SELECTING A SENATOR h Roosevelt Names Root ta Suc ceed Piatt of New York. THE PEOPLE NOT CONSULTED 8tand Patter Will Allow No Tariff Re vision at Coming Session of Congress. Cannon In the Saddle Opportunity For the Mir.ority Made to Order , Prosperity The Peril of Monopoly. 1 Bv WILLIS J. ABBOT. Obviously it Is not Intended that the ! people shall rule lu the matter of election Imposed on every ueruocrai. electing Uuited States senators, and Even the opposition press concedes the country has been permitted to that failure to honestly revise the tar Witness the final selecUou of a sen- iff will turn over the 1910 couktcssIou ator from New York In the brilliant "1 election to the Democrats. Inas personailtv of Elihu Hoot during the much as the honest revision of the tar past week the while tho people of iff i" practically conceded to te an New York looked on. Interested but impossibility uuder existing conditions, Impotent observers cf the process. I t" serious duty of the minority party. Beginning with the somewhat axlo- well as Its obvious potential advau matlc proposition that tho aged Thorn-; tage. seems to be plain to the most as Collier riatt, whose term as sen-! sUI Political observer, atnr end net March, should not be 1 With Champ Clark admittedly the returned because lie had not repre sented the people of the Empire State, the White Ilouse addressed it self to the task of selecting the man who roust sit In the senate for the en suing six years. Certain "organiza tion" politicians were asked to call n the president, who indicated to , them that it was his wish that the In-; cumbent secretary of state succeed : Mr. riatt. Within u few days it was J Announced that no doubt remained : that Mr. Uoot would be the new sen ator. Wherein the mass of th voters of ' Kew York had to say In the making of : this programme dot's not appear to tbe average observer. No expression bad been asked or giveu by the ieople -of that state on the subject, nor had the membership of the state assembly j been consulted. I Avoiding discussiou of the fitness of Mr. Hoot for the office which Mr. ' Koosevelt selected for him, certainly this exhibition of substitution of oli-: garchlenl for popular inundate has been the one Illuminating event of the jxrat-eloctii'ti period. I Stand Patters Are Boastful. However, uf more general interest is ; the altitude assumed by the leadiug , Stand patters siuce Nov. 3 in declaring. fis Sereno F.. l'aynu did: , Tin eimn'ry did not pronounce f or any radical revision of the tariff." ' Mr. Payne was Joined in his stand pat position by that other well known, supporter of the speaker, Mr. Dalzcll, and to such a declaration were added several si:iil;--aiil statements that were to be condensed In the assertion of the speaker that, inasmuch as the' leadiug friends of the ruling dynasty ! In the house had been returned to eon-! gress, apparently the tight made last i summer on the speaker had proved to , be abortive. j ' I have sought accurate information ', of reasonable expectations as to re- ; vision in the coming special session, 1 and, although the search was thorough and withal in the hope of finding prospect therefor. I wss compelled to conclude mat uio American people may as well as riot ivrept the status quo as Impregnable r r the present, j , When both stand pat and progress-1 ive members of the douiiuaut party onlte lu admitting that tbe existing high schedules w ill uot be altered ma terially probably it will not be regard- ! d as baseless to assert that the late election has fastened the trust crea tive Import duties on the nation for an Indefinite time. Let it not I forgotten, too. that! James Schoolcraft Sherman, one of Speaker Cannon's confidential advisers, baa been elected vice president, so that the Cannon influence, remaining su preme in the house, will be well ntgb dominant In the senate. 