SPLIT OHJHE TARIFF. Taft and Cannon Struggle For the Mastery. REACTIONARIES FOR S.-I.ER Forces of Pelf and Greed Behiid the House Ciar In Hi:; Erfoit to Prevent Revision of Schedules Cham.J Clark Bothers Protectionists Undo Joe Sneers at Conservation of Natural Resources. By WILLIS J. A Bill f. Am iiap.'iiilir, st ni;.xle 1'oMvoon tile f" l anil ii ! :i m foivos now is I'lear I. . soon l.v all observers hi'i'o. It i. lie: without tho lunuuls if probability that it will i-Iii the Uopuhlionii party lis it li:is 1.4 lii-fii small-nil In fore. Frank noss iloinatiiN saying that the Issue Hi's ln'twoon tin- irafti''MaiU'.s iitnl l In mo wild would civo tii the poo-, pie a mi U-uin ai Vast of tlio reforms ; exported hi taritf rovisimi, itiireaseil I powers fur tlio interstate e.uunieivo I roinmissioii ami roiiinlial lesi.slation i ntTi'i-tiiii; t In1 labor nu-ii. I Mr. Tali, hi his ivTt nt Hot , Sprint:. V:i., uliere In' is "rotitii:." is i oii-i.leri.a; ulii, !i he will si ne tin'1 ?r::m:!!m f pt.'itieni unriuhieousrioss ; nt- nii'i'ster .-.I !ho altar of proim-vi e I I . ir it hies. V v.x'.zU' ! proper :: i.r wonder i:u.i' t t' li.'-i' I'-n'il marl; any p..nii.:il .l.'vol r. i s ;,rv ktii' a .! in ti: I'll: so !. ;mI t'.o ;-r it I I I ! r ant n u hi.-li l a ro :'. w a Into 'i i y -.: - a 'in lia ve ii.il orei-n un cails. a ml lii'i-i l;a- all M i"in , u ::: have t.a.e .: 'i not I'M ..f hiai. .Vail !:ii a sin appear here . is iviy ma.'i rtn .1 to i! ! .!'- . ; a:a.ai; t In- :-"! : tv K. !' r n-A :.! i; f - !' a s: a-;. f f. .- '.In- i aifc ht .f 111" h In r, i. i. ! have ,!,-! i'i-.l ;.,-p!.'- .MVW'n-r.t f - Sr l:-ll The i.nority Leader. - : t:: i: - ;. . : . i: . :: .. - i., Lilian Ii us v.-;. a- .. ;ai:,a ails are itilvi-os-io-i vltaiiy ia this ii.ovo.aoiit. iiLiiins: whloli iii jiviaa'al Spoukor ("'.in'Mii al ready has pulton in xiiooriiiu tonus, the (xvuslon lH-iiift a tnootini; in Chlou go of mrn eminent in linaiiclal pim'. commoroiul life In t!-,nt motrr.po'ds. In the main this movement has tmen apposed by all ths horrla of men wN) look npon government as a lilng to be Used rather than as sninet hint; organ ized I'm' the I'mitiufii tool. In tlio eoin-'rossional debate ail worn of oh stai los have boon olevntod in the path way alna-4 which tin- rmwrn timiicts wish In '.rave!, aail loarisoil iliatrihos havo hi i a l.arl.'d at Ih'W m hn planniNl in sai- I f the rhiMrcn's i-liilili'i'li of natiiral v.iJih kIvoii by tlio pr-'fklHit h n. .1 nf M '. H'" Naiuiv. Ownership of V.'c't Power. I aia ' i'V : ;t ::l I .. j :;n. ' t hilt a t:;!i- niviitii i n the mii- ia. ! ..' "lib. I'wai :-1! ; i :' m hit paw or -i:i"- that lia- j a-.-i!i! of ttinso wl:n aro mi l ho acsri'sstvc h' " wi.l In- fm- llio fi'li'iii i"ii fur all of tho poi.pl.' i'!' tin' thiai."