IE SUHOAf SCHOOL lesson II. Fourth Quarter, For Oct. 13, 1907. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of Lesson, Josh, iii, 5-17 Mom ory Verso, 17 Golden Text, Ps. ovii, 7 Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. Copyright, 1907, by American Pmi Association. The entrance to the In ml of promise, with all ita suggestive nud practical lessons for us, is fully told in chapters' 11 to v, Inclusive. The section ussigued as oar lesson Is a little portion of the story, with special reference to the place of the ark of the covenant in connection with the crossing of the Jordan, and verses 23, 24, of chapter lv tell us that the dryiug up of both the Red sea and the Jordan was In order that all the people of the ourtli might know the baud of the Lord that it Is mighty and that Israel might fear the Lord their Cod forever. In Isa. Uiii. 11-14, we rend that IU divided the waters for Israel to make His name glorious In the eyes of all people, that knowing Him they might trust Iliin. However lie may show His power and might there are but few who put their trust In Iliin, and yet He is never discouraged. The peo ple of Jericho hud heard of the great ness of the wonder working Cod of Israel, and yet they all perished in un belief except Kahub and her household U, 911; vi, 21), she having turned from her sinful ways to put her trust In tho 5od of Israel (Heb. xl, 31). It is most Instructive to note that the word trans lated "Hue" In chapter II, 21, is the very word which is translated "expectation" In I's. Ixii, 5. When our expectations are scarlet (founded upon the blood), they are indeed well founded. All else Is sinking sniul. The expression "early in the morn ing" (iii, 1; vi. 12; vii. UJ; viil, 10) re minds us of the many morning stories In the Hlble. iuil notably of the saying concerning Israel in Ts. xlvi, r, margin, "God shall help her when the morning appenreth." That they passed over after luteins three days by Jordan (111, 1. 2i cannot but cause us to think of the power of Ills resurrection. His deatli mid resurrection, and ours with Him. being so clearly set forth by the heap of twelve stones left In the bed of the river and the oilier twelve car ried from there and set up at llilgal (lv, 8-10). The crossing of Jordan can not typify literal death any more than Canaan can typify heaven, for in heaven there are no Jerii'lios to be .taken nor enemies to be subdued, but Canaan typifies the rest into which we ,entcr here v. lieu once the great truth grasps r.s that as believers in Christ Jesus that is. those, who have truly re ceived 1 1 1 tn (John I, 12) we are looked upon as cnv ilied with Christ and risen with Him ((ial. ii, 20; Horn, vi, 4, 11; Col. iii, 1-3; Heb. iv, S-lli. The words "Ye have not passed this way heretofore" (iii, 4) are most ap propriate as we cuter upon any now experience. In fact every morning, for Is not every day a new experience to each of us? And wo need each day to be taught the way wherein we may walk and the thing that we may do (Jer. xlil, 3; x, 23). They were to watch the ark of the covenant of the Lord their God (verse 3), 'nd our only safety is in seeing no ore but "Jesus only" and ruuniug with patieuce look ing unto Jesus (Mark, lx, 8; Heb. xll, 1, 2.1, who when He putteth forth His Bheep goeth before. The heart of this chapter is the ark, which is mentioned In it ten times nud is the most won drous type of Christ in all the taber nacle, pointing Him out as the (iod man, our righteousness, the end of the law for righteousness, who alone re veals Cod nnd by whom alone we hare access to God. If God Is to do won ders in us nnd through ns, we must be Wholly separated unto Him (verse 5; II Cor. vl, U-1S; vii, 1; Kx. xix. f, 6; xxxiii, Kii, and for such willing ones He is over looking (II Chron. xvl, U). It Is not seen In tho lives of many that there is a living God. a living l-'ather, come to live in us and work In us and through ns (verse 10; John vi, 07; I Thess. i, 0, 10), but this Is what should be seen and what we are redeemed for. He Is the great wonder worklug God, and where He finds a yielded spirit soul and body, there He will be glorified (Goai. xii, 1, 