1 Opportunity For Opposition Party. Instead of being overwhelmed by a natlouul defeat, the minority. 1 am con vinced, is in a positioii to accomplish two things work for the weal of the people aud at the same time play ex- cellent politics. In the first place, the dominant party lu the nature of the I case must make good" In revising the! tariff or lose lis strength lu the west, 8uch advocates of thorough revisiou as iLa Follette, Cuuiiiiiu I'.ristow and their kind In the senate and the o'.her real rllctmciit of the dominant p'rty when It shall have been p.-owtl that no real revision was aceotuplishctl. These progressive Kcpuiili :i:is tvjire sent the actual sentiment of tlicir con atltuciu les. It will tlicn-foiv be 'wa ter of the wheel" of the minority j.arty to have the La Follettes and t'.iim- mlnse-i waking the echoes of the polit Icat welkin with their protests against nonaction, so that If the members of the minority party iu the congress do their duty two years hence It should be comparatively easy to win the house majority. It Is obvious, then, that the situation offers opportunity to the Democrats In congress which only voluntary failure could spoil. Duty of Opposition Party. ' Looking nt the other side of the question, cotu eru Is felt lu some nuar ', tera that the Democrats In both bouse and senate stand by the standard rwtileb' was set up in the campaign Hunt fought so mngnlOeently under the Jenderiilitp of Mr. Hryan. The Kepuh ileftii party has indorsed the exlstlna regime, which Includes. 'perforce, the bnses of the tarllt na now nrtmlnls ered. Some farslgbted Democratic revLsIonlsts i:i the house will be eom-j metits whld, will go to make up tht , " , '"T' BC" b r,'f"r1m lufl7 "M jmlled to make their most valiant light j Issues In ensuing years and disregard-, hb ?r Mf , I Z a ., , , ,, , . "" """f"" hanu.eae, lung bttaling mouutsiDous urab, for correction of tat bf l-.very ing the matter of who shall be candl B, th. rumtiv, aroiwrties to Dr Shoop's argument they advance will l,e at) In- dates, certainly It is apparent that the C.iunh Remedv Those leeves hsvs ths luuders have planned uu advance on the citadel of the trust beueBclarlea of he too hih import duties, aud if they j KU.stalu the warfare they must have I support from the whole foody of Iemo- crutle congressmen aua senators, sup port loyal aud siueore anil not tinctur ed by the weak political philosophy of the late Hancock, who justified cer tain attitudes by the dictum thut "the tariff is a local Issue." After canvassing the situation with some care I um compelled to voice the statements which have been uiade to me by some of the Democratic lead ers, who express concern lest the ranks of the minority be broken by those who subscribe to the doctrine that loeul considerations warrant recreancy to the political trust which the IWS coming minority leader. aflaf Mr. Bry nu's brilliant educational campaign, politician: agree that most promising prospects have developed for th mi nority at;d that the congressional