The Asheboro Courier .Asheboro, N. .0. Oct. 3, 1907. Local and Personal. J. A. Spence returned Thura y from the Jamesthwn Exposition. Prof. E. J. Coltrane returned Thursday from a trip to James town. . Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hammond have returned from the Exposition. E. Moffitt spent Sunday at Elon College. J. E. Walker is improving stead ily. Misses Etta and Annie Blair have returned from Jamestown. A. W. Davis and N. H. Farlow, of Edgar, have purchased a cotton gin and wilsoon begin operating it. See onr offer to send the Courier till Jan. 1st for only 15 cents. lub today. . Mrs. A. W. Davis and son. Pearl S; Davis, of Edgar, spent last week at Jamestown. Mrs. W.J. Arm6eld, Jr., and Children are visiting relatives in High Point. A. W. Dawkios, of Asheboro, has rented the Foushee building at Sanford, and has opened it as. the Lee County Hotel. We want 5000 more subscribers and are determined to have them. Get as np a club and get a fountain pen free. See offer. United effort will secure rapid growth of industry and population in Asheboro through the coming Tears. The Asheboro Wheelbarrow & Mfg. Co. have recent' installed a new engine, and improved its facili ties in other ways. Col.W. P. Wood delivered an address at the Alamance County Fail yesterday to the Confederate Veterans. Rev. W. E. Swain, will leave Monday for Burlington to assiBt Rev. Mr. Porter in a serjes of meet ings. The last of October he will conduct a series of meetings at Ran dleman. Carpenters and Masons are push, ing to completion the new bank building on Depot Street. It will bo ready for occupation in a short time. Always address letters and par cels with a pen. When addressed pencil the address on mail matter becomes so obliterated it does not reach its destination and goe s to the ceau letter omce. The Stanley Enterprise says: J. G. . Lamb, of Kandleman, has accepted a position in the roller shop of the Wiscassett Cotton Mills at Albe marle. Walter B. Owen, son of Bentley Owen, of Liberty, is teaching school at McColl, S. C. Mr. Owen is editor of the McColl Push, a new weekly newspaper that made its first appearance last Wednesday. It is an 8 page four column paper. The Clerk of the Court has re ceived the bound volumes of the acts of the last legislature, for dis tribution among the magistrates of the county. The magistrates can secure one by calling for it at the ffice of the Clerk. The subject for the North Caro lina Day exercises in the public schools of the State this year will be the settlement of the Scotch Irish in Mecklenburg and Guil ford and other Southeastern count ies. I The magistrates receiving The Acts of the last Legislature are required to sign a receipt for the same in the Clerk's office. They must either call in person or send a written reaipt before the volume leaves the office of the Clerk. Those who have not copies of the revisal of 1905 can secure a copy now. i You can get one excellent foun tain pen by getting us a club of twelve trial subscriptions from now until Jan. 1st for only 15 cants each. Send ns twelve names and addresses, and $1.80 and we will send yon a fountain pen as good as the best How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollar Reward for any caw ol Ca arrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. i. CHBNKY & OX, Toledo, O. We, the underslgued, have known F, J. Cheney for the last 16 years, and believe hint perfectly honorable In all busineas transaction! and finan cially able to carry out any obligations made by his Arm. WALD1NO, KINNANA MARVIN, Wholesale DruggistsTToledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tnesystejti. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c. per bottle. Bold by all Druggist. Take Hall's Family Fills for constipation. W. J. Armfield, Jr., spent Sun day at High Point.' Geo. T. Murdock, of Lassiter, was in town Wednesday. Mrs. E. E. Kephart spent Mon day in High Point. Col. W. P. Wood went to Bur lington Tuesday evening. Thomas Harris, ef Liberty, was in town Tuesday and yesterday. Nixon Lucas left yesterday for ais nome at weaowee, Aia. Miss Marion Moring left Tuesday for Raleigh where she will study music at the Baptist University. