Saw Hill Machinery Cotton Gin Machinery Shops Bach of Above LIDDELL CO., Charlotte, N. C. TRINITY COLLEGE. Four Department;: Collegiate, Graduate, Engir.eeringf & Law. Large library facilities- Welt .iijuipped laboratories in a1! depart ments cf science. Gymnasium lur nhhed with best apparatus. Ex penses very moitrafe. Aid for worthy students. Young inen wishing: to study law should investigate the su perior advantages offered by the Department of Law in Trinity College. .... Tor catalogue and further infor mation, address D. W. NEWSOM, Registrar, Durham, North Carolina. "1 Trinity Park School A Kirst-C! f'ertilioutrs ( for Colleges. Preparatory Si honl. in'iiiiiitiiin Atceptrd leading Southern Be s t Equipped Preparatory Schools in the South. Facul ty of Ten Officers and Teach ers. Campus of 75 Acres. Library containing 30 Thousand Volumes. Well Equipped Gymna sium. Hih Standards and Modern Method of Instruction. Frequent Lectures by Promi n e n t Lecturers Expenses Exceedingly Moderate. Seveu Years of Phenomenal Success. For Catalogue and other nforina tion, address H. M. NORTH, Headmaster, uurnam, i. SIMMER BARGAINS Our Spring trade ha been so pood that it en- a bled us to sell u lot of hats anil some of th trimmings we no have in stock at reduced prices We also have a new line ot gloves aud fancy collars and arc daily expecting a very ilcsir- able lt of the American Beauty corsets, all canbesuitod. A new and more complete line of the cucumber preparation just received. MRS- E. T. BLAIR, Asbcfeoro, N. C. Any Young Man Or woman, or Husband or Father, earn ing a fair salary con heroine a Club mem ber and secure our NEW SCALE $100 LUDDEN & BATES plAN'O at Club price to uiemliein of $-87, on very easy terms of payment a little at a lime LUDDEN BATES OLC B PIANOS cost club memliers $287 instead of $400 which is tho repular price, just a little more than ordinary $250 and $275 pianos, in five or ten years they coat niu'th leas because they are still good. They are built to last A LIFETIME, and are guaranteed to do so. You can hny other pianos at or about $287, bnt you don't get Ludden & Bates TONE, Ludden A Bates ACTION, Lud den A Bates LASTING QUALITY, Lud den A Bates reputation, and in all, Lud den A Bates satisfaction. Our Lndden A Bates Piano Club in connection with our inexpensive Mail Order department saves you nearly $ 1 25 won h investiga ting besides, we do not collect balance due on piano in cose of death of parent joining we give you a receipt in full you keep the . piano in the home. For particulars send for booklet No. 42 Do it today. Lur'den & Bates 5. M. H. SAVANNAH, GA. Engines and Boilers N A GATEPOST. Method ef Squaring a Log A Help to the Axmin. In squaring a gatepost the first op eration consists ill removing the bark from the log. Id giving directions for the work American Cultivator says: For the sake of stability as large a butt as Is possible Is left on the gatepost- Only that portion, therefore, which Is to stand above the ground Is squared. The length of this portion Is measured off and the log fixed so that it will remain steady while the ends are being marked. At the same time it Is placed in such a position that the most may be made cf the timber it contains. The ease and Readiness with which this is done depend entirely upon the skill aud judgment largely ihe result of practice aud experience of the axman. The tuiinrea or rectangles are uow marked on the ends with the aid of the level and rule. The first line (a vertical onei Is obtained by drawing a pencil along the face of the level when it Is held plumb and as close to the edge us it is deemed advisable to go. The line t;t riulit angles t; this Is ob tained by drawim; a line along the top of the siinie instrument when it is