IT? . Vi P M 1 1 i. MOST TRAGIC DEATH NEAR CHARLOTTE. Mr. Helms I'alN I'loni Drill and (iotliex Catch in Teeth. Charlotte, July 11. One of the moat tragic deaths which has occur red in this couutv for years wtis that to-dav of Mr. T. K. Helms, of ;j omiron townsiup. unsi evening I while driving a wheat drill to the t place of Mr. Crosbit, the mule to the machine became frightened and ?$ ran away. Helms fell uner the f wheels and as the teeth of the drill it- padsed over him. his clothes were caught and he was dragged over a mile, while the auimal was ruuuing at break neck speed, lie was uu couhcious but regained his senses long enough this morning to speak ;. to euch member cf his family. He survived only a short time after ithis. MEDLEY OF RELATIONS. : A Whii In Chatham County Married the Wlilow of Ills Sun. (Chatham Record.) i Did you ever hear of a man mar rying the widow of his son? There 5s a man in this county who married T his deceased son's widow, and is the ? -i . i c t - jl:i.i ISucb. a marriage brings about a 'uieJley of mixed kinship. For in stance, the children of such a mar sjnage are the uncles and autjts of f their half brothers and sisters. Ir. Caviness Stabbed by Drunken Negro. ? Dr. Zeb Caveness, a promin nt -bhyBician of Wakefield, Wake co jnfy yaa seriously cut Thursday mom Jni? .Tnlv 11 hv a drunken imiuter. !0D ... ' . . . ;lJr. Uavenes was apprtacbeu by tne 'fellow, who asked in his drunken V-rai'.e, it tne doctor was the painter s friend. The reply was that the octor supposed he was. Then the Mellow drew a kuife with an oath and declaration that the doctor was uot IPs menu, ana inuicteu a long pound across Dr. Caveness' abdo- .fceii. "i -Dr. Caveness is a native of Kan ftolph county, a son of Mr. Isaac iOiweuess and is a tine physician, en yirg a large and lucrative practice. St . H i"J reserve your gox timber. Cut p w 2 your trees that show signs of ky; but be careful not to let them l ui ,od tne young trees. oucn was h le aflvice given by a well-known Hjjcarinmberniaii. The old tree can fel BnWed up and marketed, and the f Ann will mature in due time when Vae timber becomes more valuable. le atteutiou giveu tne snruos and ung irees now will determine the Ipply of the future, borne farmers 10 are cutting uowu ceuar trees ana wilding ordinary fences therefrom Jl find a lew years Hence that the lar Wees thus destroyed would ifijve become more valuable than the aid itself. Choice timber is giow ng scarce, and walnut, oak, cedar ,nd other timbers used for veneering re made to bring from $20 to $50 r thousand feet. Let. us look to ie growing forests. --Stanly Enter- V On The M ar Path. f.' ee admission to the following actions at the Jamestown Ex po rta will be furnished to all mem t of The Courier Contest parties: flattie of Merrimac and Monitor. IJattle of Gettysburg. Battle of Manassas. Ierrari's Wild Auimal Show, ".jiaby Incubators. WlJld'Jamestowu. JHell Gate. fHales Tours. Congress of Beauties, cfcbadow of tlv Cross. p-skimo Village, fl'haraoh's Daughter. Colonial Virginia. Florida Ostrich rami. IXa Oide Theatre. 'hilliphine Kesei vation. 'anl Uevere's Hide, 'rinccss Trixie. 'e exitect within the next f-w k to make arrangements to lake' parly into all the attractions of; War Path. Carefully clip tin-: 3fc as they are published and pr' r.Vf tiiein so vou will n;t nnsi .