The Asheboro Courier AsheWo, N. 0. Aug. 22, 1907. Local and Personal. Mr. J. E. Walker is improving. Mrs. A. II. Worth is visiting at Montreat. Mios'.Edna Hill has returned from Moore's Springs. Mis. A. M. Rankin and children have retnrned to High Point. Messrs T. C. end Alex Worth are spending the week at Jamestown. Miss Nannie Bulla has gone to Jackson Springs for a few davs. H. A. Page, of Aberdeen, was in town one day last week. Mrs. II. E. Moflitt is j visiting rela tives at Pittsboro this week. Miss Nell Slack is a guest of re'a tives at Handlemau. H. T. Caveness is erecting a nice hojue on Sunset avenue. Miss Corri-.i. a Auman is visiting relatives iu Greensboro tbis week. ,Mrs. Mary E. Sanford, of Rock ingham, arrived yesterday to visit her brother, J. P. Borougds. T. H. ntid J. 0. RedJing and their families, visited relatives at Maude Sunday. ' C. 0. Cranford returned Tuesday from' a business trip to Hagerstown. Maryland. Miss Lyon, the tiaiued nurse who has been attending Col. J. E. Wal ker, hus returned to Greeusboio. , W. II. Moring and family' left yesterday morning for Jamestown to spend several da. flat the Exposition. Miss Edna Hill has retnrned from a mouth's stay at Moore's Srrings. Mifcs Treva Rush spent last Sun day in Mt (Jilead with the famiiy of 'Prof. U. II. Skeen. Miss Floreuce Bonkemeyer. of Central Falls, visited Miss Grace Brockman in Greensboro last week. Miss Ola Horney, of High PoiDt, visited her auut, Mrs. Z. F. Rush, last Sunday. Miss Kate Lowe has gone to West En,d to visit relatives. Miss Jessie Birkhead is spending eoine time with friends at Mt. Gilead. Carl Cox, railway mail clerk from Greensboro to Raleigh, arrived Mon day to visit relatives for a few days. Mrs. S. L. Hayworth and daugh ter, Miss Lela, returned last week jjU trom a visit to relatives in lucn- niond county. Seth W. Laughliu and Shube W. Laughlin, left with their fami lies Tuesday for the Jamestown Exposition. Mrs. Shaw, wife of a prominent Presbyterian, minister of Charlotte, is visiting Mesdames Porter and W. J. Moore. Rev. W. A. Bunch, who has been ill for ten days, does not improve. Mr. Bunch is pastor of the Ashe boro Circuit of the M. P. Church, and is much loved by his congrega tion. Mra Porer Hardin, of Tahprnar.l township, was hi ought to Asheboio Monday on account ot ner aementea copdition and arrangements are be ing made to place ner in ine nos pital at Morganton. Rev. J. W. Ingle rsquests The Courier to announce that he will begin a series of meetings at Taber nacle Church next Sunday morning, t It o'clock. There will also be "an afternoon service. Dinner will be served on the ground. W. W. Hayworth, a brother of S. L. Havworth, is visiting'relatives in Randolph. He left Moffitts Mills about 14 years ago for the west and now lives at Mineral Wells, Texas. He is engaged in the hardware and furniture t usiness. He will be in Randolph two or three weeks. Mr. Milliard, the local telegraph operator is again receiving messages to be transmitted over the Western Union wires. It has developed that the aie38age authorizing the strike and delay iu the delivery of messag es, was a fake. Tlicrc is more Catorrh in this section of the Country than nil other diseases pin lOKemer, aim until the last lew years was nupjxsea to he hi curable. Kor a great many years doctors pro nounced it a local disease and prescribed lix'al remedies and bv constantly falling to euro ith local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science hit" proven ctiturrn to be a constitutional disease ami therefore requires eoustitutioiuil treatment. Hull's Catarrh Cure, manufactured ly K. .1. Cheney & Co., .Toledo, Ohio, is tho onlv constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally In doses from 10 drops toatco spoonful. It acts directly on tho blood and mucu9Suifaco of the system. They oiler one hundred dollars for any coso it fuils to erne ftend for circulars and testimonials. .Address: F. .1. CHENKY & (JO,, Toledo