held level. The other lines necessary to complete the rectair-lc ate then obtain ed vtithcut i!:f!ie.:it,v by measurements. Another way of mui W.niz the first line on both eui;s is with the aid of a plumb line, 'ihe other lines are then marked off ;t the a:d of a black smith's jr o'hr s;mi:-e and a measure. It is very ici-ess.: y that some nielli od lie ado; -ted to prevent a "wind" 8Qr.i;iNO the rw.T. ; or twist i:i the sqnaied log. Marking j the first line on each end with the ! plumb Hue or level is an easy and i satisfactory way of preventing this. The endM having I een marked, it is 1 necessary to connect these marks with lines which will show the axruau bow : deep to chop. These lines are marked or "struck" in a similar manner to that i adopted by a carpenter for marking a j chalk liue ou a board. A carpenter's i line, a piece of fishing line or, failing ! these, a piece of siring or sewing ; twine is Instead of coating the i string with dry chalk, as the carpen- j ter does, it is found betler for the , work in hand to use a liquid, such us ' whitewash. j Cuts, nr kerfs, at intervals of nine j to twelve inches are now chopped with ' a common ax almost to the lines ' "struck. " Tl.e iiitei'vening blocks are then spi t IT with ti.o same ax, after which tin- edges are fnally trimmed ; with Ihe squaring ax. ! 'J lie partially squared log is uow roll- ! ed over until the remaining marks on the cuds ni'e in a vertical pysitiou. lines , connecting t'.ese murks are "struck" i.nd Ihe squared an the others were squared. The top is then round- ! ed nfr will, ax and adz. This com pletes tl.e squaring. The post is fin- ' isiied and is icaily for setting iu the ground. A Trellis For E'ackberries. The Hatbliurn aud Lldorado blaek benies should be grown in rows aud be supported by a wire on each side. I think the best way for making u trellis for supporting blackberries is to have a stout post at each end of the row and have two wires runuiug be tween the posts for the blackberries tt t row r.piii. At a distance of til' teen to twenty 'feet the wires should be tied Ugetbcr with string, and where the rows are very ling perhaps an occa sional fiercer stake may be put In to keep the wires from dropping too low. I-'arm aud Fireside. Ccbbene Fcr Nortbern Markets. Cabbage for the northern market Is grown in soutlern Florida quite ex ten fively. The aci oir p.iiiviiig picture, from Americab Agriculturist. wa. tak CABUAGE 7S THF CRATE en March U ot ralmetto, Fla Cab bage Is cut and trinjmed. packed In t rates es here shown Ld shipped to northern markets. Cotton Production. The sittiation throughout the world with regard to cotton production has eoufinued to bo a subject nf investiga tion liv the (lonnrtinoe.t nf i.n-i.iilt,,..Q and it Is still Impossible to find any j tangible evidence of the prospective I production of cotton in any country ' which will be a aerious competitor cf the upland cotton of this country. n $ I Trinity aud Flowers. Years sgo I read Ruskin's "Seasame and Lilies,' and as the title suggested flow ers, I opened the volume with toe expecta tion of gaining some idea as to the cultiva tion of flowers, or a description of, or deser tation upon plant life. I was semewhat disappointed. It did not come up to my ex pectation as I did not get what I was looking for. Long ago I turned the leaves' of a work called "Plant Life," but 1 learned nothing, beyond looking at the pictures 1 think the classification and analysis of the defferent flowers was a dead letter to m, nevertheless a flower garden filled with beautiful, bright flowers I always loved A short time ago I took a Sunday evening stroll through what is Known as Northern Trinity As I wondered back towards night fall, not as the due was falling, but as