MOUNTAIN COTTON MILL Industrial Experiment to Bo Triad In North Carolina's Hill Country. cotton will In the heart of th Blue Iildge mountains ami remote from a town will be an experiment In textile manufacturing with novel fea tures in the south, says the Charleston News ami Courier. Such a mill, it Is aid, is to lie built on Green river near Elrcon, X. C. The mill and Its village will be of Interest to dtudtwts of social affairs as well ns to manufacturers. Only those familiar with the North Carolina mountaineers, using the term in the strict sense and not including the dwellers in the fertile coves and alleys, cati comprehend the depths of their poverty. Perhaps the cottager on the steep declivity or rocky shelf of the mountain Itself, with his cab bage patch and stunted apple trees, has less of the comforts of American life than any other white man In America enjoys. For a number of years since the scarcity of mill labor has been felt the South Carolina man ufacturers of the Piedmont section have been In the habit of sending agents among these people, who would bring them to the mill towns, but their efforts have not been greatly success ful. The mountaineer loves bis home, rude and squalid though It be, and those who have come a little south ward or eastward have In many In stances soon returned to their poverty, their bracing air and the chill waters of the springs, which Is their chief boast. When the mill is built In the moun tains the mountain dwellers will have its ad Mintages and will still be at home. It will place schools and churches directly among them and will introduce a civilization which ag riculture, It seems, could hardly bring about. The manufacturer Is doubtless tempt ed to make the experiment beWovje of the prospect of an unfailing supply of efficient and satisfied labor. Addition ally unlimited water power will be available. While the raw cottou Is not grown in the mountains, it is produced at their feet, and when It Is remem bered that Piedmont, South Carolina and North Carolina now produce not more than a fourth of the cotton which is spun hi that section It will be seen that the Item of hauling the entire supply Instead of the larger portion some twenty live or thirty miles far ther by railroad Is of no Industrial Im portance. Writers who have made a practice of bewailing the horrors of child labor in the south will have the opportunity of learning Mime-thing from a mountain mill. Much as child labor Is to lie de plored, it Is possible that in spite of it Ihe conditions of life in some parts of the world may be Improved by the building of cotton mills, ami It may be that they will eventually be the instru ment for the lifting of a considerable population from u slough of despond, from a state which has in the past seemed hopeless. PROTECTING COAL MINERS. European Scheme of Chambers of Refuge Follows Shocking Accidents. The terrible accidents which have oc curred recently in the cual mines of Germany and France have drawn the attention of scientists, especially in the former country, to the introduction of methods of protecting the miners against tho recurrence of such calami ties or at least to diminishing ns far as possible tho ensuing loss of life, says the New York Tribune. One measure contemplated is tho construction of safety chambers, shut off from the rest of the mine and pro tected agniiit explosions. A conduit of compressed nir Is introduced Into these excavated rooms, and should the conduit le destroyed vessels or bottles filled with oxygon stored in the cfiam bers are intended to supply the neces sary air until a rescue can be effected. X logical extension of the plan Is tho equipment of these chambers with a sufficient supply of water and condens ed food to sustain life for a reasonable period of time in somewhat the same manner as lifeboats on vessels are equipped. Moving Occupied House Down a River. S. M. Iepew of Orange, Tex., re cently accomplished quite a feat in bouse moving, having moved C. 8. IJetster's resilience from Its former location at IMvcrsido, several miles above Orange, on tbe Sabine river, to a location In the southern part of Orange. The house was placed on rollers and safely placed on a big barge. The barge was then towed down the river to a