The Asneboro Courier PEICE ONE DOLLAR A YEAR Wm. C. HAMMER, Editor. BIG GRAFT IN PUBLIC BUILD INGS. The demand for lavish expendi ture of public funds for public im provement can be heard often. Mil lions are placed in state houses and a hundred thousand or more placed in courthouses where less than half the amovfbt expended would erect and complete the buildings if all the fees and graft were eliminated. Lawyers employed on the sly; politi cians paid for their influence and sometimes, but not often, public of ficials bribed, not with little courte sies but with cold cash. There is not always graft and ex travagance in the expenditure of public funds in the erection of pub lic improvements. It is the case often. Take Pennsylvania's new State house which cost that State $13,000,000, several millions of which went into the pockets of grafters. Few people have correct ideas as to the cost of public buildings but in this case the matter was too plain, and the rumors went the rounds. When public attention was directed to the price paid as being all out of proportion to what the cost should be, a howl was raised and would not down. A committee was appointed to investigate and the report recom mends that both civil and criminal proceedings be brought against sev enteen persons and one corporation. Millions were stolen under the form of fees, rake offs and attorneys fees. Lawyers who taka fees and con ceal the fact of their employment should be disbarred and prosecuted for grafting. EVERYBODY PRAISES THE FAIR. Governor Glenn declared last week at Norfolk that the Jamestown Ex position is in many respects the best of all the world's fair3, and that it was worthy of a visit from every American citizen. Not only was Governor Glenn de lighted with the Fair but everyoody else is delighted and singing its praises. There were many thousand North .Carolinians at the Exposition and many thousands have gone there this week. The people are just begin ning to realize what a big success the Exposition really is. The sale of tickets at Asheboro by the ticket agent of the A. & A. Railroad averaged for the month of July $150 a week. The average sales prior to that time per week by the agent for this road at this point was $50 per week. We do not undertake to say the three fold in .create in receipts by the agent at this place is due to the reduction in railroad fares, but we do believe that a great part is due to the re duction in fares. , The country folks ride on the railroad as well as other folks, and we are hearing from them now. They are pleased with the reduced rates. They like it because it is cheaper and they believe the rail roads can make a fair profit by charging the reduced rate. One of the stock arguments of those who are opposed to the reduc tion of railroad passenger fares is that mill people and laboring people will spend too much of their earn ings in riding on the "kivered cars". This argument is,not made, however, before the courts when injunctions are asked for. ' The Chatham Record owned and edited by Maj. H. A. London, has ci osea its zutn vear. xuaior ljonuon has edited The Record from the be ginning and always with ability. No other paper has been under the same management so long a time. . The Seaboard Air Line is showing its good sense and Bound judgment again in complying with the new two cent rate law in Virginia. In Alabama it is said there will be no resistance to the state legislation there. The Salisbury Evening Post will put in another linotype, and will greatly enlarge and otherwise im prove that moat excellent afternoon paper. The Asheboro and Randolph county people who have attended the Exposition are delighted with their trips. Everyone who goesjthere gets full returns for the money spent, and all are pleased. The ex hibits are excellent, and every one whe can 6bould attend. Kachel Items. They are having uue of the best Sunday Schools at Union they have had in years. There was au ice creaui supper given at the home of Mrs. Kachel Hill Saturday night. All reported a nice time. Those preseut were: Messrs. lrvin Lassiter, Grady Wooley, Heggie Varner, llarvis Sirkhead, Ed Kearns, Albert Craiiford, Will Briles, Worth and Cleg Garner, Stan uie Hix, Walter and Grover Scott, Snoten Hill. Misses Blanche and MeKoy Birkhead. Berchie Kriles, Lula Hill, Ora Thoruburg and the Misses Hills. jMissXaunie Hill has returned home from a few day's visit to Mr. and Mrs. James Bright. Mrs. Ella