the tun was sinking slowly in the west, casting a rick golden glory over all, my eyes were attracted to the left of the street where stands the beautiful residence of Mr and Mrs. W. N. Elder. I had heard of their collection of flowers, and had from the street caupht glimpses of bright hued flowers, but I had only faint idea of what that yard held. Distance in some cases, "lends en chantments to the view," but there are ex ceptions. The flowers at the Elder place must lx viWed at close range to be fully appreciated. At a distance the colors blend, the per fume is scaitered, we behold it as a gayly c doied picture, as a huge bouquet in a frame One to get an idea of these fhweiS must walk through the grounds, pay homege to nch. as an i idividnal tlerantums of all kinds, begonias, judisius, ferns, (this is ns far as I can go as te nanies all kinds, tizes mid colors imaginable. Passing horn the first circle of floral de lidits. we entered the second circle, ly a si 'e pa'e, and In! we were literally encircled w i h II' wers. 1'ar'eers of gorgeous bright lined flowers wav-d their golden heads to the evening ! thought of the "Hanging Uai-dea-" i f Pahy'nn, of Orange ai d "Pome granite L'rives" of the ".MliaiiiUr."." !t on'v n -'did ti e oonliglit's fanciful shadows to u::,!e e the delusion. Vo- ile r is rolden yello.v. where (lie zinnia t ir- - la - dial 111. e face to the sun vender -:'''. .ihere the Egyptian s g erects iis t ' l , u nci- Here is a patteete of the purple v.'tl.e- a. tl-ere the enphoilia slads its si'ver ha!, ii-'i'i rthe orange j in'i mil es in tl.i mwv fl nvers of the bea-uiui not lamily, ; :ii" heyo i! id eye r.nims over tie- pink bl"s - .- s i f the ti-'i family I' was lad to a.- I: iw iv from such li liir'its. I left GREATEST FUN MAKER Wonderful Moving Picture Machine Gives No End of Amusement. You Can Have a Theatre . in Your Home. Hoys and fjirls and parents-do you like to have fun? And boys, do you like to make money while you ure having a lot of fun? Here is an offer that means fun for the boys, fun for the girls, fun for the par ents an offer thut will turn your home into a veritable theatre-no end of amusement for everybody. I nieun a moving picture machine a KKAL moving picture machine that will throw moving pictures such as you may have seen at tug entertainments. I'ntil recently no one could buy a moving pic ture machine for less than SUVKKAI. Hl'XDKKIi DOLLARS, hut now you have an offer to get a moving picture machine with Sat moving pictures A II SOLITKLY KKKK. Just think a mov ing picl lire macniiie out lit KKKK! 0 Scenes aud events from all over tne world arc brought riuhl tu your home by this moviiu' picture machine. There is untiling that cannot be reproduced by t lie machine. Vo l may mi-stirring burse rai es, ex- itin.' prize lights, if you want I heal. daring hiiruUri'-.s. w ith the thieves 'tM'inyr citug'it iu the act by our trusty cameras, battle scene., fishing scenes, pictures o penpl.' in church, pictures of President iloosevclt aud oilier givnt men delivering skmc!i-.-s. ph tmes of children at play, li luting scenes. gr at l"ll'tlliU.lKcs. and llllM'lleds ill otheis tint woalil Keeaiy iiue.vst everyone. Mr. ICHis has j Jio ii.-niplicis ever in readiness lo pliol'i.-rapli every impor tant happening ui iti" day. so tuitt yo i i-"prodii,:c in your own laune any public event taking pi i e in New York or any where elsu as if you had been on '.he gromnl yourself. You can see ships cumin;: into the. harbor of New York i r lloston. you cu:i s v Imliaus tightiug on llie plains in Ine West, you can even see iliee.vpiosion of u Kiissian battleship as il is tired upon by t!i. 