Ohio. Hold by Iii upitist, 7Se. Take Uall's Family Mils for coustipatlon The Asheboro Graded School will begin the fall term Sept. 9th. Capt. A. M. Rankin spent Sunday in Asheboro. Mr. Rufus McAdams, of High Point, spent Sunday iu Asheboro. Randleman defeated the Revolu tion ball team by a score of 6 to 3. Everybody expects to heur Locke Craig on Aug. 31st. Mr. W. H. Moring and family went to Jamestowu yesterday morn ing to be gone ten days. Miss Pearl Leonard, of Ramseur, spent last week with Mrs. J. M. Way, in Asheboro. Mrs. Wilson Ridge died last eek at High Point and was buried Mon day at Piney Grove, She formerly lived in Randolph county. Prof. W. P. While, the new su perintendent of Ramseur Giaded Schools, was in Asheboro Tuesday on business. We received a report of the Mem orial Meetiug at Springfield church last Saturday but it leuched uj oo late fur publication this week. Mrs. W. A. Underwood and little Mioses Annie Boone aud Majory Slack of Raudleman spent Sunday in Asheboro. Friends of Miss Pearl Ballinger will tigiet to learn that she is ill at tier home at Guilford College from fever. Tne second bsS'i' all teams of Asheboio and H'gh Point played at L'wis Park" Saturday afternoon, L'ue game was lost by Asheboio by a score of 1 aud 9. Miss Esther Ross 1. ft yesterday for Virginia Beach to HinJ si-vem! lays. She will be joined at Ports mouth, Va., by Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. Koss. of Liliington. Mr. Guy Fox went to Jamestowu last week to visit his uncle and 8-e the expociuon, but secured a irood position and will p obabiy "be away several months. Hou. Z. V. Walser aud family, of i Lexington, and a party of friends are contemplating a trip arouud the world. They aie planning to leave this fall for an al sence of two years. Rev. M. E. Hammer, a Christ ian ministe, died at his home at Cheeks, in pleasant Grove town ship Monday f ter a protracted i 11 n ss. W. R. Harris, of Concord town ship, died a day or two ago of ty phoid fever, fie was fifty years of age and was a good citizen. He is a son of the late Gray Harris, of Da vidson county. A letter from the widow of J. L. Fonshee, who left this county about 30 years ago, aud has since been liv ing at Newport, Ark., says Mr. Fou shee died of heart dropsy on March 4th. The 3d Quarterly Conference oi Richland Circuit M. P. Church will meet at Cedar Falls, Saturday before 4th Sunday in AuguEt. Offi cial members, take notice and act accordingly. J. H. Stowe, Mrs. Lowe, wife of LeRoy Lowe, recently died at her home in Florida after suffering for some time of con sumption. Mr. Lowe formerly lived in Cedar Grove township and is a son of Mr. John T. Lowe. No more interesting or better ar ticle has appeared iu the Courier in many moons than the article sent us by our little friends from Worth- ville. telling of their trip to the "Jimtown Fair." A. K. Scarboro and little daugh ter, Luna, have returned from a two weeks' visit to Mt. Gilead, where they went to see his mother, who is in her eighty-third year. Greens boro Telegram. E. D. Lewis and wife of Staunton, Va., are tiBfbg Mrs. John Wins low, a 8isfie3.Mr. Lewis. Mr. Lewis will Heltnis brother, Dr. Lewis at Farmer Hhis ; week. They will remain in this and Montgomery counties for three weeks. Messrs Cleveland Pressnell and Grady Miller have gone to Pittsboro to assist the band in the music at the unveiling of the monument to the Confederate veterans of Chatham county. The unveiling took place yesterday. Mrs. Henry Williams died last Thursday at her home in West Asheboro. The body was taken to her former home in Chatham Coun ty for interment. The deceased was 50 years old and was a sister of Washington York, a prominent citi zen of Chatham. Prof. W. P. White who taught school at Parks Roads 16 years ago has beeu elected principal of the Ramseur giaded school and ha9 accepted. Prof. White is an experi enced teacher, and we have no doubt will have a most successful school at Ramseur. The