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ross are spending a few days at the Exposi tion. H. B. Caldwell has returned from Cleveland, Ohio, where he spent several days with his family. Mrs. J. V. Hunter and children have returned from a !visit .to rela tives at Charlotte. A. J. Luck has sold his residence in Southwest Asheboro to R. W. r razier, at Troy. R. W. Frazier, of Tny. was a visitor in Auheooro the first of the week. Read the advertisements of W. G. Elliott & Co. at Kandleman, an nouncing the Fall opening. The Madison Overall Co.. of Madi son, Rockingham county, has been chartered with $5,000 capital. Dennis Bean has bought a lot on Hamilton Heights, upon which he proposes to erect a residence soon. Tom McPheisoa bought a resi. dence building lot on Hamilton Heights. RC C. Turner returned Friday from Yadkin countv where ha visit ed relatives. Miss May Farlow and sist.r. of Sophia, visited friends in Ashehnm Tuesday. A series of meetings will begin at Emanuel's Grove, three miles south of Asheboro Sunday. Everybody invited. Mr. A. C. Lowdermilk passed through Asheboro this morning en route to Sapulpa, Indian Territory, wnere ne nas accepted a position. Miss Jessie Williams, of Asheville, is attending the Woman s Mission ary Society meeting here and is a guest of Mrs. E. T. Blair. Miss Ancie Blair is spending the week with Miss Clara Moffitt, who is a teacher in the graded school at Turlington. j McCrary-Redding Hardware Co., which has recently erected a brick building on North Street, expect to nave a macmne enop in operation in it by the first of the year. E. G. Morris has traded his farm of 17 acres just west of Asheboro to A. J. Luck for his stock of goods in the Ross building. Mr. Morris now offers this stock for sale. Wood & Moring takes a liberal space in this issue to advertise the mammoth stock of dry goods, cloth ing, Furniture, etc. Read it and visit them when in town. Mrs. Nixon Lucas returned to her home at,Wedowee, Ala., yester day after an extended visit to her father; Mr. Moffitt, at Ulah. She was accompanied by her children. A. M. Presnell has moved his blacksmith shop from North street, near Asheboro Grocery Co., to South Asheboro, near Wesley Brower's store. Miss Florence Holton, who has been visiting her brother, C. L. Holtor), left for High Point yester day to spend a f&w days before re turning to her home at Yadkinville. E. E. Bryan, of High Point, was here yesterday looking for a vacant residence. Mr. Bryan represents tne Harbee Marble Works, of High Point in this territory and desires to move his family to Asheboro. H. B. Caldwell, representing the Newport Lumber Co., has leased the front office on the second floor of the new National Bank building, and will occupy it as soon as the building is completed. There are evidently quite a Dum per of persons in this County who are liable' to poll tax who have not listed. We sincerely hope the Coun ty Commissioners ot the county will take Buch steps as are necessary to to see that every person liable to poll tax lists and pays the same. The two-month-old son of Mr and Mrs. B. G. Yow, of White Oak, died Snnday morning after a brief illness. The remains were brought to Millboro, Randolph county, Mon day morning where they were inter red. Notice To Teachers. The North' Carolina Journal of Education has recently been enlarg ed and otherwise improved. No doubt it is tne very magazine every teacher should subscribe for and read carefully. The quality of the reading matter is excellent, and the illustrations are of a high order. Arrangements have been made by which every teacher in the county may secure this educational journal tor only 66 1-3 cents a year, provii ed the club can be made large enouen. it is very earnestly hoped tnat no one will fail to take ad van tage of this exceptional offer, because the paper is worth many times the amount required to get it. Those who desire to subscribe for the next year will please forward the required amount to me at once with the correct name and address. The paper will be mailed to you as soon ai the clab is completed. Prompt attention to this important matter is urged. Cordially Yours, E. J. Coltrane, Our Premium Papers. Several weeks ago we sent out statements to all our subscribers who were as much as three months in arrears on subscription, inclosing with these statements a letter print ed in red ink offering to send sever al other papers and magazines if payment was made promptly. Laat week we announced that this offer would be withdrawn the first of October. Since then we have gone over our accounts with the publish ers of our premium publica'ions and hnd we have more than two hun dred annual subscriptions still due us by the publishers of each of these publications. So we will not with draw our clubbing proposition now. it will probably continue fifteen days yet. ' Those who wish to get a supply of good literature free with I he (Jourier for the next year should send in their subscription at once. If you desire this big offer, do not fail tb say so when you seed ns your subscription, and