:!' FOUND THE KEYNOTE. The Story f an Angry Fiddler and Isn-ini llridite. The old Sixth Btiwi ln'Ulrt was BUMtu-tisiou lu-iilo, ami in eoniiPi-tiOD therewith u dory useil to In- toltl. liv erybody known that soldiers in i-rossiug a f UKpcnsiou bridge must break step and bamlx are not allowed to play marches because of the cumulative force of the vibrntious. which are apt to either destroy the bridge completely r crystallize the irou cables. Now, sound Is vibration, and this explana tion, not very scientifically put here. Is the basis of the story, remembering that every object Is supposed to have a keynote, which when struck on a mu ideal Instrument evokes responsive vi brations In the said object. The story pops that ninny years age an old man carrying a fiddle :n a can once started across the bridge without paying- toll. Fie bob called b.-u-U by th tollkeepcr. protested his Inability fc pay. but was not allowed to cross Threatening vengeance, the old fiddlei Rented himself on the wharf under tl.f Allegheny end of be bridge and began to serine nn.iv mu hi fiddle for hours apparently :-y'fj nil sorts of notes, half notes an 1 .oriilenation-: of note? ami chords. Suddenly he seemed tfl find what he sought for. for his fact lighted np, nnd he begun to scrap steadily on n certain honl. A moar went through the bridge. Faster play ed the old man. nnd the wire cable!" fairly sang !n response to the wild notes of the fiddle. Turioiisly the old fiddle scraped away, and the elides be Ran to vibrate, slowly at first, the vi bratio'is growing stronger and sfrongej as the keynote sounded on the violin. Tin bridge began to tremble, then tc sway. By this time the tollkeopors saw something was up. for the pedestrians on the bridge began to run. drivers whipped up their horses and men and voiim n with blanched facs decline.) tf set foot on either end of the structure A messenger it here were no tele phone-, tl-et.i was dispatched for thf supcri-itein'.ei:!. and lie came running The old l.di'ler was pointed out. and n constable was .ordered to arn-M him but. tho-e b--;::g in suspicious person law the;, ir. i Ni-teiiec. t! dicer shook his head. The bridge was cutting up nil sorts of capers, swa;. back and forth like a swing, until at ;;!st the sn r-erintendent in desperat ion ran to the fiddler and promised never to demand toll from him. An agreement was en tered into, the tiddler pledging to keep secret to his dying day the keynote, so that no revengeful musician ever again could place the structure in jeopardy without studying out the keynote him self Pittsburg Caette. THE COOKBOOK. When soaking beans a tiny pinch ol BOda lu the water will be an Improve ment. It Is better to steam green cabbage, cauliflower and the like. A sprinklinfl of salt should be applied to the vege tables before they are put into the Steamer. To keep soup let it remain covered with a coating of fat, as this exclude the air and helps to preserve the stock. If the soup has no fat use clarified dripping for this purpose. Bread which has been cut iu slices and then allowed to become stale may be freshened by folding the slices in a napkin, putting them in the napkin Into a paper bng and placing the bag In a hot oven for a quarter of an hour. If u cake falls in the center the open lug of the oven door and the conse quent rush of cold air may account foi It, too much baking powder may hav been used or the mixing may be at fault. Never slam or bang the oven door when a cake is Inside. Snotvahora For Marahea. The large t extent of marsh land Is the world is to be found In the low lands which form part of the steppe ol Baraba, between the rivers Intlsh and Obi, In Asiatic- Russia. The region Is flat and covered with