The Asheboro Courier- Aeheboro, N. C. Dec. 5, 1807. Local and Personal. W. D. Siler, of Siler City, attend ed court here this week. E. H. Younts spent Sunday at .Lexington. J. A. Short, of Greensboro, spent Sunday nere. Miss Sirona Morgan, of Caraway, is visiting relatives here this week. J. L. Norman has a new adver tisement in this issue. Read it. - 0. L. Sapp, of Greensboro, was among visiting attorneys here this week. J. F. Pritchard spent a part of last week with his son C. C. Pritch ard, at Tbomasville. Miss Clara Spencer, who is teach ing mnsic at German too, spent Thanksgiving day at home. Rev. Walter M. Curtis, of Greens boro, spent Sunday here with 0. R. Cox '8 family. Miss Ethel Steed, of Steeds, was on the passenger train Monday on her way to Greensboro. Miss Vida Rush, of Aberdeen, spent one day this week with Misses Mullie and Mona Rush. Read the advertisement of N. P. Cox for suggestions for Christmas presents. W. D. Stedman & Co., tells Cou rier readers about "Good Eatings." Watch his space for Xmas ecibles. The Courier Job Printing depart ment keeps busy. We print for everybody, at prices attractive to all. Miss Millie Beasley, of Eandle mau, visited Miss Lucy Croivson Thursday. Mrs. J. W. Bulla and son, Master Walter, returned to their hoaie at Newport News, Va., Monday. Edgar L. Cox, of Randolph county, was married last weeK to Miss Ethel Sullivan, of near Car. xhage. D. B. McCrary returned Monday night from a business trip to Rich mond. At Monday's session of the County Coinnnssioners it was ordered by the board that jurors for Randolph be paid $1.75 per day instead of $1.25. Rev. W. E. Swaiu will go to Ashe ville Saturday to atteud a meeting of tne Board of Church Extension of the M. P. Chnrch. J. R. Cheeks, of Cole's Store, who has been ill for some time does not improve. His condition is criti cal at this time. Miss Louise Dicks, Thos. Mar shall and Mr. Newlin, of Randle man, attended the Lyceum Course at the Auditorium last Thursday evening. Miss Lizzie Spencer spent a part of last week at home. She was ac companied by Miss Nan Ileitman. They returned to High Point Mon day. Rev. David Tatum, Quaker Evan gelist of Chicago, will deliver an ad dress at the M. E. Church on the liquor traffic, "Home Protection and How to Save the Boys", on Thurs day, December 12th, 7 p. m. Friday night the Epwoith League was entertained by Miss Whitfield at the home of Mrs. W. C. Ham mond. The evening was enjoyed by a large number of the League mem bers and friends. Rev. C. A. Wood, the new postor of the Methodist Episcopal church, preached his first sermon Sunday morning. He was heard by a large congregation, and the impression made was good. Mr. Wopd is not a stranger in Asheboro, for he has many friends here who will be join ed by all in extending a cordial wl come. T. J. Fraley, formerly of Ran dolph County, has accepted a posi tion with the A. C. L. Railway at Sanford, Fla. Mr. Fraley formerly lived in Concord Township, and was at one time agent for the South, em at Franklinville. For some time he has been delivery clerk for the Southern Express Company at Greensboro. He left for Florida last week. How's This! v We Oder One nuniircl Ixillars Rewnnl fur any ciise of Ca nrrh tlint cnmmt ln cured liv Hall s Catarrh Cure. F. J. t'HKNKY & CO.. Tole.lo, O. We. the unkTMgiiel, liuve know n K, J. ('henry for the lust IS yearn, ami believe him i'rfeetly honorable in all buhine.satraiiMictioiiHtiiiU tlnun ciullv able lo eurrv out nny obligation'' marie by his lirm. WAI.DINf;, K1NNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale DnipRistn'lolerio, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly n i mil the hloort anil mueoun nirlaces of tneevhtcm. Testimonial!! pent free. Price 75e. per bottle. Bolri by all UniKirlsu!. Take Hull's Family Fill! fur conettpatiou. 