The Scrap Book Greeley on Salvation. One afternoon Horace Oreoloy xrnn Heated In tbc Tribune office absorbed In writing, when n tall, solemn man came in and stood respectfully by his desk. After awhile Mr. Greeley looked op and In his sharp tones said: "Well, what is Itr "I have railed," said the stranger, in measured pulpit voice, "to invite pe runlary assistance for our great work In the .Five Toints Mission." "What's the work?" said Greeley, till writing vigorously. "'The salvation of souls." "Not a cent:" said Greeley. "Not a cent to save souls! Most of 'era ought to be damned!" A prize of tM was paid for the foregoing anecdote to Thos. L Uauon, GI011 Ridge, N. J. , HETERODOXY. Pray thee, put the sermon by vex my soul no more with creeds; They are only stones nnd husks to my hungry spirit's needs. I am tired of striving sects, with their various bigotry Ah, for me death holds no terror but the fear of losing thee! In a heaven apart from thee could my exiled soul rejoice? Could 1 Join the angels' song, missing theme thy tender voice? What to me were pales of pearl If they parted thee nnd me? What the streets so fair and golden If I walked them seeking thee? What to me the piiFturcs green where thy feet could never be? What the paths beside still waters If thou Wf.lkcKt nut with me? Ah. wherever after death my still faith ful soul may dwell Kainls may e ill II Mlsa or woe; they may name it heaven ..r In II By thee only. O beloved, will my Joy or pal:i be wrought ; shall my heaven beside thee, or my hell where thou nrl not! Elizabeth Akers. The Golf Caddy. "The poll' cuddy." sniil a southern joitniillisl. its ho ihovvecl a sprig of mint, "is a new type. This lad is inde pendent, witty, altogether without rev erence. n .lohn 1. Hockefeller's visit to Hon Air lie tried a little golf on iifternoon in the neighborhood of Au gusta. On st rather diliictilt shot Mr. ItoeUoColli struck too low with his iron, and as the flirt flew he said to his cuddy: " 'What have I hitT "The hoy answered, with a harsh In ugh: " 'Georgia, lioss.' " It Worked a Cure. A certain clergyman in Kichraond, ays Success, has had in his employ for so long a time a negro named Ju lian that the latter had come to regard himself as something of n confidential adviser to the divine. Early one Sunday morning the pastor nwoke feeling decidedly ill. After a futile attempt at hrcakfast he sum moned his old faithful servitor, saying: "Julian. I want you 1o go to my ns fiirtant, Mr. Wank, and tell him that, s 1 am unwell, he will officiate for tne In this morning' service." At this Julian demurred and after some argument persuaded his master that he would feel better If lie officiat ed as usual. Tliis tlie latter did. and, as predicted by the darky, he did re turn home feellns much letter. "Tou'se hotter, suh?" asked the tervnnt. meeting his master at the door. "Very much better, thank yon. Ju lian.; The darky grinned. "What did 1 tell yon. suh? 1 knowed yon would be nil right Just ns soon as you got that, ser mon miter your system." Schopenhauer on Kinship. The twin rep of till pleasure and delight Is the feeling of kinship. Even with the sense of beauty It Is unquestionably our own species In the animal world, nnd then again our own race, that ap pears to us the fairest. So, too. In In tercourse with others, every man shows a decided preference for those who re semble him, and a blockhead will find the society of another blockhead In comparably more pleasant than that of any number of great minds put to gether. An Exchange of Boys. Two boys in the Sunday school, who Blood at the head of the class, were invariably aikcd the same questions, which were, "Who made you?" and "To whatdo you return V" to which the firr.t boy always replied, "God uiudc me," and (he second boy answered, "Dust of the earth." On this occasion the first boy was absent, so the first question, "Who made you 7" was addressed to the sec ond hey. "Dust of the earth." he replied. "Quite wrong. Tommy. !od made you," sni.I the teacher indignantly. "No, teacher. The boy that (Joxl made has gone home with the stomach ache." Canova. "If you will let me try. I think 1 can make something that will do," said a boy who hail been employed us a scul lion ut the mansion of Signor Faliero. ns the story is told by George Cary Kgsle?ton. A large company hud been Invited to the banquet, and just before the hour the confectioner, who had been making