THE WAR PATH" An Interesting Feature Of The Jamestown Exposition. Nothing so pleast'S the public at exposiiijus as the collection f new, strange and interesting featuies which iit Chicago ami Huffalo was called the midway, at St. Louis the pike, at Portland trail, auJ at tlie Jamestovn exposition is known as the "warpath." . One of the most ex pens ve amuse ment t-uterprises on the warpath is the reproduction of the famous bat tle between the Hirst ironclads, the Merrimack and Monitor. The building housing this attraction and the scene painting required an expenditure cf $150,0W. Large ships, leal guns and real men are used in the production, aud it is real istic to the fiuest detail, even to the rolling of the waves and the sound of the splashing upon the shore. The electrical effects producing light ning, 6iiniise and sunset, are said to be the finest ever perfected. Partic ipants in this famous engagement and other eye witnesses declare this to be true "and realistic representa tion of the battle. There are two other reproductions of battles of importance in the his tory of the civil war, Gettysburg and Manassas. Hoth of these produc tions are housed in fine bu.ldiugs, and they represent the very best work of The scene painter. The realism of the panoramic reproductions of these battles is added to by a plastic fore ground built up to meet the majestic painting in such a way as to be puz zlitg, and to cause the obser ver to really imagine himself a looker-on at these bloody struggles. Colonel Ferari's wild ar:d trained animal show otiers to the lover of this sort of amusement absolute sat isfaction. There is a large arena where men and women take their lives in their hands, walk into a steel cage and mingle with the blue bloods of the animal kingdom, giants of the forest, tigers, lions, leopards, jaguars, wolves arid bears, arid cause them to go through various maneoii vrts for the delectation of the audien ce. The most remarkable exhibition here shown of tiuitied wild animals performing is that of a company of seals and sea lions, animals generally supposed to be of alow order of in telligence, but which here prove themselves on a par with any of those animale long considered the most in teligent. Exposition visiters agree that in every respect, Colonel Ferari's troupe is without a rival among ex hibitions of its kind. LaBelle JSeli ca'e Lous, for instance, seem endowed with almost human preemption and Mille llelene's leopards are scarcely less remarkable in their work. Prin cess Pauline, the animal iueeu, too, bends these habitants of the jungle to her veriest wish . Captain Goldie's mixed group lu feats astonishing and amusing, attract much attention. Captain Kuneo's hybrids vie for a first place in favor and Capt. Dick Bass, with Ids performing bear, "Jo sephine' keeps interest ou the qui vive every minute. Add to these the deg and monkey circus, a show -which eclipses the best that has gone before. One ot the most instructive and novel concessions on the warpath is he baby incubator. This practical ly recent invention means more to the scientific and medical world than any discovery of the present century, and one should not fail to see the machines containing their tiny speci mens of humanity, which have been (placed there to be nursed into strong iife. In "Old Jamestown" may be seen a replica of the old church tower, and other landmarks of the first En glish settlement in this country, "vithout traveline fortv miles np the James river. Through the streets of this novel village waiK men ana women representing the first settlers, and Indians walk and talk and trade withtbem they did three hun dred years ago. An excellent idea has been carried out here in having tht t.r::- di (vndants cf that tribe of In ula:. min which Join' Smith and his followers had to deal, the Paum unkiee, herein this reproduction of the old settement. These Indians twenty in number, al so enact a drama which they them selves have written from the story handed down to them of the incident of John Smith's rescue by Pocahon tas, and an Indian maid, a defendant of Powhatan, the father of the orig inal Pocahontas, whose