THINGS MONEY CANNOT BUY. flraJns, Coo4 Conscience, Trut Friend ship nd Health Are Not The Servant et God. Money is a .useful and nec?bsary thing. It can do much for our selves and others. But there are manj things, and the things of greatest value, that money cannot bay. One of these things ia intellec tual power. A fool's monev can buy diamonds, palaces, titles; but it cannot buy an ounce of brains: nd he must submit, if he be a. wiBe fool, to use throughout his lifetime the brains ot others. GiU ed ignorance is still ignorance; and Mind remains Master though clothed in rags. Money ennnot buy a clear con science. Gold is no shield against the shafts of remorse, and great I wealth cannot silence the soul's -condemnation. Conscience has never I been bribed, and no success, how a ever great, csn efface the stain of Iain. The pain may be softened down, but it brings no ease to the heads that wear the devil's crown. I True happiness flies when conscience frowns, and no golden lure can 1 bring her back. I Mouey cannot buy a happy home. t-Sometiuies it ilmost seems as if jwealth were inimical to home happi ness. It caunot buy uuselfishness, and it cannot buy the forbearnee that is a neoe-sity to happiness. Children are not the happier be cause they have uo uugratitied wishes and men and women do not love each other because they are less necessan to each other. The .happiest homes are seldom found where wealth is great. Money cannot buy friendship. ,Some will perhaps take exception to this and claim that morcy does I Attract friends. The difference lies f .solely in what we mean by "friend". Money attracts those that money 1 can buy, but true men are not for 1 sale. Those whom mv monev at traets are my money's friends alone, And I am still us lonely as ever. Money cannot buy health. It may secure the amelioration of sickness and the lessening of pain, and in exDeplional cases it may mean restoiation to health, but in the vast majority of casts the re verse is true, and the rich man in his suffering looks with longing eyes upon the poor man's rutrged health, and feels that it would be a good exchange if he could secure that health even at the sacritice of all he has. Money caunot buy the saving of the soul or the safe guarding of those spiritual interests that are dearer than life itself. There are duors that swing open at the touch of gold, bnt not these doors. There may be crowns that are for sale, bu t not the crown of life. Earth's gold is less than tinsel here. The power of money reaches no higher than some paltry six feet from the ground. Sometimes earthly justice has been for sale; and the judge's ermine has been soiled, but there is no spot upon the great white throne. All the wealth of all the ages could not buy forgiveness of sins. Corruption Funds and Benefit'. The Republican National cam paign fuud expended by Chairman Cortelyou, for the Roosevelt election is reputed to have been a little more than $4,000,000. Where and how did they get it? The official evi dence :n the Life Insurance investi ting showed that part of it came from the trust funds of policy holders that should have been sa to widows and orphans; that IlainmaD, who the President now charges is an undesirable citizen, fave $50,000; that the discredited tepew gave $25,000, and his friends in Wall Stieet about $100,000 more. That Mr. Rogers, of the Standard Oil Trust and Mr. Still, man, President of the National City the Kockfeller Bank and a num ber of ,ohter trusts and corporation magnates were also subscribers and charged and not disproven, and where the other millions came from is not certainly known, but large amounts were undoubedly paid by the protected truBts which have 'always been liberal producers of conuption funds to keep their Re publican friends ia office. That is the chief reason the tariff has not been revised. The other contributors have also had their quid pro quo, for no one seriously believes that the Standard Oil Trust will ever pay the fine assessed against it. We know that