a large ornament for the table, sent word that he had spoiled the piece. "You!" exclaimed the head servant iiv astonishment. "And who are you?" VI am Antonio Canova, the grandson of Tisano the stonecutter." replied tliepale fnced little fellow.. The pcrvant was at h:s wit's end, so he told Antonio to go ahead and see what he could do. Culling for s:me butter, the scullion quickly molded a large crouching lion, which the admiring major douio placed upon the table. Dinner was announced, and muuy of the most noted merchants, princes and noblemen of Venice were ushered Into the dining room. Among them were skilled critics of art work. They looked at the lion long and carefully and ask ed Signor Fuliero whut great sculptor had been persuaded to wuste his skill npon a work In such a temporary ma terial. Fa Hero could not tell, so he asked the head servant, who brought Antonio lefore the company. When the distinguished guests learn ed that the lion had been made In a short time by a scullion, the dinner was turned into a feast In his honor. 8ome may not have heard how the boy Antonio took advantage of this first great opportunity, but all know of Canova, one of the greatest sculptor of all time. Vulgar Fractions. Everything that Bobby learned at school he eudeavored to apply In his dally life and walk. When his mother asked him if one of his new friends was an only child, Bobby looked wise and triumphant. "He's got just one sister," said Bob by. '"Me tried to catch me when he told me he hud two half sisters, hut 1 guess I know enough fractions for that." Circumstantial Evidence. Once while two famous students of Itluckstonc were arguing a case one said he could Illustrate his part of the argument, which was that of cir cumstantial evidence, by a story of a boy who was fond of custard pie. One day when left alone at home he git into the pantry and. finding a cus tard pi ale it all. Then, thinking of a certain strap which was hanging in the hall, he caught the house cat and smeared custard over Its paws and mouth and fumed it loose to roam at Its will. Finally the old man returned and soon saw the cat .with its telltale mouth i;;nl marks of its paws upon the floor. Getting a rope, he tied the poor cat to a tree limb, went to the house and got his gun. The boy. who had hidden himself in the rear of the barn, remarked as he heard the report, "There pnes another victim of circum stantial evidence."- New F.ugland Mag azine. Seneca on Poverty end Death. "Yel many tilings befall us which are sud. dreadful, hard to hear." Well, as God has been unable to remove these things from your path, he hus given your minds strength to combat all. Bear them bravely. In this you can surpass (Jod himself. He is lieyond suffering evil; you are above It. De spise poverty. No man lives as poor as) he was born. Despise poiu. Either It will cease or you will cease. Despise death. It either ends yon or takes you elsewhere. Despise fortune. God has given her no weapon that can reach the mind. Never Saw Him Before. 1 was crossing on an Atlantic liner once when the sou was very rough and nearly till the passengers were seasick. I'atrolling the promenade deck one day. 1 came across a lady In a reclin ing chair in the very extremity of pros tration. Ily Irr side was the figure of a n.'un in cc I lapse from the same dis order, his head resting In the lady's iii. As she seemed to lie otherwise quite alone. 1 ventured to address her, say ing: "Madam, can 1 be of any assist ance?" She feebly shook her head for an swer, being apparently too far gone for speech. "Put," 1 went on, "surely I must do something for you. It seems you are unattended, since your husband ap pears to be in greater distress than yourself." The lady murmured with the utmost abandon of weakness and Indifference: "He Is uot my husband; I never saw him before In my life!" His Own Idea. Little Teii Browu was a strenuous lad and had formed the uot unusual habit of kicking and thumping his play mates. One day his mother found him not only kj'kiiig and pounding oue of his friends, but even spilling on him. She was dunifounded at this and, taking Ted Into the house, said fa him: "Ted, I don't know what to muke of yon. I think the devil has got into your head nuil taught you this kicking and striking and spitting." Ted. potting more indignant every second, looked up at his mother and said: "Well, the devil may have taught me the kicking