'Japanese. You can see the imu liets of l.arnpe, the people in the slreets of Paris an I Naples, wild animals in the forest s i Africa, and e citing horse r.i'-es. pictures ol all kinds go with this moving picture inachinc. so that there is no cud of entertainment. PtM4mA flwrtt K. Ftlk. k kM rr1 tUp or rickt t wy lb oMlril Jtvlc I'll lor lehlfte. THIS MOVING PICTURE INVENTION THAN TUP fllmc; which reproduce the wonderful ine nulla pictures shown by this machine are thirty-two pictures to the foot, popular standard size. This is the sine endorsed hy the leading movin? picture entertainers who make thousands of dollars a year showing excited audiences pictures ot momentous events. The films are all contained on a lU-fixt endless chain. These films are taken one after the other and catch the moving" objects in the different st aires of action, thus presenting them to the eye as if the objects were really alive before you. Ynii ilnn'f need ,n do much traveling i ou aon i neea wnen yoil h!ive g(H niovimr picture machine in the house. You can sit rlsrht In your own parlor and look at scenes from all over the world lust as if you bad traveled thousands upon thousands of miles and were look In? at the real scenes themselves. The moving picture machine keeps the entire household in a continual round of huiBhter when the funny pictures are shown.. Mail the coupon. Fn inclnnro when yon are looking at a i ui lujinuLC huntinc scene and the horse on which a hunter is ridinr takes a tumble when he lumps the fence it is funny to see the rl-ler roll over and over on the around and then srt up and feel the lump on bis bead. The machine Is very popular when there is a party ut your house. the lady of this floral retreat watering one and all alike as regards color or form. I am glad to have awn these beautiful flowers I am glad old Trinity is looking up through the eyes of faith, and flowers to higher and nobler things, and may the last cf Trinitv compare favorably with the first. , Truly Alst AtrsiE. ' When trere is the alighest indication of indigestion, heart burn, flatulence or any form of stomach trouble take a little &odol occasionally and you will be afforded prompt relief. Kodol is a compound of vegetable acid and contains the juices found in a healthy stomach. Kodol digests what you eat, makes your food do you go si. Sold by Standard Drugl.o, aud Ashelioro Drug Co. BLACKSMITH SHOP. I desire tn thank the citizens cf AslieWo for their patronage since I opened my shop here aud assure them that all work sent me in blacksmithieg aud horse shoeing will be carefully looked after IlEV. H. DAVID, Aahrhoro, S.C. North Carolina, Randolph County, M irthu Thayer, et al, vs. NOTICE. Richard (Ira vis, ct .il. The defendants. Jiwph Cox. Mamie Cox Vain pej and Alleu Vullilier, will take notice that an nciiou eniuiei as anove mis nccti commenced in i the Suierior Court of Kaudolpli County to sell u ! eeitain parcel of land situated In Klchianil I Ti-w liship in Mild county for division a. oug . tenant- in common of vthii h said defenduut are jnirt owner.; and the said deiendunts will far ther take notice that thev lire required ti aei:r I at Iheolliee of the Clerk of the Superior eoail of , Uaiiiolph (ounty at the court hou-e in Ashe I hum, N. C, on the !'th day of Autu-t. 1!M7. and ' answer or demur to the Hiiuoi' in Mini action or the petitioners will apply to Uu- court for llic , relief dciiuuicled in sunt petition, i W . C. IIAM.!UV1. CleiK suiK-rior C.aut. 'll'ls.Wii day of July, IM. KtTIt 1 . iia ine '.iiialifi'"1 ts .A',-iiiiiistr tor on the es tate of W. K. ij-.w- . .-c . Ir fi l -W. ('. H.lli iiiiuiil. Clerk i f Hie t i i ( u il i f Kaialo pn toanlv All p hnv ec i hrias i cainsl -aal K.vr are mi:. II it to i r-i i.t II.' la 'o llie i n n-r-i. lu-u, ilali ci itic' on --r i.c' ,ie Ui- i-ih Hi o( iii-e ltiis or II. w,-l . p. uil.