forces of the Democratic party need only meet tho requirements to prepare the way for success In 1910, which means success in 1912 nationally. Prosperity "Hothousing. Some word maker has evolved the expression 'hothousing prosperity." Going about among some of the men in the linaueial circles who regard some things as above politics, I dis- cover concern lest there be too zeal- ous booming of the returned prosper itv. which. It is alleged, came with the announcement of Mr. Taft's elec- j tion. Men versed in fiscal lore do not wel come the coincidence between the j etui Lug uf tho campaign aud the bull j market on Wall street. Stock have lieeii forced Upward until they are i making "new high records." as the i St'njk Exchange w riters seem to de- j lii'ht in recording, on the theory thut ! the market emulations always arc the measure of the nation's industrial 1 health. j Uesumplin:! of factory production. I ef course, is granted as a prime de- j sideralum, provided sU''b resumption is Lu answer to normal demand for outputs. 1 am sure that conservative' financiers deplore the attempt to man-! ufacture abnormal evidences of pnm ieriiy instead of permitting normality to return by those gradual processes whli h always mirk healthy recoveries from serious depressions. j "Control" of Monopoly. I As proof that Mr. liryan's waruiugs j were based on correct deduction, these evidence of security of mind by) the trust magnates will appeal to inauy ! cUi'.ciis essentially aa element or current discussiou. It will be recalled that the Chicago platform declared for control of mo nopoly, hile the Denver platform laid down the proposition that monopoly Is iujefousiljie. I'erhaps none will deny that the his toric position of this nation baa been that monoixily the trust or Its co ordinateIs perilous. Apparently, however, tbe people have pronounced In favor of legalising monopolies, which involves altering the fundamen tal statutory expression of the peo ple to subvert the whole texture of the nation's jurisprudence. I believe that the people only ap parently Indorsed the programme to legalize trusts. I am not prepared to! admit that the people are willing to decide for all time that competition shall he done away and the trust be BUfireme. Yet I find lu Washington a general opinion that on tbe face of the returua the bill to legalize trusts Introduced last session at President itooaevelt's Instance aud Mr. Morgan's desire could be easily declared Indorsed as party policy In the light of the 1908 voting. "Bryanism" Dead? Columns have been written on the probable course of the Liemoeratle our- ty lu coming years. Reactionary news papers nowadays delight to dwell on,Biu ra dUpesxiag everywhere ss Dr. the death of Brvanlsiu. 1 "hoop's though Itemed- And iiisaovery. Taking Into account the essential ele forward march of the people towarc higher ethical grc.ind and to civic re-1 forms has not bce.i aliac.dolled. 1 have ul wavs thmight that the vital jl" o"'- 1wt deusud Dr. izing principle upon whl. h Mr. Uryan, Ur" "'th J''l? . ' i , , ., ivfn ' even die t.jiiikiI balifS. Teat it so powet felly appealed to the masse, j ,, rw,f, ,U(U.H )y Afcllelloro I(ru was the luj.h moral concept for wh!ct;'(u he stiM d. It is unthinkable that t tic i " people have determined to go no fur A Ulan 18 ku.jwu bv the love be titer In th:;t direction. And lu corner heart bis mother. Ration with Deuiot ratlc lenders during! the past two weeks 1 nin convinced! that no serious purpose Ls entertained . H '' W'. cnuxing pseumonia. pUt-ir-to relinquish the effort to bring to past 'y 'ud coulnPl"'-1 soon U here. Care ,i , , , your reugh now, and Strenuthen voui lanoe the better things proposed by the lem , ;ilb Foljf.,, ;,. ,,, f,, not n lie niiproiri.ited, lu part ul least, by tht unoriginal Ilepulillean party. It Is plain to careful observer thai . the proirresslvp olcuciits In both par i tics ret.