and striking, but this here spitting is my own idea !" Lippincott's. lA Lewis. A cathoal was capsized in 1S5I tiear Lime Kock lighthouse, Newport, K. I., and four young men were left strug gling in the cold waves of a choppy sea.' Keeper Lewis was not at home, and Ids sick wife can Id do nothing, but their daughter l:'.u, twelve years old, rowed out In a small boat and saved the men. Ditn'-.ig the next thir ty years she rescued trine others at va rious times. Her work was done with out assistance and showed skill and endtnmce fully equal to her great courage. Her System. I'atient (to pretty nurse) Will you be my wife when I recover? Pretty Nurse Certainly. Patient Then you, love me? Pretty Nurse-Oh. no; that's merely part of the treatment. I must keen n-.y patients cheerful. I promised this morning to run nway with a married man who had lost bj!h of hW lops. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills Relieve Headache Almost instJfttly andi leave no bad effects. They also relieve every other pain, Neural gia, Rheumatic Pain, Sciatica, Backache, Stomach ache, Ague Pains, Pains from In jury, Bearing-down pains, Indigestion, Diz ziness, Nervousness and Sleeplessness. . 1 1 ii. 1 Relieve Pain Quickly By taking one or two Dr. Mi'iV Anti-Pain Pills when you fed an attack coming cm. You not only avoid suffering, but tlie weak ening influence of j nin upon the system. If nervous, irritable a:;; cannot sleep take a tablet on retiring or when you awaken. This soothing ir..";: ince upon the nerves brings refreshing sicip. 25 doses, 25 cents. Never sold in bulk. exil niht long from ioothzxche neurad'icx or rheumed'sir Dirdisveivt kills the pain quiets the nerves exnd induces sleep At eJI dealers. Price 25c50c&H00 Dr E&rl S.SIosjv, Bostor, U.S.A. la. HOT WEATHER Suggests Cool Things! A large line of Refrigerators, all the best known brands, just received. Ranges, the celebrated Favorite and Majestic, none bet terlarge stock on hand. A range makes hot weather cooking a pleasure instead of a drudgery. Mattings, Curtains and other cool weather necessities in abundance. Our line of Chairs, Pockers, Chiffoniers, Dining Tables, Sideboards, Beds, Dressers, Hall Racks, Parlor and Bed Room Suites, Cnina Closets, etc., simply can ' not be duplicated for the price anywhere. Re member we have everyihing in the house-furnishing line and that we prepay freight to Asheboro on purchases of 25.00 and over. Always glad to see you. Peoples House Furnishing Co., 8 Big Stores South Main St. High Point, N. C- THE NORTH CAROLINA Stale Normal ' and Industrial College. liegulur m'li so leading to degree Arts. I'ucli 'lor i-f S, i .no.-, avd a new c Hoard, laundry, tuition ami fees I'm Fur IVfT-iniiinn i-lu'dents. gliT). Tin: Xoiivivt lti:ivi:i.viKVT gives thor. ; Bachelor of Pedagogy, Bachelor of " leading I') the Batclielnr of Music, -f of text hooks, He , $170 a year. Ji instruction in the snhiects tunirht in the schools and colleges and special p.'d.i.' 'gieal training for tin- olession of teaching TEAC1IEI1S anil 1J 11 A 1 l' AT 1 :s of other colleges are ot red u one year special course in Pedagogy and allied subjects. Thk ommkroui. Dki'aiitmkmt offers practical instruction in Stenography, Typewriting, Book-keeping and other business subjects, Tiik Dki'.uitmkxts ok iUw'AL A ins asi' Homkstic Si'iKM F provide instruction in Manual Training and in such subjects as relate directly to the home and family. Tiik Music Dki'viiimknt, in addition to the degree course, offers u certificate course in vocal and instrumental music . To secure hoard in the dormitories, all trei tuition applications should lie made before duly 15th. The Fall term oieiis September IS, 1U07. For catalogue and other information, address, I. I. FOUST, President, Greensboro, N. C Tenrlu-r' i:aniinaticins. on Thurwluy. July 11th, examination will l- held for i.i.lilic M'l,iml teacher.. The am inationi. will I- free, uiol ill U- lor Kie years state cemii.-utc an. I the uual eeitili. utes iMiel hy the County sunei intemleiit. Kvery applicant Khe.reur state efiiti cate intiM he here on .lulv' nth and i-tiin.t the exalnina' ion. .is. I have neither , ... !. r- to hoh' nor a uratiee that such cxai'iinatioiiv utility ut any other time ireil that a team- m.i.'