AN EXTINCT ANIMAL The Sbr Toothed Tiger Wae For midable Creature. The most remarkable of all the ex tinct feline animals are those known to naturalists as the saber toothed cats or tlgera, a group comprising the greater part of all the fossil forms. They date back to the earliest times of which we know anything about the family in North America and reach down to the time of man himself. A large and powerful species described from the Indian Territory by Cope lived contemporaneously with the anlry mammoth, as evidenced by the commingling of their skeleton's. There cau .be little or no question but that the hairy mammoth was contempora neous with man in North America lis well as In Europe. Its geological range is from the close of the eocene to the latter part of the pleistocene. The chief peculiarity of the animal Is the extraordinary elongated canine teeth. The tail is of uuusual length and the legs are short. The animal measures about seven feet in length aside from the tail. The lower Jaws have a downward projection in front, due to a tlangellke widening of the jawbones, which doubtless served as a protection to the teeth, preventing their Injury or loss. In some of the larger forms from South America this flange was not present, while the canine teeth were even more elongated thaa Is the case with this species, attaining a length of over six Inches and pro truding far below the Jaws whea closed. A FAMOUS ROAD. India's Tree Bordered Highway 1,20 Miles In Length. The road I have In my mind Is la ; India and stretches l.lMi) ni'les from j I.aiioiv to Calcutta. It in the famous (f rand Trunk road I-et me explain its ; nature, though one cannot do h by i comparison, tor there i no road of fivo I miles la England that Is anything like I Jt. It is level. Indeed, there Is not j above a mile the whole distance where ' even a lady need dismount to walk. ! The material with which It is made Is ; called Uunker, and If you care to tura : that word into concrete you htfe sa Idea of what it is like. It Ik exceeding- i y hard and as smooth as a prepared pavement. There Is no dust. When I ; first got on this road and rajoyed the luxury of easy traveling I said, "This j Is magnificent, but in a little time 1 puppose it will become gritty and ua even." I went flo. lot) uilies, :Xk miles, i 600, tint), 700 miles, and it was always j the same, with not even a small stoae ! to give a jog. Nearly the whole of the ! way is lined with a double row of ma- ! jestie trees. ! With two friends I rode acrns Iadia ! during the hottest time of the year, is April and May, and was never serious ly inconvenienced by the beat, for at a pace of fifteen miles an hour one coald create a draft. Chambers' Jeirmil. Roadside Wit. He who matched wits with the a thor of "The Ancient Mariner" had 1b deed a lively task before hint, for Cole Hdge was never caught napping. Tha poet was so awkward a horseman that bis riding often attracted comment of anything but a complimentary nature. One day he was riding along the turn pike road In the county of I turban when a wag who met him fastened upon him as an excellent subject for pport. Consequently he drew rein and Bald In an Impertinent drawl: "My graceful friend, did you happen to meet a tailor on the road?" "I'm Inclined to think I did," said Coleridge meditatively. "I was not Bore at the moment, but he said some thing about my meeting a goose far ther along the road." The wag put spurs to his horse, and the poet jogged calmly on hie way. Past Salaries of Actors. A. numlier of autograph letters f Edmund Kean supply some Interesting Information about the salaries of actors early in the nineteenth century. One relates to an offer by Mr. Ellison offer ing Kean 13 a week as acting man ager of "the new theater In Wyca street." Later this rose to 25 a month. In 1S2B Kean was offered $12,000 a year to go to America. In the prime f his popularity he received 200 for a week in Edinburgh and apparently reached the highest point when Mr. Bnnn wrote from the Theater Royal, Dublin, on Feb. 8, 1820, and offered film 50 a night to play in Dublin and Oork. Liverpool Mercury. Home Influences. Each one of us