-iiu their desire- for advanci. j merit and thut there will ho little mercy! for th::r polhh-hi uriMiikininu which falii to tucasiire up to the deinands oil '"'it'.' i.t i Him e. v I.I) st.nJ patters supremo In the ! .m!';:'.i-t p ny ars.l mitrnldceiK oppornitiiuvhefert! the minority party.) Demo n:s f ei'in liUclv to witness potiif i olioerliu' ei etiti iu the. political realm iinrliift the '-omiDg two yars. WUfhlDtteQ. The Height sad Depths. A few years ago we knew a young man who was pijsicallt aud men tally strong, lie bad One pooitien and was niakiag money. He was a joy ud comfort ta bis mother and fami ly, lie bad influence aad power aud we predicted tbal be would be , man among men, but alas, alas be ocan to driak, awaa be lost bis position; he weat frata bad to worse, ri. spent all he bad for drink. Lie uanipled under foot aud broke tb heart of one nearest aud dearest ta bin by natore. tie borrowed money wherever be could get it. lie bus reached the paml wbeie it seems all bope fsr hiui is in tain. What did ic ah? CStroag drink. What it did for him, it will do for your dear boy aud wise, u a less we keep it away, fchail ws enforce Wuiper,iucs Uws aud savs the yoaug men aud boys or bhall we sit dewu aad do uothiug alaug tkii liae be cause it is unpopular, or ba cause ttjtne people will not vols far us if in tbe future we ate candidates. Let others uo as the- may, bat for us and ours we shall eull stand .kiet this iiioiisisr evil aud we jul I upou all cm.ess to Uo likewise. (Jotawba A ens. Hut Mpriage, Aik. u no roaipeittiua f"ik Ui'pweii'e Greet Bmieilj tor toe cureol Aut-uiuaitaui. lauii .Newmu. auwdreu, ome, eaye V. V. V. dM him nioregut! iluu three n.euilia treatment mi Hot spnust. Art, tt . T. 1 liamuut. ol tVeislieU'hie, Tex. , ula rtieiiBau.nit waau ta Uiaine wee cuudin-u u in t. l ineutui rn n. ii:ii eilTiM-a Hl pnua. Atk., kiiu Miunal Weila, Teaaa. ut msicu slave .if ku' eevi-e urrku lu vals, wiib kntat mi Saaly awolleu li. HI bit tutturm were t j.n.a endurance. P. r. f. Hie cure sua .iut-a lUt li m-i ui IkouMiu.ih ul ukber dues, the u. -i bluud raoilu ui ke wui lj. sue nueiler to all b.4rui-tiriiftr hiS Ue e-ca.lua Kutuiiutlic SiUt l all SruasioM. t.rrat Oiler. The Courier will be sent to any lew BiibrCri U'l or t) auv of. our re- I rut campaign suascribcia troiU UOW I . ft I . .i 1 . i . ... it, i : Ili. llinrM aud Unur Btoiuach. gei, il.i . iir relieved asd pnriatiiieailj ciiredk. la.a s BioBieeu latilete. neartuurn ur Su aiarh are rauted bv as ar: i or ,jr rouditi . of the eteiusrh. Waick relief i ubuiue I freiu ilife diiriug eymp'ome f ludin -eiiuu li mkiug one er two tabie.a rM.1.,1 'l .l.i, r ,. .,1. .f. i. li strengikeii uue the stoaiaeh aud j .i,si a it to di(et tbe f,)o.i ud prerest f-r- .iii-uuiioa. winch it die euuee of iiearlharn : u l Siur .Stoeiaeh. Si.d and gwtraoteed by ' M. aiard t)r,j Ce , Aeb.bare, H. O. i j Uiifjij are slVa'Jilv on tit.' increase. um i'a-t is proveu iu tb street-ears i i rv uitv. 