GO MEM. me COURIER I Lands In'Rnth Naiv n nrl i j U6r COURIER j f Advertising Columns J Circulation. j Issued Weekly. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. $1.00 Per. Year VOL XXXII. ASHEBORO, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1907. . No K. Our Trip to Jamestown What Was Seen. MIS ESTKLLA A LLKKD For some time we had been worfr ing for and anticipating the trip to the Jamestown Exposition, which the editor of The Asheboro Courier so generously offered. Even our dreams of the grand scenes of the Exposition and the beautiful and historic sites of Old Virginia were comparatively small to the reality, especially to those who had never ! visited any of these places. I will not attempt, to tell every-j thing I saw there, but wNl mention a few things I liked best. We first visited the Government buildings. Many things were ex hibited that were used before and since the Revolution. The early settlers were represented in the costumes of that date, ulso C pt. John Smith trading wi',h the In dians, illustrating the methods which prevailed in dealiug with the Red Men. The Army and Navy ex hibita were replete and interesting, showing our governmental system of conducting the Army and Navy, and the requiiemeiits of these two two lfncs of service. The require ments of the eaily wars, such as can non, army muskets and bayonets were exhibited also, showiug the great improvement between theearly and late wars. ' Next we visited the Fisheries Building. It was both beautiful and interesting to see the fish swim ming in clear water. After admir ing the fish we visited the State Buildings. Vll were interesting and furnished with comfortable parlors and piazzas where we could rest when tired and gaze out upon the broad expanse of waters. Of course the North Carolina building was dearer to the hearts of us North Carolinians. Gov. Glenn's speech in the afternoon of Angust 15th was Appreciated by all present. A grand reception was given iu honor of our Governor and his party the follow ing night. I was deeply interested ir the fur nishings of tha Pennsylvania and Delaware buildings. The Connecti cut building is a replica of Col. Tal mage's house at Lichfield. All fur nishings throughout are antiques of great value aud historic interest, such as warmiug pans, cradles, spin ning wheels and old-time beds that were used in the early days of inde pendence. The Delaware Building is a repro duction of a colonial country resi dence, with the old-time wide fire place. By the side of the fireplace hangs an old turkey wing, and just over the mantel hangs a picture of Liberty and Independence, over the door way hangs an old Independence flag, showing the appreciation of in dependence and peace in those days. After visiting most of the State buildings we visited the - Phillipine Reservation. There we Baw the dif ferent races of those islands in their native costumes and occupations. , At night we visited the War Path. All of the shows were interesting and patriotic. Paul Revere's mid night ride was beautiful and impres sive. The battles were also inter esting. It seemed as if we ware looking upon a real battle. We vis ited the wild animal show, ostrich farm, Tours of the World, Hell Gate, Mytt c Maze, Scenes cf Alas ka, and Ye Olde Water Mill. Princess Trixie the educated horse was marvelous and amusing to all. Also, the Esquimau village and the ater showing how they kill the seal, snow dance, playing leap frog and their forms of the mairiage cere mony. Pharaoh's daughter was a short, but interesting show, to all Bible readers. The Destruction of San Francisco illustrating the great catastrophe which took place a little more than a year ago at the Golden Gate, Cal fornia, is one of the most beautiful and pathetic shows on the grounds. The Baby Incubator deserves mention for the rearing of prema ture children. They have exhib ited the smallest baby ever tried to be raised in an incubator, .being born August 13. '07, weighing only 14 oz. at birth, and was reported doing well Aug. 17th. Many other things besides build ings are to be seen and appreciated. The Horse Shoe Path or Lover's Member Courier Party. Lane is a cool and delightful resting place. The Powhrtan Oak in Arts and Crafts Village is a sturdy old tree. Science has proclaimed the fact that it was a vigorous young tree at the time of the landing of the first En glish settlers. On the broad waterways are