The Scrap Book Retired at Ten. lie (after nil elopement from a mrnl Bunnner resort I My dear, you told me the nlnlit I proposed that your father bad retired from business, but I now learn tie' Is a peanut vender. She No. I didn't do anything of the ort. You remarked about half past 10 o'clock ut night that you supposed my father was in the city Immersed la business, and 1 said he had retired. He always pies to bed at 10. MY CREEP. Whoever wns hrgntttm by pure love And ciituc d.-sire.l and welcoina Into life Is of immaculate conception. He whose heart is full of lemlernesa and truth. Who Imvis mankind more than he loves himself. And t tlnd room in his heart for hat, May he another Christ. We all may be The saviors of the world if we believe In the dhlrlty which dwells In us And worship It and nail our grosser seh es. Our tempers. Breeds and our unworthy l.l.ns T'pon the cross. Who Klvetii love to all. Pays I:in hoss for unklndness, smiles for ft- each fainting And lends new ooura he:irt And s renihens hope and scatters Joy abroad. He, too, 3 a redeemer son of God. i:i!a Wheeler Wilcox. She Had Him That Time. It Nil:-, llio same old story of n man who ivi'i'iscl to tell his wife the out come of a business transa. 'lion lu which naturally she took a deep In terest. "No." lie sneered, "I won't tell you. If I did you'd repeat It. You women can nc cr keep a secret." "John." said the woman quietly, "have I ever told the secret about the solitaire engagement ring you gave nie eighteen years ago being paste?" Indies' Home Journal. that the old man should hare come t meet him, the squire asked if ther waj had news. "Yes, sir," replied the butler; "very bad news. The old magpie is deud, sir." "What did the bird die of?" "Too much horseflesh, sir." "Too much horseflesh, John! Wher did it get it?" "The carriage horses, sir." "What: Are they dead too?" "Yes. sir. Pled from overexertion drawing water the night of the fire." "What tire?" "The mansion, sir." "Y'nti don't mean to say that the mansion Is burned, John''" "Yes, sir; it burned the night of th funeral, sir." "Whose funeral?" "Y'otir poor mother's, sir." "What, mother tieaj too?" "Yes, sir; she never held her head up after your (ior father died?" "tlreat heaven! Father dead! I nev er heard a word of any of these mis fortunes. What was the cause of uiy father's death?" "Well, sir, it was this way. lie re ceived a telegram tc-llii'g him 1 Mat the ship had gone down that had the wholo of Ills fortune on board, and the .shock of it killed him." "John, I am entirely ruined!" "That you are, sir." When in. BALTIMORE STOP AT THE (S&SP 130 Rooms .nSfeieasstS-a. Elegantly Furnished iiiQTEL lURCI 3 Cuisine Rooms With Bath and vn Suite Centrally Located'" Opposite Camden Station Main Depot B. & O. R. R. Rates SI. 00 Per Day And Upwards SEND 1 OR BOOKLET Hotel Joyce li.iltimore, Md. QUICK REPAIR. SKILLED WORKMANSHIP. This is the watchword of N. MELTON. T5he RANDLEMAN JEWELER Your watch needs repairing, Your sewin machine runs hard, Your clock can't be depended on. These will be made as good a? new if sent to me for repair. I pay express or registered mail charpes one way. N. MELTON, Randolph Ildw. Store Randleman, N. O 51dg., As He Understood It. ! Little Johnny was hustled off to eluiivh Sunday morning with the ad monition that if lie eould not remem ber the tevt he e Wt g out that aft ernoon. At the iK-.'iier table he was itsUed the text of !ho Kor.imn and said: "Pon't be afraid: .n.'ll git ilia quilt." The mother laugliing'y replied. "You must be mistaken. Johnny." Hut he was sure he was right. Imring the, week the pastor railed, when it wasi learned that the text was. "Fear wt;' the comforter will eoaie." t 'hleago Tribune. i "My dear," want you : town hall to i W hat for lowly other h "I am to lo' Married Lib "and I want : it ud pose as Chicago Ne- s -''. Example. a ill Mrs. Strongmlnd, "I accompany me to the utow evening." ipieried the meek and f of the combine, ire on the 'Park Side of ' " explained Mrs. S., in to sit on the platform :c of the illustrations." STOP A7 THE New Princess HOTEL WHEN