name is iPocahontas, enacts the part of that coble younj: Indian. Uell's Gate is without doubt the most exciting of all amusement de vices. It takes one at first by easy gliding boat and then gradually in creases to a rush and a whirl through dark tunnels and mysterious caverns where huge reptiles "crawl about and spout forth flame, and where his Sa tanic majesty, and his imps disport. Hale's Tours of the World give an opportunity to visit far distant coun tries and return within an hour, and a dime will pay all traveling expenses. The ears very much nst inble those ' of any other railroad, and there arv : the sounds of bells and whistles t add additional touch of realism. The Congress of Nations, or the j Beauty Show, contains represe .tative voting women from the several civil ized countries. In tact an effort was made to secure the most beautiful specimens of young womanhood to be found in Anrercia and the European countries. The famous painting, The Shadow of the Cross, which has puzzled and mvstilied, not only the world at large, but the artistic world, for a number of years, is on exhibition on the war path. It is apainting which has 'he irrost peculiar effect upon him who looks upon it, and stamps upon the mind an impression, which remains for life. The EMuimaux Village contains u number of these strange little men and women from the frozen arctic, and their daily lives are pictured faithfully, the building itself rep resents iceburgs and nroun tains of suow, with here and there the snow houses of the inhabitants Princess Trixie, the horse with ; human brain, crossed the ocean fro'ii the Palace Theatr e, London, to amuse the visitors at the Jamestown Expo sition. This beautiful pure white Arabian mare does everything but speak and this she dots by signs, al most as intelligently as any dumb human. She knows the alphabet, is an excellent mathematician and can distinguish the various colors as well as any wornan.who frequents the bar gain counter. The Phillippi 0 Hi se vat ion. where one hundred and forty-one lit tle brown men and women from their far awav isUnd home live and labor just as they do there is always inter esting. Represented here are both the crvilrzed and uncivilized trities. including a nobleman, Prince San Sal una. the ruler over the province of Chattabato Valley and its loU.UOU inhabitants. An exnibit hall is maintained where the various ngn cultural products and articles of in dustry are shown. Their weaving and b ad work is being done daily by the women skilled in these lines, and the scantily clothed uncivilized tribes amuse themselves by beating the to.n tonis from morning until night. Paul Keveie, the Revolutionary he ro, makes his famous midnight ride every hour in the day This is not simply a panoramic production, but real rrren aird real horses are used, and a splendid idea may be had of this ride of such far-reachmg impor tance. "Pharaoh's Daughter" is an illu sion show which perplexes its thou sands. Beautiful scenery beautiful young women are used in this pro duction founded upon Sacred Histt r j and the show is of such a character as to please the most discriminating The Strets of Seville and La Gida Theatre are typical of the Spanish countries. In the theatre beautiful Spanish dancing girls, brought from the Royal Opera House of Spain, go through those bewilderingly graceful movements so peculiar to their race. Genuine Spanish bull fights and cock fights are also a part of the program. Colonial Virginia offers an oppor tunity to gain a true idea of the life of the Old Dominion of long ago. The marriage of Pocahontas and John Rolfe and the first ball at the capital are among the historical in cidents pictured. The Florida ostrich farm has been moved for the time being from Jaok sonville to the exposition, and daily on the warpath may be witnessed both harness and riding races be tween these giant birds. Aside from these attractions, there is another like number of show3. all well worth the time required to see them. Kli-e Kllleil Timber. (iovernrnerU tests of lirt-killed titii'iiT have demoiiatrnted the fact that wood is guod anil eljijuhl be considered