T7TYY7 OF TE Mi HUH i J GREAT MAJESTIC MALLEABLE AND CHARCOAL IRON RANGE e?ezz-, --:Eeee at our store zzzzTz::::::r:-zi.:EZ One Week BEGINNING MONDAY, AUGUST 26th, 1907. One Week FREE! TREE! 67.50 Set of Ware. With every Majestic Range sold dur ing this Cooking Exhibition, we will give absolutely free one handsome set of ware as shown. This ware is worth 57.0 if it is worth a cent. It is the best thst can be bought. We don't add 6tS0 to the price of the range and tell vou you are getting the ware free, but sell all Majestic Ranges at the regular peice. Vou get 'the ware free. Remember, this is for Exhibition week only. Ware will not be given after this week. This wnre is on exhibition at our store, and must be seen to be appre ciated. Come in any day during the week. Make our store your headquarters. Have coffee and biscuits with us. Come if you intend to buy or not; the information gained will serve you in the future. LU MISSIS! ' iX j xid; .fefe J V-.-v- . Lava Pet & Cava - ivVn"9 -'., jT lw-n.ia4i.cui. VA Pa.ie.ni Neverburn. Wired D-rippmcr Pans. A v$ j-L-?-. r-sagy v Facts The Gre Rm About Majestic S9 5" it ib the only r:i;ge in the world made of Malleable and Charcoal iron. It lias beyond any question of a doubt, the largest and best reservoir. it uses about half the fuel ibed on other ranges and does better work by far. The Majestic All Copper Nickled Reservoir heats water quicker and hotter than any other. It is the only reservoir with removible frame. The Charcoal Ironi body of the Great Majestic Rrnge lasts three times as long as a steel body. Being made of non breakable materi al, there is practically no expense for re pairing the Majestic' As for baking it is perfection, not only for a few months, but for all times to come. PR OOF Wo don't ask yoa to take our word for any of tha above statements but if you will call at our store, a man lrom the factoryywhere tb.9 Majesties are made, will prove to your satisfaction that tke are aosolute facts and will show you many more reasons why the Great Majestic Range is absolutely the best that money can buy. EVERYBODY WELCOME. EVERYBODY WELCOME. MeCrary-Redding Hardware Company, The Firm that Does Things by the Square. Asheboro, N. C. QBSSBESBBB 23253H3P5 Now I have ".onu into more lujrtfy detail than I intended, pn I will close by wishing the "Courier" much succes in its work. I "in al ways pleased to see my paper. With best wishes to each and all of my old friends, I am very truly yours, "Doc" or P. M. Vickory. RANDOLPH BOY IN KANSAS Interesting Letter lrom "Doc." Appreciates tlio Courier Emporia Ivansiis Aug. 1st. Dear Editor the Courier: Some time ago I received notice that my suuscnptiou to the Courier for the year 19u7 was yet unpaid "However" iu rcp'y will say that I am very sorry thut I have been so neglectful, but iu trder to snow the Cornier how much au old Kaudolph boy appreciates leading the news from me old home county aud also the news in general I enclose $2 to for which seud me the Courier un til Jan. 1, 1909. 1 will in conclusion state that if The Courier wni permit me a small Bpace that 1 am glad to see my mi tiye state uiaki ig such wouUerful progress iu a ureat mauv ways, hi one instance tue noble sttua tue State has maue for its "rights" in regard to raihoad rate legislation A few more good men lie Gov. Ohnn aud. Senators Till man and Laiollette will most assuredly brmg success aud protection to ttie com-, mou people. Best of all it would mean the downfall of the trusts and big couitnnta thut are bu fast demoralizing anil ruiuiug our good cons try. J3y the waj, 1 must ot already tried it, may-Have a sample that I recently listened to two or j bottle sent free by mail, also n book tell the most wouoeriul speeches I eei in more about Swamp-Root. mtl how to Our verv distinguished ora- fimioutiiyottiiayeKmucyo, u.c DO YOU GBT UP WITH A IAME BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news papers is sure to know of the wonderful cures maue ny lit. Kilmer's Swainp Koot, the great kid- L uev, liver and blad- - .i It is the preat nied Wi ical triumph of the nineteenth century ; discovered after years of scientific research by Dr., Kilmer, the eminent kidney and bladder specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, uric acid, catarrh of the bladder and Bright's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec ommended for everything but if you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found' just the remedy you need. It has been tested iu so many ways, in hospital work and in private practice, and has proved so successful in every case that a snoriiil nrraniremcnt has been made by which all readers of this paper, w ho have imw heard tnr. V. .J. lin, an delivered ail ud dress here iu Etnpuria, to ten thou sand people. His subject was "fhe Average Man", but during his lecture be touched on many suojeols which were listened to by almost every one present with much inter est. On the ful lowing afternoon Senator Lafollette talked 3 1-2 hours of what the trusts, -combines atd lailroads are doing for our country. His speech was wonder ful of course. I stand right in line with Tillman in a speech made here in Kansas last Siturday (I be lieve it was). If my vote will make W. J. Bryan president next fall, 1908, be will be the man. ble. When writing mention reaumgims generous offer in this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer . rn lllliorllnilltoll. Hn :nki N." Y. The regular gjggl' fiftv-cent and onc- dollar size bottles are nom of swunp-Hoo. 6old by all good druggists. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Iiinghamtoii, N. Y., on every bottle. Pnfopiiger train, No.. 8, on the main Hue of the Southern ran into a fieight at Saddler near Uiedsville, last Wednesday. Engineer Pierce and nine passengers were injuied. The operator at Rock station is re- 6 t sible. Fall term oiwni Sept. 3. 1947. Ideal location, sond water. Dure air.' Thia arhnn! nff.ra tni.l advantage to boya and cirls of the South. Splendid faculty. Equipment enlarced and improved. Expense moderate. New Rirls' dormitory, well equipped and furniahed. Buainesa courae of the beat, bold a to method and efficiency. Klegant building, with comfort and convenience throughout. For catalogue apply to fi. F. Hargctt, Hadmater. Trinity. N. C. i Hfso-.titluns of Respects. V li. n as, GihI in lib) wisdom hus taken from uione ol our J'nr.iu-t. and helpful membra. Mrs. K. A. Enlih, thrroUre, be it. , KuMilvfd-lst: THat in lur dfath Mt. Vernon church and Sunday Sch(Kil suU.lus u grent luss. That eiuh member of our Home Mi'Hicm Society feels a roul jwrsonal loss since wo no lonsiT huve her hripht ptesenoe. 2ul : Tlmt wc cherish her memory and strive ti fullow her vxumplu hy humbly, lovingly uud truhtiiiKlj fllbinittillg to the will Of God. 3rd; Tlmt we extend to the great stricken rcluti vcconr sinci'rest sympathy. That we hy kind wonls, de'ds and jiraytTre mviiiher the motherlehH ones and help to guidi theuii'ilhi' home where theru ure no more tad epuratinu'i. 4ih: Tlmt tlipw rwohitlons be insciihed on the minute of our society In coinmoiu'irution ol her fuithfulniiH. Thatu copy be "cut to "Toe North Carolina Christian AdVfM-ate" riui" fur publiculion. nd "Tlte Aslieboro t'ou MHS. CHAi. KTEKD, M1H. OCl. RKllDINfl, MISS PKAltL UAKSK. (Conin.l.tee.) Dyxpcpula and i;cnrral' Pt billU. rei-.i:red hy V. Y l' I.t)r muu'a Ureal licmnly, the Mivrinrof ull wMiurillnft. V. I'. P. I ihe irrentut Ionic fur the f'omach thut v iwvt r kn wti. ltidimilon. Bud fronms ami lidiou-ii"v (five wn mplnly to Hie power ful toiitc utid biooU cicou-iut; pnipeiiie i I'. I'. A proni'iietit luiilmul "riut-ttdent liviiu In Warm Weather Vinol Js as delicious ns a fresh orange, and ns soothing ns can be to the weak, irritable stomach. It coaxes back lost appetite, improves digestion and creates strength throughout the whole system. We strongly recommend Vinol to all who are weak and run-down from any cause, particularly '.o delicate women and children, old people and for those who have pulmonary toubi?s. Money back if you try Vicol and arc not satisfied. ASHEBORO DRIO COMPANY At Old Orchard Heach. Maine, Friday Bight fire swrpt over 50 icri' and the probability is that a doznn hotels and 50 to 75 cottages were destroyed. On th TrfingTshiid (N. .) VkV road Thurdav n work train backed into a trolley car hurling it troni the tracks, killi"": three passengers aud injuring sixteen. "ouK r-'u nt S.H anuaU, On., (iii iMIeli city he w.m boin), . Biayn he feel" better than lieevei did. and liehud the worst wine of dviperMa on record. He hud iioappetite. and the liulehe ule disiiKreed Willi him. eauMiiK him to vomit often, ho had pains 1 In the bend, breast and kUanaeh, but utter uiUni; , tht e bottle nf P- P. P.. he felt like a new man. j He -iiv that he f Is he could lie forever If he eni.l.i alwyi.iel P. P. P. ! His name will be ifiven ou up;ilieation to ui. ' fold by Aaheburo lirus Co. - 1 CAPUDINE fc fTk M It acta ItnmfdiatolT CURES Kss-.'-my; INDIGESTION and ,;V,;1: APIRITV wwk to know Ift good. It cure AUIUIII HKADACHBtt ALSO br reiuoTiog tbe eaua. 10 caula. If sOxfordWeath H . High time for low -cuts. u H 1 arV 1 t'me IS"r'Ce( ff h Tha CROSSETT is moderate- I a 3l I,! ' e( 'Lll is rnore than a t B --n motlorately jood shoe. It if If tit iV ""T-H positively the largest value for U k f. t'le ,noney 1,1 3 town Lielow t H l -'1 u this price-$4.50 quality balks; W Vk IA v abov it. quality adds o.ily fads u u -n and fr:,ls. Put for sound, solid M I'S V JrJh-the CR03SETT is your g il I , Vli It fits it fooU good it walks M V-' nd vicfi'S v ell and it's ratty. n A What more can you a?k for ff h r.'. I This new Blucher Oxfoid has TmcgSP I dull kid tops, patent vamp, mili- U I U A fORRLCr. COOL. f m vSw fl nAirnTiBi r cunr H rp vUiiiruninuLL onuc j INC0RPOMATE0 ! Capital Stock $30,000 ! RALE1QH, N. C. 1 I Pullen Buildinx. J i I f CHARLOTTE, N. C I FieJmtnt. Ins. Bid. THKSKSCH00IJ4 QIVK the worM's txdt In modern Bn.lnea Education, oldest Smilnaa College In North Carolina. Pohitioua guaraiiteed, backed by a writien it uiiaet No vacation. individual Instruction, v e also tenon nook-keeping, thorthanu, Peiiniaimhip, bv mail. Send for HomeStudy rates. Write todav lor our Catalogue, oilers aud High KnuoremeuU. Tney ar tree. Addruw. KING S BVSI KESS COLLEGE, BllgK, N. C. orCha.rltt ti.O ..VX... Vr5 .