PuMt ted Every Thursday - 'atei4 at tbe poatoffice at AJbeboro, N. C as eraiiuveiasa aiatter. Wm. C. HAMMER, Editor. - . Telephones: iitorial and Business Office 5 Mechanical Department '. AO PBIOE ONE DOLLAR A YEAR The columns of The Courier lire pei to all ! firltimatc adverti-iiiR. Kate rani will be sent oa requestor rates will be turuislieil iu sppli ertou at business ntlice. All oouunuiucaiiuus must be sifued j the real anqie ol Die writer. CUBsrvitH-r-i wihtirr their art'ire changed mut Hive the ail-tro to which the lr has e-n KoitiK. lis well as the new mi-Ira. UorrcMHUHletits should uiuil news letters in time tor them v reach th morning, to rare tlic'r week'a iue. Imrortant rui)--enisi:s, si aUis, tin's, accnlonto. etc., maj be pho tuv t'ourh r'i expense. The railroad tie is an important factor in the development of the icuntry. The ingenuity f man has not devised a substitute for the old fashioned wooden cross tie, al though experts say the day will (.cine when forests will r.o longer supply the demand for ties. Up to the present no other materia! has been found which has the resiliency of wool and which at -the same time Ctt.ises le.-s wi-ar and tear on :he rails and road-bed. Ir is said to 1 "'.. millions of rt ties have 'x-tn used wsral jears. ti;:ilier is white oak. $100 at premium lor the Three Hoys Who. Make Tbe Moat MuheU . , " on an Acre otXaaii. i : i I wish to call tbe'flttentiou of all boys in the county to the letter pub lished below. It has reference to a Boys Growing Contest, which every boy who is between 12 aud 17 years of age. and who lives on the farm can enter ,tui pUft is highly apprev-J ed by Hon. J.- 1. Joyiter, otate Superintendent, and otner t lead ing citizens of .tha State You will please lead the letter very care fully. In addition to the $100 given by the State we hope 0 secure dona tions from public- pirited citi.eus of our own (Jouutv, t ereby proc ire e b ru-dny a fund for premiums to be awarded j to boys of liando ph County rcgui-u-i less of whether they fecund t! tate prizes or uot. t?REATENTERPRISE ISaltiitff Pwiter Ibsotutely Tare Renders the food more wholesome and su perior in lightness and flavor. The only baking powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar. The Letter. Dear Sir At the December niee- ing of the State Board of Agricul ture I seen reditu appropriation of I if 100.00 to be given as premiums m ! a Hoys Corn Growing Contest. J Co:n Clubs for tioya have been ! formed in several States and are in. j teiesting thrm iu agriculture in a I very marked degree. In this Stale j 1 have deemed it advisable tj take I up the work in co-operation with I tie County Superintendents of 1 b- lie Insli ucMon. In this way I hope i to re,. eh the boys of the State. As I agriculture is t- be taught in the j public ec'iools, anything practical j along this line that is c-.ilculate l to lawikeu an int.-ivst in our tutys will I be ot interest to vou and ro the j touchers in your county, j The $100 00 is a mere bagatelle j when compared with the results we Ure lupii.g to obtain from tin's work. It is merely a starting point to tho prohibitive! work. Tilt $luu.00 is to be divid er into mree premiums 101 me three boys in the State wuo make the most bushels of corn ou an acre that from 110 saved an 1 hew tach year for The best tie I re supply of oak has been greatly reduced owirg to the fact that it is rstd for various other purposes. .Some of the lailroads have been forced to pay almost prices for ties or to substitute cheap- j -r woods 10 replace th- oak tiesi which are rapidly disappearing. J 0f laud. So you see there can be Wore than 40 per cent of the ties j ouly three boys iu the State who can vet-en tlv purchased by the railroads ! procure those" premiums. Jtut we . f 1 'p. j are wanting the Superintendent of f tne countrv are of oak. there is . r j Tubbe Instruction in each county also cedar, chestnut, cypress and , tJ g0,icit jenatioiia from bankers, some other trees which come into j merchants, manufacturers, profes market as tie timber. Cedar is used sioual men, and all public spirited and is verv durabb . but it is so soft P1 1 procure a iunu ior pre- least 100 bovs in this County to! a barn let me have their names by March 1 The lUickhorn nower nlant which Oth. There is no reason why s. me supplies electric power fur several bov in Randolph shou'd not get a cotton mills at Favetteville wuc that the rails cut it eaeily. is used in some sections. Beech The New York World gives many .reasons why the