- ubi.li I he .41 ini'.hi;. lian'o anil whiih la-i'rt ofai'.' loot, ui'.'ll fl'i'oly In thi.r who woi.t f ti h ami t.n I; thioit wbhmit via lataai ois!ini; law. "1 bo!ioo that in a sliurt timo tho fnlo-al i:ii iTaini'lit will ir:oi' to giTo auay thi'so ahiiMo water mwivs." so olio nf tin- laadors ia til.' I!invfi:ii.t:t si'i.l p. tno. "Atnl 1 I'urtli.T .Mini us sort i'i.ii tho tiiao is Hoar when itii' pivoriiniotii, oiiln'i- fiili-ml or utaio. will 'i'irupriati'' w.iior p..vor titux a! roialv ii: tho lo-'::l owtiofsliip of privato parllos." IT.ivl-i talUoil wit'i t-:ii ! ! tic na-'i mi both M.ios of t' !s oiiiitr.'Xa-i'sy. I am ia a p. si-;.. n ,i ass,.'-i wi:h i.hhwIihIj:.' flint 'Ii 1J-'t w rl 1 in w tn.-h 111 U. lit v int.. :t will bi TV as I'- ii I w ihsl i' . w n.a r.iblc Ciio ct. isall lii-wpi l'1'..a 1 !. I'y illl ro : II :l ill ia Iriaali l as . ', - o politi.-al wi.rk In- iK'V.ll iloiial p. iTiil. aail ho win -Ist.ir: Ho .lav, ;.-.. : a ' , l:v"d 1 i boii Ju'r; nrtNts ,, North At.: i'! iHil' l.ii, "I dare ay it is fitiltr- fur the hoath gowns to bo regarded a they ore." "Ilow do you nioan?" "That moot women xk daggsrs at them." Baltimore American. Where Dnllrta Flew. I'aiil Pnrker, of Knyotli". N'. Y , a veker 9a of the cml mr, who lot a foul t ( iei:r burg, un I h gnit I'.lsrlru- l.uwn hi kii in wortU more than ii huailred I rluiijtra to inn. I bpenb muili mitner il.ii'to iiif fi r a b.l Mre nf tlAinai'li liuuble, lttu purpi'tn 1 liitn it ied F.iex-irii- KiUtti a.i tev riirwl ni. I . ill.e th ia loan. ntt4 lee? kiK'p me niii.n jiat iit aOo. al sbu.l.ii.i I ; ro. I Mr. : a u.: :ai, Knicler Whrf it voti tr .M)? Mi. Nrwrii'ii In . of i- n.irsr. Nfw Wrk fi. -Is tV lady of t. ilttt's i vviik has b-!" -Siio in. I. tit sar'n i UJv. -i'.il'o. 1- rt c lo ll ' 'UhM-riht-r of This Paprr n has Hi'.y I.iTor. nu : I'll frr of 1,'i.i.i Ve M.ni.a.'h IV" .iivi 'lablett or U.in if ; to Hi daU Iiho.1t ' o , i . I in-.' two re.ue ii- ni ia for s'ouiacb lieutilee !: I r bver aud bewei aaied hr .siandard Prnjj ii-tw ,.r Kydalo's n-eilo I tiv iv : 1 1 i i Ne ' Nous, ate n .1 a It. riay. IJie . lili'r . V; on hies. Una I -.;n attend ( I V. 1 1. a! : in', 1 Iystir s s'.i 1 Vows Mill. t "st-airnivi'. Mirh.i. i.i ri:.::. S A. K .'' n-r ,s i -it li.f DRESSMAKING Al ism tili, ::i i ' 1" ' The old f.iilii "lied t of diin the sh.aeli, or tiimiiatiiiK the I leurt or Kid eve l all wrong lr. Mump firet '.miied t tin oirol. I'hi is w hlH pir( iii , ,,n BU Dr. tiheoii' i;-e(irai;v is liiiertea eauiele to I lie r f iifw ailmeiiK ib weak iid.' or . nf .I'mc iii-ivps. It in I o diSii'ull, Dr. ,'." to Ktieantlii'n a eui iumai'h. ll.-.ut "r Kiihieye. if one Ve at it rai rc tly !'. n il ingulf 'lean hnt Hi i-i-ntiwlliar 'i'i'!i' ' i'i-e. WI.ea tii nMe fad. lh.i ll.i.vi i.rji.e ni"-i miii-t la.ler. 'I'liee- Hill ti i.H's me h-aum .1: ei; i!e eieiTnlii-i m i ii - en-l leemu iaiid lr. :.'