2). The God of Elijah and Daniel was seen through them to be tho living God, and He was glorified In theni. So should it be with us. At the command of Joshua the priests took up the ark of the covenant of the Lord of all tho earth and went for ward till their feet stood In the waters ef the river; then the wonder happened, and the waters were piled up In a heap on the right hand, while the rest flowed away to the Dead sea, leaving the lied of the river dry, and the priests bearing the ark stood firm on dry ground In the midst of Jordan till all Israel bad passed over, and all was finished that the Lord had said. Not until the feet of the priests who bore the ark stood again on dry land did the river resume its course (Iv, 10, 11. 17, 18). If we would but lay to heart all that Is written concerning our Great High Trlest and the value of His finished work, our Uvea would be eure to manifest the wonders of His grace to others, and they would want to know Him too. If we had Paul's ambition that Christ should be magni fied in our bodies whether by life or death (Phil. 1, 20) we would be able to say as he did, "They glorified God In me" (Gal. 1, 24). The secret of all Joshua's greatness was the presence of Ood with him as Ht bad bees with Moses (vets 7). OKLAHOMO ELECTION. The Result Is of Importance to The Democrats of Tbe Country. The result of the Oklahoma elec tion, and the glorious Democratic victory is of immence importance to the Democracy of the United States Iudeed it may change the rtsnlt of the next national election. No wonder the Republican politicians are urging President Roosevelt to refuse to issue his proclamation ad mitting the State on the technical ground that the Constitution as adopted does not provide a Republi can form of government. But ma chine politicians are and often shortsighted, and if the Presi dent should refuse to allow Okla homa to be admitted he would raise an issue that would overshadow per haps all other issues, namely, the right of the people to govern them selves without interference from the federal government, or the partisan schemingof interested politicians. lo oppose the admittance of Okla homa, because the Democrats have carried the election, would be viewed as a partisan effort, and enough vot eis in the close and doubtful States would show their displeasure to overwhelm the party that attempt it. I he question of Executive lu teifcrence iu home affairs has also been injected into the campaign iu Cleveland bv the letter of President Hoosevdt to Mr. Burton advising him to run against Tom Johnson lor mavor of that city on partisan rounds, but the Republicans ap pear to he already sick of that isiue, und the 3 cent fate ou street rai -roads will predominate. President Koo.-evelt after over three months vacation is again her, but will leave tomorrow on his speech making tour, and a trip down the Mississip pi River. This is to be followed by bear hunt of 17 days in the swamps of Mississippi, which tea sale and saue man would be more feared at this time of the year than all other dangers for thecane bieak eis are free breeders of fever and ague from which, let us hope, the proverbial luck of the President will allow him to escape. RALPH BINGHAM. l-'ii-t l:iitcrlaiiim nt of A-liclinro Lyce um ( nurse October I ? tit. Ralph Binghttm, the noted enter tainer, will appear at the Auditori um Thursday night, October 17th. uuder the auspices of the Asheboro Lyceum Assoiation. The admis sion to reserved seat section 50 cents. Season tickets for single at mission to all the. live attractions of the course will be $2.00. Season tick ets admiring two to each of the live entertainments can be secured at :i.50. These tickets can be bad upon application to C. 15. Russell tit office of the Asheboro Lumber Co. or to Dr. D. K. Lock hart. Dr. .UcC'ainpbcll i:iecteii. The Board of Directors of I he Sttte Hospital have elected Dr. McCampbell as the successor of Dr. Murphy as superintendent of the Morganton Insane Assylum. Dr. McCampbell has practically had charge of the Hospital during the illness of the late Dr. Murphy. NOTICE. HiivIuk imlilict as executor nu the estate of Michurl Spencer, ilcceawil. Iiefore V. C. Ham mond. Clerk of the .