Democratic party ,:s in better shape than ever, one of which is: The Demociatic party poll ed. 6,393.182 votes last fall, an increase of 1,315,211 over 1904, as against a Republican iu ciease of 14.190- President Taft has appointed two tlpmocrats in his Cabinet, Franklin MaeWgh," ol Illinois, and Jacob M. nirlinsnn. r)f!Tennesee. Iher are Democrats what yote the Republican ticket sometimes in iatianal politics, " but do net Btand for Republican policies. , . . f NEWS NOTES. Mr. Durant, a prominent fcitifien ijf Charleston, S. C., will be appoint ed collector f that port to succeed 1. Orntn, negro. ' ' The trial of J,' C. Lumsden, fornaerly of Raleigh, charged with aaurder, begaain New; York. Mon "day. 3x-0ov. Chas B. , Aycocki is ttending for the defense. J A cartridge swept into the fireXy MrB. Eugene Ratchford, at Gastoaia Sunday exploded, the bullet entering Mer breast, uer couanion is cn 2aL A. Home, aeed 82 years, dieJat ilia home at E?8t Bend, Yadkin county Saturday. Mr. Home was a prominent citizen of East Bend ind proprietor of tbe "Drummer's llome." a hotel at this place. A. R. Siler, of Siler City, caught his hand in a machine at the High Point Bending & Chair Oo's plant at Siler City last week tearing it off at the wrist. Mrs. L. P. Coulter, of Sanford, was found dead at her home one day last week. . Her body was badly charred as though her clothmg had caught fire, burning her to death She was alone and the particulars of the ascident will neter be known. Jewelry Found. The iewelrv stollen a few days ax from the express office at South ern Piues, was found at Greensboro last week. . It was on the person of a small colored boy, who found it on the Htreets. The officers gave chase to a negro answering to the descrip tion of the person charged wltn tne robbery, and it is believed tne tugi tire lost the package. Newbera Merchant Assigns. James F. Taylor, one of the old est business men of the city of New bern, made an assignment last week, laming R. A. Nnnn as trustee. miums to be awarded to bvj of that count; regardless ot h ther they secure our prizes or uot. Oae county in Mississippi last year raised for premiums fcr boys of that county nearly $500.0v. in cash, merchandise, etc., which; wns divided into a dozen or more premiums cov ering both corn and cotton crops. The amount you raise in your couu. ty can be applied to com and other crops if yon and the contributors think best. Full details as to this an te worked out later. Each contestant will be required to sign a form which will be sent to y ,u when w ascertain how many boys in your county will enter the contest. . .., . . Two years ago there were in some States as many as 10,000 boys con testing, for premiums. .Jhink, of what ltTneaae to a Stae" when that number of boys become interested agriculture and id bettor methods of laruuug. - Regulations eovermnz the con test will be about as' follows: The contestant must be between 12 and 17 years of are and live on the farm He must cultivate one acre in corn. doing all tbe work himself, except he may have help m gathering tfc crop. That acre must be land mat has never produced more than 35 bushels of shelled corn, and would ot make more than that quantity at this time. There must not be more than $10.00 worth of commercial fertilisers used on the acre, cotton seed and cotton seed meal to be con sidered s commercial fertilizers, All tne stable, lot other home-gath ered manure many be used that available. The acre can be in any part of the held. The crop must be gathered and 'measured or weigned in the presence of such witnesses as you select. We are hoping to continue this work; therefore, the contestants can use the same acre of land for con testing'f or the premium' next reari ud afterward if : h continues to contest for the premiums. 1 mak this statement as an inducement for them ttf improve that acre by grow ing peas, clover, etc., on it, or im proving it in any way they may pre fer. 1 should also be glad if the parents would give the boys tbe crops they grow on the acre in these contests. That would he a Btimu lus to the boys in better f irming I am suie you will appreciate the good results that will come from this movement, and hope you will take bold of the work with a deter mination to have as m: ny boys in your county interested as there will be in aDy other county. By taking this up with you County Board of Education and your Township Committeemen you can give the work an immediate im petus that will be very helpful to you. It might