CO KPTIRM I I T5he COURIER T5he COURIER Leads inDoth News and Advertising Columns .Bring Results. Circulation. -1 JLJLJL Issued Weekly. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. $1 M per.Year VOL XXXII. , - ASHEBORO, N. Cj THURSDAY. AUGUST 22, 1907. TnTr Worth Carolina Lawyer Hurls Bomb at Hearing. Telia Soutnern'g Expert WltneM Facta he Didn't Know About Cost Of Operation Opposing Counsel in Frequent Tilts. The New York World gives in account aa follows of a day's hear ing of the North Carolina passen ger rate matter before Special Mas ter Ex-Judge W.'A. Montgomery in New York. "Ex-Judge Montgomery was appointed by Judge Pritchard to take evidence in the case of the Southern Railway Company. The article in full follows: The taking of testimony in this city before Special Master W. A. Montgomery in the suit of the Southern Railway to have the North Carolina Rate law declared confiscatory and unconstitutional was continued yesterday with George a. JiiVans, fourth Division Superin tendent of the Louisville and Nash ville Railroad, on the'stand. Mr. Evans testified that with the enforcement of the 2-1 4 cent rate per milexa road constructed as pe culiarly as the Southern in North Carolina would practically have toJ give up operations. Ihe witness said that it cost more to carry fowl traffic than through traffic. E. J. Justicp, speaker of the house of representatives of North Carolina, then questioned the witness. "Now Mr. Evans," began the in quisitor, "you have said here that your knowledge of railroading had been gained solely as an employee of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad. Now can you conscient iously use this knowledge to tell us anythicgr of the business of the Southern Railway Company?" Mr. Evans started to agree with Mr. Justice when Lawyer Thorn, for the Southern interfered. "Here, here," cried Mr. Justice, turning to the Special Master, "Mr. Evans is better qualified to tell what he knows of himself than Mr. Thorn." There was an outburst of fi ry Southern oratory which moved Mr. Thorn tosay hotly: "Mr. Master, I don't want to be criticised by opposing counsel, and I won't have it." Mr. Justice kept on until the Master said: "I agree with Mr. Thorn." Mr. Justice sprang a surprise when he asked the witness: "You will insist that your exper ience entitles you to give an expert opinion on all matters pertaining to. railroading, and to the Southern Railway Company in particular?" "I do," was the reply. . Then tell us why, if I should ship hard ware to Greensboro, N. C, the last 114 miles of the journey should not be cheaper than the first 114 miles of this same journey f, as yon say, longer hauls with full cars are cheaper in operating than empty cars on short runs?" "I can't answer that question, for I do not want to sit here as au expert." At this the members of the State Committee smiled and the master asked the witness if he did not want to withdraw his earlier state ment that he was an expert. "No, let it stand," said the wit ness. The witness was asked on what he based his objection to the new rate law, and he answered: "On information 1 have received." "Be specific and tell us on what information," said Mr. Justice. The witness admitted that he could not say. Neither could he give any detailed facts as to the amount of business of the Southern Railroad. "Don't you know," asked Mr. Justice, "that the gross earnings of the Southern Railroad last year from opeiating trains on all lines in North Carolina were $1.98, and don't you know that the gross oper ating expenses were $1.14 per train mile, and don't you know that the total earnings on all its lines in all , states when operating were $1.58 vper train mile, and don't you know that the total expense on all its lines was $1.12 per train-mile? "Mr. Evana was dumfonnded, and Lawyer Thorn jumped to his feet. "Where does the counsellor get the facts?" "From this book," said Mr. Jus A North Carolinian. tice, exhibiting a huge volume for the first time. "I want that book," said Thorn. "You can't have it," said Mr. J ustice. The negro question was broached for the first time when Mr. Evans said that la'lrcaJs in the South conld not be operated as cheap'y as in the North, because separate coaohes had to be provided for whites and