HIGH SCHOOLS, Eighty-one Caustics Recetra Appropri ation, of 941.943. The State Board of Education has finished the apportionment of the 1 funds for establishing riral high schools in the State. In 8.1 counties 156 high schools have been estab lished. Among the apportionments in counties in this section of the State we note: Alamance. $250 Haw field's High School, Mebane; $250 Friendship High School, Burlington. Anson. $500 Morven High School; 250 Lilesv'tlle. Chatham.' $2")( Me-ry J;iks; 250 rittohoro; 2"0 5SiU r Citv MODERN METHODS lhividgou. $250 Keed-'. lhivie. ij Cooh t'llH't'. Fu'tvth. Bc'tlialli:!-. 1101 SV1 111'. (iai'f. v'. I-..:-: . Se.'lN. . , : 250 Clui'-olihiml: Farm How They Have Improved a Standard Remedy. In the 17th Century a ware of ei citement swept over England and France when the meJical profession discovered such wonderful curative elements in the cod's liver. In the lth Century cod liver oil was imported and used extensively by physicians in this country, but it was found to b adulterated to a gnat extent, and the useless heavy oil which enveloped the niidicinal dements, uat hindrance to iis medicinal a!ue. In IS55 a fmioiH physician from the 1 1 -i cue weiit to Norw:-y and ;fer j two ycar-i ef c.ip.-nniont and ii vu'.vh I produce;! a !:.;h! (Town i.i! '.mil 1':. VhV !im :s wl.i. li v;h trid to le -j:.0 W.il "oi L w isv. Surprlae Per The Bridegroom. Tid Bit. The groom entered lone and said confidentially: 'Do you use the word 'obey' in your mairiage service , Mr.?" "No," said the minister; 'I do not. nsnally." "Well," said the expectant Bene dict. '"I have come to ask you to marry me now, audi want it used." "Certainly," replied the other. 'It shall be done." And presently the conpie stood solemnly before him. "Jiiriiei T.," s iid the olergymai', "do you i tke h:s wo iia i :o l e yo'ir ivcic.i-il w if. ;"' 1 ill).' I ). ' 11 l, il. ; if si.iutel; a in! obey !: .Ii liw?'' l:ll l.-U'll. lot. with the sanctitieiof tae occasion on the bridegroom's face, bat be chokingly responded, "I do,"and the meek bride decorously promised in tarn. After the ceremony was over the bridegro.un raid excitedly aside to the grave pijnister: "Yo i liii-uncerstood me, sir; you niifetiiiii. isi -Kid me! 1 referred to the woman's promising to obey." "At., oi ! you, in deed?" st-reiielv answe.eo lis reverence. "But 1 think '.v ...it is good for one side is goo'i i t 1 1.0 other, dou't you? And, my fi eiai, ic is my advice to you to say no hi ic about it, for as an old iimrritd m ui 1 can toil you voa'il have to i.i. v ;.n how." 1 I YV. j::'.. i .,.!i, ,1 Wheli H;.i! SaU. ! .'i..-i: . i-.ie, !,i.i i.iil h!y i l.-nii- - i .ii.liv !.,' oo!:iinu. liin.il l.-i .!..'i(.... (..-(',. ;1 11 (Priekly Aak, Feke BMt mm Tmtm art.) -HAIRS POaiTTVS CURKa OF ALL FOBM8 AJTD 0X1088 C - Pbysldana endorse P. P.f.HI aplen did combination, and prooorlbo it with gratt aatlafaction for tho enraa of all forma and atagoa of Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Byphilla, Syphilitic Iiheo matlam. Bcrofuloua Clear and Soma, Glandular Swolltiigs, Ilheumatiam, Kid liey CoiupUinta, old Chronic Ulcora that YPHILIS huTcrrfiKtod all treatment, Catarrh, Skin Diacava, Eczen-.a, C'hrouio 1'omalo Coniplaiata, Morcurial Poison, Totir, j 8cakllicada etc., etc. P. P. P. 1 a powerful tonio and an eicellcnt at'i-iUicr, building lip the ; sli ra rapi.r.y. If you are Tvoak and feoblcaud f;i.l bu!y try T. !. P., and eg is C3 yon mil ngaln fltob and attongtli. Waate of energy and all dlaeaaea rami ting from orar taxing theayetem are cored by thaaaeof P.P. P. Ledlea whose ey etetna are polaoned and whoae blood lain an impare oondlUondno to mesetrual lrregnlarltlea are peculiarly benefited by the wonderful tonic and CROFULA blood cleansing properties of P. P. P Prickly Aah. Poke Boot and Potassium. Bold ky all Dructlats. F. V. LIPPMAN Propriotor Savannah, Ca. id. iMt. !'