be well for you to ask your Board of County Commission- part of the $100. Randolph is a arieu spot. Our soil is as good as the best, iu the State. Then let our progressive tioys enter tnis con:esT. More complete particulars will lie ven next week. Do not wait, how ever, but ttke the suggestions of Mr. Parker s letter and proceed at once. h. J. COLTRANK, Co. Supt. ot Schools. era for an appropriation for the work in your county. This department will be glad to furnish information as to met bods f cultivation, fertilizers, etc., or elp the boys in any way we can. Permit me also to suggest vou attend the Farmers' Institutes that) will be held in your county and get j as many or tne boys to attend as you , can unit Have ttiem hsk tne lustitire! akers questions when discussing! topics in which they are interested.: 1 ins will be irooil for the boys and ! ill likewise eneourage the Inttiiute irker. I 1 shall be pleased to hear from ou promptly as to tne prosptets or tt'.ug a num'ier of boys lnteiv-ied this work in your county. We desire t help the boys. 1 am, Yours very truly, T. H. I'akkku, Demonstrator. When Vou real this lntter care fully let me hear from you. 1 want LAST WEFK'S STORM. Wind anil Haiti Last Wednesday Played Mayor Through Kastern North Carolina. A Heavy wind and raiu storm passed ovor the eastern and eentral parts of North Carolina last Wed nesday. Several towns suffered serious damage. Houses were blown down, forests damaged and railioads, telephone and telegraph lines block ed. It is reported that six loade 1 cars of a freigh traiu were olowu f i on) the track at Dudley a at.uion on the Atlantic Coast Line near Wihniugtou. At Goldbboro the storji burst suudentiy and swept p-uts of tlie towu as a hurricane. The electric plants were out of commission, lumber plauts, facto.-ies and othei buildings were unroofed, and iu the country a few miles from Goldsboio a uegro was killed in tne wnck ot Comes to ashebgro - JUnderivood Makes tin Important Cotoiiection With the Largest Co-Operative Corporation in America.-Backed by Men Doing An Annual Business Amounting to $75,000,000'. PEOPLE OF ASHEBORO BENEFITTED. forced to suspend, and tbe factories shut dowu. At Clinton there was great dam age to property. At Jackson's saw mill uear Clinton a tree was- blown upon the buildiuy crushing it and killing a negro Ben Stuttou. At Wilson the storm was violent. A store was unroofed and the tele phone system was greatly damaged. J. T. Underwood of this eity, has with characteristic enterprise, demonstrated his ability to keep well abreast of the times by connecting himself with the largest ilnif? gists' co-operatinn in America. Tho men connected witb thin enterprise Ho a yearly business BggregttiihR over 1 75,000,000; which well rmphiisi.s it snnmlness and uiagnitade. Near'y two thousand retail lrttail throughout the L'nited States have orfaiiind themselves as a co operative com run for the purpose of producing n line nf medici nal preparations which they reenmneud, aliMifutely guarantee and hack up wirh their own names and pers nal reputation The formula of these remedies ar thnroitfhly known to every one of these drusuists anil the imjred.eots of endi jvill be truthfully tie- j scrii)t-u 10 tne puonc and tne remt'iln-s sntil with the distinct uiidersriunfii'if that the'r jmrrhn-ie price will be, instantly refunded without question or iii!iile if they fail to benefit die user. Oer two thousand different formulas werr turned over to the company. Each formula beiiiji aelerted Ixi'iu.ie of of its test 1 d uti I proved valee and established reputa tion, gained tliroutfli rontiniu J awl Hurcesful use by prominent pliyviei ins. A lese-areh committee of expert chemists and p'lysicians made a most thorough and exhaustive test of ei:h ou of theso two thousand prescriptions until they had selected ab-ut ehret) hiitidn d as In-lu; the very Iie8t and most d.-peud dile ku-vu to tu-ilieal science, each fir the treatment and cure of a p irticuhr ailmtnt. These thr-e i un ited remnlies are now manufactured by the imapuny, which is kinwii as the ('idled I'ri;: Co, Hoston, Mass , in one of the hoi;.-.-;, most modern and he-t equipped ph .