blacks. Mr. Justice smiled and asked the w'tness why this should enter iuto the operating expenses, when each class pays for accommodations. "Welf, it does," said Mr. Evans, and his examination ended. Editorially the World says: - "Speaker Justice, of the House of Representatives of North I'aro lina, at the Southern Railroad hear ing yesterday, Bhowed in embarrass ingly thorough knowledge of finan cial details bearing ou the road's operation rn h's State. If the railroad's witnesses want to make u good impression for their side they must brush up on their facts. A two and a quarter cent passenger rate is not necessarily bad unless it entails actual loss upou them. If that is the case thev should be able to prove it as Veil as assert it." SURREDER OF CORNWALLIS Yorktowu Day to be (ireat Invent at Jamestown Exposition. Jamestown Exposition Va., Aug 20. Nearly odo hundred and twen ty-six years have gone by since C-ornwallis suriendered to the al nea American ana rencn armies at York town, and in keeping with the historical significance of the event, a great celebration will be held at the Jamestown Ter-Centen nial Exposition on October 19, the anniversary of the date. The cele bration will be under the auspices or tne exposition authorities, the Thomas, Jefferson Memorial Associ ation and the descendants of the signers of the Declaration of Inde pendence. The proposed meeting at the Ex position in October will be but a part of another memorial event, for under the joint auspices of the Thomas Jefferson Memorial Associ ation, tne association of descendants and the exposition officials a pro gram of unusual interest will be carried out. It will be arranged appropriately in keeping with the great historical event it celebrates. The close proximtiv of the scene of this f anions surrender to the Exposition makes this event of great interest, and the quaint ok village of xorktown will no doubt be visited by many of those who will attend this great historical celebration Oct. 19. H ants a New Moses. The Chattanooga News refers to Mr. Bryan as "the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night" of the Democratic pirty. The Nebraskan, however, has had two chances as leader and has twice fallen. Let's get a new Moses. Sheveport Journal. We can all see the cloud, but we shall fail to see light that will help ns out of the wilderness unless the party can agree on some man on whom all factions will unite. Blame For Wreck. The engineer, conductor and two train dispatchers charged with gross negligence causing a wreck near Raleigh, in which death resulted to a number of persons on' -August 6, will be tried for manslaughter in Wake county. This is the verdict of the coronor's jury, so warrants have been issued. New Church Building at Mt. Vernon. Rev. B. F. Hargett has the plans of a beautiful little church build ing, which he and the congregation will have constructed at Mt. Ver non, six or seven miles south of High Point. The church will cost about $1,500, and will present a neat appearance when completed. Mr. Hargett is pastor of the church. Meeting ot Primitive Baptists. The Abbotts Creek Primitive Baptist Association will meet Sat urday, August 28th with the High Point church in Mechanicsville. CONDENSED NEWS. The Winston Drng Co. is a new concern at Winston, with T. J. Farrow, Jr, manager, Robert Allan Pinkerton bead of the Pinkerton agency, the greatest detective in the last decade, died last week on his way to Europe. The theory and practice of gov ernment by injunction has received a severe jolt in North Carolina, and is likely to receive other jolts in olher states. Dr. Allen, a well known citizen of Elm City, was cremated in his home Friday. His clothing caught from kerosene from a lamp explo sion. Mr. Stahl Linn, son of lawyer i. Kj. ijinn, ot balisbury, has been elected to the Chair of Latin in the Staunton Va., Military Insti hue. It is reported that Ex-Judge E W. Timberlake will move to Lex- ington in the near future and will become a member of the law firm of Walser & Walser. The partial report of the Bureau of Curpoiations more than confirms all that the Democrats charged against the Standard Oil trnst which the Republicans as stremously de nied. Because of the illness and resig nation or. rresiuent a . ti. .Browne, the Anderson b. C. Phosphate and Oil Company controlling 10 or 15 cotton oil mills, went into liquida tion last week. Mr. T. E. Bruner has wired his safe arrival at Glasgow, Scotland, where he has gone to induce Scotch emigrants to settle in N. C. This would simplify the labor question as well as fill our State with sub stantial citizens. .Nannie Shoe, a negress, was ar rested at Salem one day last wok upon the charge of poisining 'the family of C. F. Moister, with whom she was staying. She emptied a box of rat killer in the coffee. She was bound over to court. Before Special Master Montgom ery in New York one day last week former President James M. Barr, of the Seaboard Air Line, testified that it was impossible to make a piotit on passenger rates at 2 1-4 cents in North Carolina, and that local freight rates if reduced would barely be profitable. Special Master Montgomery, be hind closed doors in New York, Fri day began to take depositions in the litigation between the State of North Caiolina and the Southern Railway concerning the 2 1-4 cents passenger rate, impositions will also be tauen in Washington. It was a singular election they had in the Philippines the other dav. It was bo manifestly fair that there have been no cries of fraud and no demands for a recount. No wonder the Republican leaders consider it an evidence of the total nnprepared ness of the Filipinos for self govern ment. The Shaw Cotton Mill, of Weldon. has been chartered, the capital be ing siuu.uuu authorized and $25,- 000 subscribed bv W. T. Shaw. W. A. Pierce and others. The company has authority to operate cotton ana woolen mills. Mr. Wade Stockard, a bright joung newspaper man, who has been with the Industrial News as a reporter, has resigned and will go to Salisbury the first of September to open a branch business of the F. A. Walker Tailoring establish ment. A spiral tower system of fire es capes has been installed at the In s'itutionfor blind at Raleigh. It is about the safest system in existence at present, especially for the bhud. as all you have to do is to step in aud away yon go to the ground, tne Qoors at eacn entrance closing when you enter, thus preventing the flames from following. Under the leadership of Mrs. H. A. London, President of the local chapter U. D. C, a haudsomt monument to the memory of the Chatham Soldiers who lost thiii lives for the Confederacy has been erected at Pittsboro, and will be unveiled Aug. 23. Chief Justice Clark will deliver the addresf, and the Raleigh Drum Corps will fnr-' This is said to be the only Confederate Drum Corps in existence. Revolutionists in Russia have in augurated another reign of terror. A Photo-Engraving plant has been established in Winston. Poll tax in Winston has been re duced to $2.00, property tax to $1.C0 en the $100 valuation. Charlie Sutberlin was suddenly assaulted and his skull fractured with a rock, near Asheville, on last Sunday night by some unknown person. Mr. E. F. York, of Redstone, Colorada, is here on a visit to his I'lo-.her, Night Ticket. Agent York "f the Sonthern. Mr. "York was f-nnerly ocated here as a well Kmtrtii dry goods salesman. He now haa a position with the Colora do supply Company, of Redstone. Greensboro Telegram. J. O. O. F f.r.-iid Enrainpmedt Met at Winstoii Saleiu Lat't W eek. WinsMn-Salem, N. C, August !". Ihe 00th annual session of the Grai.d Encampment, Independent Uiuer vt Odd r-ellows of North Car olina convfued at Winstou-Sulem last week. The next session will be held at Asheville The following officers were elect ed for the ensuing year Grand Patriarch F. C. Dunn, of fiinston, JN. C. Grand High Priest W. L Smith, oi wnmingion. Grand Seuior Warden G. W. Bryant, of Durham Grand Scribe C. H. Ramsey, of Uharlotte Grand Tieasurer Wesley Will iams, ot .Elizabeth City. Grand Junior Warden W. C Allen, of Waynesville. Grand Outside Sentinel R. E, Cox, of 'Kinstou. Grand Representative A. F. Hall of Winston-Salem. TOWN COMMISSIONERS, New Street Lights Ordered Other Mat ters of Interest. At a recent meetini? of the IWrl of Commissioners of Asheboro M. W. Pamsh was appointed town tux collector and has given bond in the sum oi sjiz.uuu. The board also ordertd addition al street lights placed at the term inns of tne following streets: J. wo