Harriman will get immu nity. We' know that Depew was elected Senator by the aid of the Admin istration. We know that the Standard Oil banks have large gov ernment deposits without interest, and when the names of the other subscribers are divulged there will probably be no difficulty in tracing favors received. Does not this evi dence of the trusts and corporations having paid these large sums to the Roosevelt campaign fund plainly show that the charge made by Judge Parker just before the elec tion of 1904 was true, although President Roosevelt denied it. Yet no restitution even of the widows and orphans funds, has ever been made by the Repnblican National Committee, and President Roosevelt has never made the amend honora ble to Judge Parker, oi even a poor excuse which would be better than none. It is quite probable that the same dastardly tactics will be resort ed to in coming elections, and this evidence of Republican corruption and dishonor ia produced to prevent voters from being again deceived in the same or some similar manner. When you see or hear of large amounts of money being expended at some future election, just ask yourself the question, "Wheie and how did they get it?" Protests of tbe Past Against Railroads. Old Jonas's objections to a rail way were not amenable to reason or argument; it was sufficient that they were satisfactory to him. He had them all catalogued and numbered. There were six of them, and they ran about as follows: 1. A railroad would add ro the racket and riot of the neighborhood, whfn, as things were, it was a dif ficult matter for de-tic people to sleep in peace. '2. ( This obj-ctio'n was impressive on account ot its originality; no one had ever thought of it.) Tiiii pissing of railway trains would produce concussion, and this concussion, repeated at regular intervals, would cause the blossoms of the fruit lives to drop untimely off, and would no doubt, have a Jisim rous effect ou garden vegetables. 3. The railioad would not stop in SuaJy Dale, but would go ou to Atlanta, thus making the little town a way-station, and drain the whole country of its labor at a time when everybody was trying to adjust himself to the new conditions. 4. Instead of patronizing home industries and enterpiises, people would scramble for seats on the cars and g gadding about, spending anywhere but at home the little money thpy had. .5. Every busi ness and all forms of industry in the whole section adjacent to the line would beat the mercy of the road and its managers. 6. What did the people want with railroads, when a majority of the loudest talk ers had earned no more than three dollars apiece since the war. Joel Chandler Harris in Uuele Kemus's Magazine for October. l-onRing. It's lonely since you left me, dear; The hours go silent shod; I wait in vain to hear A stir where once yon trod. D.ivb days days And never your footsteps come; Oh, t:at J knew a call for you To turn your wanderings home! It's weary watching for you, love; The twilight is a ghost; The shadows breathe and move, Sighing of something lost; Dark dark dark And never your face for light, Divided. . . .Nay, a world away; Heart of my heart, good night! Nancy Iiyrd Turnur in July I.ipptncotts. Who Is the Aifanias. Here'a another question of veraci ty, amendacity or something of that sort. The Mansfield, Ohio, t)aily Shield says: "Official pre varicator, Loeb, eavs the President is taking no part in" the Creveland campaign, although Burton, whose veracity is not questioned, said, ia effect, that Roosevelt had urged him to run. "Either somebody has lied or nobody has told the truth, in either case, the Ohio Republicans will be deceived; but nobody else will. 60 SHARES OF STOCK IN MT. AIRY APPLE ORCH ARD CO. FOR SALE At par, payable in four years. $7?.00 per acre will put . an orchard in bearing. Appl e s are selling th i s year at from $200.00 to $00.00 per acre on the trees. Address JOHN A. YOUNG, Greensboro Nurseries, Greensboro, N. C. F. C. BOYLES, Cashier Greensboro Commercial Sayings