la bound to make the little circle In which be lives better and happier; each one f us Is bound to see that oat of that small circle the widest good may flow; each of us may have fixed in his mind the thought that out of a single household may flow Influences which shall stimulate Vufc TK2i))M commouweaitli nd the-1! whole civilised world. Dean Stanley Got Too Important. "What has become of the mid you thought such a prize?" "Oh, I had to let her gor replied the second fashionable woman. "After tier operation for appendicitis she tbought she was one of us." Philadel phia Ledger. Right On. Wlsejay It must be a great pleas ore to tell a Joke to an acrobat. Soft boy Why? Wlsejay Because he tum bles so easily. Morristown (Pa.) Times. A Good Guess. Mother Mercy,, child, how o you get your hands so dirty ? Toil ti-er r-.wv in 'lie as dirty as that! Chi!''- No, l guess grandma did! I'liila :, pM; In qtiirer. Does Your Heart Beat Yes. 100,000 times each day. Does it send out good blood or bad blood? You know, for good blood is good health ; bad blood, bad health. And you know precisely what to take for bad blood Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Doctors have endorsed it for 60 years. pof h ut blood ll luKffUh ituitilrrt ciliHtliHOon. roMuliom u I lien iibsollM-il Into the blood, el open Willi Ayer' I'M. Made by J. C. Aye Co., towell, M. aiiunciurera or J hair vigor. Hi yers Alit'C Cl'RE. CtlliRRV PfcCTORU.. NEWS IN BRIEF. K. H. Fat l is has ci.tcicil suit M.'tiinst tiie WYsu-rii I'tiioii at iligit !' for fii.lHiO damages -for a! i il ii. 'sjlieeiice on the jiart of the I'tiipanv to dt livi r a pii jiaiil uies. :.LTC to Nt'fV YlM k l ilt-lie ICUit- tlutii U, Intel hi- wife who w; 'k and jjoinj; to N..v York lor r. attiii lit. Pr. Holland Thompson, f.iiimi v i f Su!-vil!e, has tn on ri'.aile di ctor of t'le J.'Jrd iNrri'f IvllM li; f the City College of Ne.v n il i.f six I lliM'tiS i f th oolh t :ive director. who constitute tb i( sideiit'd council. I'rcMiK'tit I'ovy, of the Hosion nil. has ilcciiiid upon I'ii.elitiist - the traiiiinji giotinds for that :tn next suison. The iutn has . i pin g to 1 lu nia.-villc, (ia., hul i- ii. . 11, (1 too far .-(Hit!'. Krai.k P. lion, believed t le the ; .-t of the Llave tlx hui.dlul who !)arj:el tile llissialia ;.t Ha'tkitru, i 'dint Lexington. Ky., last week. V fotifhl with the Federal army in inu the Civil war. lie was u ohlcr by trade. Miosis. and Mamie llearue, oiincrly of Troy, but who hre i n nniiiiup; the Norwood Inn at crwood, X. C, have leased the cntral Hotel at Albemarle, and . ill conduct a hotel at that place. Carlyle'a Bumptiousness. Joachim, the great violinist, was introduced to Carlyle by a mutual friend. The sage was about to take his morning walk, and he asked Joa chim to accompany him. During a very long walk in Hyde park Carlyle kept the conversation running on Ger many nnd Its great men the Freder trks, Moltke and Hismarck until at last Joachim thought it was his turn to take a lead, and he started with the Inquiry, "Do you know Sterndale Ben net tr "No," was the reply, and, after a pause, "I don't care generally for mu sicians; they are nu empty, wind bag gy sort of people." A Sea Story, The good ship Fair Wind was bowl ing along before the nor' west trade. The captain was in the galley peeling potatoes for the men's iinner; the mate was swabbing down the poop; the cook was shooting the sun and the apprentices were merrily shooting holes in the skylight with chunks of plum duff. "There she blows!" tried the man In the crow's nest Instantly all was excitement. "There what blows; yelled the skip per. "The wind," answered the lookout, with a hoarse laugh. The captain burst into tears. "Kidded aboard my own 6hip," he wept, but his tears were interrupted by a wild yell from the forecastle. "Land ho'." "Whereaway r" cried the skipper. "At the bottom.' A sneering laugh from the hands. "Fooled again," said the captain tearfully. And with a plunge over the side he was gone. New Tork American. So Called Intelligence In Animals. Now the so called Intelligence of the lower animals is largely like that of the f ills Vhhf find their way