. lift irnliio. 'IV-I it a Tew iive. aid nee' bi'prroinent d. pn.iii!y auti Mi-elv lob iv. aid bv Ar-h" oer-i I'rei: l'o. Tho One lint if you ban- i'i-' !IHfciiV, Wi'lV (io'l you "iv yiou delte? XlJi" Othr liiVHttso it' I ilni that I wokuIu'i have the tii.itn-y. C.'htiaj N'ewa. Preveiiti.t. the new ('.iii.1t Cl fiao m ' ae H. i.-. and Ikmi .Vii.iuy i.n.- line. iTablots, ar-enid bv di nutans to lia- bur a lia.' ."I-imI on. k.lnti l. ,..e..l, 1 ntiu. . i.peal ., ili,' n.iianl.i,..'t oi-r nil older , "dei t!- Kvos. ...4lad i..'aratu'ei t il.e ' reaiedia for avoid. liist--TliT i-onlain Krt.-e. Swel.un: of Ankles aa-i i'..-i. ilrl .no V-iinite, iiolliiiift laireli or w.-keninB. ! i'e. ;. ! il-'ory, Iu.m; . "-o ' ; Swi-oa i -Tlo-v ive alm wt inetant rebel. i-iki; .in-l l.'aemnai iui. i.y.U ; 1 liiey ! Third I'ieaeaat to the ta.'e, like vainly. I.Vim-.'y it nuranteo I oy u to 4 vj ettia 1 tv..,nk i l..r l, Pr.vent;i. ill "a ! faction In all e dierere from Kidney er Slml- reeVe. AitO iae for fevenea i lnlarrn. . Sold by A aheboio Druj; Co. v J w . . . , . J Tiviv ihrec iirinc'.pal at- at the lollowinu: times and places ior the,trimiu.u' t c? v.-hen 0 1 i purchasing turmtur, : collection of Taxes for 1908: L. , r, ..... r r t TI , . u . ,i Style, Durability. Comfort. I i!i,riiijre township - Thursday aftrnKion, lKvt'inher 17th. ' beliere whn you Lave :-eon i.jk'rii:t iot.-ns.nip. I'lTt.sant iro.' township. Pleasant Grove township 1 .rowt-r township, Ilrowt'r township. - liichland township. Kichhnd township, . Kiiliiand tt vvnship roiinr ( Iro o towr.slr . ! 'l'ioi: t"v!ishi)) 1 'i ii-ii township, Nc.v llnpc tuwn.shij'. N't w H.ipf townshi. N'. w Hope township. ( 'i 'u-ord townsliip. t 'm km ml townsliip. Tvliornaclo tnwnship. T;d . snablo township, (ir mi 'ownship. -Crint township. Yilar (Irnvc township. HK'd ilhi'ld l.lil . ! irictn in . . . . .- i .; . !u tn ;;uvt S. I, HAYW0RTII, A Real HXLPtK. to the Woman wfcro emiwa to VnOw HOW TO DO THINGS Illastmrtes imtwrt Snaton's &Ui MaeHaV Dfasozina i7r. One Year FREE to niryuete aeiaiwiii. Hws ailver Ubeinmt, oxd aea!ttH(rlxnewiA sej1!)im.or yw, atfa T(Be?h AS Kw Ralterns 19 owtikt each ISKtnaet oi aay jaaraeaaM lie) wn here cnea tnomaaef ataarr at flK nwliy HteiBw.cUaaj Hay abuiton latA'rrui cr irfleu m direct mwtpt it r-riL i 14 ieBU, kv Walter nrvl, " : ia umAr Uv aaataef . mi 4 ill ri" Fa&at-a Plater Cc4akS"43 iw Kesdv: liirt. ky mail Two frrf.'-?i K- Cc. How to Aold C'ati hl(r C'.ilda. A fverv one is li.hlf to r-rli a cold and oiil.it aio iit! liuMunaiit it-i'in-e time leiroii.ate ia i-l.i.ini.. turoai or lu"k! ilieai', .iild be ia.rir-.ii-d in li-trinu , u at i w.it M Hiniilo. ,. nifr fali a-le.'p u a loir mttii it in a i'.'I.I draft ivl a '.et a . lii.l i.la.lrHio Imdv . ,.,'. in.it li" '-..id in a . I.. ,ia K -;,i,.