The Asheboro Courier Anlieboro. N. 0. July 18. 1907. Local and Personal. , Dr. A. P. Staley, of High Point, 16 io town utteuding court. Miss Ollie Glass, of Kandleuun visited friends in Asheboro this week. V Mrs. Fentriss. of Frankliuville, is 1 seriously ill. Her sister. Mrs. V. A . York, of High Point, Is attending :t the sick room. i H. A. Mofiitt, of High Point, was I a business visitor here Tuesday. it S C'apt. C. Frank Siler, of Candor, ", visited friends in Asheboro this i week. ; W. P. Ragau, of High Point, spent Monday in Ashebjro. W. H. Ragan, of High Point, was in Asheboro Tuesday. I Prof. S. H. Hodgin spent a part of this week in Asheboro in the in- teres! of Guilford College. t Mies Esther Ross left Wednesday , for Jacksou Springs to spend several J days. Mr. and Mrs. John K. Wood, of J Bmeoe, spent Tuesday with relatives in Asheboro. Col. W. T. Poone, of Randleman, wae m town Monday and Tuesday. U. S. Marshall J. M. Millikan, of Greensboro, spent yesterday in Ashe boro. Mrs. D. M. Weatherly, of Frauk linville, visit-a Mrs. O. U. Cox Sun- The Frankliuville Graded School will open August 19th. Mis. W. H. Odell, who died in Concoid last week was a sister of the late ('has. Seigeant who formerly lived in this county, and of Geo. S. Street lit, of Greeusbbro. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Kennett, of Raudleuiau, have been guests of their daughter, Mrs. N. H. Slack, since Tuesday. They will return borne to.lay. Friends in Randolph will regret to Jearn that Mr. Jule Mendenhall, of High Point, who is at Hot Springs, Ark., under treatment for rheuma tism, is improving very slowly. His condition remains serious. D. M. Johnson, who formerly held a position with the Asheboro Roller Mills, but for some time has been located at Aberdeen, has accepted a position with the Greensboro Roller Mills. Mr. Thomas L. Russell and fam ily spent several days last week in Randolph and Montgomery visiting relatives and friends around their old home. Thomasville Correspond ent, Lexington Dispatch. Ne Market Township Sunday School Convention will be held at Old Union the 4th Sunday in July, commencing at ten o'clock. An interesting program is being pre pared. Come one, come all. J. A. Graves, who was reared near Moffitt in this county, but who for Years has made his home in Texas, is visiting relatives in Randolph and adjoining counties. He will return to i his home at Kaufman, Tex., about the first of August. . Among the visiting attorneys at tending court this week are W. P. Bynum, Jr , J. T. Morehead, W. J. Sherrod, and 0. L. Sapp, of Greens boro; W. P. Ragan and T. J. Gold, of High Point and W. D. Siler, of Siler City. The Courier does not have a travelling representative for the job department, because it would cost too much and would take ull our profits. Our work commends itself and eur friends are helping us to build up a large business. We do our work- on a close margin and guarantee prices and quality. II, T. Moffitt, an aged and es teemed citizen of Moilitr, suffered a painful accident at the court house Tuesday. He attempted to step over a wagon tongue when he (trip ped and fell. One of the bones of his right arm was broken near the wrist. Drs. Bulla and Moore were called and the bond set. Mr. Mof titt suliVred much from the shock as weil as from the injury. His friends wish for him a speedy recovery. There is more Cutarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, anil until the litt lew years was supposed to be lu curable. For a (treat many years doctors pro nounced It a local disease una preserilied local remedied, and by constantly (ailing to euro with iocal treatment, pronounced It Incurable, tsolencc has proven eiiuirrli to lie a constitutional ti.Heii.