forests, salt lakes find quivering marshes, extending over an areu which Is not less than 100,000 square miles. Imring the summer dense clouds of mosquitoes float ovei the treacherous ground. Immense areas of these dreaded ur ma ns have never been visited by man. The marshes, treacherously concealed under a sway ing layer of grassy vegetation, can only be crossed by means of a kind of snow shoe In winter except at the peril ot one's life. The Droukard's Cloak. In the time of the commonwealth in England the magistrates of Newcastle upon-Tyue punished drunkards by making them carry a tub called the drunkard's clonk. This tub was worn bottom upward, there being a hole at the bottom for the head and two small er holes in the sides for the bauds to pass through, and thus ridiculously at tired the delinquent was made to walk through the streets of the town for as long a time as the magistrates thought proper to order, according to the gross ness of the offense. Sort Suap, "Yes, dear," said the potted young wife, examining her birthday gift "these diamond earrings are pretty, but the stones are awfully small." "Of course, my dear," replied the dip lomatic husband, "but if they were any larger they'd be all out of propor tion to the size of your ears." Wash ington Star. Not on the Platform, "Gents," said the trolley ear con doctor, "you mustn't stand on the back platform. Yer breakin' the rules." "Some of 'em ain't." piped up the lit tie man. "They're stanilin' on my fecit.' Catholic Standard and Times. 4 in i, i, g the W lieat Fields el Caraway. I Several years, have passed since 1 Hulked uroioid in the neighborhood et eld t'uruwdy I N hoo House, er ilt. Vimou (. liureh I liean: -i-ine time ap. liiitt eld ti.n.gs were i ly m ng away: ami that i Imrolies. j si ho. -I houses., ete., wvuiil no longer speak or nhi-per of the past. 1 con, -hided once more I to wander along tiie familiar lanes and at least view tle. cbaiiges which :iine lias been making in this cM community. So as 1 generally follow the i-eut of iiij own iucliualioii so far as I can, I conch. ded to ride eu the nam as iar as "Kraier's Sjid ing." aim tlien take a summer s day stroll along the picturesque lanes, leading out to Alt. enion ''liurcli, and old Caraway S liool House 1 hud forgotten to say that 1 had persiiaJeil my friend i a dear liitle soul ' to accompany inc. We alighted at the ".Sid ing," an-1 was greeted by the business mana ger of tins little place, who was out to get the small portion of mail matter, which how ever small is guarded closely by the argus eyes of (ncle Sam After looking uro-md for some little time, in the store which is also post ottice, asking prices of goeds which in imagination we could see made up into shirt waists, we concluded wj would walk on. t'ur destination was that la ge brick house s'.uidiiig on the left of the read, net far In :u the I iea.it ifu 1 new school Louse which i,..- i-,-ently been built The dav w,,- ,.i id ... - .e. not a cieiid or even a til -' ! -ic a tiiog -limuied the hue ot v..i..,, waike i - vvly in order to enji y n..:e !u.:; .he g:-..t jutiiorauia i f i-catity s read oit on eio.ci sele. 1 lie great Lejds ot yeii. wheal ci l, fronted u on all sides. '!'!,e click ol nipleted the grei .'.' a - '. on ..in- m u iy tut- i-ii.cile. - I. Ao teneervatives who I i. . in- :e :n ... the old church : ! ..c - U'iv I. - r.. fc r old things : a -.- ,.w..y i. ;.-..way is pas.-iug . .. i- :. :-. i- - i... .nee. We had : - ..- 'i change iu the C.r... y ..!.. i house loomed ! ;... .i :,;.e vein the Arah .1 :-. .ci. ;!! el architecture i". ,:: vi-iei:. 1 was t-.u. lv auiacd -d mu: au-l lo. i.vl. U in- of the i tet'.ii st rural s. liool g- i , old ll.iimoh'li. It stands an .' d ornuuini: to the people ol tl.c Ml. : e.gl.i He I . J: I. as at, i-. i . at ii n- to .