- at'.v of tliem. (Hiiliiaiw linnci F.i-si-ll, llio liltli- ilan-lilfi- of M:. LMis W. 1!. t'ux. ilinl V,,,.s,!av, L'filh anil was Ii'IhIitIv laid In irst in i,c chmvh i-i-iiifterv Tlimxl v, l'ev. ('. lioil conducting the funoial service, Sin' lliirteen months mid L'O dava old. flother little nnpel is in heaven, l.iille I caiinot eoino to us Imt we we can no blessed thouglit, only separated lor a r jile then vou onn meet her on the rnauks of Sweet Deliverance. Utile pl'9 8one! 'ier b'de face and loving Bfr will see n more. Her spirit has W back to t lie blessed Savior who pave : lier tender childlike words ciulitiL'. ;lb'J)par, no mortf on earth is heard. No t.wi she call Papa in accents kind and 'ihe has gone to a better clime wheie f ahd suffering never I comes, there to itb Jesus. Then call her, call her not An At'NT. Littleton Female College Sfll.-I.i..i I Irati" oilier modem ii!iiro H'lii)lnrslu), i-ni: i ! iv ll'iiili rirt. courts, iiml s n H-uttli in! .1 -vV CUi-tp v. L'liili Annua '"ii wiii lie-in on S'pt. IStli, 1 0' 7 . For i-uiu'omie, uA Itwt REV. J. M. RHODES. President. Littleton. S. C. fasammsmssm ARRANGEMENT of Courier Contest Prizes. Contest Closes July 31, 1907. J Charles Krider, a voting man liv- To Hv..iJ mi-.v ..-wiiHHrsn.ndH..; fiwt ix pti. s mentioned above. The I m? Ht L1exinftto!1 mysteriously dis , ... . I . ,. I appeared some itiue ago and foul about thf iirmi'iiHHiHrit f the pi-i...u iIimtt's .-hv shown in the big advet- puv j8 suspected to be awarded ;ic the close of the con-i tisi'io-i t on the thi d v-dat of this c i- . . . 1 . .. n:.i.:: . becr?t..ry I. Iv. Brewer, of the iw, auuh ih i.-wt, c ruuiuuir. the list below. The iipiinl pi ' ball piano, 'o tli who secures the vo'es duriiij the m a .j4 Kim- p-rS'Ui anywhere iurzext u umber of ront-s". ''he 'itxt is a fl.O i,iMir certifi cate, wiirrb its fa-- v.Ineui pait pav- ment of a n-w pi,t:M of ;iie Kimball i make. The third and scholarships i- fmrrh pr'.es are ! Ki ia's r-iisitieiis ; Th rir'tli mid l'l' ; in the, sr:ife, oil en to the i I'.-i1-' rile inxt College ' U ile'i'' . sixth piizej ir-H s 'i best schools in the s two persons ''o highest votes. These are the d ie.. Then i 'i Kxpi'iMon ::i"otv i.e.! to . come the .) t::- i trips. ! To ei:ili.e t"'e ; give every seerion n j ptest'iitc''. in t h- p-i ranged tin' tn;-f p ' districts. the irr):, i 'l.iiice to tt' v we have nr f e following : -i; the l;irg ! i i-r. will be ' Vil-il, liowevef m: o:i. of ti..- ' est Vote in e:u.'h ' awarded the t:-i:. that they haw n : Our townsma:: V brought to this otTii dozer, onic-ns w'rich r:; at VI pounds, niaki:-.! M. Coble. Momhiv. 1 i the scales average of Olie pOUIHl e.n-u. i ;iee (In Mils were grown in M:-. Cobie's garden in KantUeman. aim neither barn yard manure, oi uotii'iietvial ferttl izers were used in their cu'tivntion, who can beat this. North Carolinian. Mrs. J. A. K-Iiy iiil at ii- r home in Troy on Monday night July Sch. It was a good example that our uiai our ' men set before our- tmvs o HI the 4th. The boys were shown that Ibeie ' . , can be real pleasure and J without whiskey drinking and row dyiBm. Boys, remeni!)er July 4th 1907. WATCH NEXT mm those 4 CO 1 Stales boon offered ft J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Wlnston-Saltm; Hut water Ii-m El.- u-'iiw '.'I'l limnling pupils last veur. Mi'i taridai,l "1 i! sorial lit'-. C i iMHi-v-;iiorv ii'Ivu'itajr -s in tnusi,.. .VI- .i. l l ii n. Bum.i-h'h. C.i!h. ;i!p ami X.irm..; n it urp-i-s ' I. I 'I. wm ii'riiul attention i.i tli-- li-ai'ti '. ur'i pupil. I ii i I". worn hi all pililir Oiv.isi l'l e e.enteenth to the twentieth t.liinvv will each be awarded a piano certiHea valued at $100. ThM twenn-Hist. ami - second each a New II 'tn Champion .