-mierior Court of Randolph Comity. All H'rsons having claim? against said c-tato arc notilieil to present them to the under signed, duly verified, mi or hefore the l-'lli (lav of Sept. UWMor tins notice will be pleaded iu liu'r of their recovery, and all persons nixing said es tate will couie forwanl and make immediate settlement This .list day of Aug. 180". DAVID K. KAItl.oW. Executor. Kandit mau, K. F. D. No, 8. f y-v m. m m a ar. er ou mm OF STOCK IN MT. AIRY APPLE ORCH ARD CO. FOR SALE At par, payable in four years. 575.00 per acre will' put an orchard in bearing. Appl e s are selling th 1 s year at from $200.00 to 5300.00 per acre on the trees. Address JOHN A. YOUNG, Greensboro Nurseries, Greensboro, N. C. F. C. BOYLES, Cashier Greensboro Commercial Savings Bank, Secretary & Treasurer. r W e moo handle J. 1. Nwen "Wagons, JoW ton Harvesting Machinery, Mowers, Stoves, Ranges, Mill Supplies, all kinds of Hardware. Lewis-Winslow Hardware Company. TAX NOTICE. I will attend at the following times and places for fhe collection of taxes for the year 1907s AsheWo, C. House, Asheboro Town-hip Monday October 7th. Fanner, Concord Township '.Tuesday October 8ih, X. K. Nkeen's, Tabernacle Township Wednesday. Octolier 9th. Trinity, Trinity Township, Thursday, October 10th. New Market, N'pw Market Township Friday, October 11th. County Home, Back Creek Township, Saturday, Octol er 12th. Cedar Falls, Frank'inville Township , .Monday forenoon. October 14th. Fraukliiiville, Franklinville Township . .Monday afternoon, Octoper 14th. lUmseur, Co inn bit, Township, Tuesday, October 15th. Liberty, Liberty Township,.. Wednesday, Octolier 16th. Wihnv Chiuuiiess' Providence Towi.-hip, Thursday, Octolier 17th. Level Cross, New Market Township Friday forenoon, October 1.3th. Naomi Store Co , Uumlleman Town-Lip Friday afternoon, Octolier 1 Sib. Rand enmn Bargain House, Randier.: :-i Township, Saturday, October 19ih. C. C. Shaw's, New Hope Township Labau Slack's, I'nion Township Yow's Mill, h'iciiland Township, Tysor's Stor , Brower Township .. Henry Jones, Pleasant drove Tow;. -hip Coleridge, Coleridge Township Bethel Church, Grant Township Widow Kimie's, Cedar L'rove Town-hip, rt orthville, Raudleman Township, Central Falls, Franklinvil e Township The taxes are now due, and all at the 'above named times and places S. L. This September 16, lOOT. GREATEST FUN MAKER Wonderful Moving Picture Machine Gives No End of Amusement. You Can Have a Theatre in Your Home. you Ami hoys, do you like to make money while you are bavins u lot of tun? Here is an offer thnt means fun for the boys, fun for the girls, fun for the par ents an offer that will turn your n une Into a veritable theatre no end of amusement for everybody. I mean a moving iieturp mac hine a KICAI, moving iiirttire will throw moving jiietnres such as you may have seen at big entertainments. I mil reeently no one could buy a imivin. pic ture machine for less than SEVI-.KAI, Hl'NDUKK POl.I.AKS. but lion you have an offer to get a moving pi. ture niaeliitie with 33 moving picture- AH Sol.l TKLY KKKK. .lust tlilnk--:i mov ing pic ture machine outlit l-'Khl. f Scenes nnd events from all " er the world are brought right to yoi.r home by this moving picture machui' . There i- nothing that cannot be repn lueed by the machine. You may ring horse races, exciting prUc lights, il ymi want l hem. da ring burglaries, with ! he thieves being caught in the act by our trusty cameras, battle scenes, fishim: scenes, picl tires of people iu church, pictures of I'resideiit Hooscvelt and oilier 'treat men delivering sihsiIics, pictures of children at play, hunting sc enes, great earthquakes, ami hundred- of others that would keenly interest evi ryone. Mr. Kills has photographer ever in readiness to photograph every impor tant happening of the day, so that you reproduce in your own home any public event taking place in New York or any where else as if you had been ou the ground yourself. You can -if ships coming into the harbor of New York or lioston. you can see Indians lighting on the plains in the West, you can even see the explosion of a Hussian battleship