t Vue sefl-r 'or of the seeds of the plants that End their way to their proper habitat. Marsh plants And their way to the marshes, hill plants find their way to the hills. The spores of the black Lnot ' Eeem to hunt out every plum tree In the land. The rats and the mice find their way to your new house or new barn because they are constantly on the search for new fields. The squirrels f.r-l the acorn grove and the birds the cherry trees for the same reason. Their necessities for food send them In all directions till they hit the right spots. I cleared off a swamp in the woods and put a ditch through It; In two or three years the cattail flag wns growing in my ditch. These winged seeds from dis tant swamps traversed the nir In all (!irectIonH. nnd wl:e:i the wind dropped Ihetn n tn proper roll the.v tool; root nnd throve; all others vastly the r'-fitor Mmiber-cRino to naught. John i:iin'oi:g;i. In Atlantic. PINSON ITEMS. Visiters to the Jarustown Imposition and Other News. Messrs. Reid Russell and Filinore Ta! tart have just returaed from the Jamestown Exposition. They report a fine time. They ay that if anybody fails to go they miss tf best opportunity of their live. They so. I that the United States fishery was the nio.-i I . . ,i p :,: ti, ., . 1 interestiag building at tiie r.xpowtion, lhf say the State buildings are a groat lesson ;o I all who visit them, especially the North j Carolina liiiihling. The protracted meeting at Chandlei (irove closed la-.t Sunday. There were se eial conversions. A. J. Luther has uk ved his sawmill to t lie lands of YVilson Hill anil is runni on full time. Mrs. T. C. Hill, who has hern coulit to h r ltd with typl oid fever, is iniprot rapidly R. ii. Talbert a busires trii Ocnton the ether day. .. j li Ii?, I . 1. Carter W. E. L'avis visited the Exposition i. week. N. F. Hopkins is confined to his n aud is not expected to live. l-'air View Items. Mr. and Mrs. W. ti. lirokow have , returned to Fair View 1'ark, where they , 1'iot to i-prnd the w inter. )i rs. and Miss Jennie Llahhy, who Ii l ru Kp ndii g part of the summer al t:. Id heme in Europe, have arrifed at t In nu- at line p!a c. Miss Ida Ingram, who has been qtiio . for some lime, dees not (erm to be pn virg very rupiiily, Tlie new church at Mt. Vernon is neio iMiupletioii. The papi ring will lied ild week. Hope to lie ab'o to I I in" protracted meeting in it, w' dill commence the 3d Sunday in month. Mr. Fred Blair pent Sunday at honi' Robert tiray and chi drcn ate nno their home at this place with his pat? Mr. and Mrs. 15. A lirav. ' I gl.ev. Mr. HuiiHoli is away tins week 'a - ng in the sights ut ti e Exposition. Mrs. Sarah Miliikan visiud her old 1. here Sunday. Ben (irecuwood was a welcenie vi.-, i in our placi cn Sunday last. It is a well tnowa fact that persons li 1 . in the I'ine forests do not suffer from ' i ny diseases. Due dose of rineulea i night usually reliees backache. 30 d. -tr'Stment, $1.00 Your wnney refua -i if not ealislied Sold by Atheboro Co. EKS MU Olivet Items. Mrs Eliuhetk l'earce's funeral wi'l le preached at Mt. Olivet on the 3rd Sunday in October by her pabtor Rev Mr Eads. A (ordial invitation is extended to all. Jee Ritter had a sale of household cods Saturday. He is preparing to move h x fam ily to GreenBlioro. We were g'ad to see W H Wrei,v, from Eranklinville, and Alvis Upton, frcm High Poiu-, at Sunday School Sunday. Thomas Maness sold liis fine pair .' mules last week, to C(-ge Brady. CupC F Siler is ofl for Jamesti wi, for a few days. S It Richardson shucked corn Saturday night, he made so much corn they could not get it shucked. RichaidBon is a hustling farmer. Uisps 1'yspepsia Tablets do tk work, "tomach trouble, dyspepsia, indigestion, loating, etc., yield quickly. Two days treatment fiee. Ak your druggist for a free trial tvjld by Ashelwro Drug Co. xtar News. Mrs. R. I.. Davis is visiting relatives ut Elise. Little Maiy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. II. Biggs, is quite sick wilh bronchitis. Frank Aunian, of Utah, was a vUiur in Star last Sunday. W ill Virk, a-ho works at Wright's pan oi rip mill, got one of his fingers cut of re cently, while