as thoroughly seasoned timber, as far as its use is concerned. Fire-killed timber cheeks badly when left standing for any length of time, and tuis is an obstacle in the way of itsjuse for some purposes. Timber which has beeu kiiled by fire should be generally used within one year af ter it has heen killed, but satisfac tory railroad ties have been madf from timber killed fifty years before. Dyspepsia ami C-t-nei-al l-liilil. ure curiM l,y R H. V.. Lipiwiuirslirvut.Kvim.tly, tlicsiijMTiorof ull MirMipurilla.. P.P. P. in the gn-utest tonie for the stomiuh that was ever known. Iniiiccstion, Bml Im-ums and Biliousness give way rapidly to the ivtr ful tonic ami blood demising properties ol P. P. P. A prominent Railroad Superintemlent living at Savannah, (in., (in which city he was burn), says he feels better than he ever did, anil he hail the wornt case of dyspepsia on record. He had no appetite, and the little he ate disagreed with him, causing him to vomit often, he had pains in the head, breast and stomach, but after using three bottles of P. P. P.. he felt like a new man. He savs that he feels he could live forever if be could always get P. P. P. His name will be given on application to us. Sold by Asheoore Drug Co. ! Often The Kidneys Are Weakened by Over-Work. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. It used t !v e.HiM.tere 1 th it mile urinarv and bi.ulder trcuiiie- were to be 1 l i '.in: kidneys, .S, b; t r.i'H- modern r-eu-:iee proves tint r.,Mi-;y a!! diseases haw their beyinniiii; i:i the disorder ot these most iniuortatit The kidneys fi'le and imrifv iheblomi that is their work, hen our kidneys are weak . von can understand how ur eiitue bn,e is aiTeef-d and ' how everv organ seem.-, lo tail to uo lis 1 dtttv. If vo;t are sick or " feel badly." begin : taking the great kidney remedy. Dr. j Kilmer's Swamp-Root, i.eeause as soon as voitr kiduevs are we" 'they wilt help I all the other organs to health. A trial will eonvinee anyone. If you are siek you can make no mis take' be first doctoring your kidneys. , The mild and the extraordinary effect of ; Dr. Kilmer s Swamp-Root, the great kidnev remede, is soon realized. It 1 stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases, and is sol i i on its merits by all i druggists in lifty-eeiit I and one-dollar si -,e i bottles. You may i have a sample bottle by mail Iree, aiso a pamphict telling you I how to find out if you have kidney or ! bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing to Dr. Kilmer tV Lo., Bing hamton, N. Y. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Binghamton, N. Y.. on every bottle. Voii-Ii i ialilc and Irrisrahie Land, j Nun iirigaMe lands havt shown a! wonderful productiveness in winter j ivhtat and for the grazing of stock.! rht irrigable landi are devoted to ill kinds of crops, am when deired tie sold with non - irrigable lands,! o as to afford an ideal farm, com-; bining both arable and dry grazing: land'. I'lie non-irrigable lands are) sold at from twelve to tit te n dollars! one-iiarter cash, ami the balance; payable in live equal installments. The irrigable land.'' carry with them a water, an annual rental of tit ty cente an acr to provide for: in iuutirxj ami nr-iintainin the ca- mils. The purchaser has a direct "tie and guarantee of writer for his i ruatioii every uar :n advance. The iriiga'de lau 1 .f tli (.'ana i dian (.'o!o!i:z itioir and Irrigation Company has a fixed value, and the j cost to the owners of the laud is' similar to that incurred by a'house-! holder when he connects with the waUr mains of the city; for the land-' holder merely runs out h;s conduit' to the main canal and procures the water without further trouble. In the ears to come this country will become one of the most popu lous sections of Canada, where thrifty, diversified farming, dairying and stock-raising can be carried on. The question of buying land iu the irrigated district is so emphati ctlly a good business proposition that one cannot even glance at the literature whicn is published with out, bein j convinced that the Cana dian Pacific Irrigation and Coloni zation Company have a most