AT ATLANTIC CITY i The PolitJ P'anter. j "1 was stopping with a Mississippi , planter for a lew days," said the colo-1 liel. "and cue afternoon 1 fell asleep In it hammock on the veranda. I had slept for more than an hour when I ! heard the step of the planter, and a minute later he stood over me and eald: " 'Kurnel, would yo' oblige me by waking t:pV " 'Certainly,' I replied as I roused up. " 'And now would you oblige me by walking around to the rear of the house V "He walked with me, and I noticed that the sky was growing dark and that there was a peculiar looking cloud In the southwest. In the rear of the house was what I toot for an outdoor cellar, but when we reached it the planter pointed and said: " 'And now if yo' will kindly enter our cyclone proof cellar I shall esteem It a g-eat favor.' "I entered to find all the family there, and two minutes later a cyclone came whirling along, unroofed the house and tore up several trees 100 years old. I always wondered why the planter didn't yell at ine and ewear, but his way was the gentle and cour teous way." W; y tho Plaster Didn't Stick. For the fii-st time In his life Daddy O'Alligtn felt very ill, and the doctor hail sent a porous plaster to ease the palu in bis back. "Well. Iiaddy," said the doctor next day. "did the plaster do you any goo.I?" 'Oi can't say that it has helped nie much up to now, but you know 01 only took it la. t night." "Took It V What do you mean?" "Mane? Oi mane that 01 chewed Ami chewed for half an hour on the ould thing, and then OI had to send it down hull. Scents to me if they'd bile the plasters a little more and not put bo much p-'pper in they'd be easier to chew t'p am wouldn't scorch a body's lnsoide so." Slightly Mixed. A Kansas man and his family had (lathered around the supper table, and nil heads were bowed for him to ask a blessing when the telephone bell rang. The man answered it and. coin ing back to the table, again bowed his head, but again the telephone rang, lie answered that call, then for the third time seated himself and. bowing his head, said. "Ilellor-Llppincott's. A Fimncial Pessimist. Oaye Yes. he Is what you might term a fini.n : il pessimist. Myers ; V.hat's a financial pessimist? (Jaye A man who ,s afraid to look pleasant' for fear his friends will want to bor- j row somethli:L'. mm Accidental. Alice Flow did you come to meet your second husband, Grace? Orneo It was purely accidental. lie ran over my Aim one with a motor ear nud afterwati! attended the funeral. A Cheerful Giver. Hobby's father had given him a ten cent piece and a quarter, telling him he might put one or the oilier mi the contribution plate on Kaster Sunday. "Which did you give. Hobby?" his father asked when the boy rame home from church. "Well, father, I thought nt first I ought to put lu the quarter, but then just in time I remembered, 'The Lord loveth a cheerful giver,' and I knew I could give the ten cent piece a great deal more cheerfully, so I put that In." A Crash. "John, what was that awful noise In the bathroom just now?" "Don't worry, my dear," replied John sleepily. "It was merely a crash towel falling" Milwaukee Sentinel. rs-e- nil m City i (mill Ikiirh 1 rurn. .... u.,.1 Smilti Curolnm Ae . um ftfi Tin III,.-. H..I. i l 1,1 1 tin.. nci. .:.' viih urn- in.. i' rn i. lea-acs i,.r conv iiii.ut ii lie iM.lf i.l p'lv'l, .' ..( ii,,. Atlanlie b.i... s.uiu ... UieKUuM'. An'. r-r.iii hp. I Kiimm im l'lmi. AHOOKl.F h.- xlauly (urnicheU U on ;;,.) iiiation. lin'. lir . In M-. ii si.50 ,0 $,t(,.(io 1MTW. . K III ' .'l.' Ill JO. Mill. II III I III' pK.m l'..i fu.... ii. i, rmai.iai ..ilrtri'.-s CROUELl. V COLLIER, 'II IK rillXCM IIOTKIj, Ali.lllll "v, X.J. Opinion. Opinion Is a light, vain, crude and imperfect thing nettled In the Imagina tion, but never arriving nt the under standing, thre to obtain the tincture of reason. Pen Jon son. CAPUDINE CURES izw. indigestion and What Pa pi Said. Ill- "eaeher was having a hard time explaining the geography lesson. "Tommy, ypu can learn this if you m::ke up your mind. It's not one bit smart b appear dull. I know that you are just as bright as any boy in the class. Keuiember, Tommy, where there's a will there's" "Aw." broke In Tommy, "I know all da'. 