Bank,' Secretary & Treasurer. HIGH POINT BUGGIES Are THE Best. We also handle J. 1. Nissen Wagons, JohnFton Harvesting Machinery, Mowers, Stoves, Ranges, Mill Supplies, all kinds of Hardware. Lewis-Winslow Hardware Company. TAX NOTICE. I will attend at the following times and places for the collection of taies for the year 1907: Asheboro, C. House, Asheboro Township, Monday October 7th. Farmer, Concord Township, Tuesday October 8ih. N. R. Skeen's, Tabernacle Township Wednesday. October 9th. Trinity, Trinity Township, Thursday. October KHh. New Market, Xow Market Township Friday, October 11th. County Home, Back Creek Township, Saturday, Octol cr 12th. Cedar rails, riaiikiiiville Township Monday forenoon. October Hth. I riaiiklmvihe, Frankimville Township M-melay afternoon, Oetott-r 11th. Rainseur, Colnniljia Township, Tuesday, October 1.1th. Liberty, Liberty Township,.. Wednesday, Octolier 10th. Widow Oliaumess' I'roviilenee Township Thursday, Octolier 17th. Level Cross, New Market Towrship, 1'iiduy forenoon, October lrftli. Naomi Store Co , Randleinun Township, Ki May afternoon, Octolier 18th. Randcmin Raigiin House, R.mdlemati T,iwn-!iip, '. Saturday, October 10th. C. C. Shaw's, New Hope. Township Mi mlav, Octolmr L'l-t Laban Slack's, I" nipt! I'oeviishii( Ttie.'Kiy October -I'd Yow's Mill, h'i.-nland Township, Wednesday. October 23d. Tysor's Stor-, H rower Tore,!iii Thursday', October 21th. Henry Jones, I'lensunt dove Township, ... ; Friday, October 2,1th. Coleridge, Coleridge Township Saturday, October 20th. Bethel Church, Grant Township V0nday, October 28th. Widow Kinney's, I Velar Township, Tuesday, Octolier 2'Jtli. iV orthville, Raiidleniau -township ' Wnhsenlay forenoon, Octolier 30th. Central Fa-lls. Franklinvil e Township Wednesday aflcrnoe n, Octolier 30th. The taxes are now due, ami all tux-layers ate requested to meet me at thi above named times and places and pny their taxes. This September 16, 1907, S. L. HAYWOKTH, Sheriff. ..PREJUDICE.. port Lawn; S. C, July 25, 1907. THE ROCK HILL BUGGY CO., Rock Hill, S. C. Dear Sir: Answering yours of the 18th, we will say that the three buggies came in O. K., and opened up in good shape. We must acknowledge that we were some what prejudiced against the "Rock Hill" buggy, but since we bought these, sample buggies and comoared them with other sample buggies we have decided that the "Rock Hill" is the best we have seen for the price, and we expect to advertise them in our county paper and push the sale of them in this community. Yours very truly, (Signed) Fort Lawn Live Stock & Mer. Co. "Prejudice is a thief and will rob you of many good things." If you have a preconceived idea in your head that "Rock Hill" buggies cannot be as good as or better than some other make, you are the loser. All we ask of you is to just give us a trial we will do the rest. The Rock Hill Buggy Co. "A Little Higher in Price, But " FOI'5ale McCrary-Redding by Hardware Company, Asheboro, N. C. FARMER INSTITUTE I'rrpnrrfi jonii); men and yoniiK ivoinen for Collevr, Cnlvmily and ItiiHliM-HN. Splriiflwl location, good moral community, IIuhIuchh, Col Irg, Kllile and Normal courtteu. Mpevtul b(IvhiiIhk-i u Muttlc and Art Full roi'pn of able and experienced teacher. Term very low. Write for HOiiYcnlr cut. and otlter Information. Addtest Fall term open Sept. 3. Rev. 8. T. LASSITKIl, Pi in,, Farmer, IV. C GREATEST FUN MAKER Wonderful Moving Picture Machine Gives No End of Amusement. You Can Have a Theatre in Your Home. And boys, do you like to make money while you are Laving a lot of fun? Here is an offer that means fun for the boys, fun for the girls, fun for the par entsan offer that will turn your home into a veritable theatre no end of amusement for everybody. I meiui a moving picture machine a REAL moving picture machine that will throw inovingpictures such as you may have seen at big entertainments. Until recently no one could buy a moving pic ture machine for less than SEVKKAL HUXUKKK DOM.AKS. but now you have an offer to net a moving picture machine