Boy s at the Jamestown Exposition Third Dear Friend: The next building we write about - is the Smithsonian Institute (one of the government buildings). The exhibits in this building will lecall your lessons in the first part of the U, S. History In the centre is a pool of water on which floats a boat and two Indian canoes. Wax figures to represent John Smith and his crew are in the large boat and Indians, in the canoes. This is a tradinc scene. There is one Indian in the crowd who is very generous wun ms products, and presents an English man with a plate of persimmons just turn ing red The Englishman has bitten one- nd my! such a face as he wears. The rest, of this little band are bent double with laughter. Here alse, are small ships pat terned after the Good Speed, Susan Con stant, the Maytiower and several others that were in usa at the same time. Thev are queer looking boats sure. Post Office Building There are many interesting things to be seen in the I'. 0. .Building. Mere are shown all tne methods of carrying mail in the uuueu otaies ana us possessions irom tne time of Washington to the piesent. We saw the first coach that carried mail into Montana. Just outside the door is a U. S mail car. Uf course they are a ommon thing People who are near the railroad see one every day, bnt few have the oppor tunity of seeing inside of one; so we found this one interesting to us. Somewhere we saw a very large ox, with horns that looked to be one yard long, hitched to an odd looking old cart. It came from Mexico aud was a great curiosity to us. MaSUFACTT KKH 'S Bl I I.IIS(i. Iu the Manufacturers' Building we saw the Craddock Shoe Company's department, where thev were busy making shoes. This is a very furtre building, but whs not liuished and besides we weie not oo interested We might say that High Point hud seme very handsome furniture here. The Trans portation Building aud Liberal Arts Build ing were not completed. ibc Mexico Building is very interesting. The Negro Building i a very pretty oue, but if you see ii yon w in nave 10 mini 11 up 11 an out of the way place behind ihe Inside Inn The Lark in Soap I ompany's building is especially interesting iu Indies, and so is the building that has so uiimy thiigstoeut in it. We have forgotten the ninne, but if you go to the Exposition gues you will liud it. In the centre of it the He No Tea Company has for its lioolh a huge tea kettle. Visitors are iavited into this kettle to rest. Did we go in? Uf course and found it quite comfortable. Ox The War Path:. Now for the War Path. This is named from three shows on it: the "Battle of Manassas", "Battle of Gettysburg" and "Battle of the Merriraac and Monitor". We would like to tell you of the "Battle of the Merrimuc and Monitor", but don.t know how to begin. Anyway it seemed to lie real boats lighting on real water. One of the Union boats was sunk, another set on tire und burnt up, then the Merriraac went backup the river, night came, the moon rose and was soon covered by a great black cloud; then we could hear the thunder, see it lightning, and we never saw it rain hard er or faster. The sun rise in the morning was just as natural as any you ever saw. As you know the Monitor-called a cheese box on a raft attempted to disable the Merrimac. I'll tell you they did some shoot ing, but neither could harm the other; so the great battle ended. All this, and more too taok place in a small round house and when the show was over we were nearly stifled with powder smoke, and felt ks though we had seen the real battle which was fought over forty years ago. Other Attractions. We saw Eli Smith and his dogs who came from Alaska to Washington, D. C in 15 months. We took a trip to Alaska and saw how a gold mine is run. We saw them panning sut gold. From what we saw, a miner's life must be a hard one. Another interesting show is "Trained Wild animals and the Jungle". We only went to those that sister thought kids like us would enjoy, as