-. a. c -eu mu. ndr i araWay go one and aK. a ra:igl.: In l.i ;1. s i--',.u: ,,i ,K . l:v:,.,-.;i::(, . ,l u- ,.a-t ,.;r eye- gl - :'-'. t'tli-'wlU'..,:!;;----., n.o I lace-, in ail tilt- lenc'l. ai.d t "l'i- ..I. :r.:.:;i l.'uiiiloiph. An ideal Ii nee -i. oi rv eii-e ! ;ne word, an i'le.d iai.i.'ly. We tLoio-ighly enjoyed t lie -Jay. As tut- Un!c- ol ivci.ing ga'lieiT'i e made em way link : Ma: ion riiii: u tin-' time . 1 beh-e I emoyed nd i g bef.i: than walking. Iicai.se 1 had li.'th ing to do i -it loii. so could look l-ettet. more a! ii iy ease. A - I p i-se-1 along the old read 1 thought f !.- lust ur a I ii ut the lirst time 1 ever -v.is along th: road. 1 have hut to turn in the iight of memory . and the scene take shape upon the canvass that t ine cannot ob iterate, though the arid winds of years have -p--i,t themselves, though thf eorrwding I'li.-hof time has swept with relentless sti.il hs. Mill ii emory can at cin stroke touch the lading laiohcape; and the Ndvenil-er day. dreary and cold, and sombre come back, but hope made llie suiiohine, and love mad- the song; and the cold November day. ;i a bright ami sunny as the merry rip pli'iL' laugiiter thai conies hack from the ga;-s ci lii:i v suni.v childhood. Trulv, "A I NT ANNIE " New Market Tcwnship News. Inly 4tli was celebrated in this sectiin by picnicking, lishing ami limiting. Mi-s Alice J'ugn, i f High i'oii.t, visit.-d relatives iu this coiomunty recently. Little Miss tieraldiie Snyder who has Iven ipiite ill is convalescing. Mrs s. G. Coltraue Las hem sj-ending some time with lier da ughter, Mrs. If. L. Snyder. ilur township Snniiay sc hool eODveution will lie held a: i 'id l aion the 4th Sunday in this month . The young people il :he neighborhood will give a public entertainment at- the home of Mr. ami Mrs. B. L. Sny,ler on next Saturday evening, duly L'Oth from ti to J" p. m. Ice cream. Umoiiade and c nfectionarieH wii! be on Side, at a very low price, ami a good time is expected. THE KNOWLEDGE THAT COUNTS It's the lessons W e I,earii in r.veryduy Hard Work thatMuUc I Successful. Mr It. J. Tteynolds, f'residen and Foun der of the largest manufacturing plant Ea.-t of the Mississippi, lielong- t that class of men w hose success ill 1. fe lifts l-een due to tin ir own energy and industry, though the circumstances of Mr. Ileynold's boyhood af i.irded him a soi.nd ' bassis upon which to build. He was endowed by nature with health and s-reng'.h. full of energy and um ' 'lions, while vet a tender age, to lead in lia'evr he undertook. His lather, a large phint-r and inamifa-'tiirer in J'atrick County, Virginia, made his yearly contracts with his ..i, ,i.-i . hi th-condition that they kept up with young ''Dick." Ei , ..- a hoy, Mr. Ilnynolds was never ru.iiei -: unless in some way employed. lb founc ; I- .isure in tasks thai others ioiiuil t tedu, - oi luird-'msome Mr iviu,lds, while in his teeus, phi, e-lii f ', ruled, manufactured and we- i.-, v. r .epiirtiiient if 'he manufacture Ii ; -i i - o esslully held ll.c position of in ; . ' a factory. In the year 1875, ha. 1 i t" man a hoy, he was manufacturing : iiaeco under the name ol 11. J. Reynolds Co., in a very small facory at Winston, N The methods and prr -esses of manufactur ing tobacco in those days wete very crude. Ot'ier men were cont-nt. with the machinery, processes and methods in use. Mr. lieynohls and the men associated with him, worked out by experiment, the reasons for the prevailing methods, and by the help of the skilled men in charge of the various departmnnls of the manufacturing plant, they invented, perfect ed and adopted improved machinery and pro cesses, until today the flat plug tobacco in dustry lias been completely revolutionized, and the U. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company is known ns the largest, best equipped and cleanest flat plug tobacco manufacturing plant, in the world. J hey now also own, for which a patent has boen applied, the great disc very of a process for the manufacture of their new brand REFINED granulated smukinir tobacco. It was discovered by emi nent scientists and their experts on tobacco. After many years of study and experiment they found out how to produce the most, de- hghtlul and harmless totacco for pipe and cigarette smokers. UPRIGHT JUDGE. ' I'uln-al Juofce in Iowa H ho .i t-s Mate Laws a Chance. Pes Moines, la., July 1 Jmlt 1 Mcl'herstin' of the Federal i-otirr, j today tleu ied the application of two i stock Holders of the wh tlentral and the Minneapolis and St. Loins fur j an order restraining the directors of the roads from putting into effect the t o cent passenger ra'e enacted I by the Iowa Legislature. I The judge based his action upon I the ground that uo injury to the I roads was shown, that the complaint that the new rate would cut down I dividends was not proven, that in creased passenger travel might in crea-e receipts, and that nochaige cf bad f.i th is made againBC the three tors. Senator Overman's Standing at Home. Vi:- t, a Ii't IT, '-1 'i'ii :i ? taper gives i iil-ib'ilv to t lie idle In Ik that Sel, atoi Ovennai.' it. to be seriously op-pos-evl :u h:s home county, as the Lexington North State does this week.-!! -iocs tt d-cetitiy tio i, it is time t" miv thar whether he does or -Iocs i ii' t.ave opposition S.cna'or Ovri;i--.L; v : 1 i itccive the et.thusias tic endorsement of the D ni.i,-r;.cy of Kowaii couuty. He c -intn i-i is the ooiitidcnce and effecti t: of the peojde among whom he l-ns itu h s life because be Dt-rits i t i-, u:id they will not hesitate to rim: clear for him if a test of their l'- ait is required. We risk nothing in thtse aser tious and volunteer them only be cause it has lieen intimati-l that 5ia'or Ovvrman's hold upon his ; own people was weakening. He is today in Kowan as over ill North I Caioiina more iuviuciijly in: r-. tie lied j in the conl'donce of his constituents that: ever hefore. iul T.'icn They Kissed. "My face is my fortune, si:1," said I the prettv summer girl. I "And mine is, too, "said th- haud I some i-ntiinier man. 'Let us jmt 1 our fortunes together." June Lippincott's. It Tastes .1 ust the Same. "You say you were in the saloon at the time of the assault referred to in the complaint:" asked the law yer. "1 was, 8;r." "Did you take cogizancc of the barkeeper at the time?" "I don't know w hat he called it, but J took what the rest did." June Liji ineott's. Liberty Items. Miss DeEtte Meague, of tlreenshoro, is in w visiting Mrs, Alice Smith. A lot of work on the Liberty Normal Col lege is now under way. A niimlier of new dormitory rooms are to be built and the col lege buildings are to be built and the college building- are to be painted. The outlook for the coming year of the Liberty Normal College is flattering indeed Mo.e applications have been made ior cata logues, boarding places, rooms, etc. than ever before. The total enrollment for last year was 210. The faculty are expec ing the enrollment to reach the 'MM mark this year. The new catalogues are well gotten up Parents who are interested in Bending their children to school and prospective stu dents sliovld send for one. Rev. JMV Frank, of the faculty uddrcs-eil the citizens of our sistei town, .lolian, on the suhjt-ct of Local Taxation on .luly 4th. Mr. A M. Fugleman has bought the prop erty lieloiigicg to Mrs Lucy W illiams. He will move to his i.ew home in North Liberty soon. Mr. mid Mrs Oscar Williams will leave Lilierty for Kansas in a few d..ys. They ex jiect to make ttiat State their future home. In Mcinoriain. On June ltith, 1907, the Death Angel visit ed the home of Mr. J. F. Hitter and took from him his loving wile, i Beulah Mav) daughter of Mr Taylor Stout, she left her home ' -' "i t roer a happy young bride. Oh' :, m -.