to be seen the great and beautiful battle shibs of our navy. It costs but very little to go over one of these ships. The sailors are courteous and kind and will show you the different parts explaining their man agement. Besides visiting the Exposition and battleships we visited the beau tiful city of Newport News, Old Point Comfort, Fortress Mouroe, Ocean View, Norfolk and Virginia Beach. Before closing I must speak a word for the Outeide Inn. I will say to those who visit the James town Exposition, if they want a place where they will be treated kind and served with good fare for a reasonable pree, go to the Outside Inn. Words fail to express -my grati tude to our chaperone, Mis. Ham mer, when I think of her kindness, patience and endeavors to give us a good time. During our stay and while on the cars she did everything possible to make us comforable. May the blessings from One who is able to bless all, rest upon her is my prayer. Sincerely yours, ESTELLA AlLREI). Editor Courier: Accepting an invitation to join the Courier .party in their car, we started from High Point, Tuesday morning, for tbe Jamestown Exposition and permit me to say that we realized "Our lines were cast in pleasant places"; for Mrs. Hammer, Henry Harris and Pickard were unbounded iu their hospitality to the entire party. All became acquainted, and old and young vied with each other in passing jokes 'and pleasant repartee till we uid not notice the various long stops, which frequently oc curred, thereby delaying us until about 11 o'clock to Pinner's Point, where a grand scramble for '.the steamer to take us over to Norfolk, and the strength of every manwas fully tested to carry the forty or fifty dress suit, cases in our party. Our route lay along the river among the beautiful "Hills of Dan". The country was sometimes fertile showing good crops of corn and to bacco; In passing throngh Eastern Virginia, we saw large fields of pea nuts, carrying me back to my childhood days. The Fair is grand, though some what 'sma.ler than the Centennial of '76, Chicago, and St. Louis, all of which your scribe has visited; but this one surpasses them all in the beantiful views on the water. One tires of watching crafts, from a small skiff to some of our Battle Ships. A trip out to the Brooklyn, and having things explained was much enjoyed. The next day we went to Old Point Comfort, Hampton, and Fortress Monroe. On Saturday, to mltimnre and Washington. Suc cess to the Courier. J. E. B. Notice of Meeting. The regular meeting of the Ban dolph County Preachers' Association win oe cnangea trom Mondav atter the second Sunday in September, and will meet instead on Saturday. September 7th, in the Methodist church in Asheboro at 10 o'clock A M. The Laymens' Missionary Society win meet at tne same time and place Let all concerned note this. N. R. Richakdson. Death at Lexington. A. L. Betts died Wednesday at Lexington, aged 46 years. The de ceased was a brother of J. M. Betts, of Asheboro and R. E. Betts, of Bis coe. He is survived by a wife and four children. Mr. Betts went Mocksvslle from Randolph about 8 years ago where he was married to Miss Mollie Sparks. He moved to Lexington about a year ago. DEATH OF MR. BUNCH. Had Been a Minister In the Metbsdist Protestant Church Since 18T1. Died August 27th, 1907, at his home in Asheboro, Rev. Walter A. Bunch, of the N. C. Conference Methodist Protestant Church. He was bora March 15th, 1846. He was married twice, firet to Miss Emma Case, of Oak Ridge, on Nov. 24th, 1881. Of this nniou there are four living children, who were with him when the end came. They are Walter, James, aud Misses Li Hie nd Lizzie. After the death of his first wife he married Miss Ma mie Stafford, of Burlington, N. U. To this union were born three chil dren. They are Robert, Henry and Edward. He was licensed to preach about 177, and entered the regular itiner ancy iu 1886. He was elected president of the conference and served for the years 1890 '91 "J2 '93 with marked ability . During the years 1894 '95 he was again elected piesident and very ably filled that office during the v!8 189t.'97-'08. He was paitor of Asheboro station 1902-'03. 