she was not out for her pleasure but for ours. She only left us once, and that was to examine fancy work) you might know. The War Path is 'inost interesting about 0 o'clock at night. So many of the odd creatures are out on parade A soldier's parade is given at 5 o'clock every evening. The Government buildings and State build ings are closed at 5 o'clock. Over on the back aide of the Exposition grounds are several locomotives that look hke mountains compared with the engines on the Asheboro Railroad, The Exposition grounds are prettiest at night It is worth the trip to see them lighted up. They border on the water and there is room on the beach for everybody. The war ships, lighted up, present a beauti ful picture, Of course we can not tell aliout everything we saw, and if we say anything about Norfolk and Ocean View we must leave the Exposition. Oh Tub Btini. Ocean View is a summer resort on a sandy batik that borders the Atlantic. The occupation of the people heie is "enjoying life while they cm". Ifyouvyaut to enjoy surf bathing to the fullest extent, take your own bathing suit If you have not got it, get it before you go tu Ocean View. We went from Ocean View to Ni rfolk on the trolly cars aud got a view of the sur rounding country. I'ho cabbage patches, we saw, were as much a curiosity as any thing we saw at the Exposition, because they were so largt". Norfolk is a low, dirty looking place, we mean the business part. Some of the residence portion is very pretty and has some very handsome houses. This winds up sight-seeing here We took the boat at Pine liench I'ier nnd left for Richmond We were quite ready to go too, for we had put in every hit of time. When we stopped to rest by the wayside our eyes were feasting. If you go to Jamestown, which we hope you will, you must be sure to go by Hicli mond, Va , if you have never been there. It costs no more and we are sure you want to see Richmond almost as much us lamestown. Before closing we would like to correct an error in our last letter. A sentence was left out and made hii awkward meaning. It is the Hollywood Cemetery that is t,o hilly and contains the vaults. The Obser vatory is on the Citv Hal! and lot lhe i i:v Hotel. Mr. It , w? hnpe you have not Invn dis nppoiulid in our letter. We've dune our best. Come I o see us und e will sho.v Aaticle. you our souvenir books and cards. Thanking the ourier for space in the paper, we are Yours respectfully. Coloti and Ottis Oslxme. WorthvilK N. C. MT. GILEAD ITEMS. Two MarriagesSome Typhoid Fever Pergonals. Milton Lisk is ill of typhoid fever. Miss Jennie Haywood spent Tuesday in Norwood having dental work done. T. R. Baldwin, of Mt. Gilead, and Miss Annie R. Liles, of Greensboro, were quietly married at Jackson Springs Tuesday evening Aug. 13. We give them a hearty welcome to our town as their future home. John Byrd and Josie Mauldin, daughter of Rufus Mauldin, were married at the home of Jessie Peaton's Sunday Aug. 11, by H T. Scarboro, J. P. Prof. H. W. Barrier, of Mt. Pleasant, is in charge of the Mt Gilead Cornet Band. The Misses Ballard, who have been visit ing their sister, Mrs. A. O. Haywood, re turned to their home in Clarkton, last Thursday. The protracted meeting began at the Baptist church here Aug 18 with a large crowd. Miss Lula Jones, of Elerbe, is visiting at Jim Ingram's. Roger Luther, of High Point, is visiting in town. Mrs. Fred Baldwin, of Florida, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Marvin Williams. M. L Harris went to Charlotte last week and returned Friday, accompanied by Ed Harris, who is seriously ill from the tff.cts of typhoid fever. He has the sympathy of a host of friends. Bob Steele is spending a few davs in ("harlotte. D. D. Bruton and two little children, of Capelsie, spent Sunday at M. L. Harris's. Trof. Eugene Harris and his wife spent a part of last week visiting Mr. Harris, of Wadeville. Quite a number of Mt. Gilead people are taking in the Jamestown Exposition this