on Uox street. Three on Sunset Avenue. One fa;h on Hoover. Park and North Favetteville streets. On account of the and elevating nature of the Alkahest Lyceum course to be given in Ashe boro this Fall. The board decided to permit the eotei tain men ts to be given iree oi license taxes. DEATH AT RAMSEUR. Well Known Citizen is Buried With Masonic Honors. W. F. Lane, a well known citizen of Randolph connty, died at his nome at rtamseur ounuay ana was buried Monday. The funeral was conducted bv Rev. J. B. Richardson. of High Point. The deceased was a msmber of the Order of Masons, and a large delegation of members of the Order attended and partici pated m theexeicises. J. he deceaead was 76 years of age. He is survived bv two sons. Mr. J. T. Lane, of Gieensboro, and Capt. W. D. Lane, of Ramseur: and one daughter, Mrs Artilla Whitehead, ot Kamseur. BOER'SETTLERS. Have Purchased Farm in Trlnllv Township Industrial People. Two families of Boers, from South Africa, have settled in TrLi ty township on the Enos Blair farm. Mr. Jbrhart came to Randolph last fall from Virginia and bought the Blair farm from J. W, Hill. Havins decided to move to HL!i Point, he has sold bis place to the Boer emigrants. They are an hon es', industrious ptople, and are not ed for their success in conducting small farms. They have what tin-y call the "intensive system. Other families are expected Smith Afiioa to tattle in Trinity, New Market and Back Creek tow :i-shipg. HANDSOME MONUMENT. F.rected by Mrs. F. I'.. Welborn In ;reenliiil Cemetery. Mrs. F. E. Welborn, of Greens boro, has lately bad erected in her burial lot, in Greenhill cemetery, in Greensboro, N. C, a beautiful Gre cian tablet to the memory of her husband, the late II. R. Welborn. The monument consists of a base, second base with name, H. R. Wel born in carved letters on the front and name, Welborn, on the back, a dia with an appropriate inscription, a plinth, cap and vase. The size of base is 5"x41 in. and height 11 feet. All the granite is fi om the cele brated quarries and works of Thom as Delahuntv, at Westery, R. I with oilices and works at 3811 to '21 Ridge ave, Philadelphia. Th design of the Welborn monu ment ii Greciai and is classic in every lii e. TLe c-.irvmgs of the plinth, c.ip and vase following the best, n.odels of the old masters. The monument has been greatly admired by all who have seen it. It is certainly one of the best in the cemetery. SKEEN-BROWN. T. II. keen Weds Mls Brown of Moore County. T. H. Skeen, of Asheboro, and Miss Ella Brown, of Bensalem, in Moore county, were married yester day 8t the home of the bride's fath er, Mr. Lorenzo Brown. Mr. Skeen is al young man of fine business capacity and integrity and is a popular salesman in the store of W. J Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Skeen will arrive in Asheboro this morning An Expression From the Courier Expo sition Party. We, the undersigned members of the Courier party to Jamestown Ex position, wish to express, so far as possible, by word or otherwiee, our very hearty appreciation for the a 1 vantages given us by the Asheboro Courier and kindness shown us by Mr 8. Hammer, and to the manage ment of the Outside which we were entertained, for the quality and quantity of the food served, and for the uniform kindness accorded us in every way. I had. S. erree. Blanche Moflitt Estella Allred. Lena Kearns M W Parrish S T Lassiter Mary Scarboro W E Scarboro' Addie Fentress Minnie Page J W Ingle May Dickens Lula Steed Mrs M C Spoon J S Ridge Maie Ridge Bertha Lewis Loula Andrews Chloe Lassiter L F Fentress Corinna Auman Annie Black G N Scarboro J M Way F E Byrd. Teachers' Examinations. Notice is hereby Kiven that a free public examination for teachers' cer tificates will be conducted at the court house in Asheboro on the 12th day of September, beginning at ten o'clock. A. M. All teachers who attend this examination will please be present at the beginning, and those who fail to be on time will be asked to lender a Mt'.sf- c ry reason. we hope that every teacher in the county will be present and take the examinations at the above mentioned date. Those who failed at the last public examination for want of time or for other reasons may take the examinations again on the 12th. No priate examinations