'The turee following years he did not travel on accunt of poor health. At the conference of 1906 he was as signed to Randleman circuit and served this charge until abjut one month before his death. Truly a good n.an is gone aud oue whose log ical worth could batdly be over-estimated. Of his life work more may appear later. . Negro Seizes Daughter: Mother Hushes u Scene. A big negro brute entered ihe .residence of Mrs. S. II. Harper,' at Rock Mount; last Thursday morn ing and attempted to assault her sixteen year old daughter. Mrs. Harper went to the assistance of her daughter, woo was grappling with the brute, screening at every breath. A neighbor rnshed in with a pistol in hand and owing to h darkness of the room, he ran against' a table, his pistol went off, shooting himself in the left hand. The ladies were so frightened they cannot identify the brute. Service at lUaJb. Rev. N. R. Rinhnrdaon fwilV onn- inet a service in the grove at Ulah Sunday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. ine erection or a new ennren there, will also be discussed. HISTORICAL REUNION 'Twas Monthly Meeting and Memorial Association Day. A LARGE CROWD ATTENDS THE EXERCISES. Visitors from Different States and Many Towns In North Carolina Rep resentedAn . Interesting Literary and Musical Program Rendered near Arehdale. At Springfield, Saturday morn ing. Aug. 17, at ten o'clock in 3pite of a continuous down-pour of rain, about three hundred people met to attend the regular monthly meeting of Friends and the annual meeting of the Memorial Association which was held in the afternoon. One interesting feature' of the morning session was the calling of the roll of all'the members who be longed to the monthly meeting 312 in number. Of these 125 were present and answered to their names. Letters froii non-resident members were received and read from Flori da, California and Missouri and different sections of this State. The following was the .program of the day: Devotional exercise1-. Reading the queries. Roll call by Miss Annie Petty. Our Duty to 1 Monthly Meeting by Mrs. Mary MendasihaU Uobbs. History of the Meeting, Miss Emma Blair. Education within the limits of Springfield Monthly Meeting, by Miss Mary M. Petty. Reminiscences of the Springfield Normal School, by Mrs. Addie Cop pock, of Indiana. History of Sabbath School Work, Miss Amanda Richardson. flnr Proton K (Innditinn Rou I ougan Cox. Clerks, Mr. J. Winston Blair and Miss Elva Blair. . An address was delivered by Mr. ORPHANS COMING. Chapter of Children from Oxford Will Visit Randolph'. A letter from W. J. Hicks, Su perintendent of the Oxford Orphan Asylum, supported by the Order of Masons, announces that the Orphan age Singing Class will give concerts at Asheboro and at Randleman next mouth. The class composed of ten girls and six boys, will arrive from Aber deen on Friday, September 13ib, and will give a concert on that, date. On Saturday, September 1 4 th, the party will go to Randleman. To give pleasure and bring bene fit to our people, and to impress up on them eveu more strongly the great importance of work for home less children, to increase interest in and inspire greater activity in be half of our orphanages, to promote the growth of the Masonic Order, to secure funds for the support and extension of this work for child hood these are prime purposes for which these tours are annually conducted. THE BULLA REUNION. Will Probably Be Held in Aslirboro In H!)An Annual Iivent In Indi ana for Twenty Years. Rev. David J. Coppock and wife, formerly Miss Adelaide Connor, of Nw Mirlfpf-. tViisi ponntv. arn sppnd i g a buoiC nine here visiting .Mis. Kiif.T' u; k McCain r.Dd nt'H"- relatives, 'he.' e -i igeil in caurch work in the "a-t' i-n pirt f this State. Th"'r home is at. Richmond, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Coppoch visited the Courier Tuesuay. They have been in Randolph some days looking up data referring to the early history of the Bulla amily. Upon her retnrn to Richmond, Ind., she will write an article for the Courier. - The annual Bulla reunion was he'd at Richmond, August 15th. Mr. Ben Bulla, of Randolph, at tended. Mrs. Coppock says that it is high ly probable that the annual reunion of 1909 will be held at Asheboro. The subject is being enthusiastically discussed. The first reunion was held twenty years ago. F. M. Hadley is building a new hotel at Siler City. AT OLD SPRINGFIELD C. P. Frazier. It has been a meet ing place for over one hundred years. We quote the important part of Mr. Fraziai's address. The meeting was established 117 years ago in the year 1790, nine years after the battle of Guilford Court House; during Washington's firet