week. PATTERSON'S CROVE. Death of an InfantOther News Items and Personals. The protracted meeting at White's, Chaiiel closed Thursday evening. John Dixon, of High Point, is visiting friends aud relatives in this community. M. S. Ferguson is placing the lumber on the grounds for a nice residence which he will erect some time in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kivett and children of Greensboro, are visiting friends and rel atives in the community this week. J. B. York is seriously ill of typhoid ever. Rev. Jos. A. Webster commenced a series of meetings at Patterson's Grove Sunday with a good crowd attending. A number from Ramseur, Franklinville and Asheboro. W. B. Welster, of Asheboro, spent Sun day with relatives in this community. D. D. Patterson has been ill for the past few days with an attack of chills. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Martin died Saturday night. The bereaved ones have the sympathy of the entire community. Misses Pearl Cox, Swanna York and Hat tie Martindale, of Franklinville, visited Miss Dora Ferguson Saturday night and Sunday. Some of our young people atteuded the protracted meetings at hady Grove, Cool Springs, Pleasant Union, Sandy Creek and Park's Cress Roads during the past week, reporting large crowds and nice times. Miss Mary Brewer, of Ramseur, visited her sister, Mrs. M. S. Ferguson Saturday night and Sunday. Some of our boys attended uu ice cream party' at Geo. Richardson's, near Milboro, Saturday liieht and report a large crowd and a fine time. Sew Hope Notes. Rev. Reynolds began his protracted meeting at Liberty yesterday. lie is as sisted by Rev. Suits, of Lexington, and Rev. Hulin, of Denton. Mr. Jessii Lyndon, of this place, has ac cepted a position with H. Frecmuu A Sons, ef Ether. Mr. Lyndon is a line young mat'. We wish him much success. Miss Ola Cranford, who ha been ill of typhoid fever for some time, is slowly im proving. Mrs. J. M. Shaw does not improve much. Messrs. Bernard Varner aud Causey Al len left last week for Washington City. They will take in the Jamestowu Eio sition before returning home. Mr. P.' O. Shaw made a business trip to Whitney Friday. " Jake. The Siaji'stio Manufacturing Co., of St Louis, Mo., will have a man nt MctTary" Redding Hardware Company's store all next week who will show you how to bake discuits brown top and bottom, in three minutes. Don't miss this chance of seeing lhe great cooking wonder Lost. A pocket hook couiainicg Mwn chattel morlpijtrs, son p i-i,iicini iits anil a littte day b H. on '- cinesilav, August 2, 1007, on tin- Old I'iank liiiad, lielweetj Asheboio and iii'o" n's X Ihiiids. A li lie nil reward will lie given tne lind-'r il. E. Bi:o,vn, llahiih.nimi, N.i. 3. This Angus! 21, 1007. Consumption is less deadly than it used to be. Certain relief and usually complete recovery will result from the following treatment: v O Hope, rest, fresh air, and Scott s Q Emulsion. ALL DRUGGISTS Norjh Carolina) In the Superior Court. Randolph Comity) J. O. Brady. Seil D. Martin. Is il.-ll Cox, widow of Pierce Cox, ueeeusiu, lira Cox. Cox, Arthur Cox. Pearly Cox. Kvie Cox. Blanche Cox, the lust live tumor, hy Isitiel Cox as next friend, Frank Cox, Lunatic, by his letfal guardi an, Greensboro Loan nnd Trust Compuiiy. Johu O. Cox, Martha !S.nU und hu-haud. Avery Siwtt, Barbara Tally and hul.aud. hoo Tally, UeorKe P. Wright and wife, Prenlhv Wriitlit Vs. James Cox, Catherine Kouth and husband, A. P, Kouth, and Preston Cox. The defendant, Preston Cox, above named, will take notice thut an action entitled as above has been ciuimeuced in the Superior Court of Randolph Couuty to sell the laud dewriped In the pe'ition filed In said cause for division, and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to apiiear at the office of the Clerk of the Suoerlor Court in the Countv of Randolph. N C. nt M office in the uoun House at Asnehoro. X. c, on Satur day, September 1-1, 1 W, und answi r or demur tothe