-.l ' in lar.l their reei'vt ry in it all i i. n. i,ii e is. talc w l; come fi-iii.i u i n..i!;e iiriim di.i.i set- ili iii'-nt 'I a is .'.'Ih d, i 1 f y,uv. MkC. l'. 1.. lit! 1 S. .V I I AViS FICTUKE ' . I -:fl ERE IS A PHOTOGRAPI1 OF THE E-. It Is the irn'atest entertainer ever invented : no end of fun mid merriment for yrr- . self ami nil your visitors. Kverybiaiy will be j-lnil to i oine lo your la. me wi t n yi u have one of these Krut movinu pi ture nuuiiini sum: von will lunch until your slili s sp'it when you see the Immy pictures. When yi a own Ibis n ovtmr i n line n ai Line i ui II c 1 tilm of i.'tl frii' pictures, you can pive eutertaiiunents in il ii.nkc lots and lots i : mi ia y. Yon will besought uftcr at ciiuiili cnicrtainmeuis nun every social Una lien in your I neighborhood. Tl! lie laovini: w .wii ir rav of liuht -Jli l in liinnieler: lamn is fitted with irreul ssleti h'.'lit power, lias far im'nter linlit power tlian i -iiulle power on the screen and l.rinirii:;r ,u; ' v I'tslirielness. The eartiide Is iil'ii'ljih: s.ile, ifc t..tttt its absolute salety. With the outllt we send hook with Ins-rue-: mr.ehine. Any eliiid can learn in ttve uiinates 1., gQYS ""'s marvelous .. Moving Picture MONET "gX'o'iS Mane" You can make plenty of money giving moving Pic ture Shows. GOOD WORDS T am delimited with the Machine. I have been offered four dollars more than I paid for it. I.eonurd Alter, ' HlfAltUl,:, y. y. The Movinc Picture Machine Is all rlcht: It works all rich! and I um pleased with it. I thank you a thou sand times, for it. W.J. Lord, iiwuaiiii, a. y. The Movlne Picture Machine works like a charm. I expect to make a treat deal of money with It. J. Victor ttitziiiaii, SJ4 Mulberry Street, lieiulinu, i'o. I find the Moving Picture Muchlne to lie exactly as represented and 1 wish to thank you u thousand limes for it as it is brincini; me lioth fun and money. Kurl MACHINE IS A GREATER THE PHONOGRAPH Fvprv ITrsmn may be turned Into a regular livery liome o0,j miP hy civine moving picture shows, hor Instance there Is no one who would not be wllllntr to pay to see Presi dent Koosevelt delivering one of his speeches. If c fph! yu ran almost hear the il 13 u real words und all one has to do is to read the speech he is delivering and you - SHOORlfO TBI CHCTlt8 AT OOHET ISLAITD, H. T. cart see every test n re he makes. Boys. It is marvelous. The live hoy with one of these machines can make plenty of money all be w&ntr to spend. Send coupon. ' LEGAL N0T1GES. SALE NOTICE. By virtue of the power vested in us by order of the Superior Court of Kandolph County, North Carolina. In the action entitled Julia C. Fuller ami other against Baxter Peacock and others, we will mi the 27th day of August, 10?. at It o'clock, M ., sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for casli. it the court house door in Ashcboro. N C, the following described real estate, viz: First tract known as the Sum my tract, begin ning at a stone on the south side of the LexliiR ton and Favetteville road, corner made for Mrs. Julia C. Fuller in Mrs. Elizabeth Miller's line, thence norm 19 chains and links to,a stone at Elizabeth Miller's corner, thence south 87 de grees east, IB chains and 75 links to a stone her corner lu KenU'ii Cameron's line, thenee north i decrees east 14 chains aud x links to a stone in said Cameron's line, corner of the Home-stake mining lands, thence north 45 degrees west 9 chains mi 84 links to a stone, corner of same, thence north id li degrees east, 5 chains to a stone corner of same in the Salisbury and Ashe bom road, thence south 60 decrees west with said road, 4 chains and 50 links to a stout iu said road, thence south 76 degrees west with road Vi chains and 50 links to a stone in said road at