- .1 shall miss hoi prayers and lovir - f ouee and joy Wt .' , -.- -oe hud to go when (iod called In i io live with him and the un grls, and i ere there is pi-iu e and love for-eve- .: ,i - - -i - vi-tii-r up, vet is sweet to - ...., .,,!',. j), the anus of Jesus. i i s v. ic i- I ti-heil forever. ., . ' o I'.i-i il. ill. vi ii are, inine. hut we i v..,, i,u,e dav, : here the an .. - I inc '-bee ill 'heir arum i - . v ! , In.ve th sympathy of all. A FlilKNti. l!l!( l iplions I'aiil. M. B. Ciiii.l'.-rd. J. W. Luther, E. B. Swaiiii II. V Swaini, T. A. Hale, Jacob Foust, Levi Foster, J. I'. Fraxier, H. 1' (lardner, L'aiisoiu JolinVui, l'enn Ridge, E. I . Tucker, L. C. Parrish, It T. Hearne. Noali Ilearne, W. L. Nance, Mrs. Staunton King. A. II. Julian, C. K. Pitts, 11 H Lam lietb, W. I!. Craven T. 15, Tysor, Lee A. Craufoni, Mattie L. Brown, U. L. Ingold, 1 A. Ma-ley, J. S. Cox. NOTICE. The Supervisors of Public Roada for Columbia Township will meet at Itumaeur at !l o'clock A. M , Saturday, August 3d, 1(107 Overseers will do well to put the full tiui' required by law upon their roads, especially if their roads arc not iu good condition. Be sure that jiart of your hands are, not bebii d in time. Another overseer will not want to settle your unfinished business. Y. M. C. Johnson, Chm. July 15, 1907. LEGAL NOTICES. KK-sALK OK LANK ; Fy vinue n u rieerei- ot sale ini1e t.v the si,. s nor c curt ot Kiuidolpl, Counlv. n, u special i-nicvedini: therein iemlin-. entitled K. H. ! Wricht aitaiii-tc. o. Iiij-old. ,1. c. IniroM nnd 0- li.-i-s. 1 -hall sell at the Couri Hou-e tn Ashe ; l-oro. N. ( ..at publie auction to the highest Iti-t-I iler on Monday, the apth dav of .Tulv. VMS. nt IS ; o'clock M ., the lollow iiiK ileseritii d' tract of laml. i lyinc and 1-eiiiK in the Couiitv of Riiiu1ol.l,. in ! 'Irani ton nshir. X. ('., adjoining the lands of Kiley WriKht. the liiipn-t- lands, the Baldwin , hiuiis nnd others, and Imundtil us follows, viz . K-Kiniiina ut a slone. Kiley Wri-rht s and Pur- j-ree corner and runs west 14 nsls to a stone. Wriitht's corner Iu Dawson Craven s line, tli-m-e j south with Craven s line chuiiis to a black ! oak bush. I. Craven corner. contiiiuiiiK fouth i on Hurrow-s liwe Id i.-.huinii and So links to a sUike j in I'. Craven' line, thence eut h cliains and T5 links toa stake. Cox's line, thenee north at eh. 1- nd 10 links to a mist nak, continuing north in j all -11 olmiiis nun 10 links to a persimmon, thence : (M Id chains U a stake in the edne of the Knmk- iii, v, ne man. tne, ice north ulimg said oiiil 10 chains to a post oak, liupree's corner in the Baldwin line, thenee west M chain- on Imputes line to a stone, Hupree's corner, ihe ln-Eiiinuig containiiiK an ucres more or less I ess a tract of about W acres sold to C. ). Iiutold. for description of which see Book llii pafre Hsl. Terms ot sale 1.8 i-nsli. l-s in 11 months, 1-8 in months. This th day of June. ldOT. I. A. "I'tNCK. eoinmi-wone'. KK-SA1.K OK LANI-. I'y vlit.u-of an erder of re s ,le irranted bv the Superior Court f Haml.ili-h eountv on the peti tion of Julian Harner ami Worth Uarner iiml others, minors l.y their nuarrii.ins. Kinerv li. Lassiter. l' I'.nte I -h, II sell nt the court I lioue door in A-le urn. X. c. at li o'clock M. i7, i Monday the Mud . y of .tulv HK7. the follnwinL I real eMail- viz: l.incaud iK-int! in Coi.ci nl tow nsliip, iu sai l enmity and on the bank ot I fwluirrie river- t a red oak on a shoal, thence j neit.