petition or complaint of the plaintiff, or the relief thcroln demanded will be Krauted. W.C. HAMMOND. Clerk Superior Court. This August 17, 11)07. NOTICE. HavhiR qualified as executors on the estute of Elizabeth Pearce, deceased, ticfore W. C. Ham Mond. Clerk of the Sunerior Court of Randolph County, all person having claims apiinat xaid estate arc notified to present them to the under signed, duly vesltled, on or before thezoth day off July, 1H08, or ihU notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery, and all persons owing said estate will come forward and make imme diate settlement. This 17th day of July, 1H07. . F. GATLIN. Wm. C. HAMMER, Executors NOTICE. Having qualified as executor on the estate of Charity Hinshaw,' deceased, before W. C. Ham mond, Clerk of the Suerior Court of Randolph County, all rersons having claims against said estate are notified to present them to the under Bigned duly verified, on or before the 85th day of July, 1U0H, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; end nil persons owing said cstnta will come lorwurd aud mukc imme diate settlement. R. H. Swaiin, Extr. This isth day of Julv, 11K)7. RE-SALE OF LAND. By virtue oi a decree of sale made by the Su perior Court of Randolph Countv, in a sjwcial proceeding, therein pending, entitled K. H. Wright against C. o. Ingold. .1. C. Ingold and others, 1 shall sell at the Court House in Ashe boro, N. C. at public auction to the highest bidder on Monday, the day of September, 1007, at la o'clock M the following described tract of laud, lying and being in the County of Randolph, in Grant township, N. C, adjoining the lanns of Riley Wright, the Dupree lands, the Baldwin lands and others, and bounded as toiiows. viz: Beginning atastone, KUey Wright i thence south with Craven's line 28 1-3 chains to a black oak bush, D. Craven's (o iter, continu ing south on Burrow's line lii chuiiis and 50 links to a stake in D. Craven's line, thence east S8chains aud 15 links to a stre, Cox's line, thence north at chains and 10 Hnk9 to a nost oak, continuing north iu all 41 chains and 10 links t a persimmon, theuce east 19 chains to a stake in the edge of the Franklinville Road, thence north along said road 10 chains to a nost oak, Dupree's corner, in the Ba.dwin line, thence west U4 unauisoii uupree's line to a stone, Du nree's corner, the beginning, coiitainiue 217 acres more or less. Less a tract of almut 1 acres sold to C. O. Ingold, for description of which see Book 11(1. Dime 82. Terms of sale 1-8 cash. I S in six months. 1-3 in nine mouths. This 17th day of August, l!W7. J. A. Sl'ENCE, Commissioner. LAND SALE. By virtue of a decree of sale mi. tie bv the Superior Court of Randolph County, North Carolina, in a special proceeding therein pending, entitled A. V. Curtis et al vb. Bertha Curtis et al, I shall sell on the premises, at pablic aucti n, to the high st bidder for cash, on the 1-th day of Saptrm her 1907, at 12 i 'clock 11., the following dfscrib d tract of laud, lying and being in the County of Randolph, und State of North Carolina, on the waters of Sandy Creek, adjoining the lands of Samuel Nel son and others, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stone in Samuel Nelson's line and running north 102 poles to a stone on ltouth's corner, thence east 102 poles to a stone, thence north 23 poles to u stone, thence east 133 poles to a stone, David Thomas' corner, thence south DO poles to a stone by a branch in A. F. Jones' line, thnnce east 27 poles to a stone, thence s utlionA. K. J nes' line 36 p les t ,i a stone, James Wilkinson'- corner, thence west 219 i voles to the beginning aud con tain ing 1G1 acres more or less. Also by virtue of the above decree of sale made by the Superior Court of Ran dolph C unty, North Carolina, in the above described special proceeding, I shall sell on the premises, at public unc tion, to the high-Ht hidd r for cash, on the l.'lthday of Septeinb r 1U07, at 12 o'clock M., the following