FRANKLINVILLE GLEANINGS. Grocery of J. C. Kivett Burned Uk WeekPersonal Mention. C. H. Julian and family spent Saturday and Sunday in Guilford county with Mr. and Mrs. J. ii Teague. Mrs. A. F. Cox, of Cedar Falls, spent tome time in the city Monday with friend 3. 1 J. M. Tippett is preparing to build a nice residence on Allred ot and will move his family to it when completed. Prof, and Mrs. D. M. Weatherly visited friends in Chatham county last week. Miss Bell West and two sisters, who left here some time ago and have been working in th? cotton mill at Proximity, have returned to this place and will work for the Randolph Mfg. Co. On last Monday night J. C. Kiv 'etPs. grocery building and entire Btock of goods were burned. Arout 10 o'clock the tire was discovered on the second floor, which had made such headway that all efforts to put It out were futile, and everything that could be was then done to pre vent the lire from spreading. The Southern depot was in the most danger, but by heroic work of a large bucket brigade, it was prevent ed Troni burning. The origin cf the tire is not known. D. 13. roileilnuiiik" i.u exper ienced livery stable man, of High Point, has opened up a .stable at the old stand near the depot. Mr. l'-o-denhuuimer is a clover gentleman and will be 'leased to accommodate you whtn in need of anything in his .ine. llanei Stuart and Benson Ansley, of Greensboro, spent Sunday in town with relatives. EDGAR ITEMS. V n Market Tnw nhii Surulaj vhm I Woiiaiion Ottirei s. New Market Sunday School Con vention was held at Old Union Church July Sfth, 1JK7. It was attended by a large crowd and much interest was manifested in Sunday School work. The follow ing officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Thos. Coltrane: Vice President, J. T. Coggins: Secretary and Treasurer, Miss Ida Ridge. A good many of our young peo ple attended the picnic at Old Trin ity last Fiiday and report a tine time. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Ridge and little son Clyde, nre spending some time at the springs. Rev. B. L. Melton will begin his protiacted meeting at Old Union the 1st Sunday in August. Little Charles and Oscar Wilker visited their aunt at Jamestown Saturday and Sunday. Patters' Cirove News. Mr. C. F. Williams went to Greens boro Monday on business. Messrs. John and Net Richardson went tu Randleman one day last week on business and report a pleasant trip. A large crowd attended the clos ing services at Mt. Olive Sunday aud Sunday night. We noticed a runi ber of people from Ramseur, Frank linville. Stale? Liberty and Kildee. This closed one ot the best meetings that has bean held in this section lately. Thomas Frazier, wbe has been vis iting his father, D. N. Frazier, returned to High Point Monday. Messrs. Orin York and Edgar Wil liams, of High Point, made a short visit in this section Saturday and Sunday, returning Monday morning on the early train. Wheat threshing is about over It has been turning out wll. Ktood Strong Test. The strength of the Wachovia Loan and I rust Co., at Salisbury and High Point, was tested last Fri day when a malicious lie caused a run on the branch bouses at these points. While the bank was sn ciently strong to meet any emergence the Salisbury branch wired Winston- Salem for $50,000. It was rushed through the country in an automo bile. 1 he crhcers held an informal reception at night. Confidence in the institution has been fully re Btored. Cray's C'bapel Items. Wheat threshing is now the order of the day in this community. Children's Day exercises were held at the church here on last Sunday The exercises were good and enjoy ed by those pre. eat. Rev's Hackney and White con ducted a series of meetings at the Cross Roadf) two miles south of heir last week. Quite a number wen converted. Jabez W. Pugh, of Rudd, .visited his sister, Mrs. L. P. McMasters last Saturday a.d Sunday. T. C. Hoyle, of Greensboro, hn- been appointed trustee for th Lindsiiy Chair Co, iovoluntatv bankrupts, of Ilih Point. Pocahontas Hospital, FARMER ITEMS. l-'arit-r Ila Team Will I'.nt. ilaln Saturday Mjrlit. Farmer K.iSe Ball Team will give in eiiterta'iMiieiit ut the institute on Saturday night August 3rd. 1JH7. Ice cream, cake, oananas, sherberts ther refreshments will be served. In ''OLiieerion with the entertainment theie will lie a jiarty n t he beauti ful law,) ot C.;K. L. M. Reams. r evei.u.g, will la W ; on ta- gronnas to taKe p.etar- s ot all k The New Hope Orchestra will fur u!h music f r the v. -c.ision. All are cor.'