0. B. Russell spent Saturday in High Point and Greensboro. Mr. Sam Henley, of High Point, is visiting in town. Laurin Cranford and Miss Ruth Fox spent Saturday in High Point. Mrs. E. E. Kepbart spent Thanks giving in High r omt. Miss Bera Scarboro spent Thurs day in Randleman with Miss Lacy isowden. Miss Alice Atkinson, of Monroe, is vifiting her aunt Mrs. Alhe H Worth. u i i. r e:-1, i to Representative fage, was here Kfnndav nn Vi J a wav rt Waahinafnn MissTreva Rash returned Satur day from Hickory, where she has been visiting Miss liana mil. Miss Anita Ballinger, of Guilford College, is visiting her sister Miss Nannie Ballinger. The Randolph Book Club meets with Mrs. Elijah Momtt ou Friday at thirty o'clock. Rev. W. M. Curtis, of Greensboro, was a guest of Mr. 0. R. Cox Sun day. Mrs. A. A. Spencer returned from Carthage Monday where she had spent several days with relatives. The A&A Railway Co has install ed a new 10-wbeel engine, No 35, to handle freight on. its liue. Miss Sallie Fox of Randleman spent Sunday with her Uncle, Dr M. I. Fox, in Asheboro. Rev. W. L. Grissom, of Greens boro, preached at the Methodist church at Liberty, Sunday. Mr. Joel Boon, of Seagrove, N. C, has bought a saw mill at a cost of of $1,700. The mill is located in Moore county. Rev. W. R. Cox, of Greensboro, preached at the Holiness church here Sunday morning aud at Randlemaa Sunday night. Mrs. Augleand children returned to Greensporo Saturday, after spend ing thanksgiving with Mr. aud Mis. J. T. Penn. A. E. Hall reports that he killed a hog last Saturday that weighed 379 pounds. The hog was 11 months old. Misses Elizabeth Whitfield and Rath Whaley, of Lumberton, who are attending Guilford College, spent a part of last week with Mrs.W. C. Hammond and Miss Irma Whitfield. J. R. Johnson, a native of Ran dolph, but who has lived in Robeson county for several years is visiting in Asheboro aud vicinity. Mr. Johnson lives ct Rowland. A small wreck occurred ou the A&A Road a mile below Asheboro Monday afternoon. Three freight cars and the coach attached to the local freight, were derailed. No one was injured. Rev. J. W. Ingle will preach next Sunday at Siloam 11 a. m. and Canaan 3 p. in. The appointment at Salem is called in for next Sunday but it will be filled the fifth Sunday in this month. J. M. Yow who formerly lived at Erect has been conducting a mer cantile business at Michfield for several months, out only last week moved his family there. While in Asheboro iMonday he purchased from C. C. Woodell 500 pair of horse shoes. SCHOOL HOUSE. Fire Bug Supposed to be at Large In Grant Township. Saturday night about nine o'clock the Rocky Mount School building in Grant township, was destroyed by fire. The origin of the f:re is un known, but it is believed by many to have been of incendiary origin. There had been School in the build ing that day, but there had been no wood put in the stove since three o'clock that afternoon. In addition to this it is learned that one of the school committeemen in company with W. R. Ashworth who is in charge of the school, passed the building a short time before the fire was discovered and there was no sign of a fire at that time. The building was new, having just been completed at the cost of $400.00. The new building was erected to replace the oue which was burned just about this time last year. Death of an Aged Citizen. Thomas Hall an aged citizen of Union township died at his home near Eleazer Sunday and was buried Monday at the family buiyng ground near his home. The deceased was born in 181G, being 91 years old and the most of his time was spent in the township of his birth, lie is survived by five children: Messrs William, Alson. Pleasant and Missers Syvilla and Lina Hall. A Child's Life Always In Danger. NEGRO A SUICIDE. Short In Account! ai Treasures ofCoIor ed Church at Troy. Saturday morning a negro, Jim Butler, who for years had been por. ter at the Central Hotel at Troy, committed suicide by jumping into a well at his home. Butler was treasurer for a new colored church for which he should have had funds on hand. Instead he had used the money in his private business, and had arranged to secure the money through a mortgage on some real estate; when the time came to execute the mortgage Jim's wife refused to sign the conveyance. He at ended his existence