trying to run ve some trash from the aw. Mr. and Mrs George Stuart have return ed heme from Jackson Springs. Sam T Ingram is confined to his room ith lagrippe. Rev. A. Lsrwnds left Monday for Atlanta, Ga., where he will enter school. Do you know thai fine sal re, Carlwliied acta like poiltice ia drawing out inflam mation end poison? It is antiseptic For cuU, burns, ecxema, cracked baada it is im mediate relief, fold by Ashehoro Drug Asheboro, R. tf. D. Sews. Farmers of this Kclicn'are pwjarimj-fcn wueat sowing. Messrs. Elsie Brown and J. B. I'ugh, of Steeds, are p ndirg a few days with home rolks. Miss Vila Brown spent Saturday evening at J, L. Heary's. Messrs J. B Pugh. J. R. Garner and 0. M. Henry visited at Isaac Brown's Sun- evening. A crowd of youngsters enjoyed an o'pos- sum hunt Saturday night. Miss Bertha Smith visited the Misses Brown's Sunday evi ning. MUsZmla Smith vinited Miss Matlie I'ugh Suiid.'V i veiling. D i i, H , 11 back aeli. ? Do you feel (iinj y and h.ckii g in bin! ill n'r Ifni 'hii' .cr niiliviiirl.iil" v-i. nli-.y :, .1 III..,! I r ' i 'ills ,,.ieve id-.'.-; a-.t i Ihll-e,,:,.!.,., FRANKLIN VILLE GLEANINGS. Sudden Death of W. H. EllisonPer sonals and Other Notes. Rev C A Wood tilled his pulpit at the M K church Sunday and Sunday night. Mrs T A Slack spent part of last week with relatives and friends At High Point. l,J nJuy- , . , . . , Mr and Mrs It L F.lkins are taking in the Js'nebnvn Expos.t.on this . week. C E Kana.nan is relieving Mr. Elkina at the I lie poi . Mr John R Hayes and family visited re! a fives and friends in Ashehoro Saturday sight and Sunday. Mr and Mrs Francis Jones, of Sandy Creek, spent Sunday with Mrs Zella Free i man. Mrs Walter Trevo and children visited relatives and friends in the city last week, j Mr W 11 Tippett contractor and builder, ! of SiIer C,l "l"1 Sumla.v l!l'8 l,luce Ins family. lr T 1 Fox 9ovb lie feels tuple enough to jump a ten-rail fence a young doctor at his house . Tlu Soathern Bell Telephone and Tele graph t'o have about completed their line from Greenslwro to Itamseui. The lineaieu moved their tents to tireeuslioro Monday. Mr C II Welch, of I heeks, is iu the city this week. Miss Floicnee Tipjiett, who has been on the sick li.-.i, is alilo to lie oet again. 6 Mis June Elliott and danulit.-r Mi 1 .. j and Mrs James Jordan, who have been tisit- ' ing at Carthage and other points for some time, retained h( nie Monday. Mr W H fox and family left Muuday for j Urecnwood, Mm , where Mr Cox will have I charge of a shutile hi, ek mil . ! Mr W II Ellison died suddenly at his : home Moudav morning about three o'clock. . Mr Elliscn has been ullhcted with diopsy for some timo and it was not expected that he . would recover, 1 ut his Midden death was a shock to lea family and neighbors. He was about six y years old aud leaves a wife, one brother, one sister, an aged father and many l cemetery '1 n.-vlay. Mr. Elliscn was a good citizen and kind neighbor. Much sympathy is expressed f ir jhe sorrowing ones aud es- tspecially his wife, who has been iu poor i health for some liuie Trinity Items. Ou last Friday night the music nnd ex pression classes gave a recital, in the study hall, to a large audienes. Every one present seemed to enjoy the exercises. Mini Susannah Michaels spent Saturday and Sunday at her home iu Durham. Dr Edward 5moot, of Concord, visited his sister, Miss Cora V. bmoot, Saturday and Sunday. Miss Lula Harris and Mrs D M Ballance have icturned from a visit to their sisters at Elon College. Rev B F Hargett returned last week from Jamestown and reports a pleasant trip Casper W Cox, one of the students bere has accepted a position as teacher at Brows Rev Harmon has gene to the exposition. Waller Moore bas returned to school after spending a week at the exposition. Rone Hix whb at home to the senior ciass of l'JuT '08 Saturday evening Sept 28 1U07, from 6:30 to 9:30 o'clock . It was an enjoy able occassion. After we had been enter- taineu with intereoting games, we wflre taken to the dining'room which was'beauli- fully decorated. The refreshments were cream, cake and fruits. The school has a large enrollment; quite a numlier