.iallv Kiv.ted to eome and lir.Mig y.iur iu-t girl. Mr. L'lv .J-..;i'6on of Liberty vis home f.ilks Friday and Satimlay. .Miss.s M;:bel Peacock and Annie Fiixgvald. of Lexi:igt'n, visited at Mis. T. 11. Fullers last we.k. Clegg ( who has lie n con ,ed to L;s room for sometime with the fever, is improving. Tnere was an interesting game of !l played on our grounds last Sat day, the visiting team not scoring At all. Mr. Will Steed, of Harnet county, s spending his vacation ai home. t. A. P. KAII.KOAII. Mew Iload- W ill Bring Moore County In Close lour!! With Outwide World. The Carthage and Finehurst Rail road has been completed to Little River, which is about half way be tween Carthage and Pinehurst. The freight room station house at Caithage being now finished there is nothing to do but brush grading and lay the track fiom the river to Car thage. The work is going right on and soon passengers from Carthage can go south by way of Pitehurst and Aberdeen or north by way of Pine- burst aud High Point, and it then will also be easy for the people of Carthage to go to and return from Jackson Springe, the delight of the health seekere. I.ilitrty Items. Mack Newbury, a colored man who Jives in the north eastern part of town, has found the greatest hot spring that has ever been discovered in this part of the State or perhaps anywhere. In a small Bcope of f)0 feet sijuaie there are 25 springs, and one is real warm. Another some six feet frem the warm spring is as cold as ice water. A company of capitalists is being organized to de velop the valuable waters. This company is arranging tj build a bathing or seining pool. By piping this watei just a few yards you can have a pool of either hot or cold water. It is expressed by many that thm will be a better place for bathing than the Pool of Siloam, which the Bible tells us about. The Black Horses made their regula trip last Sunday evening ThpHH hnrafd have tr ivollotTi -- -.-.v.. iium Julian here so often that when i they got out of their lot the other day and came right down to a ce.-l tain tree where they have stood so often near the College, it is suit! they stood a whole day without be ing hitched. You may look out, Mr. Register of Deeds, you will be called on real soon to fit out a pair of them. One of onr busmeRS men will be called on to give up two of his daughters and the liegister can commence filling np the' licenses, and their names shall be Kelley. Misses Winnie Causey and Ella Lee Smith, two of Liberty's fairest dauehters are visiting Miss Stella Kizer, ut Vt inston-Salem. They will also spend a few days wth Miss Margaret Jones, of Walnut Cove. Miss Joms wns the music feu'her here last year and has a host of friends. MiKg PmtieM. Stn;ih i attenuing a bouse party in High Point this wetk. For A fine nn'ch cow, in fowl ei'i;dinin. Apply to Mis. .VI. L. Bro.jksiiire, Aoheooio, N. C. -V n Jamestozvn Exposition. l-'alrview News. The protracted meeting will be gin at Fairview Church Sunday, August 4. Let every one come out ami hear the new preacher, Mr. Harmon. Mr. Jonas Cnlbretb, who has been on an extended visit to friends and relatives at this place, left last Fnday for White Sulphur springs, where iie w ill spend a few Cava on his wav home for Statesville. , J n , .... .)U uf ... euiovtd verv iiu;cn. The cream was 'iacefullv sewed by Miss Blair and Mr. Little. Those pr se t wire Misses Flossie and Ethel Fr.iits, Miss Kll.-i White, Mr. and Mrs. Caas. L-v, Messrs. Ira ani Jester Montgomery, Fied Blair, of High Point, Misses ilai.nah Mebdvnuall aud Martha Mitchell, Messrs. L'xuni Meudeijhall, Call Chuicb, Miriam and David Bo.nUin, ot .ivhdide, Mi. Jonas CuiUcitn, of Statesvide. Miss Mamie Blair, of Tnonnsvitle, Muses ueora .Miluk r., Estelie Cran ford, Ida Ingrain, .Mary and Bertha Meredith, Messrs. James Little, H. M. Cranloid, R. V. Milhkau, Carl Lawson, Clarence Meredith, billie Gatford, Fred iLgram, of Fairview. Messrs. Lane and Jeffrey Elder with their tister, Miss Lletua, of Trinity. Mr. James Little has just return ed from the Janiestowu Exposition. He reports a hue time. Miss Artie Cranfoid arrmd last Friday from South Carolina, where she has been visiting ber cousin, Miss