-win , hine. Th t enty-third ami tw-n'v-fourth highest will be awarded lad- fourth highest will be awarde.l lad - ies' hunting case :old watch-s, warranted fr 20 vturs. an J vahitd at $2o.OO. j To the tiet four piano ci-rt fic ateji valued at j?5 each. Tln-n there titv forr.v-tiv cei'iti-; uctes va'tted ut tirn dnPars e ,(h fir. thi"e i.el.i'.v the t'.veir eiii'im. IVrS'ns wio win the i ce: tiii- o-iteij 0f 0,e iiiiiiilr.; J :ii;d tifrv dol lais. or th- fun'- one hu'idre 1 dollar "enitieire. in- ti,e scholarships who liesife to do !o may exchuiu; tinrti) fm either a sewing machine or a In'li irold watch. We have arranged to seen i some sevin machines and watches for this special purpose, so that ewiy one in .v be satisfied. One of our oiliest cttiz-'iis remark ed. the day after tin- -t'h '! von stipm-e e could have had a-iv such itooi! order here if flie "W-ttts Law" had nor, lieeii i foree?" We :i'-e bon i-il t.o,iiiwer, no. W'lii'e it uiav not b perfei-r, the "V a r.-ar. benefit to our ts Law" is ouuuunitv . Central North Carolinian. Sp -cial attorney, MoKeynolds, has ti ed a petition in the United States Court in New York, with the ulti mate object of asking for a receiver e , . .:., '..i1..,,1. ,.,.,. ii l . ;' t S L-iipii-y at... ur.ruir business methods. elusive. I lie jri-und jii v, ot W'tiKe CtU'ltV, The onthem Hallway will allonl excel h.lS fofllled a true bill against l'r. 'p"t I'l'engcr service to and from Norfolk and Mrs. Rowland for murder. on UW01"" "f tl", 'c"sil,- THIS SPACE WEEK'S PAPER; IT WILL TELL YOU REAL REASON cheers chewers other sort of chewing tobacco. It i II also show you ' why there are chewers, and more tobacco chewed, to the population in States where "Schnapps" Tobac- as first sold, than there are in the where "Schnapps" has . not v yet to the trade. My Hair is Extra Long Feed your hair; nourish it; give it something to live on. Then it will stop falling, and will grow long and heavy. Ayer's Hair Vigor is the only genuine hair-food you can buy. It gives new life to the hair-bulbs. You save what hair you have, and get more, too. And it keeps the scalp clean and healthy. The best hind of a testimonial ' Sold tor over sixty years." A Mada t7 J. C. Aj Co., Lowell. Maa. Alw munufaoturora of 9 SAKSAPARILU. iters CHEriRV PECTORAL. gtate Depurtment of hnmicrmMO.. I will go to Europe and give a series I of illustrated lectures with theohjct j inducing immigration to this "ate' Hf wl 11 "1'1'O'nt agents at many places, I , , I -?b?ut ? P'lre either killed ocuuuoiy nijuieu oy me conapse of Bridffeman Brother's bisr nine fan. ! t )ry at Philadelphia Wednesday of last week. Mica Axle Grease Helps the Wagon up the Hill The load seems lighter Wagon and team wear longer Vou make more money, anj have more time to make money, when wheels are greased with Mica Axle Grease The longest wearing and most satisfactory lubricant in the -.vorld. STANDARD Oil. CO. SPECIAL RATES. nni4-4 i Xurfiilh, ') , it n In I Kxixislll.iu. April :r,i)i ..,. :ioiii l'.M7. 1 lie r.ii'lieivi ;,',l!v :i:il enure extreme ly i, .-,v nit" 1 1 N, ii'i ,1k. Va . ami return mi a.'-'untel'iheii!,. nceai,n. The follmv iiiu rout:.! trip ra'e will apply Im-n Alie- 1 10 I'll. Tie l:' 10ii."i All tilt .sii .