came in Monday and others -are coming soon. Squirrel Creek and Itethel Items. The protracted meeting began at Bethel last Sunday. M rs. E. P. Spoon and oldest son visited E. 1'. Spoon of Steeds, Friday aud Satur day. J. B. Tugli, of Steeds, was the welceme guest of I). L. Smith Saturday night Miss Nannie Kinney returned home yes terday from a visit to relatives aud fri nds at Cedar FalU . alfour Pugh and Elsie Brown, of Steeds came home Saturday to spend a few davs during the Bethel meeting. Roma McUhee took the positioa at bis brother Charlio's, end is preparing to farm Notice to Hchool Committeemen. AltVe meetitijr 0f the Board of Edn-.ii mi, Oct. 7tb, the date for the opi ning of the public echoo a of the coumIv wad ttirauged to be not earli-r than Monday, October 28tb, nnle.s tufficieut evidence can be given t.o the county superintendent mat a school uhoul i begin on an will please observe this legulation. An tffort has ieeiiilT beeo made to place a copy ..f the public school Lmw witnm tlio reach of every school coiniiiitte. man hi tie county. This Iihs Iw-n done with the very eitniesi desue that it will be care- fuily read and that its instiuctions will be followed. Particular atten tiot: is called to the sec ions bearing on the "powers and duties o' the arhiMl commutes"; also 'o sections 4161, 4163 ana 4164 concerning the election of teachers. If any ass st ance in Ihe pelecMon of teachers is neeii. (I. I sliull lie pleaded to help Jon ut ;Mi v time. Viitiris tiuly, H. J. Col.TltA.NE. i. Mif. U K. Swain, Why Not Items. Why Not was well represented at Flag Springs Sunday, Mrs John Parks, of Lexington, spent last Friday night at J B Slack's. Mrs Lula Freeman, of Greensboro, is the guest of her sister, Mrs J A Ledbettcr. Miss Mabel Btuart spent Saturday aad Sunday with her schoolmates, Misses Effie aud Myrtle Presnell and Myrtle King, of Michlield. N F Hack, of Yirjiinia, is spending some time with his parents, Mr and Mrs J U Slack. Miss Euima Ellis, of Ore Hill, was the guest of Miss Etta Aumau last week. Mr Nixon Slack and sister, Miss Sallie visited Miss.Mary Branson Saturday night. Messrs Frank Morgau, E'sie Allen, ister Lowdermilk, R llulin. B B Martin, C Floyd and A Lowdeimilk, of Why Not Academy, spent Sunday at their homes. Mrs John Coruelison is spending this week iu Montgomery. Messrs O L and L Freeman, of Ether, came up Sunday tc visit their brother, H L Ereem n, who is in school here. New students continue to enter school each week. Hophia locals. W U Cannon went te dreenobur.) Thurs day on lasiness. T 0 Spencer "went to Randleinan Thursday on business. IVttierew II ves aud wife, ef Dauvil e Va., visited at I). W. Bulla's Wednesday night. Bandy Bulla has return- d home froi Cincinnati, Ohio, where he has been in school. Messrs L O Phillips and V A Rodgers have gone to Asheville. to attend a revifal lueetinn Thomas Russell, of Islington, is visiting in this community. Miss Clara Miliikan, of (iiiilford College, is visiting at Farlow's this week. Reggie Varner, of New Hope Academy, spent Sunday at Mr Newton Tierce's nnd went to Asheboro Monday. J M l.indon went to High Point on busi ness Tuesday Thomas A. Kdison, the great American inventor, says "Fully eighty per cent of the illness of mankind comes from eating nu proper food or too much food; people are inclined to overindulge themselves." This is where lndiuestiun liuds its beginning in nearly every case. The stomach can do just so much work tml no more, and when you overload it, or when you eat the wrong krtid of food, the digestive organs cannot possibly do the work demanded of them. It is at such times that the stomach neds help, and warns you by headaches belching, sour stomach, nausea and indigestion. You should attend to this at once by taking some thing that will actually do the work for the stomach Kodol will do this. Itisacoinhi D itioii of natnral digestants and vegetable acids and contains the same juices found in a healthy stomtch. It is pleasant to take. It digests what yon eat Sold by Asheboro Drug i o. Hloney LoRt. On Mondav seventh of Octobpr I lost between Erect and Asheboro, a tan leather pouch, containing be