landing opposite tho street on whi'h the lot; are Vv"t" I v '.'i' h were to be occupied ly !:: e, a:..! t!i. l.u idinx was then f-iied off the boat and safely I'm iit".l several blocks away. Tbe work of moving the from Louisi ana Texas, across the Sabine river, was accomplished while it was still occupied by Mr. Iteistcr. who never moved out durii:g that time and whose h'nifso furnishing! were not tlis IJI'bud l-'l tho l.iove. "2ird of a Theft." The mo: t unique theft on record at Trenton, .". J., was committed recently when a man entered the hou of Mrs. Catherine iiittlo and stole two cana ries from their cages, snys a special dispatch to tho New York World. The policeman to whom the case was re ported said it was "a bird of a theft." Possum's Rescue of Her Babies. Two girls at Tokh Christian, Miss., recently stole eight baby possums from their mother, says a special dis patch to the New York World. The next night the mother crawled through a window and bore away ber little ones. Tbe Bath as a Great BeautiUer. Women, have for ages been trying to solve the complexion question. Most women in their desperation resort to powders, cosmetics and various other resources to hide their defects, without any attempt to cor rect them, and in time well you have seen many a woman who was deluded, thinking that she was fool ing the public. But, let me fay, she was the one that was deceived, not the public. One great cause for the unsightly pimples and blemishes is in many owes infrequeut bathing of the body. 1 the pares of the body are not kept open by bathing the poison which should escape through them must then pass through the pores of the face. The face should be washed at least twice a day to keep it cleau. Iu many cases the pores are over worked, the impuriti- s accumulate and manifest in skin disorder of the face. The body is protected bv clothing, the hands by gloves and the feet with shoes, leaving the face exposed to all kinds of weather coudit- SHOl l.D STUDY WKATHEK. It would well repay one to study the weather before starting out in order to preserve the complexion and use proper means to protect it. For instance, many will hurriedly wash the face in a careless in a u tier and start out of doors before it is thoroughly dry. This is ruinous to any complexion. After bathing tbe face some pure cold cream should be applied. Then rub with a soft towel, alter which apply face powder. This will protect the face from the wind. Many women bring about wrin kles by incorrect position in looking at their sewing or fancy work or in conducting the many duties w h i 3 li befall them, children are apt to form wrinkles at their studies in school. The bath will help to t;ike away certain facial blemishes and there are certain treatments to apply. To many, all that is required if this simple treatment: Just before retiring batne the face with pure, mild soap, some very hot water and a soft llcsh brush. Scrub your face and neck well. This cleanses tbe skin. Then, with the hands, dash clear water on the face and apply a sjoud skin fojd. HoV,' TO JVASH THE FACK. An exceedingly good manner to wn the luce )J to begin by rubbing ihellesh brush well with soap, theu apply to the fuv, starting at the jaw with a firm pressure move up ward until the temples are reach ed. Uepeat this several times. If this is continually practiced it will prevent the sagging of the muscles of the f ice. Next, give attention to the fore head, from the top down to the eye biows, not forgetting to give a liber al amount of attention to that part of the eyes underneath, which is so often disoolo el and has a baggy condition. Now for the nose: Begin by rub bing it and the surrounding surface vigorously, for the oil glands are very prominent there, and as they retain the dust it is very difficult to thoroughly cleanse them. Proceed to the neck. With the brush well lathered, start at the back of the neck with a forward movement, then a downward stroke. This will cleanse, help the circula tion, and assist iu reducing a fat neck or giving ilesh to a thin on. Finish with the hotter water rinse and the cold water dash. Avoid bathing wilhiu two hours after a meal. Avoid bathing when exhausted from fatigue or from any other cause. Avoid bathini: w hen the body is wilding after perspiiatinn. Avoid Iii.