bend of same, thence south 05 degrees west with mad, 4 chains and 75 links to a stone on or near edKe of said road, corner made for Mrs. Julia C, Fuller, thence south 63 decrees west, again with said road 9 chains to a stone in said Mud her other corner, thenee south 20 deifees eut. 24 chain- and 50 links to a stone at the road her corner, thenee south til decrees S chains and 50 I links toa stone on the north edge of the Lcx , iiiKton and Fayettevilie road, her corner, thence south 42 decrees east with said road 10 chains and 48 links M the beginning, containing 1-2 I acres more or less, j Second tract, known a the Cashatt tract, be i ginning at a stone corner of the Laughliu Mine , tract. chain and imi links east oftheenrn ' ei of I elk : Brown Mining tract, thence south I thirty-three chains and 75 links Stephen Cody's eoii.eroii mining line, thence west 24 chains and I 5t links to a stone his corner at a branch tit the I moat h of a deep gully coming in on the north side. hence up said branch as It nicanrieis Its , vaiioiis cour-es nb mt 12 chains and 2fi links to : a -lone, thenee north ; 1-2 digrees west 7 chains ami 2d links to a stone l.on I uugliliii's corner, ss ih grees east .fi chains 60 links to a stone his coiner, thence ninth 7 degices east 7 chains and ; i'R Hnk to a s-ot.e 1 1- corner, thenee south S3 12 di are- west h chains unit 21 links to a stone, foiineily s hakiry in PurrishV 1-nc. thence la nh la eln.jn. to a stone Hei.rv Je!ks corner ut ornearu blanch. Ni ih Krei s east H eluiMi- unilaO !n,!,-loa sione i ear a spring, thenee ulsiut N Ili l-v ilef i-i east -i. as to leave the same spring : lo H.-i.iy 1 elk, lino n -ar or w ith the braiieh, in p: ri, ti el,.-.ii s ton stoi.e in tin- old Casl.att iH'ik line, ileuij iv'k's thence east on i i mils to ts-giiii.iiig. eont.nning l-l:. acr. 'I.'.' il trait, k'.oii a- Milkr A Piown land-, if al a s!"i,e Julia C. t-i.llers pee, and ih. i ee ii r'li 28 ci-iiins aim 20 iii-k to a ei,.v w--t ." i lai'ii- ami To lii.lis to u i" e lior'.h III "i ainalai Ml lints t" u . i.c cast 22 il i.ins and Mi links to a i.i- tl 1,1'tte. Hi chains aro : links i ,'"al; i nee east I. chains and 25 a -ta;;c. tliv'i.. c south ,"u links lo n wlii:e l ee ea't; chains anil 25 links to a dug- and this Machine, all given KARV CLCI S MOVING rtCTl RE M rliic li'.lhi clal-KUl l In- pleiure in mm mm? THE WONDERFUL KCVING MY OFFER name and address very plainly. Mail , this to me today. As soon as I receive It I will mail yotrlftof the most bountiful pictures you eversaw all in brilliant and shimnierlngeolors. There are fourteen different colors m me pictures, an wrought topctner in tne most spiemnu manner, l want you to dis tribute these pictures on a siiecial offer among the people you know for 25 cents aniere. They cannot get these pictures at the art n uic liHiuirj, il you wish, uiuumiM, any one person, wnen you nave aisirinuiea me zn pictures yon will have collected 17.00. Send the seven dollars to me and I will Immediately send you KKKK the moving pietun 1 machine outfit and the 10 feet of film, containing 320 moving pictures, all completeTFHEf x oii vc ine soie num. wjivr mnj uc niov ii on uire niHcnme nun tne moving pic tures, and the hrst one who answers will be the first one to receive the great gifts. ' ' I LsmCsl or lew oaf tills frM tTBraWWWWWSSl .. fl: MceaMry. SIbsIf J umi ni airfastliialr, uai ts som M I melts yMr retweat I will tci roa tbt aiclaras pre paiik laea all oa Kill kara to i is la e'ialrlaale At fictaraa, aa lac mlaf' siclerc acaiaa Wilt bt foara. CIIAS. E. ELLIS PIESIDENT 649 W. 43d STREET Dept. M.O. NEW YORK CITY Wtiod, thence south S3 chains and 85 links to A . I slake, tiieui-e east seventeen chains aud Hrtir links to a post oak. thenee south