Thoruburg, who has been visit ing her father and m ther, Mr. and Mrs. Saudy Lusiter, of Greensbjro, returned home Saturday. .Jl Miss Cynthia Thoruburg, who attended the yearly meeting at Guilford College, re turned home Saturdty. We are glad to have her back with us. Clegg Girner has returned from a visit to Greensboro. f Mr. Meudonhall, of Spencer, is visiting Miss Leona Parrish. He will continue his visit until Thursday. Miss I.illie Lassiter. of Mechanic, visited Miss E la Lambeth <urd;iy and Sunday. Miss Berchie Briles, of Hills Store, visit ed Miss Hochelle Hill Sunday. Jackson '('reek News. A. C. Yates is very sick but is improving slowly. W, R. Harris died of typhoid fever today. Uev. aud Mrs. J. W. Self visited at Cox po-itoffice Tuesday. Mrs. K. E. Hunt an 1 two of her daugh ters are sick of typhoid fever. Mr. aud Mrs. J. I. Taylor, of High Point, visited Mrs. Taylor's father, A. C. Yates Saturday and returned Monday. Wm. C. Yates of China Grove, and his son, B -lvi'i, visile 1 his father, A. C. Yates Tuesday. There was au ice cream supper at J. C. Ragan's Saturday night. A line time was reported. J, F. Cameron, Frank Delk, Lee fcDelk, and H. E. Osborn went seining at Johnson's mill pond Friday, and caught 100 fish 75 at on draw. Mrs. Flora Tysinger l'idge, wife of P. W. Midge, died at ThomasviMe Satur day, of brain fever, and was buried at Hoover's Grove Sunday eveuiug. She leaves a husband aud two children. Personals from Blscoe. Miss Mamie Sloan, ef Jonesboro, is visit ing at Mrs. J. W. Maseujore's. Mr. W. P. Stanlsy and family are visitiug relative') and friends at Greensboro. Mr. J. C. Batten is acting as Train Dispatcher during the absence of Mr. Stanley. Mr. E. L, Auman. of Asheboro, spent Sunday in town. Rev. L. Smith, of Mt. Gilead, filled his regular appointment here Sunday. Miss Annie Benoy, of Aberdeen, is visit ing Mrs. B. D. Drake. Mrs. A. A. Maness and little daughter, Ruth, Ire visiting relatives at ThomasviUe this week. Mrs. Dr. H, E. Bowman and children are at Jackson Springs for the season. Mrs. J. R. Kanoy and family have moved into their handsome residence at Troy, which they purchased there some time ago, and wilt make Troy their future home. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Auman are the happy parents of a new baby girl. Mr. Alex. Kennedy has closed out his grocery business here to accept a position as foreman of the Dockery Lumber Compa ny's plant at Rockingham. Mr. Kennedy left for Rockingham Monday. August 31st is the date of the big Educational and Junior Order Rally at Asheboro. THE TKCST TAX U. S. Ten years of the Dingley law shows a tax of $3 a year on every man, woman and child in the Unit ey States. That's only what was paid in buying imported goods. The less direct tax for high prices on domestic goods with foreign com petition throttled can never be esti mated, but we may form some idea of it by the size of the fortunes ac cumulated by the magnates of the Steel Trust, the Leather Trnst and the like. The mot reliable statis ticians estimate that each family in the United States pays an average of nearly $100 annually in increas ed profits to the trusts in conse quence of the protection the tariff gives them. Four brass bands, a baseball game and flag raising and Bible presenta tion are amoug the attractions to be here August 31st. V CUNNING COYOTES. Their Patience and Sorrie of Their Other Peouliar Traits. This Is rhe coyote Co-yo-tay, with ell the syllables, to the Mexican who named hlin; "klcte" merely to the American wanderer who has come and gone so ofteti that he at lust regards himself a resident stockmun and farmer. It Is this little beast's triangular vis age, his sharp nose fitted for the easy investigation of other people's affairs, his oblique green eyes, with their squint of cowurdloe and perpetual hunger, snys the Outing Magazine, that should have a place in the adornment of escutcheons. It is notorious that the vicissitudes of his belly never bring to him the fate upon whose verge he always lives and that nothing but strychnine, and not always that, will brljig an end to his forlorn career. As his gray buck moves slowly along above the reeds aud coarse grass and he turns his bead to look at you be knows at once whether or not you have with you a gun, and you cannot know how he knows. Once satisfied that you are unarmed, he will remain near in spite of any vocal remon strances aud by nnd by may proceed to