oblige. Address lhe (Jourier, Asheboro, N. C. Teachers examinations. In accordance with the Public School Law of the State I will give a free public 'examination ' to all wh'.te teachers in the County desir ing certificates, on Thursday, Oct. lUtn, in tne Uourt-nouse at Ashe boro. The examination will begin promptly at ten 'clock, and all applicants are urged to be present at that hour in order to flinish the work as early as possible. All colored teachers will please come on Saturday, Oct. 12th. If there are any teachers in the County desiring to take the exami nation for the high school teacher's certificates, opportunity for the same will be given on the 11th and 12th. Very truly yours, E. J. CoLTBAXE, Co. Superintendent. Millinery Opening. . The following invitation has been received from Kandlemau: You are cordially invited to attend the mil.inery opening ' at Q. W. Elliott Company October 0th, 1907 where you will find one ot the best lines of Millinery and Dress Goods that could be selected from the Northern markets. Mhs. Emma Wall, Manager, Sept. 27, 1907. It is a well known fact that persons living in pine forests do not suffer from kidney diseases. One dose of Pineules at night usually relieves backache. 30 days' treat ment $1.00 Your money refunded if not satisfied. Asheboro Drug Co. Fourth Quarterly Meeting1, Asheboro Circuit. The official biethren of Asheboro Circuit will please remember that the last quarterly meeting of this charge, will be held at Asheboro, in the M. E. Church, on Monday, Oct. 7th, at 10 o'clock, A. M. The Presiding Elder, Dr. S. 1$. Turren tine, will preach at Central Falls on the first Sunday evening at 3:30 P. M., and at Worthville at night. Let all the official board, be present at this quarterly meeting. R. L. Melton, Pastor. Robert Burns spent Sunday heie with his family. , Cures Rheumatism and Catarrh. Medi cine Free. Send no money -simply write and trv Botanic Blood Hulin at our expense Botitnlc Blood Balm (B. B. B.) killsor destroys the poison in the blood which causes the awful aches In back ami shoulder blades, shifting pains, difficulty iu movuiH lingers, ioeur iuk, duihj paius, swollen muscles aud joinuof rheuinutism, or the foul breath, hawking, spitting, dropping iu throat, bad hearing, specks flying before the eyes, all Stayed out feeling ol catarrh. Botanic Blond aim has cured hundreds of cases of 30 or 40 years' standing after doctors, hot springs and patent medicines had all failed. Moot of these cured patients had taken Blood Bulm as a last resort. It is especially advised for chronic, deep-seated cases. Impossible for anv one to sutler the agonies or symptoms of rheumatism or catarrh while or after taking Blood Balm. It makes the blood pure and rich, thereby giving a healthy blood supply. Cures are pcrrauueut and not a patching up. Drug stores, one dollar per large bottle, Bamiileof Blood Bulm sent free and prepaid, also special medical advice by describ ing your trouble and writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Oa. Business Locals. It will pay yoa to examine oar new lot of band-painted Japanese ware, cut glass, and handsome display of silverware. Quality high, Prioea low. Asheboro Drug Co. Wanted Teams to haul lumber. Liber al terms. Address II. B. Caldwell, Ashe boro, N. C. We have a couple of diso Talking Ma chines that we sell at very low figure. We have in stock a numVinr nf ?; wnrHi that will fit any machine. Last but not lean it you are buying a phonograph, be ure to get the Edison it is the BEST. Asheboro Drug Co Beginning with Monday Oct. 14th Dr. Wakefield will devote his whole time to the Eract ice in his Charlotte office, (in the Hunt uilding.) His work is limited to disease of Epe, Ear, Nose, aud Throat, and fitting glasses. MERCANTILE BUSINESS FOR SALE. Stock of onnda Rnu tuiildlx. owned bv A. j Luck. Inventory about $400. Will sell on easy terms or exchange for horse flesh. Good stand. E. O. Mourns, Asheboro, N. C. SALESMEN WANTED. To look after nur intxmat in RanHnlnl, nA adjacent counties. Salary Commission, Address THE HARVEY OIL CO, Cleve land, Ohio. Mr. John M. Stout, who li Pleasant Hill in the southern narr. of the county and was ninetv-eif?ht years oia on tne 6th of last April, .till 1 J ! V J jo sum umc, uearij aim acuve, ana is able to do considerable work yet. He commenced Dullinc fodder fast week and the first day pulled and tied np fortv-eitrht bundles almost as much as a man of a fourth or fifth of his vears would do Ala mance Oleaner. Asheboro'S Busy Corner The Popular Store of the Shopping Public is what we are makingk this store. It is the popular resort of the ladies desiring the latest