-e and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by K. J. Cheney & Co., 4Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure ou the market. It is taken luternally in doses from 10dik ' to a tea. spoonful. It acts directly on the -olood and mucus sui face of the system. Tuty oiler one hundred dollars for any case it falls to cure Hen rt for circulars and testimonials. .Address: F. S. CHKNEY & CO., Toledo Ohio. I , Sold 6y Druggist. 75c. 1 Take Hall's Family Fills for constil ation L. 0. Sugg, of Brower township, was here on business yesterday. L. H. Smith, Sr., of Liberty, vis ited Asheboro this week. Among the visitota in towu this week were W. G. Myrick, A. M. roglenian, H. C Causey, J. G Reitzell. O. T. Hatch, W. F. Swaim, of Liberty; Prof. I. M. Weaeherly, of fiankhuvule; J. A. Urauy and G. M. Kimrey, of Kamseur; A. M. Hedrick, High Point; C. C. Bruton, Thomasville; A. W. Council, High Point, Dr. F. C. Frazier, J. W Pu?h and a host of others. MIN-il-OW-UMI i:k. Hal. I. Window, ol the I'. S. Cavalry, Wed at Howard Lake, Minn. The following is taken from the Howard Lake (Minn) Herald, of re cent date: Tuesday, the 11th inst. "at high uoon, occurred the marriage of Mr. Hal. M. Winslow, of Fort Snelling, and Miss Mary Fisher, at the home bride's mother, Mrs. Walter Fisher. "The house was decorated with ferns, apple blossoms and lilacs, in terspersed with flags and buuting. Under a marriage bell of national colors, stood the bride and groom duriug the ceietuouy, which was pronounced by the Rev. Holzinger, using the ring ceremony. Ihe wed ding march was plaved by Mrs. Ern est Fisher, and the ring was carried in the I eat t of a rose by little Elea nor Fisher, uiece of the bride. The brida was gowned iu white silk with au over dress of white DeEsprit, ui mined with Ecru insertion, and earned bride's roses. The groom wore the conventional black. "There were seventy-five guests present. A group of misses who had been former pupils of the bride, received them and aho assisted in the dining room where a sumptuous dinner was served. 1 he guests from abroad were Mr. Ewer, of Fort Snell ing; Mr. Dan Fisher, of Maple Plain au uncle of the bride, a'd Alius Rilla Hoisiugtou, of Delauo. They re ceived many beautiful and costly presents. Miss Fisher was a teachei iu the cchools ot this county for several years and has a host of friends. Mi. Winslow is a man of military ability hiid is Quartermaster Sergeant of I l oop "L 2nd U . S. Cavalry, v hich has been stationed at Fort Snelling, but has now . been trans ferred to Des Moines, Iowa. The bridal party left on the 4:20 train for a short honeymoon before going to Fort Des Moines. The bride s going away gown was blue crepe panama with hat to match. The Herald joins their many friends in wishing them a long anil happy life. The groom is a Bon of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Winslow, of Worthville. DeatU of Mrs. Knglisli. Mrs. English, wife of E. A. Eng lish, of Trinity township, died Fri day at her home near Mt. Vernon church. She was 45 years old and was a consecrated Cnristian worker. She is survived by five children. One daughter, Mrs. J. C. Davis, lives in Asheboro. 