A FEW HINTS TO FARMERS. SaRgaUBi Fram Thase Who Hin Agrlcultare Pay. I had but littto trouble in driving ?ery sparrow from my place in Vir ginia, and I believe there is no rea son why it cannot be done on every farm. The very Mgacity 0f this bird nakes it possible. And cer tainly it is worti trying for, since trie sparrow not only feeds princi rallr on crainnd eata f-w imuwro but be drives away iisect-feeding irue, "Doing away with the parrow,; according te tne Agricultural Sa- aette, of New South Wales, "has in some instances m Enelaod resulted in a decrease in insect psta, because the native insect-eating birds have oeen enabled to feed an peace and have returned to their old haunts around farms, orchards and .garden which they were uotable to do when the sparrows had possession. This as a matter of common observation in the United States. The English spanow is an eternal scrapper. Now, as to the way to get trld of J mem on me luroo. in a town or city it is impracticable, bet ou faim all that is needed is a gun and a little persistence. My own puui lire nienouo consisted ill sing up u oi ov do cuj through a suiail 22 aiber rille. There were six .otr seven pi.iis of 8rrows on tbe plat?. After three or fwr got their leaden doses th1 others became exceedingly wary. The. warfare was oontinueu, ho we 'er,wuhout missing a day, in oluding con:e very long chaoce nhnts, made troiu the interior of the rowiis. I think it whs tKt more than two weeks after the ()eniii .f ibecain paign that the Ust sparrow winged au indignant flight to some more peaceful locality., und lieyond e stray visit once in aw tide the place bar", bored no more narrows for three years. The killuig coininenoed in the early bieedkig seato:i, spring, and the birds ruutle up tlieir minds that things were -entirely too streii UOQ! for the successful breeddng of the four or five broods. The pUct hasa'ways been full of the bird., and I cannot say for sure th t the other birds increased after tbe exit of the sparrows; oertainly there wa Jess bird lighting about the house and tne wrens and bluebiids built regularly under the piazz roof. Twi-.hu da of tihe sparrows were .scared away, not 4silld. What de termined me to hostility was when a pair of them tore a bluebirds nest io pieces and proceeded to appropri ate tbe location to the piausa. 'Gay . Mitchell, in Kansas Farmer. .AXlttle Sermaa aa tb IIapploM of Balitf Paor. There was a wonan once who bad an alabaiter box ef ointment, and he poured this box of ointment wr the head of the Master as he sat at meat in an humble hoiue at Bethany. No sooner was Jke act witnessed than it gave veut to an objection: "To what pupoee is this waste?" The men who saw it regarded this act as simply throwing away mate rial that had com ner;ial value. We are apt to tfeiuk of gifts in dollai and cents. We see or want to see money in everything that we do. We Are money-mad and being o we are apt to color our vision with it. It is do new infirmity, but it geU much attention nowadays and drive away tbe sweetness and beauty or life. Life can be made happy with out very much money or without empbabiziag this element. Take the little that you are get ting and take enjoyment in its us. Ii may be hrl discipline to do th s ana uay dem ai eouur ige ai d tience in the trial. But it is worth trying. Tbe man who has a littl" can more readily get the seciet of enjoying life than tbe man who has much and wants more. It is this everlss iri desire to get more and make a btttr showing that is oppressing so many minds in these days and driving them to self destrncnon. Wealth does not bring continued bappiuees. It is no rtal pleasure to think of ways and means to spend a large income. It is the man of small means who can be happy if be will safeguuid his condition with simple tastes and desires. He cau look beyond money. He can make his pleasures apurt from Bis mateiial possessions. He cau think away from the claims of riches and enter a held of pleasure whicn be can sow with bis own seeds of experienc drawn from his personal battbs aud struggles. How to be happy though poor is cne dream of tbe imagination. It is this class who are really happy in life today, when they tak their little and make it go far and then think they have done the bent with its use. This woman gave up ointment worth fifty dollars, the annual wages of ore uihd in tbse days. She made herself happy in tbe act, even though ehe made herself happy by the eaur'fice. This in the ti ue secret of living making