Interview you in a way that for un obtrusiveness might be taken as a model of the art. Lie down on the thick brown carpet of the wilderness and be still for twen ty minutes, and, watching him from the comer of your eye, you will see that he has been Joined by others of his brethren hitherto unseen. lie seems to be curious to know, first, if you are dead and, second, if by any chance and he lives upon chances there is anything else In your neigh borhood that he might find eatable. If you pass on with indifference, which Is the usual way, he will sit himself down upon his tnll on tho nearest knoll and loll lit- red tongue aud leer at you as one whom he is half inclined to claim 7,qunintanee. He looks and nets then so much like a g'.'ay dog that one Is inclined to whistle to h!ru. Make any hostile demonstra tion, and he will move a little farther aud sit down again. If by any means you manage to of fend him deeply at this juncture, the chance:', are that he aud bis comrades may retire still farther aud then bark ceaselessly until they have hooted you out of the neighborhood. That night he and some of bis companions may come aud steal the straps from your saddle, the meat from the frying pan and politely clean the pan nnd even the boots from ln-side your lowly bed. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. Your dog uever bothers any one. When the joke is "on" yon it is never very funny. There Is a good deal of inhumanity In human nature. TIow loud the door bangs when some one else slams it: It is easier to keep a secret than It la to keep a promise. Every one is superstitious enough to believe in the dollar sign. You can't Judge the speed of a loco motive by the way it whistles. There are lots of happy people, but they are unnoticed In the noise the wretched make. As we grow older we are all com pelled to give up much of the spunk we displayed in youth. If you think you are right, go ahead, If you want to, but don't expect every one to go with you. Atchison Globe. The Muskellunge. The Indian name of this great fighter of the fresh water hikes and tributa ries is "esoxmasquinongy." Our nat uralists have the word translated into about eight or nine different styles, but th correct way of spelling It in our language is undoubtedly "msskel lunge." Most fishermen, however, pronounce and spell It to suit them selves, and no man seems to be an ao eepted authority. It is tone thing in Canada, another in the St. L&wrence and another in the greek lakes. The favorite among New Yorkers Is "mns callonge." The Ah reaches a length of seven and a half feet, and the big gest ever taken is said to have weighed ninety-two pounds. In game new It is said to surpass the tarpon of the Caribbean and the tuna of the Rarffic New York Press. Rather Confusing. Nowadays the duties of clerk and sexton are usually performed by the same person, and an amusing story is told of a person who, visiting a village church nnd being struck by the knowl edge of legends and history shown by the old man who was taking him round, asked his guide what occupa tion he followed. "'Well," said the old man, I hardly know what I be. First vicar he called me clerk; then another he came, and he called me virgin; then the last vicar 6ald I was the Christian, and now I be clerk again." "Virgin" was, of course, a confusion of verger, and "Christian" for sacristan or sex ton. London Strand. Neighbors. "I beg your pardon, sir, but I'm going to ask you if your daughter would mind not playing on the piano for the next two weeks?" "May I ask, sir, the reason for this eatraordinary request?!' "Well, you see, my son wishes to get a good start with the flute." New York Life.' Wonderful Ability. I understand he is a man of croat ability." "You bet he Js. He can convince you that you are wrong in nny argumont without having to Shake his finger in your face."-Mllwaukee Seutlnel. WHY NOT ITEMS. Interesting locals from Why Not. Mrs. J. A. Auman came home from Bi coe Monday, where she has been veiling her son, C. I. Auman. Herman Auman, of Ashelioro, is spend ing a while here. Mr. ami Mrs. D. A. Cornelison aud J. J, Harier expfet to go to Jamestown thi week. J. A. Monroe and children, Graham and Ada, recently spent a f e v days in Moore County. Mrs. Loniiie Cagle is improving from her recent sickness. Mrs. lieorge Bean has been right sick for some time. Mr. aud Mrs. M. A. Cagle spent Sunday night in Montgomery. Mrs. f agle, of Asbury, has lieen visiting at her son's M. A, Cagle's. Mr. Craiiford, from near Ophir, spent a night laHt week with Mrs. Sarah Yow. Charlie Davis is visiting at Staley. Clinton Auman spent Sunday at Dover in Moore County. A. L. King went to Asheboro on business last Saturday. J. B. Hack' spent Monday in Asheboro. School has opened up with the largest euro lment for the beginning in the history of the school. Miss Swanna Lowdermilk lias charge of the primary department,; and Miss Etta Auman, of music aud art. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis were called to Wtaly last week by the sickness of Mr. Davis' sister. ' Typhoid Fever. The ever dread typhoid fever con Unites to call forth expressions anent it, all that science and re search can produce. From the Paris edition of the New York Herald the following interesting and instructive matter is reproduced; notwithstand ing the fact a layman if not also the immediate profession is quite as incomprehensively puzzled. The Herald says in part: When typhoid fever is spoken of, water is always blamed. This is a mistake, for the diseise may h ive other onuses. In this connection M. Martel, inspector of the veteiinarv service of the Seiue department has gathered some very precise statistics on this subject. In Germany, out of G28 epidem ies of typho'd fever '. 1(1, that is 17 per cent were reused by polluted milk In New York in 1905, oul of 1,081 cases 403 occurred among per sons who were milk drinkers. In 1894, in a city, out of 1,780 cases obseived with 871 deaths, 378 of the )iatietit8 drank milk. In France similar observations have been made, in 1892, out of 23 ciues of typhoid fever, 18 were due to milk. At ', Hierrefitta (Seine,) in 1904, accordiug to the report made to the counseil d'hygiene,an epidem ic affected those who drank raw milk obtained from cows in a cow. house which was found to be con taminated. In London, according to Copper" and Hattin, analogous facts have come to light. Milk, then, is sometimes to blame and it is necessary to protect it trom adulteration with doubtful water aud also from other sources of contamination which affect it. Care is necessary in regard to milk as in regard to water. Statistics con. firm thi3 statement. The lowest death rate corresponds f ith the greatest quantity of filter ed water used. This fact tends to throw the blame at certain periods on spring water itself. Paris, however, is relatively fa vored. Statistics drawn up by M Bertillon demonstrate that the av erage mortalitv from typhoid fever from 1901 to 1905 was 12 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants. In 1805 the figure fell to 8.8, the same as in London, Berlin, and Vienna, This is the lowesr figure that has ever been observed in Paris, and yet the year 1905 was exceptionally rainy. In Vienna the lowering of the mortality coincided with the bring ing into use of large supplies of spring water. To sum up, the expense which Paris has incurred to obtain good water during the past 40 years has very appreciably diminished the number of cases of the disease, as is indicated by the statistics showing a drop from 1.48 per cent in 1899 to to 0.77 in 1905. But this is not a reason interrupt ing investigations which may result in an even more complete purifica tion of the water supply. As a substitute for filtered water one can not find a sufficient guarantee in the use of mineral waters th6 majority of which are liable to show great variations in qnality, contain bacili in more or less considerable puanti ties, and are subject to the same va riations as the springs which are used for the water supply. of citjes. In our next issue look for program of Junior Order and Educational RailyJAugust 31st. Miss Sarah C. Yow, of Why Not, and J. C. Coruelison, of Cagle's Mills, were married August 18th. DEATH OF MRS. J. T. BOSTICK. A .Noble Christian Laity Passes Quietly Away. Mrs. Sal tie E. Iiostu-k, wife of J. T. Bostick, died at her home at Haiidleman, Thursday morning from a complication ot UMeaees. Deceased was iu the oixty eeventh year of her age and had been a cou sistent member ot the M. E. church for over fifty years. Befoie her mnniage, which occurred in 1859, she was Miss bailie L. Walksr, and a sister of Mr. J. Walker of Ashe boro. She was born and reared in Randolph entity and had spent all her life iu the county a large por tion in haucleman. Besides her husband, she is sur vived by four children, two sous and two dauehteis, Samuel