-irmacnru al 1 ilnratur ies in rhe I'aited States The tremendous output of this cwtipiv enables it to purchase ilruai, herbs and other necessary m iteri il 01 very larre quantities The co-operation an I prof.'s si. Mini ad rice of 20(H) lending druggist guarantees ihatonly formulas of extraordi nary merit are nseil in the manufacturing ( I tn PRESIDENT TAFT'S CABINET. iuca of Tkoti Wit Will Srv With The New PrmldtBt. Philander C. Knox, of IVansyV vania to be secretary of State. ;' r ranknn Mcveign ot Illinois i, to be secretary of treasury. Jacob M. Dickinson of leonesBee to be secretary of war. i-v George W. Wickersham of ew lorn w oe aiioruey general. i i rrank 11. fJitcncockot Mdssacpu1, setts to be postmaster general, f George v on L. Meyer of : Massa chusetts to -be secretary of ' the tia- yy, Richard A. Ballinger of Washing tontabe aecrelary oAhine-io. James Wilson of Iowa to oe aec retarj of agriculture. , .-, f ' 1 Shanes Nagiti)ir Missoul tolbe secretary of commerce and lalpr.i Huntington Wilson of lllnoiA to oe asaisutnt secretary oi siate Beckman VYmthrope of JHew ir of the York to be assistaut secretar BBTTr William XiOeb. Jr., of A to M district Lewis Dalby Indian itspectoi. A evil colldfctoj- ot (mitosis for ihe lot New Yorlt, N. Yl I ; is Dalby of Virginia t4be ,an Mr. Bulla Resigns, MK A. N. Bulla, who w - The Hecent Storm. One thousand telegraph and tele phone poles and one handrail milts of wire were blown down oy : the re cent storm in iuid around Baltimore. BaUlmone una cut.efT for, days from the outside world by .telegraph and telephone connectiOh.r.Tne doisge to tne telegraph and telephone com paniea is-said to be $0,0004 Th danage covers sn area v of jU miles la All direeUona.Vfi, w -- V. , , , i I .-..A-. , I ' - Vmir Mrder "it Xrtn-ck.t The Cooper-Sharpe murder trial at iNaahvitle, lenn, - baring been on for eight weeks is wanna thi close. The attorneys began their argimeatoi.1 Monday. The Court room his been packed during the entire time and the greatest ; interest hat been manifested. ,, Burned at Suite. Anderson x.Uia, a colored man who waa identified as thejassaiiant et Mrs. Arthur Mcliinney atfliock. wall, Texas, was Aiondaj takqp from the jail by a mob at . the plsAe and burned alive in the presence at 1000 people. . , ., .. Alturry t'V CaIU i Quick! Mr. Prugsist-rrQiuck! A box of Of ing his third term &s a member the board of county commiisionp rs and during bis seconu termuserved . u i 1 ' aa uutuiumu ui btitr uvtuu, VT signed. v Mr. Bulla is a gentleman ftf the highest personal and financial char acter and integtity, a Democrat of democrats ana a conscientious, faithful public servant.. Through his ntiring efforts and thosei of his associates many thousand dollars hare been sared ts theTjonflty and expended ior improvements. No county in isorth Uarouna has ex pended eo much money for: pubUfl improvements as has . Randolph in the last few yean. This could not have been done if the strictest econo my and wisest judgment bad not been used in the management of tbe auairs or ine couai. , g Southbound Assured The Winston-Salem Southbound Railroad is soon to be built from Winston to Wades boro, going by Lexington. The full right of way has been secured and the money to construct the road is ready.' Work is expected tobegin soon, i quarter Sab fcut Bucklen's Arnica tialve -Here's For the love of Moaes, hurry! burned himself, terribly Johnnie foot with the m MamiB'a scaljed Pa can't waUt. front piles liillie -has boys and my coma acne, one got it and soon cured ali the family. Its tbe greatest healer , on earth, bold by standard U.ua Lo ' Gxpoalttoa SemUAnaually. The furniture exposition begin nine next Monday at High Pain will be well- .attended, by- furniture dealers .throughout, the South. Ihe exposition 'will be made' emi-an naal aSatrj taking plaOe ttidnne an January f each, year 10 Noftiing in the way of a ciiugh iif quite so annoyuu; as a TTCiiimg, leasing, srueezing brooekittl Cough'."Tfc qnickeat relief comes rjorhan from a prescription kjiown to Druff- gists Mwywaera as Dr, Shoop'a Cough Ite med. And. besides, it is so thorough! harmleaa thai mother' give if with perfect, safety even'-, to. the youngest babee. the tenday leave of a simple mountain shrua civs M Dt. Shoop'a Ccrtigh Remedy its m markable caraUre efteot, , A few days' teat will jjel). Sold bjr Aahetioro Umg Vo. The farmer, who Bpenda his life in tho air and snnshine, should Bel dom be' sick; yet he has made many patent-medicine men "multi-million aires. ' - L' . Prospects Good. OrowerB of peaches and dewberries in Moore county are looking for largo crops this year and are already making preparations for shipping the products. Fortify now against the Grip for comes every season aure! Prerentics the little Candy Co'd Oura Tableta-soffer thia respect a moat certain and dependable safeguard. Preventics, at