- ixty Pay Tii-'-eis Fifteen Pav '1'ieketn Coach F.Xi iirsion Tickets. . . . n n"h Kxt'iiri"ii Tickets will lie soM on each Tuesi In. v, wi ill limit seven davs frnui facli luesiliiv, ilate of sale, will lie stumped "Nnt I! Plllmi or Parlor ears ti.-M- will lie sold daily April liith to x..v. ;'t!i in- IN THE WHY more than; any pounds of N. C IE?o P. P, 0 (Prickly Ask, Pok MAK83 PQ8ITIT1 CURES PhnMaai mdom T. P. ft u ipko. ra vfll n(la and Mnoftk. M MbloaMoa, ul praoclW a witk WuU f Mirrr ud all in raoltu irwt HtMaoUaa tor Ua mum a! 4ll litm (rartuiBi tha ijitau ara aond bf far mi and fkaaa ot Primary Saaaaduj bV aaa of p. p. p. and T.rtlarr SypWlia, ajphUitta EKas- Ladlai wkoaa iratama ara polionad and utfcm, Sarofolou Clean and gorai, whoM Mood If laaBlmparaeoaditloa da Slaadalar Swalllnga, Rhaamattim, KtO aaaaaa. to aMartnal ImrvUritlM ara paeullarlr aar ComplainU, Old Chronla Uleara thai WllB iaaafllad kj tha wondarfoi toaia aod SYPHILIS g SCROFULA have raatatad all traatment, Catarrh, 8Ua BBaaaaaaj Dtaaaaaa, Ecnma, Chroala Fa mala blH4 aita- propartiaa at P. P. P4 Camplainti, Harourial Polaoa, TatUr, VV Prloklr Aah; Poka Hoot asd Paiaaaraaa. BoaUhaad. ato., at. f Uli Dgw,. P. P. P. la a powerful tonla aad aa aaaaay aisallant appitiiar, bonding ap tki jggy F. V. LlPPMAN, PrOlriatoA tritana rapi.liy. If you ara waak and aaSaaaaaj Saiwainrtalh Gdl faalila. .nil ral bdly 'ry P. P. P., and ' RHEUM ATI S'lVI Soli;by Asheboro Drug Co., next deer to the Bank of Randolph. AFETYS Why subject your money to the dangers of fire or burglary, when you might easily deposit with the bank. Give us your checking account and if you have money that is idle, we will pay you 4 per cent, interest on it. We offer you every inducement consistent with safe and legitimate banking. BANK of RAMSEUR, --RAMSEUR. N. C. i W. H. Watkixs. Pres't. H. B. Carter, Vice-Pres't, RBVlli'-II JjJiiy.'illltiJlU. JM LaMtltJlJMajiiiiiaprirraayi NY PERSONS Kep their money in this Bank that they nuy have it within easy reach when needed; some keep it here awaiting opportunities for investment; others to avoid the risk and an noyance of loaning and as an investment. 4 PER CENT. INTEREST ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS. COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY. BANK OF SOUTH GRFFNSRflRO grelnsboro. n.c. Branch of American Exchange Bank. CAPITAL $300,000. E. P. Wharton, Pres. E. L. Sides. Cash. rHiim mini iiiiiii.iiiiiiihiiiiihiiii urn imii imm iihuii'i milium i iiiumWwl.u,uTI Capital Stcck S30.000 KAI.IEKUI, N. C. fCHARl.OlfK. N. C I'ullcii l'.mlJiiiy,-. j ( 1'icUmont. Ins. h.J. KING'S t The Traveling IVIan f.rTS CLOTHES THAT FIT WELL J. E. CARTLAND & CO. p The nrterchant Tailors and Shirt Makers I Lumber 113 South Elm St-, Greensboro, North Carolina SHIBTS Tn fit M Anr Tn nunro V SAW MILLS, MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES ; Kroin tin-smulli'Ht l-'aninM-s' I,ii Mill to tlit l.aiKPst Mailt, l'roin . l.'d up. Coin- p'l-to outlits. KviM-ytliing for tlip Saw Mill or wixxlnnrking jilant, Sliiiili' and Lath , Mills, Corn nni 1-Vei' Mil!, Saws. S.nv, Swaps, Mamlrols, Saw Uuides,. eltiiia. I'uH -vs. Sh ifhn. llaiigfi-i. rf-i. Etc 1 Cimih ii ton to ricasf you. Write today. Be uv to Hiate fuliy just wliat is waitt.-.l IvimIii.-s ami oilrrn, all sien and 'styles. I'roiiipt sliipijient. ",,,,,rSEir",,,,aK V. Ii. DeLoach, Norfolk, Va. Root tad Potiaslnm.) OF ALL FORMS AND STAGES OF R. I. Smith, Cashier, I. F. Craven, Ass't. BVSIMESS COLLF.GE, Ralei:;i. N. C. or Chariotl Who is Measured By V. EAR WELL. AND LOOK V. ELL J '