHN A. YOUNG, Greensboro Nurseries, Greensboro, N. C.