1 do' Me fadder's a lawyer, an' I'e heard hlui say It lota o' times." "You shoiihl not have Interrupted me but I am glad that your fa:her has taught ;o i the old adage. Cun you repeat It to me?" "Sure .Me fadder says dat where der's a wl!1 der's always a bunch o' poor relations " Lippiniott's. Didn't Charge Them Cent. The ninth chapter of Matthew wil under consideration by a class of boys, the chapter belujj read verse by verse aud then ijuestlons asked by the teach er on the ! :: sages read Thi uecount of the r. ! of Jalrus' daughter coil- cUitle'- '. ipter, and the last verse Ive is ns follows: "And iciu straltly that no man it nnd commii'ided that utld be gl on he- to eat " :-!ced In -o Of the he cha" shouhl Botre.;-' The le this vc mnnd?" given i' reply was the 7011th exelaiaied. them n cen: What dll at some '::' i.l Chri- ' lestlon v. 'ic i i "He ilidn' n with t com-iil-l lie ;c'l!-l!e n.-i'ii Testing His Competency. A husky Irishman scrolled Into the civil service room where they hold physical examinations for candidates for the police force. "(let your clothes off. nud be quick abut:t It," sai.l the doctor. j Tliu Irishman undressed. The doctor measured bis chest and pounded his ba.U. "Hop over this rod," was the uest cninmat.d. T!:e man did his 1 est, lauding on hi; back. "Double t p yuv.r knee, end touch the Hour with your ban' s." lie lost hi-; l:..!a:iee and s;raw!e.l up on : lu I'.i M. He was Iudiguant, bit: s;!enl. "Now run arounil the roirn tr:i times v. ;.::t to ' ; i e-i-l and v. i;i 1." "i'il i;.:." '.. aa.'.-l.!:... .'.e. hired tie -' ni'v-l the do -tor. pt'.s- loi! "; !; lea'e 1 the !'i 'a nai;. with Vr;.!hi::'.. "i-'tife an' v!::;:'s a'.! tins fi-tiii. 1 :i i:i.vj ;..i, to do v. id a in: T'.'i: 'e license. ;'.::. l:o- ':" lie had sfra-e.l into t!.e l.u- Av..VI Vfrteii;-. S' .:.e Si o i lnren were dl:ilti! and r.fter the toasts each contributed some thing to the entertainment. Dr. Mac Donald was pressed t sing, but pro ter.ted that he could not. "My voice is altogether unmusical," he explained. "I never Fing." The company thought the doctor was modest and Insisted. "Very well." he said at last. Long be fore he had finished his audience wa uneasy. There was a painful silence a3 the doctor sat down, broken at length by the voice of a braw Scot at the end of the table. "Mon," he ex claimed, "your Blngin's no up to much, but your veracity's Just awfu'!" 0000000000000OeO00000OeO00000 0O0O0000OOOOOO0OOOOOOOOOOO o o o o. o o o 0 o 0 o 0 o o 0 o 0 o o o o 5? o Wat No Slouch. A number of men were having a dis cussion as to who was the greatest Inventor Some said Edison, some Watt, F-oa.e Mor.-e, some one and some auother. Fhu'ly a pawnbroker got la a word i' : I l ai l: "Veil. l i a'ieeuens, dose vas gread peoples. I : I tells you dot man vot Invented Ir.. rest vas uo slouch." La dles' Home . ournal The tier B:-9ko thi New : fn his re'":"! f r.-n an abroad an Ilirrli-'b fi: the xtctius'iip w la. rf by b trusted I file, ' 'I ',i"il i'-- fla :'t a.'d itge Demora!;;'.. . btt Not Scattored. A y "' - if r.nteR' division of the Confo '!: urn:,-, after the command bad r'.:n I'ays from Nashville, had thro- :i - his gun and nccouter i::er:'s :::: ' a'.or.e i'i the woods, sat hot ! n-.d cr.i",! ; cd thinklng-the first clian -e h: had for such a thing. r.o'llrg r. i .leeves and looking at hi ; !er,'; and j:e'.:cral physique, he thus er e er.t lo his feelings: "I am whip ped, i MV.y whipped, and somewhat de nior::!i"c 1. but no man can say I am Bcat'.ered." "Owen Moore Went Away, Owen Moore Than He Could Pay; OwenMoore Came Back One Day, Owen Moore." Poor Mr. Owen Moore no doubt lived in a small city or town where he tried to make a living by running a store. The people who were his neighbors in that town and on the farms around town bought most of their things from the great Mail Order houses, neglecting to trade with Mr. Moore. Quite naturally, Mr. Moore failed in busi ness and went away owing more than