E., Handle- man; Misses Mary and Lena, at home; and W. P., Burkeville, Va, ' THE SEA HEDGEHOG. It Will Swallow Air Until It 8wlla Into Invulnerability- Of Cubes a large number are pro tected from hostile attack by a .cov ering of prickles. By far the most curious examples are the globeflshes or "sea hedgehogs' of the Atlantic and ludo-I'aclflc oceans. The extreme length of the globetlsh Is something less than two feet. It has thick Hps and goggle eyes, which give 4t the ap pearance of a good natured country man. .Courage it seems to lack, and one might suppose that such a sim pleton would fall an easy prey to the first shark or dogfish It encountered. Tet the globefish Is able to take care of Itself. It never under any circum stances attacks the enemy, yet is al ways ready to receive him In a suit able manner should he provoke hostil ities. Let us suppose that a shoal of globe fishes Is swimming tranquilly iu the clear waters wlien It is suddenly sur prised by a hungry shark. Of course the little fellows scuttle hither and thither in uncontrollable alarm. But the shark, poising himself upon his powerful tall, leisurely singles out one of the fleeing glolieflsbes and sets out In pursuit. Now, n I though the globe fish Is a good swimmer, It Is no match for the shark. The chase Is iu every way unequal and can have but one ending. Within a few minutes of its commencement the shark must over take the globefish. But the quarry is well aware of its danger. It makes a bee line for the surface nnd as soon as tt gets there begins to take In great gulps of air. Then a strange thing happens. The fish that only a moment before was thin and small begins to grow stouter and stouter until, like the frog In the fable, It seems In danger of bursting. It stops inflating Itself, however, just In time to avert this catastrophe. But Its skin bus become as taut as a drum head, and the whole of Its body Is cov ered with sharp, erect prickles. It has become a sea hedgehog, and the hun gry shark which comes surging through the water dares not touch it, but turns tall In search of something more eata ble. Of course ie globefish was cov ered with prickles nil the time, but In periods of tranquillity these He com fortably along Its sides, just as do tlose of the hedgehog. Unlike its land prototype, however, the sea hedgehog Is unprovided with a special muscle for erecting Its prickles, so when danger threatens It has recoutse to the mechanical method of inflating the whole body with air or with wa ter if it cannot reach the surface quickly. Scientific American. Negro Shot by White Man In Winston. At Winston-Salem Cland James shot and killed one negro by the! name or .curie smith and snot and painfully wounded another negro by the name of Burk Alexander on last Saturday night. James is & white man and has a bad record and is just off the county roads for shoot- NOTICE. Having qualified as receiver for the Keiineay iaOle Uo., of Trinity, N. C., all Dersona nwinir mud mmnuiv will enm. r ward and make immediate payment; and persoDsliolding claims against.said company are notified to present their claims duly verified before the 27 day of August, 1908, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. This I9th day of Aug. 1907. Jos Parkin Receiver, Trinity N.O. Mr. J. B.M arlcv was amonc thnsp who went to Janestown this week. John D Rockefeller brorjhesies that financial disaster will sween the country owing to the policy in augurated by Mr. Roosevelt in his opposition to trnstsj L. H. Donkle. of Salisbnrv. has been elected State Organizer for the state reaeration of Laoor. The Federation met at Charlotte last week. The Yadkin Valley Fair Associa tion of Salisbury is preparing for an elaborate county fair for Rowan county in Cctober. Cuts, Sorls, Burns . o Rheumatism - ZSt. "THE TRAIN BELL R0PE7 Hew It and the Conductor's Supremacy. Cam to Be Established. Although there does not seem to be anything In Common between pugilism and railroad rules, yet the adoption of the familiar bell rope that stretches through every car of the modern train was the result of a Untie encounter. 