com prehensive knowledge of just how to settle the country permaniently. The reports of Dr. Mead, former ly of the DepartMent of Agriculttue in Washington, 1). C, are decidedly interesting. It is cheering to the farmers to know that the soil is just right, the supply of water ample, and the rights of the company se cure; for upon these rights rests the water title of the owners of the soil. Second only to the interest in their own irrigation project is the interest felt by the people of Calgary in the Panama Canal, which they regard as the eventual outlet for the immense wheat crop of Alberta, Liverpool bound. . The Canadian Pacific entered into the irrigation undertaking pri marily to create permanent traffic. With an annual revenue already approximating $2,000,000 at Cal gary, it can be realized that an ad ditional 3,000.000 acres of land un der cultivation would furnish an immense increase in traffic of all kinds. It has, therefore, never been the intention of the road to make any profit on the actual irrigation but rather to make the canal profit able by the enhanced value of the land which they own. Joe Mitchell Chappie in the National Magazine for August. In Warm Weather Vinol is as delicious as a fresh orange, and as soothing as can le to the weak, irritable stomach. It coaxes back lust appetite, improves digestion and creates strength throughout the whole system. We strongly recommend Vinol to all who are weak and run-down from any cause, particularly to delicate women and children, old people and for those who have pulmonary toubi;s. Money back if you try Vinol and are not satisfied. ASHEBORO DRUQ COMPANY. . .. J-n Therefore, or out of o: d ouiekiy ! Pnlwn Oiik Rrmnhra. '..f ; d :.- ir !' v . . ' .!.' I II!' , . I r 1 .i'l- u in. :i ,.,' t,i '.,,, , f .,. v , eo,.,,,.,.,, I I:' U-' ' V''-' Ol d- , r ,. . l.,vk itr. ,,:!, : 'h.- i iv. ..f i f. .,,.. ; Mi. k!-' hi'dod in 'i ;( !., t ,. I :t !l,IM!l,;ilo,.. j O: iii' d en; bo' ,. i 1 -ntl.e de. C'l'e (l b' U'Sr romiiiot, brtM' !-!i"-i at d i. ll ejui.e. (If I'.IVel' poisotied j !;,rt-S ie dar r-sin. Any of 'he a bow aie w.v tm ind will t-tf'-ef a ou f. Ail a:v r.i be ud externally an a W;.S;'. FARMER ISMSTITUTE IMfliirm young mm anil yoiiUK wonini for ( illr(r, I'nl verHlf y null t!iiliiN. Splt-mllil locution, Kotl inoi-nl voniimiiiHy. UiiHlnrufi, t'ol Irn. Hlbl Hint Kormal con rum. Speilnliiilvniilaitraln Munlc itud Art. Knll t'orpH of ablr aucl exprrlrucc! IrHt'lirm. Trrmitvrry low Write for itiiiavriilr cnt. ami other Information. AflilieNit Full term open Kept. Kev. S. The Baptist University for Women, ,tAi.Ft?H' Ilijjh-Hraile school fur women. Thirty four otheeisaitd teachers. Diplomas uivn in t tie Arts, Seipueps, and I'hilostopliy, ami in Mnic, Art, Expression and liiisint'xn. Excellent equipment fur teaching an.l illustrating the Sciences. Dis tinct School of the Bible Full hiiMness school, in charje o! a competent in struemr. Art school, including oil. applied design and china paintirg Regular Normal C'onrsp, elective for A. B. degree Special short c,urt for public school teachers. .School of music, with ten teachers, am) giving instruction in pinuo, violin and pipe organ t'onifort of stinh nts looked alter by lady physician, nurse laily principal nuil matron Hoard, furnished room, literary tuition, heat, fees for physician, nurse, gymnasium nnil library q 1 94 a yea; in the club .?"0 i 5 less. NVxt session opens Sept 4, !)07. For catalogue anil all infoi niation Address R. T. VANN. President. Raleigh, N. C. We Sell the Earth! If you are interested in the proposition, in or near Aiheboro. we think we can please you as to lot, prices and terms. Office in Bank B'ld'gr. Armfield LaigKIin. Real Estate Dealers. - j Littleton Female College Splendid locution. HeaMi resort. Hot water heat Klet-trie lights and other modem improvements). 