and best quality in Dress Goods, Notions, Shoes, Etc., as well as the resort of those desiring comfortably furhished homes at little cost., RFfiAIKF we offer only dependable merchandise at the lowest possible cost and ULUrtUOL any thing you buy is backed by our guarantee -"satisfaction or money refunded." With our entire store filled with up-to-date new goods, it's now time to take thought for your Fall needs. Visit our store often and keep posted on the new-' est styles, fabrics and colors. The Following Values Encourage Immediate Buying ' Furniture The second floor of our large building is filled with Furniture in sets and odd pidS'H for every room in the home. The line is the product of the most re liaDle manufacturers, and was bought with an eye to beautifying your borne at a Cost within your reach. For Instance Bedroom Suits $12.50, 18.50, 25.00,30.00, 40.00, 50 00. We carry tbese in stock but can secure on short notice ; handsomer sets still at $100.00 or more. Couches in Leather, f 10.00 to 20.06 each.j None handsomer. Couches in Velour, $7.50 to 10.00 Dining Extension Tables, good values at $5 50, 10.00, 12.00, 20 SideWids, 12.50, 25.00 and 40.00. Kitchen Cabinets, 9.00. Kitchen Safes, 3.00, 4.00, 5.00, 7.50 and 10.00 Odd Dressers. 4.50, 7.50, 10.00, 12.00, 15 00and2"00. Iron Beds, 5 00, 8.00, 12.P0, 15.00. Wardrobes. $12.00 Rockqrs, $1 .00 to 10 00 MattiesHPs, a fair quality, at 2,00 to 5.00 Felt Mattresses, the best at 5.75 7.50,9 00,11.00, 12 50. Mattings, Rugs and Carpets Very jiretty and attractive da signs at a figure to please. China Hatting, 35c er yard. Japanese Matting t'O ami 25c. Carpets at 50c, Oi'c. and 75c. . Bags from 1.00 to 5.00 each Druggets, 9x12 fcet, the well known Axminist-r at 25.00 Engniiu Drugjrets, Uxl2 feet, 4.50 to 10.00 Hall Drugneto, 3x12 ft. at 7.50 Hall Druggets, 3x9 feet, at 5.00 Colli weather suggests warm blankets, just such an we are showing at 2 50 and 6.00 Kid Gloves 16 button Kid Glov. g jin black and tan at 3 50 12 button Kid Oloves in same colors at 2.00 and 2 50. Regulation Standard length in all colors 90c, Men's Fancy Vests, 2 00 to 7.5q ww ww ww i GRAND Millinery and Newj Goods, 1 Wednesday and Thursday Oct. 9th and lOht. i Be Sure to Come. 1 Full display Dry Goods, Notions, J Clothing, Furniture, and New Goods of Every Description. G. W. ELLIOTT & CO., 4 RANDLEMAN, N, C. c S MRS. EMMA WALL, in Charge of Millinery. WOOD & MORING Clothing To the men who are our patrons, and, to the men who are going to be our patrons We Say Griffon Tailored. We have other and cheaper clothing but to those desiring the best of ma terial and workmanship combined we say Griffon. It is fine quality and exclusive style that is characteristic of every thing bearing the Griffon label. We want to say that our Fall and Winter clothing is now ready for your inspection. Every piece is warranted under a strict guarantee, and the pro tection Griffon gives the guarantee makes them please everybody. QRirrON BRAN 6 . Suits from $10. to $27. Samples from tailoring department show suits made to order at from $15. to $20. ww - W " Wl OPENING $ AsheborcTs Busy Corns Autumn and Win ter Dress Fabrics We are making a remark, able showing of the most desirable fabrics ic black and colors at the beginning of what promises to be a phenominil eeason for dress. Our buyer has gathered'to gether thousands of dollars worth of the most beautiful dress goods, which finds no counter part outside of the metropolitan stores. Yon can form no conception of the beauty of this stock without seeing it. See New Shades of Brown Silks Black Taffeta 1.00, 1.25 and 1.50 Blue Taffeta, 1.00 Fancy checks and plaids, 75c 1.09, 150. Just the thing for shirt waists. Checks and plaids are the popular fad. Panamas, 50c and 1.00. These can be had iu black and all colors including navy and browns. Broadcloth, serges, Flannel ettes, Outings and Wash Fabrics can all be found in varied designs. . Children's and Ladies' Cloaks " The stock in this department involves more than $1000.00 and here can be found juet what you want in black and tan broadcloth, covert cloth, etc. The prices of these coats range frsm 3.00 to ? 20.00 , Hisses' Coats from 3.00 to $12 I hildren's Cloaks, 1.25 to $5 00 Ask to see our line of ladies handkerchief, the largest and l)eet line ever brought to this section. Prices quoted at 10c, 25c, 50c, 1.00, 1.25. 1.50, 2.00. Fadies Furs The new furs are mostly small : carfs with ornaments of heads and tails. We have already sold a laigj number of odd pieces and acts of scarfs and muffs. We have, however, a good assortment left at prices from 75c to 12.50 Miaw Knit Hose for men 25 eta.