twentv-t.hrS.sL chums and fifty links to the stake, thence east eight chains and fifty links to a stake in the . ............. .., tiieuur sou in nity degrees west five chains to a stake, thence south -ixtv decre west with said mad, eighteen cits and fifty links to a stake, thence south seventy -live degrees west with said road twelve chains aud tiity links t-iastako. thence south sixty-live degrees west with said road, four chains and s- veniy five links to the stake, thence north el ven degrees west thirteen chains to a stake thence south eighty-seven degrees west, twenty six chains to the beginning, containing two hun dred and seventy.two acres more or leas. JT F nrth tract. Half interest in the Bumner mill tract, containing 17 1-2 acres mere or loss. Fifth tract. A tract of land known a the Brown mine, coutalnlng about 48 acres, more or lew. Also the following personal property consisting of stocks, etc.; " Five shares of stock in the American Furniture Company uf, Lexington, N C. U0 shareAaif slock in Oak Dale Cotton Mill Jamestown, N. C. ,i 50 shares of stock in First National But. High, Point N.C. ." 18 shares of stock in Bank of Lexington, -N C 6 shares of stock in Greensboro National Bank Greensboro, N. C. '' (I shares ot stock In Bank nf Rnnriivlnh i.h.' boro, N. C. 5 shares of stock in Bank of ThomasvUle Thomasville N. C. 6 haras of stock liUhe High Point Milling Co. Greensboro, N. C. " ' toicli in me moral ixrdHaa l Sai'ings Bunk and Trust Cx, High Point. W. C, VSk. J. A, SPENCE. f CO,UmlM,ODer1' This July 24th, 1IIQ7. Sh'KnUy. I-iot Court. VS. William J. Blair, Einelinc J. Peunv und husband Denny, (iustuvis N. Hunt, Wtnlieli J Hunt. KolK'rt P. Hunt. Edward K. Hunt. Will, lain l)ix. liirain Mx, Koland 1)1 x. Anna baven. isirt ami her husband. Iiaveupnrt, Sarah Walton and husband Walton and burah A. Helper. Ihe defendants nhoveinmed will take m.Uce that an action cmPied us above has hccii com menced in t!ie Si;M rior i oi.n of p.audolph County to sell real estate of Sallle J. Pluir, dee'd, to niisc asset to piy l;i-r ilit-, siud land siUiat cd in I rin ty lownsh p. tinmiolph Counlv, a4 jomiug the lands of W. .1. BitikaH, nnri sunt de icniliuits will further take notice that they are rcquin il Ui at the elli'-e of the Clerk of the Superior ( oiirt in said t .'iiuty on the 5th, nay oi Auuusi. I!7, and uu-ir, picador de? inurlolhe eoinpiaiiit ill saal action, or the plaintiff will upply tu the curt lor the relief iktmii.iled in said action. I W. r. HAMMOND,. j Cletk of si jierior Court. I I bis the iitlulayef J.luly l!K7. ( n Marvelous Moving Picture! with complete equipment- away all FREE absolutel Comp1t Movins Ticture Machine Outfit, afetv carbide arnc-rritor and lamp, other quiiknent and 10-fiKt film sat of 220 pictures. Tins iirciil Movinir Picture ?-iHcliire Is no tor nor FREE Vj sti i:ii ciiitu, nui n reinutir niovii i. pierure msi-ame 'pemriua- with tlln-.s on the same pi-uiclple as th' a "Viiiir pi. -lure- machines that lire used hv enter laiiiei s t-i'sihiK huiulreds and l,ULilrei:s of dollsrH. I.JOW you can (iet this stupendous outfit fre. it explained below where it Mrs la b. LUcU bpt., "MY OFFER." . PICTURE MACHINE TOR THE HOME HERE IS what vou are to do in order Hi to rrt this nnucona mnvliit I 0 inachlne and the &X) moving pictures: f I K rt'iiu your inline anil miuresn on tne free coupon that is all. Write yout 1 stores at any price. You may distribute two J uui yuu must sen no more tnilll IWO pictures to I FREE COUPON ... GOOD FOB MOVING PICTURE MACHINE OFFER ' Cbas. K. Ellis, President, Ma W. 43d Street. Dept. M.O. , New York. Dcar Mr. Ellis: Please send ine the twenty-eight pictures, so miy r"? 't1" t moving picture machine Outfit. Yours, truly, Blgn your name and address. 'A ,! A"