by jumping into the well. DEATH OF MR. FOX. Indisposed Only a Short Time With Pneumonia Hurled at Melanchteont Mr. Georee Washington For died at the home of Dr. M. L. Fox last 1 hursday morning about 2 o'clock. He had been ill only a few days with pneumonia. The deceased was never married and fortnerlv livpd on Sandy Creek, about four miles from Liberty, where he oivned and operated a good farm. Mr. Fox was au uncle of Dr. Fox, of Ashe- Coro, ana was 77 years old. The body was taken to Melanchthon Friday for iuterment. HELMS CLAIMS ACCIDENT. Young Man Declares lie Was Trylnjj to I'rlgliteu Friend Willi "Unload ed" Cim. Amzie Helm?, the discarded lover of Ella Pryor, who was mysteriously snot at ner nome near unarlotte last week, has admitted that he commit- t-.u the deed, claimm? that it was accidental. He said he drew the gun on the girl to scare her, think ing the weapon empty. He told the j.uior mat ne inougnt Mis. l'ryor received the load and seemed terri bly shocked when he learned it was nis oju siveetneart whom he killed. Teachers' Meeting. Instead of having so manv 'JVup1. ers' meetings, we have decided to combine the efforts, which are usual ly expended on several meatings of one day each, aud have oue meeting or ratber a convention of two days, to which every teacher in the couuty is expected to come. The dates are Fridav and Saturdav. Decembpi- i:Uh and Hthth. by permission of the estate superintendent we are asking teachers to close their schools for Friday aud this will be counted as 8 regular school day. The plans for this meetimr phi. brace a program beginning at one o'clock on Fiiday and continuing through until noon of Saturdav. Some of the best talent of the Stai is expected to be present. Every teacher in the couuty should plaii tj con e and should K t ma know it at once in order to secure - homes m eaily as possible. Ihis will be an exceptional oppor tnnitv for teachers to mino-la with one another, to exchanse ideas, to get new points about Bchool manage ment, anu 10 receive inspiration for the year's work. A treat deal of eneigy has been expended to make tnis garnering a success ana we ex pect every teacher to come. J. tOLTRANE, County Supt. of Schools. We have our line of finp and medium priced Christinas goods, now on disDlav iewelrv. silverware. cut class, all kinds of fancv articles. They are well selected and at prices at least zd per cent. less than you can buy the same goods in Greens boro or High Point. This is what people told ui last year, who bought away from home and regretted it. Give us a call aud we WILL SHOW YOU. We have not a word to sav about people buying their goods away from nome. x ne newspaper men preach that and nobody pays any attention ton. ltyou nan get better goods than ours at less nrice. we have no quarrel with you, jvst go ahea. a uu ivft v A iN L is to nave you examine ours FIRST and then "we know you will not buy out of and give your town a push T5ai;k- warus. asiiehoho unuo uo.. (next door to the Bank.) It ix a well known fact that persona living in the Pine forests do not suffi-r from ki '-v v diseases. Onu Anne of rineules at 11 i uri t us ually relieves bnekai'lii'. .'ill days in -annt-ut $1.00. Your uiouer refunded it ik.i vi'is- liotl. Sold liy Asliplmro Drug Co., Ashe liorn, and W. A. L'nderwood, llumlleman, X. V. of Croup or Pneumonia unless you have in your home a bottle of Gowan's Pneu monia Cure. Then you are safe. Keep a bottle in the home. Croup, pneumonia, Colds, La Grippe, anything where inflam mation is, GOWAN cures. All druggists. External. 