as it is tired upon by the Japanese. You can see the markets of Kurope. the people iu the streets of Paris and Naples, wild animals in the forests of Africa, and ex citing horse races. Pictures of all kinds go with this moving picture machine, so that there is uo end of entertainment. n - THIS MOVING PICTURE INVENTION THAN r - ii mm "i inn -- FmMrat Ckarin F. Elm, tn tmrA tb -ol rlrlii tm alir awajr the aerial S.lM ritelert lattlai. I I lay'li-Ti,.IJtJWr1rM Tlie films w-h!rh rpm;"Ull'p the wonderful j FVPPV Hftm(. n.ay lie turned Into a . ilic I1UI13 pu tur,., shown by this machine UUDie la ile hy Bv(ll are thirty-two pictures to the foot, uipular I picture shows. For Instance there is leading moving picture entertainers who make thousands of dollars a year showing excited audiences pictures of momentous events. The films are all contained on a Ill-foot endless chain. These lilins are taken one after the other and catch the moving objects In the different stages of action, thus presenting them to the eye as if the objects were really alive before you. Yon rirm'f npprl to rto much traveling- iuii ood i oeea .,, y(111 nave B moving picture machine in tlie house. Y'ou can sit right in your own parlor and look at scenes from alj over the world just as If you had traveled thousands upon thousands of miles and were lis. king at the real scenes themselves. The moving picture machine keeps the entire household in a continual round of laughter when the funny pictures are shown. Mail tbe coupon. For instance yhP.n. you nrP imkine at a iui iiisiauLC hunting scene and the horse on which a hunter is ridlni takes a tumble when he Jumps tbe fence It Is funny to see the rider roll over nnd over on tbe ground and th-ti -t up and feel the lump on his head. 1 be machine Is very popular when there Is a part y at j our house. ftIGHZiNT BUGGIES Are THE Best. Mcnday, October 2lt Tue (lay Octolier 22d Wednesday. October 23d. Thursday, October 24th. Friday , Octolier 25th . Saturday, October 2fith. Monday, Octolier 28th. ...... Tuesday, October 2!)th. Wednesday forenoon, October 30th. Wednesday afternocn, October 30th. tax - payers are requested to meet me and pay their taxes. HAYWORTH, Sheriff. PICTU HER -r, ERE IS A PHOTOGRAPH OF THE It Is the greatest entertainer ever Invented I IL seir and all your visitors, f.veryiiody win ne giau income to your Home when you have one of these great moving p ture mac hines and you will laugh until your slrles split when you see the funny pictures. When you own this moving picture machine and the film of 320 free pictures, you can give entertainments and make lots and lots of money. You will besought after at church entertainments and every social function in your neighborhood. The ma driven the n eitrs reflector, throwinir rav of likht ai feet, in diameter; lamp la titled with great aafety light iKiwer. Has far greater light power than distinefne fiaicr Its absolute aatety. With the outfit we en1 book with Instructions, telling how to operate this marvelous machine. Any chili can learn in Ave minutes Imw to run this marvelous liiaelinie. BOYS This marvelous Moving Picture MONEY Machine lis a - regular "Gold Mine" You can make plenty of money giving moving Pic-" ture Shows. GOOD WORDS I am delighted with the Machine. I have been offered four dollars more than I paid for it.-Usiiiard Alger. titettiiih: V. J'. The .Moving Picture Machine is all right: it works all right and I am pleased with it. I thank you a thou sand times for it. W. J. Lord. Wmllunl, X. 1'. The Moving Picture Machine works like n charm. I expect to mukea great deal of nionev with it.