-i M lieitree easts lmlestun eoniinoii black ! oak. near an -'id road tluouuh the held, tlii-nc. I :Mi ' curi-es in. nh Jii H.jes to a black oak. e-i m-r. then-'i-e ,-t .v.-deirri'cs north PI nc- in n : white oak thence eu-1 -.'4 decree-, nnitl- si- poU- tu Noah Kush s line, thenee west . de i ur-'i-s. "nor, I, on said line sn pules to a re. 1.. .nunc:, thence smith to . Veal, Hush's coin, o i l:. 4 ih.I.-s. ihenee we-t on -aid Hus'i'- lim it" me t'Kiiarrie river, then.- d..wn said ri. r Ik-j.ii. iiiii4, coniiii'.i- cre- or le 'l-rir.-o; -ale-, -is nth-, deferred p.tvin, nt tn h- inti r. -' fr.ne. I'mte Title n -rve.i until .iiu,eci ,C ,' of -.l.i-1 i.rch.ee ntoiie.'-. the purcha-er t., !-u. :t.e nptinii to pav il ea-l, and lake di-.-.l. " '.is 'une a-.-, tuiir. Mon ::..-ad u-:il sa,.... Vt-ninev-. I . ' '.As-I'l I- It. -nll!illi-!ni.T. LAND S Al -. I'y viii -i-i'l an nrdirof -al.- itnnitcl i,v the suH-!i-' ' oi.ri -.1 b inilolpl-c.-iinn on tlie i-.-i i t'tniof M. A. K.n-IUv in.-.. -.-! M.'t:i,.a i , p; ' et al. 1 -11 , ': s. !i ill tie eel. it ll..i-e tin. I II, Asht-iK,:... N.c. at l-.'o el.'Ck M m, i' e l.'.ili ihiv of July :!-"T tl.ed -"'owini- I.. al l.-iaic tcwii' A tr.i ' . i .and in TiiImmiu. .,- l..u ,i-n:.. in i coin,:;.- and I... i, n.le.l a- f.ilintt-. It. irit a: asioi.e i.t i.i ne.ir the or cititil : n. nt p. p. c.-. pte, t':-l.- e K :-'. i -.in-and ;i link- in a .li.u ivonc : : ii, s a ci'inn-ami ii.1 i:nu-tn ,.:i a-u. t.iier: ! a elmins a.i.l a.". Hi,;.- ton.- 'l,el,e.- s. .1 . !,;,:-.- n',,1 -'Is links to a -tune m, i.,e S"..th hue. II. -i .-e W. i:,cl..iin- am! Mi- ouks to a pine knot n-ni -tci.e t'liiuled. tli.-n.-e . t- chains tn the bi-uiuuinL' out liirni: I a :e-r-s ninn - nr 1- and iraet: K-ni nni.); al a-'nne in tin- mi-l..le of l' .vli, one ali. I runtiiut: N M ui:r-es K !, chain-a".' T" hnlis to a hiaek ,,ak, thence N. 1 chains and IT-imks tn i, . Im-mhI iu nri-innl line, tiience K. on -aid line i: cli,.in- iiim! -,."i link to a stone, thence X 14 eha i,- and fi link- tn a w iii'.i-oak. ti'i-uee 1-:. IS eiciins am! lie buks to a stii-ie ininici I v a hi u-k oak. tiience S. '-Hi chain to a hickory, thciice W. . 'IT chains and 1.1 link to a pii e stump, thence ti -hieus tna i-o-t nuk. tlien-c il ehai ii- and ."O link- in a -take In the inid.lie nf the ii-r. tin-lice up the various eour-e-nl -aid ere k to the l--niiii,iii(.- coniaiu iiur UK! acres more or less. Ml I lr ,, t. U,.i.i,,,ii,,i. ,.t n .In,-,.,.! V c Corple'-liln. tllei.e-S ad.ailis and li-.' IlliK- to an u-lic. thenee K a chains and afi link- to a I -tone, thence X. a chains and t'.a link- to a -take and -tci.e heap, thence V. a chains an.' -.."i links to the he(:iuuiii(: eontainiu -a acre nion- or Te-n.s- In -.e-third .-a-h. tin- reinainini; two-thirds on a - le.'it of six mouths, the pur-ha-cr s-'ivinj; l-oinl ami improve I security therefor, and tin title re-ei veil till the furl her order ol tlie court. Till- :.' dav of .lone V.4I7. I. A. .-PKM'K rnminis!oiier. Ni'TH K. TIMIIKK f AMi, p" v. ::;ie el a decree of re -ale made by the Super. or t ourt of Kandolph County, in a s'K-eial proceci'.ii i; tliereiu h ndiuii, ei 'titlcd Camilla Kussellaud s l'. kiisseil anainst l.e-ter flu-sell and Steduiai, Hu-si-ll. 1 shall II al the Court Hi.u-i in Al!i-l.ro N . ('.. at public miction, to the hit ht bidder, on Saturday, the anth d.iv of July. 1!'(T. at ia Vclock li,.. ail the iii-rchan-able tiiufK-r that v. ill nie-a-iire nine in-he-i nr ninri' in diuiiieier at the stump, nne lot from tne linii.nil. except the dogwood, hi.kniy. in. pie and K-r-iuiiiion, mid all douiMHl. 