yourself happy and it can be. don upon the basis of having lit tle more than npon the necessity of havim? much. To learn this will let tunehine and peace into the humblest hpuie and keep it radiant with the joys that the mere possession of money does not give and cannot give. At lanta Georgian. PRINTED BY REQUEST. Reelpa la Easily Prepare at Small Coat ana May Swear by It. Mil the following by shaking well in a bottle and take in tespoonful doses after meals and at bedtime. Fluid Ertiaat Dandelion, one half ounce. Compound Kargon, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsapa nlla, three ounces. A local drug gist is the authority that these sim ple, harmless ingredients can be ob tained at nomioal cost from onr bome druggists. The mixture is said to chanse and strengthen the clogged aud in active kidneys, overcoming 'back ache, Madder weakness and urinary trouble of all -kinds, if taken 'before the stage of Blight's -disease. Those who have trk-d this say it positiv-ly -overcomes pain in the buck, -clears the urine of evtliiiiput and regulates urination, ppcinllv at. nifht, curing evem tbe wwot form j of bladder weaknes-'. Every man or woman here whr feels that th kidneys are nut strong or acting in a luW'ihv man ner should mix this preset ipi ion at home and give it a trial, us it, iswtd to do wonders fur many rsons. The r'ci-auton (I'm.) Tijues w.ie finit to print Uiia leina-. k.ittle t scription, in Oetu ei of I9o(J. -sinw when all the leading newspapers ol Vew York, IWun, Philadelphia, Pittsburg and other litk-n have inti le many announcements it to -their readers. BRIGHT FACE OF DUTY. Mast Aln-ays be Limklu Ur tlie Jiver ' Lining. Exchiinge. Muct) of one's happiness in lifede-j pends npon the way one looks at I things. I If you are looking for the .gloomy things you are pretty ku re to find them. But if you are looking &xr the bright thiugs you are also aure of finding them. Try and see the best that is in people. Everyone must hwve some good -qualities, if you take the trou ble to look for (hem. T-kere are some unfortunate who persist in turning their worst side to the world, and very often the temptation is gieat to leave thetn aloi. But we must not do that for on every one of us there rests a mora obligation to help our fellow beings all ean. In onding gocfi qna1 ities iu them we are helping them o rise to a high -r place, both in th. r own and the world's estimation. Tlie I'oittutaster f (Jasconaile, Mo., I A. Putfli, says of De Witt's Kiilnv Uladiltr I'-iflu, "I am doing well, im proving so i'ant in health, tliat 1 caiur.it say toi much for your Kidney & Bladder I'ilU I feel like a new man" DeW'itt'n i'idnpv & li!adder tills are sold by Sraudurd l)rui Uo. and AshelHiro I'rug Co. WOODUFF MACHINERY. IRON FRONT Horizontal Shingle 10 to 20 Thousand Shingles Per Day. Write for Prices. Wooduff Hardware & Manufacturing Company, Winder, Georgia. HOTEL MARTHA WSIilNGTON New York 2Utb to 30th StH. Just Earit of 5th Av. To remain a Woman's Ho tel Exclusively. 1 Block fttni 2Xth St. Subway, 2! Mil cross town cars p is a t h door- ' Over four hun dred rodmn. AIibi u t e 1 y Fireproof Rates SI. 00 per Dajpmd Up Restaurant for Ladies and Gen tlemen Convenient to Hinging a:id Theatre District. Caters espeially M Women av eling or visiting New YorktAone Send for Bo -klet Hotel Westminster lth St. and Irving Place. N. Y. One Hl-k Eirat of Hroadnnv Bomeiike Hotel in Quiet Ixtcation Eurofeer.'D!?!i up Amerkna Tlan S3 00 up A. Wf EAGER A fir Dec. 1 the Price of the Farmers' Weeklu News Scimitar Will Be 50 Cents Per Year. Up to that time we will n.eiv; new subscriptions at 25 ieiits per year, or will extend any present subscription for a year from expiration for 23 cercts. All Subscriptions N;??;nwals Received Before December 1 Will 3s Accepted At the Old Rate of - - 25 Cents. Sukscibers, either new or old, may take advantage of this rate for one or two or four years (at 25 cents a vear. payable in advance), if subscriptions are received before December 1. After December 1 the subscription orice to either avew or old subscribers Send al subscriptions direct to Farmers' Weeklu MempfcLe, Teucu I a - i i -ma. .irl I We also han II md I Mow, St iv J. 1. KiHM-n Wagofi", Jolmxton Hiirvwtinfj Machinciy, nnp!. jiiij .