25 and 50 cents per bottle. Buy it to day and feel secure. I WHITNEY ACTIVE IN STANLEY. Preparing to Distribute Power Elec tric Railway. Attorney M. F. Hatcher has de cided to move from Albemarle to Salisbury. L. A- Moody has been awarded a contract to build an annex to the Stanley county jail. The annex will be equipped with eight Bteel cages. Fred H. Lilly a well known business man of Norwood has been appointed postmaster at that place succeeding Mrs. M.J. Lee. Work has becun on the anrvev nf . i . " , . . i " tue. proposed eiectnc line from Albemarle to Whitnev. The Whitnev Com nan v In tod u sue at Aioemarie last wees: u on which will be erentpd r.he rliofrihiit iug station for electric current to ue usea ior ugnt ana power in that section. Miss Sudie Miller of Albemarle was mairied last Wednesday to Ray T. Hendley, of Spencer. Mr. Frank Garner, of Liberty, killed two pigs recently twelve months old, one weighing 378 lbs, and the other 4441bs. It Quiets the Cough This is one reason why Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is so valua ble in consumption. It stops the wear and tear of useless coughing. But it does more it controls the inflammation, quiets the fever, soothes, heals. Ask your doctor about this. The best kind of a testimonial "Sold lor over sixty yeara." Xtds by J. O. Ayer Co., Lowell, Umn. 7 SARSAPARILU. uers PILLS. HAIR VltiOR. Hasten recovery by keeping the bowels regular with Aver's Pills. Business Locals. Bargains in hIicmm a largrt lot to soli-ct from at cut prices, wliilo they last. Ashelioio 1 l pin t nii' il Store. AU kinds and colors in threads and dress poods a new line just received. Asheboro I parUm-iit Store . All kinds of warn, limner Knts '',,; 1,-1 sets, just in. Ashelioro Dppnitiui'iit Store. a linn ,r r.,,.,. ..., r,., from to'n cents up, i-oine quick and pet your choice Ashehoro Department Store. We have in stock some bargains in heavy under wear Jiriees from 25 c-iit s to $1.00 per piece. Ashehoro Department Store. See our hats we hae the prices from 25 cents to .3.00. Ashehoro Department Store. Is a soothing, healing balm containing no drugs having a narcotic effect It RELIEVES quickly and soothes the congested membranes and thoroughly heals and cleanses. Valuable not only for CATARRH but relieves colds, throat trouWes, hay fever, "stopped-up" nose, etc W Guarantee Satisfaction. Euy a o cent tube cf NostN'A from Good Eatings. When bought at the right place cost no more tnan inferior Roods. We have a f'rosh lot of the famous National Ciscuit Co's. Goods. W'u keep fresh supplies of all kinds of Preserves, Pickles and Sauce and all kinu's of Canned Goods. We m iki n rp'oialty of Cereals uat Meal. I'ostum, ruffed Rice, Grape Nuts, Egg-o-sec, lines, l oastea corn, etc, ln'iDt-intHT ou iuwavs ect ironies fi t-h f ;oin us . W. D. STEDMAN & CO. New Grocery. Phone 66. A R A MS E UR STORE COMPANY. Ul' J! LMfi OF CLOT II L Q AS; COMPLETE, and we (an suit ail in price and unality. RAMSE o- SPECIAL SALE : CLOTHING : We have alout $2,000 worth of odds and ends in Men's and Hoys' Clothing that we want to convert into cash durinjr the next 10 days and to do so we are offering Unexcelled Values at and Below CpsL Ar.ytMn.? en our bargain counters can be purcnised 3S.. a;:: c.t deal for less than cost. We are offering Som 2 $10 Suits for $5. Some $8 Suits for $4. Some $6 Suits for S3. Some S5 Suits for $2.50 We mean what we say. If you do not find bargains here we will pay you for the time it takes to come and look. Morris-Scarboro-Moffitt Co. J Christmas Watches, Chains, Fobs, Bracelets, Love Chains, Stick Pins, Brcoches, Breast Pins, Emblem Pins, Cuff Links, Hat Pins, Eye Glasses, etc. W These are always in display an attractive line of g Yoa v. ill fi::l ir :n!vantageou.s to se- me before buying y diamond.'. No l.itr liii. in slock, but .;n ou a big discount 'i oi: s;!-;-!;i. or n N. P. COX, Jeweler. One of the principles upon which this business is founded is abso lute fairness in dealinq with its patrons. Public confidence came to us by the practice of this prin ciple. We shall "Leave no stone unturned" to retain this confi dence. Eisit our store often and see what we have to offer. You should see our Overcoats and Raincoats before you buy. Ijong wear shoes come and get a pair and keep your feet dry and warm. China Matting S'Jc. to 30c. Jipanne Milling W)c. loMc. Art Squarca 7.IO to 137.00. Ruga Sl.OO to S4.50. Blllta from 91.00 to 91.50 per yard all one yard wide and all eolorai UR, N. C. stock but in a few days I will novelties. Presents

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