with U'.'O moving pictures A 11 NOIAJTKLY FliKK. Just think-a mov ing picture machine outiit I-'liKE! 9 Scenes and events from all over the world are brought right to your home, by this moving picture machine. There is nothing that cannot be reproduced by the machine. You may see stirring horse races. exciting prize lights, if you want t hem, daring burglaries, with t lie thieves being caught in the act by our trusty cameras, battle scenes, fishing scenes, pictures of people in church, pictures of President Konsevclt and other treat men delivering siHt'ches, pictures of children at play, hunting scenes, great earthquakes, and hundreds of others that would keenly Interest everyone. Mr. Kllis has photographers over In readiness to photograph every impor tant happening of the day, so that you reproduce in your own home liny public; event takins place in New York or any where else as if you had been oil the ground yourself. You can set- ships coming into the harbor of New York or Boston, you can see Indians lighting on the plains in the West, you can even see the explosion of a Russian battleship as it is tired upon by the.Iapanese. You can see the markets of Kuroie. the people in the streets of Paris and Naples, wild animals In the forests of Africa, and ex citing horse races. Pictures of all kinds go with this moving picture machine, so that there is no end of entertainment. uU DlP U TUBE uvi and this Marvelous Moiing Picture Machine, with complete equipment all given away all FREE absolutely H ERE IS A PHOTOGRAPH OF THE MARVELOUS MOVING PICTURE MACHINE Jt is the greatest pntortiitncr over invented : no end of fun nnd merriment for your- '. sou ana all your visitor.1, hveryoouy will ne mud to nnne to your home when you have one of these emit movini; l tun maehines and you will lutiuh until your sides split I when you see the funny i-letures. When you own this niovinu' pit lure machine and the film of ifJO free pictures, you can (rive entertainments and make lots and Jot of money, i You will besought ufter ut ehureh entertainments ami every social function in your neighborhood. I Tbe machine Is mail of Russlun metal, hlnrfc japan: eitrht wheel mecbanWm which ! driven the niovinif pictures; excelsior diiiphraKm lens, triple pnlitthcd: stain Ian: double extra reflector, throwing ray ol litrlit 'M feet, enlaryrmK the picture up to alout UK,r feet in diameter; lamp 1h titled with trreat Kafety carbide generator, and produces the highest lUrht power. Haa far greater Imht power than the ordinary electric lijrht, producing Mm candle power on the aereen ami hrinrini? out every detail of the picture with pronounced distinctness. The carbide ia aimvlutelif tafi much aafer than a kerosene lamp. We guar autre Its absolute safety. With the outfit we send nook with Instructions, tellinjr hnw to operate this marvelous maehtue. Any child can learn in live minutea how to run this marvelous machine. Complete Moving Picture Machine Outfit, with safety carbide generator and lamp, other equipment and 10-foot film set of 320 pictures. This frreat Movlnjr Picture Machine Is no tov nor small outfit, hut n regular moviiiK picture machine, operating with films on the name principle as the moving picture machines that are used hv enter tainers cost Hi g hundreds and hundreds of dollars. I-IOW you can eet this stupendous outfit' free is explained below where it says in big I black type, "MY OFFER." wHderll HlKg rirtarw HmSIha. BOYS This marvelous Moving Picture MONEY Mac,hlniieJs,g regular "Gold Mine" You can make plenty of money giving moving Pic ture Shows. GOOD WORDS I nm dplitrliti-il with the Miirliim-. I have hcvn nfiorvA four dolliir mure thun 1 iaiil fur it. -iVoimril Alitor. bteltvitle, S. 1'. Tho Movins Picture Machine- is all rich!: it works nil riKht and 1 am iilciscil Willi it. I thank you u thuu BMiid times for it. VJ. 1ird. WwiilUtntt, X. 1". The Movlnu Picture Machine- work? like a c harm. I expect to make-a ure-iet ele ill eif money with it. ,1. Victor btluuiull, .'