administration as President, snd while Alexander Martin was Governor of the State. High Point, Greensborj and Asheboro were still covered with tbe original forest. Jamestown being the only village of importance in the neighborhood. The land, five acres, was boukht from Henry Thornburg for five shillings and deeded to Wm. TomHnson, Moses Mendenhall, Matthew Coffin, and John Ruddick. Ten shillings were paid for having the deed recorded. The present brick meeting house was built by John Carter, Jerrimiah Pickett and A. U. Tomlinson in 1858 and cost $1,114.67. The first house constructed of brick in this part of North Carolina was built in High Point by Matthew Coffin, and people came for miles to see the structure. Springfield was one of the first places in the State to organize a Sunday school, the first temper ance society was held there immedi ately after the war; and the first literary society formed. Also the first model farm, and the first brick meeting-house for Friends. ' It has been the meeting place for a hundred years, of the best men and women of this time or any time, among them being, and who are prominently associately with the the history of Guilford county weie; The Coliii)6, Hoggetts, Kerseys, II ay worths, Mendenhalls, Johnstous, Tomlinsous, Blairs, Englishes, Picketts, Kendulls, Moflitts, Carters, Hiatts, Wrights, Andersons, Whpel- ers, Bundys, Millikms, Ruddicks, Pettys, Reynolds, Hunts, Fraziers, Hedgecocks, Vestals, Allen Jay, Jo seph Moore and many others. " Roosevelt Easy Victim Bryan Says Secret is Out. PKIII)i:T at Last Disriores CHATHAM MONUMENT. Klerted at Plttsboro In Memory of Confederate Veterans. The sons and daughters of ' Chat ham, several thousand strongr. gath ered at Pitub.iro last Thursday. K.imlolph, Moo e, Hake aud otu r cjutities sent their delegations. The occasion f this ureat tether ing was the unveiling of a monument to the uoniederate soldiers of Oh-it-ham county. The idea of this monument was conceived some three and a half years ago by the Winnie Davis chapter of U. D. C. of Chat ham. Today the result of their work is shown in a splendid monu ment of granite surmounted by a figure in bronze of heroic size of a Confederate soldier, the total cost of which is about a thousand dol lars. The band of marshals, headed by Col. John R. Lane, the gallant commander of the famous Twenty sixth regiment of North Carolina, clad in the old eray uniform, which he had worn in tbe storm and stress of many a hard-fought field, form ed the procession of throe hundred veterans. The procession of ''uttl-ec ircl heroes and the marshals led bv an excellent band from Ramseur marcn ed through the principal streets of the town to the hall of the Daugh ters of the Confederacy, thence thev maiched to the speakers' stand in front of the court house, where a large crowd had gathered. The ex ercises of the dy were as follows: music by tbe band. Prayer by the Rev. C. P. Jerome. Song by the choir. Introductory speech by Mi; II. A. London. Oration by Judge Walter Clark. Music by the baud. Song by choir. Presentation of monument by Mrs. H. A. Loudon, president of Winnie Davis chapter U. D. C. Reception of monument by O. A. Haulier, Esq. UNVEILIVG OP THE MOXUMENT. The monument was unveiled by twenty children, headed by Master Jack Lane, a grandson of Colonel Lane. The speeches were all good, that of Judge Clartf, who is perhaps one of the best informed men in the country, in the history of the civil war, being especially fine. After the exercises were concluded, a fine dinner was served to the vet erans in the coriidoi's of the court house. It was a great day for Chatham and the State. The people of this county love their land, they love their traditions, and it is well that they should revere tha memories of those who fought so bravely for the right as they saw it, and they of the younger generation who have yet to tight the battles of life will no don It do it in a manner worthy of the sons of their sires. Deserted by His Wife, iHe Goes Gunniug. Wilson, Aug. 23. Last night five miles fixm Springhope, in Nash county, a shooting took place. A Mr. Campin, who married the sister of Mr. Henry Wheelens, shot the latter dead for sonie reason. Mrs. Campin had left her hus band last night. He got to drink ing and said he was going to Wbeel len's homestead and try to get her to return to Springhope. On arriving at the homestead words were passed between the two men and both drew pistols and be gan firing at each other. Campin was shot in the neck and Wheellens was killed. Both are prominent citizens. Governor Smith Ousts Railroad Com mission. Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 22. Govern or Hoke Smith today issued an or. der to take effect immediately sus pending from office Railroad Com missioner Joseph M. JJrown and appointing in his place S. G. Mo Leandon. The order gives no reason for the suspension, but cites simply the section of the code which confers on the governor the author ity to suspend a commissioner who fails to meet the demands of the office. His Scheme For Centralization. Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 24. William J. Bryan, in commenting on Roose velts' last spcoh, said: "The President has at last dig closed his scheme for centralization, at which he has hinted in former speeches. In his Provmcetown,. Mass., speech he proposes the nation al incorporation tf railroads and. other corporations engaged in inter State commerce. "Here is the secret; it is out at last. 'Ine States are annoying the corporations and the corporations de mand Federal protection from State legislation. The President thinks that action 'is most pressing as re gards those corporations which, be cause they are common carriers, ex ercise a quasi public function.' The States have been enacting a 2-cent-fare law and laws reducing freight rates and the railroad managers de mand that they shall be relieved from further fear of such legislation. The President's Haniiltonian ideas make him an easy victim and he yields to the entreaties of the rail loads. "If it was the public he sought to protect he would recommend Federal remedies which would not interfere with SUte rrned'es. hot it ia th railroads, not the public, that de nurd the if. norul of authority to W ashington. "The Democrats c;m be depended upon to oppose with all their might this movement toward centralization. If auy Democrat wavers, his constit uents should look into his business relations and see whether he is under obligations to the railroads. A Haniiltonian Republican, lika the President, may honestly think that the farther the government is re moved from the paople, th better it will be; but a Jeflersonian D'emocrat does not cherish any such delusion. Even the Hamiltonian Republican ought to hesitate to trust Congress with any more power while the U. S. States Senators are elected by Legislatures. "It is fortunate that the people have had an object lesson so recent ly. The Federal law stopped rebates and passes, but the railroads make more money than they did before. The States on the other hand gave the people a reduction in rates and those who are rece ving the benefit of these reductions will be slow to surrender the advantage thus far gained. "It is doubted whether the Repub lican Congressmen from the West will dare to support the President's proposition, but if an attempt is made to put such a measure through Congress the D.mocrats will stand a good chance of retiring every West ern Republican who votes for it," Remarkable Old Gentleman. Thera is in Randleman a very remarkable old man, who holds a record that few old men hold. This is Mr. Wm. M. Stevenson. He is 76 years old and has been a farmer since 1856, anJ has been voting the straight democratic ticket since 1 852. He never used intoxicant or tobacco, and while his hearing is not so good, his memory is excellent, and he can name all the states as fast as he can talk without promptiug and without stopping. He has been reading the Asheboro Courier for 28 years and the New York World since 1883, and U now going to read The Dispatch. Wiih these three he will get all that is doing. Davidson Dispatch. The first public echool the Editor of The Courier attended was taught by this good old man and excellent scholar. One of the things he taught his pnpils was to chant Geography. In this way not only the capitals of the various states of the United States were learned, bnt also the capitals of all the larger political divisions of all the conti nents. The locations of the capitals of the countries were given in this way: Massachusetts. Massachusetts, "Boston on Boston Bay," "Illinois, Illinois, Springfield on the Sanga mon River." The principal cities in all the counties were also learned in tbe same way. N S. Plnmmer spent his vacation in and around Asheboio lust week. S I ....