-J. Victor Stitzmuu, AM Mulberry Street, ltemlhia. I'n. I find the Moving Picture Machine to ! ..t,,,ik-n. represented and I wish to thank you a thousand for It as it la bringing me both fun and money K. Martin. Moulaiutim. I'n. MACHINE IS A GREATER THE PHONOGRAPH dent Koosevtlt delivering one of his speeches. Ii 5 n rpal yu can almost hear the ou rcai wora8 anrt ull mie ,,, t() )o is to read the speech he is duliverlni; and you I. wrsimr er- - ri m ,-n T - ,m n SHOOTIltQ THE CHUTES AT COKEY ISLAHP, can see every gesture he makes. Boys. It Is marvelous. The live boy with one of these machines ran make nlenty of money-all be wautr to spend. Bend coupon. I . . PREJUDICE . . Fort Lawn, S. C, July 25, 1907. THE ROCK HILL BUGGY CO., Rock Hill, S.C. Dear Sir: Answering yours of the 18th, we will say that the three buggies came in O. K., and opened up in good shape. We must acknowledge that we were some what prejudiced against the "Rock Hill" buggy, but since we bought these sample buggies and compared them with other sample buggies we have decided that the "Rock Hill" is the best we have seen for the price, and we expect to advertise them in our county paper and push the sale of them in this community. Yours very truly, (Signed) Fort Lawn Live Stock & Mer. Co. "Prejudice is a thief and will rob you of many good things." If you have a preconceived idea in your head that "Rock Hill" buggies cannot be as good as or better than some other make, you are the loser. All we ask of you is to just give us a trial we will do the rest. The Rock Hill Buggy Co. "A Little Higher in Price, But " F0R5le McCrary-Redding by Hardware Company, Asheboro, N. C. FARMER INSTITUTE Prepare young men and young women for College, University and Basinet. Spleudlel location, good moral community, Badness, Col lege, lllhle and Normal courses. Special advantages In Musle and Art. Kull corps of able and experienced teachers. Terms very low. Writ for souvenir rat. and other Information. Adiliess Fall term opens sept. 3. Rev. 8. T. L.A88ITRR, Prln., Farmer, N. C n 'i iui (0 MARVELOUS MOVING PICTURE : no end of fun and merriment for your- enliirinni: Hie nieture uii to almut carbide generator, and iiroducea the high the ordinary electric light, producing am -. iaHfTT' i - - - - times Karl THE WONDERFUL MOVING 1 m -4v J rfertft!r.S MY OFFER : ., , , . , . . ..... name and address very plainly. Mail this to me todny. As soon us I receive it I will mail you at of the most beautiful pictures you eversaw-all In brilliant and shlnimerlngcolors. There are fourteen different colors in the pictures, all wrought together in the most splendid manner. I want you to dis tribute these Pictures on a special offer among the people you know for IS cents aplis. 1 hey cannot get these p cturcs at the art stores at any price. You may distribute two of the pictures, If you wish, at M cents, but you must sell no more than two pictures to regular IVI1! no one ,Csl or tear set this lin sruusry. Siaapl tiit m ssa ssdrcai Ulilr. ass an sum mm I rmttmium oar reasesl I will uoa' roe Mm aiclarn are aiia. Tacs all rs ill mum to 4a ia Is aiilnkate ike siclaras. aad lae aotiatf alclara ackiat wall se loeis. ;iiA3. Iii. ELLIS PRESIDENT 649 W. 43d STREET as . H. T. w uepl. M.ti. H S j I. 11 "-. I; "u ,mv "riuiu me pictures you win havecn lected 7.iw. lV- TVh" (,"1.la1,, l"an ,f Itptnediately send you KKKK tlie moving picture machine outfit and the 111 feet of (Urn, containing 3211 moving pictures, ull complete. Fit EE. i....,h.lli'?i,,,S".1" TlKhAto Kive y .fie moving picture machine and the moving pic tures, and the first one who answers will be the first one to receive the great gifts. NEW YORK CITY 1JY and this Marvelous Moving Picture Machine, with complete equipment ail given away all FREE absolutely MACHINE i FREE i V Complete Moving Picturs Machina Outfit, with safety carbide generator and lamp, other equipment and 10-foot film set of 320 pictures. operating Willi Mini on the aame principle as thi movuiK I'leiure maeninea mat are uaen ley enter tainers coding hundreds and hundreds of dollars. UOW you can dot this stupendous outfit free is explained below where it ssys in bit black type. "MY OFFER." iMWiiaWliMiiLjviiiuii, nmiwiimuajiumAiiHmmmwmmmmimm im iim.ii IrV'h ' ,1 I " PICTURE MACHINE FOR THE HOME HERE IS what you are to do In order to get this amazing moving picture machine and the moving pictures: Send your name and address on the free con i mn-that is all. Write voni FREE COUPON GOOD FOB MOVING NCTl'BE MACHINE OFFER Chas. E., President, IH W. Md Street, Hept. M.H., New York. Dbas Mr. Ei.lir: the irress mnvfne nieture machine truly. Hlirn v,.nr n.m .-A .H.I i i rr

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