'ih1's I.ier Uoairin in liiiuid form for uuilara, esillt and feer, regulatee the liter. miliMtye sa t bladder, brmaja quirk relief to iliiouwi-ae eick-headarhe, coaetipaiinti. Me ni u take Tli' f 1 00 battle contaiue - I 2 times iaantity of the Mo site Kiret ' 'f bnay rnlief Aikebire Drug (V, st 1 A I'Lderwwd. Raadleuisn Hew te Care a Cala. lie m careful ss yea csn ysu will orea ionalJy take culd, aad whea yos do, get a ledicine of knows relisbility, eae thai has an estssliaaed repuialiea aad that is cer tain to effect a qsie ears. Such a medicine ie Chaniberlaia a Cough Reiuedy. It baa gsiafd s world wide reputation ay its re markable cures of this moat cosiaton ail mnt. aad caa aiw.ys be dapaaded uxn It aate os natars's alas, relieves the lssgs, sios sifMctorstios, opeus ths secretions and aids nature in restories, tba systssa to a heal is r condition. Daringth. niaay years ia whira it kas hses is sessrsl uee we kava yet to laara ul a sing's caas of cold or at tack of the gria kanag reeultaa is ases-ao-sis wbsn this rwsaeaV waa need, which shows conclnivel; that it ia a eert.iu preventive of th-t daegeroas dieoaaa. Chaniberlaiu's Coeftb Ibsiaedy cnntaias ao opiuej or aih'-r narcotic and may ba given as ooufidenlly to a baby ss te aa adult. For sals by all drag gists. We ma not admire a pig's man ners bat there is no taint to tbe money liis carcass brings. Tirkliag, light Coughs csn lie surely and quickly lootsuetl wta a praerripMou Urug !.Hr-T "'rsut neat couuuno cougu memciuee. ah Remedy power to c m t'.'s moat aiatreasing Cough " oaths and hea the meat eenaitivs bnwic'iiaj uieiubratiH Uothere, should, for ittter arilh weak lunm. when Foley s Uouey ad Tar will cure tbe moat olwtiusta eoii'nhs snd colda, and prevsut sri- ona leaults Tbs genuine ia in tli yellow Pcis'- AeWlwe Drag Co Bcwiire of the girl who leaves the dihts for mother lu wash. A cleruruian wrii: "Prevei'tice, tbne llUeC.d, eld Cur. T.hl.t. ar. wo,ki. wB,l-ra in'uir parish." Preveniics surely willoheck s cnU. r the Orippe, in s ?ery few hours. And Prvmiee are o safe and barm No Uuiaiiie, nothita harsh nnr sickanieg Fine for feverik resileas child- j rea. riox or 43 at roo. Tiuia by Annaooro Drsa C's. BloCaae aaKeeerd. There is ao eaee en reeord ef a coaah or oela maltiag la vneumnan or eooiunipUea after rolet s tioaer aad Iar baa been taken. a it will stop yoar coagh aad break ap your cold quickly. Ketuen any out toe gesuia. Foley 'e 11 out asd Tar ia a yellow racksge vontame no opiatee aaa is sate aua sure Askeboro I 'rug Co. The pleasure) of life, like wise, shonld be sippea slowly, not gulped, a Valuable Trip. After expoeare or whea you frel a e.olH ormina on take a few dimes el Foley's Uoeey aad 1 ar aa i il will expel tae cold from year system. It ceres the most stubborn rough sad colds, aad preveats pneunoaia. Ashe boro Drug Co "It is no disgrace fo be poor" says the adage, bat it is mighty incon venient. Itcv. I. W. WlllUaison 'TMtlAri. He I Tf Willisrasos, Huatingtoa, W Vs, teetifiee ss fellewe: "This is ta certify that I used Foley's Kidsey Remedy for aer tous eihsostioa ssd kidney treosle, and sat free te say tksi FoIst's Eidnrr Kaaiedy will do all last you elsira for it " Asueuoro urag lo. Few people know how lo en jay riches, bnt everybody would be will ing to take a chance. It ion't so diflicult to strength's a weak Stomach if one goes st it correctly. And tbie mtrne of th Brart and aiasets. lhe eld fashioned way ef (Inning ihe Steaacb 'or stimulating ths Rsart or Kidneys is sarely wrong' Dr. Slioop trat poirtrd nut tbi error. "Ga to tlie weak or eiliag a- rTee of tlieee nrgaas," Mid he Ksrlt issiJa oreuu has its eoolrflling or "inside nerve." When these nerves fail thsn those orfsas amxt surely fuller. This vital trath is leadiag dregims eTsrywhere to dispaims and re roniuifud Dr. Shoop'a Restorative. A few da.T test will surely Will Sold by Aiuebuio Dnig Co. It icn't always tbe man who prnvs I longest in church who tuakej tlie: bstt neighbor. Free ta all siibeeiaeni of this nei-rr Every reauer of this papei who has aey treuliie with riih-r Riamerk or Liver, aaa : ct free eauiela of Kidale'e Sieaiuk Taa- le nr Hjdsls' Liver Tsleta er betk il ndrd he wriiiuf lo k Ja e Reaedy Co., Newnurt Kewa Va. ILhi lee ii1im 'm aot ems alls, ose is for eiuuisek tr bles iiuly, the oilier solely for -li''- sail liowel troubles. Guaranteed by fL. .....i1 Drug CoJ Aelieuoro, M. Soma farmers imagine tbfit winter; 's time rest. It IS tUO time to work and plan to save the next HUSO. njtjr'a Work Woman Iwtvrruple HollClcal apeaker. tii., ",.akeT" A w-II UrWK-uxl interrupteil s poll- riventlT bv coutiiiiiallT cough f she had Uikeu Folaf 's Iloaer and 1 ar it would huve cured her coogh quickly 1 expelled the cold from her avsteaa Tb genuine F'oley's Wouey snd Tsr contaiue no opiiiten and is in s ye, low package. liefuM bstitutes. AsheUiro Drug Co. Always be ilcCuits as to time when you promise to pay. The amount may be left to circumstan ces. Colds and Croup la Chtldrea. "My little girl is subject to oolds," ears Mrs Wan H Seng. No 41 Fifth St, Wheeling. W Vs. " Lai-1 winter sue had a severe epell and a terrible cough, but I eared her with Chemlierlaia's Caagh Kespeely aithoat the aid of a doctor, aud my little say bas beaa prevrnted many times tram Saving tba croup by the timely uee of tbia syrup. This remedy is for ssle by all druggists. More divorces cam out of the frying pan than fram any other cause. How to Treat aptralst. Sarains, swellings and laaaaoes are promptly relieved by Chaaaoerlain's Liai msnt. This llsimeat raduoea isflsaauistios and sersaeea ao that a spraia a ay be eareal in alxmtiOoe-lhird tke tinaa retajuired lay tbe usual treatment. ZS aud M oedt sizea fur sals by all druggists. Some men are so careful in their statements that they dare aat say a sheep is while until they have see a both sides. Far Chreaile Diarrhoea. "While ia the army ia 1853 I wss taken w. iila chronic diarrhoea," aay George 14. 1'eltna of HouVh (iib-mi, Pa. "I have einoe tried many remedies but without aey per- Burnt relief, uoiil Ur. A. W. Ui e, af tliis pUca, pereuaoVd ma to try Cbaioher lain'' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy, one I i lie of which ttnpped it at ouoe." For aule hy all drsgiata, There are always two sides to every story hut we never believe the other fellow' side. Kldiaejr Dlaeaae Is Dangerone. And eteuld lie treated ss enon se diaoov ered. No better treatment has yet been dis covered than Rydsl.'r Kida.y Remedy. It acts promptly aad speedily, restore, nnrraaf action of tlie Kidnsys, Bladder and Urinary Organa It is put an in 25o. and 50c sixes, and ia kept in stock by ss and is sold on a positive Kuaraotee. Standard Drug Co , Ashe r lore, N. C. Some men are said to hide their talents grinder a bushel, bat a thim ble would do as well. ain't feel i an rljrM to-day, fioinetbiag wronfl 1 must say; Ociue to