'At the same time and by the Issue of the lame combat the supremacy of the con ductor iu railroad travel was ordained. It was Philadelphia which gave both to the world. One of the oldest railroads in the country Is the Philadelphia, Wilming ton nnd Baltimore, now known as the Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washing ton, which was opened In 1S37. The terminus In Philadelphia was at .Broad and Trlme streets Prime streeruow being known as Washington avenue and after crossing the Schuylkill river at Gray's Ferry the route ran along the Delaware river on what Is now the Chester line of the Reading railway. The first schedule contalue.f one pas senger train, which went to Baltimore one day and came back the next, which was considered a remarkable feat in rapid travel. When a train a day each way was placed In service the people of the two cities served concluded that the acme of convenience in transporta tion had been reached. Next .to the president of the railroad the most Important functionaries were the euglneer and conductor. It was a. question whether or not the head of the line was not consfr'red a subsidi ary officer In popular estimation to the men who ran the train, but Robert Fogg, who pulled the throttle, and John Wolf, who collected fares, won the deference of the public because of, their high and responsible duties. Faffg, an Englishman, bad all the tenacity of opinion of his race. Wolf, an American, had the Ingenuity of the Yankee and, seeiug the need of some method by which he could communi cate with the engineer, devised the sclonie of running a cord through the caw to the locomotive. As the engine was a wood burner. Wolf fastened one end of the cord to a log, which was placed on the engineer's seat and was pulled to the floor when the conductor desired to signal for a stop. Fogic resented whatjie considered an Interference with his rights on the platform of the locomotive and on the first run out from Broad and Prime streets with the new device paid no heed to the displacement of the log from the seat when the conductor de sired to take on a passenger from a farm nenr Gray's Ferry, but sped on over the bridge nnd did not deign to bring his engine to a stop until Blue Bell station, on the south side of the Schuylkill, had been reached. Then he demanded to know of Wolf why he had been Jerking that log all about the locomotive. Wolf hotly declared that he had sig naled to stop, but Fogg retorted that he would stop when and where he pleased and that, too, without any ref erence to orders from the conductor,' whom he did not regard as his superior in the mani gement of the train. The altercation grew -ery heated, and Wolf lnvtted the engineer from the cab to settle the matter, and the challenge was quickly accepted. Passengers and a group of men who had gathered at the station to see the train come In formed a ring about the combatants, but the fight did not last long, as Wolf proved by far the su 4erior artist with his fists and with a few blows made it almost impossible for the engineer to see sufficiently to complete his run, but Fogg admitted that he had been fairly beaten, and the supremacy of the conductor on a train was settled for all time. As the log signal wa crude and in effective. Wolf devised the use of a' bell on the locomotive, and this method was soon adopted by all of the Amer ican railroads. Then a code of slg-1 nals was adopted, and these remain' practically to this day. The onlyi Change in the bell cord is that by use' of the air from Jhe brake system a whistle has superseded the bell in the locomotive cab. Philadelphia Ledger. Clay's By Wit. When Henry Clay was stumping Kentucky for re-election, at one of his mass meetings an old hunter of wide political influence said, "Well, Harry, I've always been for you, but because of that vote (which he named) I'm gain a"g'rn you." "Let me see your rifle," said Clay. ' It was handed to him. "Is she a good rifle?" "Yes." "Did she ever miss fire?" Well, yes, once." "Why didn't you throw her away?" The old hunter thought a moment and then said, "Harry, 111 try you again." I And Harry was elected. Hard on the Reporters. "I had a strange dream the other night," said the major. "What was it?" asked th. young thing. x "I went to heaven and as an old newspaper man was Interested in their Journal up there. It was a miserable thing not a well written story in it and I told St. Peter so." "What did he say?" "He said: 'It's not our fault We never get any good reporters up here.' " Philadelphia Press. A Treasure. Mrs. De Hltt-The Dobsons at laBt have a g"lrl they hope to keep. Mrs. De Witt-Absurd! Whero is such a girl to be found? Mrs, De Hitt She was born to them yesterday. Harper's Weekly. No exllo or danger can fright a brave iplrlt Drydcn. j