1 he funeral was conducted Saturday at Mt. Vernon church, of which she was a member. Rev. B. F. Hargett conducted the service. lee Cream Supper. On account of inclement weather the League Cream Supper was post poned from the 13 to tbe 20th. Soon Saturday evening, the TiOth, from 8 to 11 o'clock, the Concord Epworth League will give an ice cream sup per in the Farmer Institute building. Cake and different refreshments will be served. Everybody invited. A Turnip Wonder. The Courier has on exhibition this week a wonder m the f&rm of a turnip, which was grown by L. L. Hicks, who lives near Lassiter. It weighs eight pounds, measures 30 1-2 inches in circumference and is live and a half inches in diame ter. Meeting ot'Road Supervisors, The Road Supervisors of Liberty Township will meet at Liberty, the first. Satuidav in August, at. 2 o'clock. Tbe overseers are required to met the board on that dale to report the condition of the roads under their c u'e. II. C. Palmer, Chin, There is no Joubt about the Edi son Phonograph and records being the very best made. e are selling a lot of them and you should have them irr your home. We also have the disc lecords, extra good needles, and some disc Talking Machines. Ask our prices and terms before buying elsewhere. Asheboro Drug Co.. Have just got in a new lot of novelties in jewelry, belt buckles, silver ware, hat pins, &c. These are all of the latest pattern and it will pay to have a look at them. Asheboro Drug Co. (next door to the Bank.) 1 TEACHER'S SALARIES. Schedule Arranged at a Keccnt Meeting if County Hoard. At (lie recent meeting of the County Board of Education the maximum salary for the different districts was iixed as follows for the year l'JOT 1J08: TIUNITY TOWNSI1IC. District No. 1, $75 00. District No. 2, $.'!;". 0. District No, 3, $t!0 00. District No. 4, $25.00. District No. 5, ijtfO.OO. District 'o. 0, $30.00. COLORED: District No. 1. $37 50. District No. 2, $20.00. SEWMAIIKET TOWNS'lll'. District No. 1, $30 00. District No. 2, $30.00. District No, 3, $00.00. District No. 4, $30 00. District No. 5, $30.00. roi.oitKi). District No. 1, District No 2, $20.00. RANDLEMAN TOWNSHIP. District No. 3, $30.00. colored: District No. 1, $25.00. -ROVIDEHUB TOWNSHIP. District No. 1, $70.00. District No. 2, 35.00. District No. 3, 30.00. District No. 4, 25 00. District No 5, 25.00 colored: District No. 1. $20.00. I.1RKIITY TCWNSHI1-. District No. I, $75.00. Distiict No. 2, $30 00. District No. 3, $25 00. District No. 4, $25 00. District No. 5. $3 00. District No. 6, 825.00. I'OI.OIIKI): District No. 1, $22.00. coi.rsinu TOWNSHIP. District No. 2, $27.50. District No 3, 25.00. District No. 4, 25 00. District No. 5 25.00. I istrict No (i, 45.00 District No. 7, 30.00. District No. 8, 30 00. District No. 11,22 50 ool.iiREo: District No. 1, $22.50. District No 2. $18 00. HtASKI ISV II.I.K I'.IWSsllll'. District No. 1, "liO 00, District No. 2, 30.00. District No, 4, 30.(10. District No, 5. (io.00. c I.OIIKII. District No. I. $20 ()() IsllLllollO TOWNSHIP. District No 2, S.'.O.OO. District No. 3, 25 00. District .to. 4, 25.00. HACK CHEEK TOWNSHIP, District No. 1 $27.50. District No. 2 25.00. District No, 3, 30.00. District No 4, 30.00. District No. 5, 25.60. District No. (i, 25.00. District No. 7, 25 00. COLORED: District No t, $18.00. TAIIKItNVCI.E TOWNsllll'. District No. 1, $30 00. District No. 2, 30.00. District No. 3, District No. 4, District No. 5 District No (5, District No 7, Distric! No, 8, 30.00. 