tbe "sneeze stage" will, as well, also purely head off all common colds! But promptness is all im portant. Keep Preveutica ia the pocket parse, for instant use. Box of 48 for 21 Sold by Aaheboro Drag Co. obtain these products nt actual cost of manu. facture, plus a single retail pnllt. ' One noticeable feature of thi business, and' a very comm nduble one, is that no one remedy manufactured by this co npany is a "cure-all.'' Each one of the 300 different remedies is s known and dependable specific for a particular ailment. The conlidenee of the druggists interested in this enterprise is unquestionably demonstrated by this guar antee which is printed on every package' "This preparation is guaranteed to give satisfaction If it does not come back and get your money it belongs to you aud we want you to have it " This is certainly an innovation that must appeal to the people of .Vvln-lioro. It insures safety and satisfaction because nur own local druggist, J. ". 1-iidirrwooJ, who is so well known and highly respected for his iu tejrity, is conneeU-d with this enterprise and is staking his own personal reputation on the quality of these remedies, and the very frankness with which he akef the p-jople of Ashcb.iro into his o l.-Hdi-nce insures au un precedented success for these rem-dies which are sold under She ti n-'etiatue R -xal which means King-of all: trout rep iris coming from thousands c.-f towns and cities, tin Itoxull Kein-'dii-u are certainly demonstrating tlieir full t'rtle to the name. Those who ha-re previously rcf issd to buy proprietary medicines license mere was no way of asi-ertai-iiMg th -ir imrre bents, , can n nv pnrclinse K-'.t-dl Ktuiied'At!., the formulas of wlmti tliey can have f ir the asking Besides they are s il 1 by ae-iureni person illy known fyou and looted rigiit here iu our own city, who gnarinti'es tit itlhey ate in every way as reprusen'ed or they will cost yon iiodiing. Itexali fyspepsia Ta'-h-ts are the first of I he three hundred leimMlies which ro lieing iittrcdiiced Anyone iu Aslmhom who m lifers from stotu ich deniiigeineiits, indiges tion or dyspepsia shotilr! not hesitate to try Itexali n-mwiy when they are so highly recommended and hacked with Mich a strong guarantee Mr ,1. T. Uuderword is ko favorably known for bin sterling lion-sty ami square lict a areiit success for lealing that we tireilict a great success products. i him with the Itexali Ketn. dies, and he is to s preiiarati ns of the mnnnanv are be beariilv corjutatulatcd in hrim-ina this hiptx-d direct to the retail tlriitiuists who'ureat uml mofleru business eulrrprise to are connected with the enterprise. Thus I Asheboro. Heir aiwuinto lresliness is a-sstired. it is 1 We urire all who mav lie m need of pre- iiossible for their quality t deterioate. rmred mediciuM lo call on Mr. .1 T. Ijuder- there are no ini-ldlenien's or jobbers profits I wood and learn about . the lluxall Iteroedioa, lie add d lo their est, and tb public can I r.nterprne of Ctns sort should tie encouraged. PROSPEROU TIMES ARE FAST RETURNING! hlijaas. poixxniiY.iiuiu:ec-.eniCl .F.ARANCE SALE which was one of the most sHsfacy sales we have ever, conijucted., We marked down our prices to reduce our stock with teljing; effect and in' a, ! fe ftays we will have a buyer on th?- Nbilher-iyiarme-lect our new Spring Stocks which will be one i of the pretiest and most popular ever shown m this' section. Our patrons demafid a select line and we are' takiilo: Cire to meet these coriditions.' Out new j?66ds '$nl furnish new impetus, to trade, delight our old custom ers and add many new ones among" the hundreds who have moved into Asheboro and Randolph County 'dur ing1 the' past few months. ' Our full showing- in"Srii1g .Goods will make selections easy. , , - , , For the most fashionable, up-to-date .anJ, styljsh materials for street and evening dress wait for. our full Spring Display. In the meantime we have a few bar gains left on our counters in Shoes, Staple Dry;Goods, and Novelties which you should see. . Alsp a nwjftie of Toi chon Laces and Embroidery just received,, ; Morris -Scarboro fvldtltt I. - i ,. 'I'm . ., WW8C8(WBrfMWrWr)fWflf A: Your Needs in Stock ran be filled at my stable daring tke next two weeks. Have 'just received a nice drove of , horses and mules for f aiming and family use aa well as fjr heavy hauling. . Fine combina . ... drivers and saddlers. You should come early and get choice of the lot. ' R. R. ROSS. Asheboro.

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