will be held until after he second Thurs day in November. All who wish to secure certificates may do so at the public examinations." v ery truly yours, J. M. WAY, 8-21-3t Co. Supt of Schools Temperance peklug at Worthville. Rer TJ T. nitric ct-afo lf-,. and organizer of the Anti-Saloon League, will speak in Worthville church next Tuesday night, Aug. 27th. He is a fine speaker and tem perance worKer. .everybody is in vited to come and hear this great subject discussed by one who knows how to do it. Mr. Davis will speak at Randleman on the night before. August 31st is the big day. Four brass bands will be in Asheboro on ohat date. Attacks the L. & N. Federal Judge Jones Gets a Hot' Roast ing Says That Federal Court Judge Appointed for Ule is Responsible to Neither God Nor Man. Birmingham, Ala., Aug. 19th. Speaking of the injunction granted by Jndge Jones against Alabama sheriff and solicitors to prevent in dictment or ai rest of Louisville Nashville officers nd agents in case of violation of the State's lower freight aud passcn-or laws, reported in these dispatches yesterday, Lieut. Gov. H. B. Brady exnressed h opinion of Judge Jones' action in the following statement last night: "I do not think Jude Busteed, in the daik days of reconstruct-too, ever issued so drastic an order as the one which emanated from Jiidfre .Tones yesterday. 'It is to be regretted that the Louisville & Nashville Railroad, wnicn was so prominent in the fight in Kentucky which resulted in the assassination of Governor Goebel, should have the power in Alabama to have such an ordjr issued. "I do not believe the- people of Alabama will submit to the assuma cy of power on the pa"t of a judge who holds a lifetime position and who feels that he is responsible to neither God nor man for his actions. "As to what Gov. Comer will do, I have no idea, but I do not believe he can be bullied or bulldozed into doing a thing he dots not believe to be right. Alabama is a Southern State, and, though bound for the moment in the fetters of juiispru dence, she will reassert herself, and, like truth crashed to earth, will rise again, resplendent in her strength and beauty, and throw off the des potic heel of this second Busteed." Busteed referred to was the most ignorant, brutal and tyrannical of carpet-bag judges at Montgomery in reconstruction days. The order signed by Judge Jones is in almost the same words as the order of Judge Pritchard, the main difference being that Pritchard's or der was not served cn the solicitors and sheriffs as was the case with the Alabama judge. BIGCELEBRATION, Junior Order And Educational August 31. Rally Saturday, August 31st, 1907, will be a Red Letter Day for Asheboro and Randolph county. The Ashe-, boro Lodge, Junior Order of Amer ican Mecoanics will have a big Rally find in connection an Educational Rallv will also be hell. An inter esting program is being prepared wmcn win be published in our next issue. The new Asheboro Graded School building will be dedicated. There will be a flag raising and an address by Hon. Locke Craig, of Ashevillle. Mr. Z. P. Smith, of. Raleigh, will also speak. Temperance Speaking at Worthville. Rev. R. L. Davis. State Lectnrpr and Organizer of the Anti-Saloon League, will speak in Worthville church next Tuesday night, Aug. 27th. He is a fine speaker and temperance worker. Everybody is invited to come and hear this great subject discussed by one who knows how to do it. Mr. Davis will smut at Randleman on the night before, Jlondav 26th. Subscriptions Paid. W J Stalev. F C Richardson. El mer Rich, George Hilii rl, Dow Birkhead, C C Ingold, C H Rush, J W Craven, A R Cox, Jas Johnson, John Henson, Arthur East, P. M. Stuart, Walter Burns, Jim Cox, E A awards, J D Allred, W T Led- well, W W Howard, K D Lewis. Mr. Dougan James has purchased the W. D. Cross place, two miles from town and is repairing and re painting the building and otherwise improving and beautifying the prop erty. Fi Murder Cases. There are five murder cases to be tried at the next term of court in Madison countv. and there are two more to be indicted at the next term of Court who have fled the Jstate, making seven in all. Grand Past Councilor Z. P. Smith, of Raleigh, will deliver ah address at the Educational Rally at Asnenoro on August am. '