25 00. 25.00. 25.00. .iO.OO. 25.00, COLORED District No. 1. 320.00. District No. 2, CuNOOItH TOWNSHIP. District No. i, $30.00. District No. 2, District No. 3, 25 00, Uistrsct No. 4, 40 00. District No. 5, 27.50. District No. 6, 25.00. District No. 7, 00.00. coIjurkd: Pi'triot Nr 1. $22 00. District Nn. 2, 20.00 CtDAIl tilioVb l'JWNSMK District No. 1. $30.00 District No 2, 25 0(1 1 itrict No J, 30 00 District No 4, 30 0 UIIASr I'OWSSHIP District No 1, $27 50 District No 2, 27 50 District No 3, 25 00 District No 1, .'id 00 colored: District No 1, $22 00 nil KltllHIB TOWNSHIP District No 1, $30 00 District No 2, 35 00 District N.. 27 50 District No I, :i 00 District No 5, 25 00 District No 0, 25 00 District No 7, 55 00 couittKli: District No I, $ 18 00 District No 2, 20 (II) PI.EVSANT UUoVK TOWNSHIP District N . 1, $30 00 District No 2, 25 00 lilloWKIt TOWNslllP District No 1 $25 00 District No 2. 30 00 District No 25 00 , District No 4, 20 00 c,)i iii.i: District No I, $20 00 lili 111 INh TOWNSHIP District No District No District No District No District No District No I 31100 2. 30 00 :, 5o oo 1. 30 00 5, 30 00 25 00 i 01 OliKII District No 1, $21 00 TSION TOWNrlllP District No I, $35 00 District No 2. 27 50 District No 3. 30 00 District No I, 30 00 District No 5, 25 00 cOl.ORKi): District No WS20 00 NEW HOPE TOWNSHIP District No 1, $25 00 District No 2, 26 00 District No. 3, 27 50 : District No. I, till 00 ! District No 5, ', 00 District No li,' 40 00 District No 7, 35 00 ! The foregoing is a true ami accurals sta h. ment of tln maximum salaries for touchers in ; the different districlsof the county as Iixed ly j the County Doanl of Ivliication at its regular; meeting Julv 1st and 2nd, 1007. J.M W, j Secretary 10 Hoard. PROGRAMME. Xew lliir Township Sunday School Contention at Oak ;roie. The Annual Convention of New Hope Township Sunday School Association will lie held at Oak drove Sunday July 21 11107. PUOURAM. 10:30 A. M. - Devotional. TlieSuprRiitemleiit and the Sunday School W. li. I.assiter. The Teachers and Officers in the Sunday School II. (i. I.assiter and others. Round Tahle. Address liev.,1. W. Ingle. AFTERNOON SESSION, 1:30. The Study of the Lesson II. G . MuMasters. The Sunday School a Training School (i. L. Miller. How to Make a Sunday School Interesting Rev. J. W. Ingle. How to Get Kvery Boy and Girl in the Sun day School Henry Rotbrock. General Discussion. Report of Committees and Klection of Offi cers. Let every Sunday School Worker iu reach, come anil spend the day and joiu heartily in the exercises. Our motto is: learn that we may learn others. W. P. Tiiorktiurii, Sec. S. T. I.assiter. Pres. Kalph Items. George Scott, of Asheboro, spent Sunday night at the home of K. L. Winiiingham. The Sunday School Convention and Chil dren's Day will lie at Brower's Chapel next Saturday and Sunday, everyliody invited M 88 Kate Winningham spent a few days last week in Asheboro. J. L. Henry spent Monday night in Ashe boro, the guest of Mr. Helsabeck. Mr. and Mrs. Coble oF Renin' Mill s..n Sunday at Mr. Staley's. Miss inniiigliam will leave Monday for Greensboro ami Burlington where she will spei.d some time vit-iting friends. The many friends of Freddie Cox are glad tolui-m- h" is rapidly improving. Dyspepsia anil (General Debility. hre cured liy V. V. I'., I.ipiman's Ureal, tliesuperinrof all saiaiarillius. P.P. P. is the Krcatot tonic, for the stomach that waevir known, llnlinostion. Kail lireains, and