Angela Cranford. Mr. Rush White, of Guilford College, spent a few days here last week. Kanoy Items. The convicts are getting along fine with the bridge at Kanoy. Mr. W. II. Wrenn was in the neigh borhood two c'r three davs last week. Miss Evelyn Mofritt's school at Brower's Mill began Monday. The protracted meeting at Beulah begins the first Sunday in August. The Sunday School at Trogdon's is still flourishing. Mrs. Elizabeth Pearce who died a few weeks ago left her laud to her nephew G. F. Gatlin. Misses Lee and Alia Moffitt and their brother Early spent, last Satur day and Sunday at Mr. Deacon's. Mrs. J. F. Young returned last Friday from a three weeks visit to relatives at Pilot Mountain and oth er places. Rabbit Gnaw Notes.' Mrs. H. N. Cox is visiting frieods near Liberty this week. Orin Craven and wife are visiting the latter's mother near Climax. Miss Pansy Cox, who has been confined to her bed for some time, is not improving. . .. ' n . Mr. A. S. Cox and family visited al Mr 6. v . uox s ounuav. S. veral of our people attended the dedication of the church at Park's v K0ad Sundav. Mw. Jake Marley, of near Moffitfi Mills, who died of typhoid fever, was interied in Holly Springs Cem etery Sunday. Miss May Hodgin is teaching a summer school at Center. . ill Build Railroad. The Cumnock correspondent to the Siler City Grit says the Cum nock mine has passed into new bands and that the new company proposes to complete the railroad from that place to harper's Cross Roads, Greensboro and Wins'on-Salem as fast as lh work cm be pushed. The ioad is graded from Cumnock to Harpers Cross Roods. Prof, and Mrs. Frank K-lly, ..i Baltimore are vi.-Hngr relatives in Moore county. Prof. K-llv is a son of Prof. J E. Kelly, of Victor and is Director of the Chemi a' Labrato ry of Sharpe and Dohme of Baltimore. Worthville Notes. Miss Mattie Jenkins returned from Pleasant Garden last Wednes day. Miss Bessie Williamson is visiting relatives in Greensboro. - Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wrenn spent last Sunday evening at the home of H. H. McDonald, of Pleasant Gar den. , Miss Nerva Kennedy is visiting friends and relatives in Biscoe. Misses Zilph and Ira Ilarrell, of Randlejaan, spent Saturday night and Sunday in town. Miss Jessie Prevost spent last week in Asheboro. Mr. ana Mrs. Robert Spivy spent Sunday evening in Randleman. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, of High Point, spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of W. P. Craven. Misses Cenie and Sarah Spivy spent Saturday and Sunday at their home near Central Falls Enoch Kennedy and little sister, Zilpha, spent Sunday in Ramseur. Mr. Kenney Rich spent Saturday and Su day at his old home near Steeds. Mies Connie Steed is seriously ill with pneumonia. The lawn party Saturday night at River View Park was enjoyed by many. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wieun chap eroned a large number of young people of this place ou a moon light drive last Wednesday night. Mr. H. H. McDonald and daugh ter, M'ss Lizzie, of Pleasant Garden, were in town Monday. Quite a large number of Randle man young people visited River View Park last Friday night. liaiusour Items. Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Marsh are vis iting at Strieby this week. Misses Litia and Lula West are spend a j some time with relatives at Burlington. Misses Addie Whitehead and Sal lie Thomas ire sp"nding this month at Mr. Vernon airings mid Goldston. Mr. and Mrs. Sol.- ( avems.-, of Grtensboro, are visiiing Mr. aud Mrs W. H. M arley. Mr. John Dt.3an, of Siler City, visited Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Kimrey Saturday and Sunday. The Ramseur Lodge Knights of Pythias gave a delightful bancpiet to its members and their wives and sweethearts ou the evening of the 27th. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Carter and Miss Dixie are recreating at Mt. Vernon Springs. Mr. C. B. Smith has added much to the beauty of his residence by building some beautiful concrete walks. Rev. C. A. Wood preached two most powerful and eloquent sermons to large and attentive congregations last Sunday. Star News Motes. Rev. J. W. Little is holding a protracted meeting in the Baptist church this week. Messrs. J. L. Tail, E. F. Toe and F. W. Ritter, of Elise, epent Sunday in Star. Mr. George Cochrane and Mrs. Eliza Hurley, of Star, were married Sunday. Mr. Reuben Reynolds, J. P., officiatinj. J. D. Sexton, who has been in Jefferson, South Carolina, for some time, spen Saturday and Sunday in Star. His many friends were de lighted to see n m at home again. Mr. George Cogjin, of Biscoe, was in town Sunday. Miss Lessie Shields returned to her home at Elise Monday, after spending tome time with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. John Jenkins are visiting relatives in Richmond coun ty. Mr. R. An man has been quite sick, but is now much better. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Vuncannon, Messrs. R. L. Davis and L. A. King refrned home Monday from the Jamestown Exposition. Notice. The Committee for Level Cross District No. 5, will meet at the school-honse of said district on Sat urday, August 24, 1907, at 2 P. II., for the purpose of numbering the children of said district; and also at the same time and place will consider applications and elect a teacher for said school. Can pay $30 00 per month. This July 27, 1907. R. L. Causey, Chairman. G. El wood Stanton, Sec'y. lO-Year-Old Lad Killed in Roller Mill Germanton, July 30. Roy, the 10-year-old son of Mr. Frank P. Myers, was enngbt in the belting at George H. Charles' roller mill this afternoon and horribly mangled. He lived only a snort time. The 3-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chae. Faan who liva near Statesville, accidentia got hold of a package of coffee and ate a large qpautity of it, causing her death a fev hours later. I ADAMS-CHAMNESS Pretty Marlage at tbe Home of L. L. Chamnegs, at Climax. On tbe eighteenth of July at four thirty o'clock a pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Chamness when their daughter Pearle was married to Mr. A. Orville Adams of Randleman, R. F. D. The bride was gowned in rich white silk. The maid of honor Miss G lady 8 Teague, was attired in cream silk with pink accessories. The Driueemaicl8, Misses Ixmme Adams, of Randleman R. F. D., Flora White, of Guilford College, and Vivian Ihcks, of Kandleman, were splendid in pure white. The young men at tendents were best man, Mr. Clarence Adams, of Randleman R. F. D., Messrs L. Floyd W7ilson and S. Exton Barker, of Greensboro aud Hugh D. White, of Guilford College. Rev, Kilgore, nf Pleasant Garden, pei formed the ceremony very effect ively in the midst of a number of invited guests among whom were Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Chamness, of Blen heim, Synth Carolina. The bride and groom were recipients of many pretty and useful presents. After the marriage a reception was given which seemed to be thoroughly en joyed by all present. . Business Lccils. For Sale. Nice live-room cottage in West Ashe'joro on the Fisher property. Walls papered, g od well, out houses, and in a good commu nity. Comparatively new. A hand some residence property, lot 100 front by 2"'0 feet deep. Prepating to move away is reason for selling. Apply to J. C. Davis, Asheboro N. C. FOR SALE Fine male hog. Weighs 200 pounds, A good Stock. Will sell at a bargain. Rev.W. E. Swain AsVboio, N. C. For Sale Ore large work mule, 2 one-horse Whgons, one second hand buggy, one Farmei's Favorite Grain Drill, one Cutaway harrow. Apply to John T. Britlain. Have just receive a large supply of blank Ikoks ho'.glit at bai'Kaiu prices. If you want day hooks, cash hooks, journals, or ledgers, w e have the Inchest irrade at the lowest tijrures. Right new lot of Carter's and Paui' inks. Asheloro Drug Go. Our new lot of iewelrv ia poini? out fast. the low iirices and stylish patterns have been selling it. Call and see it. We have all kinds of silverware for wedding presents, all the beBt grades. Asheboro Drug Co. Cures Blood Poison, Cancer, I leers. I'.rzema, Carbuncles, t-:tc. Medicine Free. If you have ofll-nsive pimples or eruptions ulcere on any iiait of the Ixxly. aohinir bones or joints, lallitiK liair, muooun patches, swollen ghuids, skin itches and burns, sore lips or gums, eating, festering sores, shaip, gnawing pains. men you suner irom serious nioou po'sonor me tweinnings of deadly cancer. Take Botanic Blood Balm (B B B.) It kills the poison in the blood, there- giving a healthy blood supply to the afflicted Karl, heals every sore or ulcer, even deadly cancer, store all aches and nains and re duces all