d scrib-.d ltt: A two acre lot lying nnd bWng in tire County of Randolph, and State of North Carolina, situated on the north side of Raleigh StrePt in the town of Liberty, and adjoining the lands of John W.Curtis, J. A. llornady and Others. A. W ClRTIS, Commissioner. This August 11,11107. North Carolina, In the Superior Court. Randolph County, .1. A. Wall Admr. of ssarah Cmveu) deceased, uml Johu K. Craven by) his next friend J. P. Boroughs) Notice, vs. Kvie Gilmer, Chas. A. Craven et. al. The ulmvc named defendant will take, notice that an ai tioti entitled as ulmve has lieen com menced in Suivrior Court of Kandolph County to sell a (-criiiiu tract of land in New Market township In said county in or near the ton n of Sophia lor iisets to pay debts and fur division anioug tenaiits iu common; uu-1 the said defendant will further take notice tint he is required to appear before the clerk of the su perioi conn of Randolph county, at his olliee iu Ashelioro, N. C. on I be 1 01 li day of September I'.H1,, and answer i r dt unit to the K.'lition i.i Said netiiKi, or;the plaintiff will apply to the CJiirt for the relief dmiauded in said p'lllioii. This the Hi dav of August inc. W. C. II MM" IN'.. I'iel k : l lhe .-Llu-iinr Court t'H ! . LI.IS vn.i.t; II m IC SCHOOL. Jtlnle mad F ciiinie. Opens iluosl I'.), I'lli:. I. Ite rs sili uilld Slt l 111! I -. tor leiK lK IS miu mm nnd voiinc Indies me M!l!t: work. We do I lu ll. H. Wl.Al lll-.HLK, li-ln. LEGAL NOTICES. 60c. AND $1.00. A BIRTHDAY PARTY. Ilapp.v Social- livent at b'airvlew The Attendants. One of the most enj 'yable occasions at Fairview was a social gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Cranford Monday evening, August 19. It was given by Mr. James Little in honor of Miss Este'le Cran ford's 14th birthday. The guests were met and received at the door hy Misses Pearl Marsh aud Artie Cranford. Then all gath ered out on the lawu, where many interest ing games were participated in. The deco rations consisted of Japanese lanterns. Ice cream and cake were also served on the lawn by Miss Marsh and Mr. Little. After this many useful and beautiful presents were presented to Miss Cra0?rd. Misses Lee, of Creenslioro, and Mary White, of Trinity, performed beautifully on the piano. The following were present: Miss Iola Barber, of Danville, Va., with Mr. Fred Blair, of High Point; Miss Flossie Fruits, with Mr. Fred Wheeler, of Archdale; Miss Bessie White, of GreensWo, with MrJ Gaither Bouldin; Miss Eletha Elder, of Trinity, with Mr. Wall, of High Point! Miss Annie Le"e, of Greenslioro, with Mr. Marion Bouldi-i, of Ar;hdule. Miss Mary White with Mr. Rodger Millikan, of Fair View; Miss Bettie Blair with Mr. Fred Ingram; Miss Bessie WThieler, of, Archdale, with Mr. Jim Lowe, of Springfield; Miss Pauline I'ugh, of High Point, with Mr. Roan Hix, ef Trinity; Miss Addie Hill, of Trinity, with Mr. William Lowe, of High Point; Miss Mary Murdock with Mr. Jetar Montgomery; Miss Estelle Cranford with Mr. Cude Elder of Trinity; Miss Leona Millikan, with Mr. ' lyde Lowe, of High Point; Miss Artie Cranfoid with Mr. Payne Hedrick, of High Point; Mi-s Berla Mere dith, of Fair View, with Mr. Brown, of High Point; Miss Blanche Millikan with Mr. Carl I.awson; Messrs. Ivey Montgomery, Jeff Brown. David Bouldin, Allen Blair, Clarence Meredith, Dougan Biown and others. B. A E. There v.'ill be h great crowd in Asheboro August ade of honest material, ade by honest workmen, ade for men who want honest values. Look at our line of Mens' and Boys' Long-wear Shoes. W. J. niLLER, Asheboro, N. C. (.!' si .;i undecided:- Needn't l e, wv insure you you ca;i't. do letter. Select any style of HUFFK1S from our stock just opened' and we warrant y "i will 1 c j. leased. Ike till furniture n-i-cly received, the bull'et.S ufi; e.''a h isiisoine. You're sun; to be iW,isi"d it you buy one. There'll !v no disfiite about price. r. JOLLY. FOR Mt a.

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