'hickory ina 'e au-l ; i r-iniinoi, of all sizes that is m V eiiautalile w-11 U- nld ,.t. the time and plaet atio-. c iiiei.ti..iii'.l. said tiniliet Ik inn ti.ou tie loll'-winir d'scr-ln-d hind- in the county nf Haii'loiph near I'lah. N. (' adj nliiiiu fie In nil-of M l; Mi'tti-t a-ul oth."s and luiundi d u.- follow vi.: Il- giiimiiir at a pine. .Maiii-.aduke Wiliain -line -.hen-e west al eliam- In a slake; thence soul -. ;-a chain- to a hickory, thenee w.-st H cna n- lino a' links to a imst link, thence sou'h to V r.T 1 :e-ii- :'s line, tfieiiee ue-teii -aid but luc inn-tea st. ne. tl-enei- north 17 1.;! eliain toa -take, tin lie-10 M. K. Moftilt - line, thence the -nine cour-e4!i pole-to another stake. M. K Mottit-'- line, t.henee the Mime course on said line -a 1-a chain- to a bl.ick oak, ti-enee easl a? chaii's mill 8 links to u stuke. Ihenee north 4 1-2 chain-ton hickory, lmwsoii Lewullen's eorner. 'nei '-ecn-t ir t-hmiis to a hickory, the divid-inL- iiiu- thenee south 8 chains and aj links to as-iiie. t'leiii-c e it 17 chauis and -ii links ton tul- Williams' line, thence guithto the begin nim . cnii'iiiiiiui; 18.r acres more or less. T i-iirehiiser tn have 18 months inmi dale of con-nil linn in wl-ich to cut and remove said timl.tr Kl 1.1 A U MUt-KlTT. Teiin-o s i", Cu-h. Con-.misKioner. I'll, ti- North Ciiro'ina. ltutidolph C'-cc'v. lol -j. T. Hri'lien In the Su(iertnr O-nrt. NUTICK. W I', stun. ! .;!. "i--l "-'li t-l- ' (- a- ub-ve. i Ihh'U -r Cniirt of Kand.ili.l.i lim it in II, i ( o. nlv ti. .i-ll a cer'iio ..ire-l . f land -iiuaie.1 iu -l-.-i .rn T -w- -.loo. I! in.i.-li.i, c.iintv. Vnrth Cm -lii a, kiiovui as Ihe ln.u Stiih place, lor p.ii titimi Ihe -aid dt-reii '.! wi' 'iit'le t 'ike ii.tie- tlll.t I , j. n-iui-t'd o. -.Wr In-fore Ihe Clerk of Super i 'i i - - let nf -ii -.1 I 't nut v on nr iH-f. re the a-.llli dny nf Julv l!K7 . at hi- ml-c- iu the Court Hi ll-e in A-heloro. North Ciifil'tiil. "' d -ii-iht or dein'-r. to the complaint iu suid net i n. or tin- i liiint-IV .lill apply to the Court f.u the iclief dClli.ti.l. rl l'i... 1 BLACKSMITH SHOP. 1 de-ire to thank the i iti-ens i f Asheboro for tn. il patronage since 1 opened my shop In r- and assure tliem that all work sei t me in bi.ici.-niiilii, g nnd horse slim inc. ii 1h -a.-'uMv h.-U-d af er ItlCV. II. II A VII, Aslielll.ro. . t . YOUR LIVER is your best friend or your worst enemy. Active it's your friend. iTorpid it's your enemy, and its army is Constipation, Biliousness, Sicfi Headache, etc. AND TONIO f make active, strong and healthy! livers, preventing and relieving liver troubles. Complete Treatment 23c, TRINITY COLLEGE. Four Departments: Collegiate, Graduate, Engineering: & Law. Large library facilities. Well equipped laboratories in a'l depart ments of science. Gymnasium fur nished with best apparatus. Ex penses very moderate. Aid for worthy students. Young men wishing to study law should investigate the su perior advantages offered by the Department of Law in Trinity College. For catalogue and further infor mation, address D. W. NEWSOM, Registrar. Durham, North Carolina. Trinity Park School A Kir-t ( 'la-s I 'ret -ara ton- School, ferlilictes el l.i raduation Accepted for entia-ce to leadinc Southern College-. lie s t Equipped Preparatory Schftots in the South. Facul ty af Ten Officers and Teach ers. Canpus of 75 Acres. l.ibr.i.v V. lime-' '.' siuln. li .J .Veil:.,.'- : ' .'i.i; .".II Thousand l'.' c j-' il livnina-ila.d- and Vodern Treqi.Kt lectures by Printli ne i t Ltcturers il.penses Exceedingly Moderate. Sccu i ar.- f.vher:ttsenal Sucees:.. ot ',.',.' c-e ,, ,d i.;.,- ,IU. tioii, a.;d:-.