tween $125 00 and $135.00 in bills, ei'vtr and checks, and papers. The li der will be liberally rearded by nourying tna loser. C. M. Tyson, Erect, N. C. This Oct. 7th. You never have any trouble to Bet child ren to take Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup. They like it I'ecause it tastea near ly like maple sugar. Kennedy's Lamtive Cough Syrup is a safe, sure and prompt remedy tor coughs ana colds and is good for everv member of the family. Sold by a1w.i. n fi ' M'd White, a ed twenty-four years and an employee of the Kearns rnrnilnre (onpany, swallowed a bottle of laudanum on Tl.ursday morning cf last week at the home of Mr. Tom Black in High Point, claiming that, he was not feeling well, which was dne to the use of to much intoxicating liquor. Mothers with litdo children need no loag'r 'ear croup, colds Or whooping cough. Bee's'ive Congh Syrup tastes good It works olf th co'd through the bowel and clear the h-sd (iua antf ed. SVd Ut Ashet?oro Drug Co. It IS t.lid that the Pomona To Uotta Works have 75 car loadi of lerra-cotta on their Yards in fill orders. It is impossible to make ehipnie t because the southern does nor. furnish card. It is nlso that the rVniMtta Terrs-cotta Works will close down because of fie fac that the Southern do a not furnish cars in which to make shipment. L. M. FOX, M. D. ASHEBORO, N. C. Often his professional service to the cltlieiu of Aaheborojand surrounding enmmunitv. OBocs: At Residence Dr. J. V. HUNTER, PHYSICIAN - AND - SURGEON Office Asheboro Drug Co. Residence Cornei of Main and Wortl Streets. Asheboro, N. O. Dr. S. A. HENLS.Y. Physician . and - Suroon. ASHEEO FO, N C C. . . 1 ' 41 ''C'lKlLgs St.llC M E'a -i-incd Dri.g t'o. SAGWA The Great Cleanser and Blood Purifier. THIS PR F.P A It AT ION CON TAINS THE FOLLOWING INGREDIENTS. Harnnpiirllla, Prlfkl j- Ash, Gt tlan. Yellow Hoik, Khtabarb, Alov, Wild Cbrrrjf, -, Mandrake, and tlandcllou. and Ik a poxl live cure for Rheumatism BIikmI Ill.sonlers, Btomnvh Tmubliw, Liver unit Kidney lonilntnt, 8ick Heuduehe. Miilnria, Indlm'iion, Dys-I'i-lii, ("onstiisitlon, C'Btarrli of the Htoiimch, NervouMiess, "kin Dlaeaae Suit Kheum. Kneinn. fV rofula, and Ncunilxi.x. Thin wonderful medicine doen Its work liyeJennsirurRud purify liiK the entire human yu. in. Pit U K 50c mm4 91 per Bottle. Kvrrjr Bottle Unwraaterrf. HanaAietnrad hy J. T. UNDERWOOD, Mf chm- ASIIKnOHO, M. c. Sold Dy Both Drug Stores, Asheboro. N. P. COX, Jeweer Asheboro. N. C CHAS. L. HOLTON, Attorney-a.t-L&.W ASHEBORO, . N. C. Prartico in lxitli State Bnd Federal rourts Special attentiun given to collcctioiiB and the' settlement of estates. Oilico: North side court house. THAD. S. FER.REE, Attorney At La. vv ASHEBORO - - - N. C. All matters attended to with care and promptness. Special atten tion given to collections and the settlement of estates. DR. D. K. LOCKHART, DENTIST, Asheboro, N. O. Office hhiibb 0 a. m. to 1 p. m OVER THK BANK H(M,R8 p. m. to 5 & m.- I am now in my office prepared to pactice dentistry in its various branches. HOTEL MARTHA WASHINGTON New York 29th to 30th Sta. Just Eartt of 5th Av. To remain a Woman's Ho tel Exclusively. 1 Block from 2Xth St. Subway, 2'Jlh cross town curs pis s t li e door Over four hun dred ruouiH. Al8 1 u t e 1 y Firepnxif . Rates S1.00 per Day and Up Restaurant for Ladies and Gen tlemen Convenient to Mopping and Theatre District. Caters esneinllv m ItVimjm eling or visiting New York alone Send for Bo klet Hotel Westminster 16th St. and Irving Place, N. Y. One Block East of Broad wav Homelike Hotel In Quiet Location European Plan ap American Plan $3.00 up A. W. EAGER 4l9Sf lit BROADWAY CENTRAL HOTEL OTRaKI TUlia WiUBET In the Heart of New Vork Special attention givnn to Indies anescortexl Special Rates for Summer OUR TABLE is the foundation of our enormous bunineas. American Plan $150 to European Plan $1 00 upward Send for Urjre colored Vfnp and Ouide of New York, Frte. Tilly Hanes Daniel C. Webb, Proprietor. The Only New York Hotel FEATURINc; AMERICAN PLAN Modernlc Prices p. ---"-nt Vnn Coad Service r tsS wwj( umji jt lean, wtijs .-p . . ., 1.

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