-iii when it causes a -;!, ,-e of chilliness and riuuil)ne..s of the bunds and feet. iiitLii - when t!ie body is wain, provided no time is lost in getting into the water. Avoid chilling the body by .sit ting or stHJiuing in a cool place niter the hath. remaining too lon Auud in thi water. Leave I be there is the bulb imiii. tliattlv if ; i u 1 : -" feeling of (monies. The vigo.nms and strong may bathe tarly in tli j morning b fort" taking breakfast, but the young and the weak hud better bathe two or three hours after a meal. Those who are subject to attacks of giddiness or faintness and those who suffer from palpitation and other sense of discomfort should bathe in tepid water only three or four times a week. DeWitt'BCarbolizpJ Witch Hazel Salve is good for boils, burns, cuts, scalds and skin diseases. It is especially good for piles. Sold by Standard Drag Co. Our Jamestown Trip. Concluieil from first p;ige battles one would shudder with fear at the report of the guns and can nons, aud our hearts gj out iu syiu- j pathy co the crew ou dck the sink- j ing and burning vessels. Among j the battles the Merrimac and Moui-; tor, which was fought neatly half a' ceutury ago, was the most interest' j ing. As all historians know it was a hard fought battle, but no hum done. It seemed we had been eye witnesses to the real battle, Tiie most touching sceue to me. was the "Destruction of San Fraucisoo" at i the Golden Gate. We viewed the ! magnificent city in all its beautvj ind glory, saw the clouds gathering! from the horizon, as the darkness: )f night approac lied, and the in habitauts were iu peaceful slumber: the deluge of water came, then the' shock, when the earth seemed to J open and swallow whole blocks at ! a time; the fire then broke out and j swept the panic stricken city in all ; its fury. The Esquimau village was very interesting with their snow j huts, canoes aud dressed in their native costumes. The 101 ranch i had more real life than anv other ! feature, the skill of the trained cow boys and irls was remarkable, and tne rnncess eanna witn ner train-, he has a position as supnntendeut ed horse almost excelled Princess 0f a cotton mill. He will move his Trixie. ; family. If you want to wear out your eyes Charlie, the little son of Mr. and and limber your neck just goto;. Mrs. Williar Suggs, died a few 'Jamestown." Besides the exposi- davs ayo of strangulation. The tion grounds there are various other child got something lodged in its things to be seeu aud one does not wind pipe. feel satisfied to leave without see- j Mrs. Nancv Lyudon died Satur inj the cities of Norfolk, Newport I day last at the" home of Virgil Cog. News, Ocean View, Virginia Beach gin. on Wiscasselt Hi 1. She was and last Ft. H nry, the most inter-1 ?:j years of ae. eating things there were the old and The infant of Mr. and Mrs. uew light houses, showing the iin- iUelt liaudtl died Tuesday, follow provement aud the enormous sand . mg an accident in which the child hanks, lost but not forgotten. 1 will speak of the Outside Iun, where we were so hospitably entertained and "well fed." I would advise ail the rest of you that go to stop a: this hotel, it is also very conveni nt to the Kx position grounds. I am sur- I voice the senti ments of ewry member of our party, when 1 gav our th inks and aivv- ! eiittioiis are un hounded to our Ch.iperone, Mi. Hammer, in lor ciide vo:s to in ike the trip prov able as weil as pleasant to us all. In (Minieerio'.i with my trip t Jamestown I made a visit to the eastern paitof Nuitn Carolina of wheh I would like to speak a f words. The ch-mg. of scene the low niarsliv comitrv itnd the lai je sand lulls lends enciuntuu-nt to the m admirer ot nature. With party of j friends I went boat riding on a; pond including "jou acres of laud,' its surface was beautifully bedeckeil ! with pond lillies, cypress and van- ous other shrubs ami (lower. Among the cities of interest, 1 visit ed was Goldsboro, Kinston and his toric Newberu which has such a beautiful water front, I joined a party of about 300 on a Sunday School excursion to More head City. We arrived at 12 m. After a picnic lunch at the Atlautic Hotel, we took boats for the city o Beafuort. Ours was a gasoline boat, the