Bilioiu.ut-" give way rapiillv to the wer fill tonic uml IiIikjiI cleunsiiiK pros.'rties of P. P. A prominent knilroad Kiiieriutcnilent livinu at Savanmili. ila.. ;in which citv he was 1mru says he feels hctter than heevci ili.l. ami he had the worst case of ilysjH'p-ia on record. He had nn appetite, ami the little he ate diwiKreeil with him. causiiiR him to vomit often, he had pains in the head, hreast and stomach, hut after usinir three bottles of P. p. p., he felt like a uew man. He says that he reels he could live forever if he could alway pet P. P. P. His name will he uiven cm application to us. Sold by Ashcl. .m lirun Co. Bad sick iicu'Liche-'. bilious, es or consti pation are n.-Uiv relieve,! Iiv DeWiit's Little Early Kiseis. Small pill,' sure pill, safe pill prompt and pleasant in action Sold hv Standard Drug V and Asheboro Drug Co. LAND SAI.K. By virtue of a decree of sale made by the Superior Court of Randolph County, North Carolina, ill a. sjiecial proceeding; therein pending, entitled A 1! Kimrey et .al vs. Anderson Moser et al, I shall sell on He premises, at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, on the 2'Jth day of July 1007, at 12 o'clock M., the following de scribed tract of land, lying and being in the county of Kiind jlph, ami Shite of North Carolina on the waters of Sandy Creek adjoining the lands of Thomas York, Win, Staley, Jesse Julian, U. V. Jones, Citha Tiigh and others, and bounded as follmvs: Beginning for the same at a red oak, Bur row's old line and running south 32 chains and 25 links to a stone. Thence ea,st 10 chains to a black jack. Thence south 23 chains to a stone. Thence west 10 chains ! to a stone. Thence south 7 chains and 75 links to a post oak. Thence west It! chaina I and ."'I li- ks to a black jack. Thence I north Is chain to a stone. Thence west 5 chains to a stone Thence north 111 chains; and 50 links to a black oak. Theuce east j 5 c lain- to an u:i. I hence north 2 5 chain ando'J il.dstOii posi oak. Them e east It! chains and 50 links io the beginning and containing one liumliel and twenty six acres or less. The land ws deed'ed to Anthony Moser by M. L Fox on ihe 21st dayofvpril 1SS2. recorded in Hook 02 a Eagc 111 in tbe ollii i ihe Register of leeds for Randolph County. North Carotin to which reference is given I o a better do hcriptioti, Thad. S Ferret", Coiunii-Kionor. Tlo- .lime 27th. 1:107. North Carolina. I s,,,..ri, i , Kamlciiih County. "l''ioi i, Klijuh Mollitt, A. Inii iMratorof Su'iie .1. l.hiir. Will: .1 Hunt, lam I' IH lit Waiti. A. !! I'll.- I. Hlai:-, Kiiieliiu- I. Denuv and ln-Lahd ' Iieiir y. liuslir. is x. limit, wiiiiiel.l .1. : oliert I, ii'iul. Kdnurd K. Hum. !!. .. Hiram i... :.ean. ;n. Ain,:i n. . her huiian i. iitveiii ia. ;irah id liu-i.. 111.. Comiu to sell real esiate till ,.M-r.. to raie ,i--ets hi pav herdehis. -aid land ed in I'iuity rnwiiship. I;.n 1. 1. !(. Cuunn jolllin : lie l.lllds , ,v. .1. n,,,i, i ,( . ,nd s;l I lelldai: - will funnel lake nolle.- thai Hi. uppe.i lllllV. Martlia Thayer, ct ul : Tin- ...'Icin hints. .I.M'pl iei in..; AHell Vuilllier, ' action .-ntilled as ul. ,- I the superior (.iiurt m ita-i certain nan-el of land aled ill V 1 i.r division Vii1 : aid defeudiiiiOruro i Township iu said e tenants ui comfiiou oi nt partowners; irud tlx-ai i defendants will fur ther tn fee notice that tliev are reouired to atinear at theoitico of the I lerk ui the siuticrlor court of KunH)lph county at the court house in Ashe- horo, N. 0 ou the atli day of AiiKiist, 1!W7, and I answer or driiiiir to ihe petition in said action ' or the petitioner w!:i apply to the court for the relief demanded In - ud iietitton. Clerk Superior Court, This !lth duy of July, aie tin-si, loiirl 1:1 -aid ( ..iii-.v on t ... ;t n day o. vuuc.