-s . A. XORTif. Headmaster. Dur:.i:m. .V. ('. SIMMER BARG4INS t n -,. p... ! that it en at" j.i.i! -nine of th li -I. i.: le-liu i d prices i 1 tii-ves and iancy 4-et.-:8 u very ill-sir-'. Kea .ty corsets, all I more complete line l-.bl.-s i - te .! .nnimini;- i We i,.,, haven eellut- al il able 1,-t nt t !' can be -uitml. of the i iic.ii.I-. list MRS. E. T. EL AIR, Asbelc.'c. N. C. Any Young Man Or woman, nr Husband r Father, earn ing a fair -alarv i on bee. nne a (.'bib niein lier and seeure"oi.r NEW SI 'A I.K $1(10 l.l'I'I'KN A I'.ATI-.s I'lANti at Club price to nieinu-rs id 'JX', i n very easy term- of pi-viiiet-t a little at a time LI HDKN .V UATESCI.ru PIANOS cost club memliers $ L'h7. ins'ead of -f -100 which is th" regular jirii-e. jnsl a little more than ordinary Ji."0 and $75 p'anos. in live or ten u-ars tiny coat iiiu-'h less -because t.hev are still good. They are built .,, last A LIFETIME, and are guaianti i d to d" so. Yon can 'my o'lier ).ii.ii"s ai or aboe t JiMT. but yo i d n'l pet l.iiiiilen ,V Uates TON E, l.ud.lni .V Uates ACTION, Lnd ;len A- Hat.- LiS'llN't; i.rAl.lTY, I.ud den A Uates 11 pu-aticn. and iu all, l.ud den iV Uates saii-lac'ion. Our 1 udden .V Uate I'iauo t lull n; ci.-iiiection with our inexpensive Mail Order department Mavt-8 vo.i lienrly $1". worth investiga ting - 1-ides, we do not collect balance due on piano iu cane of ileal li of parent joining -we give you a receipt in full you keen the piano in the home. For puitiriilnrs stud for lux-Met No. 2 Do it today. Ludden & bates 5. M- H. Saw Kill Machinery LIDDELL CO., Charlotte, N. C. Cotton Gin Machinery Engines and Boilers Shops BacK of Above For Good Sound DOGWOOD. WE WILL PAY $15.00 PER CORD. LOADED ON THE CARS; $7.00 PER CORD jFOR MAPLE, 4 ft. long-, 7 inches and up HICKORY, $10.00 per Cord. H. B. WOR.TH, Treas. Greensboro, N. C. UNIVERSITY F NORTH CAROLINA. 1789-1907. Head of the State's Educational System. DEPARTMENTS: COI.I.KiiK, (ll:.i'. ! I'.. MKDIOINK, EX;iXi:i;i;iN-(;, I.,V, I'llAKMAOY.' I.il.raiy i-onlnins J.",M K) v, li.mes New wa ter works, el,-, -trie lio,t.. i .,,) hP,jll(, system. New doruiit. ries p-niiiaHium. 1- -Vi- C, A. Imi-u;, K lil.rarv. '1'lie l-'all term ln-jiH Sept. II, Hill,;. AddriHs FRANCIS P. V EN ABLE, 1'KESIHEN.T. CHAI'El. HILL, OKTII CAKOldNA. READ THIS! If you are a business man or oeeHpying n subordinate position, a lalriii; man or hiwliand or father, who must furnish younj home nnd family with ti ).i!ino, the frorosUioij rItou bo low all, .rils you the oMiortunity to save money anil liny Kreater value than any other jiiano imunsition ever lias or ever will. NO llOMK SHiiILD BK WITHull a 1 1 AND music give more real l'lvasiire than aoytliini; else in the world that money will huy, anil unr "t-lubofli'r" saves youeiioiiKh in the imrehase of an iuMru-ini-nt 1 1 e iii ate your family iu music, but yon must ai t uickly. -oulv one huiirml in tb clulxJ JOIN THK fl.l'H in ease ot iteath your hoim arehanrteita RECK I FT IN FULL FOR ANY AMOUNT YOU MAY OWE US. It a lair prop, osttion mul a sufeinianl to keep the piano in the home. TO CLUB MKMBERa FOR THE NEW SCALE tWO LUHDEN & BATBU-stool and scarf free. Pityall cash or $10 e-ash and t per month with interest. Mention thin paper in writing for full iiartieulars. Ilo it Uxlay. The best muscians iu the South recommend Hum piano. Ludden & Bates S. H. H Savannah, Ga. 927 lb. MAMMOTH BLACK HOG I introduced this famous breed to my patrons. Sold J. L. Guyer, Wall burg, Davidson County, N. C, one and when dressed it weighed 927 pounds net. Will fatten at any age. I also htve very fine Po land China. Near 100 pigs on hand to select from. Address JOHN A. YOUNG, Greensboro Nurseries, Greensboro, N. C. Vi; " n ...

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