swellings. Botanic BHxid Bui in cures all malignant blood troubles, such as eczema. rubs and scales, pimples, running sores, car buncles, scroiuia, rneumansm, catorrn, etc. Es peciaDy advised for all obstinate cases. Im proves the digestisn, strengthens weak kidneys, bruggists. one dollar. To prwve it cures, sa.niiie of Blood Balm sent free aud prefiald by writing Blood Balm Co.. Atlanta, (ia. Describe trouble and free medical advice "ent in sealed letter. NOTICE. Having qualified as Executors on the estate ot Elizabeth Pearce, deceased, before W. C. Ham mond. Clerk of the Superior Court of Randoltih County, all r'ersons having claims against said estate are notified to present them to th under signed, dulv verified, on or before the 48 day of July 19oN. or this notice will be pleaded iu bar of their recovery: and all persons awing said estate will come' forward and make immediate settlement This 17th day ol Jul, 1907. G. F. GATLIN". Win. C. HAMMKK. Executors. LAND SALE. By Virtue of an order of sale granted by the Superior Court of Ran lolpn county on the pe tition of John T. Brittain against W. P. Stith. I shall sell at the Court House door, in Ashe bjro, at 12 o'clock M, on the 29th day of August, 1007, the following Real Estate to-wit: A tract of land in Asheboro townshiti. in said eonuty. adjoining the lands nf David Bmither- man. 1 nomas uaviason, tne rnnas oi fs. j. Fisher and others. Containing 29 acres more or less. This place is on the Uwharrie Road and known as the Don Siith place. Terms. Uasn. This 29 day of July, 1907- THAD 8, Ferrce, THIS COUPON ENTITLES Miss or Mrs. TO FIVE VOTES IN THE Piano and Jamestown Contest Not Good After Aug. 5, 1907. THIS COUPON ENH1LES Rev TO FIVE VOTES la the JAMESTOWN CONTEST Not Good After Aug. 5, '907. A Genuine DIAMOND RING FOR $2.00 Guaranteed. WITH a DIAMOND IilNG I roveal FREE how to secure a HEAUTlFfL COM PLEXION. DIAMONDS and EXQUISITE. (JOUI'LEXIO.V are Uth denirable. An opportuntiy to every woman is now offored for obtaining both. For flOO I OFFER A 12 KT. GOLD SHELL KING, shaned like a belcher, with a Tiffany setting, set with a OENTINE DIAMOND and will send free with every order the recipe and directions, for olitaing a faultless complexion, etisHy undertitood and bimple to follow. It will tavo the expense of Creams. Cosmetics and Bleaches. Will free the si in from pim ples, blackheads, cte., and pve tim skin beauty and sofi ness. THE GENUINE DIAMOND RING IS Gl'AUANTF.ED BY THE, MASUFA.C Tfc'KEU to be Ur liEPKESENTED, and should any purchaser lie (1is:itfieii, I will cheerfully IIEFI'ND THE M NEY. DO NOT LET P1IICE LEAD YOU TO DOUBT THE GENT1NENSSOR VALUE OF THIS RING, as tl... ul,ve guarantee protect each and cverv p ir Ili-ht SEND ME .$2.00 BY MAIL and take ADVAN TAGE OF THIS OFFER h- the time is LIMITED. Send i-ize ai itpr fur which the rinjj is desiied. T. C. Mo? L I.EY. 32 East 2.-5rd Suv 't V York 'Jitv SPECIAlSllOEi ade of honest material, ade by honest workmen, ade for men who want honest values. Look at our line of Mens' and Boys' Long-wear Shoes. W. J. HILLER, Asheboro. N. C. QUICK REPAIR. SKILLED WORKMANSHIP. This is the watchword of N. MELTON, RANDLEMAN JEWELER Your watch needs repairing, Your sewing machine runs hard, Your clock can't be depended on. These will be made as good as new if sent to me for repair. I pay express or registered mail charges one way. N. MELTON, Randolph Hdw. Store Bldgn Randleman , N. C. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MECHAKIC ARTS. Practical education in Ag riculture; in Civil. Electri cal and Mechanical Engi neering; in Cotton Manu facturing, Dye leg and In dustrial Chemistry. Tui tion $45 a year; Board $10 month. 120 Scholarships Address PRESIDENT WINSTON, West Raleigh, N. C. FRANKLINVILLE HJGH SCHOOL.. Hale and Female. Open Anfiaet 10, 1007. Oder eplemdld advantages. Special course for teaekera We want yonK men and yoaag lad lea who are willing to work. We do tne rest. IV. M. IVKATIIKKL.BY, Prim. THIUSIIVRS1TY COLL.KGK OK MKOIC'l.VK, of KtehraoBd, The University Coltoe nf Mmliciiie. of Rich moiiil. Virginia. i luiau ing c.nxlit on Virginia ami the ftiudi hv ma'imunlnr si iuk arris aahigh as Northern Cnllreo. aixl refusing lo avail itself of prvil.-gc. c"ip(vli ! lainitsr of "the back waiUuuift uf tiic miuUi." FOR MEN.

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