Aona Babcock, which was a very pleasant sailing boat, we crossed Bogue Sound and visit ed Fort Macon, which is verv much dilapidated, but it seemed we ought to see the soldiers crouch at our approach and hear the bomb of cannons, but all was somber and still except the sound of our voices and feet. I saw a number of other interesting things, but will not tire you to read them. I have been gone three weeks and seen enough to rest for awhile and while away the rest of my vacation in the hills of Montgomery with my cousins at the Troy gold mine. In conclusion I will say if you all want to close your vacation, with a good social time, plenty of good fruit aud watermelons, make a visit to Wayne County. Yours si cerely, Chi.oe Lassiteh. FRAZIE 1I-ADA M S. Pretty Wcililinj; Xidciiiiii. il i Home of M . .1, Campbell--At I the Home Noienioer I. A beautiful wedding was solem nized at the home of llev. W. j. Campbell, of Haudleman, Sunday, September 6th, when Miss Lizzie, daughter of W. L. Adams', became the beloved and happy bride of Samuel Frazier, ' son of Mr. and Mrs. J'. F. Fnizier. Both bride and groom were of Bandleman, Iloute 1 . The bride wis beautifully gown ed in white China silk; the groom, in conventional black. The happy couple started North on their bridal tour the following Monday. At honie after November 1. Mrs. Carrie Myers, while giving a balloon perfromance . at CMean, N. Y., fell 1,000 feet from a para chute and was instantly killed laet week. When the Hair Falls Then it's time to act! No time to study, to read, to experi ment! You want to save your hair, and save it quickly, too! So make up your mind this very minute that if your hair ever comes out you will use Ayer's Hair Vigor. It makes the scalp healthy. The hair stays in. It cannot do any thing else. It's nature's way. The best kind of a testimonial " Sold for over sixty years." A irj.u. Ayr Co., LOW411, mmmm. Ato manuftoturw of yers SABSAPABILLL PILLS. CHERRY PECTORAL. STANLEY ITEMS. Interesting; Batch of News l-'ruui the Xtanley I'.nterprise. J. E. Kamsour has moved from ; Albemarle to Vorkville, S. where fell from a porch, breaking his Whit A. f! radon, formerly of N'ew Luiilo!!. Man ley county, was married recently at iUuddpli, Ala., in Mi-s Loiii?" i?. ll singer. They will make tlk-ir Ihiine .ii Columbus, Miss. Motor a ml Hand far Collide. ! In a head ou coll sion btt.veen a motorcar an; a handcar on the, Durham A I'mul o'.te Kiilway a f.-w tnilcs Meal of Spies Saturday night two :nen on the motor car, Tli.-s. Uitteraud Karl Poe, had their leys terribly crushed by the impact id tne two cars. John L. Tull, who was in ch rge of til iihi, or .,. ti , IV...., the car 'and iShl badlv hurt, .Mle Count v News. " 1 .daebe, l elrliun:, bad la-!e k of appelile anil sliu'l.t ; ympioins of ii.dijfiioii iv i -d to go unrated h.r. ill ise of dysprp-ia that will to ert 'rid of. Hon'! i.e. : in tli IU Mini, I.: Iiei Vn'IMI.". iil-H whirl,, wi,ei, all develop in!-. take a lone Uu jilrrt y n:r stomach. At the llrst indication j f trouble take something that will help it j along in iis work of dijesting the lord yon ' cat. kodoi fur hnlijesi ion and lyspep-ia' will do iliis. Kodol will make your food do you kooiI and will enable you to enjoy what ' you nit. old by Standard Diiii! o ' j Often The Kidneys Are Weakened by Over-Work. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. It used to be considered that only urinary and bladder troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all diseases have their beKiiiuin; in the disorder of these most important organs. The kidneys filter and purify the blood that is their work. Therefore, when your kidneysare weak or out of order, you can understand how quickly your entire Ixxly is affected and how every organ seems to fail to do its duty. If you are sick or " feel badly," begin taking the great kidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, because as soon as your kidneys are well they will help all the other organs to health. A trial will convince anyone. If you are sick you can make no mis tnUe by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild :md the extraordinary elTect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, ilie great kidney remedy, is s ion realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases, and is sold on its merits by all Uiuv;;isi3 oi in i j win 5 LK-Mii i and one-dollar wc H (S.SH LlferHH'y bottles. Yon iimvh5SSiiJSl have a simple bouio, n..n"nrsWnmp-i;oot. by mail free, also a pamphlet U-iiing you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing to I)r. Kilmer & t'o., bing hamton, X. Y. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swuhip-Koot, Dr. Kilmer s Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Ijiughamtou, N. Y., on every bottle. SIMMER BARGAINS Our S.rii)ir triKle Ims U'ou so Bool Unit it rn. ables us to n il a lot of lints and mine of th trlmiiiiiiKS wo no hnvc In Hoi k at rediiceil prii es We also have a new line ol Kiwi's ami fancy collars aud are daily expecttiiK a very desir able lt of the American Beauty corset?, all can he suited. A new aud more complete line of the cucumber preparation Just received. MRS. E. T. BLAIR, Asbeboro, N. C. FARMER INSTITUTE KMll-rinrnl.lniidimprliiceHle..cliers. Terms vrry low. Wrlt.f.r nmoriili mi. ami olllrr luli.rmntlon. Addicas K-ll trrm op-i.s S.l. 3. Rt. . T. HWITER, Prla.., X. C Crescent Furniture Co. Reception Chairs In Mahogany, Reed and Upholstered. MAKE YOUR Pictures, Moldings, Easels, Parlor Suits S and 5 pieces, Couches, Bed Ixurges, Eed P( cm Suites $10 up, Odd Dressers, $4.50 up. HOME ATTRAC TIVE. In fact we keep almost everything usually kept in a first class Furniture S tore. You will do well to see us before buying, Thanking you fo'r past favors, we are your friends Crescent Furniture Co. ASHEBORO DEP'T STORE, i ( WN i f) Black Cat Hosiery And Again 'You Mav i.l low .;,! llll-kilied b-a'lier i!l-:i"iiiL' .nn I made lv oii will -i.'tiT armors. Oxfords Going at Cost. While our s, Wulk-Ovct s fur Men. Affiles Scon and Qiwin Hess j r l adies, mid Children. The Celebrated Godwin Shoe Jor Men. U'ohk'H and Children. THESE ARE OUR SPECIALS. PHONE 11. hervin An appeal to the pride of the owner of a home Everyone who owns a home is anxious that that home shall make the best appearance possible. Two things are necessary to produce satis factory results in painting and var nishing a home: First A satisfactory color scheme. Second Paints, varnishes, stains and enamels of such good quality that they not only give the exact color effect required, but are sufficiently durable to keep up the attractive ap pearance of the 2;ouse in spite of ths wear and terr ci living ;n it. These are offcvctl by :hs 6 'erwin Williams Faints cni Ifcrni:;' js. The Sherv.'in-Villiami Co. not wily make . every kind of paint and v.-rnish used for a house and the best quality of that kind, but they make suggestions for the selection of colorr, varnishes stains and enamels, so th:i any p,en idea can be carried out, and car ried out with the best n-.ntc SOLD IN J i Ut. '"I"' I .VI- L Morris'-Scarboro-Moffitt Co. FURNISH WITH THE LATEST STYLES Foot-wear Comfort. Von may liave ever so nii-P livilin. nVx'hl uwl warm phoes for winter but if yoer ho is euarso, knotty, stilT iniil wt ak from ti e i in I i - :il !) process vni:r !V"t re n' t rrm foil .. Tho HUekViil Hose For I flies' ;jini MU-es are unexeelld . Wt bave a full li'M and ii is lroii"tf ilie popular tad ("ail i) a.i'l seo tneni, or simply phone your orders ASHEBORO. N. C. 5 Williams You should see to it that when you buy paints and varnishes for your house, or any part of it, or when you give an order to your painter for any painting &nd varnishing you want done, that Sherwin-Williams Paints and Varnishes are purchased. In large work it is always best to have a practical painter; but there are many little things about the house that you can readily finish yourself by using Sherwin-Williams ready-to-apply paints. Come in and bave a little paint talk with us. Now ii the time to "brighten vp" your home for the lon, winter months. We can tell you th-j best product to use for any purpose .a may have in mind and scc'ire complete finishing Epecifica tiu;is for you from The Sherwin Wihianis Co., if you desire them, for Fpecial work. Our line of Sherwin Williams Products is complete and we are in a position to t:.kc the best care of your pa nt r.j.ii :;:nish re- 'J. , " 1 ;3 y BY i4 Asheboro N. C.

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