-i 1 I'.' iL' (''. Wniii a fi.'ti'i h . ti all' tiniV III oi !l u!io.l' Wii-. Kill i if.il.' unit llli.l.lrr 1)1" led !. . . Vu: I'ai (..nut. Hi" til Woikae-e IMP lUplisiK iter ilio boro. N ttan.itrl iiriiK -- i' riuay. ikvoiiukt imii. - Saturday forenoon, Docemher l!th. Saturday afternoon, ! center l!th-1 p0sse?s all these combined - Monday foivnoon. I kcemhor 21st..; I!ed room suits from $15.00 to Monday atternoon. IVcemher 21st. I fr,o 00. HantJsome oak and ran- ! uosday forenoon, DecomU'r 22d ; hotranv rockers. $1.75 to $8.50. TiKsdav att-rnoon. Di coir.hor 22.1. , M-C tck of Fall Btvl Cloth Wi'diu'siiay toivr.oon. Docemher 2;!d. ;intr, including varn and cotton Wednesday at'ornoon. iVcrnh-r 2;'d. l.iankfls, pidows and mattrosses. Monday. .lanuary It h, 1! MM). Also select stuck of window cur Tuesday forenoon, .lanuary 5th. , tains and shades, and cai'i'ets and -. 'hiesiiay afternoon, Jai.uary 5th. matting. - - n eiinesiiay lorenoon, -'anuary iitn Weiinesday afternoon, January :h - Thursday foreivvm, January 7ih. - Thursday afternoon, January 7ih- l-'riday forenoon, January K;h. Friday al'ternoon, January Sth Monday afternoon, January loth T'iesi'ay. fi.reiraon, January llth. -Wednesday, January 12tli. r i i 1.1 .is tn . ..'s .In Wjii 'Is : . : l i.l : K 1.1.1 l;vi L i Gill o-r-v r t FK Tjr JL k A-a II aSS a W f rWAv Vf A ft'-.':. ii ..0. lit Quiets the Cough I This is one reason why Aver'c t-herry Pectoral is so valua ble in consumption. It stons I the w ear and tear of useless I coughing. But it does more u wuiiiiuis me inflammation. quiets the fever, soothes, heals. Ask your doctor about this. Thr. best kind of n testimonial "bold for over sixty years." SSPAI1.LA. ILLS. tK!R Vl'i'.'R. ijers We bve ra oe-re'el V nShli Rati we.-l formnlae of alt nnr tni-rtii n:o. au -taa-u mi 1 novass- trrnra Hi.ster recovery by keeuing the I uu.ii.ij ivhiiiiii vvim .vv.r s Kills. NEW FURNITURE ; 0Ur new PbII line of suits, rotk- !Prs. ph von will tcer( i.hnr tl See our stock, (Set our prices. O. R. FOX, Aslicboro. THE WORLDS GREATEST SHV.TiS UZl JJGHT RUNNING fKMM 1 r;; .'-iflry'J IfTon want.-irtnrn VH'in'l' - Rotnry t-hutlU-ora iiv-'r Tl-n-.. ' tSt-wltis 1 irhtlo- . THE NEW HOBIE EEWlliO MfctHIKE CCMPAHT Orunfle, Mais. Manr.r.!Cni. a.:-, - M- n,'. .,..-l',.-,.,r.o- o QiLalny. Inn Ihc ev Hume i n 1 ' ' Our Kii.ii.uily no a r.a. ..n. Sold by nthorll tvJer only. I'.IK 5.M . CV Laxative Freit Syrup Pleasant to t3l:e The new laxative. Docs not gripe or nauseate. Cures stomach and liver troubles and chronic con stipation by restoring the natural action cf the stom ach, liver and bowels. RcfUBO tubi'.l.a'.'O. f-rico 00. AGHB0n0 DRUO CO. N. P. COX, Jewe'rer Asheboro, N. C i 1 i Flattery is the sUg'-nioney cur lent in a fool'8 paradise.

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