! f i . : Iiil! ; Ic ' I i 'I M I : V. ; ! It t ,! l c , . naiiclt. me fa-l: Let la. 1 , AND UBLISHERS PRINTERS iill I IE! rm COMING ELECTION YEAR j 2 ihs ra;iio:..-iMv.::t;,...-.-,-"y m-j . v,;l U dou!i' u you. N IN 111!' . . 1 I I. : (;...:, tl-'.-.:: : '. . - and li'. d ' i , w i.i!.- a f.-.- ii;i';.;ii. hiu r i is o u:: . -.(; mil! ,; iloo: .-. with every trace of ti.e dise.t-e wiped out. All tin ce cures were I'.ui U' by a local external application of D. 1). 1). l'l'ifoiiption. a remedy that in stantly stops all itch and (prckly kills the disease germ, effecting t permanent, positive cure. Here is a simple letter from J. DaltoD, Wilderness, Mo.; "I have used the bottle of medicine you sent me and am now a well man. Please accept ray heartfelt thanks. Your remedy cannot be praised too mnch." Every sufferer of skin disease can see such letters by calling at VV. A. Underwood's drng store, Randle. man, and also secure without charge book on the ;ause and enre of skin diseases. :,:e .: , : ;, e i -'7. r t r le-rr t i et 1 1 '. on..,- :; .!!.. hi.!: , . Mis. v Mi i ).iv !!, or!. r i.i i:.i.'V. . A. 'd.-CuPo )i oi.d a ih i ln'iiii in Sent!! (mdii.a hiot. ei-L. She was 4ii ye-.irs old. The Lutheran congregation at. A -bemaile expetjta to build a handtouie church in the near future. The Enterprise has established temporary headqunrters under the Central Hotel at Albe.naile. Al'.crniry A L-v ;iSECGRO - - - N. C. Don't Cae Poor Oil. For nse on sewing machines, biy e'es and all purposes requiring a fii-e lubricant, the best, is the cheipet in the end. Genuine singer oil ean only tie obtained nt Singer rres Look for the lUd S. Singer Sewing Machine Co. COX JEWELRY STORE. C. i :i. -r !, ,.r..l.-.,o..m s, i i, e to tiie il.." . A-:ifiKM.llul -U' l.'tlililO.l .'.:.-tii,nv. oaiei-s: At Hi'videnre' ;.'l ir.t.toiv.-.tteiul.-d to wit!, care I a:'''-! ) '- n.i,u-e.;s. Specw.1 tilt-j:,- ti-.-.n i. iven to colloctiot's i.rd t.u settlumcviit of estates. Dr. J. V. HUNTER, PHYSICIAN - AND - SVUGEON Office A"h'lx)ro Drup Co. Residence Cornei of Main and Wortl Streets. Asheboro, N. 0. Dr. S. A. HENLLV. Physician - and - Surgeon, ASHEBORO Offiw ovr Spoon A Redding' store fiUindurd Irug Co. DR. D. K. LOCKHART, DENTIST, Asheboro, N. 0. OflW unf'Hj 9 a. in. to 1 p. m OVER TUK BANK' HOT Rd i! p. m. to 5 pi S I am now In mr office prepared to'paoUoe denl,try in lta various branches. CUTS,50RES,BURNSi V E V.'A N T II E P Pv Z S E N T A T I VE5 in rj'erycomr.u::.i!y I '...t-: tv'. scr.or.n .ir.d s. II our look oCci s. Lib. end comnn im and cn!i .ri.-.-s. A t:,c chance lo t.ni!J up a per manent and profilalle tusiness in jour Lome town. Wiite to-day to THE REVIEW OF REVIEWS GO. 13 ASTOR PLACE, NEW YORK Room 500 INCORPORATfO Capital Stock $30,000.00 RALEIGH, N.C. Pullen Building. f CHARLOTTE, N. C. Piedmon t Ins. Bldg. THESK SCHOOLS OIVK tho world's lt In modern BukIiipm Education. Oldnst Bunineaa Colloiro In Nnrlli Ciirollun. rNwlHons minriin''d. lw'kcl li a wrltti'n contract. No vacation, lnii. viiliiul Instrn. -lion. We aim tcai'li Buxk-kepplnv, Phnrthand. Pi-nmaiehip, by mall. Bend lor Home 8tndy ntca. Write today for our Cntnlosee . oiT,t nnrt Hich KmlomomeiiK They ara free. Addreta KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. Kalalgrt, N. C or Charlotte, N. C J