-MiprftieH, iim kiiuih ol liarilwure. I Lewis-Winslow Hardwaie Company. Jffar- IlilSlI 3Qi KROALWAY CINTR LH3TEL i j llllllli Sl'KKhr In the Ii . : of New York Special t -lit ion givi n to Ladies uiiiM-ortt-d Special Rates for Summer uL'lt TABLE in the fouiiilation of our etmi'itioiiH hutineM. American Plan $2.50 to European Plan $1 03 upward Sfwl Tor Largo cnjured Map and (iniile of Ymk, l rt-i'. Tilly Hants, Daniel C. Webb, Proi-ric-toT. Mr.. Formerly of 1 t hai tcston, a. C. Hie Only New York Hotel FEATl'KING AMKK1CAN PLAN Modorate I'rlti-s . ellent FooJ C.ood Scrvici. will be 50 cents per year. News Scimitar, HIGH POINT BUGGIES Are THE Best. " f 1 I" enumo i Jewel. Oold illea l ftaaaSI ILa2 JjtM m aUJ W-aam--J, -'"" JfM. Ccnuino 7 Jewel. Gold Filled I endorse every vor.-J oJ gret Irce watch c;:;r. not miss this. TS:a Ciac JUST THINK ! Filled Elgin Watches given away tjr one oj the largest' firms in tha South a remarkably generous ofi'er. The Creates Watch Premium OS''cr you have ever Ecea an Elgin watch a genuine Elgin goM-filicd watch the v.-orld's most famous watch Ibe tlgia actually given away frc e for just a little effort! i many mivii nr vnto'.rr, tuny uncribctt REMFMRKK. wnth free f picture. Vou nevt-r haw r ,h iai premium. Surely It In no trvii : special oircrUfl idt a IjIx ta , even neeu to noe all poop'e. f.,r inr -v : M. lew minute to diutribme tbo t.j. (Illui Juet tang year name and ' eoupon. on ami o wi.l lu-n-l ymi lit Hy. Wo i i-. t j -.a llecUKj. Remrnili. i; a f iih yo-i bavo dj!itr;.'j. aiaiinpf age ana orcuiat! once free, potupitid, tbe can aet bu.iv vitunut .i to send us the II UJ collet wawo iree junt aaaoon hi ted only 6 Dlc-turen col lectin to pay, notbtnir torbk the e premium offer ver made tor the drat eet of pictures. f rito twljy f Totr l H. DUPONT, Manager, f Dept 101 Nahille.Tenn. J Aa4 H TI. Cmaptm N.wR" occupation Wo have lli V.I W?rth iifV',- V'ft t.Uc..ll,eL.j,uu E. j ' '. '- "' '. j-",:r txplaliis jtiH! Uow many (ilctii l -l " - .. v :--..iHr-liiloi'il.: ' t." .1 U.' Tl.o Io Ma kit. (hit b..a:lfcl v,iUie or cl'olfo of m o'.' srfc "! trd I f Jil l.l.u You are judged by your stationery. Does it appear cheap ? The Courier Job Office, Asheboro, N. C. Employs skilled labor, Has most modern equipment, Most artistic and popular type faces. Latest and varied stock of papers. And we use best inks. Send us your next orde . At least it will interest you NowReady For You. Prepare For Long, Cold Days Ahead! In our store we are now ready to show you a very attractive line of Fall Dress Goods, Wraps, Shoes, Etc., Etc. You will be interested to see our new models in Ladies' Cloaks and Wraps. We have a most complete line, the. feature of the display being Moderate Prices. Readv-to-Wear Skirts arp alsn in demand, and we can furnish thpm prices defying all competition. Responding to the demand for Sliks for Shirtwaists we have secured a rare assortment of Silk Waists in Taffeta, China, etc., in white, black, and colors. You should see them. Morris-Scarboro-Moflitt Co A Big Lot of REMNANTS Weliavvt icliirKeHtan.llHtniirtiiiciit ofsIlk nml satin n-mii ints ovi r nffereil ii5 'wwrhn, Ti T"" "nt,U 'DM1"""! "u' "t buy thm tor thai r ...iiV. ! piil.lir.lnTn ..I I.,ti.i.' Mnif.izine. nn illustrated, 84 putfe monthly, hllcu wjlh stotk nml shm-iI clpimrl incuts of unusual InU-re-t to wornest. anrl Ve im' I..,. mf iiiiiiNiti, t 11 iiuo nrw nonit-s tniti lull liy Klvhiir away one lanrelot ol those hund. somi. rommintsu.evi.n- hniy who nmhIs us D.V.. for a voar's suVi-riiTt on ThTVaSS ai.,1 in.t lirilliant rolors , attorns, all trlimne.l and n-a.'ly to new together TheTt t. etnl willi-on-lvtof ix-twoon KKI imii lWiiifiw. ossortrd B"r. i ue iui Vt! iglUoil. Ad.lr..LAIJIKSMAUAZIlVK DEPT.. Portland, M I . this lC5o in tur t'.'-t -uu (.icului c:ri.uiur. i:i-ln. nn-l. irnlil tt"1 ofVr tc!i. , dtftrtbut tbam tt omy 6c with collecting only Mo .vein ken ad yoa -- i-IWW liberal offer-eli t-i i c :,ur, r r want to tn 1 letu-eB In your locality t aea t!icy art; lutroducfd they i. tint In hy want to i tlimprcat wotcli oh'er it yoa tlic pi. ctircRatonce. Our free lor and beaa- i-jtu pk-turpfl are guar 'hnt cakes" and Iftlieydua't t'.n Hi at our ospeutte. trul mum-colored Lejeaa ny otner our n:T?CNTt Manager, Copt. X02 JASHVILLE.TENN. f trr f.VT- : "trlhute and your bl ESL f T.au:u cuxuUr ua iir ollor abuvo. I W YJUrtdme . if Please y P. O. ACiItks. , to get our prices. Silks r jod tcrvuxa'jle Wd,u.li aiBoluttly r, ot-'r-r or.'T r.lr p-.v'o to t..i:o tv.-au 2- t : it it. i . . 1 1 , - .ji ". r'V t-.:'.' n l;i by every body ami yon - I. ii.- ..-,. i :'.uft r-i a Ms otter. Itwllltajwy -u:.-J i.-.ii iiion-aliiyoKry. FREE I

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