... MitU'CiT!) Slrni, Wnuti-ig, I'u. I find file- Moving' Picture Machine- to hp exactly as rc-Dresenteil and I wish to thank you it thousand times for it as it l.s hrinulntr nee hotli tun mill money.-Karl K. Martin. Mimlauilon. Pa. f "u ein'i mi i) mpwwpMn ii mi ue iiiiw '4aCW Jll:V 1 5?W".AAi&i,-FeS.i"'- THIS MOVING PICTURE MACHINE IS A GREATER INVENTION THAN THE PHONOGRAPH FiftrvIInmei may be turned Into a regular i-.vci y iiuiiec ,,,),. ,y jjivliiK movini: luciure Knows, for instance meres I: T. filnic wlilcli reprodeice the wonderful lic 111H13 pictures hIiowii by this machine are thirty-two pictures to the foot, popular standard size. This is the size endorsed by the le-iiliiin movini; picture entertainers who make thousand er dollars a year showing excited audiences pictures ejf momentous events. The films are- all contained on a lU-foot endless chain. These films are taken one after the other and c-ate:h the moving objects In the diffe-rent stages of action, thus presenting them to the eye as if the objects were really, alive before you. Ynn don't nppil ,flL do muth ravellntj movini; nicture machine in the bouse. You can sit right In your own parlor and look at scenes from all over the world lust as if you had traveled thousands upon thousands of miles and were lookinz at the real scenes themselves. The moving picture machine ke-eps the entire household in a continual round of laughter when the funny pictures are shown. Mail the couimjii. c e Fnr inditnm when yon are looking at a 1 ur lUMituue hunting scene and the horse on which a hunter Is riding takes a tumble when he lumps the fence It Is funny to see the rieler roll over and over on the ground and then pet up and feel the lump on his head. The machine is very popular when there Is a party at jour bouse. who would not be willina to nav to see Pre! elent Koosevelt delivering one of his speeches. I( ic en pool you can almost hear the II 13 U redl wor,is and all one has to do is to read the speech be Is delivering and you SHOOtrrao thk chutes at coney island, n. y. want to spend, tit-ud couioii. THE WONDERFUL MOVING PICTURE MACHINE FOR THE HOME Y OFFER: HERE IS what yon are to do in order to ge t this amazing moving picture mac liine jinel the .'till moving pictures: Send your name- lend address on the free- e-oupon-that Is all. Write join name- anil address vc-rv oliiiiilv. l ul, this to me today. As soon as I re-ceive it I will mail you of the most heuntirul picture you ever saw all in brilliant and shinimeringcolors. The-rean-fourteen diiTerenl i-olorn in the pli-ttiri'S, all wrought toge-thi-r in the most splendid manner. 1 want you to dis tribute these pictures on a special oile r among the pe-oplc you know for 25 cents apiece. They cannot get these pictures at the art stores at any price. You may distribute two of the pictures, if you wish, at 50 ci-nts, but you must sell no more- than two pictures to any one- imtsoii. When yon have distributed! the pictures you will have collected f'.W. Send the seven dedlars to me and 1 will immediately send you HHKK the moving picture maehine out tit and the It) feet of film, containing KJU moving pictures, all complete. FREE. I have the sole right to give away the moving picture machine and the moving pic tures, and the llrst one who answers w ill be the first one to receive the great gifts. will your rtqnr si I mid. Thro i distribute thr piclurrs, senile will be yewrs. Cut or leer out this Iree poo. No Inter is oe-cesssry. Simply sido tbe coupoo, write your , name aod address plainly, and as soon as I receive end yon tbe pictures pre I hare to do is lo id the Doc'lus' picture CHAS. E. ELLIS PRESIDENT 649 W. 43d STREET Dept. H.G. NEW YORK CITY FREE COUPON GOOD FOR MOVING PICTURE MACHINE OFFER Chas. E. Ki.lis, Presiitcnt. W9 W. 4MI Street, Dept. M.Ci., New York. Dear Mr. Ple-nsc- senil me the twentv-elptit picfeires. nn f hut , may i-iern the jrreat moving picture nmeliiue Outttt. Vemm truly. Sign your name and address.

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