he could pay. He had to go away and find a lo cation in some town where the people pat ronized home mer chants. But the funny poet who wrote those lines was mis taken about Owen Moore coming back one day. Mr. Moore, having been burnt once, would not stick his fin gers in the same fire again. No, indeed! Mr. Moore would stay away, not because he was Owen Moore than he could pay, but because if he ever came back and started again in business there he would be Owen Moore still. He would let the old town continue to grow street grass. Have you been the cause of any Owen Moore trage dies In your town? u O Dm V-J kiif f N III n s o o o o o o o o o o o o o c o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Oe o o o Oa oeoooooooonooonoonnnnennriririr'i 000000000OoOoOoOOeO00300000666e66 o o o o o o o u , o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 6 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ?s o o o o o o o o o o o o o o So 5 o o o o o o o o o o o Oe o Oe o o o o ?- TO PUBLISHERS AND PRINTERS We manufacture the very highest grade of Type, Brass l.'ule in Strips, Brsss Col unin Hides, Brass 1-alx.r Suvii.g l?ule, lirasrt Circles, Brass Leaders, Brass Hound t'en.ers, brass Iiels and Slug, Brims (iallevs Motiil or.lers, Lend M.'lal Furnitinv, Lcails and Sings, Motiil lyart rrs, Spacer and Quads ti to 48 point, Metal yu. .;.., Kte., Etc, Et;., Eic. Ulil column rules refae H and niado as good as new at a siimll cot. I'le.ise reiiu'inl r th o ive ur" . ot in tin Trust or 1 iiiiihiaitti'iii and are sure tliut r can make i' g.iatly to your advantage le deal with us A ropy of our fatal gue will lw cheerfiilli furnished on npplica'ioti. Philadelphia Printers' Supply Companu, Manufacturers of TYPE and Hiyh GraJe PRINTING VIA1 EfxIAL I'n mi Type Foundry. 9 North 9th St. I'.IIUDEIPIII fa annttttnn t. o. . I o drugs having . RELIEV quickly and soothei ? membranes and thorontrii cleanses. Valuable notl 3 CATj nay iever, -stopped-np" J W Uucrantee Sti Buy a so cent tube of wa: lai'W ' r, 50 ;;iT Y. U. SKXL AND JLWtLER Randleman, N. C. s .. si l"lr.f ( " ' CUT3,S0RES.I KMCUMAT15.M (Prickly Ash, Pole Boat Md Pvtamlnm.) - MAKES POSITIVE 0DBE3 OT ALZi VOBlfS AKD BIASES OF. Pbjslcluia endorse P. P.P.ui tplen Ui combination, and prescribe It with great satisfaction (or the enrea of all forma and atagoa of Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Byphllla, Syphilitic Rhen matlim, Scrofuloua Ulren and Bores, Glandular Swellings, Khenmatisro, Kid Bay Complaints, old Chronio Ulcers that kaTeieelsted all treatment. Catarrh, 8Un Diseases, Eczema, Chronio Female Complaints, Uercurial Poison, Tatter, caldhead. etc., etc. P. P. P. la a powerful tonlo and an excellent applUxer, building up the system rapidly. If yoa an weak aad feeble, and feet bedly try P. p. P, and SYPHILIS -vSGROFU yon will resain leek ana Waste of energy and all Useaaerf from orartaxlnff the eveiAaa im the ns of P. P. P. I Lauiee whose srstsmaaniiMj I whose blood is In an Imparseas to menstrual irregularltlee an benefited by the wonderful I blood oleanslng properties ot 1 Prickly Aah. Poke Boot andl "old by all Druggist F. V. LIPPMAl ' Proprtatsr Savannah, C BHEdJ i uLU BY I i.L OUR ALREADY Imn Has beei; cent visit n Many In Art i:r,u; Hug.-, I ' i Everything For I The Home II fljfffi ; Come andl i J I 1 An InspOi Wa rtial e 1 1 for ti e j t. I'M ' We i ) ej 1 1 A. & A. 1 1 ' i Cosby Patent Air-Tight Baker and H If. b-.tsST.sJ.i tKJ IT HEA1 AND COOKS T( The Most Convenient, and Economical Stove Home Ever Made. IT DOES DOUBLE DUTY It warms the coldest and largest room in the house, making it cozy. The busy housewife can ciolc or bake anything from lij;ht rolls to a Thanksgiving or Christmas turkey. Still it looks just as neat as any heater made. It is air-tight and a great fuel saver. Thousands are be ing sold. Thousands of housekeepers are enthusiastic. Fine Cast Iron tops and bottoms, making it last for years without repairs. Made- only by UNION STOVE CO., Inc., Box 2745, RICHMOND, VA. - " -in i en i ' - I i

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