.i. cants lor county certificates stand ti.e t.xaiiini.i. turns on the lltli ns i.."il.!i Thce v i i(. ready early can have choice of the i l,.et- to teach. At the same t ine, .lulv lltli. examinations fi.r entrance at tlie A. tv. M. College wil h- In Id u the Count 1-uiH.rintencleiit. All hn expect tii stand these examinations and ul-o tl.o-e 'o Htutcs certificates should write the Countv S'; perintendent at mice on Thursday, July asth. examinations f.,r Public Hieh ehool teacher's certificate will h held by the County Sun rinteudeiit at the court house. Persons wishing hilorination almut auv of these examinations w rite tlie Count v Su.erih'. tehdent. always enclosing uu envelope' with th proer address of applicant. I. M. WAY, Countv Supt r,f School " is a soothing, healing balm containing no drugs having a narcotic effect It RELIEVES qukkly and soothes the congested membranes and thoroughly heals and cleanses. , Valuable not only for CATARRH but relieves colds, throat troubles, hay fever, "stopped-up" nose, etc. "Wo Guarantee Satisfaction. Buy a so cent tube of Nosena from ASUEIiOKO DHL' l CO., tret vour mone" hack if not satisfied. T.ic'uilierwl ': took let lv r.iuil !c ''OWN' W"f.l. to.. ..:rs. ? -. (..rcr.u'.iile.Ttun HAVE YOU CHICKENS AND EGGS. "Vs ' V J'Vtiw 'v.ijl'llill it'ci u?,ijtiifjf Beacon Brand Clothing, Perfect Fit, Latest Sty'es, Best Fabric, At Popular Prices. Ui I UUIFP Asheboro, H. J. UlfLLLIt, N. C. i Tk.i.,"v" s If linvf III. 1. 1 niiil v. i.ilt I i ki i lint.. m, it v in to hrli. g ilieiii in ii. . inn ke n i laliv of Inn Int: llliiy i nn mi v in oiliiee. Ii i sli. .iin (..oe. i lis-1 y iiikI lanc v. HAVE YOU A PAIR Of TONGS ?' Rich & Moffitt, Phone 34. Asheboro. ff Von Inellev.-t M fliiiir ami examine t :i air of tonsl Why w.nt for your eaayi s ut liotue CAPUDINE rf"0 It utl M. m II WW i" a ou fl'''' i,B 'Tectl- ill 10 w m niiniitcs. Ynu don't INDIGESTION and : Wl en tlere is tlie highest iniliration of iti(lijies:i,ni, Iniut 1 hi i ti. Il.itulehi e or iiiv form of si -imaeli tr..i;Ue take a little Knilol REVIEMBER! Headaches. ,',.; , ,),,, leilJ ailt 0t8 oj other e me from tho eyes.i I will lie nm.-ie "him lad to tell voul your trovhles without any charge. rne ioiiy. aji worK guuranteed. rjeferenfe: Iii.nk of Montgomery. xUh dr. d. ml Mcdonald. Ti:civ, c. prompt oocas ion.i'.lv ...licl von w ill l,e ;i relief. Awlol m a e. mpi uinl of vegetal. le aeii) and crntiiius the jn:i-es found in a henltliy Htotnnfli. Kn,-. dioests what yon et, iii.i,.e.s your food vim o.)d h .lu by 'lrug ,.. .u.d' Ahelioro 1'ruo Co iTHE mOST7, Aceeptal le C.iU that run he In-stowed upon a child ut any time, the (,i,r which carries with it every lilexsing eontaiunl in a token of love and friendship is utnpiest ionulilv a X KV -SCALE !?4(H) IX'IiDKX " ATI'S I'lAXO to clnli meniliers at iS7. This frift does not only confer upon a child itH own henetits. hut the pleas ure and happiness of the whole family from havinir music in the home. Our eight hundred chili meinhers who joined our cIu'h, unite in pr.iisecf the l.l'DDKX ,V ATICS 1'IAXO, and a)preoiale their saving of nearlv a hundred and twenty five dollars each, the club price i f' !?i!87 can lie paid in cash or on monthly, quarterly or yearly terms. I Xo. 4 "will explain our club plnii, and e will writevou fullv almut our ' tll'AKAX TKE Kt)l A'KTIME." and our "KlfEE I.IKE IX.Sfl!AXCE"-we ilo not collect from widow, and or phans, give them a ree ipt in full-in case of death of parent joining ij. clnh, now forming. Write toilav for ooklet Xo. 42. l-udilen & Bates S. M. H. Savannah, ;,i. TO PUBLISHERS AND PRINTERS ! We inauufa-ture the very highest yrade of Tyie, l.rass Ilule in Strips, Bratw Col umn liules, llrass ljihor Saving Rule, Brass Circles. Ilrass Leaders, Brass Hound Bniss Leads and Slugs, 1 Brass lialleys Metal orders, l,ead Metal ! Furniture, Leads and Slugs, Metal Lead I ers. Spaces and v,hn.tis ti to -IS point, I Metal Quoin, Etc., Etc , Et: , Etc. ! Old column rules refui-ed and tnado as good j as new a! a small cost. I I'lease rcmeiulier that we are not in any 1 Trust or Coiulijnation and are sura that we ' can make it greatly to your advantage to ileal with us A copy of our Catahgue will I furnished on apphca! ton. Iieerfully Philadelphia Printers' Supplu Companu, Manufacturers nl TYPE and Hi;h Grade PRINTING MATERIAL l'roprii -tor- I t i n Type Foundry. 39 North 9ih Si. PHILADELPHIA - 1 I HANDSOME SUITS. $11.00 TO $100.00 Also Sideboards. Combination Book Cases, etc., etc. Only exclusive furniture store in Asheboro. 0. R. FOX, Successor lo Kearns & Fox