240 hoarding pupils last year. Hijj;!i s'andunl of scholarship, culture ami social life. Conservatory advantages in music. Ad vanced courses ill jrt and elocution, business. Collesje, llilile and Normal con res. Health record not surpassed. Close per-otnl attention to the health and s icial development of each pupil. I ' 1 1 i I, . n 1 1 worn on alt puhlic occasions. Chargi-s very low. 2l'! h Annual Session will liegiu on Sept. IHth, l'J07. For catalogue, address REV. J. M. RHODES. President, Littleton, N. C. INCORPORATED Capital Stock $30,000 RALEIGH, N. C. Pullen Building . THESK SCHOOLS GIVK the world's best In modem Busiuen Education. Oideat Buslneat College in Xorth Carolina. Positious guaranteed, backed by a written contract. No vacation. Individual instruction. We also teach Book-keeping, Shorthand, Penmanship, by mail. 8en! lor HomvStudy rates. Write todav tor our Catalogue. Otters and High Kndorsemeuta. They are free. Addreaa. . , 'KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. Raleigh, N. C, or Charlotte N.C We also handle J. 1. Nissen Wagons, Johnston Harvesting Machinery, Mowers, Stoves, Ranges, Mill Supplies, all kinds of Hardware. Lewis-Winslnw WE TEACH oiey asking ethods A 2A. That is why "THE FARM MONEY MAKER" has thousands of its subscribers in the South. That prosperous section is now awake to its enormous possibilities. Every farmer, fruit grower or live stock man in the Great South should be a reader of Farm Money Maker. We are making a special offer to farmers in the Southern states. Cut out this advertisement and send it to us with 25 cents (just one half our regular price) and we will send you Farm Money Maker for one year, or mail us 50 cents and you will receive it for 3 years. Do it today. Address FARM MONEY MAKER, Cincinnati, Ohio. A"Bilrous Attack."' Symptoms. Sour stomach, nasty taste in mouth, sick headache, sallow complex ion, the world your enemy. CauSC. Constipation, inact ive liver, ovenlow of bile into the system. Relief. Treatmmt for two nights before retiring with PAM1115 ANO TONIC PELLETS One a night, don't worry, sleep well and Nature'll do the rest. Entire Treatment 23 Ctu T. I, SSITK R. Prln.. Farmer, Si. C f CHARLOTTE, N. C 1 Piedmont. Ins. Bid. HIGH POINT BUGGIES Are THE Best. I Hardware ompany. .J the Farm HI L. M. FOX, M. D. ASHEBORO, N. C. otter, his professional service to the citizens of Asliehorojand surrouiullug eoneiuiiiitv. Offlces: At Pestilence- Dr. J. V. HUNTER, PHYSICIAN - AND - SURGEON Prog Co. Residence -Come, of Main nud Worth Streets. Asheboro, N. C. Dr. S. A. HEJS'LLY, Physician - and - Surgeon, ASHEBORO . N C Office over Spoon A Rcdiling's store nm r Standard Ding Co. DR. D. K. LOCKHART, DENTIST, Asheboro, N. C. ovkr thk'bank Hon p: S N. PCOX, Jewe er and Photographer, Asheboro. N. C. PHOTOGRAPHER AND JEWELER Randleman, N. C. CHAS. L. HOLTON. Attorney-a.t- Law ASHEBORO, . N. C. I I'riietice in both St;io ami Federal couiU Srin! Kttention Kiveu to (.llection.s and th I at-Mi.-mt-ui 01 esiaies. Ultice; .North court house. sidn THAD. S. FEUREE, Attorney At Law ASHEBORO - - - N. C. All matters attended to with care j and promptness. Special atten tion erven tn rnllfrHnna on4 -U j settlement of estates. QUICK REPAIR. SKILLED AMI (I US II?. This is the watchword of N. MELTON, J3he RANDLEMAN JEWELER Your watch needs repairing, Your sewing machine runs hard, Your clock can't be depended on. These will be made as good as new if sent to me for repair. I pay express or registered mail charges one way. N. MELTON, Randolph Hdw. Store Bldg., Randleman, N. O. S Bryant, President J. I.Cole, Cashier T5he Ba.nk of R.andlen8Ln. Randleman, N. C. A Per 1 nterest cent Paid On Time Deposits Capital $ ( 2.000. Surplus, $5,000. 0 R COX, President. W J AKMFlKLiX V-Prea W J ARMFIELD, Jr.. Cashier. The Bank of Randolph, -A-slie'bor, T. C. Capital and Surplus, Total Assets, ever $36,000.01 $150,000.00 With ample aets, experience and protection we Bolicit the business of the bunltinir public and feel safe in saying we are prepared and wUllu to extend to our customer), every facility a ad ao joramodatiou consistent with safe banking. DIRECTORS! Hufrh Parks. Sr., W J Armfield.W P Wood, P H Morns, C C McAlister, E M Arrafteld, O R Oo. W F Redding, Benj Moffltt, Thos 3 Reddfcig, A W K Cupel, A M Rankin, Thoa H Redding. Dr F I Anbury, C J Cox. FOR1CHT-- OIL irrs. Sores. Burn I U Rheumatism ' Z5b 3

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