think olit, that's right I ftrirot my Rocky Hcun'sia Tt a night. Aehaborn Drag t'o. list SaT'1!, mi) Wl m) p-wa (ftwaklr aUk, raata aftaeM a --n T ..l stitT roerrrva waaas esr ami, Toaica a avraSB ' rlawiaasesderap.p.rsaasTia- ' sweat aiiaaiMim res- tea saoaa af aal (EJ fveaae a4 ekaaie mi rvsaMrT. asaaaW7 1 Malta9 aaat warswaj Syasalle. fi hMt W as I awatawa. taamaanss Fleaaaw4 a'awaa.l 6i s am a pi.ttiiiaiiiiaiaa-l mmJ aay ttaawakHaMCasaadanaasaSJaatl JJJJ catarrh's BaaassajAsaatttpaaaBssaISxSaaa1k,BS CS9 Maaawav Soawaa. CaraiSa Meaeaal sawswsaca, Mi ma isaasa. awMas V Beataaawewx. eat. I r.sHk aeowwaUlaS, aat aal V sawaBssa awSMTS 4 Sael J arsasst asjassy. a waa awa week aaal a Ikwawaaal Isai baaUsj wr&,sal (HiiHiEyrv'OATOijrvii SOLD if GATE CITY cm K vliol Ithil eiiaiii.-a jo i .. ti-tii ,t .1 er.nuea 'u iu i. e ttirir uWn way in ihe world l'iTi,ii-Ht us fc'r d i.i'i-H f r e.ib-g ' uud i'ie dntiea of huinpea life. Nheriesi, clifii-, ". ,ia,ti ws. t i .uieve 4ifCeSJ. I'raiwd heatli, skilled hands are hIw.ivi in neiii ii.i," , Scholirsliips S )1J Without Limit. Posirions Gaaranieed to Graduates. S.-Iularship.. Miy Bj Transferred. Srudeule enter iny t.ui. X . .wi :,i Uiy in I kilit -k-Iij 4 t'le rear 'round. All Branchc3 I u;,ht Successfully by Mail. PtNkUNSIir' tl-lit. ; -p -I l.eea ferei Tim ;' bv ru i' . Bo.k. eping. -'-Wm el. !'j- Iasr and i'nil S.rvi.., i u "'i -r -i expene WiiieMdiy fir ci. iliic iii Gate City Business College, Greensforo, N. C. OPPOSITE GOOD 15 - Cents For .0 i,ty we rriij Ulce this hdvoi i.a;'r 15 oartta when cm an-f Hi'.nijiht to us m jm.y menr fir Y h.tcher's Lirer rVtm , 'I hachtf r' LtTcr and Ulttod h'yru. H cei.ts ch and this sd twys ivr a Zh paskssTe Regu-Utor-ihi're is nono belter. Standard Drug . (Company. Capital Stock RALEIGH. N.C. 1 Pullen Building. TRISC RCBOOI.S UI VI tba world's beet la Cnllereln Nurtli Carolina. Ptwltlnua muumniaail. harknt bj a wrtnra eniitraftt. No vaoaaoa Individual tnntnitttliin. We also rh Huuk-keepiiiR, shnrthaiid, rwimain-Mp, by stall. Beaa tor Home Svu.lj nin WrileSwIav forourCahtliwKe. t'tlei i. Hiati Hielnnmnla. Thay aat Auurwai 1SJOW IS J To buy a McCormick or Deenne Mowing Machine at a lo v figure? We have on hand a good stock of them and will t-ipo e of them reasonably. Also any other haidware that you may want. Come to see as. We are just beginning to receive our Fall Fertilizers. McCrary - Redding Hardware Company. SlliMSIlS CONTRACT given, backed by $300,000.00 capital and I years' SUCCESS DRAUCHON'SKaVs-COLLEGES 2 Colleges in 10 f-4es. Indorsed by business men. No vacation LEARN BY MAIL hani?1" a ab I p, I Stoay erCatalofae P." ea atiaadjaar Law, Letter Writing-, Kngllu Ang, lUita- phowa, can oa. or address J,0-t'.D"5?!"J3 teaUna. ate MoataiT Wit il aot suda&lai altac tasWeBt Draiitnoa-aPtactteal Puiluiss ftisnsp Helelirh. Colt mbt Kncxville, Jacksonville or fs tvlllo. We teacli Telji,Taphy at U ashlntv.ii. U. ... arid Atlanta. Ca. EKD YCVP f PUFSlCR iTAlICERY THE COURIER jWst WMI trhnajtiL aaiWal'? --'iiasassi ifou irsssasi lswtiw.iiM s saa -ass iiia seats a SCROFULA attfi DRUGGr rs. .' it i nrf iu -i-. e:iti-tTit IJ ih huiti- -lii t. V'-i-c-vhv. l'-miiifiivid : u : i v t .u.'Sf bv rxporienrvd lit ioo it .c 1 1 Hr. 11. Price, A. B., PiincipaL POSIOFFICE. FOR $30,000.00 - f CHARLOTTE. AT. C. IPtedmont Ins. Bldg. Bandars Ihialaaaa Muoatton. Oldest Kinii s avsisaa i.ULi.a,ba Lateiaev. tf. C. or Ch aaaiawa tm. M. O THE, TIME