-t, I;. C. I an-.. -i, Plem, .1. miir to 'he complaint in said uetnm. . r nel plidnli ' '.I'M imply to the j.h t.,,. r ..... M . r it A MM. IN! , K This i . .fi h.y .1 1 i'mi; ' ' ' ' X i 'nn 1 ilia. IntL- -v - i i-i.i,rt, 1 W i m .. ; .tni.- i . .mi. I jw ta . i...;i o t....i an i K 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Convalescents need a large amount of nourish ment in easily digested form. Scoff j Emulsion is powerful nourish ment highly concentrated. It makes bone, blood and muscle without putting any tax on the digestion. ALL DRUGGISTS: SOc. AND $I.OO. 0 00000000000000000600000 1 fsOxford Weather Mcrris-ScariMo-Moffitt (0 Educational COLLEGE Established '890 liieeiitl.VBli.Mit$.-..).i1iWli.ilKM.nvpi.lit (u improvement. A handsome new three story hrick ilommory that will :,ceo,uln...lute m yuam ,a,,u;s ha, ,,!, , m J "1ul; ll-f eotiveiiionces. A central hciti.iK. liuluiier .nei water svstem has I ",'u !.!si" .l with wilier '""''"""''L'l'Wtal hy steam, lighted hy oleeiVieity ami fu" i. rl,:;,,''V'JlMo;l''rs1,'P11'ii' 'ill i!e usual literary brunches, letnlimr to the M A II A I'll. an.l B. Lit. decree. Its Music. Artand Elocution departme ut are stmnir,mli Best moral and r-liu-ious inlhiences. No hiuinj; al , w-e Kxi '-n"-" very reasonable, rail term on .Sepu-mlier 5th. For cataioKue etc., address 1 Frcsldcnt I'.MMKTT 1 . 1IOI I ITT, Klttn C ollie. X. O Stables on Depot Street. R. R. TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL, Tit IX IT V, XORTII AltOI.IW. II term opens 1 Vi i ! September .1. IW7. 1 O.iO" Ideal location, good 'vater, pure air. This school offers special advantages to th K'-rls and bovs of the South. VU,nnf K,,;i.i;,v , "j am. uaiiuiu, ii.ii LrSRBSSBK B. F. HARGETT, Headmaster. PLEASE REMEMBER That we are agents for the UE1SER PEERLESS TRACTION ENGINE and SEPARATOR. Also A. B. I i .iii.uiu.i iikc. it iniei McCra.ry-Redding FARMER INSTITUTE 11 . parrs yoiiiiK l"-ii hiiiI Hiii( omen for CnllrKr, I nlvrrslty anil HusliirsH. Kplrutiiil lotmlou, Kxl mornl eouiiiiiinlly, Hlislnrna, ( ! Irur, lllblr uml .ril t onrsrs. Special ail vn ntKs In ,11 lisle and Art. Kull inrp iifahlr mi.l Hi. ildiifil l.-.u-hrr. Terms vrry low. Urllcfor soil vrulr cal. noil otlirr nif irnl illoii. tl.lirH Fall term opvus 8cil. :i. Hv. S. Q 0 0 0 0 High time for low-cuts. But no time for high-priced low cuts. The CROSSETT is moderate ly priced, but is more than a moderately good shoe. It is positively the largest value for the money in this town. Below this price $4.50 quality balks; above it, quality adds only fads and fHlls. But for sound, solid worth, the CROSSETT is your shoe. It fits it feels good it walks and wears well and it's natty. What more can you ask for leather. This new Blucher Oxford has dull kid tops, patent vamp, mili tary heel. A CORRECT, COOL. COMFORTABLE SHOE Company. CAR LOAD Horses & Mules Jst arri3 i,i ASHEB9R0 Come at once and get first pick. ROSS. Asheboro. North Carolina, 1 "Ml "T Write for cataloi-ue 111). and all Inform;! tiuuj.un.s unu con veniences. esitu, can to see or write Hardware Company T. I. IS3ITKH, Prm.. Farnixr, !. r. ;

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